I Tl * JMajkJVifit ? * . H By F. M. KIMMELL. Official City and County Paper. I REPUBLICAN TICKET. H FOR PRESIDENT , BENJAMIN HARRISON , H OF INDIANA. H FOR VICE 1'fiE.SIDENT , LEVI P. MORTON , H OF NEW YoBK. H FOR MEMBKli OF CONGRESS , JA31ES LAIRD. H Colt far Republican Primary Election. H The itepubMeaa electors of Ited Willow H vntr , Jtefenutka , are hereby requested to B ktlWlrprHuary el jcllB on Saturday. July H Hoti. tor the purpose of electing dew-irates H a. coareaiitMi to tj ht M Ih tbe Court House H tlte cttreflsdtAAOlii. or Saturday , the Uli m x f August , lass , at tbe tour of 11 o'ulock. B Si * m mid coBvestiea will elwt set en dclbjratcd B the R tmbttcua State Convention to Uj bold B thOtyeru eoH.on u UKtriItai.sovert I K < r tt j to tte.KepublicjtB Senatorial Con- B > -ratios. um4 put > a notntaattOD on oandfduto f > rreprcaca&tUVif.on oaadidatc for county ajvtracj. one • oinmussiomtr for tbe second district , ami to tnuu a tsueli other bu.slneM us S K17 property come before said convention. B APPOBTIOSMEST. B TketeTerai precincts are entitled to repre- aeatattoa as loHowa : B lediaaola. 12 WJHoirGrove IS Ke4 VfMoir. . a JJ BoxEtdcr 4 Hi Cetecuux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . . . . 2 B Valley Graase - . . . . . . . . . 4 H Driftwood . . . . . 3 H9 Crast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 4 HB Gerv r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • . S LUaburr . . . . - . . . . . . . . 3 S BesdrMe. : t S Beaver . . it B Lcbaaott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3Me4e ri KWse 2 Bfl Tyreae . . - 3 I EastVaMey 3 J North VaKey 7 H Total & 8 Axi # WuEKEA5. At the republican state eon- 8 Teattea beW October 5. U7. at tbe city of Lln- la. t was directed that the republican voters at tbr repubtioaa primaries should vote upon j U. > question of tbe submission of prohibition BC a acoasttoitioBal amendment , and the same fl harias beea directed by tbe republican state s ceatrai committee the said electors will also 1 t > 'c epos * aid proposition to be submitted ua B Jo los : * * Sbatt there be a submission of the , coastHuboaal ameadment in this state , pro * ' kiMttajr the sale aad maaufacture of intosi- . c caring Ifejaer * ? " All those who favor this , popositisa wM vote "yen" and ail those op- 1 s j 9sedwttf vQte HOontbetrrespectivctickets at Mich primary elections and make a return t H tb reof to said committee. H Dose by order of the Republican County Ceatrai Committee , this 14th day of June. 1858. WILL McCOOL. C A. FREDERICK. Chairman , s Secretary. I ANNOUNCEMENTS. H FOIt CODSTr ATTOUXEr. H At the toMoitatien of many leading republl- Bj W3I of tbe couaty to become a candidate for H r-eiecttoa to tbe eflice of county attorney. I B & reby asaouaee myself as a candidate , sub- pi jecttotheeboiseof tbe republican county con- f t eattoa. R. iL SNAVKLr. J TOO. COOIT ATTORNEY. H I hereby announce mytelf as a candidate for H eouBty attemoy. subject to tbe decision of the repubUcaa county convention. H. W. Cole. H COPSTrATTORSEir. H We are authorized to announce the on di- f 4aey of W. R. STARR. Eq. . or Indianolu. for J tbe office of county att orney. t < u bject to decis- , J 10a of republican county convention. J The unirersity investigation teruii- H sated , yesterday , in tbe discbarge of H CbanceMer 31anatt by tbe regents. H The brigbt. particular star of probi- H itiwB la in tbe ascendent May it < joickly tvrinkle triompbantly over rum H cursed Nebraska is our prayer. B Never ih yur drem altogetber de- s rt that taste wbicb is general. The H v rW c Bsiders eccentricity in great H tkisga genius ; in small things , folly. H Commander in Cuief Re.4. of the G. H \ . R. bas i ed a a order against the H Mrearwg f G. A. fi. uniforms at polit- H ; ral gatherings. This is to avoid allap- J pearanee , evea , that die order is engug- H i g ia pKttes as a body. I - - - = * J Thespecial artist * ' whose product B L that article in tbe Omaha Bee of j 1 B I7tb jbsL , coHeerning an alleged ' "twis- I B ter" at Benkelman , ought to join An- B aaias. Such outrageous misrepresenta- B