The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 28, 1888, Image 12

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    I *
f RfiWt * iTufpirmnrkiiCwIJiciru
I * hi \ e atoelunPuilh best and choie
| | . uat solp < * hojii of fresh , and eurci
f uKMits. : iuut . i > outry ! , saiisngc , hird
* iwllexr. 4 tc. Tiiey nre nlso i xten
rfve juu-Ws. and the anlfc ujk
smoked iu < mts kept in su ck nro o :
t ! * tr oh 11 prepjtmtfom and war
mtttttl puw \vlmItsouu . Thei
dt < { iiit * an \t < * uHivo wholosttfc
lm-ino * * . fwtmc tent in im-ipas-
it in i in port an ce from day to day
In tin * future
they i-xjwci to • nr
dut * * * tttitti * * Miid hogs for shipment
a frt that will I * hailed mhIi sat
wrfnetioit l v tlu * fai uiwrs of Ihr hm .
rotulii country , as it will afion
vnHMp tiiioM that will le-utl to make
• • . . Ur Hw
! * * < - * wtoek nioiv * • lmhc-
tucy tiMMt itt ih < * patjt TinI I * . &
M. Jlttrkicl ir pupuhir fft titiv.ill
Um > Aid * * k public and tlu fwili.
tifor business
• cluing aiv mA oik
* lttt NtfWiur to tho l > i > • * ' ni
i e * * r lies if iMpti jwIibt ; .
' ! " • • - VMbiMMpeR i iuamicIS \ w li
r < - * * i i'e < f % * ljUli , . .
< ' (1 1 'utter A : Cu. This h * h. • m-
mi ui * l ln iM a3 Iiore. 4 JI'lui
a * . tk * i cr0iBE rt > A. J. Tltwitipson ,
W Mr. Po r. t" * i iMi iT of tlu
- • l4 ! * shu * M t h * Ih ? I1 H l. ul lll
of thi4ncr \ - utt tW * pct > 4
ami k wrfl low * * * * iu t i. . ; , . . . , , * , . ( ) j
tottw and comitry. JiotJ * a wholt *
> d * nd retail business is transact
* A ami en rythin * ? in tin * line o
\ lit jmdijixlwwu iloiu * . corn meal
ohirse * imIwmm 1 ftn tL vegetables
> g ; H. fruit etc. . are haudled. Tin
c 4iiblibhiiumt handleti S cmload :
f Hoar alone during the month o
4uh. They handle about iifteei
• liilereiit brand * of ilour. always
aiminir to * * fit the best , and amoni
which are the. products of the Al
urn Columbus. Cambridge and dn
O.uaha mills. The products of tin
Omahx milling company is fron
Dakota hard wheat , from x.hicli tin
kj t Hour in the world is pnnluced
The alx > ve firm also handle jrain
1'ial will exchange Hour for tho pro
ducts t > f tlie firm whenever desired
This enterprise has become one o
1L ' imiM > rt intfotuiestf MeC'ook * :
business interests , and the e > tab
ILihuieiit Avas never more popula
tuider the present management
dealers in Hour , feed and farm ma
I chinery , are deserving of more thai
I p' notice in this connection
I This enterprise was originally es
I tablLdiod by Mr. Leland. the pros
I * nt linn having been organized ii
I April. l ST. Since that time , tin
I business has been considerably en
I 1 trged and is in reality one of tin
I iniK ] rtant elements in McCook' j
I bosiness circles. In the Hour ain
feed department , the stock curiei
! • > unusujilly largo , the sales aggre
I rting an average of nearly thre <
I cur-loads a month. The stock em
I brae 'S various grades of wheat auc
I raliim Hjiii . corn meal , coarst
I j nd ground feed , grain and vegeta
bl.They have also done quite
I ; n extensive business as grain buy
I rs. They make a specialty of tin
I products of the Arsipalioe mills
I which enjoy a most enviable repu
B tition tliroughout western Xebras
I r.u Iiifarmiuidements [ , they car
I ry i'ito < * k nearly everything re
I < juired , for the prosecution of farm
I ing pursuits , the Ohls farm anc
spring wagons. Eockford Plov
I c m [ mies " goods suid the E torle }
I bbideiN and mowers being anion * ;
I tltf1 leading articles of stock
Mp k Leland Sc 3Iorrow delivei
I free of charge everything purchas
I e l at their establishment , and m
I tii-n * are honorable , fair dealing
I lucii. Tun Tkibuxh takes pleasure
I In mmending tlie establishmen'
I t > the public.
