The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1888, Image 8
' H'V- . . I * - T. - V H , iv . - „ . . HH H f- / ' ' , . H , - V j ' - , . * 5 ( jfc * J * ; If < / I TT does not matter what prices other people \ " , . \ ia iil / > ' • ; I aBk you for goods : we will guarantee to : * ' * * -afe * * * * ; ' V * * • sell you the same quality at a less figure. - ; . , . , * { u. . . . , v - : We never brag but always stand ready to make f ' : # -/j5 - 4" ' . ' our statements good. ' ? * $ . & - - * / I ' ' : L LOWMAN & SON , : " " ' • ; Ia& Br ItELIABLE : ' , , . - ' \ . , I % : iDp.r Goods , Clothing and Carpet | . } * . : : - ' _ ' S. ' * ' : MRRGHANT8. : . H * * * * a # * = : : - ; J * ' An Immense Stock of Fourth of July Goods. • . * - . . Hi & * > , - . • I GET ON TO THIS ! | | ! ; g | This year , we will give away to I ; ® Hour gash gustomrrs , | | # | -K - A FINE - - - B ( L a - _ _ _ i - - - _ - - ' . . ' - - - - . - ? - - . . - - - - . - - . . - - - . - - - - - _ - . _ r _ - - - _ - - . - - . - . _ r. - . - _ - _ - . - _ -i TOP BUGGY , WORTH $14oflO $ ! B < 4" 4-4 * 4- * > 4- > + + f 4- + 4 > + 4" 4444 > 4 * + 4-4- + 4 * 4-4 4 > + 4-4 > 4-4- I , Call and learn Particulars. Ij ® . J ! LARGEST STOCK IJV THE COUNTY , jj • I JJHD JNEVER UMQEfRSOL ® . . H' " ii I W. 0. LaTOURETTE & CO. , H | Brick Store , 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co's. R MAIN AVENUE. McCOOK , NEB. I Fu Atc racfeen t ro , , I JEWELERS , - | | McCook , - - Nebraska. Bj HS _ _ " _ , , - " . : ' - - - % - _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , . . _ - - _ ! We have the most extensive stock in the west of I Jewelry , WatcheSj Clocks and Silverware. I GOLD WATCHES l | Are at the same price of Silver. Watches were never known 1 -to be so cheap before. m I Good American watches from $2.50 to $25.00 in gold I filled cases. A fine line of canes and silk sun- 1 shades. AH Gold Heads in 10,12 and 14 carat gold. I We are offering a line of Cuff and Collar Buttons , I Pins and Ear rings , at just half price. Everything j guaranteed as represented. j MAIN AVENUE , - CORNER NORTH OF POST OFFICE. I 1 T-iTTi i i i ! I J. H. OSWALT , I * ( j - Has Opened a First-Class | Bestaurant § Confectionery . ; IN THE BUILDING OKE llOOll XOItTII OF THE FltEES IIOCKXELI. ' I.UMBEK YAKD AND , ; S0LMTS THE PUBLI0 PATRONAGE , | FRUITS IN SEASON. ] TOBACCO at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. J • DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. Giv ± tne a Call. J. A. OSWALT.i I mill III- _ - - - - - - - - ! - _ II--.IIII- ! Ml. . Ill 111 I I I I I 11 _ _ ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f i So hool oks Supplies , Biil llfliGli-i l i-llil-HHSBI P-P l Blank Books , Stationery , f AT THE I TRIBUNE OFFICE. K _ . rnwPSSJS ! Sw' ' * * < " > * ww' * ' "n * * * w''w' i i 1 1 11 i ii iin ( ' E. L. SMITH , . ! LIVERY , FEED I i AND \ SALE STABLES , - Evert's Old Stand , r Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. ' rt w''w'E. RIGS. FLEET HORSES. | i - V VOt/R PATRONAGE SOLICITED. ? * " lF ' 'S - • * Frank ff. Stockton's Account Of His Dog , "Fax. " "One Sunday , as with n well-dressed crowd I was goingr to church , I found Fax following me. Knowing1 that he never entered n church , I took no particular notice of him ; but hap pening' to look back a second time , I saw him at my heels with a twist-loaf in his mouth ! He had been in the shop of an irreligious baker in those few minutes. This was too much for my sense of propriety , and as I fail ed utterly to drive him off , and began to at tract considerable attention , [ was obliged to go down a side-street and so home. That dog was never abashed. I have seen him chase chickens into the very house of their owners , and , boforo their astonished eyes , pin the poor fowls to the floor. Of course , at such times , I did not wish any one to think that I was ac quainted with the dog. But on being discov ered in any disreputable intrusion into house , store , or garden , it was his habit to run to us , and jog along demurely behind us , as much as to say , "These aro the folks I belong to : If you have anything to say , Eay it to them. " And very often people did say it to us. " From "Dogs of Noted Americans , " by Gert rude Van li. Wickham , in St. Nicholas for July. July.A A BAD CASE OF FLUX CURED. My