The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1888, Image 7

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    B ( xGahtns were not liofc *
_ _ _ _
B MJkdF ' wc in them weru not
fi hot-house growtha. They
m \r
B J lff fS , vnsT0 tt luinljr. healthy } ren-
B | jQciyyjfr cra-ion and the remedies
Bl AMr uwhI wore cimple preiwira-
B | { * * - * * tiiu reproduced in War-
Bf ' ner LoR < ' ai m Coueh ! and Consumn-
f tion R moay and Warnura "Tipixwa-
H m ts the great stomach tonic.
M J Wt < a lM < lian tea crop of 96,000-
m 0.000 petmtJs Ammiiu produce * 71.000,000.
L ? fc rt1 * a ' to
_ _ _ • * * * ro" writ0 tho Wertt Eloc *
p true Cuw < J . . . ( "btct > f , for fxe dewrriptive
P pampW ts. > f Electricity hi a. Bottle. It
B | * . baa no ttai. * advertkeuient , thia pa-
_ Hf Mr *
i T 3 ! _ j9 * 4 CTJJCK8
If J MrPromptly and Perfectly
HI WSSft * • * * * • H M8 ,
B | > V3Jw $ ? AIDatTOOIBTB AS3
I ' oh i vp' | Tie carles a. Yeeelsr Co. ,
H III l-i Su Baltiuokz. Hd.
H Diamond Vera-Cura
j IndlfaatloB Seartom .th. Haulbu i , Xuhi , 011-
K dinwt. Constipation , rnllniu _ TUrtin * ; . Food
H _ Kislag in tb > UouUi and dUafrM-al * tajU ft r .t-
T- lit. Hmtwojobm and Le r-3ptrlU.
B - * ' Drugy * * < * fl iHa. ert or $ mt by mail on re-
m ceij > t < < feU. to N > xr SI 00) m dtuayt. iamyU
H c * _ h recruit < / 2enX 5/u mp.
H THE CHAHLE3 A. V0GELER CO. . Baltimore. M -
H Any < o > K li ini'-il tu < > ii ro.Mllnjj.
H ' .nKi n .imUiriiit ; curetl.
_ * ! • . Lin \ % ltliout not < > < .
M YVI.ixlv uulilif urtifieinl systems.
H l'lrucj < t ( < l iiiin-l | > y MiprtMiiu 1'i.nrr-
Hl " < ruwt , Mnluociueiits toorri'bii | > iiiInco
c .
\ llWilMh-tits. wlih otinl.mHof Dr. H'm. A. Ham-
P monil. U > e . . ! , ' iHined St < cinl st In Mind tllteu rs.
Hf X > uiiIm1 : rnl Ht 'rh < niii < iiiii , the priM'
m r.j fcn > ogi u.i. > t. iiiKi.h.y. i > .i > . .r.nioroniio
H B CUlstl Ativucai. Itiflisiril I'ructur , tin :
H feul nrtiit. mi • • ttn-is s Mit iwwt fri'p by
B B -fwrf. A.HAtl.stlTh. . 137 Flflh A\c. > cnYork
11 Maioiftici PIOI
J BIB i i .La '
H Standard for over Half a Century.
I -Praised on Every Trial.
H CURE Indigestion , Sour Stomach , Ileart-
H burn , Platulency , Colic and all-diseases
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H tion , • Diarrhoea and diseases of the bow-
H -els ; Congestion , Biliousness , JNausca ,
H Headache , Giddiness , Nervousness , Liv-
B < cr Complaint , and all diseases arising
H from a gorged and sluggis > h liver. They
reduce congested conditions , break up
H stublwrrt complications , restore free ,
B lreahhy action to the organs. "STIicy are
1 Purely Vegetable , Strictly Reliable
1 and Absolutely Safe.
i TorSalabyaUDra KiiK rrice IS < ct , pirbax ;
T S boxes for 65 eta. ; or sent by mail , posUgo free , on
\ receipt of price. Dr. J. II. Schcnrit i S&a , FhiladV
The iVostern Si'n.spaper ( Union.
| "Whenever needinir : m\'thin ; in wa3'
* < of job stoelc , print paperoutfits or
printing material of any kind , ink , rol
lers or stereotyping , don 't fail to jret
our prices. You will save money by so
OurESfsaely K'rint * are ili < e I5t * t.
If 'ou are contemplating felartin a
/ \ new paper you shouldnot fail to see us
before cloaini : a deal.
If you are not reeeivinsr TnE Pmvr-
brs * ArxriiTAKY. our montlily , send for
it.Free . to every printer or publisher.
Address :
issued March end Sept. ,
each year. It is an ency
OTho of useful infes-
mat'ou for all who ptrr-
cnase the luxuries or tho
necessities of lifo. "We
I Can clotho you and furnish you vrith
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appliances to ride , walk , dance , sleep *
eat , fish , hunt , work , so to church ,
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COMFORTASLY aad you can make a fair
estimate of the valuo of Iho JBTJYEBS'
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ill-114.JVIichisan Avenue , Chicago. EI.
Tiic L rg-c t. ChcapctLsnd lle t Ictie 4VotI < t.
. < : asxi A-sssyji s si2owooo.oo .
SIMON OOETZ. TfJl.F-AI.LRS. Aceav. Qaaenl vent. .
rftrp ? ? * * n 1 pre'cnne anfi tnHy on-
> SE * * ssss < g ; dorse B\g \ ( I tfca os' .ly
1v jWjS Csrwia SS peclQcforthccrtsiacure
AWJ TO 5 UT8.\a 0f this disease. _ .
/wgtBtrositMd cot , G.U.iGRAHAjr.H P. ,
i * S eaciaStnstwwArasterxlairi. . S \ .
$5&l UrdonlTbr J Wohirc sold Big & for
> liu. - ' /.I. , tnanr rears , and it iiav
\ - ( ? V CiECinntti.liSSjii faction ,
? cai Si5l5 > rLMS1.00. SoIdbyUrusn'st
I The Celebrated 8ed Oak Cart.
Best , Cat ± on eirth. Xo l > r.e moton. ltreKii p
atd SpeeJop Car's ' * .pcc * Itr. I' ta.Ul arnd
/ rU.0i. t0.1J. . cars Oaiftlia. Send for Cuts.
dealer fs jUI ifctds of
' Carriages and Harness.
