< r"i" " " ' _ _ _ _ _ * mL 1 * • * If • | McCOOK • fX ' It WILL BE A CITY OF * * * 5 Mi ' ' viK A * ' .i ? * ' " 10,000 People * ml r * , , I Even then , no onewill show you a better assort- ' ' I * ment ot sell goods for If Less Money Than We Do. Mr It is very easy to put prices in a paper and then jjf 5 - ; sell shoddy goods. We guarantee all merchan- " " II dise sold by us. Come and see the v ( H . RELIABLE . . . * | | . J DRY GOODS , CLOTHING AND OARPET . [ | * . MERCHANTS. I . VISIT OUR DRESS MAKING DEPARTM'T. W I . . _ * , . . _ 1 1 - . - , _ _ . - , . . . t . - . . - . . . . , . . - - - -r f ' L LOWMAN & SON. f 1 . 1 F. L. MgGRAGKEN & BRO. I TIIE 0 > TY I ir \\f Iv I w1 k v , fj JUi f f Jlj JLJj Jlj JLIj kJ t 1 I • i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ix S. W. Nebraska that carry a com- * plete line of Fine Goods in Mi ftts , Jewelry , Mm f AND CLOCKS. r" - > - _ waBsa , .ul _ _ , . „ llsammcgSgS55 - iir' l.iT _ j . - , / : , : , ' l ' , „ : : : fT" , . , . , , : j We QnaiLantee oitr Prices to he the Lowest. . . mi n i ll [ aEasaaaaME ca BMaem si Bai i. ftearefca : ams&m g tea bd repairing of Fine Watches & J ewelry. iaecrEBiaeatB kept hi stock. ) ° _ _ _ _ - - " - - - i -lj. . . .l- . . . . . - " " ? , - ' „ - ! ' - ' , ' , - - „ , " , , , . , . ) UiaMWMii-JMICDMBO- | | ; | "ir- rr " 1UJATEHER , _ _ _ _ _ McCOOK , NEBRASKA. g = -wi.-m. - " ' _ _ , i " i rjjg ; ; 5i nreMri _ wfii j _ iii m i m i eisi3WB v , ! CITY BAKERY. ] ' TRf f : o : ? • | 1 [ FRESH BREAD | I I1LITBRED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. } { | : o : k > PEECA1 ES-CAXDIES-NDTS- \ > \ - < STBRSCIIERCIGARSI I | \ -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- j LUNCH BOOM IN CONNECTION , j * \ Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \ f \ A. PROBST , PROP , i K " hToswalt . j. , H Uos Openetl a First-Class estanrast § Confectionery ( % jp nr the BwiLD fa < ke noon xoirru of the fiiees * uocknkix * _ _ rf | < - • UMHK YAUD AXD F SOLMTS THE PUBLI0 PATRONAGE , " . fruits in season. s * * I TOBACCO at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. 1 DAY BOARD AND LUNCHES TO ORDER. Wh. Give me a Call 5. A. OSW<. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ MANUFACTURERS' AGENT FOR I * WAGONS , BUGGIES. ETC. B ' _ TTbe Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements In the Republican . 7alley carried by the _ Iamacturers of the different lines of goods. Prices always the B Lowa t and always Kejrular. Call and examine. | L. CORNER MARSHALL & DENNISON STd , - McCOOK , NEB. ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; - * vm0- - - - - - " ' Inherited Diseases. Kb fact of nature is more pregnant with awful meaning than thefact of the inheritance of disease. Modern science , which has illumi nated so many dark corners of nature , has shed a now light on the ominous. words of the Scriptures , "Tho sins of tho fathers shall bo visited upon tbo tho children unto the third and fourth penerutioa. " Fifty per cent , of cases of consumption , cancer and scrofula , run In families through inheritance. Insan ity is hereditary in a marked degree , but , fortunately , like many other her editary diseases , tends to wear itself out , the stock becoming extinct. A distinguished scientist truly says : "No organ or texture of tho body is exempt from tho chanco of being tho subject of hereditary disease. " Probably more chronic diseases , which permanently modify tho structuro and functions of tho body , are more or less liable to bo inherited Tho important and far- reaching practical deductions from such facts are obvious to reflecting minds , and the best means for preventing or curing these diseases is a subject of in tense interest toaL ! Fortunately na ture has providoJ a remedy , which ex perience has attested as infallible , and tho remedy is tho world-famous Swift's Spcciiic , a pure vegetable compound- nature's nntidoto for all blood poisons. To tho afflicted it is a blessing of inesti mable valuo. An interesting treatise on'Blood and Skin Diseases" wiU bo zuailod free by addressing The Swift Specific Co , k Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Go. BANKSVILLE and VICINITY. o Crops are in tho finest condition known for mnny years. Tn consequence of which the farmer rejoiceth. George Ecklov has come out flying with a lino road cart , to use on the mail route from here via Vailton to McCook. Mr. c. a. f. of the Gazette must have lost a jack pot by tho way he rails at monopolies. Wonder why ho dropped