The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1887, Image 6

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• 'Oman the dead leavra under tby feet , "
Guzc nut tin thum with ruourntul sigh ;
'TliInlc not earth has noirlory left
Because a few of its frail things die ;
8prlngtime willbringfresh verdure as sveet-
"Crush il dead leaves under thy feet , "
look not hack with despairing heart
Think not life's morning has been in vain ;
• Jllcb , broad fleidg He before thee yet
Ready to yield their golden grain. *
Autumn may bring the linkage snect
• | Crush the dead leaves under thy feet. "
Murmur not if the shadows fall
Thick and dark on thy earthly way ;
Hearts there arc which must walk in shade ,
Till they reach the light of eternal day.
Xife Is not long and the years are fleet
"Crush the dead leaves under thy feet"
Bravely 1 work , with a steadfast soul :
Make others happy , and thou shalt find
Happiness flowing back into thv heart ;
A quint peace and couteuled mind.
If earth be lonely then heaven is sweet
"Crush the dea 'd leaves under thv feet. "
Mia. Harry '
John Minton.
The immense bag of the balloon filled
tlowly with gas , and began to struggle
with the ropes which held it down ,
swaying from side to side as if it were
.eager to take flight
Outside the space enclosed by a rope ,
• was gathered nearly the entire popula
tion of several mountain counties , some
of the people having walked twenty
miles ( and carried a baby ) only to
visit the circus and see the "b'loon
gw'up. " Inside the in closure were two
men , on whom the e3-es of the asscin-
4 bly were fixed. One' was a swarthy
little man , with black mustache , dressed
in tights , who walked around with a
great air of professional sanq froid.
He was advertised on the show bills
as * Professor-Zingari , the great Italian
-Aeronaut ; " Lut his real name was
N Shanks , and he came from Mud town ,
Indiana. The other man was not so
easy to make out at first The suit of
homespiui that clolhcd his tall , lank
• form showed that he was a resident of
the mountains ; but this was surmount
ed by a faccfull of eager wistfuluess ,
which contrasted strangely and de
cidedly with the mouotonously apathet
ic expression on the faces surrounding
him. From the conversation of the
• crowd , one would soon gather that this
was John Minton , and that he intended
making the ascent with.the "Profess
or , " wh cli intention was discussed with
great interest by tiie multitude.
"Eow high have you ever been ? "
tasked Minion of the professor.
-Oh , I don't know , " he responded ,
* * not moro'n a mile or so. "
• Til like to be higher than anybody , "
said Minton , with enthusiasm.
• * I wouldn't. " said the little man ; * a
mile is high enough for me. It gets
as cold as the deviLup there. "
Minton did not seem to notice this re
mark , but stood looking dreamily at
-"the sightless couriers of the air , "
'drifting 'lnzily through the blue ether ,
.as if he would peer into the secrets.
Owing to the delav that invar.ably
attends the filling of a balloon , it was ,
• very near.suuset before everything was
aready for the assent
, We'll onlygo up a little wavs and
111 en come down ai aln , " said the pro
fessor , who spoke English with reniark-
-able freedom for a foreigner.
At a word from his companion , Min-
• rton cast a rapid , half-defiant glance
i . * arouud upon the crowd. Yes , there .she
was , with her eyes cast down and her
-cheeks burning ; she could see how lit-
t tie he cared for her then he seized the
rope and climbed vigorously into the
wicker-work car , while the aeronaut
seated himself below in the trapeze.
s "Let her go ! " shouted the professor ,
< • in a stentorian voice.
Minton's eyes irresistibly sought out
• one figure in the mass of humanity be-
She stretched forth her arms towards
' Jiim , and tears sprang to her eyes.
33ut the next moment she seemed to
" ' , "drop away from him suddenly , the
* ; ' cheer of the spectators died away like
s3 * .the sound of an organ when the air
* * * ' ' if ails , and the professor fell. out of the
f -r - . .trapezebackwards and caught by his
1 $ , % ? leet ina way that made a shudder run
& Jjr | - through the assemblage , row far be-
| § ? ' low. After ascending steadily for some
& ' ; ! * ' ; time , the ballon sprang suddenly up-
| \fi -ward with a joyous leap , and Minton
* ' • • heard a wild vanishing cry , like the
yell which the multitude gave when
-they left the earth. Looking over the
. • side of the car , he perceived to his hor- .