B I'nder this head we are ple.isec
to refer to tlie establishment ol
B G * iPaxton. . The manufacture oi
B ciars , is a comparatively new in-
B da-stry in the western country , bui
B tli re is no reason why the busi-
B ue s should not pay here as well
B \ . elwhere , and the success oi
B k'u t > stfd > lishment in questiou fur-
B iil-iit • > ample evidence to. warrani
B the assertion that it will pay . 31r.
B Paxton commenced here less tiuiu
B one year ago "with one man , he now
B employs four cigar makers , and
B * urns out from fifteen to twenty
B thousand cigars monthly. The pro-
B ducts oi the establishment , consist-
B ing of botli five and ten cent goods.
B t wjoy i reputation m the home niar-
B ket second to no other , and Mr.
B Paxton bi already doing quite an
I cxtensh e jobbing trade , furnishing
B many of the dealers in the towns
B of this and adjoining counties. His
B > jx cialtie * . at the pre-ent time are :
BKo v Vpst Extras. " * ten cent goods ,
B and * "Palmetto"Spanish Stand-
B nnV" andPaxton's Leader. " five
I cent goods , all of which enjoy an
B unusual jwpularity with smokers.
B Mr. Paxton deals in chewing mid
B smoking tobacco of all kiutls , pipes.
B ci ar holders , pouches , etc , and
B eTCrTtliino- fact that belongs to
I the trado. ° In tho manufacturing
department , he nses none but the
2 ' gggggjX
• - - • •
: mm a. . . mi L i jl
. . . . _ .
liw yijiiH iW Win i illl - f * * > a'1' 9 * * " W0 Wvm "
"best"of inaterml , and he can otfei
to dealers of southwestern Nebras
ku opportunities worthy of consid-
i eration.
manufacturers of , and dealers in , ci
gars and tobaccoare tho next claim
ants of our attention. This firn
who came formerly from Quincv. .
111. , opened business in this city
in November last , and notv.ith-
standing the comparatively shon
time in business , they have estab
lished a trade that might well bt
envied bv manv older and num
pretentious concerns. The speein
feature of tho establishment is tin
manufacture of cigars , and then
"La Flor do Nebraska. " "Litth
Pansy. " "Princosa , " La Patrona , '
ami • 'Emblem " brands , eomprisim.
1 both fivo and ten cent goods , have
not only become widely known , bu
are exceedingly popular with tin
loveisof the weed. They have i
large local jobbing trade , which is
rapidly extending to the neighbor
ing towns and counties. The propri
otors aro l > oth oxpeiienced am
practical cigar makers , besitlesi
I whom two hands are constantly
employed in the work of manufact
uring. They : dso carry a gooi
stuck of chewing ami smoking to-
baccoH. jiipes. cigar holdeis. pi uch-
es. I'tc. and even thing in fact us
ually found with first-class tobac
conists. En tho manufacture oi
cigais. they pride lheni el\es upoi
the [ iiirity and excellence ol * then
g < Mds. anil dealers of sonthwesteri'
Nebraska will consult their own in
terests bv giving this house then
[ jatronage.
of the machinery business are next
ion tho list , and worthy ot mow
than a passing notice in this con
uoction. This firm was organizei
, in April of the present year , bul
large business transactions during
the few months has demon
strated a peculiar aduptihility tc
• the biLsiness reiu-esentod. The
above gentlemen are both farmers
both [ > ractical men. and know the
needs and requirements of tho pub
lie. and in the selection of goods
have always aimed to handle non-
but the best and most popular.
! As evidence of tho above fact , wc
1 will name a few of the loading ar
ticles of i-tock. such as the Buck
eye and Walter A. AVood lii.rveslon
and . tho YanBrani ami
Milburn wagous , and a full linooi
1 [ ) lows. cultivatoi"s. buggies , etc. .
' from equally well know n makers.