12th and Harney ntrts. . < lmah : > . 1 .
* * . 41IFMj
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" JuTj S * - * Other iret proportita-
atelrlow. A ntS well paid. Illustrated Catalog
* tree. Mention this Paper.
0SS00D li TEOHrSOir. Bingh&mtca. 2T. 1.
' 0SS < | | FrGUN
Ioriitnno FrtJnth ! "Cfc r r' ' w ? Ifyonr "
b tUrhintit. trai tout. SrndCcvlu tUsp < A > rlIIa < tntrl
k JS0.rir * CMttUfnrot Gan . Kite % KrwUm , Police t.m 1s
M ' tx. joiu r , jun ill mas to. . a j rn. jjuftuc Mm-
B ' TrMtM nd eored nltnotit < • # crura.
L. . f .A lTPPn , H Hoot on tre tra ntnt free. A Jr
" * K
. . - " - * -
TT. „ - . _ .
B - g | iwr wi > iroMWitPW wB
I hmi beou lulinittcd to the bar ,
but as 1 Junl very little practice and
found myself with plenty of time on
my hands * , 1 had got into the habit
of dropping in to chat with a iicwb-
deftler who kf pt a stand not far from
ir. 'y oflice. Old Dowls , as everybody
called him , dealt also in waste paper
and ragy , which ho .sold to the paper-
One evening he wassorting a lot of
rubbish , when my practiced eye
lighted < on what appeared to be a
h'gal document , bound with blue
tape. I took it up , and saw that it
was marked "Last Will and Testa
ment. "
I opened it and commenced to
read :
In the numo of God : Anion. Know all mon
by th * i jiifM-nts , tlint I , JnnicH Morgan , bc-
1np : o ! t-ounil muni and diHpnKing memory ,
ilo make anil publieh tliis : tijlast will and
? < i > turnout.
"What's that you say ? " demanded
Bowls , as he dropped a handful of
paper and looked up at me.
I repeated what I had read.
"All right , " he said. "Now read
on , Squire. "
"I give and bequeath to my ndopt-
ed daughter , Elizabeth Morgan , oth-
eru ise known as 'Elizabeth Summers , '
all my personal and real property ,
after the payment of my funeral ex
penses and my just debts. 71
"Heavens ! " exclaimed Bowles ,
"that nvnst be the will of old Morgan ,
who died fonr years ago it was said ,
intestate , Jle left not less than § 100 , -
000 , that allwent to remote heirs ,
though evervbodv expected it would
have beer' left to this very , Elizabeth
Summers , bis adopted daughter. "
"What has become of the adopted
daughter ? " 1 asked.
" 1 do not know , but I think I can
fiud out. "
"How much of this property is real
• estate ? and where is it situated ? "
"Well , there is the Oakdale planta
tion which lies about five miles out
from here , and is worthableast50. -
• 000. Then there are several houses
in town also , besides § 25,000 in
Government securities. "
• "Who is the relative that got the
property ? "
"Simon Skairgs. He lives out . a-t
the Oakdale farm. I think he isa
second cousin to Mr. Morgan. "
"What kind of man is he ? "
"A mean old skinflint , or he • would
• never have taken the last cent from
• • that poor girl. "
"Well , " said I , "I propose to faike
'this ' will home with me to-night and
examine it carefully. If I find it. all
right we'll hunt up the girl and re
cover the property for her. "
To this he assented , and , deposit
ing the document in my pocket , 1
bade the old man good-nisyht and
returned to my office , where 1 sleep.
The next aiternoonlwentioBowls
store. He was alone , Avaiting forme.
"I luw'e found Avhere the girl Is , " he
said , as soon as I told him that the
will Avas undoubtedly genuine " "She
liA'es about fifty miles off , in a. little
place called Friendsville , quite Tip
among the mountains , on a Avild hill-
farm Avhere i lungs go on in the most
primitive manner. A distant rela-
• tive an aunt three times removed ,
A'ery poor. but. it seems , not Avithout
a heart heard of her destitution ,
and sent for her. An old ladvwho
used to know the girl and had her at
her house aAvlulo after old Morgan's
deatii , happen to come here , and I
asked her if she knew Avhere Elizabeth
Summers Avas. "
"I will go down and see herto-mor-
.roAV. I said promptly , "
"And bring her back Avith yon. "
answered Bowls , as briskly. My
daunhter and I will giA'e her a home.
Gad ! " he cried , rubbing his hands
enthusiastically , "well be too much
tor.old Skaggs , after all.
It Avas late the next afternoon
iwhen I arriA'ed at my destination ,
having made the journey partly by
• vail and partly by stage. The coach
put-me doAvn at a lonely crossroads ,
fromiAA'hich I had abouttwo miles to
• "Oh , yes the 'WidoAV Benham , "
said the driver , .pointing Avith his
• whip , "liA-es up yonder , just around
'the point ofthemountain. "You 'llsee
.the house in ten minutes or so. "
It Avas a Avarm. sultry day in An-
iwith breath of air stir-
.gust , net a * -
iring. I soon caught sight of the
hoaise a plain , nnpvqtendiug struet-
, uce like so many in that region.
"When itwas about 200 yards dis
tant the sound oi jailing Avater at- , apparently coming from
some precipitous r.oc'ks .on the left.
As I-AA-as.thirsty I avent toward it.
As Jttuvned a corner-af-a - cliff ahand-
sonie .girl , .about 20 years of age ,
emerged from a sort cif.a.cave , bear
ingor hershoulder a large Avaterjar.
The lightness Avith which she stepped
front stoncto stone aeiQhSthe : brook ,
the poise , as-of some sylvan goddess ,
Avithrliich she bore aloft the jar ,
I made use .utter .unconsciously an ex-
, clamation -surprise. . Though she
Avas dressed in arhe coarses.1 iiome-
spun ansi wore neither shoes nor
stockings. I forgot altogether the
homeliness of hersipparel in thegrace
of he * moyements the
• , exquisite con-
, tour of her figure , &nd the beauty of
' • her expressive face. Avhich was jioav
anantling Aritk blusl 3c . A small dog ,
.apparently a self-constituted protec
tor , barked at me furiously as I ad
vanced , hat in hand ; for intuitively
1 knew this must be jny client.
