The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1888, Image 5

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    mmwMMWMW ' ' ' " ' H HI l Hl H fl l Mk B HMMflHH fl HH H
8l Fl * JHtSwk fVtttfe.
WM lUimoujbor Noble for groceries.
Jill Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
m f Noble for superb hanging lamps.
M \ Fresh candies at the City Bakery.
[ l \5THr. Hall's office , over First Na-
| 1 | , tional bank.
If . Another tumble in gold watches at
II * SlcCracken's.
II ! 3f Fresh sausage at the B. & . M.
II Meat Market.
If 20 per cent.oil on straw hats at
IE Boys , buy one of those § 2.50 watches
II ' * t McCracken's.
IlV Use Paxton ' s Havana cigar scraps.
Ilj * They are all right.
R All kinds of chewing tobacco at Pax
il * ton's. Main Avenue.
Wr M'
Iff Silk banners for handkerchiefs.
Igfj Banjos , accordions , guitars , etc. , at
EI McCracken's Music Store.
If Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
m\ nt the B. & M. Meat Market.
1 Everything fresh and clean in the
' < ray of groceries at Noble 's store.
mi ' Democratic cotton and silk handker-
; chiefs at TI1E FAM 0 US.
| Everything usually kept in first-class
H . establishment at Oswalt's restaurant.
fl * | Cash paid for live stock , poultry and
B i hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
B I " There is no other way. Buy your
B I groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
B Bepublicau siik and cotton handker-
Bl chiefs at THE FAMOUS.
B\ Plumbing m all its branches prompt-
mf ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
R ; Burgess
Bk The latest from the strike is that II.
| H. Berry has reached bottom prices in
Bt Groceries.
| l Farm loans at 9 per cent , straight.
B Inquire of W. M. Anderson , over First
Bit National bank.
| EgTThe price of liberty is eternal
B f' vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
B Jk arc sure to catch you.
B $ . You will find one of the finest assort-
B I ments of fresh candies in the city at
B I Oswalt's restaurant.
I il For an easy , clean shave drop into
B m Simpson & Jay's new shop in the Citi-
B F zens bank building.
B Jl -A. shipment of fresh candies just re-
B | ) ceived at the City Bakery. Call while
B I > they are fresh and nice.
B 1 W. M. Anderson will make jou a loan
B I on your farm at nine per cent.straight.
B | 0er First National bank.
fl ij The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
B I ! Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
B § baggies , etc. All very cheap.
Bgl This weekLeland & Morrow have re-
B ? I ceived a car-load of fall and winter
Bl | wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
H r Jf you wani nice tender beefsteak
R 1 give the B. & 31. Meat Market a call.
fl jfj They butcher none but the choicest of
Iff beeves.
mM. If you contemplate building be sure
$ # * to consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran-
v tees his work to be the best and his
B g prices the lowest.
Bif Leland & Morrow carry a complete
ft stock of cornoatschop feedand , in fact
a of everything belonging to a first-class
B 1 flour and feed store.
J | Of fine residences 31. A. Libbee makes
m A a specialty. Don't fail to see him if
M you intend to build. Good workman-
| ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
J We have a No. 1 carriage and wood
j § workman in our wagon shop. Fine car-
riage work a specialty. Give us a trial.
\ Predmore Bros.
| | A complete line of drugs , tobacco ,
B" # sundries , fancy articles , perfumes , and
B if in fact of everything usually kept in a
B II first-class apothecary shop at the City
B % Drug Store.
B a If you want something handsome in
B the way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M.
B Noble. He is just in receipt of the
B , > largest and finest stock of hanging
B lamps ever brought to southwestern
K Nebraska.
B Tiie brotherhoods and orders are ex-
: hibiting an inclination to go into poli-
: tics. In furtherance of this disposition
B i about 500 men , representing the engin-
eers , firemenbrakemen , and switchmen
I ' ; of all roads running out of Chicago , held
B a meeting in that city , Sunday , for the
B purpose of taking action on questions
B ' of interest to the order. It was claimed
B § that the meeting represented about 30 ,
I % 000 votes in the state , and would there-
B fore hold the balance of power so far as
BjJ [ legislation is concerned. A club was
I \ formed which will have for its battle cry ,
B # "The repeal of the Merritt conspiracy
B _ law and a more strict enforcement of
B a the private detective law against the
MM Pinkertons. " A committee of five was
In appointed to take charge of the cam-
B'M paign and act as a central body from
B which all directions are to emanate.
I J Genuine California Claret , tor
I 1 summer drinking , at Strasser 's.
I I $100,000.00
I I To loan on deeded lands. Money
B I advanced to make final proofs. Also ,
I M 50 choice farms for safe. Office op-
B § posite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAH.
Bf.Jf Imported Ale and London Stout for
B * If family use at Strasser 's. Deliver-
I - f edfree to private families.
§ 5,000.00 !
Wo have $5,000.00 to placo on
good farms during iho noxt 20 days.
No delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
My entire stock of farm machinery ,
buggies , wagons , etc. , at absolute
cost for cash. Going to build pumps
and will sell at ACTUAL COST.
Horses For Sale.
/ 00 fine Oregon mares , from 3 to
6 years old , for sale cheap. Call at
our barn and look at them.
Go to Noble for your family groceries.
Simpson & Jay. Popular Barbers.
Have you read the new advertisement
Musical instruments at McCracken ' s
3Iusic Store.
