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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1888)
H ; I VOLUME-YII. " McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 12 , 1888. NUMBER 20. JII I I ' ijflnrnx & nowBUJGire f 1 STOCK OF IT FURNITURE H ' M IS THE COMPLKTEST IX H I Southwestern Nebraska. H S- They also carry a full line of MI Window Shades , Pictures , H I Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc. , BfcI AM ) 31BET ALL H0 > 0I1A.BLE COMPETITION IX THEIR LINE. I Dieitaiii a Specialty. I L McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. I i I | DBY GOODS ! I ' I 1 CR00EB1ES , J j ft • ( © . © r 1 it ? is j ± - fact ; I TUc J0tt * * * ? u E noXEV oa aI1 Ua'h of ' Is I Pmif p Ihif Fppfl Ttalpd flit ? Ftp : | ft BV TRACING WITH j L . s I. C. a. POTTER & CO. ! f : 1 THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK I I fe. e2CORFOBA.T r > UNDEK STATE LJWWSJ | It ; Paad up CaDttal. - - S50.000.00. ! I ] | ; General Banking Businessi \ . made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly oa the principal . , . J cities of Earepe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming . . . | \ loads , THfage and. personal property. Fire insurance-a specialty. Ij . Tickets For Sale to and from EuropeI . . . , I * CpBRESPOKDEJTTS. Y. Ebasklct.President I . . . . . . | r ' yt > xrfosai Bb1c LiHoeJn. Nebraska. . . V Jobs R. Clark. . . Vice-President. . . | ; V < esaicai2faaeiuUBank.2 > ewYor3e. J 4. C. Esisr. Caa&er. iff Aaifeomed Capital - Paid up Capital , $50,000. j 11 | * OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : ! ISf E0.KOCKNELL , FSESIDEMT. . . . B M. FflEES . , VICE-PRESIDENT. Ml " " F. L. BROWN. CASHIER. . . . . . . . 1 A CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. Bfii _ , , . . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . > . l lf. „ .1inmf.n. lin. .Tr. nTr BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. UVItOX JKN.NIS0H. JOHII WILEY. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and beforo tlin U. S. Land Onlces. Careful attention given to Collections. OUIco ovcrCiti/ons Hunk , McCook. Neb. Til OS. COLKEl ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTAKY PUBLIC. Ileal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and Una ! proof. Aicent Lincoln Land Co. Oflicc , over Fanners & Merchants Hank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV , INDIANOLA. NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State ana United States Courts. Also , before tho Land Ofllco at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGHV. . COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice m all tho Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 1 and 5. First Nat'l Bank Building. a. j. kittiniiodse : , vr. n. btaiik , McCook. Indiauola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at $ Law. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. HKt.M. C. VT. DAVIS. Lste Esr"i ? . 5. Lisi Lato cf Gca. Lri 0 3oo , 05oEixi = , Ei : . TTasUcgtos.S. C. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land ft Loan Agents. McCOOK SKUKASKA. . If you have a dillicult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Oilice. Front base ment of the Citizens Hank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Rcnrof Citizens Rank. T. E. STUTZMAN , M. JX Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA SB'-Offico ' in McNeely Building. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , xM. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK "NEBRASKA etT-Oflico atChencry's drug store. L7j. spiokelmier , m. d PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Stil Atteati ja Oivos tc Fcaalo EisciJc : . Office hours , from 0 to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. 2y-Office : RoomNo.l.FirstNational Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DE1NTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. G.V. . WINKLER , FOnMEItLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. " THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calctmining. Graining. Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , House and Carriage Painting. , fillAINlXO. CAI.CIMIXIXO. MAHnLIXC , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Leave nl > onlers at the drug store of McMil- Inn & Weeks. First-class work guaranteed. , J. H. BENNETT , J GONTRAGTOR : BRICK AND STONE , \ • " - - ! McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. | = \ PREDMGRE B.ROS. , ; Blacksniitliing and Woodwork , UonsF. Shoeing a Specialty. Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work manlike Manner. All Work Warranted. ilcCook , Nebraska • i SHOP-South of Badger Lumber Yard. " " ! F. D. BURGESS , " ! . . . * , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating. Jforth Main vp. . MpCppV , Neb. • I CS"A1 work receives prompt attention. Governor Thayer's cliallenjje to McSliane iias been politely declinoil. This will surprise nobody. McShanc would not meet Governor Thayer in pub lic debate if he could , and could not de bate with him if lie would. . Statistics furnished by the London f-tay and corset makers prove that the average size of the female 3tay wearing waists has decreased two inches in the last twenty-five years. One mother had ordered a corset of sixteen inches to be worn by her 17year-old daughter by day. and one of eighteen inches to be worn at night. His excellency , Hadji Hassien Ghooly ahem ! Once more , his excellency Haoji Hassien Ghooly Khan once and again ; all togther now. This is a news itpmand not only is it important hut it's true : His excellency Hadji Hassien Ghooly Khan Motamedel Var.lhe new ly appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from Persia to the United States , has arrived in New York on the steamer Servia. Alderman McQuade , a boodler of New York City , who was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for seven years , has just been released from Sing Sing after serving months. He has been granted a new trial on tech nical grounds. The belief , however , is current that McQuade will never again be called to the box for trial. He is therefore to all intents and purposes a free man. Justice wi'l ' cry in vain when technical rubluVh of the legal machinery protects a guilty man from receiving his just desert" WESTERN dressed beef has gradually taken the place of the domestic article in the east. The prejudice which once existed is now gone since consumers have found that beef dressed in the west is of better quality and of lower price than the home product. In the past few years the beef packing indus try of the west has grown to great pro portions It is likely to supply the whole country within a few yearssince a better grade of cattle can be slaught ered in the great corn belt of the Mis souri valley and laid down fresh in every city at a nominal price. The latest is the saurkraut trust which is monopolizing the business of the country and running up the price of that delicacy to a criminal degiee. The promoters of this monopoly propose to cultivate an immense farm near St. Louiand raise their own cabbage. They will probably change their miiicte , how ever , as they will conclude that there is no good of raising cabbages wjien dead leaves and potato vines are strung all over the country. With a beer trust and a saurkraut trust in existence , the lover of personal liberty has a gloomy future before him. The report jf the majority of the Senate Finance Committee on the House i tariif bill is a document of remarkable power. It is the greater pleasure to be . able to commend this report unreserv- edlybecause the Tribune cannot entire ly commend the changes of duty which the Senate committee has proposed. But the committee itself proposes to , continue hearings and the collection of ! information while the bill is under dis- 1 cussion , and so contemplates that mod ( ifications may be found desirable. Nor j should this be thought strange , when it is considered that the Senate committee had but two mouths in which to examine the House bill , upon which six months have been spent , and to prepare another. It was not to be expected that a task so great could be performed without any ( mistakes or errors of judgmeut whatever t in so short a time. f "Here are these confounded newspa pers telling the truth again , " is a com plaint which statesmen have been often called upon to make. Bismarck is now reiterating it. against the editors of the Rundschau for their publication of ex tracts from the late Emperor Frederick's diary , which extractsthough Bismarck at first said that they were garbled , are now. by the National Gazette , which has had them compared with the orig inalsaid , to agree with it. word for word. The conductors of the National