The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 07, 1888, Image 4

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I9 | _ _ H 'U ' - i.J" B - B a - i | ii - | M. miiw
| 'M ' * > * Pwm&bC
IKf B2 XAiIlX KHKfcOfl > ,
If ioe Tiw Prra&ieaC
If off 5-ar rot-k.
I '
I . ' _ _ -
I - . For Go * j WJdr.
I ' F ag EJewtgnant gotereor.
F rs retary u State. .
ClLB iCr L. LA.V3.
For State Treaaunr.
Far A * o t y < 5-n < ? nU.
W .f.rq LgESE.
Fer Star A-u < Mu > r.
| Fce > iScpesfef ? t C PufaJte btetruutton.
Iff > IS. t JCE.
I Hi Cnssuft&tser PufoWc L uhi and ButdinS-
I § F cS sa scJStA S-matenuU D _ rert.
| V § j. p. ueasr.
V Fwr Kepr Ba fc.
josaasx a. vriusox.
IS k.uTs3jL.\iL.r.
M C X f..MJK3t3 ; .
II Iir l&hss Kke a &ei < i & * ntk against
9 2 * salfcr * * K Brti. So mote it W.
IS Tks 15ms JUWr party , Tuesday ,
X j4ace < 2 J2s-42c. ; Batler in nomination
I j fr ? re bee Let 5 xe. Butler , Bat
I ler. 0s. yes. fiktc ' * the feUov una was
l | ; istse&e&d , * sa 't it ?
I * . _ _ _ .
Tejc Yacs&eet eJeootwa * kiah eocurred
I Taesebx. rtaskedia tit erenchelminj ;
l & & • tfe # essscnej , bf 3. majority
I f 38 > , * 9 , r & u y l QOO mere thaa
Blcis * * asajwaty is 1SS4.
I AsmcKT Wlas reaarecoBtSan-
- iij , * e rris : k6-arife a4 daasntars
I ; e t&cir way t * efeanrfe. tack wearing a
H ; sv & & , * -Te tfeey o , with
IB 5 * e * c * ? slsac waa-tiag i-p ial
k K3 aJr aftMig tke pa age f a law
b Q9g > | cll&irig EiiJiay refrC&acajU eeper to
III ixtc rknir z fJefies a d &xa iwick s.
BJj Tkx * oAi fie2l gietr&bact party wtS
j fe4i its s Tea MB is CiaeMmofit hc tke
B | j a rrtrrnW i , skete vitt W wee pre > i-
I < Sfmtg > l fisckvts Ht db # efcL Sorely tm
B [ xeOtr ca * tut thisj ar t * hi ! a. party
B : i a 2 ticket t & s tate.
= = = = =
Bl TejC aun hi&z party f Xw roska.
Bl i * &t3rf.e e e Tea& ft Taesday , ref ejted to
Bi wa > e AtWflu * ir * & sai Leese 1-
B [ | sk < sdk x sfteesg a tea yt was siotle ia
B | tktt J5trecg > . Tbr * wo a. sCtobj : ep-
H | f 9ts e g &be fit poitia t fue wick
B | 22T psutj # * say a AJateJ uraaL
B | Wxstezs • Anta.iirnoir a # i abusive
B | jiil C3J > > a * s-kttii g a& 8 ym a <
B' letter wicee vdl 4. * tf sev | H > > tal
B ; kTbbMslw Cwa Ki e'ka&jie&t x-
B c4 gS c j ttdkw W > k # ffixfcat tram <
B $ i * ? fc f . This ve fkt fc ketffc I
B the y5fii s2S Jfe-K • e M-vortSyj
B vsne s v& aat ait ate p fie aad sesd
H pMb c 2 * * x < > &y a wyB.g5 ietten > . '
B , 35CCH f U 9r aai fcte-ter at bob- .
