The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1887, Image 5

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    TIlUBSDAiT , MAY 10 , 1887.
| WATCHES. ' | [ 7S0NFsrj
| - AT
i % : o :
H : o :
_ _
) ' | JEWELRY. 1- = * - = | | SILVERW'E. |
\ . / THAT THE
ret" Finest Line of Materials ana
W Most Reasonable Figures
| f& McMillen & Weeks , -
I Local In telligence.
I ? The Osborne Binders at Einker's.
- S = BTChas. Noble , the leading grocer.
J Writing "and copying inks at Tribune
I office.
\ "Cultivators at llinker's from $16
to $37.
) BrgT'Neckwcar of every description at
• * The Famous.
[ JSg Pnces paralyzed at McCracken's
I Jewelry Store.
? Nebraska City Breaking Plows at
C. P. Einker s.
/ , * \ Nebraska and Kansas state maps for
sale at this office.
' Hosiery and underwear in great varie-
( ty at The Famous.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W. C.
LaTourettl lx v/O. 's.
, - • -
I , TfatNbest gasoline stoves , you will
j findL T ) . Palmer's.
e jL / lakeour hides , butter and eggs to
mBES f * • Urewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
Summer coats , vests and dusters of
every description. The Famous.
EirTiine books for engineers and
I firemen for sale at Tribune office.
I have a good cooking stove for sale
or trade. Call at once. S. H. Colyin.
The best fresh and salt meats in the
market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
Any article in silver-ware will be sold
at greatly reduced prices at McCracken's.
Must reduce stock.
Queensware in the latest styles ,
plain and ornamented , at the leading
grocer Chas. Noble.
J5IF ° Blank books in all sizes and qual-
ties at Tribune office. Special orders
given prompt attention.
The Aultman & Taylor Threshers
are the best in the world. C. P. Binker
sells them in McCook.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in facteverything in
> the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
I have 10,000 pounds Binding Twine
which I can sell on October time , pure
standard quality and medicated.
C. P. Binkeu.
i Geo. W. Bede is loaning money on
f farms at the lowest rates. Also have
i special bargains in real estate , at
f McCook Land Office.
i Fry & Snow's old stand is the place
j to buy your Flour and Feed , also Gar
den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
have come to stay and will make prices
reasonable. Harvey Bros.
E ' V Users of the Deering Biuders have
the happiest homes the fattest horses ,
the most money and live longer than the
users of any other make of binder. Why
is it ? Because the Deering is absolutely
[ We will show an entire New Line of
Lawns and Organdies about May 1st.
No fast year's stock on hand.
_ _ .
- - - * - -
V T3 * < - vr--xvr.V -r-- - -
The Starved Chicken Thresher at
Finest tailor-made clothing at The
Only six pieces in the Binder head of
the Deering.
Latest styles in hats and caps at
The Famous.
McCracken is offering big bargains in
watches and clocks.
Ecad "The Famous " ' new advertise
ment , this week.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
For a good suij ; or pants go to The
Tailor , L. Bernheimer.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble's , this week.
The finest machine on earth is the
Deering Ail-Steel Bindftr.
The latest improved gasoline stoves
for sale by Lytle Bros. & Co.
55FEggs wanted at Chas. Noble's.
The highest market price-paid.
T have two good unfurnished rooms
to rent. Inquire of Geo. W. Bede.
Happy is the man and jolly is the wife
of the man who buys a Deering Binder.
A large assortment of line trunks and
travelling bags just received at The
The New Davis Gasoline Stove takes
the lead. You will find them at C. D.
Before doing your painting or paper
ing , it will pay you to call on McMillen
& Weeks.
Don't buy a gasoline stove until you
have seen those at Lytle Bros. & Co's.
They are "dandies. "
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever. "
Buy a Deering Binder and be joyful the
rest of your days. She's pretty.
Eemember that Chas. Noble is head
quarters for everything fresh and clean
in the staple and fancy grocery line.
McMillen & Weeks are prepared to
give estimates on painting , papering or
furnish you material at bottom prices.
The Minneapolis Binders and Mow
ers at C. P. Einker's. The little Min
nie is a daisy , a ' nd all who work her
Leave your order at The Famous if
you prefer to have your clothes made to
order. A good fit is guaranteed every
The Deering all-steel Binder at C. P.
Einker ' s. This machine is what its
name implies really an All-Steel Ma
For information in regard to pianos
and organs being sold by W. H. Pres-
cott of Lincoln , inquire of F. L. Mc
If you get Bernheimer , The Tailor ,
once to make you a suit , you will al
ways go back. He gives the very best
A car-load of flour just received at
C. H. Eogers' . Quality cannot be ex
celled , and in prices we defy any and
all competition.
