The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 12, 1887, Image 5

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    I THURSDAY , MAX 12 , 1887.
L ; i . = =
, " • . mjr Indicates that your subscription to this
* J ? \ naporiiABCXi'iiiKU , anil tliut n cordial
> • * , ' M invitation Ih extended to call and renew
- , < • m mtliosumo. Subscription , ? a per year.
s , -
t ; - | | WATCHES. I - MONDsTl
• vf ' : o :
C •
I. . f I JEWELRY. | | = [ slLVERWE-f
f , Local Intelligence.
- i -
-p • -
) , The Osborne Binders at llinker ' s.
57"Chas. Noble , the leading grocer.
Writing and copying inks at Tribune
( "Cultivators at llinker's from $1G
to $37.
- Jfjjjf Prices paralyzed at McCracken's
Jewelry Store.
Nebraska City Breaking Plows at
C. P. Einkor s.
Nebraska and Kansas state maps for
sale at this ofBce.
Go to McCracken and buy a clock for
$3.00 , worth $5.00.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W. C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
The best gasoline stoves , you will
find at C. D. Palmer's.
! EEPEggs wanted at Chas. Noble's.
The highest market price paid.
Take your hides , butter and eggs to
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
Happy is the man and jolly is the wife
of the man who buys a Deering Binder.
I have a good cooking stove for sale
or trade. Call at once. S. H. Colvix.
The best fresh and salt meats in the
market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
Any article in silver-ware will be sold
t- at greatly reduced prices at McCracken's.
Must reduce stock.
Queensware in the latest styles ,
plain and ornamented , at the leading
grocer Chas. Noble.
\ Anything in the furniture line , plain
or elaborate , atLudwick&Trowbridge's.
at bottom figures.
' .
J A well selected assortment of fresh
jA. . candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
j i& 'fresh and clean.
I The Aultman & Taylor Threshers
I are the best in the world. C. P. Rinkcr
I Eells them m McCook.
I- •
S The new grocery store of Chas.
| Noble is the place to purchase your
i groceries and provisions.
' \ A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
' The Minneapolis Binders and Mow-
ers at C. P. Rinker's. The little Min-
! nie is a daisy , and all who work her
? win.
New Crown Sewing Machines at
Rinker's @ $5 per month until paid ,
These are the finest Sewing Machines
, in the market.
y I have 10,000 pounds Binding Twine
[ which I can sell on October time , pure
| standard quality and medicated.
, C. P. RlNKEIt.
Geo. W. Bede is loaning money on
farms at the lowest rates. Also have
> special bargains in real estate , at
" McCook Land Office.
Fry & Snow's old stand is the place
' to buy your Flour and Feed , also Gar-
I den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
have come to stay and will make prices
, ' reasonable. Harvey Bros.
Users of the Deering Binders have
the happiest homes the fattest horses ,
the most money and live longer than the
users of any other make of binder. Why
. is it ? Because the Deering is absolutely
We have engaged the services of a
* - first-class shoemaker and are now pre
pared to do ail kinds of repairing with
promptness and neatness. All kinds of
boGt and shoe work , rubber hose boots ,
and all classes of rubber goods , repair
ed at reasonable prices. Satisfaction
1 guaranteed. Bo wen & Laycock.
* We are V/estern Agents for Butte r-
ick's Metropolitan Paper Patterns.
Call and get a fashion sheet.
Try the Commercial House , when I
in McCook , just once !
The Starved Chicken Thresher at
Only six pieces in the Binder head of
the Deering.
McCracken is offering big bargains in
watches and clocks.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
For a good suit or pants go to The
Tailor , L. Bernheimer.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble's , this week.
ISfBeforc you buy , examine styles
and Prices at The Famous.
The finest machine on earth is the
Deering All-Steel Binder.
The latest improved gasoline stoves
for sale by Lytic Bros. & Co.
The New Davis Gasoline Stove takes
the lead. You will find them at C. D.
Before doing your painting or paper
ing ; , it will pay you to call on McMillen
& Weeks.
Don't buy a gasoline stove until you
have - seen those at Lytic Bros. & Co's.