B' fiocafcg x ia ax-ccnyBKgkr ykkotker ,
B't * > , Ve e&awiBiiti'd & • m IerB peH. '
B dgs xks ; - & rtoaka. St sk asd ,
B % oe 4e spMMvaee kae Awe a. * * d t
dtgs e aa < jtAo e a. * We * e es e ; aau !
f r ti * • anr tior # f afgww , # f eoerse , j
tie te f4e ace sw f sccble. Tke reme- >
B < 5y rrsstias - * k sk * aime. j
I Xj LrrE3LA5 esaid , iat"pek- |
B" Be # 5ee is x geihf er > cr Bet tket j
B vx5 x. dte & f f ekat aad mme-
B oesce. X r fee nigpiiw : sk * d m ra- '
B tsr 2 2zass sfeutFaJ Ke • See jg a eam-
B F * % & tr&5 r " " ad vteks at tketpera-
B sissi5 2i&arseH ; ftkttkepeBsiaabareaa
B * Lere a Iai ? fierce e " clerk > are prepar-
B is do52se s & be etceefoted as dem-
B qczzc ex = pai Itfeisxtece.
B Pjl ou. kas p faiaiwa # f six kua-
B ersd Bfflecsa&i a&d aa a > > eosed property 1
I . rsisaJase of f ISMKHfcfttfO. Tke owtbj 1
I f tke tsirE * ry kas kees. very rapid and | '
I k rs szM. adxaa ag at a. x ° ° r steady j
B pase. Staiek * > i areold aceelerate the <
B besiaes ether bene- :
SA'Teaaesr , girisg : -
B 5sa. It &t xres > twKmgto tLe peo- :
B pie tke territory tkat tkey are kept' ' •
B 05 tkar refctdda , asd wkoHy for
B parasas. reaasaa.
B Oc Jesc Bakb& kas bees nonuo- ,
B sitd f c re-electi&e fey tke repiibfieaws < (
B r&C I Xorosoa oid < tbkc asdwUi 1
B pr eskly drixe # a & Tiotwry a. ke did j j
B vkeslTade W3Kass.kk tkedost afteraj ]
B Josj career , to years ago. CoL Baker ,
B kas ices eke a. prostiaeat feature in <
I caagress x&d kas prefcljsmack wiped oat 1
I tke aEessory of kis dfetjs aisked oppoa- 1
I est "tie korzES&tal statesman. " CoL 1
orriioa wM. decftse to make tke race (
I tk&s year preferass to kold oa to his
I pssksaa a < a. seeker of tke interstate
I tlKwFiii t
I = = = = = t
I LjlSQZ. cay as appropriately obserr- .
ed tkr s 3wc tie eoostry. 3Ioaday. by j a
tke f t rstaes cosjkoo to tki > bolxday. 11
5ie aat6eeiBck3rge of the demona
j sfinsjeta at 2 wr York Tery wisely forr
i * e tks ietrwtuctids of zajthin . ia t
I &ke v t of pel&cai fea axe = , asd this 0
t JW3&&S&S P * 7 va < s ; t cfe ( to is all of h
i tke odes vkere tke day was celebrated.
I At CScTela , . O , a * attempt by some
a * rci2 > ss t eleraSe tke red Sag was p
K lf asd tke © Sendt
H yantr &erprea < ! t ;
r 5 C parse * * ere fLeed ueder arrest , j ,
B , Tie * J * * * 5Te ep to tke esjoymeos r
fe : of 3ajBd y ort .asd tkes tke parjj
K- Mce tie ecass s 25 agreeably and fc
I jjiiiir- < i-cw-1 !
in I T j'run - irrrifcrnt lim TT r 'l n ifffiflMirTfni i
" " " " _ _ - - - •
TilKhotweeoiwEMittecun private landfc •
has taken the 3taxwell land question in
kamd and will iuiUiediuMy propose hu-Ij
U * i > WiHi a * vciJi rplitve iiiiiisc nt vt-
f * p.4 i tbut t * rr irv 'ruta the injustice
t the Maxwell unipanj. From all re
port * the people of that district are law
abiding and were stirred up to * defend
their homes only by the policy of evic
tion adopted by the company. To turn
suck settler * out ot house and home is
odious to all principles of equity and
foreign , to our American ideas of right
and wrong : It is therefore proper for
congress to take up the settlement of
the question and extend to these set
tlers whatever rights they are justly en
titled to enjoy. In the meantime both
the Maxwell company and the settlers
have refrained from acts of violence and
are willing to submit the questiou to
the arbitrament of con < ; re 3.
