The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 06, 1888, Image 4

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I OJffcial Gey and County Taper.
H for ibkside t ,
H Tke repubKcan electors of the State
H of Nebraska , are requ _ Us I to send dole-
H g-tes frost , their several couuties to
H atcct la convention at die city f Lin-
B erfo , Tfearsday , August 23 , ISbU at 2
H e eb > ck , 1 * . Mfar the purpose of plac-
H g ih BOeuoatwa candidates for the fol-
H bwisg © faces :
H Geyereer.
H JJeutesiafc Gerorner. .
H Secretary of State.
H State Treasurer.
H A-diiar f Public Accounts.
H Attorney General.
H CoEiiaiesIaaer of Public Lands and
H BaiWifigs.
H SaperiBteadeBt of Public fnstruotion.
K Afid tbe trauiactioQ of .such other
H Leines aj may eonie before the con-
K reotloa.
H Tboererai eountios are entitled to
H repreeatt a aa f Hows being based up-
B a tbe rote cat for Hon. Samuel Max-
H weH , judge , is 18S7 , giving one dele-
m g-teat large to eaoh. aounty , and one for
m eefe 150 votes , and major fraction
B tkereof ;
_ _ AJamt . . . J < JeliHaon 8j
_ AB-rto- ? 9.KuarBoy- hi
_ _ ArtSmrI KfjPuba 5
_ _ t-me Keith 4
_ _ Bsocte . . iKbojc 7
_ _ feoxBaaxe . - * Lana-Mor. U5
_ _ _ | ? u a 91 Liseota H
_ _ B Haffk > . . .14 Legua „ I
_ _ < tastier JH Loup 3
_ _ Bon JM Miuttuoiu fc
_ _ < . * . . W MoPhfrx > H 1
_ _ O&r * M-n-iolc. . . . „ T
_ _ Ctoj-e * Nuatnj Ji
_ _ Cfew-j- . . . * ICobuUw J
_ _ ( VjKtnse . . . . II Nuoiiola 61
_ _ CUjr. . . . II Otee i _ !
t'ottax . . . T Pstimee
Ismlaz. . . . . i PerStias J >
t > is * r. JTI Pwrw 4
H Bai ta _ 5 , Peic rl
tt wr * . . ' PUM It )
B OiXfxz . M UtobanLwtH 17
i trfw K1 Unl Wmopr 7
H JLAMzfcu. X' Sattae lit
Imair - - i'Sorpjr S
FtKmoor W Stt a.t rj IS
B KrxaJdfaa . . 7 Sewant 10
B FrooclecW - ; . „ . . . ?
FitrEii. . . > Sherman . . . . . .7
B G * r. . . . . JB Sioux -
H 'i f > r ft Tlmver. 7
B Craat 1 Tb * ttS 2
K ; rr-li-y . Va } - H
B HUA If H' . < M 0wi M
Kiaft s . _ W W'BjriMf J
B Hxrfaa. . > HTebrtar.
Hyr * ; W h 4tir. 3 ;
KtfirtfiMfc 4 Voric II
H * t. H ] L'Bar.uutz ITur. I
H Bi aratnl. . . . . 7j
H JeSrrsoOJ4 Ttol ( Kl
H It fc re o weBd4d that m pF xt 5 be
H adautted t # tk * c ht bU r exuupt sH h
H as are feeid by perniB ro tdfa in the
B e ectiesfrom % bk die p xit are rv-1
B ! • CWurates. C ty CeBtrul CsnuHtt-
B tees :
K V. ber a At the K puUi an State
B C Teati a bold at Lmhs } r , October 5.
B ISfcT , tke fM vfi * c r * l tins were
B adapted :
B Keidfred. tint t-be stste central com-1
B suttee be ctrH < r d te embrace in it
B caM f r tbe sext state convention the
B = fflbmi 5b e of tbe prohibition question
B V > tie repcMSeaa voters it tbe republi-
B eaz primane * .
B Tbere6re , a cnlaace with the
B abore resojecios , tbe several county
B ee cra ! casHttees are hereby instruct-
B ed t * iscksde m their catt for tbeir next
B occsty eBTe ti B tbe submission of
B tbe prohifeitioB qeatiH to the KEPL'B-
B LVXS voters at tbe republican primaries.
B Ge9. D. 3Ikislejoii.v : ,
B Walt. 3LSeelt , Chairman.
B Secretary.
