The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1888, Image 5

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    H FRIDAY EVENING , JUNE at , 18S8.
I 1 Flags Fireworks
R Chinese Lanterns , &e.
B Soda Water and
I Ice Cream Soda ,
HT From Pure Fruit Juices.
Bi McCook , Neb. DllUGGIST.
H * lleraembcr Noble for groceries.
B Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
H Ncble for superb hanging lamps.
Lff' Fine cass pants and suits at
Wf 25TDr. Hall's office , over First Na-
tional bank.
I Another tumble in gold watches at
I McCracken's.
L • E5F Fresh sausage at the B. & . M.
H Meat Market.
H Boys , buy one of those $2.50 watches
H at McCracken's.
H Queensware and glassware at Berry's
Hi Grocery House.
V I Everything in summer underwear and
I hosiery at THE FAMOUS.
Bff Banjos , accordions , guitars , etc. , at
E | McCracken's Music Store.
W Flags and Fireworks at McCook
I Book and Stationery Co. 's.
1- Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
I at the B. & M. Meat Market.
I Everything fresh and clean in the
W way of groceries at Noble's store.
I • -
II Flags and Fireworks at McCook
w * Book and Stationery Co. 's.
B Everything usually kept in first-class
establishment at Oswalt's restaurant.
Il Cash paid for live sfock , poultry and
I1 hides at the B. & M. Meat jMarket.
There is no other way. Buy your
* " groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
You must not fail to read the new
advertisement of THE FAMOUS.
i Base Balls , Bots , Gloves and Masks.
McCook Book and Stationery Co.
' - "ST
( Plumbing in all its branches prompt
ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
\ \ Burgess.
The latest from the strike is that H.
H. Berry has reached bottom prices in
STThe price of liberty is eternal
u & - _ vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
are sure to catch you.
You will fiud one of the finest assort-
i ments of fresh candies in the city at
L Oswalt's restaurant.
Base Balls , Bats , Gloves and Masks.
I McCook Book and Stationery Co.
For an easy , clean shave drop into
Simpson & Jay's new shop in the Citi-
- zens bank building.
i .
r An immense line ot silk , pongee al-
K paca and flannel coats and vests.
h A shipment of fresh candies just re
I\ ceived at the City Bakery. Call while
l | they are fresh and nice.
\f \ The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
| n Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
> buggies , etc. All very cheap.
If you want nice tender beefsteak
give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
They butcher none but the choicest of
Leland & Morrow carry a complete
stock of cornoatschop feedand , in fact
of everything belouging to a first-class
flour and feed store.
The McCook Book and Stationery
Co. will take your subscription for all
the leading daily and weekly papers and
* " periodicals and deliver same at your
! residence or office by boy.
I have secured the exclusive right of
McCook and will handle nothing but the
celebrated Cozad flour. Full roller pro
cess and every sack warranted. Car lot
just received. Try it. II. H. Berry.
If you want something handsome in
the way of a hanging lampcall on C. M.
Noble. He is just in receipt of the
largest and finest stock of hanging
lamps ever brought to southwestern
* * * Nebraska.
m Our siock of the folio wing seasona-
K\ hie goods is complete : Hose , Noz-
HpT y z/es. Lawn Sprinklers , Lawn Grass ,
J B ( Garden Seeds , Tools , Refrigerators
Mm I &r.d Jewel Vapor stoves.
jmW * • / "Pioneer Hardware Store.
m ' ' takeTxotxce.
m AH persons owing the late firm of
} ' Chenery & Anderson will please call
! at my afRce ever First National bank
} P * and make immediate settlement.
I r Wm. M. AfiDERSOM.
L Imparted Ale and London Stout for
S | ? family use at Strasser 's. Deliver-
jf" § 4fr9 t $ private families.
* * * " s " > P
* Zr ft ,
t v
There has lircn no little controversy
concerning the color of campaign hats ,
and in order to settle the question def
initely , Manager Engd of the Famous
telegraphed to Chicago and received the
following response :
Chicago , III. , Juno 28th.
Jonas Enoel , McCook , Neb.
You are correct. Republicans at
convention wore pearls. Side or nuetria
for Democrats.
Louis Stern & Co.
Fresh candies at the City Bakery.
Go to the Bon Ton for your lunch.
Go to Noblcfor your family groceries.
Simpson & Jay. Popular Barbers.
Musical instruments at McCracken ' s
Music Store.
Leave your order for suits or pants
Try McMillan ' s "Ketch 'Em and Keep
'Em" fly paper.
5F"An excellent time piece for $2.50
at McCracken's.
llcmcmbcr that Leland & Morrow sell
the reliable Olds wagon.
Stock full and prices away down at
Berry's Grocery House.
The Bon Ton is the place to buy
your cakes , buns , bread , etc.
Nothing but freshest and purest
drugs at the City Drug Store.
Lunches at all hours and put up to
order at the Bon Ton baker } ' .
Flags and Fireworks at McCook
Book and Stationery Co. 's.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every
thing in the flour and feed line.
Flags and Fireworks at McCook
Book and Stationery Co. 's.
City Hotel & Star Bestaurant !
The place for a good meal and clean bed.
Simpson & Jay have the finest barber
shop in the city. Give them a call.
Farmers , the place for you to stop at
is the City Hotel & Star Bestaurant.
Best brands of tobacco and cigars at
the Con Ton bakery and confectionery.
Linen collars , cuffs and summer neck
wear. Patent styles at
Base Balls , Bats , Gloves and Masks.
McCook Book and Stationery Co.
George M. Chenery at the City Drug
Store makes a specialty of prescriptions.
Bailroad men will Gnd the City Hotel
& Star Bestaurant the place for them.
Base Balls. Bats. Gloves and Masks.
McCook Book and Stationery Co.
Go to the Bon Ton for your bread ,
pies , cakes , etc. Everything fresh , clean
and first-class.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the
city. Inspect it.
Campaign hat Another lot of
three cases received this morning at
jggTIn the line of plain and fancy
groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
ever } ' want satisfactorily.
If you are in search of a really deli
cious drink of soda water wander into
the City Drug Store.
