The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 07, 1887, Image 5

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    1 ifr li fe iw ifc
I' m Indicates thntyour PiiliscrlpUon loUils
I ; m paper ii.AHKxrutKi ) , und that u conllul
I f invitation is extoiulo < l to cull nml renew
A r mtliQBHuic. Subscription , $ a per j'car.
Loca > l Intelligence.
V j 1883. 1887.
I' McCracken's Jewelry Store
. Is now located on the corner north of
y Postoffice. Wc pride ourselves of hav-
f\ \ ing the Finest Jewelry Store in the
h' valley , and wc are hotter prepared to do
If all kinds of work than ever before. Our
| | work on Watches , Jewelry , Etc. ,
\ we guarantee can't be excelled anywhere
I ; on earth.
' Another big drop on Watches and
Clocks. Now is the time to buy at whole
sale prices. We have the best assort
ment of Gold Watches , Jewelry , Clocks
' ' , and Silverware outside of Omaha.
* E3F"Remember we give particular at
tention to repairing of Fine Watches
, | j and Engraving.
J. § 5TChas. Noble , the leading grocer.
\ ; , Colored crayon and lead pencils at
i [ ' this office.
* j > Unlaundried dress and night shirts at
/ The Famous.
; ' The best gasoline stoves , you will
, i find at C. D. Palmer's.
' ( ] New goods and novelties arrive at
1 l | The Famous almost daily.
, * EF"The American Settler's Guide
' , for sale at The Tribune office.
i ? Take your hides , butter and eggs to
1 , Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
i s Something entirely new in the line of
' ! ' gasoline stoves , at Lytic Bros. & Co's.
, i [
, The best fresh and salt meats in the
t ' market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat
I market.
[ A good young stallion for saie. Part
' cash and balance on time. Call at ray
; ! office. C. P. Rinker.
j Monarch gasoline stoves at Lytle
Bros. & Co's. The very best in the
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
! We call your particular attention to
the adv. of Messrs. Curtis & Burdett , in
I this issue.
± t Queensware in the latest styles ,
" " plain and ornamented , at the leading
! grocer Chas. Noble.
• A well selected assortment of fresh
\ candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
[ is fresh and clean.
The new grocery store of Chas.
Nobl' is the place to purchase your
groceries and provisions.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
; queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
* Before you buy , examine goods and
prices at The Famous and satisfy your
self where it is to your interest to buy.
Remember that Chas. Noble is head
quarters for everything fresh and clean
in the staple and fancy . grocery line.
New Crown Sewing Machines at
i | | Rinker's @ $5 per month until paid.
I These are the finest Sewing Machines
j in the market. '
t ( The city council adjournedlast night ,
J to meet next Friday evening , to canvass
| the votes cast last Tuesday , for city of-
l ficers , etc.
. \ Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
O farms at the lowest rates. Also have
• V special bargains in real estate , at
-I. McCook Land Office.
I have a good team , harness , wagon
it i and cow , for sale cheap. Will sell for
j part cash and part time. Call at my
J ! office. C. P. Rinker.
f { . The Famous calls your attention to
ct. . I their fine tailor made clothing , which is
Z' l equal , ( if not superior ) to most of the
$35 and $40 suits made by tailors in this
i , section.
f Fry & Snow's old stand is the place
Jst. to buy your Flour and Feed , also Gar-
j , - den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
m have come to stay and will make prices
| f ' reasonable. Harvey Bros.
yE' ' l If you cannot be fitted otherwise ,
&j leave your order at "The Famous" for a
J > ; fine suit , spring overcoats or pants.
* Prices are much lower than these class
j | jv of goods are sold at generally.
mj The Juvenile band boys arose to the
ljS * dignity of .the occasion , Tuesday night ,
| Fj ' by serenading Mayor Helm , who made
Pi ' ' 4& an appropriate little speech to graceful-
mi ff V ty roun < * ° fftne wu ° le affair.
We carry the largest variety of cuts
and are best prepared to print horse
bills of any job office in the Republican
Valley. Call and see us if you want
anything in that line. Our work and
prices commend themselves.
Plain and fancy writing paper , legal
cap , congress cap , commercial note ,
letter , linen , parchment papers. Inks ,
I mucilage lead pencils , pens and pen
. holders. School books , blank books ,
slates , tablets , etc. , at this office.
v" ' " ' * .
! J Prairie fires continue.
Appeals for aid are numerous.
