The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1888, Image 4

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K Official Qtj and County Paper.
Hi republican ticket
B For ITraMent.
m BENJAMIN harki < < ; .
H of Indiana.
B For Vice-President.
LEVI p. xgkion.
ot 2Se r York.
or3eml cr or Congress ,
B JAMES LalBlr ,
" "
Bfl • ' ' For Governor.
BB * For Lieutenant Goternor.
H For Secretary of State ,
BB For Srie ; Treaaurer.
BB Fur Attorney General.
BB For S * ii - A Hilltnr.
BB r5uperi ie 5ent f l'ut > ! ie Inatruction.
BB OE ! > ii ; U. LANE.
CeaciMwer PmWCc and Buddings ,
Fttr > Seaator.:3H * Senatorial District.
BBy S Fer Reprwentatlri * .
BK | jgcjtxn a. wilcox.
BBe J Fer County Attorney.
BBtf & - * * • NAVELV.
Se " * * " CoojmfeaioiMfr. 2nd District.
fl | He. Cleveland my , hi hU letter nl
Bj acceptancethat he lifts an "unuttenibh
Bj J hatred of the Khemen of tru > ts. and bt
HIj c b&U e cfeeekinjr their baleful re-
B J selts. " " We tupo > e that was hit o jeel
BkI vhea he pat the > aa m lav of Standard
B'bI ' * * * P-ty&e u * his cabinetHe wanted
fljs to Lave Whitney , the bold , bad man ,
vhere he could watch him.
I The Detroit Triuunejiives the name ;
of eighteen veteran soldiers all em
ployed la the mail teniae in 31iehi an
BJjB | wb tare Leeu < K-Hbarjed by this ad-
BjB Hiia.L trutiou They were experienced
{ C z&d faithful men , bet their politics did
fll not salt Dickinson , Cleveland & Co. , and
BjH thej were dii har eL They did not. per-
H | | < haps , come down promptly with the
BBS ' 'campaign du t * *
BBB' ' *
BB | | It is a ndicul ii < priipoMtiou for con
ny gress to offer $100,000 for a recipe Tor
BH preTeaUBj ; yellow fever. The way tn
BH& prevent yeKow fever is to destroy the
B EI beds vhere it jrerujinates , viz : Filthy
streets awl aHeys , ces-s pools , and ill
ventilated h a > es. Wheir these sources
are forsLhed with heat and moisture.
aM the nation ' s wealth could not buy
BB | a recipe fr prevention.
B' EVEBT man who wurks on a farm is
Bj isterested in the protective tariff ! Sca-
Bj tistics of onqaotioned accuracy show
Bflf that since I SCO the wages of farm lahor-
Blj ers in the United States have increasfd
BhI nearly 19 per cent. , while the wa es of
1 farra laborers in Great Britain have in
HI creased only half tiiat percentage. This
Bl | | is a boat the difference between wages in
HJ a free trade country all around.
BJB So IT seetus there i > still another la
BM bar party and it is to hold it < national
BB coovenuoa some time in October , iiet-
H ter late than never. The labor parties
Bj aM put together would not be too large
BB for conveHience en election day. hut
BB it is so top heavy with statesmen that it
BB has to be broken up into three armies
BB so as to give an opportunity for the
H | great men to appear at the front.
Jj A FEW alleged attti monopoly sheets
BJI ia the state , under the leaden-hip of the
H Bee , and its vociferous tail , are tearing
Hf their nether garments in an abortive at-
Bjl tempt to defeat Laws and to deify one
HI Leese , a tool of a few shelved politi-
Bf dans , who are thus endeavoring to knife
Bj ; the party. Laws is to day a truer friend ;
Hi of the people than Leese , with his bom
BJ bastie egotism , is possible of becoming.
' Nevee ia the history of political
B parties have federal omVials and their a p-
B pointees been so importuned to contrib-
B. ute their money to the campaign as
Bj under this civil service reform admuiis-j
Bf tratinn. From die president down to
Bl the boy who runs the elevator , the de
Bl sand has gone forth give. Brer Brice
H | knows how to wreck railroads , and he
H | thinks he knows how to run a democrat-
i • lc campaign.