The stock embraces everything re-
. ( [ uired for tho [ U'osecntio u of farm
ing pursuits , extras , repairs , etc
This firm have their ofiic"1 m the
hardware store of Coleman l ros. .
where thoy will bo pleased to sec
all who contemplate the purchase oi
anv article of machinery.
nder this head , wo de iro tr
speak of the well stocked and fine-
' b' app iat d establishment of L.
Bernheimer. This house estab
lished about three vears ago. al
once assumed , and has over main
tained , a foremost place in business
matters. Mr. Bernheimor. who is
an experienced and artistic tailoi
and cutter of io years " standing ,
came here from St. 'loo. Missouri ,
and has been identified with the
business in metropolitan cities ,
nearly all his life , and is possessed
of a knowledge of tho business that
it is impossible to acquire except
by contact with those who cater to
the fashionable elements of the
trade. Mr. B. carries a large
line of piece goods , embracing the
latest styles of all the best grades
! of imported and domestic fabrics.
He employs none but men tailors ,
his business requiring the services
of from six to eight hands. Mr.
Bernheimer not only does the lead
ing local business , but his patrons
are also numbered among the best
people of neighboring towns , and
his trade is constantly increasing.
He makes a specialty of artistic
tailoring , and is always up in the
latest fashions , and his facilities
are not a whit inferior to the best
similar concerns of tho large cities ,
while his prices are considerably
manufacturer of and dealer in sad
dles , harness , whips , robes , blan
kets , trunks , valises , etc. , has been
located in the city about one year.
He carries about a § 2.000 stock ,
and one of the best and most com
plete ' of its class in southwestern
Nebraska. Mr. Morgan is a prac
tical man of17 years' experience in
tlie business , and to use his own
expression , he has worked from
Ocean to Ocean and was never yot
discharged by employer. Mr. Mor
gan carries a stock complete to the
smallest detail , made up largely
of goods of his own manufacture ,
and ho is prepared to supply tho
wants of patrons in a manner equal
to the best similar concerns of tho
largest cities in the country.
saddler , and harness maker , com-
i menced business in McCook aboul
a year and a half ago. but to-day
his establishment stands well to the
front in all mattors pertaining tc
business. In the fiist place , Mr.
Penner , has had 14 years' experi
ence in the business , is a skilful
mechanic , and knows what is re
quited in such an enterprise1 . His
stock , which is unusually largo ,
consists of a superior line of sad
dles , light and heavy harnes-s.
whips , nels. robes , dusters , j'nel
even thing in fact that belongs t <
a first-class establishment. His-
hr.rnesssleek is all of his own
make ami warranted , while his sad
dle and whip stock is of the best
made in this country. Believing
that good goods are tho ehenpest ,
he has built npntradoupoiias-oliel
basis , and tho purchasing public
havo already learned tlie fact thai
anything coming from his estab
lishment can be depended upon a *
being just ; s represented. 'Mr ,
Ponnc-r has built up an establish
ment that is a credit to tho town ,
and one deserving of increase *
is tho loading representative of tin
millinei'A business of McCook , am "
her establishment is Avorthy ol
moio thru [ a. 'siog notice in this
connection. Airs. Pro coft com
menced business in this city in
Aiarch. INST , but she has had
manv experience in thebrsi-
* *
ness , and is thoroughly familial
Avith its cveiy feature. She car
ries a stock embracing all the 'lat
est novelties and most desirable
styles in millinery , and so far al
least as the shlo and character oi
goods are concerned , her establish-
mont can 't compete Avith the best
concerns of tho largest cities. A
dross making department is also a
feature of importance , and horo as
elsewhere , the facilities aro first-
das. ; . This establishment is co.a-
A'oniently located on Alain street ,
and oiiors every advantage to the
purchas r of millinery goods that
can he found in the metropolitan
cities of the country.
Mas. : .i. i : . BVRCER
is an anclivo representative of the
millinery trade of McCook. a posi
tion gained in a comparatiA'oly
short time , but honorably acquired.