They are "dandies. "
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever. "
Buy a Deering Binder and be joyful the
j rest of your days. She's pretty.
You will find it to the best interest of
your pocket book to purchase furnituic
; of Ludwick & Trowbridge.
Remember that Chas. Noble is head
quarters for everything fresh and clean
in j the staple and fancy grocery line.
A VERY large line of Men's , Boys'
and ! Children's Straw Hats , all New
Goods and Latest Stylesat The Famous.
McMillen & Weeks arc prepared to
give estimates on painting , papering or
furnish i you material at bottom prices ,
The Deering all-steel Binder at C. P.
Rinker ' s. This machine is what its
name i implies really an All-Steel Ma-
For information in regard to pianos
and organs being sold by W. H. Pres-
cott < of Lincoln , inquire of F. L. Mc-
Craeken. I
If you get Bernheimer , The Tailor ,
once < to make you a suit , you will al
ways go back. He gives the very best
There is nothing so " ornamental and
useful i in the house as a clock. Mc-
Craeken I has three hundred and will sell
at i one-third off.
Courteous treatment to all alike , fair
dealing < , low and uniform prices and no
misrepresentation i of anjr sort , these are
a ; few of the causes that are making
The Famous , The Leading House in S.
W. Nebraska.
In the matter of furniture Ludwick
& Trowbridge take the lead. Their stock
is j the largest , their assortment the best ,
and their figures the most reasonable.
Test . these claims by calling and inspect
ing their stock.
In hot weather goods , such as fine
and ! medium Mohair , Pongee , Alpaca ,
and ! Seersucker Coats , Vests and Dust
j ers , The Famous display a line that can
be found nowhere , excepting in the
largest ] cities east.
Those lamp fillers and oil cans at Ly-
tie 1 Bros. & Co ' s. are the latest and best
can < on the market. No lifting of the
can < to fill a lamp. You can also , if de-
sired : , transfer the oil from the lamp to
can without spilling a drop of oil.
Just received , a fine line of Gents'
Fine ] shoes , in Kangaroo , calf , Cordovan
and ! Dongola , all styles. Fine Opera
Boots ; always in stock. We solicit an
inspection ' of our goods.
Bowen & Laycock.
I have a full and complete line of
repairs i constantly on hand for all the
machines i , binders and mowers I sell
and : will always have them on hand so
long 1 as I handle the machine.
C. P. Rinker.
- - -
Call at the City Drug Store , directly
opposite ( the First National Bank , for
Drugs , Medicines , Chemicals , Paints ,
Oils. i Stationery , Fancy Goods , etc.
Pure ; Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
use. i CnENERY & Anderson.
THE FAMOUS have turned out
quite < a number of Fine Suits , this
spring. : These being made by first-class
tailors in Chicago , are much superior in
make : , cut and fit , to work made by local
tailors , and have the additional merit of
being considerable lower in prices.
There are few housekeepers who have
not i been swindled with some kind of a
washing machine. We have a steam
washer that we guarantee to give satis
faction or no sale. 'Tis easily operated.
Saves ! i labor , time and clothes. One trial
will convince the most skeptical.
Lytle Bros. & Co.
To render unto every buyer equal
value for their investment , is the cor
ner stone of our policy. Boots and
Shoes , Opera and all styles in slippers ,
Infants' Shoes , Misses' Shoes , Boys'
Shoes , Shoes for everj'body , the finest
that enterprise can discover or money
will buy , at prices not low , but the low
est. Bowen & Laycock.
"We guarantee to sell goods lower
than any house between Omaha and
Denver. I. LOWMAN & SON.
j 7 7.
Erysipelas is prevailing to some ex
tent in South McCook.
Lacking a quorum , no council meet
j ing was held , last night.
j j A patent has been granted Peter Pen-
, ner of our city for a harness check-hook.
The Christian \ , 'iew makes its appear
ance , to-day , of necessity a little tardy.
Speaking of high kickers , the gray
[ i mare in the street sprinkler is a star
explorer. • •
Three teams will represent the city of
Hastings in the Western state shoot at
this place , June 7-11.