tho 1 from his initials. Wm. Uolph returned from nalstead , TCas. , • whore lie lias been in attendance upon his brother , on tho 24th inst. He thinks his broth er out of danger. Not to be outdone by anyone the boys met and formed a base ball club. They will not join tho loasruo this season , but think that by tho next they will occupy a prominent place in the same. MAitmr.D : At residence of Nels. J. Johnson , • tho bride's father , Sunday. May , 20th , 1888 , Mr. Joe Dodge and Miss Hirclie Johnson. The wedding was a very quiet aifair , only relatives ot the contracting parties being present. We bespeak for them a long life ot happiness and pleasure. It may bo somewhat premature ; butit strik es us quito forcibly that G. L. Laws would be a most appropriate candidate for our next governor. Theic is not in the state an abler man , nor one who would nllthe gubernatorial chair with bettor satisfaction to the people. Ho has no superior and few are his peer in the state. Wo pi edict that he will sweep the state it nominated. Listen ye tariff reformers. Every ton of im ports received in this country means an ex port of its value in gold. It j-ou increase our imports , a corresponding increaso of gold ex port is the consequence. What then is the ultimato end. Suspension of specie payments of coiirbo and a return of a premium upon gold. Thus you would tear down the bulwark of our world reuowed financial systom. Verily , the fallacies ot tree trade need not be magni fied to be seen. It seems to me that a man with a reasonable amount ot brains would be able to perceive the paralogy ot this democratic rot , called tariff re- lonu. Itis the duty of every parent to pro vide for his olTbpnngs all the comlorts and luxuries in his power to bestow. Then reas- ouitig , analogously , what does the govern ment owe its constituency and the people at large ? 1 auswer simply the best of everything it has in its power to bestow , ltowesits uian- ufactuiers protection of their business suffi cient to enable them to manufacture their wares without fear of foreign competition. It owes the producer of whatever name or legitimate nature the same adequate protec tion. It it ( the democratic party ) wants to re duce tho revenue why m the uauio of ail that is leasonable , sensible and patriotic , don't it abolish the internal revenue ? This , however , is contrary to democratic principle The dem ocratic party never has nor never will be able to gratp the length , breadth and depth of that word PATiuOTiSM. The democratic party with unlimited power means eveutual monarchy , coats of arms and a "bloody anstocracj. " I don't apprehend that a tariff could be levied ihat could bo called too high. If toreijrn arti cles ot manufacture weie excluded entirely , so much the better. We have men of abun dant capital and brains , to lurnish us anything and everything that we need ; and all they need is to be protected in their industries from toroign competition in the ionn of pau per labor. The latter comprehends the whole subject Foieign manulaoroiies aie cariied oil b ) means of labor compensation which no American manufacturer can ever hope to ob tain , and v. hich 1 do not believe they have any wish to acquire even if it uere possible. The only thing that makes the American peo ple superior to the ioieigner is the tact of their most excellent advantages ot education ; ot living under a free government which will piotectthem from pnuper competition and the result ol the pioceeding , viz : Sufficient wages to enable them to live in comfort and to tecure quite iiequOutly a few of the luxur ies. Take tho tarnT off and you bring our laborers to the level of the foreign wage earner , as to what he can get for his labor ; and it is only a question of time until ho is brought there intellectually and if intellec tually then morally and physically. The dem ocratic party say , with the most barefaced , fabrication , that they aie the friend of the laboring man , but hen thoy get his vote and get into conirress. they assume there true colors and proceed to put laws on the statute- books that will eventually giind him to the earth ; make him an illiterate , povcrt3ridden. . degraded being. The power of articulation will be the only distinguishing mark between him and the brute creation. And yet there are working men , otherwise intelligent , who continue to vote and work for thosuccess of the " democratic ? party , whipped in with the party lash ; unable to give any reason for the manner in which they cast