31 a. Cleveland ' s position on the
fisheries question , in theli htof his re
cent retaliation message , puts Mr. Bay
ard in a delicate position. MrBayard
is directly responsible tor the obnoxious
treaty rejected by the senate. Mr.
Cleveland emphatically repudiates it in
his recent message. Consequently the
policy of the president is in direct op
position to the policy of the secretary
of state , and as the weaker must go to
the wall Mr. Bayard , according to diplo
matic etiquette , ought to resign. At
least such , would be the consequence
if 3Ir. Cleveland was in earnest and was
not playing a shrewd political game.
( iEor k William Curtis doesn 't ap
pear to be cutting much of a figure in
4Utiet > this year , lie keeps on writing
aad talking for Cleveland but nobody
pays much attention to him anymore.
The fact is that this isn 't the year for
men who have established such a record
J as Mr. Curtis established four years ago.
! lie killed himself then. His candidate
' was elected , for which result Curtis took
' himself a l3r re share of the glory , but
! the record of the candidate has shown
J to the people the poor quality of judg-
. ment possessed by Curtis and they ua-
• turally are not willing to trust to the
same judgment agaiu.
I Democratic gall is exclusively car-
1 rind in original packages : Building high
' on the purchasing power of McShauc 's
' barl they now have the temerity to claim
j his election for governor over Thayer as
quite sure. Preposterous ! The claim
is prima facie evidence of insanity. We j
disparage the congressman not. But the
' simple fact that he carried the first dis
trict over a weak , unpopular man , by 1
5,000 majorityu hen Thayer carried the
district by over 7,000 , is hardly suffi-
eteat evidence of his ability to carry the
state. Outside of Omaha he will but j
poll his party vote. •
A Frenchman residing in Boston is '
j almost discouraged in his attempts to
' learn the English language. He made
progress with the difficulty until an in
cident occurred the other d iy \ hich has
fiMeti him with despair of ever reaching ,
, perfection. Some ot his friends were
1 going away , and wishing to express his
hearty wish for their safe journey , he
exclaimed heartily : "May God pickle
youi * * Imagine his consternation at the
explanation that he had used the unfor
tunate word "pickle " for the proper
term wpreserve. " *
The brief interval remaining before
their state convention ought to be a
period of anxious thought to democrats
who desire the success of their party
ticket ia New York. A more vulner
able candidate for a great office than D.
B. Hill has never gained control of a
party machine , and there has been no
greater blunder in our political histo ry
thaa would be a surrender to the arro-
gaat demand for renomination ofa man
so thoroughly discredited with all voters
of character or independence.
The Xew York Times ( dem. ) says (
witk evident disgust thaf-while Senator ]
AWson wasexhibitiug the results of the 1
eoreless scrutiny by the democrats of j
tke house of the expenditure of money , i
the house was , with characteristic indif- '
Cerenee , consenting to another increase -
of expenditures. " When prominent or-
gaes of the democratic party talk in that ,
way eonctrninjr the action of the leaders 1
• f that party it is surely time to turn the ]
rascals out. The democrats and the J
Chinese must go. u
The investigation of the cotton bagc
rtag "trust * * by congress is likely to go *
jo. to the end , in spite of the sugges-
aoa thrown out by a member of the
"tru-st" to the effect that if left alone '
he combination dissolve its
: may on c
> wn motion. As a rule , men who com- [ j' '
) ine to squeeze the public , do not let' ti
* o until they are pinched themselves , °
ma are compelled hy the force of law a
md sentiment to their
public , relinquish u
rnp upon the people.
