The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1887, Image 8

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    B > >
I [ city bakery , ]
1PIESCAKES 1 - - -
H | - Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \
\r /j A. PROBST & BRO. j
H " " ' '
X ;
H vFormerly Chief Clerk , Formerly Commissioner ,
Gen'l Land Office. Gen'l Land Office.
I Attorneys in Land Cases.
I 925 F. St. , N. W.t WASHINGTON , D. C.
I I SPECIALITIES : Cases relating to the Public Lands before
I 1 the.Land Department and U. S. Courts. Particular
I I Attention to land cases arising under Act of
I I j v of Congress approved June 13,1880.
11 " ' Practice in theCourtof Claimsandin Supreme Court of United States.
18 . . .
I I REFERENCE : Wm. H. Phelps , Esq. , Beaver City , Neb.
I The Frees & Hooknell Lumber Go. ,
H ( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
j Horses braiiMod on left hip or left shoulder.
I ' lfc Huyes county.and Bcat-
ff MWW ! * * *
[ H B- § * ' - "iin = Water aud French-
> HBr4man creeks > Chose Co. ,
I ' Wr jjSfi Brand as cut on side of
j 2 S > 5sb S ? some animals , on hip and
* 3B ? j8K 223k" - sides of some , or any
whereon the animal.
I Breeder of Improved Sheep.
KmjsSS k Merino
BJKflS Southdown
jS UjijEMBMEmmmm Personal in-
QuEMMjB EMMMMm s p ec o n
B m KpWP mW mW correspond-
HnjRalB v enco solicited.
i J HBi vslv Address him
V BuZS&i33lvr nt Ho(1 willow ,
mWmm g mW Nebraska.
MBMr PO. . address , Carrico ,
_ , VI m.Hayes county. Neb.
W B Kantce : Hed Willow
p i H creek , above Carrico.
WMmSZ BmmM Stock branded as above
BBl VlAlso run tlie following
g , ' lllbrands : s , J-P , u , X
fc HHorse brand , lazy 0) . . L
m&t P. O. address. McCook ,
g. Nfthrnskn. llange , south
V B of McCook.
Kl Cattle branded on left
AJ hip. Also , 10.5 , a and
WJ mt 11 brands on left hip.
SEMMM mM Horses branded the
I HHPi HHV , same on left shoulder.
Opposite Chicaco Lumber Yard ,
All work warranted. All material furnished
If desired. Work done on short notice.
( Instrumental Music
| RHallalieu University ,
will boffin teaching in JlcCook , about April 1st.
Will give Prh-ate Lessions and teach in Class.
Three to Five pupils in Class.
Class Lessons especially recommended and
rapid progress guaranteed. c
- terms : < x ; -
j Private Lessons per term , (20 ( lessons ) . . $10.00.
Class Lessons per term , (20 ( lessons ) 5.00. *
Those desiring lessons or wishing informa-
tioion , address
Bartley , Neb.
t. e . Mccracken ,
IlKMPP AffPIlt *
lliuili Ulluu ilplll , .
Is prepared to write Policies on short notice y
in the following standard , and old reliable
companies :
German American , of New York.
Commercial Union , of London. H
Hartford , of Hartford , Conn. • x
Orient , of Hartford , Conn.
Springfleld F. & M. , Springfield , Mass. it
Washington F. & M. , Boston , Mass. 0
Firemans Fund , San Francisco , Cal.
The American Fire. Philadelphia , Pa.
Ludwick& Trowbridge ;
n u
MeCOOK , NEB. \\j \
A i * u -
t i >
t f c 1
Mrs. Coltraln Is BtiU on the sick list.
John Winsor is coming out In flno stylo with
n "bran new" carringc.
If we were tohare a good rain , wo don't
think anyone would complain.
Messrs. Eugene and Will Dunham were in
the vicinity gathering corn , last week.
A Nebraska • 'mild zephyr" blew over the
country last Sunday , to quite an extent.
Mr. Dodge has bought some new farming im
plements. Guess he intends to go to work.
Mr. Thompson of Pleasant Itidgo spent a
few hours with Mr. Johnson , lost Saturday. |
Mr. Olmsted's baby has been sick for the
past two weeks , but is somewhat better at
this writing.
Slessrs. Fred , and Ed. Benjamin bought two .
loads of corn of Mr. Johnson which they haul-1
ed away , last Saturday.
