The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1888, Image 8

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    H ' i *
H * • 4 " * ; A * * $ * r
m TT does not matter what prices other people
K ( ask you for goods ; we will guarantee to
m " sell you the same quality at a less figure. -
H : We never brag but always stand ready to make
B our statements good.
Dry Goods , Clothing and Carpet :
B < ff y ? + w * + i1 ttttf nun > m < r v r * * MfiiiniMMTtn t
K * *
I - * JEWELERS , •
I McCook , - - Nebraska.
H We have the most extensive stock in the west of
I jewelry , Watches , Clocks and Silverware.
I Are at the same price of Silver. AVatches were never known
H to be so cheap before.
I Good American watches from $2.50 to $25.00 in gold
H filled cases. A fine line of canes and silk sun-
shades. All Gold Heads in 10,12 and U carat gold.
We are offering a line of Cuff and Collar Buttons ,
H Fins and Ear rings , at just half price. Everything
H guaranteed as represented.
I TIid MnPnnlr I nnn nnii Trnot Pn
I 11MCLOOK LI m 11 La II
I Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
H . . . . , Vice President.
ACAMPBELL. Presibckt. B. M. FREES 1st
H GEO. HOCKNELL. Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2o Vice President.
. . .
F. L. BROWN , Treasurer.
cme m mi ma
EULTON & CO. , Proprirtors.
* '
• East Kaileoad Street , - - McCook , Nebraska.
I will occupy tlie store room lately
vacated "by Mrs. T. Nelis , on Main
Avenue , on or about AUGUST 1st ,
ivliere I will he pleased to see all my
old customers and many new ones.
My stock will be larger and finer
tlian ever , and my prices as low as
tlie lowest.
j -sgansr "THE TRIBUNE , " IEI ,
For First Place.
A great amount of political engineering will
be dono by friends of candidates to secure for
tbcir man the first place on the ticket , and the
best man will probably secure the coveted
place. Then if endorsed by the people , the
election is assured. Electric Bitters has been
put to the front , its merits passed upon , has
been indorsed , and unanimously given the
first place , among remedies peculiarly adapted
to the relief and cure of all Diseases of kidneys ,
liver and stomach. Electric Bitters , bein-r
gurranteed , is a safe investment. Price , 50
cents and § 1 per bottle at A. McMillen's drug
What is known as the Mills tariff bill
passed the house , Saturday , by a vote
of 1G2 to 149 three democrats voting
against and two republicans for the
measure. It will meet its Waterloo in
the senate.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing has caused such a
general revival of trade at A. McMillen's drug
store as their giving away to their customers
of so many tree trial bottles of Br. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuable article
from the tact that it always cures and never
disappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bronchi
tis , croup and all throat and lung diseases
quickly cured. You can test it before buying
by getting a trial bottle free , large size § 1.
Every bottle warranted.
The egregious ass who sent that
Benkelnian "special" to the Bee is
receiving a merited' 'roasting' ' all round.
Such contemptible business should of
right be emphatically discountenanced.
The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis
es , sores , ulcers , suit rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or
no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satistaction , or money refunded. Price
t cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
The Benkelman Democrat is the best
paying newspaper property in Western
.Nehsaska , today. It is withal cleverly
edited , too.
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
ltemedy is the most successful preparation
ever produced for Summer Complaint , Cholera
Morbus , Dysentery , Diarrhoea , Bloody Flux
and Chronic Diarrhoea and thousands of per
sons will ceitify that they believe their lives
have been saved by this great remedy. It is
the one preparation that every family and
every traveling man should be provided with ,
especially during the summer months. Many
cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that had resisted
all other treatment and battled the sinll of
good physicians have been permancnly cured
by it. Sold by all druggists.
Local papers state that $1,000 will
cover the loss sustained at Benkelman
during the recent storm.
He knows what he is writing about. Mr. It.