New Crown Sewing Machines at
Einker's @ $5 per month until paid.
These are the finest Sewing Machines
in the market.
There is nothing so ornamental and
useful in the house as a clock. Mc
Cracken has three hundred and will sell
at one-third off.
Any person wanting door or window
screens should call at C. Ziegler's car
penter and jobbing shop , east of the
Commercial House.
Those lamp fillers and oil cans at Ly
tle Bros. & Co's. . are the latest and best
can on the market. No lifting of the
can to fill a lamp. You can also , if de
sired , transfer the oil from the lamp to
can without spilling a drop of oil.
I have a full and complete line of
repairs constantly on hand for all the
machines , binders and mowers I sell
and will always have them on hand so
long as I handle the machine.
C. P. Einker.
Call at the City Drug Store , directly
opposite the First National Bank , for
Drugs , Medicines , Chemicals , Paints ,
Oils , Stationery , Fancy Goods , etc.
Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
use. Chenery & Anderson.
There are few housekeepers who have
not been swindled with some kind of a ;
washing machine. We have a steam :
washer that we guarantee to give satis- ,
faction or no sale. 'Tis easily operated.
Saves labortime , and clothes. One trial
will convince the most skeptical.
Lytle Bros. & Co.
- i
A large stock of Beady-made Cloth
ing , for men , youths and boys , just re
ceived by Eogers. The assortment is
first-class in style and make , and know
ing that the goods were bought at ex
traordinarily low prices , we feel safe in
making the assertion that we can sell
them at figures from 10 to 15 per cent. ,
lower than any dealer in McCook. Call
and inspect our line.
Carpets , Curtains and Upholstery
Goods we have a large stock. Come
and examine them.
Whereas is good.
Bridge bonds , did you say.
Eemember the social , to-morrow even
ing •
Fine weather , but a little rain would
be acceptable just now.
A merchant advertises : "Fresh eggs
guaranteed. Every egg dated. "
It is rumored that McCook is to have
a large circus and menagericnext month.
The Building Association keeps a
force of twenty hands conetantly em
Social , next Tuesday evening , at the
residence of Eev. Kimmel. Everybody
We have an unusual chapter of casu
alties to chronicle , this week , fortunate
ly no fatalities.
We direct particular attention to tke
notice in this issue by Supt. Meeker of
the Water Works.
The Y. P. A. prayer service will be
held , next Sabbath at 0:30 , P. M. , at
the Congregational church.
A genuine sidewalk boom is operative
in various sections of the city. A most
commendable thing indeed.
Heed the order of the Chief of Police
by cleaning up all refuse matter in your
alley and around your premises.
Lutheran services next Sunday at
10:30 , A. M. , and 7:30 : , P. M. , M. T. ,
at the school house by the pastor.
An excellent treat is promised by the
ladies at McNeely Hall , to-morrow even
ing. Ice cream , strawberries , lemonade ,
cake , etc.
The corner stone of the new Lutheran
church will be laid , next Thursday , at
7 P. M. Oration by Eev. C. Huber ,
State Secretary.
The pay wagon burdened the pockets
and lightened the hearts of the railroad
boys at this point by its advent , Friday
evening of last week.
Never write a deed or other valuable
document with a type-writer. The ink
will shortly fade out and you will be
unable to read the document.
Word comes to us that Miss Lelia
Widgeon of Yailton was thrown from a
pony , Tuesday , while riding to her school ,
and painfully injured , though not seri
Quite a lively little racket at Menard's
store , Saturday , between two Bed Willow
neighbors. Two much red liquor was
the cause , and a disfigured countenance
the effect.
A friend has evinced practical admira
tion for Eev. Joel S.Kelsey of the Con
gregational church in the gift of a sad
dle pony , in which the dominie takes
healthful pleasure.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will be pleased with your pres
ence and patronage at their ice cream
and strawberry festival to-morrow
, - even
ing , at McNeely Hall.
A nasal-twang vocalist , who accom
panied self on a somewhat demoralized
violin , made small sport for populace
on the streets , Saturday morning. His
financial returns where meagre.
The Bi-ennial Convention of the Evan
gelical Lutheran church of the General
Synod in the United States will meet
in Omaha from June 1-10. This will
be its first meeting west of the Missouri
The Congregational people have wise
ly , though dilatorily , moved that old
cracked bell to the rear of their church
edifice. It has long remained an eye
sore and menace to limb in the way of
those worshiping at that church.
