The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 19, 1887, Image 4

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    f :
! s F. X. AND E. 31. KDDIELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Operations on the Curtis extension
kave been somewhat deterred by repeat-
ed strikes on the part ot the workmen
I f Tks Benkclman Democrat is Dundy
i county's newest candidate for public pat-
roage. Edgar Howard is the gentle-
aaa at the helm.
The Hastings Gazette-Journal has
lately been enlarged to a 6-column
quarto. In its new form the G.-J. is
greatly improved.
t -
' The graders are hard at work on the
j Frenchman Valley road , and the dwelli
I 1 [ era along Wbiteman's Fork are propor-
j j < tiosately jubilant and happy.
| * ! • Hastings is rapidly forestalling all
' • possibility of boDin from Burlington
I quarters by snowing herself under with
H ! ' bonds to other railroad corporations.
I f 1 !
Da. Geo. L. Miller , late of the
Omaha Himld , is home from New York.
I The 'doctor gives it out cold that Cleve-
K land will be the next democratic candi-
H date for the presidency.
Hi j A BANK will shortly be established in
H < Palisadeby Banker King of Culbertson ,
K under the style of the Frenchman Val-
1 * ' ley Bank. Thus Palisade gradually
Hl ( | assumes the habiliments of the genuine
Hi I ! I western village.
HI I j In the not dim and misty future , the
I J Burlington will put a $1,000,000.00
Hi machine shop plant somewhere in Ne-
H braaka. McCookHoldrege , and Oxford
H entertain hopes of securing the prize ,
H % ( which means a city of 10,000 in a few
H jears , ) with best indications in favor of
H McCook.
H > . 1 There is an under current rumor that
H § S trouble is brewing in the land business
H * % in which Uncle Sam and numerous land
Hi m locating firms are interested spectators.
' 5 The trouble extends to about every town
H < I on the B. & M. west of Hastings , and
H i I one or more from each place are daily
H \ I expecting something to "drap. " There
H . 1 are no doubt some guilty ones in the ring ,
H | as also innocent ones. Verily , the mills
H of the gods grind slowly. Akron Star.
Editor Calhoun , of the sprightly
H Lincoln Democrat , is calling loudly for
B , an extra session of the Nebraska legisI
B Iature to "regulate railroads. " He says :
B 1 * "Iowa talked of an extra session of the
B ] legislature for the sole purpose of legist
B j 1 lating to regulate railroads. The roads
B ' j voluntarily reduced local rates 25 to 40
B | per cent. The rates in Nebraska are
B more than double the rates in Iowa. A
B , ! real session of the legislature might cut
B j them in half and not do the roads any
B I injustice. Let the governor call it.
B j An extra session , by all means.
BI The following account of the Botha-
BI ker-Rosewater combat in Omaha , says
B | the Lincoln Democrat , is translated
[ from the Paris Journal la Petite :
HI "The instinct fightive is still strong in the
m bosom Americainc. In the city of Nebraska ,
E on the river Omaha , were two editors whose .
m terms upon each other were not amicable ,
H | one , Ilerr Kosenwasser , insulted another , AT.
Hi Kothaquer. The latter is an honorable tie-
HI sceudant of a Huguenot ancient family and
HI resented the rudeness by drawing his rapier.
Kj ] Disdaining to pierce so ignoble an adversary ,
f he punished him with the flat of the weapon.
§ i M. llothaquer is a gallant representative of
f 1 the true cosmopolitan frenchman , and Paris
f ; tenders him her compliments. "
H I The Bev. Dr. Forbes , of St. Paul , re-
H lates the following anecdote : "A young
j .man of the Young Men's Christian As- 0
B sociation gave a starving woman a tract
B and nothing more , and told a lawyer r
Bj afterward that he had never seen such
I j a spirit of Christian resignation as that
H woman manifested in receiving the tract. J
B Wi Then the lawyer swore athim. I think g
B I that if there was ever a time for swear
ing , then it was. If I am hungry and „
a fellow offers me bread and prayers , I 4.
will take the bread and do my own prayn
ing. " The Bev.Dr.Forbes , ofStPaul ,
is a man of sense.
- ' , i C
Robert Buchanan is
is a poet and
Robert Ingersoll an infidel. From the
following it would appear that the two ?