For her age , McCook is a hummer.
She is constantly taking the biscuit and
reaching out for the tray.
The swimming season is near at hand
and undressed kids will shortly be too
common to be fashionable.
Complaint against the gambling den
on West Dennison street is heard in the
land. Clean the rascals out.
The new cigar manufactory and retail
tobacco store of J. II. Oswalt , in the
Bede building on South Main , is in op
Both brick yards are under full head
way making and burning brick for the
building boom expected this summer
and fall.
The W. C. T. U. of the city will meet
at the home of Mrs. Frank Harris on
North Main Avenue , Saturday afternoon
next , at 2:30. :
The household goods of Geo. Hock-
nell were packed and shipped , the first
of ' the week , to Colton , Cal. Joe Miller
did ' the packing.
The first of theveekR. . H. Williams
made the first shipment of ice , this sea
son , , namely , one car-load to H , Williams
at Akron , Colo.
Coyotes are reported as doing damage
among : barn-yard pheasants in South
McCook. The number of legs per coy
ote i is not given.
"Some say" and "others say , " but
R. H. Williams is holding the Chief of
Policeship down in fine form notwith
standing "people will talk. "
It is about time for the office seeker
to . institute those osculatory proceedings
in which the younger portion of the
community ( are most involved.
An enterprising citizen of a scientific
turn of mind has ascertained that there
are ' 370,000 bacteria in a drop of city
water. He uses well water , however.
A generous space is occupied in this
issue ; of The Tribune by J. F. Gan-
schow ' with a communication under the
style of "boots and shoes. " Just note
his bargain list.
Passenger No. 2 , Tuesday morning ,
carried ( four extra coaches of tourists re
turning from an excursion to California.
With twelve cars she presented a metro
politan ] aspect indeed.
No fire and brimstone for the present.
It ; has been demonstrated that there is
at least one business man in the corpor
ation who can repeat the Lord's prayer
verbatim et literatim. We refer by per
mission ] to C. T. B.
Any business man who will take the
time to consider the matter will come
to the conclusion most certainly that
the proposed bridges will result most ad
vantageously to their trade in an in
crease ' not inconsiderable.
The coming shootimr tournament for
June 7-11 , in this city , is attracting
considerable i attention , in the way of
practice and preparation for the event.
The local team is regarded as able to
cope with any and all comers.
Good well-worked roads and
, an ac
commodating i number of bridges have
much to do with the country trade of a
town. Our merchants have the goods.
The ' next thing in order is the provision
of facilities for fretting into town.
It is rumored that the B. & M. con
templates the erection of a frieght house
at this place. Their present facilities
are ; entirely inadequate to the business
transacted. We hope the report may
bloom into a commodious building.
A fine boy baby assumed the dictator
ship of the Kenyon household , last
Friday night. Mother and child doing
nicely. The councilman is expected to
recover , although grievously afflicted
with a generous dose of joyous delight.
The tin-horn gamblers and dissolute
females of the city were arrested and
fined , the close of last week. The dose
can be repeated frequently with good
effect the weeding out of a large num
ber of the disreputables. The net might
be enlarged.
BBWWfjPfWME r SMftfcaiMJMtaMttgaM S RsS i - "
The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.E.
church will give a social at the home of
II. H. Berry , Thursday evening , May 10.
Refreshments will be served and a gen
eral good time is anticipated. Every
body cordially invited.
The city will display wisdom in ac
cepting the railroad company's proposi
tion on the sewer question. We are
assured that in case of the city's failure ,
a private company will accept the same.
It is obviously advantageous to the city.
The assessment for school purposes
will not be made until some time in June.
The present prospects are that a levy of
15 or 20 mills will be necessary. The
matter of providing a sinking fund for
future liquidation of existing school
bonds will also absorb some attention ,
in addition to usual annual interests
The regular meeting of the Y. P. A. ,
the same being the semi-annual meeting
of the association as well , at which time
the election of officers and other import
ant business will come up for disposal ,
will be held at the residence of L. Low-
man on North Madison Avenue , to
morrow evening. A general invitation
is extended.