Begulation campaign badges at 31c-
Crackens' .
Try McMillcn ' s "Ketch 'Em and Keep
'Em" fly paper.
* 3 An excellent time piece for $2.50
at 31cCracken ' s.
Try Paxton 's cigars. He carries the
finest line in the city.
For all kinds of campaign badges and
pins go to 3IcCrackens * .
llemember that Leland & 31orrow sell
the reliable Olds wagon.
Smoke Paxton's "Palmetta" hand
made cigar. None better.
20 per cent , off on thin coats and
vests at THE FAMOUS.
Nothing but freshest and purest
drugs at the City Drug Store.
Go to Leland & 31orrow for every
thing in the flour and feed line.
City Hotel & Star Hestaurant !
The place for a good meal and clean bed.
Simpson & Jay have the finest barber
shop in the city. Give them a call.
Farmers , the place for you to stop at
is the City Hotel & Star Hestaurant.
Best brands ol tobacco and cigars at
the Bon Ton bakery and confectioner ) ' .
Five quires good note paper for 35
cents at
3IcCook Book and Stationery Co. 's.
George 31. Chencry at the City Drug
Store makes a specialty of prescriptions.
Railroad men will find the City Hotel
& Star Hestaurant the place for them.
Remember Paxton 's cigar store , 3Iain
Avenue , next door to 31c3Iillen's drug
Just stop to think of it. 20 per
cent.offon summer suits at
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the
city. Inspect it.
Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs ,
words and music , 45 cents at
3IcCooic Book and Stationery Co. 's.
g * In the line of plain and fancy
groceries , C. 31. Noble will fill your
every want satisfactorily.
If you are in search of a really deli-
cious drink of soda water wander into
the City Drug Store.
Hair cutting done in an artistic man-
ner by Simpson & Jay , new shop in
Citizens bank building. *
Just Received ! Two barrels of * ex-
tra sweet cider at the City Bakery , which \
will be sold at 50 cents a gallon.
Fruits , candy , ice cream , all kinds of |
temperance drinks at Clark & Dietrich's <
Bon Ton bakery and confectionery. ]
Hammocks and Hammock attach
ments , croquet and base ball supplies at .
3IcCook Book and Stationery Co. ' s.
Though the reputation of men of :
genuine character may be of slow
growth , their true qualities cannot be
wholly concealed. They may be mis-
represented by some , and misunderstood
by others ; misfortune and adversity may ,
for a time , overtake them ; but with pa
tience and endurance , they will event
ually inspire the respect and command
the confidence which they really deserve. ,
In the retirement of 3Iessrs. Ballard
& Eaton from the Akron Star the press
of Weld county loses two of its ablest
newspapermen. The boysthough dem- <
ocrats , had the misfortune to fall under i
the bane of Register 3Iott' disapproba- i
tion and displeasure and their prosper- '
ous business was destroyed absolutely ;
and beyond repair and they were vir- ]
tually compelled to retire from business. '
And the interests of oppressionboycott ,
and injustice were subserved.
We do not care what anyone's views -
about temperance or total abstinence '
may be ; every man who values either !
law or order , or rational conviviality
must hate whisky , or must desire , if
he cannot banish it from the land al- ,
together , to see it made hard to procure. '
There is no greater delusion than to
suppose that a glass of whisky can be j
considered the "social " that
gla s , or ]
real conviviality that is , the free in- <
terchange of ideas , or jokes , or songs ,
or quips , or cranks of any description ,
is promoted thereby. It rapidly pro
duces either stupor or extreme irrita- :
bility , and is , indeed , especially adapted ;
to the needs of the solitary drinker. It
never tastes so well as in the private
jug of the lonely toper. It is a liquor
which only is drunk in ninety-nine eases
out of a hundred by men who wish from
the bottom of their hearts they could
give it up , and find that it fills their
blood not only with the "tawny dusks
of perfect days , " but awful forebodings
of domestic and professional ruin.
Tliu knights of labor have fitted up a hall
in one of the Savior buildings on West Den-
nison street.
If you want a ically handsome iloor call nt
Bullnrrt's lumber yard ami see his stock , lie
carries a "dandjM line.
A republican club will bo organized at
iiauksville in Grant precinctto-morrow even
ing. And It will be a rouser , too.
The "bandana" cigar will soon be placed
on the market. It will probably have a "re
form" wrapper , and a "fraud" filler.
The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. has re
ceived orders from the 1 $ . & 5L to remove
their coal sheds on West .Railroad street ,
within CO days.
Don't fail to see Milliard's fancy front
doors. They are elegant and rich just the
tiling you are looking for if you want a hand
some , ornamental door.
W. C. Billiard & Co. have secured a site
ftorn the company and will in due season
erect suitable sheds preparatory to handling
coal , the coming winter.
The stage line between this place and Ce
dar Bluffs is doing quite a rushing business
lately. A line now connects the same with
ilcCook. Obeiiin Herald.
The staunch republicans of Gerver precinct
foimed a republican club , lastSaturday even
ing. Let the good work proceed until every
precinct in the county has a similar organiza
West McCook was the scene of a hair-pull
ing scrap , Wednesday , between Mrs. Carney
and Mrs. Waite , neighbors. The matter will
come ui > before Squire Colvin , to-morrow ,
for adjustment.