B ro& cwrvrr ATreasET
B At efc < lte > i aTiora af taaay lemltey rcpubH-
B css or tike eaMSACjr to fcewtwie a ean-lMure for
Bl r ei ctiwa. V IfceSee of eounrjr attorney. I
H fcef by tmawHitre aerscHf a aftiHdi.Iiiu . sub
H > e b i&e fe iee CMerep tM ( anet HBrf e n-
H s o < 9a. H. M. Sxavklt.
B The p bbki a party is the only
B F fJ bcbT twee tbe necessity aro > e.
B his Toted vb a re < oi tiOflt offered as
B s. pfegk of ks BotMRal platform , < le-
B clxris fi r yest peaetosts to ex-soldiers '
B zad eoMoc ; . H * tbe great chorus of
B -n = es " as k nag. from tbe throats of a
B siajoricy of tke delegates must hare
B fcsied oe tbe ears of tbe soldier boys
B preseat. With trbat a feeffog of shame I
B ass t tke aifast Ge . Fist bare looked j I
B f s tbe tferofi r as ic vebemeBtJy pro- [ >
B tested agaiset tie adaption of this res-i |
B els oe. j
B Sz.KKUK\xs would beave a sigh of (
B refief , aad perhaps teader a rote of
B tbar > % if tbe people of Lincoln would !
B soberly proceed to secure an abundant j I
B supply of oqez pen and thus shut off I
B tbe aeasesiieal rot son * daily emanat-1 i
B iJ g froa tbeir datfy press concerning [ |
B tbe soiise properties of their village ,
B Titer. Waltariui .Maseams Is becom- | '
B tog Bsbearablj veacisome os that score. ] i
B * Tbe salt ba lost ks sa ? rt " in other l
B s-orif bs become ' - ' and is
, * becomerocky. . now ,
B ocly tU k east out and trodden j
B uader foot of mee. ' ' I >
M It is jest a. Httle amusisg and a trifle t
B seggestire to see a crowd at phHospbors
B re aog tbek tired frames ea a dry goods
B © ox * dbcussisg tbe tariff and tbe need
B of protectwa of tbeir interests. If men ; i
B szd to pay 35 % direct tax what idleness
B sa < ? stiftiessBess cost , tbe howls of in-
B dissoat protest that would arise would
isdiao. ITndoubt-
B * Pfe3 * Comaoche -
B e 3r tbose who bowl tbe loudest about
B tbeir i terests " hare the least to fuss
K aioet. Tbe farmers ueed a few good
B ebasf * , bat not of the alligator type
B aMs etk.
JWWWP1 i g ' S .
Tin iiiraaMa ! ITiiMaOM Mw i iMwiMWM a > w M a MM
M. J. Abbott , county Ju'Ikl o ? Iiaycd. Hpcnt
MoriJuy In the metropolis on l > UHne s.
Charlie Puinp Ig jn tho old traec % ujftilii ,
tnousiinnc lumber in W. C. liulllaiil Sc Uo. * 8
yar l here.
J. C. Andorson and fumlly returned , Sundaj- ,
frtim a visit of two or three wcoks to friends
at Ited Cloud.
W. C. Uullard was out of town , the Alitor
the weok , visltlwr his various lumber jnrdflln-
a btiaiiiOH eupaclty.
Maoiuur Itrown of tho Howard bpent most
or last week nt Hartley looking after the
40iiiiaiiye | yard there.
itn. J. P. Oansoliow Is entertnlnin her
brotlier , Charlort Wlinutoii , who arrived from
Danvont. III. , tveck.
Jodxo II. W. ICoyes of the county-seat was
nmttinf the Indianohi delegation at tho ratifica
tion , Sutiinlny evonlny.
Mm. J. C. AH n and son returned home on
j the Hyer. TueMlny afternoon , from their ex-
j tondf l visit to relatives in the east.
Olive Kimmel. liun liter of Ucv. and Mrs. J.
\Y. Ivimtnel , has been very ill for several days
with tiitlammntion of the bowels.
Miss Kttn Smith or San DIe o. Cal. . is visit-
iHK in th < > olty , KiiCht of her uncle , Carl Clark ,
anil fiiuiHHhe will icmaiu some time.
IL I ! , [ xiwmaii was laid up , the tlrst of the
week , with a case of poisonliiy , received on
tho Driftwood , Sunday. This Is the eccond ex
perience E. E. has had.
3r. C. It. Moore and Missos Dora and Grace
Moore of Alma , father and sisters of Mrs. L.
II. Gray arrived In the city , Tuesday , and re
mained over the Fourth.
It. C. Fisher arrived In the eitv , Sunday , to
olose up Eome business matters here. He Is
now travoltai ? for a Quincy , 111. , house. His
many friends were pleased to greet him.