Last Saturday evening , William Ham
ilton , the Carrico well digger , completed
a well for G. W. Minkler on the hitter's
property north of the public school
block. An abundant supply was had at
a depth ofS5 feet. During the latter
part of the digging some peculiar netn-
factions were unearthed , specimens of
which this office is under obligations to
Mr. Hamilton for. The cost of the well
is less than $50.
The matter of voting bonds for bridges
east and west of the present structure
really deserves consideration. That the
building of the same will increase the
trade from the localities they are intend
ed to accommodate is acknowledged.
The burden upon the precints , the ad
vantages being taken into the account ,
will be exceedingly light. Our business
men might bestir themselves in this be
half with profit. Agitate the projects.
Even railroad life has its amusing
features : A few days since , a west end
section hand , learning that his head
would shortly adorn the official waste
basket , conveyed , per telegram , his
"resignation" to headquarters. The
same was duly appreciated in the follow-
lowing terse language : "Your resigna
tion not accepted. You are hereby dis
charged. " And the "resigner" was
promptly black listed. The moral or
deduction is obvious.
We desire to attract the attention of
the members of Ilocknell Hose Co. to
the call for a meeting of the company ,
Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock , mountain
time , and to impress upon them the
importance of turning out in force in
response thereto. The hose has not
been inspected in months , and it is
desirable to know whether or not , in
case of fire , the same can be depended
upon. Every member of the organiza
tion should devote an hour , Friday after
noon , to inspection and practice.
It is contemplated the erection of a
two-room school house , in the eastern
part of the city , the same to be complet
ed in season for the fall term of school ,
and the consequent vacation of the Main
Avenue building at the expiration of
the present term. This will add another
teacher to the corps of instructors in
our cit } ' schools , and will increase the
running expenses of the same. The
prospects arc that our board of educa
tion will not have any great surplus of
shekels to dispense , this year , even with
a goodly levy.
"They say" that the redoubtable
Judge William Gaslin is now a genuine
anti-monopolist , which is explained on
this wise : It appears that the Judge
recently purposed in his heart to go to
Benkelman , buying a ticket which he
supposed would take him to the desired
destination. It further appears , how
ever , that the ticket agent blunderingly
gave the Judge a ticket to Orleans in
stead. Upon , the Judge's arrival at
Oxford , he resting under the firm im
pression of having paid his fare to Ben
kelman , and vociferously objecting to
double payment as a matter of equity ,
was summaril } * bounced , much to his
disgust and wrath. The Judge may
only be "codded" on this subject at a
safe distance.
The members of Hocknell Hose Co.
are requested to meet at the ho , e house ,
to-morrow ( Friday ) afternoon , at 4
o'clock , M.T. , for the purpose of a short
practice. All members are urgently
requested to be present. By order of
R. B. Archibald , Chief.
F. 31. Kudiell , Sec'y.
{ SyiJnrter this Iteml wo would l > o pleased to
Imvo our frioiulstlirouirhoutthc city iic < | imint
us of the arrival anil ricimrturo of their visit ors.
Deputy Treasurer E. C. IJallew was on our
streets , Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Benedict of Cnlbcrtson
were Commercial House guests , Sunday.
S. S. Peters of the News , Hayes Centre ,
spent Friday of last week in the cldef city.
Mrs. A. E. Lytic went up to Culbertson ,
Saturday noonon a short visit to her parents.
Mrs. U.Cronkhitc of Hastings is in thecity
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. II. Hums.
Fred. Lytle came down from Benkelman ,
Friday morning , on business , returning on
No. : .
Geo. Abel and family havegone to McCook
to live. The Chief will follow them. Bed
Cloud Chief.
I Jew and Mrs. W. S. Wheeler of Hartley
and Kev. I. N. Clover of the county-seat are
in tiie city , to-day.
Squire W. W. Fisher was down from the
Falls , Tuesday evening a few hours , return
ing homeward , the same night.
Geo. J. Kelly , the popular young county
clerk of Frontier county , was in the city yes
terday , on bomb business matters.