A load of our young people with d. Law-
thers as driver went west , last Sunday. As ,
to the distance wo are unable to say. ! |
Quite u bit of excitement prevailed at the !
school house last Friday , as it was "April , !
Fool Day , " the teacher being the worse fooled. \ ,
J. B. Farnsworth had the misfortune to
break some of the machinery of his well last | I
week , which makes it rather bad for him , as
he has to haul water from his neighbors. ji j |
We would like some kind person to tell us j j
just how largo Banksville is. We think it ! ! |
must be a very largo and prosperous place as 1
wo see it extends about seveu miles northeast
from the postollice , but as yet we have been
unable to And out how far in any other direc
tion it extends.
One of tho young ladies of this neighbor ,
hood became very much frightened at Mr.
Dodge's horses , last Thursday , and ran about
a quarter of a mile to a fence for safety. When
on the other side , she looked around to see if
the horses were still after her , and to her sur
prise she saw they had gone in an opposito di
rection as fast as they could run. Forfurther ' l
particulars call on Mr. Dodge who was a wit
We think Pleasant Prairio contains one of
the most economical and prosperous young
men of Hed Willow county. While in the
field plowing the other day , his watch stopped
and refused to run. Now , instead of putting
the watch away until he had a chance to send
it to the jeweler , as most young men would
have done , he stopped his team , sat down by
the plow and with the aid of his pen-knife and
one or two pins , took the watch apart , took
out the works to see what had caused it to
stop. After replacing the works , lie had the
pleasure of hunting ior the second hand of
the watch which he had lust , but after finding
and replacing it , he had the misfortune to lose
the minute hand. But luck was his , con
sequently ho found and replaced tho hand ,
then to the delight of the owner and bystander
the watch ticked off as merrily as could be.
April llh , 1887.
Mr. Maxwell is fencing in his pasture.
W. T. Stone is putting up ino i c fence.
Perry Stone has set out a fine "starter" in
small fruit.
We understand that Mr. Wright has rented
the John Stone place.
Charles Weick has his new house about
ready for occupancy.
The fire fiend seems to have a grudge against
the Eaton boys , this year.
We notice tho Eaton boys have raised their
wind mill so as to give it more air.
Our school is progressing famously , under
' the tutorage of Miss Ella Nettleton.
At the annual meeting of school district No.
8 , Joe Schmidt was elected director.
There is a young man and his cousin on this
side , who , from appearances , ought to claim a
nearer relationship.
Through the kindness of a scoundrel who
sold Tim Hanan a mortgaged horse , he had
the ' pleasure of paying for it twice.
Mr. Olive is building a tenement house on i
his place. It is a good frame structure and T
adds not a little to the looks of his place. 0
By the loo'ts , our genial blacksmith on the f
South Side needs a few clerks. Ye scribe tried c
to get a job , but John thought he was N. G. r
K. b. Hileman's mules concluded to do a lit- E
tie harrowing on their own hooks , the other s
day. Result : Some pretty bad scratching j
for the mules. s
Another fire on the south side , last Tuesday.
It appears Will Long burned over a piece of '
ground , which by the way was seemingly woll v
guarded. After the fire had gone entirely out , a
apparently , he ( Long ) went to dinner , when a
sudden gust of wind blew some sparks across v
the guard , and away she went. Uno. e
TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30. ta
Mr. .Ryan is having a well sunk. Ia
George Coleman is still troubled with rheue
School commenced in our district , Tuesday , "
Miss Hettie Moore , teacher.
Ed. Van Horn has broke about twenty acres
on his pre-emption , this spring.
Some of the knowing ones say that , "if it a
does not rain , we may have n dry spell. " ti
C. H. Harmon took a little run down to a
Washington , Indiana , last week , on laud busiSi
ness. Ji ?
James Botts , from Missouri , has purchased ci
R. P. Smith's farm , aud is engaged in sinking Si
well. *
Preaching at the school house next Sabbath
11 o'clock , mountain time , by llev. Berry e
3f McCook. tl :
Bv letter we learn that , last week , the north-
jastern part of this state was covered with
now , to the depth of four inches.
H. Thrailkill's team ran away , on Monday.
Vfter running a mile they stopped. We sup-
Jose they wanted to see how far they had
rone. There was no damage done.