McLcod , druggist , Hemingford , Neb. , says : "I
keep in stock a great variety of so called cures
for diarrhoea and cholera morbus , but from
a personal trial of Chamberlain's Colic , Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy , I regard it as the
best of any medicine in the market , for diar
rhoea and all bowel complaints. It saved the
life of our banker here. " Sold by all druggists.
i n a * * i * i *
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or loft shotider.
-SFt z p * O. address , Estelle
' ' KKK' Hayes county , and Bcat-
lLSFlSS69t % xi rice. Neb. Range. Stink-
jsESpiaSsES ii ing Water and French-
WgKeJ& Hrlman creeks , Chase Co.
UfPB& CJ $ ? ? ? Nebraska.
Wjii-KFS-ej [ Brand as cut on side of
rafMgrten Pa * some animals , on hip and
iSJS&gSsSJr tf&s Bides of somo , or any-
" -
- a-afafi taw. * ttrT7 g
where on the animal.
Breeder of Improved Siieep.
qftfljlfr P. O. addross , McCook , '
Tfi fcT r'-a-fc Nebraska. Range , south <
EuS EiJ Cattlo branded on left ,
HHBsnhlp. Also , 10,5. A and fi
Bp'-rtiSfffi brands on left hip.f '
ir-jr n iTH Horsos branded same . -
jy&MnSBMfmgt > ou left shoulder. . . ,
• * *
* 5t
' *
• > •
. - - > . • * , ti vy ] . | i
' ' !
'J '
* rzmm&memmmmmmmtmmmthmm iiLiiiuL JA.Liii-i-jiJiij l11j.lL.iiu-x.x1l.-j..j ' , . i imiggLioai I ' ( |
" It Would Not Do ! * j
" I
For an Old Established House to indulge in advertising * j j
sensational Half-ofF , Below Cost , Take-'em-away-for- { .d
nothing' Sales. ! j
t i
Our reputation for selling * 'I ' j
Is quite sufficient to draw people to our store , and when ' I
we have something * below ordinary prices , we can al- I 1
ways give good reasons for it. We are selling : I I
Dry Goods , Hats and Caps , I
Groceries , Boots and Shoes , j
Notions , Etc. , j I
I At the lowest prices made by any firm in S. W. Nebraska. I 1
This is not Idle Talk , our Goods and Prices prove the Assertion. I
Call and Examine Our New Goods. I 1
Established in 1882. THE PIONEER MERCHANT , j I
It is a grievous thing that often very
honest people , in their devotion to a
right principle , take the path that leads
them directly into the camp of the en
emy. We believe , in view of the all-
absorbing interest in the tarrff issue ,
that this will be tlie uractical result
with those who , in their devotion to the
principle ot prohibition , shirk the duty ,
of aiding tlie cause of American in- ;
dustries and American labor. Every J
vote for the Prohibition candidate for ;
President , every vote for that party's |
Congressional candidates , merely takes j
one vote from the cause of protection J
and gives the free trade cause that
much advantage. The Tribune op
poses the rum traffic most earnestly ,
but it is going to oppose the free-trade
Democracy to enter on National control.
We shall do battle with the latter , yet
not intermit our efforts to arouse the I
people to the monster evils of the traffic i
in intoxicants and the necessity of their \
uniting in the efforts to pulverize the j
rum power : j
A merchant , aft or selling and using an arti- j
cle for years , knows something of its merits.
Mr. W. D. Haller , druggist , Blair , Neb. , says ,
"I have used Chamberlain's Cholic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , and do not hesitate to
say , that I think it the best of all medecines
for diarrhoea and bowel complaints general
ly. " Sold by all druggists.
E. P. Koe , the gifted and popular
novelist , died last Friday , July 20th.
The deceased was one of the most wide
ly read of contemporaneous writers.
Inherited Diseases.
Kb fact of nature is more pregnant
with awful meaning than the fact of
tha inheritance of disease.