Hair cutting done in an artistic man
ner by Simpson & Jay , new shop in
Citizens bank building.
3 ust Beceived ! Two barrels of ex
tra sweet cider at the City Bakery , which
will be sold at 50 cents a gallon.
Fruits , candy , ice cream , all kinds of
temperance drinks at Clark & Dietrich's
Bon Ton bakery and confectionery.
Blue uniform suits , pants and caps
for conductors or brakemen at
This weekLeland & Morrow have re
ceived a car-load of fall and winter
wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
If you contemplate building be sure
to consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran
tees his work to be the best and his
prices the lowest.
The school building , city hall , bridge ,
and other local projects should not draw
your attention from the fact that Berry
sells groceries at bed rock figures.
Of fine residences M. A. Libbee makes
a specialty. Don't fail to see him if
you intend to build. Good workman
ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
The Buildiugaud Savings Association
is a great money making scheme , which
can only be discounted by buying your
groceries and queensware at Berry's.
The Board of Trade has taken the
matter under consideration and decided
. unanimously that Berry ' s is the place
! to buy Groceries , Queensware , etc.
We have a No. 1 carriage and wood
workman in our wagon shop. Fine car
riage work a specialtGive us a trial.
Predmore Bros.
A complete line of drugs , tobacco ,
sundries , fancy articles , perfumes , and
in fact of everything usually kept in a
first-class apothecary shop at the City
Drug Store.
1 Thompson , the flour and feed manhas ,
I grass seeds , garden seeds , seed cornseed ,
j wheat , and tree seeds. He also has the
, largest and best stock of flour , corn-
. meal , feed , etc. If you want the best ,
see him.
i It is stated on authority that Messrs.
! Cox , Bushnell & Fairbrother have pur
chased the Lincoln Democrat , and that
the same will appear ; July 2d , under
the new management and caption of
"The Daily Call , * ' as an independent
republican paper.
My aw iwiwm f in wa ; &
A popular diversion is dice throwing for ci
Jlullawl & Co. arc clearing out their stock
of paints anil barbed wire at cost.
Tholiay crop will he .somulliiiigproiligioiw ,
this year , and of excellent qunlity.
One of lliu needs of the water works is a
new stand pipe one much higher ami larger.
A fine boy baby came to make his abode
with Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Ward , Sunday
Tho Jtepublican river is dry west of the
point of confluence witii tho Frenchman at
Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next Sabbath
evening upon "National Memories. " Ser
vice at7 : . ' 50.
Keep a still upper lip ; no matter what hap
pens , show that you have pluck. In the end
you are bound to win.
Bollard & Co. seem to have great faith in
the boom fiom the amount of lumber they
are receiving now-a-days.
We saw the finest thing on the market in
the line of screen doors , handsomely painted ,
at the Badger lumber yard.
The commissioners adveitise , this issue ,
for sealed bids for the construction of bridges
over the Kcpubhcan near this city.
Hake , the contoitionist , entertained a
small audience , on the streets , Tuesday even
ing , and gathered in a harvest of niekles and
Albert McMillen has placed a handsome
soda water fountain in his drug store , this
week. It is one of the linest in this part of
the slate.
Pools on to-morrow's base ball between
the "Famous" and "lloldrege" clubs will be
sold at C. E. Boyd's , this evening , by C. D.
Messrs. Sanderson and Nettleton have been
freshening uptheexteiiors of their residences
on the east side with geneious applications
of paint , this week.
The ticket meets with the absolute and un
qualified approval of the republicans of this
city ; and of the state and nation may be
added with equal truthfulness.
II. C. Day is having some telling improve
ments made on his residence in the north
eastern part of the city , a neat porcli along
the west and south elevations , etc.
Patents are now at thecMcCook U. S. land
ol' .ice for Elizabeth Xettleton , William 11.
Latham and Sebastian Binger. They can be
secured by surrender of receiver's receipt
properly endorsed.
The advantageous features of the order of
"Modern "Woodmen of America" are being
set forth , tnis week , by Deputy Head Consul
D. II. Caldwell , who is endeavoring to estab
lish the order in McCook.
A fine fourteen pound son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Olcott , Tuesday morning.
Ben has decided to give him the middle name
of "Harrison , " in honor of our next presi
dent , Benjamin Harrison.
Everybody come and help us celebrate the
Fourth of July. Every arrangment "will be
perfected for a time galore. Biing the family ,
your wife's follcs and the neighbors. A rous
ing lime is absolutely assured.
Softer than the rustle of an angel's wing ,
sweeter than the music of Appollo's lute ,
more entrancing far than the notes from Or
pheus'lyre , is the voice of him who says :
"Put me down for a year's subscription. "
The lloldrege club and the "Famous" will
cross willows on the local "diamond , " to
morrow. The visiting boys are base ballists
of no mean ability and they will doubtless.
give our club an opportunity to exhibit their
prowess fully.
Quite extensive improvements are progress
ing on Banks & Homer's business place on
lower Main Avenue , this week. A commodi
ous addition is being built in the rear and the
front elevated , and its appearance and con
venience otherwise greatly enhanced.
The Congregational people have in view
some improvements that will materially add
to the appearance of their house of worship.
It is proposed to paint and paper the interior
in an artistic manner , and to lay a wallc from
the church to the sii ' .e walk , among other
The reputation of any section of country
depends upon what is said about it. It is our
duty and to our interest to represent our ad
vantages in the best possible light to talk up
and not down. We are surrounded with
c-nough natural resources to make this one of
the most prosperous sections in the country.
What we need is push.
McCook certainly has an unusually large
number of secret societies. It every man be
longing to one or more of them put in every
day practice the principals of virtue and re
ligion taught and sworn to within the lodge
rooms there would be a far diffei cut showing
in their life records and their passports surer
for admittance into heaven.