Base and foot ball are the twin sports
of the day in this city. The boys evi
dently believe that , "The better the
day , the better the deed , * ' as they make
full use of the quiet hours of Sunday , in
the pursuit of their favorite games.
Two able-bodied loafers , having in tow
a performing bear , made the city , the
first of the week. Such lazy scalawags
ought to be esteemed public nuisances
and made to serve in the .street gang as
unconscionable and unmitigated hum
bugs and counterfeits of the "noblest
creation. "
A small squad of the members of
Hocknell Hose Co. tested the hose in
possession of the company , yesterday
afternoon , finding the same intact and
apparently in good condition , save the
joints , which were a little leaky and
needing tightening up. There are 350
feet of available hose. Steps ought to
be taken to double that amount. A hook
and ladder company ought also to be
formed and the necessary hooks and lad-
ders provided.
m .
Announcement Eov. Joel S. Kelscy
will speak , next Sabbath morning , upon
"The True Basis of Fellowship , " and
in the evening will deliver a special ad
dress to Mechanics. An invitation to
all employes to attend.
The Pacific Junction , Ta. , and McCook ,
Neb. , railway postoifice route has been
changed to run via Kenesaw and Uold-
rcge , Neb. , instead of Amboyand Bepub-
lican City , Neb. The decrease in the
distance is 18.3G miles , making the
whole distance 208.14.
The grist mill project remains in statu
quo , with slight hopes , from present
indications , of materializing. It is not
necessary for us to add that this is an
unfortunate mistake. McCook really
ought to have a grist mill , and a good
one at that. We hope the matter may
assume a more promising aspect.
It would be well for the sanitary con
dition of this city if every citizen prompt
ly responded to the order of the Chief
of Police to clean up their alleys , etc.
Also , if the order relative to disposal of
carcasses be regarded. Don't wait for
the miniou of the law to pounce upon
you , but clean up at once and thoroughly.
Work on the Methodist church edi
fice , which has been undergoing interior
improvements during the past two weeks ,
is about completed , and the usual ser
vices will be held in the church , next
Sunday. The Methodist brethren have
been making some gratifying changes
in the internal appearance of their house
of worship.
On Tuesday morning , of this week ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Scott were called
upon to mourn the loss of their infant
son. For prudential reasons the remains
of the little one were tenderly com
mingled with the dust of Mother Earth ,
in Fairview cemetery , Tuesday evening.
The Tribune would extend the sym
pathy of this community to the bereav
ed parents in their sorrow.
Buna way Dr. Z. L. Kay was quite
severely injured in a runaway , yester
day afternoon. The doctor was driving
his fine blooded colt , which became un
manageable , overturning the buggy and
throwing him out violently , injuring his
head , shoulder and hip. At the time
of going to press the doctor is resting
comfortably , and hopes to be around
again in a few days , to give that 2:30 :
Tramp a little exercise.
It is a source of great satisfaction , in
moving around the city , to mark with
what pride and painstaking care and
devotion our citizens are applying their
means and labor toward beautifying
their properties and ornamenting their
homes. The signs of the times in this
regard augur favorably for the futare
prettiest city in Nebraska. There is a
come-to-stay air about things that im
presses the beholder with a sense of gen
uineness , of substantiality , noticeable
in but few western communities.
A pain/ul and serious accident befell
Willie Scott , eldest son of Ed. J. Scott ,
an employe of The Tribune , on Mon
day evening , in this wise : It appears
that he and a playmate Willie Sharp
were practicing the javelin act , that
is , hurling long , sharp-pointed poles at
one another , in a playful mood to be
sure , and that while becoming proficient
in the spear throwing art , little Scott
received a thrust in the eye , which may
yet result disastrously to that organ.
The pole penetrated through the eye lid ,
but the injury to the eye ball cannot be
determined at this writing , perforce of
the swollen condition of the member.
The experience of this unfortunate ( and
we hope not worse than unfortunate , )
occurrence should not be losscd. Playful ;
weapons and games should be used in (
The meeting of the Y. P. A. , last
Friday evening , at the residence of L.