Airs. Barger commenced business
in this city a little loss than o.u
year a ; o. coming ! o this state from
Vinton. lwa. . where for many
years she had been engaged in tlie
above business. This e. iablish-
ment is located just Avest of the AIc-
Entee House , occupying a hand
some salesroom in a substantial
brick block and of goodly propor
tions. The stock carried consists
of fine millinery , notions and la
dies , furnishing goods of every de
scription , and during the trade sea
son , presents facilities fully equal
to the similar concerns of metropol
itan cities. Dross making is also
a feature of importance , and the
facilities first-class. Paper pat
terns , trimmings , etc. , makes this
department a complete outfitting
emporium. Airs. Barger has done
a neat satisfactory business durin <
her career in this city , and will
show her appreciation of past fa-
av is by a largely increased stock
during the coming autumn , and a
general improvement of her facili
ties. She has been engaged in the
business for the past 27 years , and
is thoroughly competent to conduct
a business of the aboA-e character.
It is the aim of Airs. Barger to
present to the ladies of AlcCook
and vicinity all the latest and most
desirable goods in her line , and at
prices in every Avay reasonable.
are leading representatives of the
carriage making and blacksmithing
industry of McCook. and Avorthy of
more than a passing notice in this
connection. The above firm com
menced business about tAVo years
ago. and they have enjoyed a stead
ily increasing patronage from the
start , until they really bland at the
head as rogirds their line of busi
ness in this city. The functions
of tho establishment embrace
Avagon and carriage work of every
description , shoeing , plow and ma
chine Avork. and everything in fact
that pertains to a first-class , black
smith and jobbing shop. They are
possessed of excellent facilities ,
cany a good stock of iron and wood
material , are men of experience ,
skillful Avorkmen , and jealous of a
reputation that has been acquired
by fair and honorable methods ,
and Avhich it is their purpose to
maintain in future dealings Avith
the public. Their facilities for do
ing business are equal to any sim
ilar concern in this section of the
country , whether- be the con
struction of lieAv work , or repairing ,
of any character.
A. Probst , proprietor , is one of the
popular features of McCook's busi-
* *
t *
ness interests , ' and as far ns the
character : and extent of business
transactions are concerned , the es
tablishmentwould be a credit to n
much larger city. This enterprise
Avas inaugurated nearly fivo years
ago under tho stylo of Probst Bros. ,
Avhich continued up till about r
year ago , since Avhich time , Air.
Probst has been alone. The es
tablishment is not only the pioneei
of its class in this place , but it has
ahvays maintained a foremost [ dace
in business matters. Mr. Probst
not only has a A'ery large local
trade , but also supplies several oi
the toAvns along tho line , as Avell m.
the railroad boarding cars. The
establishment is tho embodiment
of all that is desirable in a bakery
enterprise. Mr. Probst is a prac
tical baker of l ( years " experience ,
and in Avestern parlance a rustler.
He is the owner of a handsome de
livery Avagon and team , and carries
free everything purchased at his
establishment. In connection with
the bakery business , a restaurant
or lunch department is also main
tained , and a gocd st < ck of canned
goods , fruits. confecliOnerA' . cigars-
and tobacco carried. Mr. Probst
is an honorable , fair dealing man ,
a wide-awake , public spirited busi
ness man , and he has built up ai
enterprise hero that would bo . •
credit to a much larger city.
are the proprietors of one of the
most pojHilar lunch counters anc "
restaurant establishments of the
city and an indispensible feature oi
business interests. This firm on-
gaged in the above business about
two years ago , and Uioa" haA-e built
a trade that might Avell be eimoel
bv manv older and more proton-
* 1
tdous concerns. They are prepared
to furnish lunches of every descrip
tion , tea and coffee , and oysters in
season. extensively in
fruits and vegetables , cigars , tobac
co" and confectionery. They are
conveniently located and the es
tablishment has long been known
as one of the most popular resorts
in the city.
of the real estate , loan and insur
ance-business has bid recently lo
cated hero , coming from Pi 11 mor.i
county , this state. Mr. By an has
beeii a resident of Nebraska for
many years , and is thoroughly ac
quainted Avith the country and its
resources. He is the owner of a
huge amount oi" land and is an ox-
tensive farmer and stock grower.