Our fellow-townsman , Frank II. Spear
man of the Fanners & Merchants bank , has
an excellentand exhaustive paper in the July
Harper on "The Great American Desert. "
The same is handsomely and appropriately
illustrated and is meritorious as a literary
production , besides being an able defense
and comprehensive resume of the so-called
G. A. D. {
On or about July first the Hour and feed
store of A. J. Thompson will pass into
the hands of C. G. Potter & Co. , who will
conduct the business at the old stand ; and as
C. G. will have personal charge of affairs of
the firm , its business will be conducted in a
careful , courteous manner which will lib ,
doubt secure for them a goodly share of the
public patronage in that line. Here's to Ukt
new firm ' s success. / I
Bids for the construction of new public j
school building were opened by the board of i
education , Wednesdayancl found as follows :
Booney & Fitzgerald , 4 rooms , 50,400 ; com
plete , $10,150. F. D. Hess , complete , § 11,000.
J. W. Lewis , 4 rooms , 810,150 ; complete ,
$10S j. James McAdams , 4 rooms , $9,37o ;
complete , § 10,2S7. llooney & Fitzgerald be
ing the lowest bidders were accordingly
given the contract and the work will be in
stituted at once and carried along to the ear
liest possible completion.
My entire siock of farm machinery ,
buggies , wagons , etc. , at absolute
cost for cash. Going to build pumps
and will sell at ACTUAL COST.
To loan on deeded lands. Money
advanced to mcke final proofs. Also ,
50 choice farms for sale. Office op
posite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAN.
Gents ' black silk and fancy hosiery.
New styles and qualities.
dy y Bi1 ' . -Jl\Y , \ 'TCTT ' !
( • • . - . • ; • • - , ,
A di Duelling rain fell in this city and vicin
ity , Monday evening , the .same being ac
companied by vivid , ugly lightning and
startling peels of thunder. Tho water rush
ed down the streets like diminutive rivers ,
causing some damage to cellars on the low
lands. ThoFrees&Hocknell Lumber Co. 's
stable , situated in the rear end of their yard
was struck by lightning and almost entirely
consumed , the lire company , with tho assist
ance of nature's bountiful water works , suc
ceeding in confining thellames to that struct
ure. The horses were saved as well as the
carriage and other property of value in the
stable. The loss will aggiegate about § 500.
A regular "gooso drowncr. "
It uuvur rains In Nebraska. It pours.
'L'be few telephone ) wires in the city wore
nioro or less elTected by the electricity , some
more tlmii less.
J. RGansehow suffered n loss of about 100
in surplus stock duniaged by tho water that
rim into his cellar to the depth of two feet or
II. II. Kerry's cellar was full to the floor.
The jroods stored therein were In tho ninin In
jars and tubs , and his damage was merely
There were n few inches of water in the Mc-
Neely block cellar , in which George I'axton
had a small amount of tobacco stored. No
damage worthy or mention.
Messrs. Helm & Davis and C. A. Frederick
were damaged to considerable extent by the
water and mud , which fllled their ofiices to
a depth of two or three feet.
One length of hose succumbed to the press
ure , a large rent being made in the same ,
which necessitated its removal from the line
and occasioned a short delay.
Tho basement of ttie Citizens bank building
might have been utilized for natutorium pur
poses immediately after tho deluge , before
tho pump brigade got down to effective work.
The dwellings of Conductor John Morris
and Stantou Icolla on East Denuison were also
struck by lightning , fortunately without in
jury to the occupants or material damage to
the buildings , however.
The fire boys , or rather the few who remain
ed until the end , feel very grateful and under
obligations to Clerk Brandt of the Eating
House for favors extended and appreciated
and use this means of expressing their tlmuks.
A current run Into the pump house on the
electric bell wire , disporting itself through
the building In a playful , inoQensive way , oc
casioning little damage , more than the demol
ishing of a few window lights aud the sliver
ing of some of the wood work.
The air chamber to tho small engine and
pump at the water works broke during the
lire ; but in a few minutes the larger engine
was connected and pumping. The electric
bell was melted and the battery destroyed , be
sides two of the poles were destroyed.
The State Republican League.
T. E. McCracken , C. T. Brewer and II. W.
Cole , delegates from the Itepublican club of
this city , went down to Lincoln , Wednesday
night , to participate in the ratification , Thurs
day night , of the republican national nomi
nees , by the Nebraska Republican League.
The boys returned home , this morning , aud
report a famous time anil unbounded en
Sheriff W. 0. Ilussell went down to Indian-
ola , Monday , and formally revoked the ap
pointment of Deputy Sheriff Will McCool ,
placing Lee Starbuck of this city in the of
fice made thus vacant. Sheriff Itussell gives
as his reasons for talking the action that the
late deputy disregarded and disobeyed orders
and that he was using his official position to
work up a nice , large political boom to spring
at the accented time.
The iron pipes for the new twelve inch
supply main are here and being delivered on
the ground preparatory to being planted at
once. These pipes are twelve inches in di
ameter and will increase the supplying ca
pacity of the water works three fold. The
present supply pipe will be laid up Main Av
enue to replace the 4-inch one now in use
there. This will be withal an important and
costly improvement to the water works.
Others are in view.
On next Monday morning the regular ses
sions of lied Willow county teachers' insti
tute will be opened in the high school in this
city. Arrangements have been perfected to
make this the most interesting and profitable
meeting ever held in this county. It is ex
pected that the teachers of the county will be
in attendance in large lumbers , that the most
may he made of the benefits tj be surely de
rived from the instruction to be imparted.
Prof. Valentine will be one of the prominent
instructois. A number of lectures will be de
livered during the session. Entertainment
at reasonable rates has been provided. Every
teacher should be present. The institute
will do you good.
We have it on authority that quite a num
ber of lawn sprinklers were r.uxxixc. dui-
ixg the Fine , Monday evening , notwith
standing that the rain was descending m per
feet torrents at the same time. The effect
was that the pressure in the fire mains was
i greatly reduced , although the engine was run
ning at the rate of GOO strokes a minute , and
the efficiency of the department , which was
j working under unusual disadvantages , pro-
I portionately weakened. Such a thing ought
j never to occur again. We simply suggest
j this , feeling that the good sense of our citi
zens will teach them compliance. In case of
fire the department needs every pound of
pressure available and it ought not to lack
through carelessness.