The entire lunar eclipse which occurred be
tween the hours of 10 and 12 , Sunday night ,
and was moreover a beautiful sight , was
witnesssd by a considerable portion of the
city's population.
The committee expect , to-morrow , to be
able to close contracts for building the two
river bridges over the Republican , near the
city. The people look forward to the com
pletion of these bridges with some degree of
A few thick-headed bombons , we are in
formed , are making consummate fools of
themselves because the republicans of this
city pmchased and unfurled to the breeze an
American flag , over Maine Avenue. Go to
thou long-eared bipeds and soak thy heads
in a thimble of beer.
The city of Holdrege has again demonstrat
ed her remarkable enterprise by voting $8,000
bonds to build a city hall and to equip her
fire department , an act our city might emu
late with satisfactory results. Nothing helps
a city like enterprise , snap , public improve
ments , etc.
"They do say" that the tariff talk , the rebel
flag episode explanations , etc. , daily heard in
the laud office , threatens to seriously impair
and undermine John Majors' robust constitu
tion. Those in position to speak advisedly
asseverate stoutly that John 's ascending pe
tition1 nightly is , "Oh , for a lodge in some
vast wilderness. " The "cod" seems to be on
John this trip.
Last Saturday , Charles E. Kingsbury , a B.
& M. engineer , participated in a private
little seance with Police Judgo O'Donnell , for
discharging firearms and disturbing the
peace , resulting in his being lined $10 and
costs , in default of which he was incarcerated
in the bastiie of the municipality. He was re
leased on Monday and senttoPlattsuiouthto
The well known publisher , L. W. Dicker-
sou , of St. Louis , Mo. , lias recently issued a
campaign book , entitled "THE NATIONAL
CONTEST. " It gives valuable information
on the Tariff question , Statistics , etc. , valu-
able for every voter. Also complete biogra-
pines of Cleveland and Tlmrman , and , Har
rison and Morton. Agents are wanted to sell
this book. See advertisement in another
column. i
, The gentlemanly weather clerk seems to
be attending strictly to his own knitting
these ] days and he is succeeding in a gratify
ing ' manner in ingratiating himself into the
confidence ' of the good people of Nebraska ,
by sending occasional showers of liquid bless
ings at times when most needed. This lo-
cality ' enjoyed refreshing visitations of that
character ' Tuesday and Thursday , the receipt
of which is hereby thankfully acknowledged ,
In view ofthe fact that the company is
ordering the removal of coal sheds on the side
track west of the depot , it is thought that
work will be commenced on a new freight
depot , this fall. Such a building is and has J
been needed for some time , and we hope the
supposition may prove true. The proposed
building will make a number of changes in
the arrangement of offices in the present de
pot , giving more room and convenience to
Chairman Meiklejoim of the republican
state central committee lias sent to the chair- ,
men ' of various republican county commit- -
tees ' a circular calling particular attention to .
the \ resolution passed by the state convention
that the question of submission be voted on
at the republican primaries , and urging a j
careful observance of the resolution. By
this vote the republicans of the state will
have the opportunity to express tbeir opin- j
ion on this question and the opportunity
should be improved.
Among the new announcements in this is
sue of The Tribune will be found that of i
Capt. , J. A. Wilcox of this city , as a candidate i
for nomination to the office of representative , i
subject , to be sure , to will of republican
county convention. The Captain needs no 1
introduction to the voters of Red Willow 1
county , wherein lie is well and favorably :
known for his sterling integrity. If the rei i
publicans of this county shall see proper to 1
place him in nomination for the office , its dui i
ties will be discharged honestly and to the '
best ot his ability. i
The announcement of George fl. Grubb ,
Esq. , of Indianola , as a candidate for nomina
tion to the important office of representative ,
subject to decision of republican county con-
vention , appears in this issue , in the proper
place. Mr. Grubb is a rising young lawyer ,
of recognized ability and promise. As a .
speaker and debater he has few equals in this (
section of state. Shall the republicans of .
Red Willow county , in convention assembled , J
and in their best judgment , place Mr. Grubb .
In nomination , the office will be filled with ,
dignity and ability.
The many lriends of Col. Thos. E. Mc-
Cracken of this city are energetically work-
ins to advance his prospects of securing the i
republican nomination for the office of repre
sentative. The Colonel is a republican of
purest raj' without guile and a citizen of
unquestioned integrity and ability. He is by
observation , experience and nature well
qualified and equipped for the office , which
iie will fill with marked ability , if the repub
licans of this county , in their wisdom , see fit
to place him in nomination for tiiat import
ant trust. Mr. McCracken is worthy of every
confidence and will make a strong race for
Willow Grove's delegation at to-morrow's
That "Dynamite Bomb. "
"iv r.ooici i.iki : pownnit ; it : i.iki :
i'owdcu ; it tastes i.ikc powder ;
J. hms ! "
Last Sunday the shining hours were im
proved in demonstrating the true "inward-
ncs" of the Stratton "dynamite bomb. " The
participants were : Train Master Harman ,
Master Mechanic Archibald , Roadmaster
Rodgern , Roadmaster Baukson and Chief Ir
win of the carpenter force. The deadly en
gine was carefully removed to the river bot
tom , south of town. All being in readiness ,
a match was set to the fuse and the experi
menters jointly and severally strained every
nerve to lend enchantment to the scene. And
such humping , wiggling , going-as-you-pleasc
perhaps the Republican valley has never seen
since the last herd of buifalos stampeded
across its peaceful bosom. Having placed a
safe distance between them and the bomb ,
all breathless and a tremble witli excitement
and expectancy , they awaited the mighty ex
plosion witli bated breath. But they waited
in vain. Thinking the fuse at fault , the same
was readjusted and fired again , which was as
before followed by an excitiugand laughable
stampede for a more salubrious locality.