Tor that his companion had disap
He looked downwards ; all below was
• wrapped in shadow , except that the
I sunlight still gilded the summit of old
.Bald Mountain , away off there to the
tsouth. The earth had an indescribably
gloomy and forbidding aspect A
strange thrill of exultation passed
through him ; lie felt a premonition of
"the joj's of a disembodied spirit whose
.race has just begun. "
_ j Leaning far out of the car , he waved
Ibis hand toward the silent sombre
I earth , and cried out passionately :
j -"Far'well to you , far " wel. " He was
I seized upon by an intense longing to
| -dwell forever in this region of pure
ether and eternal sunshine. Springing
• up he hurled the bags of ballast out of
the car , and shouted aloud with insane
The mercury fell rapidly in the ba-
Toineter , the vault of heaven above him
• became black.and a sharp pain shot like
lightning to his heart
The air grew intensely cold , blood
• streamed form his mouth and nose , he
pressed his hand over his heart and
sank panting on the lloor of the car.
-Thank God it is all over , " said he , as
he lapsed into unconc ousness. For his
life had not been a happy one there be
low on this earth ; it had been solitary
and conipanlonless , and what a mean
ing is there in these words !
IIow could it be otherwise ? Nature , m
-as if to make amends for wasting her-
' ' moblest beauties on a stolidly indifferent
mcople , had set down amongst them
'this man with a mind so keenly sensa-
'tivc to her charms , and so perfectly
I atuncd to hers , that he reflected with
-unconscious and perfect fidelity 11
{ | jcr varying moods , as a still mountain
: v fe
I ' _ , " * * * iiMjimulWin"L I HIT' * " ' * * " " * ' " " ' " ' " " ' ' * * * WSEV'fiMOflWK
lake , nestling among thd sheltering
hills , mirrors without distorting the
ever-changing sky-pagont over it He
d.d not , as vou and 1 do , with egotisti
cal subjectivity , impose h s own moods
on nature. The thrilling exuberance
of springtime , the voluptuous languor
of summer , the dreamy pensiveness of
autumn , and the vast and mournful
dreariness of winter in the mountains ,
only relieved by the lyrics of fire-lit in
teriors and the cheerful hum of the
spinning wheel , all found in him a per
fect response.
How should ho find a sympathizer
among these people who scarce could
have found one among the most cultur
ed and enlightened ? Thinking in the
simplicity of his nature , that every one
must see thiugs as he saw them , he
sometimes tried to express the emo
tions that surged and swelled with.n
his breast ; but eacii attempt met with
painful and humiliating rebuffs. Ho
brooded over this diffeernce between
himself and his mates until he came to
regard it as a weakness , a someth ng
to be ashamed of , and thus he came to
avoid human society more and more.
So he grew up a solitary outcast , pass
ing often whole days upon the mount
ains without the sight of a human face.
Alone witli nature , his great mother
speedily comforted him. She smiled
upon him from the heavens , caressed
him with geutle breezes , and crooned a
lullaby over him as he lay outstretched
upon her broad bosom : for him , and
for him alone , did she array herself in
the most delicate colors , for him she
displayed those tragedies of the firma
ment What canvas could equal that
expanse of opalescent sky when the sun
sank down in cloudless splendor !
Could the skill of anr painter hope to
imitate those splendid burets of color ,
when the king of day rose over the dis
tant mountain tops with a royal smile ?
Alas , how our eyes blinded ! Ten
thousand dollars for a feeble imitation ,
but nothing for the great orig nal !
What wonder tltat his vague day
dreams and fancies should find some
nucleus about which to collect ! You
would hardly have considered plump ,
placid Miraudy Mecks a poet's love ; and
yet on this so slender fouadat on of
bright eyes , rosy cheeks , and placidity ,
his glowing imagination erected a vast ,
aerial superstructure of imaginary
qualities. Surely never did ancient
knight endow his lady-love , his ac
quaintance with whom extended no
further than a glimpse of her through
a window with more extravagant graces
of mind and beauties of body than Min
ton thought he perceived in this girl.
What a thing is love.
When adipose tissue collects on the
body beyond a certain point , it seems
to permeate the disposition. Mi randy
was just in this stage of amiability , and
when her lover poured forth his long
pent-up emotions , she looked at him
with a smile which arose from the per
fect circulation of blood , perfect health ,
and a wholesome development of body
and physical powers which give tone ,
color , and expression to corporal happi
ness. But he misinterpreted it , and his
eager heart leaped up at the .thought
that he had found a friend.