Wauneta Breeze : J. IJ. Doty of McCook
is going to start a drug store here. He will
commence to build about next week.
Mr. and Mrs. .J. B. Meserve drove up to
Stratton , Wednesday morning , on a visit of
a ftv days to Mr. and Mr * . W. O. .Moody.
Bow Lewis , a late graduate ofthu Chicago
.seminary , has aiMiiued charge of the Con
gregational Hunch at Vailton , this county.
Cashier Brown of the First National is
absent in Jowa on business , going Monday
morning. He arrived home last night.
J. I ) . Bobb came up to thecity , Saturday
night , from ins trip to his home in Iowa , and
has been spending the week with friends
Agent Meeker of Ihe city water works is-
having his office on Noith Main painted.
The engine house lias been undergoing simi
lar tiealmcnl.
Judge J. E. Cochran is moving into his
line home on North Madison Avenue , to-day.
The Judge will have one of tin ; most inviting
homes in the city.
II. II. Sawyer and D. B. While and ladies
of Indianola drove up to the chief city , Sun
day afternoon , on a pleasure trip , ictiiriiing
home the same evening.
II. W. Cole , grand overseer , went down to
Lincoln , Sunday night , a delegate from Mc-
Cook Lodge , A. O. U. W. to grand lodge
which convened in the capital city , thisAveek.
Iloldrege Democrat : ConductorC. C.Keis-
er and wife left , Thursday morning , for New
Orleans , where Mr. Keiser is the representa
tive of the B. & M. at the national meeting
of tiie Order of Bailway Conductors. He
represents Division 93 O. II. C. of McCook.
Mrs. C. J. Pratt and sister , Miss Maggie ,
of Lincoln , are guests at the Commercial ,
having arrived in the city , Sunday. They
are en route to the mountains for tiie benefit
of Mrs. rratt's health , and will remain here
a number of weeks before continuing their
Dr. B. B. Davis of McCook , who is regard-
ed as one of the most prominent physicians
of the Republican valley , arrived in the city
yesterday ( Monday ) afternoon to attend the
convention of the A. O. U. W. Mr. Davis
has many warm friends in Lincoln. He
is a graduate of the University , and for
a time practiced his profession in the city.
Lincoln Journal.
C. A. Scott is erecting quite an addition to
his ; brick residence in South McCook.
J.E.Kelley is having a commodious addition
made to his cosy little home , corner Dakota
and Monroe.
J. II. Oswalt has indulged in the luxury of
a neat and tasty picket fence in front of his
Macfarland street property.
Samuel Schaeffer has brick veneered the
west end of his dwelling on Macfarland street ,
to its noticeable improvement.
Frank II. Spearman and E. Lindner have
enhanced the appearance of their properties
by laying sidewalks along their west and
south : fronts respectively.
J. F. Ganschow is likewise engaged in put
ting ui > a considerable addition to his boot
and .shoe store on South Main , and in fitting
up his present quarters in fine shape.
Sunday , May Sth , lbS7 , Mr. H. I. Bicker ,
M. D. , of Oberlin , Kas „ and Miss Eva An-
dregeska , of Oaborn , Neb.
HILTON MOON At Indianola. Nebraska ,
May ! } . 1SST , Mr. Leonard Hilton to Miss
Anna Moon , all of Bed Willow county ,
Judge Baxter officiating.
MOSIIER MITCHELL At the residence
of tiie bride ' s parents , seven miles north of
Indianola , on May 3d. 1SS7 , Mr. Oscar D.
Mother to Miss Carrie A. Mitchell , Rev.
A. B. Ciiapin , of Indianola officiating. I
WILLLVMS WEST At McCook , Sunday ,
May lat. 1SS7 , Mr. R. II. Williams , to Miss
IlattieM. West , all of McCook , Bew Joel
S. Kelsey officiating.
M. E. parsonaire in Indianola , Thun-day. :
May i , 1SS7 , Mr. Robert Vanderfords , of I
Frontier county , to Miss Mary Sliambliu , i
of Glenwood , Iowa.