Of teachers' institute to be held in McCook ,
beginning July "nd :
Roll Call , 8:55. :
Opening Exeriises , 9:00.
Physiology ( alcoholic drinks , narcotics and
tobacco ) , Prof. Valentine , 9:15.
Arithmetic , Mr. Minkler , 10:00.
Reading and Language Lessons , Prof , Valen
tine , 10:50.
Rook-keeping , Prof. Heltman , 11:30.
Adjournment , 12:00.
General Exercises , 1:30.
School Law and School Government , Prof.
Valentine ; or Civil Government. Mr. Minkler ,
Drawing and Primary Work , Misses McKce
and Nettleton , 3:00.
Studies in English Literature. 3:35.
United States History , Prof. Valentine , 4:10.
Miscellaneous , 4:15.
Adjournment , 5:00. At the Lutheran church on
Thursday evening , July 5th , at 8 o'clock. Rev ,
Joel S. Kelsey. Tuesday evening. July 10th ,
Prof. Valentiue. All are respectfully invited.
Mas. C. L. Nettle-con ,
A ' "
- ' , - * / * *
Capt. A. L. Emerson , of St. Francis , is In the
city , to-day.
John Wallers Is on our streets ujraln after nn
extended absence.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Famsworth departed ,
Saturday Inst , for Decorah , Iowa.
George Ilocknell nrrlvod home , this morn
ing , from his extended eastern visit.
T. J. Floyd , Trenton's lending real cstato
man , had business In the city , Monday even
C. F. Hnbeock went up to Frontier comity ,
Tuesday , ou a business trip of two or three
Thos. McTnroy returned home , Monday ,
from a visit of two weeks east ou brotherhood
Prof. Heltman entertained his father from
Supoiior , a number of days , tho early part of
thi3 week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Uabcoel : ofCambrldgo
nre in tho city to-day , guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Bnbcock.
Passenger trnilio 13 very heavy , both cast
and west. The lrelght men are not kept so
busy , however.
Judge Tate of Hayes county was tho guest
or his daughter. Mrs. W.C. LaTourette , tho
first of the week.
Miss Maude McConnell returned , Monda3 *
evening , from a visit of two weeks to her par-
cuts , near Strntton.
C. J. Ryan visited in tho eastern part of tho
slate , this week , Omaha , Lincoln , Grafton , etc. ,
being objective points.
W. C. Ashwiil of the Stratton ncraid was a
Commercial guest. Monday night. He return
ed home on the morning following.
Tom Rarnes , the right-of-way man , enmo up
from Hastings , Wednesday , on business con
nected with his extensive interests here.
Miss Ella Nottleton returned home , Satur
day , from Franklin , where she has been at
tending the spring term of school at tho Acad
Vv . C. Rullard Is entertaining his brother and
sister from Chattsworth , 111. They arrived
Saturday on the llyer aud will remain until
after the Fourth.
Capt. J. A. Wilcox attended the sessions of
the grand lodge of Masons of Nebraska , at
Lincoln , last week. IIo returned Saturday
afternoon on tho llyer.
County Treasurer Goodrich drove up from
tho count-seat , Wednesday afternoon , on some
county business , returning home in the cool
of the evening , after tea.
Mrs. Em. Kendall and daughter Mabel re
turned , this morning , from a delightful visit
of a few weeks on the Pacific coast , where
Mrs. Kendall's parents reside.
Louie Probst was down from Madrid , where
he is now engaged in tho merchautile busi
ness , early in the week , on a visit to close up
some business transactions here.
Daniel McCann , section foreman atStratton ,
was run over bj passenger No. 4 , Sunday , and
killed. Coroner's jury exonerated the com
pany from blame in the sad affair.
E. B. Rowen , of the firm of Bowen & Lay-
cock , the wholesale and retail boot and shoe
men , • as in tho city , tho fore part of the week ,
looking to his extensive airairs here.
G. A. Noran , of McCook , has been In the
city looking after tho impi-ovment of somo
eighteen lots ho owns in tho eastern limits of
Hastings. Hastings Gazette-Journal.
The B. & M. is doing something at McCook
upon which a pretty substantial boom may
bo founded. A ten stall roundhouse is one of
the things under way at present. Lincoln
Mrs. M. A. Korthrup , Mrs.C. H. Boyle and
Master Charlie Northrup went down to Crete ,
Thursday morning , to enjoy a short season at
Nebraska's Chautauqua. Mr. C. II. Boyle
joined them , Sundaj" .
C. W. Meeker , of Imperial , Chase county ,
spent Wednesday night in the city on his way
home from the Chicago convention. Of Harri
son , C. W. thinks in the language of the con
vention , "He's all right. "
Mr. C. H. Eubank and Mr. A. A. Hatch , two
of Hayes county's most prominent and influ
ential young men , were in the city , Tuesday
evening on business , returning home , via
Culbertson , the following morning.
C. W. Beck , of Rartley , secretary of tho
county agricultural society , was in the city
Tucsday , soliciting advertisements for the
premium list. Ho lcceived a generous re
ception at the hands or our business men.
Supt. A. Campbell returned , Wednesday
morning , from his trip to Chicago , New York
and other eastern points , of about two weeks.
That much of enjoyment was crowded into
that length of time goes without the saying.
W. T. Constant of Chicago arrived in the
city , Saturday , on a visit to his brother-in-law ,
H.Trowbridge. Mr. Constant is an express
messenger and runs between Chicago and
Cairo. He will remain hare until after Inde
pendence Day.
Cashier Brown of the First National went
up to Denver. Sunday , to make arrangements
for the stone for their elegant new bank build
ing , which has already been delayed by the
tardiness of the store contractors. He return
ed home on the llyer , Tuesday morning.
Mrs. G. M. F. Chessington and family have
returned from their visit in Iowa. Mrs. C. has
about completed her arrangements to take up
and carrj * on the babbath School Missionary
work for which her husband labored so well
and successfully. She is well fitted for tho
work and will make a success of it. Alma
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Weeks departed for the
west , Wednesday morning. From near Akron
they * rill proceed as far .vest as Utah per wag
on. Inthat state Mrs. Weeks will leave the
party , ( a gentleman friend accompanies them , )
and will continue her journey to California by
rail. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks have many friends
in this city who sincerely regret their depart
ure , and who wish them all imnginablesuccess
and happiness ta heresoever they may locate.