My client it was , I lost no time in
explaining the object of my visit.
She Avas very much surprised , but ,
after a moment's hesitation , she said
Avith dignity :
"Come up to the house , please , I
will consult my aunt. DoAvn , Tip
doAAn sir. "
The dog ceased barking at this
command and trotted quietly ahead.
f offered to take the jar , but she de
clined Avith the composure of a queen.
When she hod introduced me to
Mrs. Benham and said , "This gentle
man , nunt , 1ms something very
strangeio tell you , and I will leave
YOU with him for a moment , " jh
- t I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
disappeared , returning some quarter
of an hour later , dressed in a becom
ing blue muslin and Avith the daintiest
of slippers on her pretty feet. Iliad
meantime produced the Avill and
gi\en details of the manner in .which
it avos found.
Not to dwell too long on this pre
lude to m3r story , 1 Avill say briefly
that my client find 1 started the next
morning for Kent , and were met at
tho depot by Bowls and his daughter ,
who relieved me of my charge , Avhile
I Avent to my boarding house for
supper and thence to my room.
The next day I filed the document
in the office of the County Clerk and
gave notice to Skaggs that on the
iolloAving Monday 1 should move
that it be admitted to probate.
But hero a new difficulty presented
itself. In our anxiety to find the
claimant avo had utterly oArerlooked
the attesting Avitnesses.
I immeniately Avent to Bowls and
stated the difficulty.
"Ah ! " said he , "why have Ave nob
thought of this before ? "
"Do you knoAV these witnesses ? "
said I.
"Yes , I know them. Tom Jones
lived as a tenant on the old man ' s
farm at tho time of his death. He
now lives about ten miles out on the
Lancaster road. And , as certain as
I'm a sinner , squire , this other Avit-
ness is dead. William Jackson ?
Yres I remember him. He moved to
Texas , and died a year ago. "
"Then it's all up. We can't get
along Avithout both Avitnesses. Aie
you sure that Jackson is dead ? "
" 1 am certain sure. Ilehasa broth
er living in this town , who received a
letter from the family in Texas at the
time of his death. There is no doubt
about it. "
"Then Are may as * rell drop
the matter at once. The laAV
of this State requires the evi
dence of tAVo Avitnesses , and makes
no provision for the deatii of one , "
"It does look rather ugly , if that's
the case , " said Bowls. "But let's
make a fight for it something may
turn up in our favor. "
My fears proved correct , however.
We made a gallant struggle ; but it
was rn rain. My speech , 1 Avas told
afterward , Avas applauded privately
by the Judge , though in his official
capacity he felt compelled to decide
against me. 1 remember that 1 spoke
from a full heart of the injustice of
refusing to receive a will which eA'ery-
trody IcneAV to be that of Morgan ,
merely because one of the Avitnesses
ilia d-died.
My fair client still Ternained at my
friend Bowls's. * '
'My eldest daughter
• has cometto love her as a sister , " he
said. "Bessie , as you must havts
seen , is trrnusually intelligent. She
had received quite a goorl education ,
too , before old Mr. Morgan died ,
The-c'heerfnl manner in Avhich she
bore -subsequent po\erty is , as
Mrs. Benham says , a. proof of an un
usually "noble character. Now Tv'e
l-have invented an excuse that we
want a nursery goA'orness , for she is
too proud to stay sis a mere pension
er , and her aunt lias consented to tho
I-arrangement , saying that it is a sin
• to bury Bessie among the hills. "
One day in tho following suuiivkt I
Avas in "the clerk's office searching
some old records , Avhen I came upon
a page that almost took my breath
away. After reading it t'-irefully I
• closed the book and returned Za aiiy
• office.
The next day Simon SkaggsAAas
• served AA-ith a summons to answor.a
• suit of ejectment , in the name of
j Elizabeth Morgan , for all the real
property held by him , which he
claimed as heir-at-hiw of the late
James Morgan ; and great av s iihe
excitement in the village Avhen it Avas
known that this suit AA'as l > egun.
"What could it mean ? " asked every
I told'iio one. Een to Bessls "I on-
lyrepresented that I thought I saAv a ,
chance to recover but I was careful
not to appear too sanguine.
In tAvo months the Circuit Court
• came < on. Again the court * was
croAvded. The excitement as 'eA-en
greater than it had been
before. I had prepared no
brief. Not eAren a memorandum
• or a book did 1 carry to court.
"Morgan vs. Skaggs , " called the
vclerk , and shortly afterward I said :
"Call Mr. Bowl s. "
The Sheriff called him. He came
into the court room , took th ? Avit-
ness stand , and Avas sworn.
The most intense silence now
reigned. My fair client Avas seated
by my side , pale and quiet. The de
fendant Avas seated near his counsel
calm , confident , and defiant.
"Examine the witness , " said the
"Mr. BoaaIs , " I began , "are you ac
quainted A\ith the plaintiff ? "
"I am. "
"Do von know Avhere she lived ,
from the time she A\as 3 years old ,
uo to the time .she was 16 ? "
"I do. "
"Wherer *
"With the late-Tames Morgan. '
"Are you certain that this plaintiff
, is the same person ? "
" 1 am. "
"That's all I wish to asksaid I
to the the Court.
• 'Cross-examine * ' said
- , gentlemen ,
xhe Judge.
"We don't Avish to ask anything , "
.said tho opposing counsel two .of
the ablest laAA'yers in the country.
"Let the AA'itness stand aside , " Kaid
the Court. "Call your next. "
' -May it please your honor. Avehave
no other Avitnesses that Ave Avish
sworn at present , * ' said I rising to
my feet and looking around the room.
A murmur of disappointment ran
through the croAvd.
"Then you rest your ease here ? "
said tlu > Judge with a smile.
"No , your Honor ; Ave have some
record evidence that Ave wish to in
troduce ; " and as I spoke I drew it
from my pocket. "It is an authenti
cated copy from the records of the
county for the year IS . It proves
that this young lady was duly and
legally adopted as the daughter of
tho deceased , and as guch is entitled ,
under our law , to this property , as
his nearest and only heir at law.
Shall I read it to the jury ? "
"Read it , " said the Judge.
But Skaggs's lawyers sprung to
their feet'with a storm of objections.