Ben Butler was a.-ked the other dav
5 if he would accept a republican uomiit t-
* doa for congress. With a merry twin
kle in his bias eye , the general replied.
i * * * I shall not marry you , my pretty maid ! '
5 Osobody a .ked you , sirshe said. Do
• yoo. see the ap | licatioii ? I will say ,
; however , that I have one additional
{ qualification for congress , and that is
! that I am growing hard of hearing.and
I I should cot wish t > listen to many of
the long speeches. ' "
Complaint comes from the head-
1 qaorters of the Nebraska republican
state central committee that campaign
| documents sent from Washington by
mail fail to show up , although many-
days have elaj sed since notice was re
ceived that the documents had been for
I warded. Similar complaints are heard
J from nuEieroits points east nnd west
r Cnu it be that the mail service of this
I ce o try is being conducted ou this crim- '
h inslty partisan plan ?
\ & Wednesday , made a campaign speech at \
% Detroit , in which he pictured Cleveland i
fl an the only honest man now before the \
jj * , aKOtry. It is easy to see why Mr. j
r eCUtf < si < l selected Mr. Dickinson for a i
L # cabi * fc4Wsition. Diekinson and Vilas J
R/ sjoe botli BQod campaigners and from I
e .ihoectwo state * here Cleveland expect-
E eita caase such * eighty political up [
[ P- hextal by Ms free trade message. The
l | _ pjeseat iaKipaign w s planned bf 3Ir. J
Ckrelsn dJMinyHiontJisag < , ljut.htslack ! c
k * * f | 4g eatas-cotispicuous as his lack h
rf ttetemmdiif. led hi * * mto 3 grievous fl
The real sens'ition of the day at the
late Crow Creek conference , came when
Bowed Head , an Indian , sprang mtc
the circle and delivered the followin
urgent appeal to the Indians : "I am on
a different path Irom some of the rest
of you. I am tiot one of the chiefs sit
ting there , but I am a member of the
tribe and I want t < make a lead foi
the children. I am not a bit afraid ol
you because yon are men. The only
man I am afraid of is the God in whom
I believe. While on this earth if there
is any salvation to save the souls , ! want
to save the young generations of this
tribe. If anybody is a friend of the
Great Father I thought you chief's wen
his friends ; now you chiefs have spoken
of our forefathers and their graves upon
the hill , and then I thought to myseli
like thiswhen our forefathers died what
had they accomplished for us , what did
they do for us ? t will tell you what marks
they left behind thenit An old camp fire
where even now the grass does not grow ,
and old buffalo bones that we can see
on the prairie : that is all that is left of
their uork. We can see the old stones
that they worshiped still piled up
Young men. do you wish your children
to go in this waYou chiefs , m\
brothers , my cousins , my relatives , 1
pray you have mercy on the young peo
ple who are beginning life and have on
property to start with. I do not sa\
these words because 1 seek to gam houoi
for mjself personally. I do not say
them because I expect my great Fathei
to remember me hereafter for it. Come
forward , you ehiefs.and set us an exam
ple. We are waiiinii for you because
you are chiefs , but if you do not come
forward , we will go forward re rardles- <
of you. Yi.u may not think it is good ,
but I know that it is good. I have fin
h > hed. * '
MlLT N Weston , the Chicago capital
ist whose case excited so touch interest
nearly three years agohas been released
from the Western penit * utiary on an or
der from the Pennsylvania board of par
dons. Weston , it will bo remembered ,
was sentenced to five years ' imprison
mettt on the charge of manslaughter ,
the act of killing having been done by
some man in his employ during a fight
betweeu the forces of * rival claimants
for some valuable nil lands. Thousands
of petitions were on file asking for
Weston ' s pardon.
A decision ha * jii ! t been rendered
in the supreme court of California to
the effect that ' • trust , " arrangements ,
whereby prices are fixed , are void a >
being in restraint of trade , and it ha
been decided by the supreme couit of
Tennessee thattrusts " whh-h are
known to partake of the natme of pait-
nerships and combinations between cor
poratiotis are not permissible under the
law. The people have begun to as rt
their rights and thetrusts " must go.
SA37.2ssir.r. . JA:33 SirSKtiJSTS. 2:3iTcr.
