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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1888)
I J i : t * " • • - * V * • * -I f * . - * * \ * 53 f VOLUMEAtHr . McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 5 , 1888. NUMBER 10. 1 ; * j i * ' * ' % ; t _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ 1 § 1 r r 7 * % , * * I K . -i. ' i t i I DRY COOPST ] ( ? , H , ROGERS GROCERIES. ! I > i f I I I r S The Howard Lumber Co. 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' Lumber & Coal , N- MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. - - = = = = = TTi Hi7 hi . It is a fact that you can save money on all kinds of Pro- . "i. i' duce , Flour , Feed , Baled Hay , Etc. , by trading with. ; C. G. Potter & Co. iI I THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATK LAWS. ) # * I Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. * = DOES a 1 f General Banking Business , | Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal i cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. i | . Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS. V. FhaskujtPresident. j * first National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V John E. Clark , Vice-President f The Chemical National Bank , New York. 1 A. C Ebxkt , Cashier. ] ! Authorized Capital , $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. , h OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : % EO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. ] * * F. L. BPOWN. CASHIER. J A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BVHON JENNINGS. J0HH WILEY. JENNLNGS WjSLEY , ATTORNEYS VAT - : - LAW , Will practice ln 'tho State and United State Courts , and beforo the U. S. Land Oflices. Careful attention given to Collections. OlHco over Citizens Hank , McCook. Neb. THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Potato Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Agent Lincoln Laud Co. Olllcc. over Farmers & Merchants Bank. E. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State and United States Courts. Also , beforo tho Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practico in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nat'l Bank Building. A. J. RITTENHOUSE , VT. n. STAIlIt , McCook. Indmnola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at $ Lslw. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. IIELM , C. VT. DAVIS. Late Begister U. 0. Lacl Lito of Oea. Lasi Of3co , Ofice.Eirvia.Kas. 77ashic tcnD. 0. HELM & DiWIS , Attorneys , Land ® Loan Agents. McCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose- cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base- ment of tho Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the 6ale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJKIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. > . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA.e S7 Office atChenery's drug store. l. j. smokelm ekT iTdT- I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ] Special Atteatin Ghca to Feaala Sissases. ' Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. . and 3 to 4 P.a M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & t Merchants bank. • Dr. Z. L. KAY , ( g PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON g McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. V A. J. THOMAS , It I DENTIST. Jk Administers Gas if desired. "Office over v Scott's brick. brick.G. G. W. MINKLER , FOnJIEHLY C COUNTY I - : - SURVEYOR , c McCOOK , NEBRASKA. a ei Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and . . Civil , Engineering. Residence north of school u house. i c Q THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. S McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 01 This house has been completely renovated ] and refurnished throughout , and is first-class . in every respect. Rates reasonable. tl tltl ' tl W. M. SANDERSON , g : DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , t SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. CI with neatness and dispatch. { „ 1 - as JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , f House J and Carriage Painting. | j ? GRAINING , CALCIMINING , 3IARBUNQ , j MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. at Leave all orders at tho drug store of McMilf f r len & Weeks. First-class work guaranteed. sc = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " J. H. BENNETT , ' GONTRAGTOR J ; of