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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1888)
* 1 / ' • / < Hf I * 1)1 ) . \ " I • - * , / . Ps / / * * \ i B R I 'til ' I J1 lm " ' " " " " " " • " • " " $ | | ( I IK * % \ VOLUME VHr McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY , JUNE 16,1888. NUMBER. 3. j | f 1 lit * " / _ _ _ _ _ ' * * 1 = = = I STERN'S II BABCOCK & KELLET , il ( SOLE AGENTS. B K nn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ aKHUHHn 11) ) Lots in this beautiful addi- mi tion lying west of McOook , 9 } and overlooking the city and II the Republican Valley , are If now on sale at our office , and I , are selling rapidly. Come Hi early and secure the finest K location for a residence in B the city. it I BBiii Ctaa Easy fens. In For full particulars , call at 11 our offices , over The Frees Eg & Hocknell lumber office. BABCOCK & KELLEY. i n bernheimer B | | My Spring' styles are now all in , and If all avIio wisli to be known as fk Well Dressed Gentlemen W w Will grive me their order for tlieir t spring : clothing' . Yon will readily ob- u serve that my prices are as low as I is consistent with good goods and B i first-class workmanship. Complete B , Suits made in the best style in two B days , if necessary. Kj | * a wiiwiimiimii iiMiimrHTTir mmn in B , L. BERNHEIMER _ _ , HI m m mtm jqjMXJLmmjmmmm mmamrmrmiMmtmmmmWtrWirrirrimrrrmT ' ' | llw nwMiww w m I | Authorized Capital. - Vaid up Capital , $50,000. If I r OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : H ' . GEO , HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. . . . B M. FREES . , UlCE-PRESIDENT. | | * F. L. BROWN. CASHIER. . . . . . . . . if I A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. If B ) " ' HRNRyTeNNRR _ ' r Saddles , Blankets , Xets , Etc. | fj 2 ? " G o Isj t > pen to inspection aDd Guaranteed. Call and see my Patent fpi CttHsr ic is tke Sliest thing in the market. IK awrf"TheRi MMte. ; ' HENItY TENNER. mP The Howard Lumber Co. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN If Lumber & Coal | i { McCOOK , NEBRASKA kV I B * I kT % kBuiv BUSINESS DIRECTOR 7 . v J. nVIlON JKNSIKGS. JOHH Wlf.KV. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practlco in tho State anil Unlteil State Courts , and before tun U. S. Land Ollices. Careful attention iriveii to Collections. Olllco over Citizens Hank , McCook. Neb. . - TifosTcOIiFBR. ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Heal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and llual proof. Aient Lincoln Land Co. Ollice. over Farmers A ; Merchants Bank. 11. M. SNAVELY , ATTOJtNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Olllco at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGHV. . CO Lit' ' , LAWYER , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will pracuco in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 3 , First Nat'l Bank Building. j JOHN G. W. F. FLEE MING , \ I House and Carriage Painting- , | GItAINI.NG , CAT.CIMININO , MAIJIILIXO. . MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Leave all orders at tho drug store of .McMll- len & Weeks. First-class work fcuarauteed. T. M. IIETiM , C. W. DAVIS. Lato Ecgiitcr U. 3. Lii Lto of Gee. Lacd OEco , Ofics.Eirvia.Ka : . Wastostoa.D.C. - HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land H Loan Agents. McCOOK NEHKASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or detend and want to win consult us. Ouiee , north of U. S. Land Olllco. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. I H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , ' McCOOK , NEBRASKA . Special attention given to the sale of city propertv. Houses .rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , ] Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKAi i , r " 011ico iu McNeely Building. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. > . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. ; 3y 0fiiceatChenery& Anderson's drugstore. L. J. SPIOKELMIER , M. B PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Spcil Attestja ! Gives to ? caale Sissaset. Office hours , from 0 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers ic Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. C57""Office : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residente , on Marshall street. A. J. TnOMAS. DENTIST. Administers Gas if dcrired. tS Oilice over Scott's brick. G. W. MINKLER , , FOitsreni.Y COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , ! McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. ! ! 1 THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , XEnRASKA. ] This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. ' PREDMQRE BROS. , BJacksmithing and Woodwork , IIOIfcjE SlIOIUXOA Sl'iCLU.TV. Kepairs Wasou ? andBu K S i\\ \ a WwK } ' i\muVnK \ fanner. , J = = I AljVork \\ra rn U HlifcConlv , Nt'braslcn \ SHOPrrSopth of rtadvor Lumber Vanl. i F DriiUltGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. J i i 3F * All work receives prompt attention. | School Books % Supplies , i _ Blank Books , Stationery , AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. * EVERY SATURDAY AT $ . 50 A YEAR. OCCASIONAL'S BUDGET. Mrs. William Brunei * is and lias been very ill. Considerable now hay is being put upon tho South Side already. Friend Preston is < iuito gamey just now. That game leg makes him appear so at least. 