Gazette will now have to answer to the pr-nce j for this assertion , and likely enough they will soon find themselves in jail. Professor Geffeken , who is charged with furnishing the Rundschau with the ex tracts from the diary , has been arrested and is on the high road to prison. Be hold how good a thing it is to tell the truth under despotism ! • A negro , of Memphis1T/e . , Y7h ° u 'e- ' feuded himself aud family from the as sault of two white men by killing his as sailants was discharged by the police judge before whom he was brought last Tuesdayon the ground that he had done perlectly right. The scene in court is described as "extraordinary , " and we can easily believe it , as the event itself is ninstextraoidinary in that latitude. That a Tennessee court should recognize the right of a negro to defend himself wfyep , his assailants are white men , K a uew departure whush , ijp.euks volumes for the cour $ ajid lortho civilization of West Tennessee. When a like sense of jus tice is shown by the courts of Mississip pi , Louisiana , and Texas we will begin to have less or negro outrages. Wl\i ' the Southern negroes ne.ed n ore than anything else , fc the recognition by the ' court s , ol their inalienable rights as free men to defend their person and their property from unlawful attack , even tQ the point of taking the lives of their as sailants. L Heartrending Scenes caused by an exhibition of Heating Stoves at the Pioneer Hardware. Pandemonium a Picnic , compared to the commotion caused by the dazzling splendor of the Sovereign Jewel base burner. A Woman Burst into tears and declared she would have no other stove if she didn't have a new dress for a year. One Woman Hung about her husband's neck and besought him to buy her a Sovereign Jewel for a Christmas present. Another Woman Melted into tears when she saw one going to her neighbors , and one woman Thought She'd ' Die laughing for joy when she discovered that her husband had already secured sne. But it was only a touch of hap py hysterics and she is now feeling bet ter than ever before in her life. The Sovereign Jewel Base-Burner is juaranteed to do one-third more heating , vith the same amount of fuel than any tther stove on the market. We have u t finished unloading Two Car Loads f HEATERS of all sizes and descrip- ions. Call and investigate the merits > f the SOVEREIGN JEWEL , and lize up our Beautiful Bargain Banquet if heaters at THE Pioneer Hardware , LaTOURETTE & CO. , McCook , Neb. ! 3r Brick Stor . 4 Doors South of J. C. Al- en & Co. , Main Avenue. \ A TEMPESTUOUS BURST 1 I OF TRADE FOR THE GREAT j * I Low Priced Leaders , ; . ; : ! I Has been tho result of tlioir Special * Sale. They have decided to continue I The SlaughterI I Duringthe months of July and Aug * . I FIVE THOUSAWD DOLLARS I Worth of Summer Goods must he H sold before startingthe Fall and Winter Season. H • * - * + r H + - > - MW -M- + + + + + • ( - + * - + -l-K + + • - < - + - * • 4tM - • - + H GRASP THESE BARGAINS ; I Ladies' kid button Newporls , only § .00 H Ladies' glove grain button Ncwports , .95 M Ladies' wig warn slippers , tap sole , - .S5 M Ladies' kid opera slippers , from GOc to 2.00 M Men's canvas base ball shoes , - - .85 M Men's solid bull railroad shoes , - 2.50 M Men's solid kip plow shoes , - - 1.00 M Men's solid oil grain plow shoes , - 1.15 M Men's one buckle brogans , - 1.10 M The finest stock of Ladies' and Gents' M shoes west of Hastings. More bar- M gains next week. M g * * * * * * * * * * * * H UMtWI nl'Ljfli ' hCQGR M ssr WW WEMUX2 Isy bsbj u u&r t W & ? u n H "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " M i CITY BAKERY. | &i I [ FREBREAD j M j DELIVERED EVERS Y FREE OP CHARGE , h j 1 | | TDIESNUTSfflP | -PIES-CAKES TDIES-NUTS- - fV % \ " - OYSTERSCIDEfeCIGARSffslPl | lv ' | \ -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- ' \ l&tjL H ! LUNCH ROOM mSNNECTION. ) \ fl : Cakes Made to Order. SL Pant Patent Flour. ; H * "few 1 s - E i n I A. PROBSrPROP. " henry prnnrr Has received his H W f just k f\ i \ ( K Ll ilE.SP1UXG STOCK H TOtf HARM ESS , Saddles , Blankets , Nets , Etc. H iS " Goorla open to inspection and Guaranteed. Call and sec my Patent H Collar it is the finest thiu < r in the market. H . . H Rear of "The Famous. " IIEXIIY PEXXElv. ' / J H -DEALERS IN- * LUMBER ! I Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , H .HASB ' AND SOFT COAL. I