S = = = o
A notable feature in connection z
ith the extension of the Northern Pa
nne system into Manitoba is the terms ,
f contract made with the government |
f thnt province The bonding limit is a
ixed at $16,000 a mile aud the governJ
nent retains $ S,000 worth of bondsthe , < i
rompany selling the other $8,000 in or- |
ler to complete the work. The govern-
neat agrees to make updef * cienc * p = , bnt S ]
rill carefully scrutinize the eost. Stock j p ,
raterinsby the company is thus avoid ' , o ;
d d
: u- }
= = = = = = = aiu
Cleveland is doing the bidding of !
he south in a very satisfactory manner 1
o tke confederate brigadiers. Provision |
ns recently made for ten principal ex-
miners of land claims and contests in ' =
be General Land Ofnce , at a yearly salI
ry of $2,000 each. Six of these ap- { T
ointments have bien nado. Five of
Etem are from the south , and the sixth
ne hails from Indiana. And still the
body flag is tabooed !
Benjamiv Franklin , late of corn-
any H , Minnesota cavalry , is said to be
ie only man surviving the war who
> st both arms and both legs in the ser-
iee. The senate committee on pens-ions
as just reported favorably a bill increasi i
sg his peasum from $72 ta $100 per
pj aft3 MSB6gsaMgIJll'-tM'tM' ' * ' ' ' " " " " ' * " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " ' * * " " " '
That fluffy old ox-traitor , Senator
Reagan , of Texan , hat ) again made a
spectacle of himself and brought re
proach upon the party which lias made
it responsible for him , by duit'iiding th
confederacy and hluvcry. He upholds
both of these as God-given rights. Ho
declares that shivery wus entailed upon
the south aud that it was nn inheritance
of the southern people ; that the south
only fought to retain its property and
the exercise of privileges aud rights
given it under the constitution. lie
says the south preferred to die battling
for its rights rather than live and per
mit the north to inter-meddle with its
rights and with its privileges. He de
clares that if slavery was a sin and un
lawful it was the fault of George Wash
ington , Thomas Jefferson and other pa
triots , and he named half a dozen
presidents who had owned slaves ,
and adds that it it was sinful and
unlawful to maintain slavery , the
south was the victim of slavery. He
holds that the way to abolish slavery
was for the federal government to have
purchased the slaves and freed them.
The remarks of Senator lleagan sound
like the waitings of a lost soul in perdi
tion. Reagan is one of the men that
the democratic parly should rid itself of.
He should be relegated to that obscuri
ty which so effectually entombs that
other arch traitor , Jeff Davis. Nobody
in the north will attach a serious impor
tance to Reagan's nothings. They have
no political siguificence. They are mere
ly the echoes from a should-be-lbrgotten
Direct from the Front.
Knoxville , Tenx. , Julys , 1888.
The S'viit Spec : ic Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth
fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood
purifier on earth. In 18S4 I contracted -
blood poison. Physicians treated me with
no good results. I took a half dozen differ
ent kinds of blood medicines , but , without
receiving any permanent relief 1 I was in
duced to try 3. S S. I began the first
bottle with the gravest doubts of success.
I had been so often deceived. But im
provement came , and I continued its use
until perfectly well. I have since married ,
and have a healthy family. No trace of the
disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all
this for ne , and I am grateful. Yours
truly , J. S. Strader.
118 Dale Ave.
Kemp , Texas , June 23 , 18S8.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of
mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke
out with an eruption on various parts of his
body. I put him to taking S. S. S. , and a
few bottles cured him entirely. I live at
Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp.
Yours truly , W. S. Robinson.
Three books mailed free on application.
All druggists sell S. S. S.