Dr. A. J. Thomas was In Ilcnkclman. the llrst
. of the week , on dental business. The doctor's
J services arc in demand at the various towns
west of here , he having regular appointments
In many of them.
Frank Keller , who has been clerking forMc-
Millen Sc. Weeks fora number of months past ,
left on Monday evening , for Hastings where
he will speml a month or so previous to going
to Chicago , to finish his course in veterinary.
| Mr. Ambrose Deck of tho Hartley Inter-
i Ocean made us the customary pleasant and
; fraternal call. Monday. Ho was in the me-
J tropolis on business. Being his first visit he
j I was of course agitated by two primal sensa-
' Uone surprise and delight.
Mr. Stern was up from Holdrege , Monday ,
dosing up the preliminaries of his new brick
building to be erected on the lot south of The
Tui bum : otlice. Work has been somewhat de-
luyed by the stone contractor's dilatoriness In
| delivering the stono for the structure.
j | Mr. and Mrs. N. Z. Snell of Li ucoln arrived
i Ih the city. Tuesday , remaining hero the guests
ef Dr. and Mrs. U II. Davis until Thursday ,
] I when they continued their journey California-
ward. Mr. Snell is junior partner of the well'
known law firm of Sawyer & Snell , and is an
old schoolmate or the doctor's , they having
been University students together. I
, i
Muster Mechanic Archibald indulged in a
trip to the mountains , Sunday.
A complete locomotive was built in ike
. : PuKBpyivnHia ruilrond shops at Altoona , Penr , 1
i nwuntly. in twenty-four hours.
j i
Supt. Phelan of the high line spent Sunday '
in the city visiting his family , coming down
from Holyoke on Saturday afternoon and re-j
turning to bis post of duty on Monday even-
1 ; .
J 1 Conductors. E Harvey has commenced the
ereetion of a residence in the northeastern
j part of town. Mes-rs. Charlie S ott and W. 0.
Norval are doing the work. It will be in keepj
ing with tho rest of McCook's homes.
Tt is reported that Black ; Hawk'
county has an empty jail at La Porte
forale. . But it would not be surpris-
1 ing if several counties in Iowa were
! ' with empty jails on their hands want-
ing to get rid of them as useless prop-1
erty. The enforcement of prohibition
is the explanation of the empt } * jails.
The people of Iowa have come to the
conclusion that it is a good deal better'
and a good deal cheaper to have empty
jails without saloons than crowded jails
with them. Under the old svstem nla- 1
a * I
card "for sale" used to be put up over
! the workingmanV shop , his store or his
' little home. But since the salons
were closed the placard has come down j
and now it hangs over the empty jail. ! I 1
Iowa believes in elosingsaloous , buying
j school houses and selling jails.
Nobiliti' leads to noble conduct.
With this motto I would summon ynu .
to a life inspired with the noblest aims j
and brightened with the most glorious j
hopes. I would call you to seek a man- |
hood without fear because without re
proach. Let your lives be as pure as t
the secrecy of the individual conscious- !
ness as in the blaze of watchful eyes. j ' .
Enshinc purity in your conscience and '
heart , transforming your entire life.
Let your soul be as sensitive to the
touch of sin as honor to the approach of 1 '
shame. This will enhalo your life with ,
such nobility and crown you with such J 1
glory that whoever comes into your I
presence will feel , "there stands a man. "
Again : if you would attain to true man-
hood you must have the courage to
stand by your own convictions of truth I
and duty. Win. Lloyd.
= = = = = I 1 t
Tukee hundred thousand boxes of 1I I
firecrackers were imported from China
and Japan to do duty Wednesday in giv
ing the American eagle a proper send
offIt is somewhat singular that Yan-
kee ingenuity has uot yet conquered the
secret of a good , serviceable firecracker. *
It seems to be an engine of war that can-1
not be produced cheaply by machinery
and only the frugal Chmnmau or his
cousin in Japan appears to be equal to
turning them off at the retail cost of 5
cents a pack or half a dozen for a quar-
ter. These 300,000 boxes cost us over
$600,000 , wholesale , and the boys and
girls of the country have invested some-
were in the neighborhood of a million
dollars in the heathen contrivance for
making a racket. Independence comes
a little high.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cash Down. No Delay.
Xo need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , Red Willow Co. Bank ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
My entire stock of farm machinery ,
buggies , wagons , etc. , at absolute
cost for cash. Going to build pumps
and will sell at ACTUAL COST.
g. P. RMKER.
To loan on deeded lands. Money
advanced to make final proofs. Also ,
50 choice farms for sale. Office op
posite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAN.
Water tax will be duo July 1st. 10
per cent , will be added after July7. .