F.or a full houj ? they argued Avith all
Hie force of thejr ability. br ' ngjm r to
/ -
\ w -
bear their vast knowledge and expe
rience. But they were nnally over
ruled by the Court who directed me
to proceed.
The record Avas conclusive. After
reading it I announced I Avould close :
the case for the plaintiff.
The defendant avus so completely
taken by storm that he did nob in
troduce a siiigle witness. The charge
oftheCourt Avaa lucid and compre
hensive. In thirty minutes the jury
returned a verdict for tho plaintiff.
The result avus received with loud
acclamations by.theexcitedaudience.
Skaggs took the case to the Supreme
Court , but only for tho purpose of
gaining time. The judgement below
Avas afiirmed.
Three months later the real estate
was turned OA'er to my fair client.
The securitiesVero given up sit tho
same time Avithout a suib. With a
part of the interest which had been
accumulating for so many years the
old mansion at Oakdale was refitted
and furnished.
Six months later there Avas a quiet
wedding at my old friend Bowls's , in
Avhich I took a prominent part.
I am getting on toward middle age.
I love my profession better than ever ,
thougti my time is now necessarily
divided , and a proportion of it de
voted to the farm at Oakdale.
Tho old farm house is vocal Avith
childish music , and a sunny-haired ,
soft-voiced little Avoman makes it the
brightest spot on all the earth tome.
The Great Lobd Kifle.
If all is true Avhich is reported in re
spect to the villinnous virtues of tho
new French , or "Lebel rifle , " otheis
besides the members of the Peace So
ciety Avill hope that the Avar between
Prance and Germany may be long
delayed or forever postponed. The
' London Telegraph gives interesting
j accounts of experiments made upon
i the dead bodies of paupers , obtained
j forthe purpose , Avith this new weapon ,
' by means of the French Accademy of
Medicine , Avho Avished to ascertain
the character of the wounds it A\-as
likely to inflict. The bodies AA-ere set
up as targets at distances varying
from 200 yards to a mile or more ,
and tho bullets Avent clear through
the bones Avithout milking fractures.
Tiie wounds were described as a cry
dangerous and difficult to heal , for
the reason that the passages made
by the bullets Avere exceedingly small
and almost impossible to trace.
The opinion of tho medical experi
mentalists Avas that injuries inflicted
by the rifie at a short range AA-ere so
great as "to be practically incurable.
Possibly this new Aveapon for the de
struction of human life , Avhich , it is
said , emits no smoke and but little
noisewhen dischargedmayultimate
ly "become a helper to peace. The
improvement of arms , both tor land
and water fighting , goes on at such
a rapid pace , as to render it possible
that Avars may be decidedafter
awhile in a single contest in which
the major part of the army and navy
• of either side will be engaged. Sol
diers or sailors may not have the
chance of Avhich i'alstaff availed
himself , to run away that they may
Hato to fiir nt another day , Tho Avea-
punsof Avar may be so destructive as
to make battle fields instantaneous
graveyards for entire armies. When
that time comes either the bailmrism
of Avar Avill cease , or Avars that begin
with the rising of the sun will end
Avith its going doA' .n.
It Avill be curious to learnAvhnt ef
fect these terrible destructive 'Weap
ons fire likely to have on the courage
of men. Few Avho go into hattle do
so in belief that they Avill fall : it is the
habit of men to think .all mortal but
themselves. It is that which induces
them so readily to go into the
hottest fight. The chances of escap
ing death are always uppermost in
the soldier's mind , but the improve
ment of Aveaponsisnot only reducing ,
but actually destroying , all chance
of safety. Aftei aAvhile AVlien war
shall become an exact science , the
order to engage in a battle Avill be
equiA'alent to each man reeeiA-ing his
instantaneous death warrant , Avith
the possibilities of eseape either less
ened or wholly eliminated. There
will be no heroic taking of
risks : there Avillbe merely destruction
of life. If that time should come , the
services of the enlisting officer aaIH be
required to enlist the would-be sui
cides , and his place Avould be almost
universally taken by the conscription
officer , Avho Avill not look for volun
teers. The "Lebel rifle , " Avhich the
London ' Telegraph describes as a
wondrous Aveapon and certain to
do wonderful Avork in the hands of
the French soldiers , seems to suggest
that the time is rapidly advancing
when all soldiers will be unwilling
ones , pressed by force at the point of
bayonets into the service. War ,
with its clumsiest AA-eapons , was suf
ficiently murderous and inhuman ,
but with its perfected Aveapons it Avill
oe but a means to slaughter , and
whoever shoots first and oftenesb
Avill be sure to Avin.
The Cobra's Yensreance.
From tbe Homewaid Mail.
Andrew Fischer , an employee of the
Madras BaiHvay Company , Avas
seated in the veranda of his bunga
low and observed tAvo large cobras
on the barren plain immediately in
front of the house. Arming himself
AAlth a stock ; he proceeded to the
spot and encountered the snakes. He
succeeded in killing one of them ,
while the other which had been slight
ly Avounded , managed to escape. Mr.
Fischer hunted about for the run
away , but could not find it. He then
returned to his bungalow and rested
for some time , as he AAas off duty.
Later in the day he prepared to go
to his Avork , and with that objectgob
out his clothes to dress. He sat on
his coat , and was about to put on
his shirt Avhen he felt something bite
him on the back. He turned round ,
and to his horror found a snake on
the cot behind him , Avhich he is said
to haA'e recognized as the cobra he
had Ayounded that morning. He im
mediately sought relief , and all kinds
of remedies were applied , but to no
effect , and he died in the evening. It
is commonly believed among the
Hindus that no animal is more re
vengeful than the cobra , and that if
an attempt is made to kill it and it
escape it neAer give3 ifcaplf vest until
it has creaked its veng mce upon
its flssajjjt. !
-w * waiMaraWBv. k. i-Wg , grea-ama y ' U gg
"Nasal Voices , Catarrh and Falso
A prominent Eii UhIi woman mi .vh tho
American women nil have high , shrill.
[ niisal voices and falsie leeth.
American * don't like tho constant
( nittinr Miev • .M'tnliontlhirt iiuhiiI twmur ,
: iiid yet it is a fact caused by our dry ,
stiintilntimr atmoHphei-o. anil the uiii-
verhiil presence of catarrhal diflienitien.