Again the silence of tiie grave prevailed , un
broken save by the gentle rippling of theliin-
pid waters of the placid Republican. Hitch
ing up their pantaloons another hole , and
screwing their courage up a notch or two , the
valiant crcwd proceeded to investigate the
gas pipe more closely now , the probability of
a large , healthy cod dawning upon them.
The dangerous instrument was found to coni
tain an excellent , but entirely harmless arti
cle extensively used in fertilizing. After
administering an awful oath of eternal si-
lence , the party somewhat crestfallen and de-
djecte returned to the city , and Andy Bank-
son lias not been in an approachable condi
tion of mind ever since.
The Building and Loan Association.
The regular monthly meeting of the Mc-
Cook Co-operative Building and Loan Asso-
ciation was held , last Friday evening , the
routine business of the association being disi
posed of and the funds of the same being
sold to the following persons at premiums
stated : E. A. Leach , $ S0O at 2o > per cent.
Samuel Fislc , $200 at 20& per cent. G. W.
Kaime , $400 at 27 per cent. W. H. Davis ,
$1,000 at 22) < f per cent. The secretary's re
port shows the association to be in a most
vigorous , prosperous condition. The organi
zation is proving a phenomenal suecess.alike
advantages to borrower and Ioaner ; besides
adding materially to the city's building boom
and affording a safe and lucrative investment.
Don'tneglecttakingstock inthesecondseries
which will be opened next month. We give
a statement of the business and profits of the
association for the first six months of its ex-
istence :
Loans $ S.400.00
Cash on Hand 2,141.39
Accounts Due 11.50 '
Due on Stock 207.50
Expenses Paid 251.85
Premiums ( unearned ) 1,587.53
Acct's due and unpaid 40.75 1
Loans ( unpaid ) 3,110. 'J.j
Profit 930/JO 3
$11,012.24 c
A Delicate Operation. (
On Monday afternoon , Drs. Kay and Davis
performed a delicate operation upon a six1
months girl baby of Eli C. Popejoy , who re- {
sides a short distance northwest of the city. '
It appears that the infant is suffering with a
tumor located the and
over eye extending c
back into the cavity of eye and perhaps reach- ]
ing into the brain ; and it was deemed neces
sary , to ligature the common carotid artery in '
order , to shut off nutrition from the tumor.
The < operation , which was performed for
what is technically styled aneurism of the or
bit , was handled skillfully and successfully , >
and ; is perhaps without a parallel in the his- *
in Nebraska. The J
tory ot surgery result will
be noted with considerable interest. '
Seriously Perhaps Fatally Injured.
The many friends , in this city , of Will H. j
Smith | , better known as "Bakly" Smith , a i
former B. & . M. engineer on the Cheyenne
division ( , will learn witli sincere regret and
profound sorrow of his serious and perhaps ,
fatal : injury , last Satuiday , in the U. P. yards [
at j Cheyenne , Wyo.while engaged in switch
ing. ] A letter to a friend in this city states
that ' his head was badly squeezed and mash
ed ' between the platforms of two coaches , and {
that ' the physician despairs of his life. Smith f
fired for a number of years on this division , l
where he is well known and a general favorl l
ite. ' t
Sorrow and Sadness There.
The home of Martin Armentrout of South f
McCook is shrouded in gloom and sorrow by t
the 1 sad death of the wife and mother , Mrs. i
Isabella J. Armentrout , which occurred about i
nme o'clock , Sunday night. Funeral services
were held , Monday afternoon , at the Luther
an church , Rev. J. W. Kimmel officiating ,
Longview cemetery being the final resting
place of the loved one. The deceased leaves
an infant of but five days old , and a child two i
years of age. The bereaved husband has the c
profound sympathy of every kind and tender (
heart in community. ji j
Base Ball as She is Played. i
The game of ball , last Saturday , between t
" " and the "Parks"
the "McCooks" clubs , on
the "Famous" grounds , resulted in tiie disas
trous defeat of the boys from the country ,
who managed to secure but three scores to }
their credit while our boys were rolling ud f
thirty tallies , with comparative ease. Our 2
friends fiom Prospect Park can readily demi
onstrate their expertness at pumpkin husking , f
but there is room for question when their skill
as players of the national game is involved.
They traveled in too fast company , last Sat
urday , sure.
Fatally Injured. <
- i
Monday afternoon , a man named William
Northrup was run over by a wild engine , on
the Coon creek bridge near Indianola , and
fatally injured , deatli coming to his relief at
about 9 o ' clock the same evening. He was
partially paralyzed , and in attempting to (
cross the bridge in advance of the locomotive , 1
fell and was run overabove as stated. He was ]
buried at Indianola , Tuesday , at county 's ex- ]
pense. His companion escaped. No blame <
attaches to the enginemen. No inquest.