little bey about eight months old , was taken with flux. After several days , wo com menced giving Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy according todirections. "We were very uneasy about the child , and sent for a physician. I told him what we had been doing , and showed him the medicine. He examined it , and told us the best thing we could do , was to go ahead and give the remedy. We used about half of a small bottle , and cur ed the child , although the child was so slow , that he had no use of himself. Wo thought so much of your Remedy that we would let no one else have it. I told my wife a few days ago that I must write , and tell you what your medicine had done. G. W. Luoau , Zion's Hill , Virginia. Sold bj * all druggists. The following is the way New York has gone for the last quarter of a century : 1S& . Republican. 1S6S. Democratic. 1&72. Republican. • 1870. Democratic. 1SS0. Republican. 1884. Democratic. So you see that no time since 1800 has the state been carried in succession by the same party. The indications are in favor of the re publicans this year. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the digestive organs , free the system of worms , give the horse a good appetite , causing them to shed freely and putting them In good shape for hard work. For sale by druggists. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. F. 2A8T , Bolster. JACOB STEIHII3T2 , SeeeiTer. i Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i June 4,1888. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof insupportof his claim.and that said proof will be made before Register or Ueceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. July 20 , 18S8 , viz : Smith Gordon , who made H. E. No. 6096 for the S.W. & of Sec. 2 , Town H , N. . Range 29 W. 6th P. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of said land , viz : Thomas J. Ruggles , Thomas J. Pate , Edgar F. Couse and Columbus D. Howell , all of McCook , Neb. S. P. HART. Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I May 29,18S8. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , July 13th , 18S8 , viz : Peter L. Zimmer , Homestead Entry No. 3649 , for the S. Vi S.E. } i Section 32 , and S. } J S. W. H Section 33. Town. 6 north. Range 30 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jos eph Harr. John Hauser. Michael V. Doll and Anton Gieshpert , all of Osborne , Neb. l-6t. S. P. HART. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , ) June29th , 18S8. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that SHid proof will be mado boforo the Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wendesday.Augustl5.188S. viz : Thomas L. Eide P. E. D. S. No. 5090 , for the northeast li section 5 , town. 5 , range 29 west , 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Milan W. Quick , Colben P. Viland , Nels. C Dueland and Christopher C. Dueland all of Quick , Nebraska. . 5s • S. P. HART , Register. * 8 * Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I April 14th , 1888. f fi Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention > to make final proof in support of her claim , L iind that said proof will be made before Regis1 ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Thurs- \ 3ay , July 7. 1883 , viz : Agnes E. Wickwire , t ivifo of Ira G. Wickwire , deceused , for Homex stead Entry No. 29 , southeast H , section 4 , r town. 3 north , range 29 west. She names the t following witnesses to prove her continuous residenop upon , and cultivation of , paid lamj , v riz : Mary A. Small. Henry H. MJtohell , I yt nan Miller , John Shaw , all of McCook , Neb. s 47 S. P. HART , RegiBter. jj Land Office at Mccook , Neb. , a June 20,1SSS. f tl Notice is hereby given that the following- mmed settler has filed notice of his intention tl o mnkp final proof in support of his claim , a tnd that said proof will bo mado before Regis- er or Rccrivcr at McCook. Neb. , onTtursdav. \ugust ! i. 1 B , viz : Adolph RIescliick. H. E. * o. 1,022 , for lots 2. 3. 