M. II. Cole was elected school director in '
his district , last Monday. We have known If
ilm for years , and will intimate to the school
narms , that he is a very affable gentleman.
Sabbath school was. or .iiitzed at our school id
louse , on last Sabbath. The following officers oi
rero elected to berve three months : Supcr-
ntendeut , Geo. Coleman ; Assistant Supt. ,
Vm. Coleman ; Secretary , Miss M. Stroud ;
iibrarian , Edith Coleraau ; Treasurer , Gertie il ?
'oleman. School to open at 10 o'clock , A. M. be
Giiangeii. cc
" sii
Itcbt Manse , and Scratches of every kind Iv
ured in 80 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary • y
jotion. A sure euro and perfectly
Varrauted by S. L. G i een , Druggist , McCook. " \ \
{ Washington , D. C , March IP , 1887.
Registers and Receivehs ,
U. S. Land Offices.
Gentlemen : From and after the 15th day
of April , 1887 , you will not recognize any at
torney or agents for claimants or other par
ties to any proceedings before you until be
i has complied with the following resolutions :
i 1. An nttorney-at-law who desires to repre
sent claimants or contestants before your of-
J flee shall file a certificate , under a seal of a
United States , State , or territorial court of
i the judicial district in which he resides or the
• local land office is situated , tlint he is an at
torney In good standing.
| 2. Any person ( not an attorney-at-law ) who
desires to appear ns an ngont for claimant or
contestant before your office , must file u cer
tificate from a judgo of a United States court
or of a State or territorial court having cora-
mon law jurisdiction , except probate courts ,
in tho county wherin he resides or tno local
office is Bituated , duly authenticated undor
the seal of tho court , that such person is of
good moral character and in good repute ,
possessed of the necessary qualification to ad-
vise and assist them in the presentation of
their claims or contests.
3. The oath of allegiance required by Sec-
tion 3478 of the United Stntes Revised Statutes
must also be filed by applicants. In caso of a
firm , tho names of tho individuals composing
the firm must bo given , and a certificate and
oath as to each member of tho firm will be re.
4. An applicant to practice under the above
regulations must address a letter to tho Reg-
ister and Receiver , inclosing the certificate
and oath above required , in which letter his
full name and postoffico address must be giv
en. He must state whether or not he has
ever been recognized as an attorney or agent
before this Department , or any bureau there
of , or any of the local land offices , and if so ,
whether ho has ever been suspended or dis
barred from practice. He must also state
whether he holds any office under the Govern
ment of tho United States.
After an application to practice has been
filed in due form , tho Register and Receiver
will recognize the applicant as an attorney or
agent , as tho caso may be , unless they have
good reason to believe that the person making
the application is unfit to practice before
their offices , or unless otherwise instructed
by the Commissioner or Secretary.
Eegisters and Receivers must keep a record
of the names and residences of tilt attorneys
and agents recognized as entitled to repre-
sent clients in their several offices.
Every attorney must , cither at the time of
entering his appearance for a claimant or
contestant or within thirty days theieafter ,
file the written authority for such appearance
signed by said claimant or contestant , and
setting forth his or her present residence , oc
cupation and postoffico nddress. Upon a fail-
ure to file such written authority within tho
time limited , it shall be the duty of the Regis-
ter and Receiver to no longer recognize him
as an attorney in the case.
An attorney in fact will be required to file a
power of attorney of his principal , duly exe
cuted , specifying the power granted and stat
ing party's present residence , occupation , and
postoffico address.
When the appearance is for a person other
than i a claimant or contestant of record , the
attorney ' or agent will be required to state the
name ' of the person for whom he appears , his
postollice ] address , the character and extent
of < his interest in the matter involved , and
when and from what source it was acquired.
Authorizations and powers signed or execut
ed in blank will not be recognised.