ti ns asd falsehoods fall far short of B ' -cateness. " Suppress the liar. I Count Tolstol , the novelist , is in danger # f being imprisoned for lunacy. I Tbe charge is isspired by the countess. I She is \rrWly minded woman who dees H t believe in tbe count selling all I bis property aad giving tlie proceeds to ' B tbe p er. She will ask that an inquiry j I be m&de ze to bis sanity. I The Bridsk Hosiery Review says : j I * We venture t assert that England ' I iH reap tfee largest share of any ad- ( I Ta tages that may arise from tbe adop- { u a of tbe ideas now advocated by the i f'etnde party ia the United States. " j Exactly so : bet the Review said this j I for tbe escouragemect of tbe manufac- ; I ttrsrs of EBgbad , and not for circulaj j I ties ia Aaeriea. = = = = = = I It is said , aad it seems very reason- I a bie te bedevil tbac Mrs. J. Ellen I Fe terf tke BOted temperance advocate , I TTTwte the fefiewiag pbnk in the repub- I licas piatfens : "The first concern of aH geed g veraBi Bts is tbe virtue and ; I sobriety ef tbe people and the purity of > tkeir burses. Tke republican party \ cersiaMy syapatkizes with all wise and > weM directed effort * for tbe prom-itton j M T teapenuace aBd morality. " 1 I Italt d es set reHsb tbe fact that I esgref s is about tc take action in pre- j I reatiag tbe isS i ef pauper labor into j I Asseriea. Tbe gererBiaent organ says ! I tkat Italy will be es its guard to see j tkat seitBer tke l' ited Stated nor any ! tker ceuatry &hsM take measures con- , trzrr to tke iBtaroatienai law. It is' ' eridest tfeat Italr waats to gee rid of ; , ker beggary ket ke will find out that Aaerica dees aer propose to be herj i dsjspiag : groaad. j ThE k © assail Geaeral Harrison j fr ! sCkseseIiecerd are making small ( fecadjrar. CaJHWaio is satisfied with \ it or at least tkerepuMicaB portion of 1 CafcTooax is a d eebody eke cares , ; mch aboat tke subject , except to j j xwakea oawrtkj prej < idjcet * . N obody ; , < a ktirt Gtficral f larrisoB bow in this | wtter exaept ka * * } f. He may in- , 1 inre Urn H by attempted apology ; [ . Vaxpiaaaif * . , bt fads up like' ' I * ibJj km he % Ui beall nghL | " ' ' u'Lmi ' jlia Lajjji . .jjH.giaiJiS..jii _ The campaign bus opened with us ual vigor in Missouri , the chuinpiou Democratic State > f the Wtst. In Vernon County , where a number of tin reconstructed rebels still live , they made and raised a rebel flag the other day. When the loyal citizens of the commun ity remonstrated , the unreconstructed declared that it was an attempt to de stroy freedom , and they being loyal supporters of President Cleveland , did not propose to be bulldozed by the repub licans. When the flag was pulled down by the enraged citizens , a local magis- st ' rate fined them $100 for disturbing the peaoe. The case has been appealed and it is to be hoped that Missouri will not be eternally disgraced by her higher courts affirming this decision. : The man who casts the vote of the . whole rolling mill , the fellow who agrees j | to deliver a precinct at the proper time , I j the chap whocarrics the ward in his ' vest pocket , the great man who controls i the county , is now standing on the street ! comer whero he can be seen of men. { Take notice of himmy son , and watch him well when he is counted by and by. ; | ' You will then observe that heaggregate , i onevote , and you won 't have to bid high ' to get that one. Burdette. 31 r son , the campaign is fairly open , the first gun is fired , and before the chilly winds of November shall freeze one of the candidates to death , there will be lots of kerosene oil burned and lots of whisky drank. Now , do you burn the whisky , my boy , and drink the kerosene. You'll feel better and you 'll be richer , and there won't be such a waste of oil. One drink will last you through the whole campaign. Bur- dtttte. Casper K. Yost and David II. Mer cer of Omaha spent a few hours in the city , yesterday afternoon. Mr. Yost ia making a canvass for the state treasur- - sbip. He is and old resident of Nebras ka , an able an clever gentleman and the funds of the commonwealth , shall they be placed in his keeping , will be entire ly safe and secure. There is nothing in General Harri son ' s life to repel the votes of any la boring man. On the contrary , there is everything to attract their admiration , their confidence , and their regard , and the more they study his career , the more they will appreciate and honor his noble qualities. Mrs. Cleveland's disapproval of the bustle is likely to banish it from fashionable feminine gear , though her tiny , close-fitting bonnets failed to over throw the sky-scraping theater hat. It is easier to sit down upon a bustle than upon a high hat. All over Nebraska republicans are rallying en masse to the support of the ticket. Enthusiastic meetings are be ing held in every town in the state , and indications all point to tbe biggest re publican majority ever known in the state. Kaa mm mmmm Capt. Hill's resignation as private secretary to Gov. Thayer will take effect August 1. The captain will then enter the field as a candidate for the republican nomination of state treasurer. A CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. Mus.Mauy' E. Ludlow , of Manning , Pratt Co. . Kansas , says : Six yeurs agro we lived at Columbus Junction , Iowa , and I had a young baby and a very sore breast. For three mouths I tried everything : until at last I trot a box of Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment and it cured them. Sold by all druggrist. " . LEGAL NOTICE. Noah Hijnrins will take notice that on the 2 th day of June. ISfcS , S. H. Colvin , a justice of the peace of Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of affttctnncnt for the sum of 533.01 iu an action pendimr before him. wherein C H. Itosers is plaintiff and Noah Hiir ins defendant , to-wit : Money in the hands of U.F.Morrison has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 20tii day of August , 1883 , at 9 o'clock.A. M. C. H. KOGERS. Plaintiff. July 6tb. 1SSS. 7-4tS. LEGAL NOTICE. John S. Humphreys will take notice that on the 30th day of June. lSaHJ. S. H. Colvin. a jus tice of tbe peace of Willow Grove precinct.Red Willow county Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of f 41.50. in an action pendingbefore him , wherein II. II. Davis is plaintiff and John S. Humphreys defendant , that property of the defendant , consistinpof money in the hands of the C. B. & Q. railroad Co. . due and unpaid , has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 20th day of August , ISsS , at 'J o'clock.A. M. Julytith , IbSti. B.B.DAVIS. 7-lts. Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Noah Hfefflns will take notice that on the 18th day of June. I88S. S. H. Colvin. a justice of the peace In and for Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county. Nebraska , issued nn order of attachment for the sum of § 12.15 in an action pendingbefore him. wherein Thomas II. Stntz- tnan is plaintiff and Noah Biggins , defendant , that property of the defendant to-wit : Money in the bands of B F. Morrison has been attach ed under said onler. Said cau.-e was continu ed to tbe llth day of AugusMSSS. at 9 o'clock. A.M. THOMAS B. STUTZMAN. Plaintiff. July titb. 186S. 7-tts. Assessed Valuation. BED WILT.OW COUNTV FOlt YEAIt 1S88. NO. VALUE. Horses 5.1&1 $ 7S.1H1.00 Cattle 12.JC1I KJ.tSW.00 Mules x,7 7.204.00 Sheep WJ 113.OO Hogs 6.S02. G.0S5.00 Total amount rail road property. . . 250.iS5.00 Tota'valuation , personal • • . . . 621.452.00 Real Estate 705.SJJ7.00 " for County 1,329,849.00 roa THE veau 1S87. NO. VALUE. Horses 1.801 $ 95,452.00 Cattle 12.117 69.49350 Mules 3S2. 9.130.00 sheep .1.100. 94S.55 Hogs C.b7fi. 7,119.55 Rail road property 182,110.50 1 Total valuation personal property , e0S,08t > .50 real estate 783.012.00 1 forcounty -J91.09S.50 j " NOTICE. j The lease contracts to the followingdescrib- j ed educational lands iu Red Willow comity , > Nebraska , have been declared forfeited for ! non-payment of rental and will be subject to Icae at the office of the county treasurer of said county on tbe 4th day of August , 1SSS. at' ' 10 o'clock. A.M. . of said day and so continue from day to day until leased , viz : se1 * of nwl 1 and nw 4 , of nvor 3B-.1-2S. e J of sc' nf se1 * I of 1C-4-2U. all of 16-2-29. lots 5 and C In 3G-4-26. . 