1 What in Sain Hill lias becomeof those pro posed river bridges. Have they expired a- boinin' ? A light rain , accompanied by vivid lightning and heavy thunder , prevailed in this vicinity , Monday evening. Four-lcggcd crcoturs of some species or other are getting away with thespringchicken crop at a discouraging rate. I In the loss of a valuable and highly prized colt , Anson Shratcr will have reason to long leineniber the Morm ot Monday evening. Lightning did the work. ! It may not be new to you , but it will bear repetition , the Eaton ic Co. ranch on the South Side is one of the finest properties in the length and breadth ol the great Kepubjican Valley. I Tho duellers iu that vicinity held a quiet j little picnic on Brush creek , Sunday , enjoying in usuhdued hut thorough fashion the delight- ful shade and cooling bree/.es of that pleasant lesort. VA1LTON NOTES. o Pleasant and healthy in this beautiful re treat. We discover that coming events cast their shadows on the wall. This refers to our rail road. Miss Josie Menard spent a few days with friends iu this neighborhood , guest of Leila Widgeon. The ice cream social was the best we ever attended. We noticed many faces from Mc Cook and vicinity. Frank Nicholson is improving his place or rather his two valuable iarms , very much , this spring. We were glad to see Frank on our streets again. Real estate booms. The Ashby farm former ly owned by John Gambill is now owned by a gentleman living in Culbertson , who will im prove the same. The numerous weddings will no doubt be re ported in other columns of your paper. They gatheted in most of young people between Vailton and McCook. We wish all a happy voyage through life. ILvi.imi. "ON WE FLY. " Bud McKillip was up from Cambridge , Mon day , on business nifairs. Sheriff Button of Hitchcock county was in the metropolis , Wednesday. Prof. W. S. Webster drove into the city , Mon day evening , on his way from Bird City , Kan sas , to Hastings , Neb. The professor continu ed on his journey the morning following. A no less distinguished gentleman than M. Matsu. .Japanese minister , passed through this I station , Tuesday morning , bound for Wash ington , D. C , with his somewhat numerous suite. They travel in great style. Mr. Vaudenberg , representing the Omaha Herald , was in the city , the fore part of the week , gathering material for an exhaustive write up of our city , which will appear in that journal at an early date. We might add incidentally that he received ( iuite a number of subscribers during his visit. A GONVEtiTIQM STORY. Sufficient time has elapsed since the demo cratic pilgrims returned from St. Louis to al low the telling of a good story on Maishal , Cooper. He had some difficulty about getting into the hall , and Hon. Thomas Colfer of Mc- 1 Cook , one of the delegates and a vice presi- dent of the convention. loaned him his ticket. Mr. Cooper went in all right , but no sooner had he enterad the door than he was seized by an usher , marched tho lull length of the hall , lushed up the platform and seated in the vice piesidential chair at the right hand of the presiding oilicer. He did not enjoy it very much it is said , buthemade a handsome figure and all the other boys enjoyed it. Lincoln Democratic. THE MAGIC CITY. McCook , Red Willow county , is one of the liveliest towns in western Nebraska. It came into life as a division point with the comple tion ot the Burlington line to Denver , and has prospered beyond expectation. Just u.a\Y it is in the threshold of its growth . The Cer tainty that the Burlingtcui wiU build largo j ' shops there this season has gen ; all branches o business and building the hum of a buzz saw in motion. The Republican river Hows by thedoor , waterworks arc in operation , church es and schools instruct the young and comfort the aged , energetic men manage all branciies. of business , and clean , well edited , newspapers refieet the risjng tide of YigQTattS Hfe in tho ] ' eRy. Omaha Heridd . . urn's rot/a SECOND. \ Wcdn uotdeaire to appear previous about ' matters , but would like to ask what our citi- | sc.uiis are going to do on the 4th , the ever glori- I misith or July. If no action has been taken or will be taken , TheTuncs would suggest that Hugo to McCook in a body. The citizens of j the 'Peerless City" have donated ? 1,000 toceU ebr.ite our Independence , and will celcbnUolu ! a giunder and more iqagniticoiit soalo than ever before attempted in Western Nebraska Rapes , fnoworka , base ball , ealathumpian pa rade , prominent speakers , etc. , will comprise the festivities or the day. What say ye fellow citizens ? Hayes Centre Times. j McCOOK THE PRIZE WINNER. ' The championship prize at the Minden shoot- j ing tournament was carried off by a , M .CPv &fc I team which accounts probacyf \ \ < ? qutot return or the Hastn { luniy. " oolHeersof the association ir. fx yearVa-e : C. A. Gard- n'u ? , i &VMy , > WC8,0It ! , : W.Lewis , of Mc- 1 fT&i "rt * * • Lambert , of Kearney , vice presidents ; .7. H. Fleming , of Hastings , treas- j urer ; Frank Crabill , of Hastings , secrctiu ; The next annual tournament , sis beQ\es ( aVeij. .will be held in Hastings in , 4\\u \ 1WV-Hast- I ings Gazette Journal , A WOMAN'S DISCOVERY. • Another wondorrul discoverv has been mado and that too by 11 lady in ' thls county. Disease fastened its clutches upon iter ami for seven years she withstood its severest tests. . but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three mom In she couched Incessantly and could not sleep. 