Form on Dennison street with right resting
on Madison Avenue , at S o'clock , P. M. , moun
tain time.
oudei : or MARCH.
North on Madison Avenue to Dakota St.
West on Dakota to Main Avenue.
South on Main Avenue to Dennison St.
West on Dennison St. to Macfarland St.
North on Macfarland St. to Grounds.
The following named persons are hereby de
tailed as ofiieers :
Col. T. E. McCracken ,
Capt. J. A. Wilcox ,
J. C.Allen ,
E. E. Lowman ,
C. T. Rrewer.
They will report promptly at 7:45 o'clock , M.
T „ at C. P. Rinker's office , for assignment to
duty. By Order or S. Dwioht HrsT ,
Col. Commanding.
1st. Music by the Rand.
2nd. Opening Address by President T. M. R.C.
3rd. Campaign Song.
4th. Address by McNeeny , Esq.
5h. Music by the Juvenile Band.
Cth. Addresses byR. B. Likes , G. H.Grubband
7th. Music. Adjournment.
Dr. Z. L. Kay , 1
T. E. Mccracken , > Ex. Com.
C. A. Frederick , j
We deliver daily fresh buttermilk
from the McCook ure.tnicry.
Katon & Co.
g0p/y FQR sjfif
I have a few good fresh milch cows
for sale , cheap. Nicii. Sevenicek.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indianola Nnn. , Jijni : Vi , 1&8.
Board of county commlssionera met ptirHii-
anr to adjournment. Prcs'-nt btuphen Holies
and Henri * Crabtrue , I'ommlMdimort- Geo.
W. Roper , clerk. Minuted or proviouu meeting
read and approved.
Commissioners StcphouBolIcs and Henry
Crahttce made their report under oath Unit
they had , on tho' 'Ilnl day of May , l&SS. appralb-
cd cattail ) school lands on tho application of
U. E. Hinnian , as follows , to-wlt : Tho N.IS. ' i ,
tho S.K. ' a and the N.W. ' j. section 10.
30. in Red Willow county. Neb. , at ? 7 pcraero.
Hxamluation aud c'iuali/.atlou or assess
ments continued during tho clay.
On motion board adjourned to meet June 13 ,
lSbS. STM'llKN H01.1.ES ,
Attest : Acting Chairman.
Geo. W. Roi'Eit. Clerk.
lNniANOr , \ , Nr.n. , June 13.1SS8.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent Stephen Holies and Henry Orabtree , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Min
uets or previous meeting read and upproved.
On motion , C. E. Boyd. J. Byron Jennings
and Frank Hess were appointed a committee
to manage tho negotiation of the 4,000 bridge
bonds of Willow Grovo precinct and superin
tend the bnildlngof tho bridges and they are
hereby authorized to receive tho proceeds of
sale of said bonds and to pay for the building
of two bridges across tho Republican rivtr
near .McCook , Neb. , outof tho proceeds of said
sale of bonds. It Is further ordered that the
said C. E. Boyd , J. Byron Jennings and I'r.u.k
Hess , before leeeiving t-aid bonds , shall exe
cute a bond in the sum of $5,000 , to Red Willow
county. Neb. , to be approved hy tho clerk of
this board , that they will do aud perform tho
acts required of thorn under this appointment
and report their doings to this board as soon
as said bonds arosold and the proceeds there
of are paid over for tho building of said
bridges. Upon tho tiling of tho bond afore
said , the clerk of this board is hereby ordered
to deliver said bonds to C. E. Boyd , J. Byron
Jennings and Frank Hess.
Examination and equalization of assess
ments continued during the day.
On motion bouro adjourned to meet Juno
14 , ItiSv " . Stephen Hur.r.KS.
Attest : Acting Chairman.
Geo. W. Roi'Ei : , Clerk.
iNDtANor.A , Neil , June 1 Ith , If38.
Board met puisuant to adjournment. Pres
ent Stephen Holies and Henry Crabtrce , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Min
utes of last meeting read and approved.
Examination and equalization of assess
ments continued during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet June 15 ,
1SSS. Stei'iikn Hor.i.KS ,
Attest : Acting Chairman.
Geo. W. Roi'Eit , Clerk.
Indianola , Neil , June 1. .t : * , 1HP8.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent Stephen Holies and Henry Crabtrce. com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Min
utes of last meeting read and approved.
Equalization of personal property assess
ments continued during the day.
Board adjourned to meet June Hi , 183S.
Stephen Holies ,
Attest : Acting Chairman.
Geo. W. Boper , Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , June * • ' . 18fc8.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. 1'ies-
ent Stephen Holies and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Min
utes of previous meeting read and approved.
Commissioners Stephen Holies and Henry
Crabtree made their report under oath that
they had on the 15th dayot.June.lfcSSappraiscd
certain school lauds on the application of J. E.
Allen as follows to-wit , tho H. 'A orN.W. ' i.
sec. 1 < J , T. 4 , It. " 7 , in Red Wiilow county. Neb. ,
at $7 peracre.
Complaint of G-L. follows , read and
considcied :
Indianola , Nob. , June 10,1-3o. |
To the Commissioners of Red Willow Co. Neb. :
Under section 70 eh. 77 , i , G. L. Clark , com
plain that the property ot 1st Nat. bank. In
dianola , the Indianola bank , 1st National bank
of McCook , Citizens hank of McCook. Merch
ants bank of Met'ook , Bank of Hartley and
State Bank of Lebanon are as = essed to low and
ask that the above banks list their property
according to sections 30,33,31 and 35 , Ch. 77.
On motion a summons was issued to tho offi
cers ot the above mentioned banks to appear
forthwith to show cause , if any , why the as
sessments of said banks should not be
Complaint of J. W. Dolan , as follows , filed :
Indianola , Nob. , June IG.lbSS.