But A\hy should ho many of our wo
men have false teethV
That is more of a poser to tho Eng
lish. It if * quite impossible to account
for it except on the theay ° f deranged
stonmclrnction caused by imprudence
in eating and by uiitit of regular exer
Both conditions are unnatural.
Catarrhal troubles everywhere prevail
and end in cough and consumption ,
which arc promoted l y mal-uutriliou
induced by deranged stomach action.
The condition is a modern one , ono un
known to our ancestors Avho prevented
the catarrh , cold , cough and consump
tion by abundant and regular use of
what is now known aa Warner's Log
Cabin couch and consumption remedy
and Log Cabin snrsapaiiUa , two old fash
ioned stsndiml remedies handed down
from our aucestors , and now exclusively
put forth under tho strongest
guarantees of purity and efficacy by tho
Avorld-famed makers of Warner's safo
cure. These two remedies plentifully
used as tho fall and winter seasons ad
vance , together A\ith an occasional uso
of Warner's Log Cabin rose cream , to
strengthen and protect tho nasal mem
branes , give a positive assurance of free
dom , both from catarrh and those dread
ful and if neglected , ine\-itable conse
quences , pneumonia , lung troubles and
consumption , Avhich so generally and
fatally prevail among our people.
Conn-ado Eli Fisher , of Salem , Henry
count } ' , Iowa , served four years in the
late war and contracted a disease called
consumption by the doctors. He had
frequent hemorrhages. After using
Warner's Log Cabin cough and con
sumption remedA " * , he says , under ditto of
Jan. 19th , 188S : "I do not bleed at tho
lungs any more , my cough does not
bother me. and 1 do not have any more
smothering spoils. " Warner's Log
Cabin rose cream cured his wife of
catarrh and she is "sound and well. "
Of course we do not like to have our
aaoiuck called nose talkeis and false
teeth owners , but these conditions can
be readily overcome in the manner in- .
i\ 7iY I > < rti Ic Coftlcor.
It is stated that the French govern
ment has ordered 20,000 of the new port
able cooker for camp purposes. A few
days ago it was shown in London to a
gastronomic and scientific party of peo
ple. To prove tne powers of tho inven
tion , the inventor , Mr. Wazner , served
mp a dinner of thiee courses , which bast
ed itself , for thirty persons , the entire
cost of heating and cooking being less
than two pense , and the arrangement
goes by clockwork. The inventor claims
to have discovered a potent heat in
steam , and this is the basis of the inven
tion. Once a Week.
ISrciV : i I'lvn ' 8'iioii < .iin t Elollnr I'rlxc.
51 irsliatl ( Mo ) l'r < gross. Sept. 1.
Two gentlemen living in Gilliam in
this county have reaped the reward of a
long series of in\-cslmcuLs in the Louisi
ana State Lottery. There has been a
rumor for some time past that some iren-
tlenian in Gilliam had drawn live thou
sand dollars in The Louisiana State Lot
tery but no certain intelligence as to the
matter havimr reached us , the I'roirres"
reporter at Gilliam , Mr. I > 1. 1) . Kerr , in
vestigated the ca > e and ascertained the
facts. He sends us the conclusive evi
dence and particuliiisasfollows showing
that the drawing of the five thousand in
cash is ar. actual and undisputed fact
Mr. Kerr says :
Thepiizediawnhere in the Louisiana
State Lottery was S.sOOO and was drawn
bjr a ticket held jointly between E. J.
Uunlap. the druirtrist here , and ? Jr.
James Woolridge who is a salesman in
the store of YH. . Land A : Sou. They
received the cash through the Citizen s
Stock Bank last Saturday. Their suc
cess is the result of several years legultr
investment in these tickets ! "
Tliis count ry consumes yearly 100,000 , -
000 paper flour unci , * .
An invitiiu place lor u German socialistic
colon .v Zwiboria.
iTIoxiiiU kfc a BJi r ICxtfoment In
J1Iu ) I < ' ( > , ,13as- .
A twelve year old daughter of John
Nicholson , T. 'JI Main Btreet , Maiden , Iiari
been as hulph'tw as a baby for a It tig time.
Her Tather finally nave up his doctotM. and
cave her H'pihJ nerve Food , "Moxie. "
Five bottles wi f.'il the nerves of her jiara-
lyapcl limbs to sttensjtli , t-lie is now a nice ,
romping , healthy z < i I. The people of Mai
den are much eited over it , and consider
it the most uoudeiiul thins Miey ever saw.
Henry IT parsed his leisuid moments al-
mobt entirely in tne company of children.
Yon sturdy oak whose branches wide
15oIdly the stormand winds defy ,
Not bun ; sifto an acorn , small ,
Lay dorm.uit nealh the summer sky.
Not unlike the tlnifty oak in its trm ,
development si mi growth , is consumption.
But even this iril htjfoe of mankind posi
tively yields to I lie wonderful curative
properties of Dr. Pierce ' s Golden Medic il
D-scovery if taken early. Don't be blind
to your own interests , una think yourn This rcmnikable i-Mnedy
lias rescued tliou-auds. Of drucgist- . .
Artificial flowers were first invented by
Jiuus in an Italian convent.
In LinEliiriicNH. .
Most women naUirally look forward to
malaimony us their proper sphere in iife ,
but they should constantly bear in mind
that a fair , rosy f-w-e , bright eyes , and a
healthy , well developed form , are the best
pas-potts to a happy marriage. All thos
sis'itig dinorders , weaknesses , ' 'dragging
< lon" senssitions , and functional iriegu-
hirities peculiar to their sex , have an un
failing ; specinV in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. It is the only medicine Tor wo
men , sold by druggists , under a positive
guarantee from the iiiunufactiircrs , that it
will give satisfaction in every ease , or mon
ey will bo refu-idtd. This guarantee has
been pi in ted on the boltle wrapper , and
faithfully cat lied out for many years.
Sit hundred thousand Frenchmen own
bhaies in the Panama canal.
Suit Your-elf ,
In it tJ ere is no other remedy for sick head-
nwV , dizzines . constipation , biliousne-s ,
or tV > restore a rpgular. healthy action to
the liver , stomach and bowels , equal to
Iho-c lelisible little "Plesisant Purgative
Pellets" prejmred by Dr. Pierce. Of drug-
A Kansas lad of ten years is in jail for
stealing lilty hotses during the past year.