If any attorney or agent shall knowingly
commit any of the following acts , vis : Rep-
resent fictitious or fraudulent entrymen ;
prosecute collusive contests ; speculate in re-
linquishments of entries ; assist in procuring
illegal or fraudulent entries or filings ; repreSi
sent himself as an attorney or agent of entry-
men when he is only attorney or agent for a (
transferee or mortgagee , conceal the name or
interest of his client ; give pernicious advice t
to parties seeking to obtain title to public
lands I ; attempt to prevent a qualified person
from settling upon , entering , or filing for a
tract of public land properly subject to such
entry or filing , or be otherwise guilty of dis- "
honest or unprofessional conduct ; or who , in
connection with business pending in local C
land offices or in this Department shall know
ingly employ as sub-agent , clerk , or correse
pondent a person who has been guilty of any
one of these acts , or who has been prohibited a
from practicing before the Register and Re
ceiver or this Department , it will be sufficient
reason for his disbarment from practice , and
you are authorized to refuse to further recog
nize any person as agent or attorney who
shall be known to you or be proven before
you to bo guilty of improper and unprofes- "
sional conduct as above stated.
An attorney or agent who has been admit
ted to practice in any particular land district , tl
may be enrolled and authorized to practice in
any other district upon filing with the Registi
ter and Receiver of such district a certificate
of the Register or Receiver before whom he _
was admitted to practice that he is an attor1
ney or agent in good standing.
Any unprofessional conduct on the part of
nn attorney or agent should bo reported to a
the Commissioner at once , together with your
action in the premises.
Appeals trom the action of the Register and u
Receiver in refusing to further recognize an
agent or attorncj % will lie to the Commission-
er and Secretary , as in other appealable cases.
Very respectfully ,
Wm. A. J. Sparks ,
Approved : Commissioner. '
L. Q. C. Lamah , Secretary.
Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup. di
Will relieve that couch almost instantly i
and make expectoration easy. Acts simul
taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver ,
thereby reliovuis the lungs of that soreness ai
and pain and also stopping that tickling
sensation in the throat by removing the
2ause. One trial of it will convince any one sv
that it has no equal on earth for coughs and
olds. McMillen & Weeks have secured tlie ai
sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to
jive satisfaction. ie
Geronimo is1 raising cabbages at Ft. Pick- ( | (
2iis ; , Fla. , and evidences tlie same aptness
hat he used in raisingliair. to
Salt Rheum or tczema , al 1.
Old sores and ulcers ,
Scaldhead and ringworm , le
Fain in the back and spine ,
Swelling in the knee joints , de
Sprains aiul bruises ,
jNeuralgia and toothache , co
Tender "feet caused bv bunions , corns and .
iliilblains , I warrant Beggs' Tkoiucal Oil !
relieve an ) * and all of the above. j a11
McMillex & Weeks.
- = j
The English have caught tlie American ! er
dea of ridiculing Tennyson , and his jubilee j ca
ide has evoked a storm of it. th
- I on
C. "V. Baxter , an experienced and success-1 wj
til druggist at DeWitt , Iowa , says one fain- ej
ly there created an immense sale for Chamtj1 (
lerlain's Cough Eemedy , by using and recan
ommending it to their neighbors , during fe ,
iege of whooping cough , now it sells rapidre (
on its own merits. It lias no equal for j ej
ouglis , colds and croup. Sold by Willey & tis
Valker and McMUIeu & Weeks. W
District Court Proceedings.
Tlie following Is a summary of tho proceed
ings of tlie Marcli term of the district court
held last week :
Addie Leo vs. Nellie et a ! . , distribution of
Pratt & Lawson vs. Ilenry Orabtree , dis
missed at plaintiiTs cost.
Nicholas vs. Lynch et al. , leave to file an
amended petition. Deft. 30 days to answer.
McCartney vs. McCartney et al. , sale under
foreclosure of mortgage confirmed.
Maggie Cain vs. D. B. Doyle , dismissed at
plaintiff's cost.
D. E. Moore vs. Harry Moore , to quiet ti
tle , decree as prayed.
Spanogle & Kinker vs. Henry Crabtree , re
plevin , judgment for pl'lfs and 1 ct. damages.
Sanford Odell vs. Susan Odell , divorce de
cree for plaintiff.
Elisia Rowland vs. J. B. Miller , demurrer
to petition sustained , leave to file am ended
petition in 60 days , leave to answer 120 days.
Ackerland , Wyler & Co. vs. Win. H. Ilay-
den et al. , time granted referee to report at
first day of next term , garnishees to appear
before leferee in next 90 days and on 10 days
notice to disclose.
Same disposition as to nine other cases
against the same parties.
Bradley , Wheeler & Co. vs. Charles Hodg-
kins et al. , judgment for § 1 , : > 20.
Baker Wire Co. vs. Charles Hodgkins , sale
of attached property confirmed.
