The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1888, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
I Official City and County Paper.
H Kor President.
. of Indiana.
* For Vice President ,
of Now York.
'For Member of Congress , , .
JAMES.LAItjD. i iO j
H For Governor.
I For Lieutenant Governor.
H For Scorctnry of Stntc , -
H For State Trensurcr ,
H For Attorney General ,
I For Stato Auditor.
H or Superintendent of Public Instruction ,
I CoramlEBioner Public Lands and Buildings ,
I For Senator. 29th Senatorial District ,
For HcpreBontative.
I For County Attorney ,
For Commissioner. 2nd District ,
I Ex-Goveunor Will Cumback says ;
I Indiana will go republican by 20,000 i
mnjority. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
I The refusal of J udye G iven , of Towa ,
I to issue liquor licenses to the corner
I drug htores of Des Moines is a terrible
blow just now when an enthusiastic eel-
ebration over the western base ball
I championship is in order.
I Levi P. Morton's signature is a
I modest and unornauiental. one. It has
I been seen in two placrs latelyhowever ,
I in both of which it did him greatcredit ,
the one being at the bottom of a check
for the beneGt of the Jacksonville suf
ferers and the other appended to his
letter of acceptance.
The prompt action of Chairman
Quay in offering iarge rewards for infor
mation leading to the conviction of per
sons violating the registration laws in
the city of New York may in a measure
check the reckless disregard of the
laws by democrats. Repeating will be
a dangerous operation with lynx-eyed
detectives scrutinizing every voter at
the polls.
Dr. William Pepper of Philadel
phia , who attended Gen. Sheridan dur
ing his last illness , has set an example
which will probably not be extensively
followed , at least the instances are rare
where such a course has been followed.
He has refused to render any bill for
his professional services , saying that hu
considered his work only as an expres
sion of the deep and lasting obligation
which all owed to the general.
fc The malicious cartoons of the Her-
aid in which Governer Thayer is repre
rented as a broken down old man , beg
ging to be let alone , and McShatie is
portrayed as a heroic champion of the
people , arc uot likely to make votes for
the democratic candidate for governor.
The time has not yet come in American
politics when ripe experience in public
life and old age are to be treated with
derision and held up to public ridicule.
ijfc There seems to be an .unusual
• • ffME&fcw amount of friction in Knights of Labw ;
' 5sP § % * lts an < * Barr3" > one of the H n l f
-yjBE Zr * Vrn * ZJ - X reb5cm'd and > rKtc ;
wS M elt aB-iiticniug Powdci ly - * * hi * )
have commirtiijmiwiil ike j tatK
and peace % w r. ' 4 ! & & & %
that unlessSkiw ws1 'Mn ral < .apaRiiig
out of the piSBp Srraleg K
organization fiH'Isoon go to jTteeejLj J
The Russian government has if eWjtl
to admit foreign grain sacks iritaJlUk-
- sia without the payment of duty 'ife-order
to facilitate the exports of cerealgi thg.
ports of the Baltic and the BlariysSag "
It remains to be seen whether ttogfyiH :
have any appreciable effect upon the
American wheat trade. Considering
' * that hitherto Russian wheat has been
i shipped in buik for the sate of cheap
p rjess the apparent effect would be to iu
I crease the cost by increased handling.
= =
The republican \ < arty has revised the
t tariff in years past and reduced such
I duties as it believed could be touched
r without injury to the American produc
ers. It * will revise the tariff m this way
1 again whenever it has the opportunity
! _ aud deem'8 it wise to do so. liut in
[ such revision and reduction it never
* loses sight of the protective principle. I
, Tariff revision as the republican party {
r interprets it is tariff strengthening am ! |
L improvement ; "tariff reform " as tin- i
f democratic party interprets it is tariff J
k destruction. j-
L i
L A PUBLIC office is a public trust and g
I that is the reason that Chairman Brice i
W of the democratic central committee has l
f $1,000,000 of Uncle Sam ' s money in
i his bank in New York to loan out dur-
\ ing the campaign , on which he does not c
\ have to pay a cent of interest. Accord- |
P ing to Mr. Blaine 's computation this is lN
b worth $50,000 a yearor as much as the Ij
\ present's salary. Sixty other promi l
\ neBt-deaiocrats in the country.or rather s
the banks srfcich they control , arc enjoy-
\ iag tho saiae privilege. To make sure
[ of a surplus to loan out to democratic c
I workers free of interest , when other peo b
\ pie have to pay from 5 to 12 per c < ? nt „
g 2i r. Cleveland has been very economical.