Roberts are not exactly "two souls with "
but a single thought : " "For my own
part , ' ' says Buchanan , "I should prefer cj
1 even , t > > accept hell with John Calvin ,
I I rather than to eat cakes , drink ale and *
! If much hot ginger with Colonel Ingersoll.
i II He is the boy in the gallery , cracking
\ II nuts and making precocious comments an ]
j | l during the performance of the tragedy ra
I | f of life ; blind to the splendor of the of
: § " . scenery , deaf to the beauty of the diatl
< I logue , indifferent to the pathetic or w
1 tragic solicitations of the players ; seeing 0I
: ' i the Christ or Buddah or Jehovah only -
1 a leading man spouting platitudes and
m indifferently dressed for the part he is " \
m playing. A great myth is to him a
m great 'lie , ' nothing more ; a great poet- j
8 ical theology is only an invention of the i
M • arch-enemy. " a
mtm > * k * * wa * * p tf uar J& & s&&te iMBto & * SSI. . „ , - r l f
HBfc fa | * * M MB > WWK5i . .
KgiSWACga * r iii iwMii mw Miip rtiiwsw > 'MUlWit' ' ' ' * - "
MAY 11.
I'owlcr S. Wilcox to Honrlottn Fow-
ler-U' .D. , E.J4 SAY.K. mid W.H S.W.
X 1B-4-30. Sub. mortmiffo fCOO $2,000 00 i
Henrietta Fowler to Fowler S. Wilcox
W.D. , Hatno property 2,000 00 i
may 12.
Geo. Hammond to Luther F. Nichols
J ) . , S.W.H 3-2-20. Sub. mtKO 5500. . . . 000 00
Nittlmn J. Ido to Leotinrd J. Shlppeo
W.IS. N.E. indlotlund2 4-1-20. 2,100 00 1
MAY 13.
Wm.O. Kussell to Helen E.Krcinbruck >
W.D. , fiouth Ul feet lot 1,2 und 3 , b'lk
6. South McCook 350 00
Joshua ii. Mourning to Daniel J. Jen-
klns-W.D. , W.H S.E. i 35-1-28. Sub.
mt ? o300 550 00 i
Eunico M. Dolph to O. & K. H. It. Co
lt. W. D. . part S.W.Ji 17-1-27 165 00
U. S. to Elizabeth Lyon II. It. , S. E. X
S.E.29-2-2C 5Q00
U. S. to Masglo , N. N.E.
1129-1-30 100 00 i
U.S. to Geo. W. , W. *
H N.W.J * und W.K S.W. } < 04-28 155 71
MAY 14.
Jerusha E. Fetters to E. F. Crandnll
W.D..S.W.U 2027 700 00
Phebo L. to John lLTuppcr W.D. , W.
N.W.S 28-2-20 500 00
Wulsh & Hoyd to Martin Yujjer W.D. ,
lots 11 and 12.blk 9,1st add. McCook. 340 00
Roscnu It. Haiiloin to Martin Yurgor
W.D. . lots 5 and 0. blk 7 , lstndd 315 00
Wulsh A : Uoyd to Martin Yusrer W.D. ,
lot89 und 10 , blkO. 1st udd..McCook. . 810 00
U. S. to Jncoli Shaffert , Sr. U.K. , W.V
N.E.i undW.Ji S.E.J * 21-2-28 200 00
United States to Luimm W. Howe It.
K.lotl35 < 1-30 40 18
U. S. to Gustav Buuniaun It. It. , S.lA
S.E.M 10-2-27 100 00
U. S. to John Poole-lt. It. , EM N.E. X
and EM S.E. & 2C1-27 200 00
MAY 17.
Jesso D. Welborn to U.F.Boyer W.D. ,
lotCblkl.Wolborn'sadd. Indlanola 75 00
Nunuio J.Johnson to Dan'I Harrison
W.D. , lot4 , blk28 , Indlnnolu JJ50 00
Murellis E. Patterson to C.H. Russell
W.D..W.J5N.W.J4andE.i5N.E. 30-l-271.000 00
Chas.S.Howard J.T.Burkhold-
. er W.D. . lot 7 and 8 , blk 7 , McCook. . 150 00
John T. Burkho' .der to Hugh W. Cole
W.D. . sumo property 000 00
Patrick Ejrnn to John Glnscott W. D „
block 2 , Egnn Park 800 00
L. C. liacon et al. to Gcorgo Lelnnd ot
al-W.D. . S.W.H 20-3-30 , and lot 3
and4 29-3-30 800 00
U. S. to John F. Kooney It. It. , W. tf
S.W.X 22-2-29 10000
MAY 18.