First National Bank of Indianola vs. Chas.
Hodgkins , continued for service.
C. S. Quick vs. Charles Hodgkins , contin
ued for service.
Weyeth Hardware Co. vs. Charles Hodg
kins , judgment for 5211.20.
Ketchum Wagon Co. vs. Frank Hodgkins ,
judgment for § 320.
Foit Madison Chair Co. vs. Frank A. Hodg
kins , judgment for S92.5S.
The County of Harlan vs. Charles E. Mc-
Pherson , judgment by stipulating for 3S0O.
John V. Farwell & Co. vs. G. W. Nicholas ,
1)111 to give security for costs , judgment § 792.
Edson Keith & Co. vs. W. II. Hayden , re
port of referee confirmed.
Carney & Crowley vs.Vr . II. McCartney ,
continued. i
A. C. Jones vs. G. W. Nicholas , judgment
forplainiiflfor200. ;
A. W. Janes vs. W. O. Saylor , dismissed
at plaintiffs cost.
Anctestea Robinson vs. Geo. W. Robinson ,
divorce decreed as prayed.
The Slatejvs. C. Bowman and C. H. Wint-
erstein ' , demurrer to reply sustained , judg
ment ' for defendants.
Mary J. McKean vs. Henry McKean , di
vorce ; leave to answer instanter. Temporary
injunction j granted. Defendant ordered to
pay ] to clerk as temporary alimony § 50 in 30
days ( , and § 10 on the first of each month there-
after until further order.
R. A. Evarts vs. H.C. Beckwith , continued.
John Peak vs. L. McGowan , leave to file
amended petition in 30 days , answer GO days.
McCormick Harvesting Co. vs. F. Marin ,
same ' as above.
Exchange Nat'i Bank vs. W. II. Hayden
et al. New parties defendant added , leave to
answer in GO days and to reply in 90 days.
Farmers & Merchants Bank vs. D. Marsh ,
C. w. Harcourt vs. M.E. Plunkett , appeal ;
dismissed at plaintiffs cost
M. J. Schaffer vs. Levi Brown , leave to file
supplemental petition in 60 days , reply in 90.
C. F. wcehrner vs. .John w. welboni , dis
missed at plaintiff's cost.
Jacob Schwarz vs. Al. A. Phrein , settled
and dismissed.
Ida M. Forrest vs. B. w. Forrest , divorce
decreed j as prayed. o
First National Bank of Indianola vs. Al. A.
Phi em , settled and dismissed. is
John w. Maiken vs. Palmer way , motion to
make petition more specific , overruled ; con
tinued with leave to file amended petition in
30 days , to answer in 60 days.
Ilenry A. Frederick vs. Charles A. Fred- °
crick , continued by consent. C
Kahn , Schoenbauni & Co. vs. E. M. Brick-
ey , dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Hallack & Howard vs. Ida B. Johnston et
al. , dismissed at plaintiffs , cost.
Walsh & Boyd vs. B. Hofer , leave to an
swer in 30 days. =
Mary L. Gibbony vs. William Gibbony ,
continued for service.
Hallack & Howard vs. S. E. Hoge , leave to
file amended petition in 30 days , to answer in F
TO days.
State of Nebraska vs. F. S. wood et al. , set
tled and dismissed.
H. L. wells & co. vs. Jas. F. dark , con
tinued for service.
Smith Frazcr Boot and Shoe co. vs. Al. A.
Phrem , , continued for service.
Donald Bros. vs. Al. A. Phrem , settled
and dismissed.
Kirkendall , Jones & co. vs. w. F. Stockton ,
jontinued for service.
Francis Teresa McKee vs. Milton McKee ,
livorce decreed as prayed.
colfer & cordeal vs. w. O. Saylor , settled
unl dismissed. I
J. w. Davis vs. E. R. Banks , continued. |
Isaac A. Yale vs. Palmer way , settled and
Sarah P. Enfield vs. John Enfield , divorce
lecreed as prayed.
Howard Bros. vs. A. H. Webber , settled c
ind dismissed.
citizens Bank vs. N. Burtless , leave to an-
wer in 30 days , to reply in GO days ,
crabtree & Sibbett vs. M. Leach , settled
nd dismissed. J .
II. Housiier & co. , vs. Dora Keuster et al. ,
wive to answer in 60 days.