haviag vetoed nigh on to 300 liUs of d
I from femr to eight , and in some case ? c
fe twfivedollars a month to keep them out
f - gf &b poer koase , f
Thr hanger on in politics , tho polit
ical huckster whus and who e
supposed iufitieiice are. for sale to the
highest bidder , the man ready to b tray
the confidence and trust reposed in him
by the men with whom he lms ndver-
tised himself as affiliating , the man
whose baseness of nature and hick of
that moral sensibility which character
izes the true American citizen , the man
whose treachery only needs the sight of
gold to develop , he who prostitutes his
manhood , his honor , his influence , his
standing among men of respectability
and honor , the political Judas whose
prico is rarely as high as thirty pieces of
silver to that man , that class of men ,
.can be charged the corruption which
Exists in tho politics of to day and iu
whose existence lies the chief danger
to the continuance of our cherished in
stitutions. The man who stabs his
friend in the back under cover of the
midnight darkness is more to be hon
ored and respected.
The political situation in New York-
has become singularly mixed. There is
no doubt that the feeling between Mr
Cleveland aud Governor Hill is far fmm
cordial. Each would rather see the
other defeated than be deleated himself.
Their interests and followiugs are not
identical. Very many of the Mugwumps
will support the National ticket and re
fuse to vote for LI ill. On the other
hand , some protection Democrats will
vote for Dill and decline to vote for
Cleveland Tho general estimate is
that these two elements will about coun
lerbalanco each other. Any estimate
ol'eiiher is mere guess w irk , and do
pends very much upon the surrounding's
aud inclinations of the individual mak-
ing it. There is not. , and in the ven
nature of things cannot be , any means
of reliable comparison , at least until
the very closing days of the campaign
THE difference Oelwcen the Mills bill
and the senate tariff hill can be cumm < d
up in a very few woids : the senate bitl
is a protective tariff measurethe , house
bill is a destructive tariff measure. One
starts with the idea that the sjstein of
protectioiii which lufs been tested by a
. •
• - • • i
quartern ! a century sex erieneeis gonu
for the country and should be maintain
ed ; the other asserts , by implication at
least , that the system is ' 'vicious , in
equitable , and illegal. " as Mr. Cleve
land called it , and should be destroyed ;
and this is what General Harrison meant
when he said iu his letter of acceptance :
* { \Ve do not offer a fixed schedule , but a
principle. "
Mayor Hewitt refuses to be buck-
ed off the track by Timuiaiiy hall and
has accepted the renominatiou tendered
him by the county democracy organiza
tiou ol New York. His Tnmtuany op
ponent ; i < Hugh J Grant , who as Alder
man fought airaiust the Jake Sharp
riug.aud as sheriff helped to bring some
of the boodlers to justice. The repub
licans will probably make a strong nom
ination and put forth strenuous efforts
to carry the citv for a republican mayor
and restore its disordered government to
some semblance of coherence and in-
tegnty. When rnszues fall out it is a
good time to get iu a little reform in
hiilh places.
" . t
Indiana is determined this year to
have an honest straightforward election '
An agreement has been entered into by
the chairman of the republican ami dein tv
ocraticstate central committees whereby c
ir is requested and directed that in all
election precincts where the inspector is
democratic he shall appoint , a judge aud
clerk to be selected bv the republicans
of such precinct , aud where the iuspec 11
tor is a republican he shall appoint a j
judge and a clerk to be selected by the x
democrats of the precinct. This con
trict was readily signed by both Chair
man Huston and Chairman Jewett
The nust enthusiastic supporters ol a
Cleveland iiiAew York ate among the
dry gliJ'dB'jaeajers. who have foiuied a
> fpecial clSjji and are working like beavers m
ioritheile irratio party. At ali their '
Me4tHjfXlherMteidunce , i. , so large that i
jjlK bMll is filled aud there is a crowd " Kl
upon the stair ways and a sidewalk del
egation ' upon the pavement. The secret < u
ol . this energy is that they are free tiad A
eis i to a man. The democratic pait\ M
may not mean free trade , but ail free -
traders ' believe they do.