To Hon. Board of County Commissioners ,
Sirs : 1 find on examination of assessment
of G. L. Clark of this county , ttiat he iias listed
but7 head of cattle. I find that he shipped
from Indianola , April 4th , "car loads of cattle ,
41 head , April lilth , 1 car load of cattle , 21 head ,
April lath. 1 ear load of hogs , IM head. 20,000
lbs , May 4th , 2 ear loads of ctttlc , 41 head. All
of which in my opinion should be listed by
said G. L. Clark for taxation , making a total of
112 head of lat cattle and 00 head ot lings in ad
dition to what he has already listed. I also
find that he has listed 22 head of horses at
S179 , ono of these I understand to be a valua
ble stallion , worth some § 500 or 5000 , aud I
complain on the said G. L. Clark's assessment
and ask your Hon. Board to have the same
corrected. Respectfully ,
J. W. Dolan.
Read and considcrd and said G. L. Clark was
accordingly notified to appear before this
board. June 13 , lbbS , and show cause , if any ,
why his assessment should not bo raised.
On motion board adjourned to meet Juno IS ,
1S3S. Stephen Holies ,
Attest : Acting Chairman ,
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
Indianola , Neij .Jur.o IStk 1SSS.
Board of County Commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment. Present Stephen Holies
suul Henry Crabtrce , commissioners , and
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. On motion 1) .
D. McAipine.ageut 15. ic M.R'y , was summon
ed to give evidence in regard to stock
shipped by G. L. Clark , during the months ot
April and May.lHHS.
J. W. Dolan. C. i > . Ouick. D. 1) . McAIpine , V.
Franklin , E. C. Ballcw. Jos. Coidei.I. O. Frost
and G. L. Clark being present. Hoard procerd-
ed to examine into the complaint made by G.
L. Clark , and on examination the board liv.m
the evidence finds that the diirerei.t banks
named mtho complaint have been n = sc ? = ? d at
the same ratio as other persorral property by
theassessors in this county.
And in the matter of the complaint of J. W.
Dolan , the board finds on examination of evi
dence that the aid G. L. Clark had on thellr t
day of April. 1S-S. 120 head of cattle and ! M
head of hoirs. subject to taxation , and that
same has not ti"en assessed.
On motion 120 head of cattle and 90head of
hogs weie added to the assessment ot G. L.
On motion board adjourned to meet June 19 ,
1SS3. Stephen Roi.ees ,
Attest : Acting Chairman.
G. V. Roper , County Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. . JnnelOth , 1S > 3.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pics-
ent Stephen Bolles and Henry Crabtree , com
missioners , and G. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved.
Examination and equalization of assess
ments continued during the day.
On motion board adjourned to mc"t Jiinr * 20.
Attest : Acting Chairman.
G. W. Roper , County Clerk.
Indianoh. Nek. , June 20,1S6S.
Board of cou-i * commissioners met pursu
ant to adjourn ; * . * . . . * . Presentatephen Bolles
and Henry Crabtree , commissioners , and G. W.
Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting
read a-id approved. On furtiiereonsideratio'i
of equalization of assessments the 1'oard finds
that to make a jusf.equirable assessment it is
necessary to add and deduct certain percent
ages in the various precincts.
On motion the same was done as follows to-
wit :
r : : : * zt : . I H:5 : . I Ci"l ; . | His : . I Ii : : : .
Willow Grove , add 5 ( add 5 add 5
Coleman ded5 ded I0add ! 15
Box Elder , ded 15 ded Id'add ' 5 add 10
Red Willow add 40 add 20 , add 5 add 5
Indianola add 10 dr-d 15 add 15 did 5
Nortli Valley , add 15 add Kliadd lOded 5
East Valley , ded 20 add lOjadd 10 ded 5
Lebanon add 5 add in ded 10 ded 10
Beaver , add 10 ded 5
Tyrone ded 15 add 15 add C5 add 5
Missouri Ridge , . . . ded 5 add 15 add 20
Bondville , ded 10 add 10 ded 5 ded 20
Danbury , add 10 add 10 ded 5 add 10
Gerver. add 10 add 5
Grant , add 10 add 5 add 5
Valley Grange , . . . . add 25 add 15 add 5 ded 5
Driftwood 'add ' 30 ded 5
1SSS COtJXTY tax ltcvy.
The board llnda the total valuation of real
and peasonal property as corrected by the
board of equalization is one million three hun
dred and twenty nine thousand eight hun
dred and fort j * dollars. $ lb23S40.
On motion board adjourned to meet June 21
18SS. Stephen .
Attest : Acting Chairman.
G. W. roper , County Clerk.
Indianola , June 21 ISScS.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent B.B. Duckworth , chairman , Stephen Bolles
and Henry Crabtree. commissioners , and G.
W. Roper.clerk. Minutes of previous meet
ing read and approved.
On motion tne levy of taxes for the year
1SS3 was made as follows , to-wit :
Countj * General Fund 9 mills.
County Bridge Fund 3 7-10 mills.
County Road Fund 7-10 mills.
County Insane Fund ! ' mills.
County Bond Int. Fund. . , . . . 7-10 mills.
; TT ; ml l | yllMi llM Wll li ll lH ) MBB P
V \i ! r * ' I ijm i ri i . < K& > Hf L B H
* " 7 " * * wH
* WBr
ifc L ' ' imff * * " * * " " u * E" " > iiMM * # * _ jjjgj IBS <
Urn '
Its * School District L vv '
o , w ' 3 > c t > i o > o ' * ' m i
• r • r I • r . • k • • = 1 1 J
• \ - r. r : t- < = SB
- 1 , - * f t * r m rw Sea SMI
r * i * * * * - * SIS
1 ( 5 iiT 37 , | I r > i so 731 ( I
2 Id 20 < ' . ) 38 15 .51 ! 71 ' 25 Sg
3 21 > .Zi , 13 . " ' It ) 75 CI
4 ti sit wi 4'i < i iw , 5 711 ! mm
r ; r yj ; r 41 15 mj ir. J77. Wm
r\ \ 2t , 12 142 31 no ! 7 pi
7' 10 2" * ) ,43 , 17 111" " 3) (70 ( g § |
, ! i ) 31 S I II 25 02 2254 80 21 CI
! * 8 27 I2-4 45 | 20 Itt • 10 81 Si
101 S 3 * 10 ' 4 < 1 IU 111 > > % ! 25 11
Jl I X 31 20 17 > 15 i5 , 12 IK ! 1 SI
12 ; ui 30 is us vzmm 15 III
13 ! 10 31 41) 15 liT 35 if
111 H 32 13 511X m 15 11
151 12 33 io r.i i ; < ) III
III , 3t 15 & 25 70 ' " . Ill
17 : 0 tit 71 ill
_ 18j 10 ' lift 12 > M 72K m Bi § !