Frank G. Lytle vs. Dica L. Lytle , divorce
lecreed as prayed. =
Frank A. Moore vs. D. Kendall et al. , leave
answer in SO days.
Palmer way et al. , vs. diaries Appleton et
. , continued for security for costs.
Lewis Marble vs. Z. L. Kay , dismissed mi-
jss security forcosts be given in 10 days. j
Ellen N. Miller vs. Ira J. Miller , divorce 1
ecreed as prayed. |
Wm. Fruin vs. J. S. Jones , continued by j
onsent of parties. jj
Alice Birce vs. w. O. Saylor et al. , leave to
nswer in 30 days.
Mr. Win. Westlake , stock raiser and brced-
of thoroughbred horses , living near Avoj.i
, Nebraska , was badly injured by being
nown from a sulk ) * . After using ninuerOI
ur liniments and consulting physicians , jjj
ithout being afforded any relief , he obtain- .
a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm from0
ie druggist at Avoca , which he began using ta
nd noticed a change for the better , after a .
iwapplications ; in two weeks he entirely .
covered tlie use of his arm. It is unequalID.
for severe bruises and sprains , rheumayj
sm and lame back. Sold by Willey & n
ralker and McMillen & Weeks. - 10 (
BMPHW MOTHll'W ' ! Urn W M ! ' P > r-n WMlrmc M- a A
" - " * * 41 11
\ %
o ; ;
siaiich 31. . . . _ _ * If
Leon F. Moss to P. L. Brown-W. D. , 8. * t J j
55 N.W.y 3 and E.H N.E.M 4M0 $10130 - fl
Lincoln Land Co. to Chas.T. Brewer * fri
W.D. , lot 14block8.McCook. . . . . . . . . . 1 75 k 11
Jos.A. Brewer to Lawrence McEnteo ; Vt\ \
. . . . . . . . . . . . www
W.D. , same property . . . . A % t\
Chas. 'r.llrowortoLawrencoMoEntoo . J | rl
W.D. , lotl3 , bloclc8McCook 3o0 00 ti \
Wm. T. Honton to E. J. Allington and m * f I
M.H. Woodring W.D.,3 acres of land I I'l
In S.W.HS.W.U B-l-37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * • * if | - |
U.S. , WAJ S.E. ) > ' > * f |
J * and E.JSS.W.4 3-3-27 200 ( XT' ? J
APRIL 1. % tl I
Han-oyT.WesttoSam'lBIoomfloIdand t 1
Minnie BIoomflcld-W.D.all of sec. 26 , | /I
andlotlsec.27.1yIngsouthofB.&M. | , 1
ILIUJntown.3. rango30. . . . . . . . . . . .fluOOOO ; J
J. W. Dolan to C. W. Batchollor W.D. , \r \ 1
lot7block 10. McCook - C0 ° ° ° '
yv- nM
United States to Calvin C. Smith B.B. , Jlj
S.W.i4 33-1-29 200 00 |
Al'UIL 2. * 'l
U. S. to Wllkio A. Webber 11. R. . S.E.M §
104-20 $ -00 ° 0 1
U. S. to Harrison A. Wiley R. It , N. K
N.W.K * 21-1-30 . • • . • • • • l0o0 ° 1
U.S. toChas.A.Sollers-IUtS.tfS.W.