: : in
Notice of Attachment. !
. I ) . I. Reynolds will take uotlee : That on the f
2othdu > of September , 1SS8. N .I.Joiiiisnn. jusS' '
] ueeor the peace. Red Willow county , NcuutbIt'
{ ku , it > sued un orderoT attachment for tuo sum of
of thirty dollars in an ai-tion pt'iidi .i * tielore T
him. I wherein U illinin Ke'pu is plitintitf and I ) . "
1. Reynolds , delcmlaiit ; thur property ol dptii
tendant. , cuiisUtiiii , ' ol : All corn on Am w su
Goo < < ieiihcr iT * 8 farm e.ieept sod corn ; nil it
corn on D.J. Reynold's l rm : undimled hull '
Haystack i ; one Rockland cuoivutor ; one left
j hand Miinnc plow ; mixed luiiiher , and one
lieiisteud ; has l > een attached mulei-snld order-
; • u.d cause was continued to the Sih day of
November , lb&j , at2 o.clock. P. M. I,1
awts. willia.m relph. J"
Fii-st National Banli , ( ' : r
At Icfook , in the state of Nebrn-ka. at so
the close or business. Oct.4. lSbS.
Loans and discounts $ 6.391 43
Oveicliiilts. secured and unsecured , 1.35-t 2S I-v
U. S. lloiiils to secure circulation 12. . " > U ) V0
Due I mm unproved reserve auents. KJ 0T.4 5S F-
Dtlf I mill oilier lilionul Hituks . . . 132 UO
Kuriiituieaml tl.xtuie < 2.t'.V. ' ) &i • *
Ciinent e.\pensea uud taxes paid. . . 69 Uo
Preiuiians p.od 8mi 67
Lheoksniiil oilier wish items RW Xi '
Hills of other Ranks U.uOo ( X ) on
Fmctioiuil paper currency , nickels. V.
mid cents dH'Si in
Specie , , , 3004 5' Nt
Letntl-UMider notes 2.09J Oi1 th
Redemption fund with ( J. S.Treasur- a t
ero per cent , of circulation. . . GG2 50 Lwl
Totai > $ ia4.7J6C8 In
Capital etock paid iu $50.000 00 Btf
Suipius lund 9.000 IK ) pi ,
UuitiVided profits , 1.97u in joe
Niitioiml Rank notes nutfitandintr. . 11250 CO , . , .
Individual deposits subject to check 3J2X > 13 . .
Denuoid certificates ot deposit SoATO 22 ijm
Due to Mate Hunks and bankers. 4.211 91 fol
Notes and bills re-discouuted 7.550 23 „ [ ,
Total S131.716 M J } "
Statk of NrnnASKA. IK < 3. igs
COL' > TV OF Rhl > WlLUiW , ( 03" fo ,
1. F. L. Drown. Cashier of Hie above-named f , „
bank , do solemnly su ear that the above at < te- to
ment is true to tho best or my knowledge and BO |
Relief. F.L. Uitows , Cashier. en ,
Suti/wirJbi'jl / anil sworn to before mo this 11th oln
day of October , p * W'
Quo. M 'CKNKLu VDirectors , I Dy
> - & < OF H
r Hard Gash ;
Should Tbe foolishly spent , we all admit , but where can
one get the largest returns for his capital , and where
will a dollar go the farthest ? It is not enough to have
money ; you must judgment in spending * it. Look
out for your own interest , and go where you can get the
o , , . o o o o . o . o . - o o o . o 6 o . . . . o . . o . o . , o . . . . o , . o , . o o o o . o o o
= T ' ' * " - i i ii m | i. i i i „ i i " ' * i ! ' * ' * * " " *
Men's and Ladies' FURNISHING Goods ,
Are now coming in. We will , as usual , show you the
only COMPLETE STOCK in Western Nebraska. We
always guarantee our prices to he the very lowest. We
invite all to come and inspect our new stock.
= ( ) O Q Q ( ) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o _ o o o
DRESS MAKING. McCook , Nebraska.