The life of seclusion and of plant-like
semi-consciousness which he had beon
leading was now broken in upon , and
he returned to the society of his fellow-
creatures with a sensation as of a dull
constant pain. His joy over this new
found sympathy was of short duration ,
for Mirand3r's father swore with much
energy that "he wouldn't 'low no such
no ' count triflin' feller as him hangin'
'round his darter. "
In that primative state of soe ' ety ,
there was not that division of labor
which exists among the more civil zed.
Mirandy's father , who in ordinary life
fulliilled the functions of agriculturist
manufacturer , architect , and on occa
sion even tiiat of priest , now threaten
ed to play the part of judge , jury , and
executioner , and glanced significantly
at the long rifle in its brackets. She
told Minton of the paternal opposition ,
with her usual serenity of mind appar
ently not in the least d sturbed.
In the mood of despair , occasioned by
this , he had gone down to the circus ;
and when the professor extended his
invitation , in a tone of bravado , to the
surprise of all , Minton stepped forward
with the wild hope of getting away !
away !
WJien Minton returned partly to con
sciousness , he hardly knew at first
whether he were still in the body or
He was enveloped in a sea of roseate-
effulgence , and on either side of him
rose vast mountain-like masses tinged the same hue. They had none of
the steep , jagged prceipitousness which
lends a savage air to mountain scenery.
He appeared to be settling down slowly
into a valley. Gradually the rosy hue
faded out and the masses became a
pure dazzling white. Vague , mobile
faces drifted past him ; they regarded
him compassionately with eyes of
deepest blue , and then with odd , grotes
que changes of countenance , they
went on by. The face of a beautiful
woman , with long locks and a sinuous
robe trailing far out behind her , passed
by ; she seemed to bend over him with
pity , and he stretched out his hands im
ploringly ; but she averted her face and
left him. Then came the face of a
venerable old man. with flowing beard
as of the finest fleece , who responded
to Minton's appeal only by a hideous
contortion of countenance.
Above him , he could hear a strange ,
soft murmur , the sighing of the wind
through the cordage , which rose and
fell in wild , mournful cadences , which
he took to be the voicesof the spirits.
He laj' in a sort of trance ; all sense of i
time and all memory of his past life
were completely lost An unwonted
feeling of perfect peacetook possession
of his soul. "This must be heaven , "
he thought
The balloon sank lower and lower ,
and everything became hazy and damp.
Suddenly , the meaning of this change
burst upon his mind : he had sunk be
low the clouds : he was returning to
the oarth ! With the energy of despair
he struggled to his feet , and , in spite
of the warning blood upon the floor ,
cast out his hat and coat , the barome
ter , and anchor. The balloon rose
sluggishly through the clouds , and for
one supreme moment he obtained a
view of that celestial mountain range ,
so transcendently pure and majestic as
to be fit for the throne of God. Then
he perceived that ho was slowly ' gravi
tating earthward again ; with a cry of
anguish ho fell upon the floor of the
car , unconscious.
When , ho again regained conscious
ness , he was laying upon the ground
and some one was bending over him.
A tear fell on his face , lie opened his
eyes wearily.
"Mirandy , poor girl , " he murmured.
His head sank , his eyes became glaz
ed ; the seal of the angel of death was
set on his face.
Suddenly , the clouds parted over
head and a ray cf sunshine passed
through. The dying man half roso to
h.s feet , and as lie fell back into Mr-
andy's arms , a look of ecstasy came
over his countenance , which but faint
ly reflected the joy of his released
spirit as it cleaved its way upward , and
still upward , to those bright regions
of heavenly bl ss which it had so lately
quitted. John Ford Harbour , in 'Jhe
Cocaine More To Bo Dreaded Than
Alcoliol or Opium.
The resolution unanimously adopted
at the last meeting of the Kings County
Medical society favoring the passage of
a bill by the legislature which shall
place cocaine on the list of poisonous
drugs , to be sold only on a physician's
prescription , marks a distinct advance
in public and professional knowledge
of this drug and in methods of dealing it. Attention has been called
more than once in these columns to the
dangers of the cocaine habit and to
the increase of it in fashionable circles.
From its very nature the growth of the
habit is secret and insidious ; but our
fashionable doctors know and could
tell if they would , how many victims it
already numbers , and how terrible
more terrible than the results of the
alcohol or even the opium habit are its
Dr. Mattison , who has made a care
ful study of the subject , adduced the
other evening no less than fifty one
cases showing the power of cocaine.