Land Owick at McCook. Nku. , I I I
AintuM29th.lSSS. f II I
Notice is herel > y civeti that the followiiijr-
ntimetl settler h s tiled notice of his intention
to make flual proof in sup | > rt of his claim ,
and that stiiit proof will he tnudu ticforu the
Iti-itUier or H > eiver ut McCook. Nul > . . on
Tue-day. Oct. 2ird. 1SSS viz : William Kins-
bur > upon H E.No. atHS ftirthnS Ji N W U
and W H S.W. * . Sec. 24. Town. 0. N. KHije& )
tt.CP.M. He mimes theroliowiiur witnesses
to prove hit-continuous residence upon , and
iMiliivution or. Pidd land , viz : Milan W. Quick.
William H. Aekerimtn. lohn A. Miller. W. B.
Ubittaker. all of Quick. Neh-
S.K HAHTftBejister.
L.V.SU OH'itKAT .MeCitoK Nku. i
-\usrU5t29ih.lS8S f
Notice i hereby ivpii that the following
fiimeil settler his tll il nonce .if litintention
tn niukennitl pront in support oriiiselidm.a'id
thiit s.dd prtMit will bennnle heforiIteuNternr
Keceiver or U Sl nut tltiiee at McCook. Neb .
on WednesdayOct 10th. I&SJ. viz : Nathaniel
A Frame. 11 E. No.5.63SroriheS.E.Ji Seetimi
3) Town 4. Kaiitfi 3J He num-stlietollowiiijr
witnesses to pn > ve his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of.aid land , viz :
fhiirlisS.Squires. John N. Smith. Andrew ! * .
Modie. ali of McCook. and Walter K. Forney
jf Culliertsoii. S. P. HAUT. Hejrister.
September loth.lSbS. f
Notice ss herebjiven that the follnwin-
inineil settler has ti'nl notice of his Intention
i make QiihI pre-em | > tion proof in support of
ii * claim , ami that said proofvll l > e made be
Tore Itejfisteror Ib'eeiver of IjindORieeitt
tc < 'ook.Neb..iin Satiinbu * . Oct 2 ) th. Is-S.vz :
lostah MiKire. D.S No 4 605. for the S W. H iT
* ec 11. Town. 4. N or ICanjre 29. W. 6h P. 'M.
le niiines the fnilowin witnes-i'Sto prove his
mntiiii'ous residence upon , and cultivation of
ti > I land , viz : TlmmiisPiiikertoii. AUxander
"nmpbell Nelson Chr > ser. ! Peter A. ISniwer.
ill or Box Elder. Neb.
10. S. P. HAUT. l.Tjrister.
LA > uOtrKtK at MrC oK Nku. .
S < 'ptember2.18SS. \ . f
Notice is hereby six en that tin * lolliiwinir-
amed settler ha filed notice r his intention
ii make final commutation proof in support
f bis ela in. and that S'id proof will l.e made
eforethe Iteirliter or lteeel\er at McCook.
; < • ! ) . on Tb.trsilay. November 8th. 18SS. viz :
dward F Duffey. II.E No SJ5JS Tor the NW.
USee S3. Town * * . N K-ni * 'e3l. ! W. He names
je followinir witnesses to prove his coutintt
us residence upon , and cultivation of. said
md. viz : Hubert T Allam. Janie * Cain. .1.
Ibrt Ilrewtr anil John W. Mei'asliu. all of
cCook. Neb. (16) ) S. P. HAUT. Hesrister.
Lind ofkicf : at McCohk. Neb. . I
September • * . > . 18sS f
Notice is herebv cixen that the followinjr-
atned settler has filed notice of bis intention
> muke filial h wiestend proof in suiiport of
if cluim. and that said proof will be made be-
> re Uejrister or Heceiverat MrCook. Ne > u on
nturday. Nov l"th I8H8. viz : I'oliimlius It
li.well. * * ho made II E W Tor the E \ \ S. E U
f Section in and W 4 S W J4 or Seeriou 11.
owii.3.N of B.itiie29 ) W. < if 6th P M. Ho
auies t he foKowiutr wit nesses to prove his con-
iuuoiis 1-cs'dence upon , and eitltlvntlon of.
lid land viz : EdirnrF Cou e. Gcorj- HoHins.
mitU fiordnn John A. Williamson , nil of Mc-
ook. Neb. IS. S. P. HAUT. Hetfistcr.
. L. Bkown , Defendant , )
vs |
B. llANMSO AVIl Clt UlLtS j
W. I.KWts. Uereudunts. j
The defendant. Charles W. Lewis , will tnko
ntlce that on the' 'I'll day of September. 1 > < SS.