The Fire Hydrants are Here. ' '
The four additional fire hydrants ordered :
some weeks since are on the ground and will (
be planted as decided upon by the city council ,
in a few days. They are of a superior pattern
to those already in use , larger and more ;
durable , and will add not a little to our Are :
protection. (
Information Desired. i
My adopted daghter , 011a Walrath , 7 years
of age , disappeared from my farm , 3j. < miles
northwest of McCook , on TuesdajJuly 24th ,
at about 10 o'clock , A. M. Any information
as to her whereabouts will be thankfully re
ceived. Adam Waxbatii.
Train Muster W. E.ljiiuehy ' orHcil Cloud
was a visitor in division hrinlqunrtcis , on
Wednesday , on ntllruud business.
Miss llcnlah Lyman , of Lincoln , who hns
boon the Kiiestor Mre. S. 13. Harvey Tor tlio
pnst week , departed for homo on Wednesday
mo nil iif.
CImsj rierson , recent hostlerof the I ) . &M.
yards hero , has bcon transferred to McCook
whither lie went Wednesday evening last.
Uburllu Herald.
The company arc Increasing the storage ca-
paelty or their coal house. Just west or tho de
pot bulldlnK , this erecting tin addition
to tho west end.
Tho 11. & . M. will , on August 1st , run nn sx-
cursion to Madrid on the Cheyenne branch
from Oinubii. It is ono of the series of regu
lar excursions to western points.
E. C. Uuflington , night yardmaster , was
around , Wednesday , setting up the cigars to
the boys , in honor of their llrst born , a line
boy baby whose resldenco with his delighted
parents dates from that day.
A boy giving the nuino or Fagan , claiming to
hail from Now York city , and statiug Donvor
as his destination , received quite an ugly scalp
wound , Saturduy afternoon , in jumping from
tho ilyer as tho train pullod into this yurd. Ap
pearances indicated and inquiry educed tho
. fuct that the ioung man had been occupying
a Puilinuu berth on tho trucks. His wound
was skillfully stitched by Dr. Davis , who
received , tho customary clinic fees. Tho promis
ing ] youth from the more or less olieto cast car
ried i letters of recommendation , indicating
that ho once served in an acceptable manner
as i call boy In the Hoffman House , N. Y. More
over , ho whs plausible , chiid-Iike und bland ,
smooth , and curried the usual modicum of
gall ! with him.
The Fats and the Leans.
A large and enthusiastically expectant con
course of people , with a large representation
or , the gentler sex , assembled on tho grounds
or , tho "Famous. " Tuesday afternoon , to wit
ness i a game of base ball between the "Fats"
and i "Lean s" of this citj. We would , in mercy ,
throw i the ample cloak of charity over this
painful 1 affair and let it rest In reposeful.peace-
tul 1 oblivion , but us a luithful and reliable
chronicler ' of local events wo are compelled to
draw aside the veil for a moment and give a
faint glimpse ol the agonizing scene. The
participants were :
John Majors , Catcher. Frank Newman ,
C. < M. Noble , Pitcher. James Pinkerton ,
Thos. \ Colfer , 1st Uase. Fred Newman ,
J. H. Uenuetr , 2d Base. J. W. Lewis.
Fred 1 Elliott , lid Base. H. Trowbridge ,
Jacob : stoinmetz , Short. Geo. I ) . Berry ,
C.J. ' Ityau , It. Field. J.D. Kobb ,
W. W. Brown. L. Field. F. L. McCracken ,
L. L. Hulbuid. C. Field. John Wiley.
Six and half innings of torture were endured
by the "Fats , " when kind nature intervened
and the game was culled on account of rain ,
the l score standing 3T to 9 in favor of the
"Leans. " Revenge is sweet.
Musical Sociable Proa ram.
The geometrical society of the Congregation-
al church will give a musical sociable at the
church on the evening of Friday. August rd.
Admission , 1U cents.
Trio • ' '
'Gathering Home.
Misses Nettleton and G. B. Nettleton.
Solo "Sadly I Roam. "
Miss Nellie Lee.
Chorus "Revolutionary Tea. "
Duet "Maple on the Hill. "
Mrs. Moore and Miss Crawford.
Solo Mrs. McKinney.
Instrumental Duet "Musket Galop. "
Rev. J. S. Kclsoy and Mr. L'Roy Allen.
Solo Mrs.J.C.Allen ,
Duet "I Know a Bunk , " etc.
Mrs. II. C. Day and Miss I. J. Hollister.
Solo "The Day is Done. "
Mrs. J. S. Kelsey.
The Pioneer Hardware store's new advertise
ment looms up. this week , in enlarged propor
tions and chock full of bargains. W. C. La-
Touretto & Co. will give you bottom figures
and staple goods in their lincevcry time. Don't
fail to give them a call.
A Tuiiiunh reporter dropped in upon a little
caucus of three , last night , which made up for
lack of numbers in warmth it was held in a
box cur.
The republican primary election in this city ,
to-morrow , promises to bo of usual warmth
and interest.
Decided to Remain Out.
Messrs. lloge. Murphy and Hall of the en-
gineers' , firemen's and switchmen's griev-
ance committees arrived in the city , Sunday
morning , on their tour over the Burlington ,
polling the vote of the different divisions on
the pioposition submitted by the road at a re-
cent conference. We understand that the re- '
suit here was a unanimous decision to reject
and to remain out. The chairmen continued '
their journey to Denver on the flyer , thesame
afternoon ; passing through this station , Wedj j
uesday morning a ain on their way to the St. i
Joe J meeting ; f
The McCook Pavilion. (
Dances at this popular resort will be held
eveiy Wednesday and Satuiday eveningdur- (
ing the season. Excellent music lias been se- ,
cured and the best of order will be maintain-
ed , so that all who desire to engage in an en- (
joyable dance will be able to do so without i
fear of rudeness or insult. Ice cream and i
lemonade in connection. There will also be ;
a dance , this ( Friday ) evening.