Have you a few hours' or a few days'
Bpare time occasionally that you would
like to turn into money ? If so , then write
quickly to B. F. Johnson ifc Co. , of Rich
mond , Vn. , and they will givo you infor
mation that will prove to be money in
your pocket.
Jay Gould is enjoying life in tbe Cats-
AVlien Baby was sick , we gave her Caatorla ,
AVhen ehe was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
AVhen ehe became Miss , bhc clung to Castoria ,
AVhcn ehe had Children , ehc gave them Castrria.
" "
. , • ' \ . - " '
Young wives who have old husbands will
boglud to know that a New York physi
cian offers to cure snoring for tun dollars ;
but Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will cure bow
throats and colds for 25 cunts.
For nuuralgla , rheumatism , gout , burns ,
wounds , etc. . Ubu Salvation Oil. Price 25
cents iv bottle
Speliu is tho rival universal Inngungu to
Ono of tho reasons why Scott's Kmulslnn
bns such a larg-snlo is , becaiiHu it is tho
best. Dr. W. II. Cameron , Halifax , N. S. ,
says : ' I have prescribed Scott's Emul
sion of Coil Liver Oil , with Hypophos-
phito , for tho past two years , mid found
it more agreenblo to the stomach and have
better results from its use than any other
preparation of the kind I have over used.
Sold by all druggists.
Tho trade and products oi tho Bahama
Islands both show decline.
JAY EYC SEE'S Driver , Krtwtn I > . Hither ,
uses coie-iTVetcrliinry Carbollwilve , and
a thorough trial enables him to endow It as
tho best remedy that he ever bawlor g < - n nil
Ktnbl" use. Sold by Priii'tr'nt" ' it Wand61.00
Robert Gnrretfa condition does not im
Amelio Rives Chai Ier is said to bo very
happy in her mariied life.
Warranted to color more goods than any
other dyes ever made , and to idvo more bril-
liunt and durable colors. AskforthciJiumoHi/ ,
and takef p other.
ADre Dyed ]
A Coa ; Colored V | Q
Garments Renewed J cents.
A Child can use them !
Unequalled for all Faneand Art Work.
At Druggists mid Merchants. Dye Hook free.
WELLS , RICHARDSOH L COProp ; . Eurlington , Vf.
\ s-V Is a Pirlect SUBSTITUTE
v/\ * * st ' Ilabieshv . . ns i > it sl-ep wl !
< C.N O A ) X HurIi and c .n , .irt j.Iut.ip and
/ Cl iTv \ he'dtyJt ' r ' • U rt'cl * ;
• / h t \ \ \ J-ls. t i nsbot'i ton tipatmia-il
4 / ' Ls/i'irli- u S ml fur valuable
j ' .T Vt ' fn.v Sold t.y ( lrisit , 25c , 50c , $1 CO.
I Z = _ S I i'osltlv ely cured IijE ]
fb A fnTp ° E&0 lliese Mttle L'ilN. M
R - ftrS 6 " 6T\ 1 Tliey nUt relievo Di f *
lati IbtW tre-sfromDiHptpsU.inp
K ' # tUgCJtionan < rro iIIfart > &
> f _ - - -
e-- e f-
• STTLE Etlng. Airftn.i..ra .
SSil n'R/yR F'i cdyrornj7ineH.Xaustifi |
3 i' W P R Drr.ws1ao.1s. . Tist fc
3 5 . • tlio Mimtli. Coat.-dK
s nr n *
# $ \ P B ft HS l'o fuf.l'aii m the Hide.S
Kfa " j.iveu.
> a ronriD Thejra
jnfrev . . j PrC8 25 cents. | l
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small
_ _ _ _ SBKa K5df jryjidB
Cures and Prevents
f gg T x colds ,
H VtZ Soro Throat ,
I _ lr feS > Kcarcor.oso ,
< till StJff KecUf
fe % : : fTv Bronchitis ,
T Toothache
_ _ ,
p p5l _ X Nouralgia ,
j Asthma ,
j Bruisos ,
1 Sprains ,
Ouicker Thsn Any TTnoTrn Remedy.
Ko irn'ter 1 on \ fi lent tr ( • criicIiMptt the pain tl-e
I'll , lunatic J eiind en. InCrm. ( rlp | * < l. > > it\ous lc , or pro tia cd with < ifi aa day Miller.
AA'ilt Aflord Instsint Ease.
1XTERXAI.LV A hif ! lo a ti-asrouufiil ta half a
tLinlilwrof w.u.r will lnafe' .vininiie > curcCrampj
Spafin3 . Sorr stu narh Xansua. A iiitlii ? lle < rt-
iitun. Xcitottsdc * * . Meeplcssaes" . sj k lleilcch * .
D arrlica. Colic 11 itulcney aii'l all internal pain * .
ila.arli in fiearl. . us turns cure 1 and rreventcd.
Uicrc N not .1 remedial . "Kent 111 the world tliat v. II.
cur-Feicr anil Acu-and all otli'T levers ( aide J by
RAIA\AAS IMLLb ) so quickly aa RAD WAY S
i.eadviei.iip. :
For Hcirtnclie ( whetner . ! cc or nrrionO tooth-
arh \ iietiral .a. ner\o'i-a"s' ind slei iie.sie-s
iIu'iimatSiTi. l'imiiaio. pains and "vi-ak-ie s la tits
lack , or kidneys , rains around tlie liver.
plcurNy. frwctlfns of tlif join's and pains of all
klnd . the nppl cat.on or R"ilvays Read . , Rell-f
"vt ill aaorl Ini' .neiL ite c-ue , rnl Itscontinu.d use for
a tew d ys . IT. \pcrmancnt cure. I'rite , Z nia
Eo'dh ) U
S l | Ei"s ; 0r82ni 8aim
M SSBf ] JsVorlh SI GOO To An.y
iifTEvf tlMan , Woman or Child
Kr & < f * suKerliig ; Irani
\t \ 01 f : Iilmintonch nostril
fcJy > # u sxl Kl \ n : ( ) s . 'rt Warrtn r. . \ A
1 Staticn rii * . ' Standard * '
M a 6 3 \ p'hcin qualit
P J3 fi-3 6 M ' all s-ty c . &a iplo doz. l'i < cnl3 by"
fci ? a S _ " * * * - * > . * ' * "
S"J rtrJI-Fr ff JTi jTT i 57
[ f ! < a , KL cJ H ? 8 3 ti & 3 3-7
u > lw\oxL , Ed 'W ' S E-8 & Si 2 E J * _ S"a5
Experience " : Wm
Tcac'ifi Hint certn'n VRflfaSI * * exor ; In dtn tt < n f * * fK" {
powcrfal tnlltience on tho Wool ; deficient natfItlon- SLI _
tiitlmaUtcd.ttiabailcnil curr-nth nnl vl j , n4" i r " i
po' in withheld from tin parti who-i ! Ihor pollm * -
and d-fllo. ThU tmpl . mt'i-al nctlnn. pyrir f - w
tho blood , t * prompt y arc imnll hcd by Ioc < r & - * 3 .