Ji 30 and N.Yt N.W. & 31-1-28 1 00 JfJ M
Andrew Broman to C. A. Johnson , Sr. ' •
W. D. . part N. W. H11-1-20 and N. W. & ?
N.W.Ji ; W. > i N.E.K N.W.Ji 11-1-20. . . . 2000 00 1
Frederick It Dearborn to fhas.A. John-
son-W.D..N.E.KN.E.M10.NVW.4N. 9
W.lttndW.KiN.E.KN.W. ! * ilM-20. . . G00 00
Harry Johnson to Chas. A. Johnson M
. . . . 2o 00 ,
W.D. . part N.W. J4 11-1-20
Sarah E. Young to Fred. R. Dearborn M
W. D. . W.J5 N.E.J4 N.W.J * 11-1-26 100 00 M
James Mageo to Chas. A. Johnson W. {
. . . 23 00
D. , purt N.E.W 11-1-26
Chas. A. Johnson to A. Broman W.D. ,
part N. W. H. 11-1-20 and N. E. X N.E. * 4 ,
in , N.W.JJN.W.Ji , W.H N.E.J4 N.W.Ji
. . 800 00
and part N.E. Ull-1-20
Thomas Bell to Gnus. Johnson W. D. ,
N.E. & 11-1-20 28 00
A.J.Johnson to Nannie J. Johnson <
W.D. , lot4 , block 23. Indianola 38100 M
T. C. Teas to Howard Lumber Co. Lot (
4.blockl.GoodrIch'sadd.IndIanohi. . CO 00 JM
Albey A. Hardy to Thos. C. Teas W.D. , m
same property 50 00 S
J. H. Goodrich to Lutheran Church W. iH
D. , lot 1 and 2 , block 1. Goodrich's add. 100 00 S
L. L. Co. and 11. V. L. Asso'n to Chas. E. H
Hodgkin Lotl5block22 , Indianola. . 35 00 H
Same to Robert H. Thomas W.D. , lots S
4,5 undo , block • rt.Indianolu 120 00 f
Joseph Behnke to Michael Morsick W. *
D. . W.Yi N.E.K 4-4-28 500 00 H
Geo. E. Johnston to Jacob Steinmctz
W.D. . N. 50 feet lot 2 , block 13 and part M
block 9. West McCook 100 00 "
Lincoln ; Land Halleck&Howard /s
W.D. , lots 7 and 8 , block 7. McCook. . . 239 75 'AM
Jas. D. Cameron to Jacob Randel W. / W
D. , part N.W.J4 N. W.J4 1628 28000 , fl
Sarah ] P. Enfield to Stillwell Connor t < H
W.D. , S.W.J4 1-2-28 $1005 00 " {
Lettio Madison toEllcn Beswick W.D. , H
. lot 1 , block 32 , Indianola 400 00 i M
Dolila Dennis to B. F. Brower W. D. , -/JH
lot 12 , block 50. Bartley 700 00 < /M /
A. Hoisington to G. M.G. Hatch W.D. , H
W.i lot3. block 1South McCook. . . . 150 00 > H
Bvron H. Gardnerto Wm.B.Spain W. , f M
D. , N.W.h 15-2-28 100 00 ' ! M Peter , S.E.Ji 17-2-27. 200 00 ( M
APRIL 5. ' J M
John W. Welborn , sheriiT , to Julia A. ' H
McCartney Sheriff's deed part lots 23 | H
and 24 , block.19 , Indianola 4-135 00 H > M
" 1
All members of Constatiue Commander ) * , H
K .T. , are summoned to meet in full uniform H
at the Asylum on Easter Sunday , April 10th , ' M
1SS7 , at 1:30 , P. M. , central time , to attend V l
Divine Service at tlie M. E. Church , at 2:30 : , t H
central time. Rev. P. C. Johnson , P. E. , t H
will hold tlie .service. All visiting knights ' H
courteously invited to meet at the Asylum. ! !
Service at the chinch open for the public and ' |
for the benefit of the fraternity of all de- H
grees. „ S. Cokdeal , Recorder. 'f l
Purify Your Blood. < M
0 H
If your tongue is coated , , -v H
If your skin is yellow and dry , " ' * ) - H
If yon have bods , ' , H
If you have fever , f H
If you aie thin and nervous , H
If you are bilious , * H
If you are constipated , > H
If your bones ache , ' , H
If your head aches , ; H
If you have no appetite , ' I
If you have no ambition , i f H
one bottle of Beggs' Blood Pukifieu xsd ! H
Blood Makek will relieve any and all of the I H
above comiilaints. Sold and warranted by J M
McMillen it Weeks. < H
To loan on tlie most favorable terms , ' |
on Improved Farms and First-Class |
< j
City Property. Helm & Davis , ll l-
McCook , Neb. { H
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once ! ci l
r. 1 mggragken , I
at the * ' l
TO AVHEltE ' ' ' ' l
W. Cramer's Hastings Nursery 'fl
lilt Tailor , , I
I desire to inform the public * \ ,1H ,
liat I have received my stock |
Spring and Summer Suit- i |
igs , and that I am prepared ' M
do vrork in the merchant I |
liloring line in a satisfactory ( " |
lanner. I guarantee a nice fit > / |
all cases. Call and be con- t ! ' |
inced. First door north of ' 1
ommercial Hotel ' 1
, Main Ave. -