. L Broivii. plaiiiiitl berelu. tiled his petition
i the district court of Bed WHlow eeiinti. '
rbmskii.a'ra'iift the above named ilerendants
ie dijec-t and pm > erot which nie to foreclose
certuin njortjRijre executed iiythodufeiulant ,
rman C Huiiiiintrniid Addie It Hitiiiilnir bis
ife.tolhe plulntitr.l- . Brownupon the fol- |
wjt-if dP"sciexl , real estate. • The north eiist
jurterrif section eleven , towte-bip four , ranee
-enty-slx la tae eouniy of Bed Willow and
ttt or Nel raska . i" U ) secure the payment of
L'bt promissory uot'cf..ciich dated OctoberSO.
bS. for the sum orseyen undie half dollars
ch.un d e respectively im thy flrst day of
linl. 1S37 18 * * . IfeW. ISftluml Octol-l-rrf. I S7.
i& . 189U ; that tlicro is now doe rnmj the dc -
ndants.l.MnniiC Hitnuliivitiid AddieB HanI
inr lotliepbuiitlff F L Brown , on said notes ,
d morttfiwe thesittn of $3JGO wih iutureit L
111 i > erent. . on $ T 5 • thereof from April 1 . C
* 7. and on $750 thereof from October 1 < , z
u. and on $7.60 thereof from April 1st. 18H.
r which sum w | h Inten-st plaintiff prays
r a decree that the defendants be required
pay the same or that said premises mar be /
Id to satisfy the amount found due and that *
ch mid all of paid defendants may be foro-
> sed and lutrred < if ull equity of redemption
olherlnterest In said mortaiitred premises.
hi mto required to nnsucr8ild ! petition oil or
fore 'tbe Uiday of November. 1SS3.
7 F. U BUOWN. Plaintiff ,
his attorney. W. S. Moitr.AN. G
) ited-S * pteiB6crMta , . lS8SL * " } S. JT
, : _ il
* * * ,
. , . *
| : _ _ v. • >
- - OFc4 - ,
Sliould Tbe ibolislily spent , we all admit , Ibut where can
one get the largest returns for his capital , and where *
will a dollar go the farthest ! It is not enough to have
money ; you must use judgment in spending it. Look
out for your own interest , and go where you can get the
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O * O II o o o o o
Men's and Ladies' FURNISHING Goods ,
Are now comingin. . We will , as usual , show you the
only COMPLETE STOCK in Western Nebraska. We
always guarantee our prices to he the very lowest. We
invite all to come and inspect our new stock.
o o o ll O T > O O O O O O O P O O O 0 ( I 1) ( ) Q O Q O Q
JUi aJxJ XfJLijLl.1 U\/Xi
H . Oj \ _ / a
DRESS MAKING. McCook , Nebraska ,
_ _ _ _
Grond Opening , Saturday !
Mrs. S. A. Fresco ! ! ,
who lias recently purchased Mrs.
J. 1 $ . McCabe's slock of milli
nerHoods , has just ictiiimd
front Denver , nod i > now ivtnly
to display to th j ladies ot Mc
Cook and vicinity , a handsome
assoi Uncut of
of the latest styles. She also
catties a nice line of
General Millinery , Ribbons , Etc. ,
to which she calls attention.
Stamping & Embroidering
Give her a call at the old stand.
Grand Opening , Saturday !
* * " " I
We are ajrents For the following reliable
companies Note date of organi
zation and splendid assets :
fEtna of Hartford. Conn. . 1819 S0.50S.840
Insurance Co. of N. A. . Philtt. , 1704 , 8.474.352
I'lienlx of Brooklyn , 18513 5o07.25 (
"oiinectii'iit or Ilartfonl. 1850 2.180.742
'oiitinental or New York. 1852 fi.230.981
Pernio Ivania Fire of Phila. , 1825. . . 2,710,885
Lancshire of Manchester , Eiifj. , 1S52 , 1,493,187
m. a. umm ,
Contractor and Builder ,
J T A specialty of flno residences , school i
fnsc8 , cl'ujrehcs. . etc. All work done with
Ispatch and satlsfinn irhnnintcod. Shopn , i
' ' " '
irner Uodgo and Mntjclippler • 'rer . ' * * * • ;
Contractor ® Builder ,
3tcC00K. NEBRASKA. }
o .
E * Esllmaleson liuildlnjre carefully nndo. '
Ive men call Shop on Marshall St. , north of
le Frees & Hocki'ol ! lumber yard. 7--m.