isrrllla. a iklllful comblnit'oi ' of nuoh T8 etal -sjs.
extrnct. % who o nclro qiMllttoi and imtlro cxee - . ?
lcBce are rmicentntcil by a pr. ca t pennlltr t l > -
eir n ! found In no other prep-ratloa Uoort9 - 4
aparl ! ft doc actually ulrnln out tmpurltlnt. v-
tr.oTr rbiitru ttous , an ! op n < tho nauraloutleu t , j
tho jirm. - .
Hood's Sarsaparllla j
BoMbr alt dnijabti. ft ; txforit l'roparal oolf- v , I
by C. I. IIOOI ) fi CO , Lowell. JUi v "U , j- j
100 Dosos Ono Pollnr -l !
c uxioisrf 1 _
IJownro of rraiid.nn my uinn mlti ! prt ntv- 3 | J
etumpod on tho l.iittom of all ni7ndvt > rtL ed. ho Mm • i
lforo leaving tho factory , whlpli protect tho wom-- 3 | | f
era ncnttnit hluh prirri mid Inferior coods. If _ „ &m I
dealer offcra AV. I. . 1)oiiiIii Kbocnntn reduced * * H | I
price , or nays hu lian them without my nnionandk 3 >
prii tUaijujd 0:1 tlio bottom , put l.liudovtn - a fru-V-
\\J OS \ \ JKNTrEiic.v \ m
Theonu cilf S3 SKAAII.KSS Sbor rrx' h t * .
side. NOTAt IvSor AV.VC TIIKI.AO • ttnrt
the y 1 li nd t-wr I. n I IVI I.I. NOT KIP-
AA. I. . DOIK.I. V-S'H-t SHOI. . the mlpniU amL _
only li mil sem I . It 11 oe KquaU cihi..u > i4
av. 1. . DOt.i , ' .s : ; .r.o pomtk snore
Rmlro'iil Mei am I.i ttt-r Larrb-r * all nraribam ,
Smo.tiiln nleas t IlairJ S-wedShoc. No 'last * cr a
AVax lliria.l 10 nr tlilert
AV. I. . I > )1 .l. AS Si.r.OSIIOKfB vnP3 e > tp * M
for'icav ucr Hi • ( nr li < tor tne prcr B
av. 1. . niu'Ci-As • : . • . • . - . woiicin < : aiA r
SHOIC Is illb' t In t' .i wi. Id lor rou-li wear ; u S
pair uiul.t to wen a m in-1 v < > nr. |
V e l.eil fciio j | nlii.c 11 ( lie ivorM | _ |
W. J. . 0it .i.\s 551.7 : ; YOUTH'S School M
SI100 trnct llic final lioys .1 chance la wcartt. * . M
bcht shoes la the world. H
All made In Cii' r."n. Kuttr.i and laicc If ao f M
t-o d by your dealer.Yrl'o
AV. U. DOUIHjVs , IJroeltUtii.TlIliHH.
l - l'A t aUrrh , Ua\ levcr , Ncurl | ,
& & ? & Headache , Asthma , and. Hbet > -
( W&Saj matinn. It has no equal. Ererr S
TB DEMAak.iottll. s < Jii ol , : ,5ay _ \ trial.
I'jfe il Price S1.0I ) . AGlCN'ra VTAXT- M
iffi'&FM KULocal atients tell from. W
IvI't M to 2-tl5ottIes , Daily. _ 5-T tns
> 0 Wfc > > to a enti. and complete DcscrJvV-
ivc l'aauuilet Fitr. : : . 9 |
1-10 AVavliIoutoii St. , Chicago , liii. H
jU Tho oldest me..icine in the noild Is probably fpn . H
f | „ Dr. Isaac Thompson's mg [ *
Tim mtiile w J. i ull7 prenap-d l'lijueian- * • - S
EC iptioii • nut I • Iwnicom'ui tu "iieatlj . \ M
CM HON Tl o n'y rc.irof Tlitimjisnu'R K31 * H
"V. "itei' t > s ; ' " ' : i tl. * • • • 1 f vtrapifr 01 r.rt. > . . ' to ac % M
cni. el. > r.r • , ; 'ii. ii-Ti n' . ! ) • • l \i < r w > ir. . . 1
Tfitliay i i/.l L. riecitairaUo ; a ni te of b > • fl
nent-IJ In. 1. ! . . • -ni "M AT.alo'l.ns. | ! T'.e < : i H
uineLye V.aVna 1 u > jl > ta.a i from a'JU.uSRiiU ) „ 1
JOHn L.TH0r.lS0rlS0NS&C0.TP.0Y , K.Y. -
WhGissalo Sect's ' to Gonsumsrs.rZl. . I
' . . . . . ' , rrt * , , H
btivallrotirr" " ' " • 1 n tt i-toathr li'iirn |
\VIIOI.EAt.i : A. , imiare taa.Kl l' - H
ni n < pr.iflt : i. > i ! ' < :"-nt3r. tii p to
pr ' | .iv i o.tsKr . i n I rt' . ei.i'l./ n-n iu < i * f-AKOl * M
' * ' . K1MO oii-tratJ - H
CVTALn'Sl E siJ > I .rs - p
KTt > r < thirty jou i. e Ncinmi I'lirchailiiic * * * _ _ i
aorlntlon , lOtt.t t O" . V/il.ish A ve t1iirv.lU _ |
Kor reference wertfi-rto .Satioual liauK of Illinois. jH
' Remedy for Catarra Is the J692J -
JFIso's to Use , and C'hcsp'iSt. Kga
fed Sold by dnissists or s nt by mail. s _ S 4 ' " * S
Kg 70c. E. T. Hazeltlnc , A.'arren. Pa. S , 9
