, -o . I " * I VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 26 , 1887. NUMBER 32 ; ' J r ii/ioliiiTi I ; AT : GMSCHOWS I OLD RELIABLE I BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! I DO MOT MISS THIS | Great Reduction Sale ! I :0F : I J- COME ONE ! COME ALL ! - - - - - | II No cheap shoddy goods. Everything * | ordered direct ixonx Manufact- I nrers and guarantee them. I NG FRAUDULENT DRIVE ! I i am here to stay to "back all I say. Can give you I C BETTER BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES I than ever offered "before. Will give pobloi IluUUuiIUli ? LeUSud B lliO ySSUyds * j Rush in with your dollars and get bargains. OPPOSITE U. S. LAND OFFICE. The First National Bank OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , - $100,000.00. - , Paid up Capital , $50,000.00. ' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : , h GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A. CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS. r „ _ _ | ; " HRNRY PENNRR , j ? O DEALER IN O > OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Repair Work Done Promptly and Neatly. C FIKST DOOR "WEST OF "THE FAMOUS , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. FINE FARM FOR SALE ! : 160 acres , all smoothland ; two miles from Bartley ; 35 acres in crop , rest line hay land ; 2 acres of fruit trees from 2 to 0 years old , in T fence ; sod house , stable and granary ; water iit depth of 10ft. Soilhlaclv and rich to depth 'V ' < o 2 to 6 ft. Crops raised during past 7 years. f TOieat25to3lDushels. Corn GO to SO bush- [ 'els. One of the finest quarters in Red Willow i s < county. Address or call on fe ; • STANTON HOMiEY , McCoolv , Neb. $ } > Land and Legal Blanks. 'j& ' v School Boohs and School Supplies , ff Blank Books and Stationery , 9 : AT TRIBUNE OFFICE. ' - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. B. P. HAST , BoeUtor. JACOB CTEIHUETZ , Eecolrar. . Offick nouns : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 41 * . M. mountain time w. s. Jioirr.A . J. v. cocmtAN. • MORLAN & COCIIKAN , A'LTORNJSYS - : - AT - : - LAW , McCOOK NEIMIASKA. A.r. . AOEE. JOHN WltiEY. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Comm. and before tlio U. S. Land OHIccb. Careful attention given to Collections. Ollice over Citizens Bank , JlcCook , Neb. THUS. COIiFEIt. J. A. COKDEAL. COLEER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAAV , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and llnal proof. Tuos. Colter agent Lincoln Land Co. OHiee , over First National Bank , McCook. 1M , SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. AVill practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollico at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms A and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building. T. jr. nELM , C. TV. DAVIS. Lite Eojktcr V. 5. Lacd Lato of Qos. Laid OEco , Ofico.IitTna.Za : . ' Washhstcs.D. 0. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land ® Loan Agents. tcCOOK , KEBRASKA. . If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Ollice , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. HENRY W. KEYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance .placed in llrst-class companies. OSes Boon 3 , Over Citizens Eaii , UcCOOE , l'E3. - H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up andadjusted Of fice at City Drug Store. 33-Cmos. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AST ) AUEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA "Office in McXcely Building , Main St. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. FHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D.s PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. JS' Oflice at Chenery & A uderson's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMTER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attcsiiss Ghes to resale Eioas. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. Jl. mountain time. Office , opposite Windsor Hotel , eastDennison St. , McCook , Neb. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. S2 Office : Boom No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPAED , ' WATCHMAKER'S JEWELER , McCook , Nebraska. Pupil of T. J. Highland. London , England. 17th year at the bench. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respecU. Rates jeasonable. 4-30 ' W. M. SANDERSON , - . DECOEATIYE AKTIST - : - , SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. I- yTiiE immigration into the land of the free , this year , it is estimated , will reach 1,000,000. 4 = = = = = STiie late census indicates Lancaster county , Pennsylvania , to be the richest agricultural county in America. -IThe South is threatened with another liege of yellow fever. It is stated that , the pestilential visitor has already made it § appearance in Key West , Fla. , * 0iietans are just essaying to lisp the song so dear and familiar to the average Nebraskan , in its harmony and cadence , "The Way We Boom. " /TF'the richest bottom land was 3 cents ah acre , the Henry George school of patriots would not buy an acre if the condition was that they must plow it. 1 5" - ' ' -Cambridge has performed a proper caper in voting $4,000 in bonds for the purpose of building a school house. They will put $5,000 or $6,000 in the enterprise. /The newspaper men throughout the state favor a law making the rate for passenger traffic two cents per mile. The law would be popular with the iqasses as well. . 