ai BRICK AND STONE , a r , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. b : = = = = = P PREDMORE BROS. , [ a Blacksmithing and Woodwork. ff Iore Siioei pV Specialty , Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work ai manlike Manner. ol olR All Work Warranted. JlcCook , Nebraska C ( SHOP South of Badger Lumber Tard. ' tl F. B. BURGESS , , s ; PLUMBING , f ( [ Steam and Hot Water Heating , | j ; ki ; North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. . ' SC E * A1 work receives prompt attention , ro * US AT Zl jiL'j . > - 2S1 = = = = = = L _ = ; COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. I From Indianola Courier. ] Friday evening , our citizens were hastily.x'alled to tho assistance of deputy slfcrHStarbuck who gave the alarm of a "prisoner escaping. " It seems that some otftthad furnished Bayfielda horse- thief confined in this jail , with a revolv er and on Starbuck's opening the door at supper time the man presented his compliments and requested Mr. Star- buck to stand still. Of course Lee com plied , and Bayfield passed out of the yard , starting forthe , timber on Coon Creek. Starbuck gave the alarm , and started after his man , .firing five shots as he ran. However , • the man reached the timber , and five minutes after , there were fifty men surrounding him. Dennis Fitzgerald'came upon him in the bed of the creek , when Bayfield concluding that discretion was the better part of valor , surrendered. He was taken back to jail and put in the cugc , where he will be apt to stay until called for by the authorities of Dundy county. It seems that lie is one of the hostlers that came .here with Greniar Bros. 'cir- cus , and was discharged. Two of his pals had been arrested by the sheriff of Dundy : county , and Mr. Starbuck has been i informed that they got away from him ' last Thursday morning. When asked why he did not shoot , Bayfield said , that if some of the parties on horse back I had come near enough , he would have 1 shot one of them or made him give up the horse , buc that it would ] have been foolishness for him to have J shot any one on foot , as he recognized the I fact thab'he would have had a short shift. Last Thursday evening , there gather ed at the residence of Rev. P. C. John \ son , about fifty ladies and gentlemen of this < city. The evening was spent in ii pleasant 1 social converse. Hon. J. W * . „ Dolan ] , in a neat speech , in behalf of the - donors , presented the Dr. with a hand some gold headed cane , bearing the in scription , "Presented to the Rev. P. C. JohnsonD. , his friends at Indian ola , Neb , Sept. 27th , " 88. " Dr. Johnson replied at some length , giving a sum mary of his labors and experiences al : among this people , and assuring all that jjj the pleasant memories of this occasion , and I of the good feeling shown him by a the people of our city , would ever light en his pathway through life. Then came - the formal farewells , and the last social r gathering around the fireside of this good man's home in our city , was ended. The prayers and good wishes of the peojn pie of our city , go with the Doctor and , his family to their new home at Osceola , and may happiness and prosperity attend them all their days. Among the min isters present were the following : Revs. Charles E. Fulmer and wife , Erastus Smith and wife , Jas. M. Mann and wife , Sam 'l Hartley , Harvey R. Debra and J a wife. Joseph Buckley , I. W. Dwire , II. H. Berry and wife , D. S. Morris and tvife , A. Bartley , 0. T. Moore and sis- r ter , C. B. Monfort and daughter. LetV ) ters of regret because of inability to atte lend from Hevs. W. S. Blackburn , W. J.Pitchford , B. S. Haywood , W. A. Boucher , M. T. "Stiffler , W. L. Hill , 5eo. F. Cook and F. DeClark. g A recent decision of the Supreme W1 Jourt to the effect that where a city ot. souncil < grant a saloon license and an ju ippeal is taken no license shall be issu- sd , or if issued , shall be recalled. We inderstand that our city council will re- iall : the license of E. Boyer and Peter allien , pending appeal. < of : Judge Hill got a little "hot" on . Saturday , and gave a dollar a bushel for ? me load of wheat. It is needle&s to say ° * hat the Judge does not mean to keep siz lie market at this figure , but he desires he boys to understand that when he oes for a load of wheat he moans to lave it. TnE Mississippi Valley Medical asso- ° f iation evidently agrees with Dr. Bill- ngs of the university experiment