The Swift Specii-ic Co. ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
New York , 756 Broadwavv
S. ? . EAST. Eesister. JACOB 3TEINMET2 , Seceirer.
Laxd Office at McUook , Neb. , i
August 8th 188S. i
Notice is hereby iriven that the followingr-
liKiiicd settler has filed notice or his intention
to make final proof in suppoit of his claim ,
and that sunt pioof will bo made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Snturdny ,
September Ind , 18SS. viz : Columbus B. Row-
ell , H. E. No. 95. for the E.JS , section 30
and W.H S.W.J4. section 11 , Town. 3 , north of
ranjre S9 W. CtL I' . M. He names the following :
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Mi
chael Houlihan. Thomas W. Ritchey , Smith
Gordon and John Williamson , nil of McCook ,
Neb. 11 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , j
July t th. 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to miiko llunl proot in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb , on Wednes
day. September 12,1888 , viz : George S.CundifT ,
H. E. 4.oafor the S. E. H. N. W. . E. Vt. S.V. .
h. and S. W. H , S.V. . U. Sec. 28 , T 1. N. Range
30 W. 6 P. M. . He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence up
on , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Edward
li. Walker , Abraham Peters. AndrewN. Allen ,
Howe Smith , all of Ranksville. Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. ,
July 23rd , 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following- |
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
; o make final proof in support of his claim. !
md that said proof will be mado before the
Itegister or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Mon-
luy , September 10th. 1888 , viz : Sanford M. Mc-
? ntr. D. S. No. 5.147 for the S. W. a. Sec. 17.
I'ovvn 1. N. . Rango ! { 0. west , 6P.M. Ho names
he following witnesses to prove his continu-
ms rcsiuonce upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : Harrison W01 ley , Wilson H. Hart-
nan. James D. Denmson. Sanders . Sea-
uauds , all of Ranksville. Nob.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. . I
August29th,18S8. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
tamed settler has filed notice of his Intention
o make final proof in support of his claim. ,
ind that said proot will bo made beforo the <
legister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on
'uesday. Oct. 23rd , 18SS. viz : William Kings-
mry upon H. E. No. 6,628 for the S. Vt N.W. *
nd W. ! 5 S.W. JJ. Sec. IM , Town. 6 , N. Range 30
V. 6 P. M. He names the following witnesses
0 prove his continuous residence upon , and '
ult i vat ion or , said laud , viz : Milan W. Quick , '
I'tllitun II. Ackcrman. John A. Miller , W. B. .
nikis , all of Quick , Nub.
S.P.HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook Neb. I
August 29th. 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
anied settler has filed notice of his intention
> make final proof In support of his claim , and
jut said proof will bo mado before Register or
: eceiver of U. S. Land Office at McCook. Neb. , n
n Wednesday , Oct. 10th. 18S8. Ti * : Nathaniel J
. . Frame , H. E. No. 5,608 for the S.E. & Section
) . Town. 4 , Range 30. He nauiPS the following
itnesses to prove his continuous residenco
pon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : _
barles S. Squires. John N. Smith , Andrew C. J
odic. all or McCook. and Walter K. Forsoy
f Culbertson. 8. P. HART , Register.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel .
Notice is hereby given , that by virtue of n1
jattel mortgage dated on January 30th , 1888 , * • '
: id duly filed and recorded in the office of the
junty olork of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
id exocuted by C. H. Applegate te H. T. AnR
jrson. to secure tho paymont of the sum of
X ) 00 , upon which there is now due tho sum of m
X)00 , default having been mado in the pay- -
ient of said sum and no suit or other proceed- .
ig at law having been instituted to recover H
dd debt or any part thereof. I will sell the j
roperty therein described : One red ox , 5 years
d , brand O or D. left side ; one red and white
c , 6 years old , brand O or D , left side ; one
irk bay mare. 6 years old. 2 white hind feet
id stripe in face.nt publicauction at Olcott's
rery barn in the city of McCook. Red Willow
uiity. Nobraskn , on the 15th day of Septem-
: r , 1SS8 , at one o'olook. P. M.
secutorof tho estate of H. T. Anderson de
ceased mortgagee.
Dated. August 24th. 18S8. 13 3ts.
lew Store ! Hew Goods i 1
. Abont APICII. 1 © wo will oo I
< cuprourMA.MiioTH New Store , L
l , 4 comer iCth and Curtis Streets ,
yff with an entire new stock of
/ft / Dry ioods ,
Qfili Dress Hoods. Fancy Gondii , Jer
l4Keys. . Wraps' . SuUa. Mllllnory.