1 bliB bought or us a bottle of Dr. King's New ( Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking Qrst doso that she slept all night and with 0110 bottle wsis miraculously o"1Uw name is Mrs. Luther Lut/ . . " Thus WVlto W. 0 flamrlck & Co. . . of Shelby , X. C- Get a free trial bottle at A. McMlllen's drug store. M. A. LIBBEE. Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. t T A specialty of line residences , school houses , churches , etc. All work done with dispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , corner Dodgo and Manchester s reetn , t. e. Mccracken , The Insurance flg'l ' McCOOK , NEBRASKA , V/rites Indemnity against Fire , Light ning , Tornado and Hail Storm. New Shop--Mew ! : Goods ! AND MODERATE PRICES. Will do all kinds of Tailoring in a First Class Manner. Call and see prices and fits , and then you will know for yourselves. R. A. COLE , McCook. Neb " " GEO . FAXTON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ! B3ALSS I1T CIGARS. Fine Havana Cigars. A specialty of the j brands , "GOOD TIMES , " "STANDARD" and "OUR CHOICE , " the peer of anything in the j market. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. THE B. & M. Billiard Hall , PHILLIP WEICK , Prop. First-class tables and conveniences of a well equipped hall. Choice line of Cigars al ways on hand. Lemonade and all temperance drinks. WEST DEN'NISON STREET , McCOOK , NEB. DRYSDALE Has just received an Elegant Line of Spring Goods , and he kindly returns his most sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received in the past , and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. ' 1 - 1 We are agents for the following reliable companies. Note date of organi zation and splendid assets : JEtna of-Hartford. Conn.lSiy , . . . . 9 , . ' > G10 , , [ nstiViUJOO Co. of X. A. , Phila. , 17U4 , 8,474i" : 2 Phenlx of .Brooklyn , 1S. > : ; , . " ) , : } 9TJ2o ( Connecticut of Hartford. 1&50 2i'J,742 : I Continental of Xew York , ISo'i 5,2:59,981 : Pennsylvania File of Phila. , 1S25 , . . 2,710bS. > j Lancshire of Manchester , Eii . , lS5 ? . , 405,187 COLYXN & DEMPCY , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. i Herian & DesLarzes , Propiietorsof the McCook Transfer ifCity Bus Line , I Bus to and from all trains. Coal hauling and general delivery. Three drays. All \ 1 work promptly attend ed to. Lwive outers at j Fiees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. ' I Allen's ' Transfer , i I Bus , Baggage % Dray Line. ' 1 1 JF. P. ALLEN , Prop. , J McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' "Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave orders . at Commercial Hotel. , 1 Good well water furnished on short notice , t | I ' " K I , . . & / > • ? ' : • / ajar ' * I - " . . - _ ii _ _ . . . -i.i-i.i-i ij-i. -u-Li-irin-1 1-1-i-11-i-i.r -utn. uuijuu-iju juliiiijij .1 1 1 1 . . xiiruM u u uu i.i-in. . . _ ( II A CPU ! PHTPIf IB UWAIE Will be offered by BOWEN & LAYCOCK for the next four weeks just to stimulate the trade. We have .just opened 18 cases of new , desirable / • styles in Ladies' and Gent's shoes , which were * * " ' bought for less than manufacturers' cost. We will sell them at about what other dealers pay for the same grade of goods. + + H + + + + + + + + + + -M- + + + + + + + + + + + + -M- + - * • - MM - + - SPRING STARTERS : Ladies' French Dongola , Satin Lined Button Boots , § 3.00 Ladies' French Dongola , Drill Lined Button Boots 2.50 Ladies' French Dongola , Day Sewed Button Boots ( ) . Ladies ' Chivereaux Kid , Hand Turned Button Boots , Ji.50 m Ladies' Bright Dongola a Slipper , 1.75 I * * _ * * * * * * * * * * * * i I FARMERS ! I We will sell you a good kip plow shoe for $1.00. . M We will sell you the best grain Creedmore in the market for § 2.00. A solid one-button Brogan , § 1.20. - y f I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 OUR TERMS ARE CASH. r M BOWEiy f L AYCOCKlI I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE/ ' M ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) ' - M Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. ' General Banking Business , ra Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal i H cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Residents. iloney to loan on farming \ H lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. 7/- > | Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , H correspondents. j V. FbankunPresident. LW First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V Jons B. Clark , Vice-President. H The Chemical National Bank , New York. J A. C. Ebert , Caihlex. H I CITY BAKERY. I I | FRESHBREAD | " I \ DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. } I I PTES-CAIOSS-CAXDIES XTJTS- | .H f - -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- I TOBACCO-ETC ETC. - \ H I LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTiON. ! I s Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. 5 ! A. PROBST , PROP. ! I Mm : DEALERS IN LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HARD AM ) SOFT 0AL , I