8w' or 3C-2-30. seU of nwU and s4 ? ucl of nwJ4 ' and w' nw'o swi and wl , of sef * and se\i or se1 * and vr't of ne1 * of pe1 . and seU of lie's of • seU of3tf4.29.andlot7inai-42tJ. Providedthe j ' owner of a lease contract to above land may ' redeem tbe same by paying dellnmiency and • cost of advertising at any time before tho t land is subject to lese and until a bid or ap plication has been made to lease tbe same , but ; 1 said owner will not be allowed to redeem af- ' ter a bid ha * been made. A bid or application i from the owner of forfeited sale or lease con- trict will not be f raaidered or received. JOSEPH SCOTT. Com. Pub. Land ) & Buildings. I. H. GOODRICH. Jil , County Treasurer , Agent , > 3w. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . For First Place. A gre it amount of political engineering will be dune by friends of candidates to secure for their man tho first pluco on tho ticket , and tho best man will probably si-curo tho coveted place. Then If endorsed by tho people , the election Is assured. Electric Bitters has been put to tho front , Its merits passed upon , bus been Indorsed , mid unanimously given tho first place , nmoug remedies peculiarly adapted to the rcllof mid euro of all Diseases of kidneys , liver nud stomach. Electric Bitters , being gurrantccd. Is a safe Investment. Prlco , CO corns and $1 per bottle nt A. McMIllen's drug store. RESOLUTION. Be It resolved by tho Mayor and Council or tho City of McCook , That tho following estimate Is hereby made of tho amount of money to be raised for all purposes iu said city during tho present fiscal year for which appropriation is to be made , to-wit : For salaries , city olllccrs , $2,190.00. For incidentals 000.00. I'or water services 900.00. Total amount appropriated.$3,750.00. For the purpose or meeting this appropria tion the following levy is made on ail tho tax- nblo property In tho city of McCook , to-wit : For general lutid purposes lOmills. For water fund purposes as authoriz ed by sub-division 15 , section C9 , chapter 14. compiled statutes of Nebruska , a levy of 5 mills. Total levy made 15 mills. Attest : James McEntee , Mayor. W. M. Anderson , City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of June , 1888. Dn. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the digestive organs , free tho system of worms , give the horse 11 good appetite , causing them to shed frcoly and putting them in good shape for hard work. For sale by druggists. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3. P. HAST , Register. JACOB CTSIMUET2 , Ecceircr. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I June29th,1888. f Notice is hereby given that the following- numed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim , and that said proof will bo mado before tho Register or Receiver nt McCook , Neb. , on Weduesday.Augustl5.1888.viz : Thomas L. Eide P. E. D. S. No. 5090. for tho northeast hi section 5 , town. 5. range 29 west , Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , Colben P. Viland , Nels. C. Dueland and Christopher C. Dueland all of Quick , Nebraska. 0. S. P. HART , PiCgister. Land Office at Mccook , Neb. , i June2i,18SS. ( i Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , onTLursdav , August 9 , 18SS , viz : Adolph Rieschick. H. E. No 1,022. for lotsl 2 , 3. 4 , section 27 , T. 3 , It. 30. W. Cth P. M. . He names tho following wit nesses to provehis continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : George Poh. Michael Weick. Charles Vollbrecht and Herman Thole , all of McCook , S. P. HART. Register. BRIDGE NOTICE. The County Commissioners of Red Willow County. Nebraska , will receive bids until Julv 28th , 18SS , at 12 o'clock noon , for building the following bridges.viz : One on the ningo line one mile west of Mc Cook between sectionslll and 315 , said bridgp to bu400ft. long , and one on section linei1 ! ; miles east of Mci'ook on section line between sec