C. H. MEEKER , Supt.
Horses For Sale.
100 fine Oregon mares , from 3 to
6 years old , for sale cheap. Call at
our barn and look at them.
Woman's Relief Corps.
There will bo a meeting of the Wo
man's Relief Corps in Masonic Hall ,
Saturday afternoon , July 1.4th , at 3 0' -
clockmountain , time. Mrs. Emma Man
chester will be present on that occasion
for the purpose of reorganizing the
-corps. All members and all who desire
to unite themselves with the corps are
urgently requested to be present.
Nellie Lee , Secretary.
100 head of extra fine American
horses and mares , from 3 to 7 years
old. Many of the mares have colts , by
a fine Ilnmbletoniaii horse , running with
them. Will sell cheap for cash. Will
take bankable paper or will trade for
cattle. Call at Olcolt's livery barn ,
McCook , and sccuie an early choice.
D. P. Rogers.
Any person desirous of obtaining Ap-
pleton ' s American Cyclopedia as good
as new and at a greatly reduced figure ,
should call at this office at once. The
sixteen volumes complete. All in ex
cellent condition. At a sacrifice.
i ' WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! ! !
! t
tj j | Hall & Cochran have just received a
' large shipment of the celebrated MiL-
I BURN - ,
' they are ready to sell at fair prices.
I I can make you farm loans at lowest
rates. Office 1st door west of Citizens
bank. II. G. Dixon or Chas. II Boyle.
Gents' black sill : and fancy hosiery.
New st\les and qualities.
We deliver daily frcah buttermilk
I from the McCook creamery.
{ Eaton & Co.
I have a few good fresh milch cows
for sale , cheap. Nicii. Sevenkeh.
Good heavy team work horses.
J. B. Meserve.
i Imported Ale arid London Stout for 1
family use at Strasser 's. Delivered t
I free to private families.
1 Genuine California Claret , tor
summer drinking , at Strasser 's.
< . . . /1
The County Commissioners or Bed Willow
County. Nebraska , will receive bids until July
2Sth , 1SSS , at 12 o'clock noon , for building the
following bridges.viz :
One on the range lino one mile west of Mc
Cook between sectionsIU and 30 , said bridge to
be 400 ft. long , and one on section Iine2ii miles
east or Mcf 00k on section line between sec-
tionsi'5 and 35. said bridge to be 300 ft. long ,
and both of said bridges to bo in township ttof
said county across the Republican river , and 1
to be what is commonly known as ordinary
pile bridges , built of good material , in n good
workman like manner. All bids must be ac
companied with plans and specifications of
the work. Attest :
Geokre W. Roper ,
County Clerk.
Indianola. Neb. . June 21st. 1SSS.
J. BvnoN Jennings ,
Ch.vs. B. Boyd ,
Fiiank D. Hess ,
McCook , Neb. Building Committee.
Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of
the City of McCook ,
That the following estimate is hereby made
of the amount of money to be raised for all
purposes in said city during the present fiscal
year for which appropriation is to be made ,
to-wit :
For salaries , city officers , ? 2.I00.00.
For incidentals 000.00.
For water services , UtiO.00.
Total amount appropriated.$3,75000.
For the purpose ot meeting this appropria
tion the following levy is made on all the tax
able property in tho citj * of McCook , to-wit :
For general Hind purposes lOmills.
For water fund purposes as authoriz-
cd by sub-division 15 , section G'J ,
chapter 14 , compiled statutes of
Nebraska , a levy of 5 mills.
Total levy made 15 mills.
Attest : James McEntee , Mayor.
W. M. Anderson , City Clerk.
Approved this 21st day of June , 1SSS.
School Books % Supplies ,
Blank Books , Stationery ,
. . . , , . _ .
nwiip.ii.ip.itf 1 n nji.iiri i iia * ] ' - * * - * * w wTixmmem
l inoofit atiftaritiiiil
Di . J. HIGHA11D8 , Puoi\ ,
238 SOUTH utk ST. , - - LIMCOLJV , JfEtB.
In submitting the following considerations to the afflicted , our aim is to place
before them information that may save them time and money by informing them
of tho different health and mineral spring resorts of our country :
Sanitariums and Water Cures may be found at 'Colorado Springs , Colo. ,
Los V.egas , New Mexico ; Hot Springs , Arkansas ; Waukesha , Wisconsin ; Col
fax , Iowa ; Battle Creek , Michigan ; Cincinnati , Ohio ; Southwestern Dakota ; a
number in New Hampshire , and a few in New York and Pennsylvania each
possessing advantages peculia. to themselves , and worthy of patronage. But
these resorts are remote from your homes , requiring time and outlay of means
to reach them , while the expense at each is necessarily large.