Summing up , he said :
"My exper ence with a number of
coca ne cases makes to me two things
certain there is a pernicious power
per sc in this drug , and it finds in the
opium habitue a peculiar condition that
specially favors its ill effects , making it ,
for such patients , as has well been said ,
the ' 'devil's own device" to further en
slave. And this opinion is that of others ,
for it is the testimony , without excep
tion so far as I know , of those who have
had to do with this disease , that as an
intoxicant cocaine is more dangerous
than alcohol or opium , ai l that in
ebriety resulting from its use is more
marked and unyielding than any other
form. "
"Kesort is often had to this drug
by those who have fallen under the
power of alcoliol , opium , or chloral , in
the hope of curing their loathed habit.
As to its effects in such cases , Dr. Mat
tison said :
"I think it , for manv , notably the
large and enlarging number of opium
and alcohol habitues , the most facina-
ting and seductive dangerous and de
structive drug extant ; and while admit
ting its great value in various disorder
ed condit.ons , earnestly warn all
against its careless giving in these
cases , and especialh * insist on the great
danger of self-injecting , a course almost
certain to entail added ill. To the man
who has gone down under opium and
who think of taking to cocaine in hope
of being lifted out of the mire. I would
say , 'don't , 1 lust lie sink the deeper.
"I have yet to learn of a single in-
'tancis in which such an effort reached
success ; but know many cases where
failure followed , or , worse , cocaine or
coca-morphia addiction. And the need
of caution against frequent using ob
tains in other cases , for there may
come a demand for continued taking
that will not be denied. "
Such testimony as this is not likely
to be gotten over. The society did
wisely in adopting its resolution , and
the legislature will do well to heed its
request. The passage of such a bill
would at least stop the indiscriminate
use of this dangerous intoxicant , and
mijjht also render physicians more
careful" in using and prescribing it.
New York. Mail and Express.
Wilkin's Wit
Idleness is Hell's walking delegate.
The Jews were the first boy cutters.
Man's humanity to man makes
jountless thousands trust *
Hades is very much like a theatre.
The bald dead men are to be found in
the pit
How many men would marry their
'doxy' if they could only do it by proxy.
The cast-iron platitudes of life can
never harmonize with the philosophy
of steal.
The gambler who follows his ante , is
often obliged to hunt up his 'Uncle. '
-A man wedded to a bad passion hath
a vixen for a wife.
Life is a three act drama , youth ,
middle age and old age. The specta
tors 'go out' between the second and
third act
Hot gin cocktails mixed with beef
tea are the latest They are called
oxy-gin punch.
The only thing that can get over the
ground at a livelier rate of speed than
an electric current is slander.
There is a manufacturer at Cohoes
so opposed to strikes , that he has exclu
ded all clocks from his residence , that
3trike the hour of day.
A Classical Thief.
Old Gentleman This watch looks all
Bght ; is it a jrood timekeener ?
Pickpocket Excellent ! and I'll let
you have it for $10.
" 0. G. ( suspicously ) That is rather
low for a gold watch.
P. Yes. it U , and I wouldn't part
with it for any price , only I need the
monev very badly.
O. & . Well here are your $10.
P. Thanks ! Now , old man. do you
know wiiat mythological hero you re
semble ? .
O. G. I do not.
P. Why , Jason ; because jou've got
the golden fleece.
SfosQuitos arc already troublesome in roan ;
places in California.
A resident of Altoona , Pa. , owns a spinning
wheel that is over 150 years old.
A remarkable full uf snow covers nearly al
England , blocking the roatls iu many places.
The university library at Cambridge , En
gland , Is to he enlarged at an ezpeuse of § 50.
Six towns In Windham county , Vermont
have elected women us superintendents a
Herr Falbe , the wise Austrian , who says hi
predicted the recent earthquake , predict
more for April and perhaps a few for May.
A Chinaman who recently left San Fran
cisco , Cat , on a steamer for home , took wltl
him his Peruvian wife.
Dr. McCosli hopc3 to remain at the head o
the Princeton college untk it becomes in nami *
and in fact , a full-fledged uulvcisity.
Iu Japan paper is matte of a substance
known as "marine algas. " It i * strong and sc
transparent that ic can be used in place 01
John G. Whittier thinks that if the lagging
fund for the Longfellow memorial is ever tc
be made up it can not be "done otherwise that
by vigorous pergonal solicitation. "
In borinir a well near Pine Grove , Esmeraldi
county , Nevada , steam of a temperature ho *
enough to cook potatoes was struck at adeptl
of sixty feet below the surface.
Already thirteen postoflices in this countn
have been named after Col. Latnont , Cleve
land's secretary , while Secretary Gariand'i
name has been given to only seven.