I have a quantity of nice , bright baled
straw , suitable for filling bed ticks , for
sale at my barn. B. F. Olcott ,
City Livery , Feed & Sale Stables. (
A boarding house will be opened in ,
the building lately occupied by Judge -
Cochran and family by parties by the
name of Irwin.
Parasols are one of our leaders this l
season. Gome and see them. '
Who need Twine Binding Harvesters ,
this season : Ho not be induced into
buying a machine that is not durable
and that cannot last. Wood cannot
stand with STHEL. Below I give I
an exact copy of a letter written me , \
frun William Deering , Chicago , Ills. , '
Manufacturer of the Deering ALL f
STEEL Binders : j
CniCAdo , Ii.i.s. , May 1st , 1887. •
C. V. BiNKKit , McCook , Neb. !
Dkak Sin : You will find your competi
tors representing Wooden Machines , unusu- ,
ally active this season. They are canvassing 5
industriously. This is owing to the fact that \
the makers of Wooden Machines are pain- j
fully aware that this is the last season in j
which they can expect to do any business , |
and they will make desperate efforts to un- ;
load their stock before it becomes entirely <
worthless. You should cam. at o.vcb
see that your customers are properly inform
ed on this subject , arc made fully aware of
the fact that the Wooden Machine is almost
a tiling of the past and will not be manufact
ured after this season , you will find that in
most cases they do not want Wooden Ma
chines at any price. But unless you are
VHJH.AXT and activk and see your friends
immkuiatki.v your information M ay ukach
tiikm too i.ati : . Very Truly Yours ,
Wii.mam IiiitiXi it Co.
The prices on the above "all Steel
Hinder" is very low in accordance with
their worth. Terms and prices given
upon application. Write inc.
Very truly , ( ! . I * . Hinicbk.
Carpets , Curtains and Upholstery
Goods ' we have a large stock. Come
and < examine them.
One Hue business lot on Main street.
Two nice corner lots on JMcDowell
street : , one block from school house.
Two more fine residence lots on Mc
Dowell street.
Six lots ( half block ) cast fronton Mc-
farland street.
( jlood house , bam and loton Marshall
street. !
No building clause required in any of
above , and will be sold cheap if soon
j taken. C. F. Babcock.
Cabbage , Tomato and Celery Plants
for j sale by John Hansen , Hocknell
residence. j
On farms f am prepared to fill all
loans ] from iMcCook. No sending away
no delays. Everything done and ;
completed ( right here. .Do not fail to
sec ! mc before making application.
I. T. Benjamin.
Office Over First National Bank.
We have the best assortment of
Men 's Clothing. Gall and get our
prices. L. LOWMAN & SON.
I am now prepared to deliver ice to
consumers , throughout the city. I have
a ! superior quality of ice , cut at the
. Cambridge mill ponds. Parties desir
ing | to be supplied , the coming summer ,
should s make their arrangements at
once. Will also deliver anywhere in
the 1 valley. \ \ . H. Williams.
• Our stock of Dry Goods is first-
class < in every particular.
We have completed arrangements
whereby wc can furnish those who want
a : loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and sec us. Wc are al
so prepared to make chattel mortgage
loans. ] Citizens Bank.
Come and see our White Goods and
Swiss Embroidery.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers ' arc completed. Call on or ad- j
dress , Bed Willow Co. Bank ,
43-tf Indianola , Neb.
Everything in our house is marked I j
in plain selling figures. \ \
If you want a Faioi Loan on short
notice ' and favorable terms , or money
for 1 Final Proof , call on
Henry W. Ketes.
Room ] 3 Over Citizens Bank.
Egyptian and Oriental Laces at
Lowman & Son 's.
The O. K. Steam Washer is the easiest
operated of all washers ever offered for
-ale. Will save your clothes , labor and j
health. Warranted to wash clean or f
money will be refunded. For sale by j
Lytle Bros. & Co.
Neckwear and Hosiery are beyond
competition at Lowman & Son's.
I have plenty of summer pasture on
the river bottom , east of the city. Par
ties desiring pasture should make their
arrangements at once. S. H. Colvix.
We are prepared to fend money on
city property. Chattel loans a spec