Our .own establishment possesses advantages equal to any of the above , and
in some respects superior ; while in the matter of expense we can offer induce
ments surpassing all. The Mineral Water from the Artesian Well of this city ,
which analysis shows to be equal to the finest mineral water anywhere for bath
ing and medical purposes , is utilized here for diseases of the kidney and bowels ,
as well as in diseases of the skin and blood , and chronic irritations and ulcera
tions of the mucous membranes for which it cannot be excelled. Every variety
of Bath is given , including the Turkish , Russian , Steam , Electric , ( Hot
Air , Steam and Water , ) Shower and Swimming Bath. We use all forms of
Electricity , generated from the finest batteries and electric machines manufac
tured. We use the Massage treatment , and will use all the Hygienic appliances
and apparatus of the larger institutions. Our Bathing Parlors are 25x100 feet
on the first floor ; 43 rooms on the second and third floors all heated with steam.
Water in all the rooni3 , with closets on each floor. We have some very fine
rooms , and some cheap ones. We will use every effort to make it home-like for
our patrons. For lady patients we have lady attendants and nurses. Our fa
cilities arc and will be all that can be desired for the treatment and cure of the
sick and afflicted. Those diseases which we can greatly relieve or cure , are
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Liver Troubles , Diseases of the Uterus and
Kidneys , Chronic Cystitis , Anemia , Chlorosis , Nervous Prostration , Epilepsia.
Syphilis , Dropsy , Scrofulous Diseases , etc. Our terms are reasonable. We
only charge for baths and services rendered , from one week to one month in ad
vance. In serious cases we have counsel from experienced physicians. Incura
ble and offensive patients are not received. Room and board , $5.50 to $9.00
per week. Baths and treatment included , $0.00 to $18.00 per week. Send or
call for pamphlet on diseases cured by Electricity and Electro-Thermal Baths.
Address ,
233 SOUTH llTU street. IJli , J. JLvICIIAHDS.
Tfie ® mafia Herafd *
A First-Class Newspaper and the only one in Omaha that prints
Daily Two Press Reports.
DAILY S Page , including Sunday , - $10.00 a year.
12 to 20 . 2.00
SUNDAY Pages , - - - - -
WEEKLY 8 Pages and Premium , - - " . - - 1.00 "
Subscribe by Mail , or through your Postmaster or Newsdealer.
Address ,
THE HERALD , Omalia , Nel ) .
"TliP TniRl8iF ! 5
SUBSCRIBE FOR B fjh B KgHyfir $1.50 A YEAR.
m j- * * - ' 1 =
1 i ii 1 r i n ]
AM still at the old stand ,
and here I am to the front
vf * " again with the latest styles
in Men's , Ladies1 , Misses' and
Children's Fine Shoes. I have
just received an elegant line
in Ladies' Fine Shoes. Great
many changes have been made
in wearing apparel in the past
• year , especially in ladies' fine
shoes. Prices have been re
duced to such an extent that a
nice pair of fine shoes is with
in the reach of every one. Come
and see for yourself. These
are progressive times , and so
it keeps moving. Trade with
the Old Eeliable , where you
can always find what you want
Opposite 17. S. Land Office.
jWMimit 1.1 , . 1 - j . .
• " ' ' "ultra u nuiies Kassa. '
1 1
! !
! ' l ! FI0M0111
Wo do not depent upon oxtrava- , ' j
gant statements to do business ; .j
we rely simply upon facts. * j
Over *
Thirty Years' '
_ _ _ _ _ r _ fJ _ _ n. ; _ f * .
iI i
it I t
We guarantee every article we j j
_ . sell to be exactlv as represented. r
= = = = = = '
1 i
> |
> •
- - " r. i
* t '
We - | ;
Treat All '
Alike. . ! j
"We show the Largest and Finest jj j
stock of goods for men's and boys'
, r
I , i
. .1 \ -
' I
We allow none to go away dissatisfied. j
We Have - - (
But " 1
"One Price. "
* ri *
= = = = = = = = = We have all the Latest Novelties , [
* and are constantly receiving addi- - / *
tions to our immense stock as de- I
sirable goods come out. (
We Mark All .
Goods in j
Plain Figures
t .
1 '
Those who buy of us once always ! |
come again and bring along their . J |
friends. You will do likewise. 1 A
1 '
' 1
. * . 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * i fl
JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
McCook , Neb. , May 31 , 1888. % -
_ _ _
P3 h _ I _
Bb - } ' * < f |
-JJ ! _ _ _ _ |