4. section 7. T. 3 , R. 0. W. 6fh P. M. . He names the following wlt- lesses toprovchi8Contiuuousrcsidcnce upon , ci Hid cultivation of. snld land , viz : Goorgo tc 'oh. Michael Wnick. CJmrlcs Yollbrephtiuid 81 ierman Thole , nil or McCook , u , SI P. HART , Register. , ft " • * - \ ' ' - < . • * It Would Not Do ! ; i > . " For an Old EstaWished House to indulge in advertising SPf sensational Halt-ofF , Below Cost , ' ' - - Take-'em-away-for- * | H nothing * Sales. ili Our reputation for selling ? * * RELIABLE TRUSTY , , = SERVICEABLE GOODS. | ' Is quite sufficient to draw people to our store , and when fl we have something helow ordinary prices , we can al- i | ways give good reasons for it. We are selling : * II Hats and Caps , 1 Groceries , Boots and Shoes , I \ | Notions , Etc. , I : -l At the lowest prices made by any firm in S. W. Nebraska. | / i . . _ _ _ _ _ § * * - - * This is not Idle Talk , our Goods and Frioes prove the Assertion , j I Call and Examine Our New Goods. I * j | CHAS. H. ROGERS , I Established in 1882. THE PIONEER MERCHANT. 1 A CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. Mits. Maky E. Ludlow , of Manning , Pratt Co. , Kansas , says : Six years ago wo lived at Columbus Junction , Iowa , and I had a young baby and a very sore breast. For three months I tried every thing until at last I got a box of Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment and it cured them. . Sold by all druggists. New Sectional Wall Map of Nebraska. ISSUED JUCY 1st , 18SS. Some wide-awake salesman is advised to give the residents of this vicinity an oppor tunity to examine and secure a copy of the latest and best Sectional Map of our Great Stato , a copy of which now adorns our office. The New Counties , the present outlines of or ganized townships ( voting precincts ) , com pleted railroads and recent changes , arc clear ly shown. Nice little points of geographical accuracy have received the most careful at tention. The location of towns and theirpop- ulation , 'is readily found by reference to the index which now accompanies each map. Rand , McNally & Co. , 148-154 Monroe street , Chicago , are the publishers , and we predict pleasant and profltablo employment for the fortunate agent who obtains tho right to rep resent them. Purit'y Your Blood. . . . Bodily and mental health depend upon a healthy condition of tho blood. Tho blood particularly in the spring and summer months , bocomes clogcd with impuritieswhich poison it and generate disease. A harmless blood punfior is necessary to restore a healthy tono. The best puriller and tonic known is Swift's Speciiic ( S. S. S.Of its won derful purifying and tonic powers WQ give a few testimonials : Mr. Win. A. Sicbold , with George P. Itowell & Co. , 10 Spruce Street , New York , writes : "I feel it my duty , for tho benefit of others who may bo af flicted as 1 was , to write yoa this letter , which you ran usj in any way you chooso. 1 suffered great pa-n from boils , all over my neck ; I could not turn my head without acute pain. After trying all the usual remedies , and find ing no relief , I used ono bottle S. S. S. , and very soon I was outirely relieved of my 'Job's Comforters. ' Now not a sign of my aill ction can be seen. " Mr. M. S. Hamlin , Winston , N. C , wr.tes : " 1 uso it evoiy It al- wavs builds me up , giving me appetito and digest'on , and enabl nj me to stand tho hot summer days. On using it I soon become strong of boJy and easy of mind. " Mr. C. E. Mltcrell , West 23d St. Fcrrv , New York , wr.tes : "I weighed \ \ & pounds when I be an taking j-our median' - ' , and now 112 pounds. 1 would not be without S. S. S. lor several times its weight in .gold. " Treatise ou Blood and Skin Discasa mailed free. Tiik Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga , McCook makes tho following bid to secure iho prize as the town presenting the champion make story teller : "Itulph McCracken says : hnt in the hills in the eastern part of the city makes abound in large quantities , not danger- jus reptiles but large and fat garter snakes. Sow Ralph has a pet English pug dog which 10 prizes very highly , and. as the story goes , ihIs dog gets out in the hills and gambols with he snakes. Monday morning the pug came unning on three legs to where Ralph stood , he fourth leg being down the throat of a Enako rhich wag hangjuj ; on in a manner conclusive hat be did not want to lose his meal. Ralph oon dispatched the snake and released the log. Ralph says the snake was six feet long nd as big around as a young Cottonwood and hat the curve on the pug's tall was tho only hing that saved it from being swallowed live , " Omaha