He is tho owner of a solendid farm
of an entire section in this county ,
and in real estate matters buy s and
sells outright. Ho is tho re nre-
sentativo of reliable loan and in-
Aestmont companies , andposs. sed
of the most excellent facilitis for
negotiating farm or mortgage
loans. He represents seA"er d insur
ance companies and is prepared to
Avrite insurance of all kinds , at rea
sonable rates. HaA'ing been ten
years a resident of Nebraska , much
of tho time identified with farming
pursuits , he is a most competent
man to conduct a business of the
above character. He is an honor
able , reliable man. and Avill be
pleased to confer Avith all Avho may
m any ivav be interested in either
department of the business repre
Yon uill find n < = jiU > inli ] lino
of Cioih , ( " n-s-imcri's. Yor -
< ti'b. Loudon Suitiii" ' , mid
TrcMiM'riiiji * mid a complete
fi soitiiiont of Spvinjr and Knll
Overcoiiliiijis. A ! o Esqui
mau Beavers in all shades at
Fine Custom Tailor SIiop
opposite the new postoliice
Good fits uuaiin teed. Tliir
tfive 3ems ' expeiienec in
New York City.
irn i iii t rrmin in i i i in i urn i in i i i i n nM
" ' "
. \GK.\T TOR -
The Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Tlie Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
A full line of Fire and Liglitninjr Ins.
Money tc Loan on Ileal l'-tate ] Secuiiiv.
R. H. COLE ,
"Tlie Leading"
HHercJiani Tailor
First-Class Tailoring' .
Tlavinj ; a Imgc stock of Fine Suiting ? '
itxl Trous-erings , I will furnish them i
ilitap for the next CO days. j
- - - \ - '
.1. ItritON JKNMNflrt. .101111 WU.V.\
Will practice In tho State and Uuitoil State
CourtH. ami lieforo thn V. S. Land Olllcen.
Careful attention ivon o Collections. Olllcc
overCitlzous Hunk , McCook. Neb.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW ,
Real K tate noiiKlitand Sold and Collection-
Made. Money limned on mill estate and Una'
proof. Airont Lincoln Land Co. Ollice. o\ei
Farmois , "c " Meiclnints Hunk.
ii. M. SNAVKLY .
Will practice In all the State and fnit- '
States Courts. A No. huloictlio Laml Olliceit.
McCook and the depaitmoiit nt Wa-Hiu toti
jllfo ll w " " OOLK.
Mccook nfjikaska
Will practice in all theiurts. . Coiatneu- i !
and oorporitlioii law a specialty.
itooius t anil . " i , First Nnf 1 Hank Miiildliiir
a. j. mrinsiiousK , w. m" > • '
McCook. IndiaiKd.i
Kitten house c Starr.
Attorneys t at t Law.
1)1 HCl.S Al'
T. M. III.I.M , C. W. IV\ ! . - .
Lato U. S. L : = d Lats : f Gss. Lisi 02c.
Ofico , Hrwia. Ear. V7ihi:2z : . 2. :
Attorneys. Land P Loan Anrs. .
' Mllook \r.mA iv\ .
II you li.ivoa diSIicult conleM . • i.-o to i > m-o-
cine or de'end : in < l want to win oi > ii-nlt • : -
OiIilc. ninth ot U.S. Laud 1'ioni ii
nu'iil ot the Citi/eiis Hank.
Reai Estate and Loan • Broker ,
Special uttcntioii jriven to the * ali ot"nt >
piopoity Jou ! c rented and coleetio ! : s
made. Oiliee : l. 'ear olCilienU.inU
T. U. STITZ.MAN , D. .
Iiclcctic Physician anil Snrui'on.
Mccook \miwa-ia :
Jiy"Ollice in McXeolj Uuiidiny. Main M
I ? . " 15. DAVIS. ; . ! . 1) ) . .
"Ollioe at Chcnery ' s drnjr > tor.- .
L. -I'lrKIv MIKC , M I ) .
Special Attc:5jr. Civ : : : : resale 2ieis
Ollice honis. fiom ! • to 11 A. M . and 2 to I I'
M. . mountain time. Ollice : Over i' .iiiiiei-.V
Mcicliaiil * > li.iuK.
- -
mu.okk. - - mii\ : : -iia
r " ( illice : HoomXo I. Vivn Xatioinil
HiiildinUcsidence , on Mai shall M i eet
Ariiiiinbtcr * ( ' .ib if dc-ucd. pST'Olhco o\ .