Lowman. was largely attended and of
exceptional interest. The usual pro- ,
gram occupied the early part of the
evening , after which followed the semi
annual election of officers. Mrs.E. K. '
Weeks was chosen President , Miss Anna '
McNamara , Vice-President , E. E. Low- • '
man being re-elected Secretary. . The (
retiring President , Mrs. W. E. Dauchy , (
was made the recipient of a handsome
silver berry dish , and Mr. L'Eoy Allen , l
Chairman of Eeligious Committee , of a
superb edition of the Bible , by the As- ;
sociation , in recognition of their efforts ;
in behal f of the organization during their |
terms of office. The session was one of 1
the pleasantest held since the institution \
of the Y. P. A. May the next six month's <
existence of the Young People's Asso
ciation be as popular and profitable as
the first. '
Found Between river bridge and \
Whittaker 's blacksmith shop , a small ]
package of merchandise. Owner can I
have same by calling at this office. 1
CSTJmler thin liuutl wo Mould l > o | ien8e < ! tt >
Imvo our frk'iHlrt throughout.tlio city uoitialnt |
us of tbo arrival ami tloimrturo of llti-lr visitor * .
Mfss Mauri McConnull rcttuiieri , Jjtinriay ,
front a week's visit in Trenton.
D. Guernsey , the Frenchman stockman ,
was a guest of the municipality , Tuesday.
Dave Jlogers , the horseman , is on hand
again with a number of car-loads of horses.
Joint Dawson , Esq. , of Aluta , had legal
business of importance in the city , yeitctriay.
Commissioner 11. 13. Duckworth of Dan-
bury was in the city , yesterday , on business.
Mine Host Johnston of the Commercial has
invested in a handsome double-seated car
Engineer C. C. Price and wife of Akron ,
Colo. , were registered at the Commercial ,
Commissioner Crabtree of the county-seat
and Kev. Wheeler of Hartley are visitors in
the city , to-day.
Conductor J. E. Sanborn of the Curtis
branch spent Sunday in these railroad ltead-
quatters en route home from llaigler.
William Capps of the li. & M. water ser
vice left , Sunday morning , for I'arkersburg ,
III. , on a visit of sonic four or five weeks.
Deputy Treasurer IJallew spent a number
of days , the first of the week , at the First
National bank of this city , receiving real es
tate taxes.
Messrs. Harry Ryan of Hamburg and H.
A. Mondschein of Indiauola drove tip front
the county-seat , Saturday , on a short pleasure
trip , returning the same evening.
Presiding Elder P. C. Johnson was up from
Indiauola , Tuesday afternoon , on a little mat
ter of business. Tun Tkuiuxi : notes a wel
come , pleasant call from thtj Elder. Kev. I.
N. Clover accompanied him.
Editor Thomas of the Palisade Journal
spent a few minutes in these newspaper
headquarters , yesterday morning. He re
ports Palisade iniprovingand the Frenchman
railroad rapidly materializing.
E. E. Aiterburn , deputy clerk of Chase
county , is in the city , this week , making an
abstract from the records in the local United
States land office of the deeded lands in Chase
county. lie is assisted in his laborious task
by K. A. McCracken.
Peter Mulock of Canyon City , Colo. , stop
ped over in the city , from Monday night to
the following night , on his way home from
Easton business college. He was the guest
of an old-time friend , Albert McMillen.
U. F. Olcott reports other additions and
improvements on his farm west of town.
Ben is having a commodious kitchen addi
tion built to his house , besides other improve
ments and conveniences. He is also culti
vating CO acres and breaking out 40 acres
C. M. Collins was called to the bed side of
his aged father , in Kansas , south of Hubbell ,
Neb. , last Saturday evening , by a telegram
announcing the serious illness of his fatlter.
He returned to this city , yesterday noon. He
reports his parent suffering from a paralytic
stroke , with small or no hopes for recovery.
W. Floyd Jeifrtes , the extensive Boston
mortgage broker who has been looking over
the country in this vicinity , where he is con
siderably interested , during the past week ,
departed for Omaha , Sunday morning. He
will also make a tour of inspection of the
northern part of the state. He was uiueh
pleased with McCook and country surround
Red Cloud Chief : J. E. Kidd , formerly of
this city , received a very' serious fall at Mc
Cook on last Wednesday. It seems that he
was standing on a pile of lumber , and by
some means fell backwards onto another
pile , by which it is thought he fractured his
back bone and was otherwise injured inter
nally. Mrs. Kidd left , Thursday morning , for
J. C. Glenn of Mattoon , III. , of the real
estate loaning firms of Clark , Glenn & Co. ,
Mattoon , HI. , and J. C. Glenn & Co. , Kansas
City , Mo. , who has been making a thorough
tour of inspection of this pait of the state ,
during ' the past week , left for Illinois , Sun
day evening , via Kansas City. Mr. Glenn
has placed considerable money in this section
through B. F. Morrison , agent , and ex
pressed great satisfaction and confidence in
its future.