J. W. Picklo to Jucob Kandol W.D. ,
S.E.12-3-20 1.200 00
Thos. A. Robinson to W. It. Roberts
W.D. , W.X N.W.Ji 24 and E. & N.E.J4
. N.iS , 23-2-28
D. H. Akard to Emma Lureson W.D. ,
lot 0. block 8 , West McCook 27 50
S.W.Huddleston to Badger Lumber Co
W. D. , lota 8,9 and 10 , block 20 , Mc
Cook 1,317 20
A.J.PatotoAbbio Allen W. D. , lots
5 und C. block 1. McCook 700 00
C. H.Russell to Sarah E. Ruby W. D. ,
W. y N. W. X , 29. and E. & N. E. X ,
30-1-27 1.700 00
Allen Bartley to B. F. Thompson W.
D. . N. W. X. 35-1-29 1,000 00
( J. S. to Anthony Cliff patent , W.Vi S.
W. X. W. and W. & N. W. X , 31-3-29. . .
The city council met in regular session ,
last . evening. Present , Mayor Helm , and
Councilmen Hess , Dixon and McEntee. Min
utes of previous meeting read and adopted.
The following bills were read and referred
to the finance committee : Doc McCullon ,
810 ; H. II. Kodenberger , § 1.50 ; S. W. Hiul-
dleston , 843.93 ; W. W. Brown , $14 ; E. J.
Uall , S1.25. Hill of M. J. Heafy , $10 , reject-
ed. Bills of E. II. Banks , $50 , and H. W.
Cole , $12.50 , were allowed. Petition regard
ing the gutter on west side of Main Avenue ,
read and referred to committee on streets and
alleys. Druggists permit granted to McMil-
len & Weeks. Protest in the matter of stand
ing studs in the Olcott corral read and Chief
of Police instructed to investigate the same.
D. D. Smith appointed and confirmed city
poundmaster. D. J. McIIugh appointed and
confirmed policeman and night watchman.
Councilmen McEntee and Hess were consti-
tuted a committee on safes. Attention of
council was drawn to a < munber of fire traps
around the city. Chief of Police instructed
to abate the same. The city attorney was
instructed to draw up a contract on behalf of
the : city with John Churchfield , in tho sum
of $90 per month , for street sprinkling. Res-
olutions were drawn ordering the construe-
tion of certain sidewalks on Macfarland and
Madison streets. Adjourned.
Office of 1
McCook Water "Works , j
To Water Consumers :
On and after the 20th day of May ,
18S7 , you will conGne yourselves , in
the use of water for lawn purposes , to
the following hours to-wit : From 5
clock , A. M. , to 7 o'clock , A. M. ,
and . from 5 o'clock , P. M. , to 7 o'clock ,
P. M. , mountain time. This rule is im-
perative , and its faithful and prompt
observance will avoid unpleasant re-
suits. C. H. Meeker , Supt.
McCook , Neb. , May 16 , 1887.
I have rented the Cochran building on
Main Avenue , north of The Tribune
office , and am prepared to receive day
boarders. Can also accommodate a few
roomers. Eates reasonable. Accora-
modations good. Mrs. E. M. Erwin.
The new grocery store of Chas.
Noble is the place to purchase your
groceries and provisions.
"Madam , " said a gentleman to a lady ,
"pardon me , but your hair is coming down. "
"And yours , sir , " replied the lady , indig
nantly , "is coming out. "
A well selected assortment of fresh
candies : at Chas. Noble's. His stock
fresh and clean.
Tiie collector at Bombay has among his 1
curiosities ! a Chinese god marked "heathen f
idol , " and next to it a gold dollar marked s
"Christian idol. " I
O.MAnA has been declared a roserve ,
city for national banks. c
Go to McCracken and buy a clock for
$3.00 , worth $5.00. J
Indianola Courier : We learn that station t
agent , S. W. Harney , has resigned and that *
effort is being made to secure the appoint-
ment of Mr. C. Hardy who is now in charge
the office. We believe that we but voice *
the sentiment of this entire community when t
we say that the B. & M. could not please us 3
better than to keep Mr. Hardy here. s
t\V\\OC. thatarefretfulpeevish , s
AJVavVviT ) cross , or troubled with c
Windy Colic , Teething Pains , or 1
Stomach Disorders , can be relieved :
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine , ,
hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by *
McMlllen & Weeks.