'TnE state railway commission has been rapping the roads over the knuck les in an inoperative manner with a brass-cclged ruler. To what efFect re- mains to be seen. In addition to an annual salary of $40,000 , it is stated that Tom Potter will receive a bonus of10,000 from the U. P. for his first year's services as manager of their consolidated lines. The Omaha Herald places the "mo rality" of Western Nebraska cattle at a dreadfully low ebb 5 per cent. The Herald is mistaken. The morale of West ern Nebraska quadrupeds is excellent. t = = = = = = = = = = = = ' be the lot ' i aSsi-nation seems to f i" tlie average active prohibitionist. The blood of such martyrs as Haddock , Nbrthrup , Gambrill , ec al. , is never dpilled in vain ; but woe betide the murderous saloonists by whom the blood was shed. The Chautauqua assembly grounds in Crete are being improved and beautified for the coming meeting. A number of nobby private cottages arc going up and a number of society buildings contracted for. It is expected that the state press association will erect quarters. The "Topics Man" Will S.Jay of the Lincoln Journal can betimes exhibit a lack of modesty at once rare and phe nomenal , even for a journalist. Just what the great world loses in this discrep ancy of values personal estimate and market value will never be computed. The Chicago Inter Ocean passes this deserved compliment : "The Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers should bo given large credit. They don't strike. Ho clabs of workingmen are more thrifty or. more intelligent then the men who make up 'The Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers. ' " Mayor Eoche is purifying Chicago with a rapidity that makes the average citizen's head swim. He has closed up twOj hundred saloons and is refusing licenses every day , has shut up assigna tion * houses in every direction , and it is said that he has carried so much terror torthe criminal classes that an unpro tected lady can walk the "levee" in perfect safety from molestation and inault after dark. Journal. ill has been the impression that pen sion money was exempt from levy or attachment under the United States statute. The Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania has ruled that pension money or its proceeds was liable to legal process , execution , or attach ment execution. United States statutes on the subject say that pension money due is not liable to levy under any legal or equitable process , but shall insure wholly to the benefit of such pensioner. The State Court holds that this provis ion only applies to the fund while it is in the course of transmission from the Government to the pensioner. There fore , after it once reaches the recipient , it is thereafter subject to judicial seizure like the property of other defendants , whether it is kept in the name of anoth- er-for him. i f _ - W. C. LaTDURETTE AI ) • GENERAL j ' . ' * J 4 \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOQO HARDWARE ! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo 'MAIN AVENUE , MCGOOK , NRB. STILL TO THE FRONT ARE LYTLE BROS. & CO. With the Largest Stock of Seasonable Goods and GEN'L HARDWARE ! AND Lower Prices than ever before offered to the people of , Western Nebraska. , . , . :0 : And please bear it in mind Unit we handle the best line of 1 GOOK STOYBSXRANGES I To be found in McCook , and prices lower than the lowest. W'c will not be undersold. I We compete in prices with the most inferior stoves in town , and sell you I nothing but a warranted stove. We have a few I WOOD PUMPS WE ARE CLOSING OUT I At prices from SI.00 to $5.00. A few Iron Pumps. So.OO to SC.OO. A No. 1 Hand Corn I Planter for 51.00. C-qt. Pressed Milk Pans , $1.00 per do/.en. A complete stock I of Screen Wire. For Gasoline Stoves we surely take the cake. I ! 5TCall and we will be pleased to show our goods and quote I you prices whether you want to buy or not. llesp'y , I L-YTjLE BROS , & CO. I 1887. SPRING SEASON. 1887. I EF1 f % ftEH BE53 9 0 Bf3 ! R a P1R11IA "PBI1 An LF 0L ! llLlifIlLS1 LLfliJlilU iHILUlli I f i My Stock of Worsteds , Scotch Suitings and I / / V the Latest Styles of Pants Goods have arrived. ' " ' I take pride in saying that in Assortment and L v Styles nothing better can be found between I Chicago and San Francisco. If you are very I particular as to style of goods and about your I fit , the only place to call is at the I TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ° E L. BERNHEIIWER , I Dennison St. . West of TJ. S. land Office , McCOOK , NEB. I . . . . , . . fir fnrT.r.T irffiwiri ' .lijwii1 ini. irai * * mtj kMVvrwiifr'aeKaasa mirn t.rr'nTrtwrrmtMrwrmmmwmwmmsmmMmi ammi mmm H REAL ESTATE I LOAFS ! 4 > < rtbO > I 1 k. ti tttn Purchase and Sale Z l < 6 Deeded Lands a Specialty. I Room 2 , Hoeknell Brick , McCOOK , NEB. I , . , M mi ijr'i riiimnjij .rnrfijKiiMWiTnrMTTiiu mm * n mimuj ammcaaxmxKatmmaxMamaammaammBBaasasaoamMaa i mmMa GEO. W. BEDE , I LA SD ATTORNEY , j EEAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. - I " 1 am procuring LOANS on good farms readily at 9 per cent. Also , h&ve fl special bargains in deeded lands and tree claims. H MAIN AVE. , - . - McCOOK , NEB. I : l . 1