188SviiiN\nii.uvr. ' SI
Cltyof Mrl'ook Firteen(15) ( ) mills. ; |
City of Indianola Ton (10) ( ) mlllH. | S
Viil.igo of Hartley rive (5) ( ) mill. . t §
Bond or C. K. Boyd. J. Hyron JennlngH and 1
Frank Hess read and ou motion approved. w
On motion A. V * . Ohnsteitd was appointed fg
overseer mud district No. 14. m
Beaiguatlonol'G. H.Morgan aa justiceoTthe B
peace for Heaver precinct road and on motion a I
approved. m I
Ou motion R.S. Conlcy wasappolntod Jus- 9 I
tleu of tho peace for Heaver precinct to till va- > i a 1
eaney caused by resignation or Geo. B.Mor- I I
gnu. i | I
On motion I'm * county commissioner districts 1
of Red Willow county wore re-dlstricted as fol- i 1 I
lows , t wit : Commencing nt S. K. corner of 5 I
said county , theneo north to N K. corner of 19 1
said eounty.thenco west 10 miles to N. W. cor- Is I
crsection ! . ' ! ' . 1. It.27. thenoe south on tiectloti j I
lino to S. W. corner , .section St. T. 1. It. 27 , III
theneo east on county lino 10 mi let ; to place or ] I
bofflnning and to be known us commissioner I * I
district No. 2. * f 1
Commissioner district No. 1 , shall commence 1
at S. C. corner M'etlon .V.T. . 1 , l { . z , theneo 1 ' I
north along section lino to N.I J. corner see- 3 il
tionfi , T. 1. It. 27. theneo west on county lino 1 SI
10 miles to N. W. eorncr sect Ion. 2.T.4. li. 3 > . j ]
thence houth along section llm to tho S. W. J Jl
corner of section. ; * . . T. I. It.2i > , theneo eitston % ]
county lino 10 miles to place or beginning. * il
Coinni ! < < hIoiier district No. 'MitilI commence
at S. K. corner , section : tt. T. I. lt.J. : theneo
north along section lino to tho N. I * , corner ,
section II. T. 1 , It. 3) ) , thence wet on county
line to N. W. corner ti.ild count * , theneo south
on county lino to S. W. corner said-county.
thence cast on county lino liimlk'i to place of
beginning , all of which is to tul.f etrectou the
ilr.-f Thursday after tho llrst Tuesday In Jan-
uurv. 18SJ.
Ou motion tho following claims were audited
and allowed , and clerk ordered to draw war-
rant on 18b7 county general fund as follows ,
to-wit :
W. A. McCool , board prisoners and jail H
J. II. Goodrich , office supplies l3t H
quarter 2il.ii ( )
Geo. W. Roper , olllco help , po-tngc ete. tH > K MM
B. It. Duckworth.service" commissioner. f.iO H
Stephen Holiesservices commissioner , 2 ! < : a ) S
Henry Crabtice. Pervie.'sconmii.xsioncr. Xl.Ut S
On motion the following claims were audit- H
cd and allowed , ami clerk ordered to draw H
warrants on l srf levy county general fund as H
follows , to-wit ; H
McMillcii & Weeks , medlcuio pauper. H
J mi. S. Ivor ; § 1.85 H
V. Franklin , money furnished pauper , mm
Krnily Stone 10.00
Frees . .V Hoekuell , coal pauper , Mrs. | H
Stafford 4.20
Jos. S. MeBraycr. work for county , 2.00 Jmm
Beardslce A ; Stdle. groceries pauper , M
James Method 1231 1
Frees A : Ilocknell , supplies for county , Id.iiO MKM
M.S. Woodburn. repairs on court house U.5U H
J. E. Dolph , witness state vs. Prelim |
ft ! CO allowed 1.M ) 1
G. S. Bishop , stationery and printing , 7.0 ! ) H
G. ii . Bishop r.tntioncry and pn ' ntinjf , 5.0 ! ) H
S. Ij. Green , ink for county clerk 10 H
medicine pauper John B
Gorman 2.00 M
S. L. Green , supplies forcounty Supt. . 2.70 H
" medicine for paujier Mrs. H
Stniro-d. W.OO 1
S. L. Grcfn medicine lor pauper Mrs. mm
C. A. Fisher. 2 35 M §
Gazette-Journal Co. supplies forjudge 1.75 9
" patent record 17.00 mm
" stationery for cl'k , ! ) .00 H
' * " stationery for treaa : * . ! > 0 Mm
K' ' ( ) I H
C. II. Rogers , clothing pauper Doitha H n.05 M
W.O. Russell , siieriir fee ; ! 7.50 H
W. ( ) . Russell sheriff fees District Court 2.C0 M
W. O. Rusell quarantine , Jones' hordes 1.00 H
Smith .V Unticilt.coliiii for pauper. 15.00 j H
Gazette-Journal Co. tutg. record 1 ( . - 10.50 H
Alva Gam-bv. foe Clark v. Banker4.75 H
J.S. Rhsrey , teods ; for pauperMrs. Mil.o H
Ad : 'n O.IS m U
Barne - ! In for. clerk : perdu ! election Mi- H
Cook. . . . . . . . 2.00 mwm
E.Ii. Benedict , elei k special election Me- H
Oook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.utl * * H
D. Kendall , judge and ret. books McCook 5 20 H
Thos. Scott , judge special cleefiot 2.00 H
O. F. Reynolds judge ' "pecia ! election. . 2.00 mm
Mrs. C.L.Nettletonservices supt.2nd H
ounrter 10.1.91 mm
E.F.Lutl'y , asses. Driftwood prcct.Ito8 5(5.00 ( MM
G.W.Burt " Indianola " IIH.KO MM
S. II. Colvin " Willow Grove " 150.00 MM
Jno. Calkins " Valley Grunge " 50.00 H