May O'BniKy , * Anna Stakiuick ,
Editor. Assistant.
It is with much trepidation and many mis
givings , that we undertake the responsibility
involved in tho duties of the editorial staff ,
knowing as we do the enormity of such an
undertaking , and the pleasures and displeas-
ures attendant upon the tasks , to be overcome
in discharging our duties in such a manner as
will meet the approval of our readers. We
come before you with no pledges or promises
for the future , but with a firm determination
to do the very best we can under the circumj
stances , and to make this column a benefit to
ourselves and to you. Should articles meet
your eye which seem stale , you will please
say nothing about it. Perhaps others will
pot be as critical as you , and we may be able
to win the applause of those who are less
observing , at least. With the best of feeling
toward all , we begin the work , hoping we
may be able to lay down the pen , not having
lost a single friend as a result of our endeav
ors , to tell the truth in all ' matters , fearing no
man , but listening to the dictates of our own
Jefferson county has 4.G05 school
North Carolina Teachers' Assembly
will meet at Morehead City , June 14-29.
In the spelling match in the Prim. High
school : , Elizabeth Kelsey and Mabel Wilcox
spelled the school down.
The tallest chimney in the world is at'Port
.Dundas , Scotland. It rises four hundred and
fifty-four feet above the foundation.
The first colored boy who has ever obtain-
ed < admission to the London high school ,
passed the recent entrance examination.
The deed for 3C0 acres of land , made by the
people of Grand Island for the Soldiers'
Home , has been accepted by the state officers.
Verme Berry having stood 100 per cent ,
in his recent examination , was assigned a
seat near the senior row as a reward for his
diligence. .
Denver is the highest of the state capitals ,
being 5,175 feet above the sea level. Annap
olis , the lowest , being only 4 feet above
the sea level.
By direction of the Secretary of War , the
request of tho petitioners to have Lieutenant
Dudley retained at the State University , has
been granted.
Four territories having the requisite popu
lation are waiting to be admitted as states.
They i are Dakota , Montana , New Mexico
and ; Washington.
Prof. A. T. Hadley of Yale , delivered a
series ] of lectures at Harvard on "Problems
of ' Itailroad Administration. " The last two
were delivered April 27 and May 4.
Division No. 2 of 4th Grade completed
Webster-Franklin's Third Header , this week ,
and ; took up for supplementary work Hygiene
for Young People , by A. It. Palmer.
Miss Grace Jones , of Selma , Ala. , has
prepared an excellent memorial exercise in
honor of Lafayette. The exercise occupies
two : columns in New York School Journal.
W. C. Frampton , who js teaching in the
Dodge district , eleven miles south , made us a
pleasant call on Friday last. He speht the
entire ' day visiting the different departments.
When the great telescope of the Lick ob.
servatory . is placed in position , it is expected
that ; under favorable circumstances one may
define ( an object in the moon not larger than
the i capitol at Washington.
The first American flag ever made was
hoisted i on the "Bonhomme ltichard" at the
time of the famous battle with the "Serapis. "
The , flag is now owned by Mr. S. S. Stafford ,
of , Prince George Co. , Md.
The Wisconsin Summer School of Sciences
will open at the State University , Madison ,
the ' middle of next July. Physiology , zoolo-
gy I , physics , latin , botany and psychology
will constitute the departments.
The little folks in Miss McNamara's dei
partment are quite inventive in their ideas ,
as i may be seen by the appellation "O. It. S. "
given I to the older pupils in Miss Murphy's
room. This is interpreted to read "Other
room smarties
The walls of the lower rooms of our High
School building have been adorned with four
handsome J landscape scenes in gilt frames ,
24x30. The pictures were purchased by each
room's : share of the proceeds of the school
entertainment. <
It has been computed recently by the Buso
sian general , Von Tilloi , that the Mississippi-
Missouri river is 4,200 miles long. It is the
longest l in the'world. The Nile is next , being
4,025 miles in length. The length of the
Yang-Tse-Kiang is 3,160 miles , and of the
Amazon , 3,110 miles.
During the month ending May 6th , the
pupils in Miss Murphy's room succeeded in
being | present at the opening of each session j
of school , thereby loosing no time by tardis
ness. As it is the first time this has happened 3 ;
during the year the pupils and teacher feel t
quite proud of the fact. f.