The bills are out announcing the com
ing : of the Driesbach Family ' s Comic
Concert Co. and Female Brass Band and
Orchestra. They promise classic music ,
operatic ' singing and amusing sketches ,
character ' impersonations , etc. Popular
prices [ , 20 , 30 , and 50 cents. At Men
ard's Opera Hall.
Bitten' Mrs. E. J. Henderson of the '
South Side was bitten by a large rattle
snake , a few days since. She promptly
dispatched the poisonous reptile , and
sucking the poisoned blood from the ;
wound until she arrived home , where
she partook generously of liquor , is
now rapidly recovering.
About .July first , Barney llofer of
the P. O. lobby news stand will move
to Cambridge , where he will engage in :
a similar business , having already se-
cured commodious quarters in the P.
O. building in that town. P. M.
Thompson will assume proprietorship
of our news stand.
Hereafter D. J. McHugh will look j
after the nocturnal welfare of the city ,
as night policeman. D. D. Smith will -
take charge and care of all stray stock
brought to him , as city pound-master.
Both , we have confidence , will make
effective officers. •
Work on the new residences being
built by Thos. Colfcr on corner of Dodge
and Marshall streets is progressing rap- •
idly. J. F. Forbes has also commenced
the construction of a dwelling house in
the northeastern part of the city. ' /
One fine business lot on Main street. H
Two nice corner lots on McDowell H
street , one block from school house. H
Two more fine residence lots on Mc- H
Dowel 1 street. H
Six lots ( half block ) oast front on Mo- H
fit-land street. H
( Jood house , barn and lot on Marshall HH
No building clause required in any of H
above , and will be sold cheap if soon H
taken. 0. F. BAncoCK. |
Cabbage , Tomato and Celery Plants H
for safe by John Hansen , Hocknell H
residence. k
On farms I am prepared to fill all H
loans from McCook. No sending away J
no delays. Everything done and H
completed right here. Do not fail to H
see mc before making application. H
I. T. Benjamin. M
Office Over First National Bank. H
We are Western Agents for Butter- M
ick's Metropolitan Paper Patterns. M
Call and get a fashion sheet. M
I am now prepared to deliver icr to M
consumers throughout the city. I have M
a superior quality of ice , cut at the H
Cambridge mill ponds. Parties desir- M
ing to be supplied , the coining summer , M
should make their arrangements at M
once. Will also deliver anywhere in . j H
the valley. It. 11. Wir.IiTAJttS H
Our stock of Dry Goods is firstH
class in every particular. M
We have completed arrangements M
whereby we can furnish those who want M
a loan , money on real estate , promptly | H
and without the usual disappointing M
delays. Call and see us. Wo arc al- H
so prepared to make chattel inortgngo M
loans. Citizens Banic. H
Everything in our house is marked H
in plain selling figures. H
o H
Cash Down. No Delay.
o H
No need of waiting to send off appli- H
cations. Money paid over as soon as H
papers arc completed. Call on of ad- H
dress , Bed Willow Co. Bank ,
48-tf Indianola , Neb.
We have the best assortment Of
Men 's Clothing. Gall and get our H
prices. L. LOWMAN & SON.
If you want a Farm Loan on short I
notice and favorable terms , or money H
for Final Proof , call on I
Henry W. Keyes. I
Eoom 3 Over Citizens Bank. H
Come and see our White Goods and
Swiss Embroidery. I
The O. K. Steam Washer is the easiest I
operated of all washers ever offered for I
sale. Will save your clothes , labor and I
health. Warranted to wash clean or I
money will be refunded. For sale by I
Lytle Bros. & Co. I
We guarantee to sell goods lower I
than any house between Omaha and I
Denver. L. LOWMAN & SOU" .
I have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper
Breaking Plows that I will sell at the
exceedingly ' low price of $9. Call at -
once before they are all gone.
Charles Noble.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
I have a quantity of nice , bright baled
straw , suitable for filling bed ticks , for
sale at my barn. B. F. Olcott ,
City Livery , Feed & Sale Stables.
Egyptian and Oriental Laces at
Lowman & Son's.
I have plenty of summer pasture on
the river bottom , east of the city. Par
ties ( desiring pasture should make their
arrangements at once. S. H. CoLTIN.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
A house and two lots for sale in West
McCook. Will sell cheap for cash.
Inquire at this office.
Neckwear and Hosiery are beyond
competition at Lowman & Son's.
Fine Carriage and Set of Double
Harness. Inquire at office of
The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co
We are prepared to fend money on
city property. Chattel loans a spec
Parasols are one of our Leaders this
season. Come and see them.
Try the Commercial House , when ,
m McCook , just once !