Modern science , which has illumi
nated so many darJc corners of nature ,
has shed a new light on the ominous
words of the Scriptures , "Tho sins of
the fathers shall be visited upon the
the children unto the third and fourth
generation. " Fifty per cent , of cases of
consumption , cancer and scrofula , run
in families through inheritance. Insan
ity is hereditary in a marked degree ,
but , fortunately , Lke man } ' other her
editary diseases , tends to wear itself
out , the stoclc becoming extinct. A
distinguished sc enlist truly says : "No
organ or texture of tho body is exempt
from the chanco of being the subject of
hereditary disease. " Probably mora
chronic diseases , whicn permanently
modify the structure and functions of ;
tho body , are more or less liable to bo
inherited Tha important and far-
reaching practical deductions from such
facts ure obvious to reflecting minds ,
and the best means for preventing or
curing these diseases is a subject of in
tense interest to aL ! Fortunately na-
turo has provided a remedy , which ex
perience has attested as iufallible , and
the remedy is tho world-famous Swift's
Specific , a puio vegetable compound
naturo's antidoto for all blood poisons.
To tho afflicted it is a blessing of inesti
mable value. An interesting treatiso
on "Blood and SUiu Diseases" will bo
mailed free by addressing
The Swivt Specific Co. ,
, Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga ,
Mayor Xowe of Brooklyn , a former
republican , a few days ago announced
his intention of voting for Mr. Cleve- -
land. .Mr , Cleveland's policy suits his ]
business , that of importing English J
goods. < j
4.7 * = ]
, DC'CADY' . s Condition Powders. They tone
up 'tho digestive-organs , „ free the Bystemof i
worms , give the horse a good appetite , causing
them to shed fre ejy and putting them in good
shapo foe hard work. by druggists ,
i 2 ll - ,
i i - - f H
There are Two Distinguishing I
Characteristics |
Which , more than anything else , have contributed to the phenomenal growth of The Chicago M
Daily News , giving it a circulation larger than that of all other Chicago dailies combined. It j |
seems strange that the first practical , combined application of two such common sense principles in H
journalism should have been left to a paper as yet only twelve years old. And yet true it is that in this |
fact lies the real secret of the unparalleled success of The Chicago Daily News. Briefly stated M
these principles are : , j H
Is a daily paper for busy ' people.
Of all mankind the people of Chicago and the busy north
west are the busiest. And yet perhaps no equal number of peo
ple are to be found who appreciate so keenly the necessity of an
intelligent knowledge of the world's daily doings. They recog
nize that they , more than anyone else , are the world's providers
in many of the most important necessaries of life. How im
portant , then , that they should have their daily intelligence of
every event , the world over , which by any possibility can affect
their diversified commercial holdings. And in all the higher
interests of life where can be found a like number of people
more keenly appreciative of all that contributes to progress in
art , literature , science , religion , politics , and the thousand , and
one things which make up modern civilization.