On one of the principal streets in Thomas
ton , Ga. , a physician and a shoemaker occupj
the same building. Over the door is chalked
the 6i ' gu : ' 'We repair both sole and body. "
A New Yorker has invented a musical toj
In the shape of a champagne bottle laterallj
divided , and on the inside of the section is 1
violin and strings , on which music can b (
James Taylor , while dfeging a well on hit
farm near Excelsior , Wis. , found in a bed ol
gravel twenty feet below the surface a lot oi
beautiful amethysts and one very large and
valuable ruby.
One of the largest stock farms in the world
is that owned by the Powell Brothers , nex
Spriugsboro , Pa. It covers an area of 2,50 (
acres. The annual horse sales on the place
amount to over § 300,000.
A private telegram from Fort Benton , JI. T
quotes the following prices of staples iu that
town : Flour , & 7 per sack ; coal , § 30 to SCO pci
ton ; green willow wood , § 20 per cord : pota
toes not to be had at any price.
A farmer at Ritzville , W. T. , sank a well re
cently , but instead of striking water he found
an immense underground cavity , from which
a stiff breeze continually blows , accompanied'
with the noise like the humming of telegraph
Russia is endurinsr with singular fortitude
the energetic goings-on of Bulgaria , the gov
ernment of which is so thoroughly hated at
St Petersburg , The czar is supposed to be iu
a state of rage at the shooting of the rebels ,
but he has done nothing.
As a result of the recent decision iu Wash
ington territory , denying the riglit of women
to vote , Judge Hoyt , at Tacoma , set aside all
the Chinese conspiracy cases and all the in
dictments in thac court which were found bj
a grand jury partly composed of women.
In many parts of France heavy machinen
is run by artesian-well power. The deeper tin
well the greater the pressure. A well a
Grenelle has a pressure of sixty pounds to the
square inch , and the water is so hot that it is '
used for heating the hospitals in the vicinitj- .
Tne entire population of Jformau , in Sargent
county , Dakota territory , turueu out one |
morning last week to enjoy the most beauti
ful mirages ever visible there. All the towns -
within twenty miles could be distinguished .
quite distinctly , and some at a greater dis
tance could be recognized.
The devastation ot the grain fields of Alaj j
meda county , California , by wild ducks and ;
geese at night set the farmers' wits at work t < ;
keep them away. The best device so far ib tc ;
burn candles here and there over the fields. ;
They are protected from the wind by sacks , ,
and have thus far proved efficacious. [
The Bibilotheque Nationale , at Paris , is the
largest library in the world. The directors ;
have never prepared a catalogue of the books :
it contains. The earliest nucleus of a library :
in Frane was made by the emperor Charie- ;
magne , and some of his manuscripts are still :
preserved in the present collection. ;
There is a man in the Yale class of 'SS whose ' •
great-uncle is one of the two oldest living 2
graduates of Yale , whose father was a graduc
ate of 37" , who has three uncles , four cousins , ;
and three brothers among the alumni and 5
who has several brothers and cousins prepar5 5
ing for college. His name is not announced. 3
They have something like the lettre dz cachsl t
in Quebec When a young man becomes ob1
streperous in riotous living and will not listen 3
to reason , his kinfolk hold a coiisdl defamille , I :
or family council , and "interdict" him. He ii
goes to an inebriate asylum and does not g
emerge until the family deem that he has I
learned reason. y
During an exciting game of poker in St
Paul the other day one gambler bet his wife 1
as the equivalent for § 590 and raised his op
ponent S250. The latter "called , " found he
held four trays to the other's four deuces , and 1
after raking in the stakes , put on his hat and c
ran. He is a bachelor aud is said to have 2
known the lady. :
This is the name of a man living In South Care- -
Una : Harmon Dive-Over JumD-TJndcr Come5
Go-Fetch-It .Jehu '
Hitber-to-Me Out-Yonder - -
Joshua William Hugh Hali Hiram Harvey Kizi- I
ah Jones. This is from a tombstone near Wetum- -
ka , Ala. : Henri Ritti Demi Ritter Emmi Rit- ' •
ter Sweet Potato Cream Tartar Caroline Bost- -
wick , infant daughter of Bob and Sucker Cat-
liu. It was the name of a little negro girl. 3
A woman made a wager with her husband n
in Nashville , Tenn. , that she could drink s I
quart of milk a day for thirty days , in Febru- \
ary. The husband offered to give her a neM t
silk dress if she could ; if she failed , he was te 1
receive a new suit of clothes. The Kuilelesi l
and unsuspecting woman finished her sirf
teenth quart of milk ( after a heroic struggle 1
with her rebellious stomach ) before she dis 1
covered that February had but tweuty-eigh : i
days. 1
A cruel joke was perpetrated upon two *
Clearfield barristers on St Valentiue's day.