Land Officii at McCook , Neb. , I
Aiurust29th.l883. f
Notice is hereby jriven that the fnilowing-
mimed settler has filed notice of tits intention
to < make final proof iu support of his claim ,
md that said proof will bo made before the
Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
Tuesday , Oct. 23rd , 1888 viz : William Kings-
liury upon H. E. No. 6.628 for the S. NW U
oid W Yt S.W. X. Sec. 24 , Town. 6 , N. RantreSU
v IV. 6 P. M. He names tliefolmwinjj witnesses
: o | prove his continuous residence upon , and
Motivation ol. said land , viz : Milan W. Quick ,
iVilliam H. Ackermaii. tolin A. Miller. W. B.
ihittakcr. . all ol Quick , Neb-
S. P. HARTit lleirister.
LanoO fick at MeCoiiK Nku. . i
September 13t h. 1888. I
Notice is hereby jriven that the rollnwiiur-
nimeil settler has tl'rd notice of liis intention
tl make final pre-emption proof in suppoitof
lis claim , and that said proof will be made beI I
ore Register or Receiver of TJ. Land Office at |
dci'ook.Neb.on Saturduv. Oct 2ith. ) 1888. vz : j
losinli Moore. D. S. No. 1 005. r r the S.W. % of .
sec 11. Town. 4. N of Hiuijre 29. W. 6th P. M. .
ll le iiauies the foilowinjr witnesses to prove his
toiitiiiuous ' residence upon , and cultivation of , j
laid land , viz : Thomas Pinkeiton. Alexander
'ampbell. Nelson Chrysler. Peter A. Urower ,
ill of Box Elder , Neb.
16. S.P. HART. Register.
Land Offich atMci'ook Nku. . i
September 13.1888. (
Notice is hereby given that the tollowlnjr-
iiiined settler has tiled notice ol his intention
0 make final commutation proof in support
if his cla m. uud that s.iiii proof will be made
icfore the Register or Receiver , at McCook ,
{ eb. on Th.nsday , November 8th. 1888. viz :
Cdward F Duffev. H.E. No 8.308. lor the N W.
i. Sec 35. Town 2. N Range 30. W. He names
he lollowing witnesses to prove his contitiu-
iis residence upon , and cultivation of. said
mid. viz : Robeit T Alliun. .lames Cain. .1.
Libert llrewcr and John W. Met'iislin. all of
1 crook. Neb. (16) ) S. P. HART. Register.
Land Officb at McComk. Neb. , I
September 25.1838. (
Notice is herebv given that the fnllowing-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final homestead proof in support of
nt. claim and that said proof will be made be- '
me Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
at unlay , Nov. 17th. I8J-8. viz : Columbus | { .
towel ' 1. who made II E 95 for the Ei \ S. E M
f Section 10 and W > 4 S. W. U or Section 11 ,
own. 3 , N. or Range 20 w. of 6th P. M. Ho
nines t lie lollowing witnesses to prove hiscon-
inuoiis residence upon , and ciiltivaiion of ,
itidland viz : Edgar F. Couse. George Rollins ,
mill ] fjordon John A. Williamson , all of Mc-
ook.Nch. 18. S.P. HART. Register.
Lano Office at Mci'ook. Neb. , j
October II , 1888.
Notice is hereby given tLat the followlng-
amed ! settler has filed notieeof her int < ntion
> make final | > remption enmmutation proof
support or her claim , and that said proof wjll
e nniilo befoie Register or Receiver at Mc-
ook. Neb , on Tuesday. Novembers ? . 1883. viz :
nun II. Vilnnd. who made P. E. D. S No. 5.717
ir the W tj S. E Ji Sec. 17. Town.5 Range 29.
he names the following • witnesses to prove
I'l-eontiniioiM residence upon and cultivation
, said bind , viz : Enoch K Osvog. t'hristophor
IJqi-lniitl. MartliaC. Dueland. AnuaM. Hun-
in , all iif Quick. Neb.