The committee appointed to examine the
maps at the Teachers' Association marked -
those of McCook schools as follows :
6th Grade Charlie Chambers , "Best. "
6th Grade Ida Shaeffer , "Excellent. " n
5th Grade LaVauph Phelan. "Best. " t
4th GradeDiv.l Charlie3IcManigal , "Best. " a
4th Grade , Div. 2 Elizabeth Kelsey , "Best. " j6
ad Grade-May Nellis , "Best. " d
The Douglas County Teachers' Association u
meets at Omaha , Neb. , Saturday , May 2Sth.
Among the notable and excellent departures ti
from the usual style of programme , we note jj
an exercise on "Events of the Month" and a a
paper on "Shakespear's Julius Ciesar and -
How to Study It , " a straw indicating recog
nition of the fact that teachers may enjoy an
exercise based on the humanities. n
. Supt. W. W. Cottingham , of Easton , Pa. , *
celebrated the completion of a third of a censi
tury of continuous service. On the occasion si
the streets of his city were decorated with tl
flags and bunting , and a parade with Posth
master James as the marshal was formed.
There were 2,300 school children in line , .n
After marching through the principal streets _
they massed in Lafayette Hall , where over
3,000 people witnessed the presentation ofan
album to Mr. Cottingham. containing the n
names of 5,000 alumni and scholars of the to
schools , together with autographs of all the tt
celebrated Americans of the time , including Jl
President Cleveland's and Jas. G. Blaine's. | C
- tl
The largest variety of Hamburg ? „
Embroidery in the city.
Made on Farm Property by
Colvin & DEJirCY ,
McCook , Neb.
Our Stock of Men's and Boy's Straw
Rats j are in. Come and see them.
To the Citizens ok McCook :
You are hereby notified and requested to
proceed with all reasonable haste and dili
gence j to the work of cleaning up all rubbish
j and garbage in the alleys around the city.
The draymen and others are also warned
against hauling and depositing any dead
animals or refuse within the city limits.
The warm season is approaching , and tho
health 1 of the community demands the utmost
cleanliness throughout the streets and alleys
of J the city. Please give this matter prompt
attention. It. II. Williams ,
Chief of Police.
McCook , Neb. , May 19 , ' 87.
First National Bank ,
At McCook , in tho State of Ncbrnskii , at
tho close of business. May 13,18S7.
Loans and discounts ? 109,6. "j2 02
Overdrafts 9 1,14171
j U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. . . 12,500 00
Due from approved reserved agents. U.SJ2 45
Duo from other National Banks H.128 87
J Iteul estatefurniture.and fixtures. . 11,065 42
Current expenses and taxes paid 305 35
| Premiumspaid 1,187 49
Checks and other cash items 423 01
Bills of other Banks 4,590 00
Fractional paper currency , nickles ,
andcents 37 59
Specie j • 7,152 20
Legal tender notes 5,127 00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasur
er (5 ( per cent of circulation ) 562 50
Total ? ici,595 oi
Capital stock paid in % 50,000 00
Surplus fund 7,033 66
Undivided profits 4.689 IS
National Bank notes outstanding. . . 11,250 00
Individual deposits subject to check. 63,051 94
Demand certificates of deposit 18,273 27
Duo to other Natioual Banks 3.262 41
Due to State Banks and bankers 2.173 44
Notes and bills re-discounted 1,253 21
Total $101,595 61
State of Nebiiaska , i
Countv Of Bed Willow , i 6B *
I , F. L. Brown , Cashier of the above-named
bank , do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. F. L. Brown , Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th
day of May , 18S7. "NV. F. Lawson.
Notury Public.
Correct Attest :
A. Campbell , 1
R. O. PhillipsDirectors. { .
F. L. Brown , j
Be it ItESOLVEn , By the Mayor and Council
of the City of McCook :
That the following estimate is hereby made
of the amount of money to be raised for all
purposes in said city , during the present fiscal
year for which appropriation is to be made ,
to-wit :
For salaries , city officers $ 750 00
Incidental expenses 450 00
Total $1.200 00
Assessed valuation , last year $211,500 00
Total revenue , ( gcn'l fund ) last year 2.265 56
Amount expended up to date 2,265 56
Miscellaneous fund 507 70
Amount expended 507 70
For "water fund" purposes , as authorized
by subdivision 15 , section 69 , chapter 14 , Com-
piled Statutes of Nebraska , a levy of 5 mills.