While in the , midst of au exciting trial a couS
pie of telesraph messagers rushed in giving <
each lawyer a Western Union envelope. The l
case was stopped to give them time to read *
the telegrams , and naturally the attention ol ]
the whole court was attracted in their direc
tion. When they unfolded their respective
missives both were startled by a highly-color-
ed comic valentine representing a shystei
lawyer ! The judge smiled , the jury laugfiee :
aloud , and the victims hurried through witt 1
the case and got out ot court , 1
How to Use a PIstoL
Harry Whitehill , ex-sheriff of Grant
joanty and formorly of Now York city ,
svas in Santa Fo during much of tho
legislative session just closed , trying to
pass a bill creating Logan county out
of the county of Grant It took the
measure three weeks to die of exhaus
tion , and as Mr. Whitehill had little to
Jo except watching it , ho was never too
} usy to chat about his old friends in
; he east During a long conversation
iO-day , ho remarked.
"It's funny , but every tenderfoot
ihinks that all cowboys carry doublo
icting , or some call them self-cocking ,
revolvers. There was a time when
; hose weapons were in high favor , but
: he cowboys soon found that they were
positively unhandy instead of being a
iclp to a man in a hurry. Now self-
jocking pistols are boycotted. I'll bet
four-fifths of the cowboys in this tcrri-
; oiy have gone back to the old stylo
jingle acting pistol. Two years ago
iverybody had a dou ble-acting gun and
wouldn't have any other. "
"Why , don't they like the now
stylo ? "
"No. They discovered that , try as
they would , thev could not avoid do-
llecting tho muzzle of the pistol to the
right while pulling the trigger to raise
the hammer. You see all the power is
applied from the right hand side of tho
trigger , where you put your linger in.
Now , when you pull the trigger for the
comparatively long period necessary to
get the double-acting hammer up to
the point where the spring is released
and it falls , you insensibly put a heavy
pressure on the right-hand side and
san't help swaying the muzzle in that
il.rection. When the double-acting
guns were in style here we used to
notice that live out of every six men
who got shot were wounded in tho left
side. Of these about one half were
shot so far to the left that the ball sim
ply grazed their ribs. Another lac ; c
percentage were shot in the inner side
of the left arm. Now the cowboy
prides himself on hitting the dead cen
ter of his opponent It is always his
wish to put the ball right at the junc
ture of the ribs above the stomach.
Tin s is not merely because they want
to put on style ; the placing of a 48-
cal.ber ball right there prevents your
man from coming back at you. Now ,
as soon as the cowboj's began to note
this queer feature of the shooting , it
became a matter of serious moment to
them. They quickly found the fault to
be in the self-cocicer , which by deflect
ing their muzzles of course inclined
the balls toward the left side of the
man facing them in front That set
tled the self-cocker. The fact the cow
boys were right is proven Ik the simul
taneous disappearance of the new style
md reappearance of the old style
wound. "
' • But can't one shoot faster with the
new style weapon ? " asked the tender-
"Did you ever see a cowboy shoot ? "
isked the ex-sherift * with a quizzical
> mile. "Why. see here , this is asingle-
icting , old-style pistol. Watch that
; ree. "
Before the words were well uttered
; he handsome sheriff had got the drop
> n the growing timber and six shots
rang out in sucii rapid succession that
.hey sounied like the explosion of a
small pack of very large lire crackers.
Ouring the shooting Mr. WhitehilPs
eft forefinger vibrated along the top
) f the pistol barrel from muzzle to ' ,
jreech. The six balls liiied the tree
ibout three inches apart.
"Now , I carry my p stol fixed this
vay and it's all readlor use , " he con- (
inued , exhibiting the weapon. It was '
) f 48 caliber , about eighteen inches !
ong , and handsomely mouuted. The ;
rigger was tied firmly back against
he inner side of the guard with a raw-
lide thong. '
"All I have to do with it , " explained ;
he ex-peace guardian , "is to brush the '
lammer back as far as it will go with *
ny leit forefinger while I hold the pis- '
ol firmly with my right hand. My '
ight forefinger never goes near the s
rigger , but helps to hold the stock , and !
his makes my grip more firm and *
icrtain. When I push back the hamT
ner I have only to take my finger off : :
0 let it fall and discharge the pistol. *
( Toil see the trigger being tied back the
lammer is always free. One motion is
ill that is necessary to push back the
lammer aud lire the shot. The trick j
s called 'fanning the hammer. ' You
ee I pushed it back with my left fore- =
inger ; it instantly fell when I released s
t , and the next instant my finger was
igain pushing it back to a full cock. r.