S. P. H A RT. Register.
TnF. Distk'OT Chukt of Red Willow Co. ,
L UuiiW.v , Defendant , 1
vs. |
yjun C. Hasmno. AnntE \ NOTICE.
li. IIANM.NO AMI Cll Ull.l-S |
W. LhVTiS. Defendants. j
The defendant , Charles W. Iji-wia. will lake .
mice that on the 31th day of September , 1883. I
U. lirowii. pi.iln11IT herein , tiled his petition '
the distnet eoiiit or Red Willow couut.i ,
rbmskaagainst the above named defendants
io object and pra\erol which are to foreclose
certain mortgage executed by the defendant ,
ymnu C. Hiinuiiigaud Addio H. Hanuing his tho plnintiff.K. L Brown.upon the fol-
wlng described real estate : ' 'Tho north-east
ijarter of section eleven , township four , rango
renty-slx in the county of Red Willow and
ate of Nebraska ; " to secure the payment of I
L'ht promissory notes , each dated October26 , I
S5. for the sum nfseren and pne half dollars I
ich , , an-1 due respectively on " the fjrst day of
prJI. 1887 1888.1889. l9UHud Octoher 1st. 1887 ,
88.1590 ; 'thMt Ilium Is " now cju o from the de-
iidanti.IiymnuC. Hnnuiiigaml Addio B Han. ' the plaintiff. V. L Brown , on said notes
id ' mortgage the sum of $03 00 with interest
10 per cent , on ? 7.51 theronf from April 1st ,
K7. and on S760 thereof from October 1st ,
87 , and on $7- > Q thereof from April 1st , 1888 ,
r which sum wi h Interest plnlntiff prays 5
r a decree that the defendants be required
pay the samo or that said premises may bo
Id to satisfy the amount found duo and that
ch and all of said defendants may bo foro-
nsed and barred of all equity of redemption
other Interest in said mortgaged premises.
hi nro required to answer said petition on or
foretheotliduy of November. 18S8.
M'C in . f i , , BROWN. Plaintiff.
his attorney.V. . S" . MottrMN. • •
&atedSoj ; > fe jtOr2tb'j } } j 1589 , ' ,
i j , ,
J. A. YanShoik ,
Repairs and Supplies.
Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska.
With all the Latent Improvements.
Guns , Ammunition and Loaded Shot Shells ,
V e Respectfully Invite Your Inspection.
= "THE TRIBUNE , " ? ? > c-
I Of
IIjJj FiiMUlIu uLiUlIllliu uu ,
Clothing- , • • >
" EEC Fall Slock now Ready. , <
We have inaugurated the Fall ,
• i Season , and invite you all to in- '
W spect the LATEST and FINEST
U , Collection of goods ever show in
n any one Establishment in S. W.
Nebraska. Everything new and j
desirable in Dress , Business , and _ j
Working Suits , latest in falJ and '
CD winter Overcoats , to fit and suit
y everybody. All the novelties in j
Shirts , Underwear , Neckwear ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Hats and Caps ,
comprising in all , an assortment
r Oj found in no other store , except-
f ing the larger cities. Every ar-
/ • tide marked in Plain Figures ,
" " "
Vj *
, -j end . . is . . guaranteed to be in every
I | - r - - -
-mwrwimw mm i wi < iinMiii > iMm wm wjb i lj *
Lj way as represented. Ladies are
Z especially invited to examine
, ,
( JJ our Children's and Boys' Suits ,
Overcoats , Hats and Caps , Etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * j
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 14. 1SK8.
Has a rousing speech for Cash ( Buyers and ( Bar
gain Seekers. August is the usual wind-up
month on Summer Goods , and io make it inter =
esting to all concerned , I will offer the j
On all Summer Goods that has ever bfen known m
to the ( Public in this western country. Look at M
it for a minute. You will think I have gone 9
crazy , when I offer fl
. . .
M. i v i I |
Ladies' good kid toe slipper , GO cents. fl
A better one , for 85 cents. 9
And a bouncer for $1.00. S
Ladies' Newport tie , solid , 85 cents. _ S
Ladies' Newport button , solid , $1.00. M
A good kid sliuc , solid , $1.75. ] k
A still better one , for § 2.00 fl
To make it interesting for 'men as well as ladies , I will sell a fl
Rood calf tap sole boot , for $2.00. , fl
A better one for $2.50. | H
A good grain boot , solid , for $2 50. ja |
A good grain plow shoe , solid , $ l.2t ? . j k
. . . i . , I , . . . ; J M
The above are only a few of the many bargains. jfl
( Do not MISS THIS CHJJfCE. Come early.
/ 'must make room for the immense stoc f ' : of 'H
Winter Goods purchased. a fl
* * * * * * * " * * * * H
Tlie Old Reliable. I
Opposite U.S. Land Office , - - - McCOOKT NEBRASKA. - ' ! fl