The following levy is therefore required :
For general fund purposes 5 mills.
For "water fund" purposes 5 mills.
Total levjrequired 10 mills.
And this resolution is hereby ordered pub
lished in the McCook Democrat and McCook
Tribune for four (4) ) successive weeks.
Passed this 4th day of May. 1887.
Approved this 4th day of May. 1887.
T. M. Helm.
Attest : Mayor.
L. L. Holburd , Clerk.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
Chattel Mortgage dated on the 10th day of
February , 1887 , and duly filed and recorded in
the office of the County Clerk of Hed Willow
county , Nebraska , on the 12th day of • Febru
ary , 1887 , and executed by Edward L. Walker
of said county , to M. M. Itiley , to secure the -
payment of the sum of $2 5.00 , due May 10th ,
1887 , with interest , and upon which there is
now due the sum of $225.00. That said mortJ
gage and the note which secures the same ,
have been duly transferred and assigned and
endorsed to H. T. Anderson on the 10th day of
February , 1S87. Default having been made in
the payment of said sum and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been instituted to "W
recover said debt or any part thereof , therei.
fore I will sell the property therein described ,
namely : One bay horse 5 years old , no brand ;
one brown mare 3 years old , strip on face ;
one two-horse wagon , good second-hand ; one
double ] set of work harness , at public auction f
in front of the First National Bank building
in the City of McCook , Bed Willow county.
Nebraska , on the 4th day of June , 1S87 , at 1
o'clock , P. M. mountain time , of said daj * .
Assignee of Mortgagee.
Land office at McCook , .Neb. , i
April 29th , 18S7. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Begis-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
June 10th , 1887 , viz : William H. Smith , Home
stead No. 990. for the west hi northwest X sec-
14 and west M southwest X section 11 , town.
{ north , range 30 west , 6th P. M. He names a
the ] following witnesses to prove his continu-
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Millard F. Horrell , Clark G. Potter ,
Thomas J. Murphy and James Doyle , all of
McCook , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , i
April 30th. 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to < make final proof in support of his claim. 1
and that said proof will be made before RegI
ister or Receiver , at McCook. Neb. , on SaturI
day. June 25th , 18S7 , viz : Franklin W. Weaver , L
on Pre-Emption D. S. 1777 , for the southeast f
section 32. town. 2 north , range 28 west , 6th I
P.M. He names the following witnesses to *
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Fleming M. Gra
ham , William H. Ailington and J. C. LafTerty
of Danburv. Neb. , and John W. Tolman , of
Bondville , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , i Lo
April 20th , 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the followingCC
named settler has filed notice of his intention
make final proof in support of his claim , _
and that said proof will be made before Hegis-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
May 27th , 18S7. viz : Sidney T. Smith , HomeT
stead Entry 5753. for the castz of northeast |
section 22 , and west \ - of northwest X sec
tion 23 , town. 6 , range 30. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Henry C. Rcuport. Ans. Wagner , Henry Pen- .
.ner and Henry Tilner , all of McCook. Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , i
April 14th. 1887. I
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intentiou ft /
make final proof in support of his claim , jy
and that said proof will be made before Kejris-
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
May 2Cth. 18S7 , viz : John E. Koonse. D. S. No.
4042 , for the northeast quarter or section 27 ,
township 5 north , range 29 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove hi3 continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Owens Kippenbrock. Edward A. ; \ .
Rink and George Koonse of Indianola. Neb. , r _
and Harrison Long , of Box Elder. Neb. u e
40. S. P. HART , Register.
Tliats the advantage we claim in selling
our goods. "We guarantee the Quality. We . V
have One Price the < f
We mark all goods in Plain Figures , so l
that a child can read them , from which f
: o : / ,
to which "we are constantly adding , '
as the trade demands. /
: o : '
1 Fill Mil ft '
Jonas Engel , Managek.
_ McCook , May 19 , ' 87. j
Ik Flffi k MM Lite ft * !
• Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , - '
The Howard Lumber Co. |
Lumber & Coal
MI ] ' * I Fffl lints ,
. C 'Tlie Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements in the Iiepubllcau
Valley carried by the Manufacturers . of the different . lines of goods. Prices always the
Lowest and always Itegular. Call and examine.
1 Mil Li ll Tit ft
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.
, . O PPIC3 . J SS . : ,
. , . . . ,