) oing this little act quickly makes c
rour little linger swav back and forth
n a way not unlike the fanning motion.
Chat's where it got its name. ' '
"Do all cowboys adopt this plan ? " e
" Most of them cock the pis- n
01 with the left fore linger , but some E
irefer to leave the trigger free , and wi th
ach shot apply the blight pressure of
he right fore linger necessary to dis- c ,
iharge the weapon. There is no pres-
ure to speak of on the triirger , howr
: ver , and the aim is never spoiled. 'J
Vith a hair trigger you have only to c
1 old the gun straight and you will get v
here. When I was sheriff , down in c
? rant , I always went around with my j
rigger tied back , and I never carried a i
elf cocker. Yet I could shoot as quick c
is any man. If I hadn't I would not I
> e here now. There's Pat Garrett , t
vho used to be sheriff of Lincoln connr
y , which he is now trying to cut in
mlf so as to make Pecos county. lie 1
lever carried anvthing but a single-
icting gun. When lie shot B.lly the 2
iict he put two balls side by side into \
Silly's heart before the body struck tiie j
toor. The first shot killed Billy , but t
? at was not taking any chances , and f
le was working his pistol for a.l it was 1
vorth. Now that second ball had to |
' ollow pretty close after the first in orc
ler to get to the same spot before Billy 1
lropped , didn't it ? That shows what t
1 good man with a good single-acting 1
jistol could do. " 1
"So you would just as leave put your 1
single-acting pistol against the new t
style ? " :
"Wh . v , yes. When I triedto , arrest \
1 fellow in Grant one dahe came on i
ne suddenly and got the drop w th a 1
louble-action pistol ; but his ball went j
- ' WIW mMmamaam tm gmtj ymtL * * .i i ! Wa w
u ndor my loft arm without doing more r j
t han scratch ng. Of courso I wont baok , , l
at him as quick as tho Lord would let , <
mo , and got there. Novyou see why : 1
I have a poor opinion of double-acting "I
pistols. That follow nevor missed a Vl
man before , and if ho had had I11S old JJ
pistol I would bo a dead man now. JS
"People out hero are good judges ol fj
woapons , thon ? " j. " II
"Are they ? Well , you can depend > s ? I
upon it that we know good weapons- ; . |
when wo get hold of them. I'll bet 11
you can't go on a ranch and give away \ \
a 44-caliber pistol. " „ \ \
"Why , because they are too small ? jfl
"Oh no ; tho boys havo simply found I
out that 44-caliber pistols always | /j
"catch. " That is. tho cartridge cham- . I
her always gets hot after one or two > |
shots , swells up and won't rovolvo. No | j
one khows why this is so , and I can't |
explain it But it's a fact although the \ [
manufacturers sit in their offices in the jj . fl
east and call tho boys liars by mail * ?
that's safe , you know. Tho 44-caliber I
pistol has been tho death of many a p
man , but almost always tho man who ,
held it You see the other fellow got
in his work while tho 44-caliber was on
a strike. For this reason wo boycott
them along with self-cockers. Give us
a good single-acting revolver and we
don't ask anything better. " Santa
Fe , New Mexico , Cor. St. Louis llepub- I
A Case of Jlistakun Identity. ,
Horace Grcelly , linding himself in I
Washington on Thursday evening , soon j
after the election of Colfax as Speaker , ; J
determined to attend the Speaker's re- f'
ception. He accordingly arraed him
self in his usual neat and fashionable j
costume , boots like young gunboats , J
pantaloons rather the worse ot the J
wear , of Chatham-street stock , and a y
couple of inches too short at that , vest 1
cheap and old-fashioned , black silk [
handkerchief , tied around his neck as [
you'd tie a wisp of straw around a bun- J
die of cornstalks , overcoat long , thread- \ {
bare and withal the whole
dirty , sur- J j
mounted by a hat of the fashion ol I j
twenty years previous , hung on the j'/ ' / '
back of his headr and inclining at an , jl
angle of forty-live degrees. He made ' j
his way to Four-and-a-half street , as
cended the steps of the Speaker's j i
house , and fell into the rear of a large f j
and elegantly-dressed crowd of ladies \ ' . '
and gentlemen , pressing their way to 3 f'j
the parlor. On such occasions there is .1 j
always a good deal of trouble with the | ! | '
hackmen. They will insist upon dis re- ' . * I
garding the rules iu these cases made ( '
and provided , that they shall move to I
the other side of the street as fast as J (
they are relieved of their gay anil prec- • i ;
ious burdens , so as to prevent a general , I "
blockade , and to make way for those |
who are \ et to come. j j
Somtimes there is quite a row be- ji
tween the masters of outside ceremo- , } ;
nies and an obstinate Jehu who at- ' i'
tempts to ignore or disregard the rules \ \ [
ot vehicular discipline. Mr. Greeley ' \ ,
was quietlv waiting his turn on the oc- y
casion referred to , or , rather , was ieis- II
urely wailing on the doorsteps for the . ' , !