Woman's Relief Corps.
There will be a regular meeting of the "
Woman's Relief Corps No. HO at Masonic hall j
on Saturday , July the 2Sth. at 2 o'clock , P. ;
M. , mountain time. All ladies whose names j
were on the application for charter are rei i
quested to be present. J
Mus. M. E. Bakhei : , i
Miss Nellie Lee , President. ;
Secretary. Ji J
The musical sociable at the Congregational ;
church , next Friday evening , will be well
worth the price of admission , 10 cents. Don't
tail to be there. The proceeds go to assist in
paying for the extensive improvements made
recently on the interior of the building.
The old Nelis store room is being remodel- '
ed and renovated , this week , for occupaucy
by 11. II. Berry , next week. It will make
Mr. Berry a commodious and convenient
place of business in an excellent business lo- :
The "Famous" boys expect to play a match
game with the Alma clr.b about August 1st ,
on the home grounds. On the eleventh they
have arranged a game with the Yuma team
on the latter's grounds.
The public are under obligation toL. Low-
man & Son and the McCook Book and Sta
tionery Co. for score cards gratuitously cir
culated during the last two base ball games.
The carpenter shop lately used by the old i
building association lias been moved up on
to North Manchester street , and Ls being con
verted into a dwelling house.
Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next Sabbath
morning , upon "Religion of the Face' ' and in
the evening upon "Timely Help. "
-I-JL i L ! ' ' . ' 'iJL ' ' _ JL _ BO
MIa9 Mutlc Knights wont down to Cambridge.
Inst cvoulug , on a vMt of a fow days.
Thos. Mclnro } camo In from tho wesl , on
Wednesday , on n visit to his rnnilb * .
Capt. H. II. Straut , ono of Culbertson's lead
ing citizens was among tho city viultors on
Miss Maudo McConuoll , Monday went up to
Denver on ti visit of lomc length. Sho will bo
tho guest or her slider.
Mrs. J. P. Israel , after a short visit in Cul-
bertson , Is again the guest of Mrs. Thos. Mc-
Inroy of West McCook.
T. J. Floyd , n prominent real estate dealer of
Trenton , had business in tho clty.Iast evening.
Ho went home , this morning.
Mrs.T. S. Bosloyund tho baby went down
to Fairmont , this state , Wednesday morning ,
on a visit of Indefinite duration.
A. E. White , a brother-in-law or F. L. Mi-
Crackcu , was down from Frontier county.
Wednesday , on some business affairs.
I. II. Stapletouof tho Wauncta Citizen had
land business beforo the local olllclais , > ester-
day. Ho returned homo , this morning.
Mrs. O. S. Torroy is visiting friends at Tren
ton. She went up on the morning passeugor ,
Wednesday , and will be gone some time.
J. A. Dudgeon of Arapahoe , lato independ
ent candidate for judicial honors In the elev
enth , was a Commercial guest , yesterday.
Mrs. W. M. Anderson went down to Indian
ola , Saturday evening , on a visit to her people
who reside a short distance north of that place.
Nixon Waterman , nfthcOinaha Republican
Co. , with carerul and trained eye , was looking
to the company's interests in tho city , yester
M. Stern , who is extensively Interested in
city and suburban property here , was up from
Holdredge , Monday of this week , on business
M. R. Randall , a leading druggist of Atwood ,
Kansas , has been the guest of J. E. Kelly ror u
few days. He departs for home , to-morrow
Cashier A. C. Ebert of tho Citizens bunk
spent Sunday in the stuto capital. OscarCalli-
han of tho Citizens bimk , Roukelmun , ac-
comp. 'tmcd him.
W. C. Bullard was up atCulbertsou , Wednes
day ' night , assisting in the institution or a Ma
sonic l lodge at that place. He returned home ,
yesterday morning.
S. D. Hunt and J. C. Anderson went down to
St. Joe , Sunday , to attend the great brother-
hood meeting , this week. They returned
home , this morning.
C. F. Babcock holds the ribbons over the
handsomest span ot'thorough breds in West
ern ' Nebraska. They are the admiration of all
lovers of the horse kind.
C. G. Potter went up to Choyonne , Monday ,
in response to a telegram announcing the
serious injury of his friend Will Smith , in the
U. P. yards in that city.
W. W. Brown , or Culbcrtson , a prominent
candidate for uominutioii to the office ot repi
resentutive , in Hitchcock county , wus in the .
city a few hours , yesterday.
Mr. Cheney , a prominent barrister of Red
Cloud ' , and aspirant fur nomination to the at
torney * generalship of the stato , is in the city ,
to-day ' , hob-nobbing with the boys.
Luman N. Howo has rented the Investment
Co. 's new dwelling in the northeastern part of ]
the city and will move into the city in a few
duys and resume his residence among us.
Miss Anna Pade and Mrs. Prindlc left for
McCook ; , Tuesday morning , whero they will
visit relatives two weeks. From there Mrs.
Prindlo goes to her home in California. Hast
ings j Democrat.