station s to the nature and origin of yellow ever. They have passed resolutions de- laring that it is not contagious , butin- ectious , and that to properly quaranR ine against it the people ought to stop if nd disinfect the effects of the incomer rom a stricken section and not the per- on. This is the inevitable deduction 'the fever is an "estranrgani .nial" or 'exogenous" disease and that the germs lave their habitat in the earth the same s the germs of Texas fever. in cattle nd of the swine plague. This granted , well person ought to be allowed to S ravel , provided his clothing and his len iaggage are thoroughly disinfected. Jroper precautions , the same as are aken in other infectious diseases , like yphus fever , will prevent the spread of he disease in qny community where it las not become endemic. Journal. The commercial traveller 's Harrison nd Morton protective legion of the state if New York , with headquarters at lochester , has issued an address to the ommercial salesmen setting forth the eason why the league believes it to the dvantage of all salesmen to stand with he republican party. The club was or- anized six weeks ago and has a mcra- icrship of 200 , all salesmen , from dif- erent parts of the state. The address eals with the question of free trade as ispecially affecting commercial menand lenounces the Mills bill as intended to ill the business of the commercial raveller. The address is signed by ome of the best known salesmen on the oad. l&gZ < i * . .r. , , , -t .ftV.ifeni.lVi . - - 'Ssito. . . . ? Heartrending Scenes caused by an exhibition of Heating Stoves I at the Pioneer Hardware.- j Pandemonium a Picnic , compared to the commotion caused by the dazzling splendor of the Sovereign Jewel base burner. 1 ] A Woman Burst j ji ji nto tears and declared she would have J 10 other stove if she didn't have a new J , Iress for a year. J JJ One Woman Hung bout her husband's neck and besought dm to buy her a Sovereign Jewel for Christmas present. toother Woman Melted I nto tears when she saw one going to er neighbors , and one wowan Thought She'd ' Die lughing for joy when she discovered bat her husband had already secured ne. But it was only a touch of hap- y hysterics and she is now feeling bet- 2r than ever before in her life. The Sovereign Jewel Base-Burner is uaranteed to do one-third more heating ith the same amount of fuel than any ther stove on the market. We have ist finished unloading I Two Car Loads \ HEARERS of all sizes and descrip- on. Call and investigate the merits the SOVEREIGN JEWEL , and * ze up our ! Beautiful Bargain Banquet heaters at THE taer Hardware , i \ I latourette & co. , n McCook , Neb. > Brick Store. 4 Doors South of J. C. AI- & Co. , Main Avenue. * A TEMPESTU0U8 BURST : | OF TRADE FOR THE GREAT { i Low Priced Leaders , I Has been the result of their Special Sale. They have decided to continue ; The Slaughter Duringthe mouths of July and Aug. ' Worth of Summer Goods must he sold before starting * the Fall and Winter Season. " * " * " It. " * " * " 4 * " * " * " "M' • * " * • 4"1"M - + + + + -n- + + - + Ladies' kid button Newports , only $ .00 Ladies' glove grain button Newports , .05 Ladies' wigwam slippers , tap sole , - .85 Ladies' kid opera slippers , from 00c to 2.00 Men's canvas base ball shoes , - - .85 Men's solid bull railroad shoes , - 2.50 Men's solid kip plow shoes , - - 1.00 Men's solid oil grain plow shoes , - 1.10 Men's one buckle brogans , - - - 1.15 : The finest stock of Ladies' and Gents' shoes west of Hastings. More bar- gains next week. "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE/ ' ! I ' I 1 CITY BAKERY. | j FRESH BREAD j 3 DELIVERED EVERY DAY EREE OF CHARGE. : : • : * * * f ) • i im \ -PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-XUTS- \ ? -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- - - - \ J ! -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- \ J I LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. 1 I \ : Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. ; * > \ : f A. PROBST , PROP. ! > i m m M * M : : HRNRY PENNER edh ffWi& k Has just received his j | L1 1P1 SFHIXG STOCK f Saddles , Blankets , Xets , Etc. i " Goods open to inpection and fJr.VRANTEED. Call and see mj Patent jllar it is the finest thin" in the market. ear of < ' The Famous. ' ' H EX It Y PEXXEI2. II flbbfl & lUiiiMl JjllliJlii IB. : D ALERS IK Ly LJ IVl Jl ) . } 2j iV 1 Sash , Doorst Blinds , Lime , Cement , IAEB AND SOET COAL. F