\ _
J. A. YaaSJioik ,
Repairs and Supplies.
Office , in MoMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska.
who are not goir.g to offer you their unseasonable goods
at less than cost for the next 60 days to make room for
their fall stock ; because our prices are ahays so low that
we always dispose of almost our entire stock of seasonable
goods during their season , and have plenty of room for
what we have left , and we are able to keep them until
next season , and will not annoy you trying to sell you
something you do not want. But we call your attention
to the fact that we now have one of the best assortments
of superior
that can be found in S. W. Nebraska , and at prices to suit
the times ; and respectfully invite your inspection. We
will be pleased to show you our goods and prices that you
may compare them with others , even if you do not want
to purchase. But we give you fair warning , if we do sell
you anything , you may rest assured we will make some
thing off of you. We will make no statements but facts ,
and guarantee everything as we represent. In the near
future we shall list a few special bargains. Eesp'y ,
: ' \ . . , ; • " <
* •
L r * i - - -
4 J * * *
; i
-1 I
% r
. _ _ . .
. _ - , , ' 5. ( |
Clothing- , 1,1 I
rsr Fall Stock now Ready. A
We have inaugurated the Fall J ;
" "jil
> i Season , and invite you all to in- i\ \
( U aspect the LATEST and FINEST . jj
Collection of goods ever show in ' • !
* n any one Establishment in S. W. -i
IP Nebraska. Everything new and ! J
Ly desirable in Dress , Business , and * 'J '
Working Suits , latest in fall and | j
QJ winter . Overcoats , to fit and suit • 1
* mwirMiin.wjirT-lp CT-MM wiM TnmrMt r
n everybody. All the novelties in , j
? lH . ty nderwear , Neckwear , • I
0 S lJ y-JSiEZ ? - . . 51 * - Caps , - • j |
comprising in all , an assortment , il
found in no other store , except- ! l
M ing the larger cities. Every ar- > |
fl } tide marked in Plain Figures , , " 41
t a " " - 1T | 1 m 11 imii 1 1 11 ia 1 ii W | n 1 iiiim | „ | | miMMM M ) a |
Bpj end is . guaranteed to . . be in every fil H
I I " * • > • • > " " * • - - " - - -1- |
Lj way as represented. Ladies are Um
JJ especially invited to examine ' !
( BJ our ' Children's . . . . , _ and . . , . , Boys' Suits , 'I H
" " " ' • -
Vd * * * * ' * * * - - rn - - - | | | i rrmf m IMII-MMIMI lllll 1
Overcoats , Hats and Caps , Etc. ,1
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. jll
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 14. 1888. J
- * * * * * - iiiiii'-BMiiiimMMLiMi j |
lggigabBgagjLjf iirf BOcatj-
Has a rousing speech for Cash Buyers and ( Bar = 'I '
gain Seekers. August is the usual wind-up ifl
month on Summer Goods , and to make it inter = I fl
esting to all concerned , I will offer the > fl
' I
'fl '
On all Summer Goods that has ever been known I . M
to the ( Public in this western country. Look at O fl
it for a minute. You will think I have gone i'l
crazy3 when I offer ilj l
Ladies' good kid toe slipper , GO cents. I M
A better one , for S5 cents. < V j H
And a. bouncer for $1 00. * ik _ |
Ladies ' Newport tie , solid , S5 cents. 8i H
Ladies' Newport button , solid , $1.00. f'lflfl '
A good kid shoo , solid , $1.75. j H
A still better one , for $2.00 " > fl
To make it interesting for men as well as ladies , I will sell a ' f j |
Jood calf tap sole boot , for $2.00. ' M
A better one for $2.50. i |
A jrood j'rain boot , solid , for $2.50. _ H
A jroodrrain plow shoe , solid , $1.20 fl
* * g- v g - * * * * -sa- * " " " -L < fl
* * * * * * * |
The above are only a few of the many bargains. } \ \ : ' fl
( Do not MISS THIS CHJjVCE. Come early. $ 19
/ must make room for the immense stock of ft ' H
• i Jafll
Winter Goods purchased. t iii |
. '
' fl
* * . * * * * * * * * * . * " • " * * * M a al
J. F. GrAISCHOW , • ifl
The Old Keliable. * | H
pposite U.S. Land Office , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Jj * i ! |