Bee. BUCKLEN'S RNICA SALVE. The Ukst Salve in the world for cuts , bruls- 8 , sores , ulcers , saltiheum , fever gores , tot- jr. chapped hands , chilblains , cprns , and nlj kin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or o-pay required. It is guaranteed to give per-1 ' > ct satisfaction , or money refunded. Price j i centB per box. ForsolobyA. McMIIIen , ' : .C' ' - ' * ' " 'V - * . * ' * E - * ' ' , , , J 1 L _ _ . BRIDGE NOTICE. The County Commissioners of Red Willow County. Nebraska , will receive bids until Julv 28th , 18S8 , at 12 o'clock noon , for building the following bridges , viz : One on the range line one mile west of Mc Cook between sections31 and 3G , said bridge to bo400 ft. long , and one on section Wnc'ZYmiles east or McCook on section line between sec tions 2(1 ( and 35. sniil bridge to be 300 ft. long , and both of said bridges to be in township Oof said county across tlie Republican river , and to be what is commonly known as ordinary pile bridges , built of good material , in a good workman like manner. All bids must be ac companied with plans and specifications of the work. Attfst : GEonoE W. ROI'EK , County Clerk. Indianola , Neb. , June 21st. 188S. J. Rykon JEXxixas , Ciias. E. Boyd , FisanKD. Hess , McCook , Neb. Building Committee. RESOLUTION. Bo it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of McCook , That the following estimate is hereby made of the amount of money to be raised for all purposes in said city during the present fiscal year tor which appropriation is to be made , to wit : For salaries , city officers , $2iP0 00. For incidentals COO.00. For water services , DfiO.OO. Total amount appropriated.$3,75000. For the purpose of meeting this appropria tion the following levy is made on all the tax able property in the city of McCook , to-wit : For general Hind purposes 10 mills. For water f mid purposes as authoriz ed by sub-division 15 , section G' . chapter 14 , compiled statutes of Nebraska , a levy of 5 mills. Total levy made 15 mills. Attest : James McEntee , Mayor. W. M. ANDF.itsox.City Clerk. Approved this 21st day of June , 188S. JOHN F. BLAUK. Breeder of Improved Siieep. . EATON BROS. & CO. I 3Wj P. O. address , McCook , wgBg&KSfeOikyenntskiU Range , south , TMaHMPpy * Cattle branded on left ' rt Jte Jw * Horses branded same KILPATKICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on lei t hip or left shouder. \ -sjmffr- PO. . address , Estellc * fjKL _ Hayes county , and Beat- j30ttBWSS2 rice. Neb. Range. Stink- VHg c fiing Water and French- KKE&gESr'/111" ' " creeks. Chase Co. | 5aljl | x&7 ) Nebraska. JE -J-5 * Brand as cut on side of jW j- sm 1 some animals , on hip and 0 ] ciO JNcS § ! 9&t P& . sides of some , or anyy " = ftvatKAB = s J where on the animal. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIRCLE FlfiSlfflBLI j RATON & CO. , Proprietors. v1 EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. 9 East Railroad Street - I McCook , Nebraska. fl 111 Mil Liffl ii Tit Ci. -1 OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. W Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , I OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. | A. CAMPBELL , . . . . , . Pres.dent. VB . , . b. m. frees 1st Vice Prcdcht. . . , . " GEO. HOCKNELL Secretary. _ . . S. L. GREEN 2d Vice Presidcmt. , . F. L. BROWN Treasurer. ! H Great Closing Out Sale I * I " WALL PAPER , StillfvllllvllS , I > ' _ _ DR . 8. L. GRERN'S McCOOK , NEBRASKA. | H Blue Front Livery Stable X53ffiS53JLL . - c v if * 5\3tZffjj&f j s vaWB y t D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn- nts In the city furnished. Barn , rear Mc- , utee Hotel. _ fc ( New Store ! New Goods ! * APJtIlTlOw9WlIo ! > K Hl cupy our mammoth .new STORr. 4 SHI corner ICth and CurUs Streets ! HH with an entires new stock or - J H Dry Goods , Dress Goods. Fancy Goods , JerflHI seys Wraps , Suits. Millinery. HHI JAbcrat and Gents' Furnlshlngi , i _ _ | ' ' . Hots' Clothlntr. Carp u , CoV § taln , etc. . maklnz It the Gem , _ _ | Dry GockU Store In tbo West. Be- ' _ _ i pend upon latest styles and low ' flHLl eastern prices. Absolute satis- r HH Taction fraaranteed to all mall or- ' . H dersor money refunded. Hand- i some 100-paze Catalogue and saaj- i ( I pies sent free on application. J. ( Bosse , SJ&TXLB , COJMw ' ' Hi 'IsiiiH - ij sSlisiiiiiiiiH