"rush" to cease , not taking much no- 3 * 'j ]
tice of what was going on around him , ' I f ;
composing a tariff article oranam 'nes- , ( f
ty pronuueiamento for the Tribune , ( i
perhaps , when a Miles an gentleman. ' (
who had been officiating as a sort of ' fj
outside usher , dashed at him in a fit of * . \
great rage , and told him if he didn't ' ) !
move on his blanked old hack , he'd ' ( '
start his team for iiim and let them go { j
to the warmest of places if they liked. J } j
The Tribune philosopher reminded his . ( j
assailant that this was a clear case ofj ' ' \i
mistaken identitv. "I'm not a hack- ' j ! if
driver , sir , you are mistaken alltogeth-t • j'jj
er. " "'t you the owner of that ij |
pair of grays ? " inquired the officiating { 4)
Hibernian. "No , sir ; my name is Gree- | ijj
ley ; I've come to attend the recep- ' | ]
tion. " The truth now flashed upon ' V
Lhe Irish m nd that he had grossly in- If * * 3
suited the editor of the Tribune , and he ! ii- -
commenced apologizing. * * You see. } . . '
sir. " said he. "we have a great deal of | 'r
trouble with these hack-drivers , and if !
upon my honor , s r , when I saw you i
standin' there 1 thought you were the ) . ) !
nan that druv up that pair o' horses. " 'Ji
jreeley laughed , said no apology was \ \
lecessary , and walked in to see Colfax - ,1
tnd the reception. lien : Ferley Foot , ' • ' !
n American Cultivator. ' |
ALeft-Hand Fur Glove. , ! *
In a quiet village on the Connecticut ' ; '
liver , in Massachusetts , where tho Jjij
jood people have been in the habit of ! ll
ending a "missionary box" to the Ity ,
Vest for half 'jj ' *
every year a century or \
oore , this very remarkable incident | ! • ]
iccurred : The usual notice was given { ' ' ' ;
rom the p ulpit requesting the families ! <
o send their contributions of clothing , j'j
tc , to a family named , appraised 1 , ; '
nd arranged for shipment to a clergy- I ' 1
aan ' s family in the West The articles h 'i '
if clothing , in usual variety , were re- jj '
eived , aud among them was a very i $ •
irie fur glove for the left hand , the [ ' !
ight-hand glove having been lost .1 *
[ 'he ladv donating the glove ac- } f
ompanied it with a note explaining j' ;
vhy she sent it , and asked the ladies in fy I
barge of the "box" to exercise their | *
udgment as to the propriety of puttiii" , ) < (
t with the rest. The
matter was dis 'p-i
Hissed by the ladies who packed the J " • i
> ox , and they finally decided to send \ir \
he odd glove , attaching the donor's > ' ( '
lote to it f/ ( ' -
In due time the olorgvman sent his ' < i'
etter of acknowledgment stating that _ , . , |
ho artcles were very nice and accept2 k , h *
ible , just what they needed , and they mp k f1'/
vere made happy and warm bv the , - * ' Hf )
jenerous gifts of their Eastern friends. ' . * I * -
idding. "I want to thank you especially S ' j ji-
or theleft-hand fur glove. Dunnjj the J / !
ate war I lost my right hand , and this * - _ 1 j . \
; love is my great comfort as I drive > j
) ver the prairies when the thermometer *
anges far below zoro. Please thank I ' . '
he donor for her opportune gift. " ] \ (
enow these are facts. No one-knew •
mything in particular about this * !
nmister , not that he had been a soldier { ,
jven. It is a remarkable coincidence. f W
md may interest those who1notice I <
irovidences. "Those
who notice pro- K
, 'idences Will have providences tc • }
lotice. " So says Matthew Henrv. U
Evangelist. " ' 'j '