Mayor Starr of Indianola was up from the
county-seat , , Monday , hobnobbing with the
boys i over the political situation. Mr. Starr
will be recognized as a prominent candidate
for state's attorney.
Capt. J. A. Wilcox spent Tucsdny at Indian-
ola ' on business of which politics perhaps
formed a considerable portion. Mrs. Wilcox
and Miss Mabel him.
• accompanied They re
turned home on an evening freight.
A. M. Webster of Washington , 111. , registered
at : the Commercial House , yesterday. Mr.
Webster is an immigration agent and is work
ing up some harvest excursions to Nebraska
from Illinois , same to be run next month.
Miss Lincoln , who has been visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Kruse for the past two weeks ,
left for her home , at Banksville , Nebraska ,
Wednesday , accompanied by Mrs. Kruse who '
will pay a visit to friends at that place. Cou- >
Senator J. P. Lindsay of Beavor City was in
the ] metropolis , Tucsduy , seeing to his political
fences ] in Red Willow county. We acknowledge
a short call. The senator lof ton the Wednesday
morning ' train for the western counties of tho j
district on a similar errand.
Geo. H. Grubb , Esq.ono of Indianolu'6 prom
inent younir lawyers , and a leading candidate
for representative honors , was up from the i
seat of county affairs. Tuesday , sizing up the j J
political situation hereabouts. The Tuibunk I i
enjoyed a short call and chat. I 1
Hon. J. W. Dolan of the county-seat was in ' ,
the metropolis , Saturday , an observant wit- (
ness of thesimmeriugs and splutterings of the s
pot political. The Tuibunk has to acknowl- ,
edge a pleasant call from the ex-senator , who
always evinces and exercises a lively interest ( -
in the political affairs of the county.
The lease contracts to the following describ- t
ed educational lands in Red Willow county , -
Nebraska , have been declared lorfeited for •
non-payment of rental and will be subject to •
lease at the office of the county treasurer of '
said county on the 4th day of August. 1SS8 , at i
10 o'clock , A. .M . of said day and so continue -
from day to day until leased , viz : seH of nw ! '
and iw'i of nw . at ; W3'J8. . q1A of se1 of seJi
of 1C-1-2JI. all of 102. . - ) . lots 5 and G in r,0-4-2.j.
SHor 30-2-30 , seli of nw4 and sJ4 ne1 ! ot'r.w i
and w1 ; nw1 , sw1 , and w's of sei and se'i ot
seK and w' i of ne't ol se'i. and sej * of ne1 * of'
s ; ? 4 of 3G 4 23. and lot 7 in : w-4 20. Provided the '
owner of a lease contract to above land may '
redeem i the same by paying delinquency and !
cost of artvprtising at any time before the'
land is subject to Wsc and until a bid orap- '
plication : has been made to lease the same , but
said i owner will not be allowed to redeem af
ter a bid has been made. A bid or application ;
from the owner of forfeited sale or lease con-
trict will not be considered or 'eceived !
Com. Pub. Lands & Buildings. !
J. H. GOODRICH , Jit. ,
County Treasurer , Agent. 8-3w. t
Noah Higgins will take notice that on the
2J < th day of June , 18SS , S. H. Colvin. a justice
of the peace of Willow Grove precinct. Red
Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $33.01 in an action '
pending before him. wherein C. H. Rogers is , ,
plaintiff and Noah Higgins defendant , to-wit : i ,
Money in the hands of B.F.Morrison has been
attached under said order. Said cau e woj > '
continued to the 20th day of August , ISSi , at 0
o'clock.A. M. i
C. H. ROGERS. Plaintiff. •
July 6th. 1SSS. 7-4ts.
John S. Humphreys will take notice that on !
the 30th dayot.Iune.18SS. S. H. Colvin. a jus
tice of thepcaceof WiilowGrove precinct.Red I
Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of I
attachment for the sum of14.30 , in an action ,
pending before him , wherein II. B. Davis is '
plaintiff and John S. Humphreys defendant , t
that property of the defendant , consisting of •
money in the hands of the C. B. & Q railroad )
Co. . due and unpaid , has been attached under
said order. Said cause was continued to the '
20th day of August. 1SS5J , at 9 o'clock.A. M. t
JulyCth , 1S8S. B.B.DAVIS , i
7-4t8. Plaintiff. i
_ 'M
uwicw ; &fey r ; > wire I
AMU Atu 0 rQT fA S. CUTS , 1
OlSEAStS S 3gj 5a [ JfaO ; & < &S , 1
OF * 0He $ 'f\riDP > % & % I
I'orSalobyA.MeMIIIen. , II
by I
at office of II
Balloon Ascension. [ I
Having been unsuccessful in sending II
up our baIloon3 on the fourth of July , jl
we have ordered a new supply from the 11
manufacturers and on the first favor | fl
able evening after their arrivalvc will fl
send them up as advertised. Watch for jl
them and secure a prize. il
JMcCooic Hook and Stationery Co. ' jl
Tho Black Arrow by It L. Stevenson. jl
La Terre by Kuril Zola. !