JttfTvv t Ladies * and Gents' Furnishing' ) ,
iff/i.m A Boys' Clothing. Carpets , Cur-
If/Js VV * titin t eCc.t molting It tho Gem
UllWwi1 J'ryGiMnNStoroln tho West. De-
mill \ Vv k P 'id i > i > on latest styles and loir
ffi/ \ Ys.-'j tajtcm prices. Absolnto satis-
Ui\\ \ \'l lactlon guaranteed to all mall or-
i/ii r\ A dersor money refunded. Hand-
1 | ' 'r.\ J some WO-pajeCataloguo and sara-
11 I ytU.ilNjM rti.-iJ-eiitlree on application. J.
[ / lU/fi / ifc * tfl • * - - * JOSE.I2V. lath and
J Ki , < tf ) Curxlit , Opp. Tutor Qpora M
E3 = 3fc * 3' House. IM&Y.EB ,
' MP' ' WJfgHMgV , * * - > - iXlffT rT 7 * nn > lfr j-JL 'At ' * * 11 ' 'foJ'fol.Sg * • * * * < * ?
J * * > > MMiH
• * 11 <
• • t 1 r- • •
I lei Goods i Must Prices I
4 •
• • r •
* * *
! h 4 # - IN THE CITY. 4- ! i
• • 4 i * •
• : < Have just received a heavy stock of new ' • •
j ; \ CLOTHING which makes our stock com- : j ;
I : ; . plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ; ii
• i Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. * ! i
• • < , , . . . . • •
* • • a * - _ . . _ - i I - f • • •
* '
* * < * ll
• •
• • 4
• • - • •
. r . • •
• • 4
• • - 1 A ' ' ' • •
• • 4 •
• • • •
II ; We received this week , from Chicago , the > • •
ii \ largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , \ jj
1 \ Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; j |
ii ; Hosiery. Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; j !
: | Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. \ j ;
• • 4 •
• • a * * . . . . . . . ' - - . ' -.t * * * * - : i ' . ' . . ri I . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . * . . r * # • % •
jj i A $3,000 STOCK OF ; jj
• • * Y a •
• • 4 a •
I Boots and Shoes , Rubbers , Etc. IS
. . < . .
. . . r . . .
• a
. . *
• • . r * . * .
ii ; We have $15,000 in Merchandise to sell ' : i
II : for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : | ;
ii \ as any house can sell. Don't pay more for ; • {
jj i goods than we pretend to ask , thinking - jj
I : - you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ' jl
ij ! some of our competitors advertise. i II
• I 4 • •
a a • •
: : - r : :
: : < . I > : :
. , .
* * * * * > * 4a • • • • * • • • • " • • * • • • • a • • • a • • • • • a • • • • * • • • • • aaaaaaa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • aa
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * * * * aa * * • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • * • •
Micnfictsrer aal
Fino Havana Cigars. A specialty of the
brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and I
"OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything in the
Contractor and Builder ,
t A specialty of fine residences , school
houses , churches , etc. All work done with
dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops ,
corner Dodge and Manchester streets ,
The Insurance Ag't
Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light
ning , Tornado and Hail Storm. j
Evert's Old Stand ,
Ipposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. '
rhe Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Mie Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
l full line of Fire and Lightning Ins.
Ioney to Loan on Real Estate Security.
! H. P. WAITE ,
Contractor ® Builder ,
1 * S * Estimates on buildings carefully made.
Give me n call Shop on Marshall St. , north of
The Frees & Hockncll lumber yard. 7-2m.
Allen's Transfer ,
. Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
jF. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
fgrBest Eauipped in the City. Leave orden
at Commercial Hotel.
. Good well water furnished on short notice.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or left shouder.