tions 26 and 35 , said bridge to be 300 ft. long , and both of said bridges to bo in township 3of said count } * across the Republican river , and to be what is commonly known ns ordinary pile bridges , built of good material. In a good workman like manner. Ail bids must be ac companied with plans and specifications of the work. Attest : George w. Roper , County Clerk. Indianola , Neb. , June 21st. 18S8. J. Bvhon Jennings , Chas. E. Boyd , Frank D. Hess , McCook , Neb. Building Committee. H. P. WAITE , Contractor ® Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. o E35 Estimates on buildings carefully made. Give me a call. Shop on Marshall St. , north of The Frees ! c Ilocknell lumber yard. 7-2m. R. A. COLE , "The Leading" Merolianf TaiSor OF McCOOK , FOR First-Class Tailoring * . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them cheap for the next GO days. New Store ! New Goods ! About APKIT. IO wo will oc cupy our Mammoth New Store. corner 10th and Curtis Streets , with an entire new stock of Dry Goods , Dress Goods , Fancy Good * , Jer seys , Wraps , Suits. Millinery , Ladles' and Gents' Furnishings , J Boys' Clothing , Carpet * , Cur- tuln , etc. , making it the Gem DryGoodsStoreinthcWest. De pend upon latest styles and low eastern prices. Absolute satis faction guaranteed to all mail or ders or money refunded. Hand some 100-page Catalogue and sam ples sent free on application. < J. 5a.1T .JOS1.IX. lOtb and Curtli , Onp. Tabor Opera Home , XfESVEB. , COlLO. , a BBfc aaaaamigljiiBiLii iTi-wmaB aa aa MKaaaB : aanaaa aaDW3 Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs iu the city furnished. Ham , rear Mc Entee Motel. Wm. ill. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. ALSO A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. _ _ Money to Loan on Real Estate Security. ROOMS : OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. THE B. & M. Billiard Hali , PHILLIP WEICK , Prop. First-class tables and conveniences of a well equipped hall. Choice lino of Cigars al ways on hniut. Lemonade and all temperance drinks. WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , NEB. I esaaMMWia < MgaBQwjiiaSai , & ? < * i aw m WlaHBP aaWBBaM aBWBawJBWl"JWPIPlBaaK aajaBBB " ' ' . . . . . . . . . 1 ia ' I 1 ll. ' .J ' .11" ! "i ' Wl i i jwfc tfS5 l irtcofii anitarintti Dk. J. RICHARDS , Pkop. , 238 SOUTH nth ST. , - - LIMCOLM , JVE < B. In submitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place before them information that may save them time and money by informing them of the different health and mineral .spring resorts of our country : Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at Colorado Springs , Colo. , Los Vegas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , Arkansas ; Waukesha , Wisconsin ; Col fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each possessing advantages peculiar to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But these resorts are remote from your homes , requiring time and outlay of means to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large. Our own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce ments surpassing all. The Mineral Water from the Artesian Well of this city , which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels , as well as in diseases of the skin and blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera tions of the mucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety of Bath is given , including the Turkish , Kcssian , Steam , Electric , ( not Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. We use all forms of Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac tured. We use the Massage treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances and apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet on the farst floor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam. Water in all the rooms , with closets on each floor. We have some very fine rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and nurses. Our fa cilities are and will be all that can be desired for the treatment and cure of the sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia. Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura ble and offensive patients are not received. Room and board , $5.f)0 to $9.00 per week. Baths and treatment included , $9.00 to $18.00 per week. Send or call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths. Address , 23S SOUTH llTn STREET. UK. 'J • JLvICHAUDS. GET ONTOTHIS ! ; ! This year , we will give away to ij ® | | OUR GASH GUSTOMRRS , | | © j ; - - A FINE = - * - j ! + HH H H H + + + + + + + HM - + + + + + + + + + + + * lUr DUtrul , WUfllfliMmUU + + H , H + + + + + + ) - + - + + + -M- + + + + -H- + + + + - MM - + + + + p Call and learn Particulars. jj ® I LARGEST STOCK IM THE COUNTY , | ® | ! jiJf < D MEVEfR UJfDERSOLD. j | _ .1 * . , * ! W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. , Brick Store , 4 doors south of J. C Allen & Co's. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. J. H. OSWALT , Uas Opened a First-Class Restaurant § Confectionery IN THE BUILDING ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE FREES & IIOCKNELL LUMBER YARD AND S0LMTS THE PUBLI0 PATRONAGE , FRUITS IN SEASON. TOBACCO at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. Give me a Call J. A. OSWALT. o7g. ottbr 00. , ( THOMPSON'S OLD STAND. ) Flour , Feed and Baled Hay. Higest Market Price for Chickens , Eggs , Etc. % W Our stock is fresh and clean ; there are no flies on it and it is not likely that there will be any this summer. Give us a call. GEO. PAXTON , MiEufactaer azi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I1T CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of tlio brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything- the market. MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. M. A. LIBBEE , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. EST" A specialty or line residences , school houses , churches , etc. All work done with dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , corner Dodge and Manchester streets , t. e. Mccracken , The Insurance Ag'f McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light- ling , Tornado and Hail Storm. E. L. SMITH , LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLES , Evert's Old Stand , Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Allen's Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. t3T"Bcst Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. Good well water furnished on short notice , j a aw > t3.jyrM > Mi i * fi iS . . . . . . , . j -t- ' flii ' . -i -JT' ' . ' ' " " " 1"1 ' "j1"1 ' 'IllI. ' | . FSTi Mil w < WiiW. a.JI ft't ' fc . .j M TBI FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. I STRICTLY ONE PRICE r 1 1 \ Our Kegular Semi-Annual /I / ( Clearing Sale is now taking place. ; * h 1(1 ( 20 Per Cent. Off. } ON ALL I ( SUMMER SUITS. ' We never carry over goods from j one season to another. We must I 1 have room for our Immense Fall 1 { Stock now being made for us. Our . I Stock is already Marked in Plain 'J Figures at Low Prices. This Big { Discount from these , makes an in- 1 . • ducement seldom offered. Don't * fail to take advantage of this Great ' \ Clearing Sale. h _ _ _ _ _ _ , ( All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. 1 FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. j I JONAS BNGEL , Manager. McCook , Neb. , July 31 , 1888. \ \ < h i i i f AM still at the old stand , I and here I am to the front * • > } ' " • again with the latest styles in Men's , Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes. I have just received an elegant line * in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great many changes have been made in wearing apparel in the past ( ; year , especially in ladies' fine j shoes. Prices have been re duced to such an extent that a ; nice pair of fine shoes is with- \ in the reach of every one. Come and see for yourself. These * are progressive times , and so it keeps moving. Trade with 4 the Old Keliable , where you 1 can always find what you want J J. E. GAITS CHOW. ' j Opposite U. S. Land Office. \ I I \ I ' \ T : fi