nntjTiSfllTC " ' "s- - ' 'i ' * • * • • > • • ' • • • • • _ _
rUil 3 itMl 13 1 11 i-.H best nortraito , fiL.hktm H
CVaioii Imli.t ink. Wat r < o on . .ml ta lei atMit M
i.'its \.u 111 p. | 11. > t far .011 ] . t.tiou nnww ! 4rte A fl |
HS'-i'OItriA.ITK. | : UOM.IOI.I\lt Ti..nk lut > . * r. S |
rrotl'i would be Situ ! at unrc fur fml It . riti a fl |
Ot l u. . r e. A. E. V/ALTER. l V. 'aU. Ai. * H
UliLj o. 111. H
PJJP2 ESO'yii ! fi AItheratih-jrhitTcb Kaso- B |
fjin ! Ei&ll.iKS- ! ° 1'ui.uc Pora ia.wK H
AS5 _ _ _ iK Sr aUbeicneM5 .Tears. > tr-j _ _ |
ta * ti3.4io.ceur. ulUialAaAu th ua w 4 > fl • ( X2 per srrc- H
tbat Ki-mjM S l 1 fj e. dtS ' fiL . tii.M tA i , tn > ( • * H
lbfn , w lufTriirxnutu. . 1 fc ( w to4 T.rraM f. ! lOc altf * 9 |
taJ recti. * tia t. it ! ' . I F iu. . . . . % f nif * K. Fuvuit cf u. fi.A k H
tu _ AltiKiTiJ Art > 'liN .V < > ; . .C'hlcxswiU
PpOpOnP'J'Q BCOMSK t& > Cje1' \ B
l''i'ilne v It-Ts n * > iu il lo. * • 1 m - IJ .n < - * * . * * . * s. rf H
Snsv . - l.n I . .rir , s , 1 11.- .1 1 - . ? . . * % -f.- . , fl _
• si 1 i.nW.i. I" tin. o DR. H.F. ROOT , . fl
Enter Xcb. H
C7 ° " * O'iViiX 0.1 .V MWNTH i b M
if I v. . " " tU v • ' • - " ' 11 a.i ' .rl ln Jt - . H
Apeiirr > ' • " < ! ' . . < s i furnihli a ' ana fir r _ H
Ui < r uli.Ic : • . . ' . • • t 11I1. . 3. > iaf m.Knratst H
malift tot . . v 1 , \ 1 :1 o * : --ar \ 3ci - , H
11. t' ) ! t . : * . i- . ! < < ii\c. < > ' . .v. cu. : * e- H
Ma.n .s' ee l..i 11 i.ii. ' \ a. H
WJi"KjfWy J < ? TTT ' ' , " . ! yf- ! - . - . ' 'V3 A rnrw JLJjJJx } B
F'j ? Vi UTTtho-n aTl xnaLicorctroD j'YrorLtnf6e4r1fc * _ _ |
U rS'l ' • ' * * * * • * * * f in fi w • • ' J I Lr prx t M4tr * tm H
F2.Ileriu. . it. A irtf , . t.t _ < t lo . Au utx , ! * ! * , H
W. 2 * . D „ Omaha. 4A 41. 9
rpiif & SfrafioH Ghieago Business OoiS@ge I 1
fig I.NVniTTinX and t ie XiT0FtC3l-33ST IIVT TiHCra WOTR.I.D : Full Inform- M
t y tloa.Catalosce.lvruisetc. , sent FKEE. Addrefsll. JS. RU.AAT i bO.N.l'ruvriotors.Cliacazo , IIL H
| Uo "Wembii mpmjBsst Is - : I
H. _ > - < fsl > fei rS fe vT WnnfX \ i - H
• Bs t3ss fee ? • ! > > • & 5 & * & ? l b5 _ _ ufldl. ! , S
I'AT p 1 4 - s. ITheFtSTir.n" NO SLICKER If i -1 vr 'of , t4 vr J ! 1 . p joa dry it H
( ii r > TcTt . . - . -W \ j Uae hardest vn. T'-e n r rt • ! ; UICTSu a r 'n t - r ra : . sj | H
p > i 4 / \ \j VJTi lV _ w' lroTeretveea s Jr fc. tho'i nft o-c Ssr' • ; oat " 7-i I H
N AA JDJ-- " ' 3r.s-l"t- - . t. IllcfS i" . d Ct. . ufr'e. . A. J T . - 'r. Ccit.B , lUl * . I H
_ 5a525 tfi i j S Sc : ' " _ _ _ _ i : ' : _ _ _ ? g K H
dr3 _ rjy 8 KL85 LhiJL - - - . = - .33.-0- . BH.LyHi-
Anv pe-ti n tn < -u'a-d lit rn > anlileof < Ires. p'rfely w. b a. trrti ; the tr . enr . . . . it i , n n-e < ? , 9H
ti ! > e tbe In b tai'i r-ysiem In'lie wnr ! . ' 'isisr.p. el v lerri.rli 'lie i in I' < vni aif - f > 'h-r s-.reii < • H |
fact it is le ilia' id 1 M old < an cu * and tit * . 'v ' - - . . 9H
in so siinj av years a otcc at' e nt i. r.i n < • • • i dr- - As there an no ii.a'be ti-hic n ca . tilitl" n- - • > If inadi in a lu il , * , ! . 3 > . ev. r mea. • - < i * . _ _ _
Qsnred ci the ica'es as you reonl-e to u e tli.'in. 1 ' . .llowln 'hetxofc K 'n Ti. t . nt-aiir'si ! _ _ % : _ j H
cui.w • ia.'tl , the amount of .o ds loimcl. Ili.a to fit stonr < > Irac Defv'1- w St i . : nil urUrjt.m. 9H
sliouldtr- fact von ha\e pot t'if wcts • " ire na.lns ! y tbefr.n ! i tpm Tt er - b aa - r 9 |
Klee\i pattern ( joes with ahote ys en thai Is done wurli % to aiiv J-i.n. "Vr n. " . sy > c IB ( ! • - ! . th r.w ( * 9H
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