_ % P. O. address , Estelle
TBfy * ! , Hayes county , and Beat-
ESKaPp3@IS5 { rice , Neb. Range , Stink-
frafgs r > Sin Water and French-
flwiWra5,1man creeks , Chase Co.
WSMMa&tM Nebraska.
• > 12-r- * v j Brand as cut on side of
* % some animals , on and
* tf8s ! < teSj > m ' hip
5s S = lfe sde8 ! of some , or any-
oe& > * s _ _ - tt'where
where on the aniraaU
Breeder of Improved Sheep.
Personal In-
spection and
ence solicited.
Address him
M _ _ * P. O. address. McCook , i
T | > > BjBfjMprNcbraska. Range , south
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eaof McCook.
_ Kf Cattle branded on left
hip. Also , 10 , 5. A and
| 11 brands on left hip.
ea _ fa _ _ j l Horses branded aamo
4t gB _ _ _ Pv > on left shoulder.
L888. Fall Season.1889.
. - : - . - : - .
The fact that my efforts in the past to produce
none but of the highest standard of excellence
have "been appreciated by friends and customers ,
as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi
ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions
for the Fall and Winter season.
Ii Collection of Fi Fabrics
For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will
give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which
is as large and handsome an assortment of new
goods as can be shown by any of the best houses
m larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe
cute all orders promptly , and give the trade'styl
ish and perfect fitting garments.
L. bernheimrr ,
oCook. Nebraska. MERCHANT TA1L0K0 |
* -t f-aii l. j . i. iXJ1 in r- ] . . I. , I.i.i m. . , , „ , , , . . _ _
' '
1 - '
* TTiaaa aai aaaa7iMaaairii * ji ' i ' - ' i- ; . 1 - ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ii w tw' " " " 'aa ' " 'aqi 'a p p p p p p p p p ' l
. - |
It is Immense in Every Way *
/ , Our HAT STOCK is com- / ,
/ plete. It is Grandest Col- / • / ; / r !
/ lection ever shown under / " x\ j
/ one roof. No other house / • , - /f > \
/ in S. W. Nebraska can / J tj i
/ show you one-half as / j
/ many styles as we can. /
' f
/ We are prepared to dress /
/ the Male Sex from the /
/ Tiny Boy to the Mature ' /
/ Man who wants a forty- /
/ six inch breast measure / '
/ to satisfy him. Call and /
/ convince yourselves. " / |
Plain Figures ! - > One Price Only ! i !
JONAS BNGBL , Manager.
McCook , Neb. , July 31 , 1888. < j
Has a rousing speech for Cash ( Buyers and ( Bar' " I
gain Seekers. August is the usual wind-up . '
month on Summer Goods , and to make it inter'M
esting to all concerned , I will offer the 3
On all Summer Goods that has ever been known , : * W
to the ( Public in this western country. Look at - I
it for a minute.You t will think I have gone jifl
crazy , when 1 offer I'j
, I'j1
ftff ff H H H ft H f > 4 4 a 4 > 4 a I. fH
• Jl
Ladies' good kid toe slipper , GO cents. J S
A better one , for 85 cents. 11
• And a bouncer for $1.00. . * | fl
Ladies' Newport tie , solid , 85 cents. 'Ill '
Ladies' Newport button , solid , $1.00. f f _ |
A good kid shoe , solid , $1.75. f' if . 9 H
f. _ |
A still better one , for $2.00. j' ' M
To make it interesting for men as well as ladies , I will sell a r
rr 1
5ood calf tap sole boot , for $2.00. " M
A better one for $2.50. \ fl
A good grain boot , solid , for $2.50. ( . |
A good grain plow shoe , solid , $1.20. f fl
The above are only a few of the many bargains. j I
( Do not MISS THIS CHjUVCE. Come early. fj. I
/ must make room for the immense stock of M
Winter Goods purchased. t\ \ - ? '
. _ , ifii
I , > t _ _
J. F. GAN8CH0W , ji' |
! 1
The Old Reliable. | | 1
H 1
pposite U. S. Land Office , - - - McCOOK , NEBRASKA.m ( \
. la