A Strange Manuscript. 'I '
The Lady and The Tiger by Frank I
11. Stockton. I
All in cheap editions at I
McCook Book and Stationery Co. 's. I
'Cash Down. No Delay.
o H
No need of waiting to send oif appli-
cations. Money paid over as soon as I
papers are completed. Call on or ad-
dress ' , Red Willow Co. Rank ,
4H-tf Indianola , Xeh. I
Any person desirous of obtaining Ap-
pleton ] ' .s American Cyclopedia as good
as new and at a greatly reduced figure , I
.should I call at this office at once. The
sixteen ; volumes complete. All in ex- I
eellent ( condition. At a sacrifice. I
Hall & Cochran have just received a B
large ] shipment oi the celebrated Mil-
BURN ' TUBLEll-AXB Waoons , which B
they I are ready to sell at fair prices. fl
Furnished Room Wanted. fl
A large , well furnished room , cither fl
with i or without hoard , where there are fl
few i or no boarders. Address "X" fl
Tribune office. S-2ts. fl
Refrigerator for Sale. fl
If you want a refrigerator cheap that H
is practically as good as new has not H
been ] used a month call at LaTourette's fl
hardware store. This is a bargain. fl
One ' - > room and one 4-room dwelling. fl
Inquire \ of \V. M. Anderson. fl
Over First National Rank. H
Milch Cow for Sale. fl
I have a good milch cow for sale fl
cheap. ( C. 11. Meeker. fl
I can make you farm loans at lowest H
rates. 1 Office 1st door west of Citizens fl
bank. ] II. G. Dixon or Chas. II Royle. fl
We deliver daily fresh buttermilk H
from the McCook creamery. fl
Eaton & Co. H
I have a few good fresh milch cows fl
for sale , cheap. Xicil. Sevenker. H
Imported Ale and London Stout for
family use at Strasser ' s. Delivered H
free to private families. H
S. ? . EAST , 2s2itr. Ti.:32 Cizr.irsrz , 2:5hcr.
Lakd Offici : at McCook , Xeh. , H
Juie3tli.lbS > 3. f
Notice is hereby trivon timt the following- M
namedettlcr has iiled notice of his intention M
to make Una ! proof in support of hiu claim. M
and that said proof wiil hemads before the M
Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on M
Wednesday.Auiriifct IJ.lWJ.viz : Thomas L. Eide M
P. E. I ) . S. No. 50W. for the northeast H
U. section . " , town. 5. ran e.J west. Oth P. M. M
He namesthe following witnesses to prove his H
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , H
said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , Colben P. H
Viland. Nels. O. Ducland and Chribtopher C. M
Duelaud ail of Quick , Nebraska. | H
C. S.P.HART , Register.
Laniofi'ick at Mccook , Neu. , |
JuiiCt- . 8. f
Notice is hereby t'iven that the following- H
named settler iias hied notice of his intention H
to make ilnal proof in support of his claim , H
and that said proof will be made before Rc is- H
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Thursday. H
August i ) , ISb. " , viz : Adolph Eicachick. II. E. H
No LIZ- - ' , for lots ' _ ' , a. 4. section 27. T. 3. It. H
30 , W.Gtli P.M. . He names the following wit- B
ne-ses to provehiscoutinunusresidence upon , H
and cultivation of. said land , vi : : : George H
Poll. Michael Weick. Charles Vollbrecht aud H
Herman Thole , all of McCook. M
b. P. HART. Register. MM
Land Offi't. at McCook , Nec , i M
July i'lth. . lass. f
Notice is hereby given that the following- H
named settlor lias tiled notice of his intention H
to miiKO linal proof in support of his claim , H
and that said proof will be made before Rejris- M
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. on Wednes- MU
day. beptember 1 _ , IbcJj , viz : Georgo S.Cumlilf , H
H. E. 4.09. > . for the S E. ' • . N. W. , . . E. ' • . S. W. H
ii.andS. W. itS.W. ! .Sects.T l.N.Range H
SJ W. C P. M. . He name3 tho following wit- M
nfsses to prove his continuous residence up- H
on. and cultivation of. said land , viz : Edward M
I. . Walker , Abraham Peters , Andrew N. Allen. H
Howe smith , all of Banksville. Nob. H
bP. . HART , Register.
Laxi > Office at McCook. Neb. , i 1
July ilrd , 13PS. f
Notice is hereby given that the following- H
named settler has tiled notice of his intention H
to mako tinal proof in support of his claim , H
and that said proof will be made before the H
Register or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Mori- H
day , September 10th. 1SS. viz : Sanford M.Mc- H
Gntr. 13. b. No. . " > ,147for theS. W.Jt. . Sec. 17. H
Town 1. N. . RangeJ0. : west , 6 P.M. He names H
the following witnesses to prove his continu- H
ou3 residence upon , and cultivation of. said mU
land , viz : Harrison Werley. Wilson H. Hart- M
man. James I ) . Dennison. Sanders R. Sea- H
mauds , all of Banksville , Neb. M
S. P. HART , Register. H
Noah Higgins will take notice that on the 18th M
day of June. 1K > , S. H. Colvin , a justiceofthe M
peace in and for Willow Gr ve precinct. Red |
Willow county. Nebraska i-snM an order of mm
attachment for rhe sum of ? , - . ! . " > in an action M
pending before him. wherein Tim-aas IJ. Stutz- | H
man Is plaintiir and Noah Hii : : 'inv. defendant , | H
that propertv of tiie defendant to-wit : 3Ioney H
in the haudsof IJ. I' . Morrison has been attach-
ed under said order. Said cause was continu- H
ed to the 11th day of August.l&SS. at ! ) o'clock ,
A. M.
July 6th , 18SS. 7-itS.
! fl
im \ \ \ \ \ \ \