Fr.Albriciit " Grant tr. .f.O H
Ira J. Miller " Box Rider " 50.10 H
W. w. Tough " Tyrone : . ) MM
A. Wagy Gerver KJ.DO MM
W. M. Ko/'dlc" Coleman " 4C0 MM
A. C. Bartholomew , Lebanon 52 20 MM
B. F. Brown , " Missouri Ridg" • ' a ? . ! ! ) MM
Jos. Wjdkington , North Valley " MM
Jno. V.Mhill. " Bondville 44.00 MM
S. B. Rowe , " East Valley " 2O20 B
F.M. Graham. " D.tnbury : iI.W ) MM
L. tRoot , Red Willow : J0.50 MM
W. F. Henton. " Beaver C0.H ) H
On motion the i ' ohwing ; claims were audit- H
ed and allowed ; .nd clerk onlcred to draw war- Mm
rant on eountv v ! fund levy , lC8f * , as fol- H
lows , to wit : Alias Liiniber Co. bridge mate- H
rial , 51uJ.C' . H
On motion tho foli'iwinclaim1 ? wcreaudited H
aud allowed ami eleri' ordered to draw war- H
rant on county ! rirlgo fund lew , ! St > 7 , as fol- H
lows , to wit : Fixes & Hoekuell Lumber Co. , H
mat-rial. Si-J. : ' H
Ou motion the following bridge notice was MM
ordered published acct > rdiug to law : H
The county eoiamissioaer ; of Red Willow |
county. Nebraska , will receive bids until July |
2S , isiy , at 12 o'clock , noon , for building the H
following bridges , vi/ : |
One ou the range Hue. one mile west of Me- H
Cook , betvecti m cionsl : ! and "li , seid bridge |
to li'1C0 fiet long , and r > u section line2 ! ' H
miles ea t of McCook. between ' • eetions'J'l and H
. ' ! . * ) . < ; aid bridge to ! c ' / > feet long , loth of t-aid |
brirlges to be acrr > = s the Rep'ibl.esn river in |
I'ov.n. : . Range 23 , in Rtd Wdlow county. Neb. 1
and to be what is commoniv ku'.wu as pile H
br.dges. built of good material and iti a good. H
workmunlike maimer. AH bifls muss be ae- |
companicd v. 'itii jiiaus and specitlcations of J
the B
On motion board adjourned to meet July 2 , 1
VcZS. B. B. Duckworth.
Attest : CiiRirman. H
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk. 1
Shirts all size H , ? , at
The FAiiousy H
Q'iso County Commissioner- Red Willow B
County. N'dtraskn , will icceivc bids until July H
-tii , l i ? , at 12 o'clock noon , for buildigthe H
following hridges.i : * : M
One ou the range one mi'c west of Me- H
Cook between sectios * > l and % , sad bridge to H
ti- ; ( -0 l't. Icug , aud onu on section line2 miles j H
cast of Mc < 'r > k on section line between sec- H
tions 20 and 05. said bridge to be 'M ft. long. , H
and both of said bridges to be in township a of H
said county across tte Republican river , and H
to be what is commonly lno > vn us ordinary H
pile bridges , built of tood tnateriu ! . ii a good H
workman like manner. Ail bids must be ac- H
companied witu plnn ; and speciiieations of H
theuork. Attest : H
Georoe w. Roper , H
County Clerk. H
Indianola , Neb. , June 21st. 13 * ; . H
J. BrnoN Jennings , H
Ciias. E. Boyi > . H
Frank D. H. .s.- . H
McCook , Neb. Building Committee. H
Be it resolved by the Mayor ana Council of H
the City of McCook , H
Tiiat the following estimate is hereby made H
of the amount of money to be raised tor all H
purposes in said city during the present fiscal H lor which appropriation is to be made , H
For sr.arie ! . citj * ofiieers , 52.150.00. H
Tor iucd-jttals ( JC0.00. H
Forwattr ser/iccs 'JSO.OU. H
Total amount appropriated. . S .750.C0. H
For the vurpe eot meeting this appropria- H
tion the following levy i3 made on all the tax- H
able propei ty in the city of McCook. to-wit : MM M
Forgeueral rural purposes 10 mills. H
For water fund purposes a ? authoriz- 1
ed by sub-divsiou 15 , section i"j. |
chaper li. compiled statutes of H
Ncbntska , a levy of 5 mills. H
Total levy made 15 mills. H
Attest : James McEntek , Mayor. H
W. M. Anderson. City Clerk. MmM
Approved this 21st day of June. 1SSS. j H
L\Ni ) Office at McCnoi * , Nei : . , i H
June2o. Isk . MMM
Notice is hereby s-iven that the following- |
named settier has filed notice of hislntctitioit |
to make liual pnx.f i.t support or his claim. H
and that said proot will be Made beiwe ife i- H
tor or Receiver at Mccook. Nco..ouTLiirsduv. H
August' ' , 1SvS % viz : Adolpli Reichick. H.E. H
No 1/22. for lotsi 2 , : s , 4. .section 27. T.3.R. H
* . V. ' .rth P.M. . He names the following wit- , * H
na-se. toprovehisconnnuousresidenee upon , x j H
and cultivation of. said land , viz : Gcorse H
Fob. Michael Wcick. Cliarles Voilbreclit and H
Herman Thole , all of McCook. B
S. P , HART , Register , M
* 0SI0K9B9SHnMW4MninPlSEUlaill < Mlf9S ! ? * ? . 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
lBi B Mi M M M i , lM , r ! ? jjy * - * * -0 * _ B B