Scntt's lineU.
Will do all KimKot Surveying. Or.uliii'r and
Cuil TJiiKincciinjr. Hesidcnccnoitli ol school
llOI ! C
Gko. I' . .Johnston. I'kop. .
Mccook. viiuaska. :
Thib house has been completely lenovated
and icriiiniched thioii hout. and is tiiM-das.s
in evcr.ic . peet. Uutos rea-onalile.
Caiciminin . nrainintr. Paper Ihins-in . otc
with neatness and disiiatch
.JOHN" ( J. W. F. l'LHKMIXG.
House and Carriage Painting ,
r.i : vtxt.vo. eu.rmiviNo : , m vicumng.
I.eaxeal' ' orders tlie drugstore ol Ic ! i
Ien ic WeeUs. First class work
Blacksmithing and Woodwork .
Iloiisi : Siioinxc A Si'
Itepahs Wasonami I' .rpaks in a Work
manlike .Manner.
All Woik Wairanted. McCook , Xelmisl.a
SHOP South or Hadier Lnniher i'aid. i
Steam and Hot Water Heatino- ,
Xonh Main Ave. . McCooK. N'eh. .
E2 ? " Al work recfi\i" . tnompt .itienlion
t. e. Mccracken ,
Fhe Insurance Ag't '
Writes Indemnity against Fire. Light- *
ling , Tornado and Hail Storm. \
Low Priced Leaders , : i I
lh\s tieen the result of their.Special 1
Kale. They have decided lo continue 1
( > ( ! | J 1
III 11 ( j UldbLliillltJl 1
During 11hv month : ; oi' .luly and Au $ > * . 1
fllltS lliyyMJJJJJULLAiio J
Worth of KmiumT ( ioods must he I
sold before slnrtlis * ih < x Fall and i
Winter Season. I
. . .
- + t * T + > - + > r * * • + * ! T-r * + T * - +
PmOl HlLOL OniiunSllOB j
Ladies'kid button XewjKH'ls , only A AH ) " 1
Ladies' &iove t rain b Jton Xewports , .05 j
Ladies'Avii-warn slipeE's , tap sole , - .S5 - |
Ladies' kid opera slippers , from ( > < > e to 2.M > I
Men's canvas base ball shoes , - - .S5 1
Men's soli < i hull * railroad slioes , - 2.50 I
Men's solid kip plow slioes , - - 1.00 1
Men's solid oil &arain plow shoes , - S.10
Men's one buckle browans , - - - 1.15 i
- + w + + + + -f -t- + + + + + + -f + - tH - + + -l- + + * - * + + + + + + + + + +
. . . . . . . . . . .
' . " 3"'I. il. } .J.v.-S. .i" J IJ * - - * ' L • * (
.a ito iiiiwii in ; i a wi aiii\s" * i Sssii 'ws ' " Jt i
shoes wi X of SLisliEs&'s. ? vi < -rv bar- j
3ains next week. <
* & Kz -T ? -X- V " " " 5fT -4 ? % ijk
Great Guns !
As tlie shooting season is now at hand , we desire
to call the attention of sportsmen to the tact that • ;
we have .just opened up the largest and most com
plete line of
Ever Bronchi to this Conniy. - .
_ , „ >
* '
* ee c- c- s - - - -Z- s- - -z -h ,
ii i
' '
i ,
* i
Double Barrel Jjreeoh Loaders , from - - $12.00 to S$5.0Q : $ • :
Single " " " : * 4.50 to 15. < * 0
Double Barrel iVEiizzlo " * ' - 7.00 to 15.00 ; >
Single " ' * " " " - - : j.50to 25.00 !
_ -
Our stock of ( Jim Implements. Brass and Paper \
Shells is complete , and in addition , we carrv an
immense stuck of Chamberlain Loaded Shotgun * \
Shells , upon which we can make special figures. \ y
AVhen needing anything in this or the Hardware \
line , trv the * !
. . - - . , , . . . _ . _ , ! . , . , , > . . . _ - _ . . 1
Hie Pioneer Hardware , ' !
trick Stoic , 4 door. , south „ r J. U. Allen & C' < > . 3IcC0UIXKBRA5KA. . % 9