And yet , strange to say , right here in this great , busy north
west , in its busy metropolis Chicago , there has taken place the
creation and development of that most cumbrous , unserviceable ,
time-destroying thing , the " blanket-sheet" ' newspaper. With the
blindness of very fatuity this monstrosity of journalism , this breeder
of mental dyspepsia , has steadfastly imposed its mountain of un-
threshed straw to the demand of the people for the winnowed grain
of fact. It was out of the very incongruousness of such a condition
of things that The Daily News had it-fbifth. People wanted the
News , all the news but they demanded it apart from the over
powering mass of the trivial and inconsequential. It is because
The Daily News satisfactorily meets that demand that its circula
tion is over " a-million a-week. "
R. M. Lawrence , Williamsville , III , says : "The 'big daily' is
too much for me. Not that a person is obliged to read every
thing printed in the ' blanket-sheets , ' but one having anything
else to do doesn 't have time to hunt through the long-drawn
twaddle for a few grains of digestible food. "
We are agents for the following reliable
companies. Note date of organi
zation and splendid assets :
Etna of Ilartfonl. Conn. . 1S10 , . . . . $9,5GSS40
[ nsurauce Go. of IN. A. , Plnla.,17l , 8,474,352 j
Phenix ot .Brooklyn , 1S53 , 3,397,025
Connecticut of Hartford , 1850 2,139,742
Continental of NewTort , 1S52 : i,239,9Sl
Pennsylvania Fire ot Pliila. , 1S25 , . . 2,710,8S5
Lancshlre of Manchester , Eng.,1852 , 1,49S,1S7 1
COlLiffai & DEMPCY ,
• ' * " -McCOf3KEBRASKAr v \ ,
v - . : ' • - - - - * - ,
' > .s . * ' . 1 -
* • < * c
rt iV' iiTUrt"T" * ir
liii - - ' "T" ' '
Is an Independent , truth-telling newspaper. • ' M
The reader can count on one hand the known newspapers M
whose statements in matters of politics can always be accepted M
as at least intentionally truthful , and commonly so in fact. M
On the other hand , it is the all-but-universal rule to praise H
one's party and candidate to the skies , and to cry down the H
opposition party and its candidate to the verge of the disreputable. |
So common have such silly and reprehensible methods in jour- * 9
nalism become that they pass unnoticed , and are accepted as a M
matter of course as an evil inseparable from practical politics. , |
But this is only another mistake of the thoughtless. The Ameri- H
can people are intelligent enough , thoughtful enough , fair enough I - |
to appreciate and endorse honest , truth-telling journalism in |
truth to prefer it to the misleading , the truth-discoloring dishonesty H
of the " organ. ' * H
The demand is more and more for the fair , impartial , inde- j H
pendent newspaper which give the reader all the nezas , and gives M
it absolutely free from the taint of partisan bias. This done , an M
expression of opinion , baud upon fads , will commend itself to j H
the thoughtful reader even when he may not find himself in * M
agreement with the conclusions deduced from tht premises. M
Disagreements are of small moment if only confidence in honesty H
of purpose remains. With no mere political ambition to gratify , M
no " ax to grind , " the impartial and independent newspaper may |
truly be "guide , philosopher and friend" to honest men holding M
every shade of political faith. And this is why The DAILY ' M
News has to-day a circulation of over " a-million-a-week. " H
M. Wygant , Sibley , Iowa , writes : "I am well pleased with H
The Daily News , although lama' bred-in-the-bone' Re- H
publican with a carpet bag experience in the South ending in |
1872. The extreme fairness of The Daily News ; giving " * - - H
credit where due regardless of party , meets my approval. " |
When to two such comprehensive elements of popularity THE DAILY NEWS H
now adds a third in its unparalleled price reduction to One Cent a day , it offers a combination of H
attractions at once unique and unapproachable by any other American newspaper , and one which > H
will surely multiply its friends throughout the Northwest by the thousands. < j H
The Chicago Daily News is for sale by all newsdealers at One Cent per copy , or will be ' H
mailed , postage paid , for $3per year , or 25 cents per month. The farmer and mechanic cannow- : - H
afford as well as the merchant and professional man to have his metropolitan daily. ' ' H
Address VICTOR F. LAWSON , Publisher The Baily News , Chicago > , t. ' ' . H |
Herian & DesLarzes ,
Proprietors of the ilcUook
Transfer Kfr City Bus Line.
Bus to and from all trains. Coal liaulinfiS
and general delivery. Three . .draykAll
work promptly attended toiJQeaveflrde Sifct'
Frees & Hocknell Lumber "Xardn/.f 1 tk ? :
* r'X- , ; * . oj i jaiff j s
School Books % Slfppfies , H
BJaliooks , Stationery , ' , -
v * * * * *
* * * rr ' ' "J i
Lato fct& ' ilgs'oc . * * _ _ ' /r H