their ballot than that their fathers were democrats. It is high time that tho laboring man was arousing him- seit from his lethargy , asserting his indepen dence in an intelligent manner and showing his self-constituted friend , who is , in reality , a most treacherous foe ; that be uudert-tnnds his little game and that he don'tpropose to bo duped any iisrtfior. It | s time that the demo cratic p-trty was made to understand that we can exut without tore'ari : productions of any kind. Cobdnii cluluJnplu led. If they are so badly utiiek on that which Is foreign , why don't they "pitch their tent in foreign lands. " If we are Americans let us be Americans. "The name America must always exalt tho pride of patriotism. " ( Washington.SlVAItT. SlVAItT. I * > , • \ J 1 • , JV \ I - l * l . v * * m * . t s • * it JSBBE * * ' + . * 3 i * * * " fa " * i--J- * * -y g _ aaagwa n _ _ -ni * V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a-aMMMHH _ _ fR _ HMH * ? iK VIt Would Not Do ! > vj : ; Tor an Old Established Hotito * indulge in advertising * I > * > sensational HaLf-off , Below Cost , Take-'em-away-for- J | ' nothing Sales. | ? I Our reputation for selling 1 t'RELIABLETRUSTY \ , , M • ? ; SERVICEABLE GOODS. I Is quite sufficient to draw people to our store , and when I , ht o i * we have something below ordinary prices , we can al- j j 8 ways give good reasons for it. We are selling : I , ' I " I Dry Goods , Hats and Gaps , \ i F Groceries , Boots and Shoes , \ i i Notions Etc. I j , . , . • I At the lowest prices made by any iirin in S. W. Nebraska. j I . . . i ; ' U I ' ; f B I Call and Examine Our New Goods. " ' CHAS. H. ROGERS , - j Established in 1882. THE PIONEER MERCHANT. I I _ . _ _ _ M _ _ it 'wl- - * --i-ii > ' mrrffx ii wfTTirirrni iifcaiM Twa itiwrnriTi-i in ' - mM i I i mill mi - - - biiiim innini iiiinniniri mi 1 r rr i ii nirntTT'Tir > i-ni rn it i mwi fim m - - ROAD NOTICE. TO ALI. WnOM IT MAY CONCEnN : The commissioner appointed to vacate a road commencing at a point48rods west of S.E. cor ner section 23 in Indianola precinct , Ucd Wil low county , Nebraska , running thence east to the S.E. corner of the S.W.Ji of the S.W.Ji sec tion 23 and thence north to the N.E. corner of S.W.Ji of S.W.Ji section 23 in town. 3 , range 28 W. , terminating thereat , has reported m favor of the vacation thereof and all objections thereto or claims lor damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noonof the 10th day of July , A. D. 1SS8 , or said road will be located without reference thoreto. 50-4ts. George W. Ropek , County Clerk. MERIT WINS. Wo desire to say to our citizens , that for 3'ears we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Dr. Kinjr's New Life Pills , Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters , and have never handled remedies that sell as well , or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time , and we stand ready to re fund tho purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. A. McMillen , Druggist. • BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. . The Best Salve in tho world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheumfever sores , tet ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. The crab must movo in the best of society , for it does everything with eclat. Itch , .Mange , and Scratches of every kind cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by S. L. Green , Druggist , McCook. Try the Commercial House , when in McCook , just once ! " r\\r\ e > gl a * are fretful , peevisli , _ \a3 'i cross , or troubled with Windy Colic , Teething1 Pains , or Stomach. Disorders , can he relieved at once by using Acher's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine , hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. McMillen. The fashionable strawberry short cake is still cut short as to strawberries. TX O t triflewith any Throat or AJ\V v Lxtng Disease. If you have .a Cough or Cold , or the children are threatened with Croupor Whooping Cough , use Acker's English Eeinedy and prevent further trouble. It is a positivo cure , ' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c A. McMillen. InoN grey is the height of style. To bo out of it in dress this spring is "bad form. " CotfO * . _ uy. 2gS _ * S thousands suffering from Asthma , Con sumption , Coughs , etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy ? It i3 the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles , cold on a positive guarantee at 10c , 50c. A. McMillen. It isn't every newspaper reader who can toll a typographical error from a great American joke. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the digestive organs , free the system or worms , give the horse a good appetite , causing them to shed freely and putting them in good shape for hard work. tFor sale by druggists. GossiX'S are not egotistieal ; they find more pleasure in talking of others than of them selves. C _ . vv _ r > the Children. They are cs- SSWSr * ! ; peciaiiy liable to sudden Colds , Coughs , Croup , Whooping Cough , etc. Wo guaranteo Acker's English Remedy a positive cure. It saves hours of anxiouswatching. . Sold by ( A. McMillen. ] * . TnE.many cases of rheumatism cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm during the past few months , have given tho people great confi dence in its curative properties , and have shown that thero is one preparation that can be depended upon for that painful and aggre- vatiug disease. Mr. Geo. C. Davenport , one of tho leading retail druggists of St. Paul , Minn. , says : "In regard to Chamberlain's medicines , I am pleased to say that I can recommend them with confidence , that they will do as much for a person as anything in the market. Especially am I pleased with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. " No one afilieted with rheuma tism can use it without benefit. For sale by druggists. OHMMMMCna MBtMMOtlniMnncM nHMPM New Store ! New Goods ! . About APitll. lO we will oc- / v cupy our Mammoth New Store , t m corner iGth and Curtis Streets , w ? with an entiro new stock of Cl&J \ Dro33 Goods , Fancy Goods , Jer- _ Hr Aiseys. . Wraps , Suits , Millinery , J f7AXkH IadIo3 * and Gents' Furnishings , ffffBtm A Boys * Clothing , Carpets , Cur- lllln VwCt > 7 taln , etc. , making it the Gem tllllx W 4 Dry Goods Storoin tho West. De- hIII \ v * 1 pend upon latest styles and low SfiJ \ Y eastern prices. Absolute satis- f Ii / a V \ / faction guaranteed to all mail or- F/liSLX dera or money refunded. Hand- fill o 3l\ . ' i some 100-page Catalogue and sam- illAAvhc pies pent free on application. J. / / / & mjar Sat joslot. ietn and Al lvv I HtcLJ Curtis , Opp. Tabor Opera 6a a * " " * Home , 3 > _ JTV Ja , COX.O. School Books % Supplies , BgSZ < & &i g § ? 8 _ _ 33 § * § _ * Blank Books , Stationery , AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. E. L. SMITH , V rrrp iVLni , rcuj AND SALE STABLES , Evert's Old Stand. Opposite Central Hotel , McCook , Neb. GOOD RIGS. FLEET HORSES. I'OUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. _ . _ _ i a gra in. t iw ? > tar i t | Blue Front Livery Stable > * agq # % 2rv = &rJeZH/ ? rSr7f7' j > D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. iJani , rear ilc- Entee Hotel. * * * v * - - B.iL'TON & CO. , PROPEIRTOR8 , J EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. 9 East Railroad Street. _ _ _ McCook , Nebraska. fl O. S. TORREY , I Furniture Undertaking ' 1 . H ! - i i mmngif - GOODS SOLD ON THE , I INSTALLMENT < - PLAN. I I WON'T BE UNDERSOLD. I WEST DENNISON STREET. - - McCOOK , NEB. OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. M Makes First F ortgage Loans on Farm Property , I OFrlCE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILOINQ. M A. CA PHCLL , PncsiDE : T. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President. H GEO. HCCKNELL , Secretahv. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President. M . . . F. L. BROVyN , Treasurer. H JOHN R BLACK. Breeder of Improved Sheep. Merin0 $ T4 &M0m Southdown 3i EiSl& K& Persona/in- fe i fei spection and g ? Si y t • correspond- § i once solicited. % $ 25& & * $ & $8 ? Address him -NCrCSka- , W # - - _ ' * * _ \ > 5r * i * EATOX EROS. & CO. 3sfiEPl& * P. O. addrcJs , McCook , ft Tn ftnrn * r r * , v' > h"lf'1 ltangesouth } mj PK .McCoot. KSMM&f & $ v > if battle hranded on left TOMp | | * hip. Also. 10 , 5. A and WbGrandson left hip. - , < 3I > = _ SnS Horses branded same Ss gSJEfflBfcjfe on left shoulder. j - - - - - KTLPATEICK BROTHERS. U ( Successors to E.D. Webster. ) H Horses branded on left hip or loft shoulder. _ H vvt3v > - P. O. address , Estelle , " H SttZL Hayes county , and Beat- M \sp 3S 5 ttrice 2s'ebBange.SUnk. . - M 5 ? _ 4 2sjK < 'ine Water and French M tiriiS C-2' , * -ii nan creeks , Chase Co. , M Wrf& & $ ! : ' : ' " • % Nebraska. H \tg3 & * f $ { Brand as cut on side of M w'-r-r - . ySJsomo animals , on hip and H > z E % & $ & , Blie3 of 52mo . or pv- _ H - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L * _ _ _ ,