Rubber and cotton hose at C. J ) .
Palmer ' s.
A desk for sale at this office. Cheap
Tor cash.
The flow of immigration continues
Easter supper and entertainment at
M. E. churchthis evening.
Divine service will be held in the
Catholic church , next Sunday.
The Tribune's roosters arc enjoying
their outing , to-day , hugely.
An epidemic or sore throat and con
stitutional colds is runnitig its length
in our city.
The Christian View for April is out
of press , this week , as bright and inter
esting as over.
The Will L. Smith Combination at
the Opera hall , Friday and Saturday ,
April 8th and 9th.
The Y. P. A. prayer service will be
held at the Congregational church , next
Sabbath , at G:30 : P. M.
A newspaper will be issued from
Galena , Hayes county , by R. A. Mc-
Cracken , in the near future.
There will be a Mothers meeting ,
Saturday afternoon , at the residence of
Mrs. Frank Harris , at 2:30 P. M.
Lost A wine colored silk mittenin ,
Menard's hall , Friday evening , April 1 ,
' 87. Finder please return to this office.
Observe the program for the "Egg
Breaking" at the M. E. church , Monday
evening next. They will be circulated ,
this week , toward its close.
The noisy , but welcome martins are
now busily engaged with nest-making
in the eaves and cornices of the homes
and business places of the city.
An important land office circular will
be found in this issue. It will be of
special interest to land attorneys , to
whose careful perusal it is commended.
We notice that Messrs. Rooney &
Fitzgerald are making preparations to
put their brick yard , northeast of the
city , in operation as soon as practicable.
From private source we learn that
W. W. Palmer , formerly a resident of
our city , has returned to his old home
in Hamburg , Iowa , to permanently re
The school censns has been completed
by Prof. Webster , this week. The total
number of population of school age is
462 , as against 414 last year , and 285
the preceding year.
The Y. P. A. meets at the residence
of H. W. Cole , Esq. , on Marshall street ,
to-morrow evening. An invitation of
the usual cordial and general nature is
extended the public.
We understand that the Q. A. T.
dancing club will terminate the series of
hops , Friday evening of next ; week , with
a masquerade or dress dance of some
kind , not yet determined upon.
The ladies of the Aid Society will
give an Easter entertainment and sup
per at the M. E. church , Thursday even
ing , April 7th. Price 35 cents. Child
ren 25 cents. Everybody come. A good
time is assured.
If the sundry implement depots and
the multiplicity of machinery are com
petent evidence , the gentle tickler of
the virgin soil hereabouts will not lack
opportunity or place , to buy the where
withal to make this "desert" bloom as
the rose.
An unknown individual was arrested.
Saturday night , by Marshal Banks , for
stealing a pair of boots at J. C. Allen
& Co. 's store. The culprit begged like
a fine fellow , and upon his buying the
stolen property , he was released , we
hope a wiser man.
The parishioners and friends of Rev.
Joel S. Kelsey , of the Congregational
church , perpetrated a surprise on the
reverend gentleman and family , Monday
evening , in the form of a pound party ,
they being very generously remembered
with many good things.
Upon Friday and Saturday evenings ,
April 8th and 9th , the Will L. Smith
Combination will appear at the Opera j i
Hall. Admission , 50 cents ; children , 1
25 cents. The entertainment embraces
Swiss bell ringing , comic concert sing
ing , Humpty Dumpty pantomime , etc.
The editor regrets that so many er
rors , perforce of inexcusable composi
tion and worse proof reading ; occurred
in the educational column of last week.
This note is intended to exonerate the
editor of that department and to place ,
the responsibility for the egregious er-
ors properly. We promise vigilance
against recurrence.
A nice selection of reward of merit
cards just received at this office
Applications for proof mado out free
at ( his office. We carry a full line of
Ihe necessary blanks.
The proceedings of Ihe late District
Court will be found in this issue. The
same is copied from the Courier.
This evening may be very enjoyably
spent at the M. E. church , where an
Easter supper and entertainment will
be held.
A county-scat citizen of bibulous pro
pensities added the.est of merriment
to an otherwise ordinary and practical
scene at the depot , last evening , by fall
ing onto a can of grease , a considerable
portion of which being transfercd to his
A social hop of a most joyous charac
ter was participated in , Monday even
ing , at McNeely hall , by the young
people of the city , for whom the mazy
waltz had Wronger fascination and
more pleasure in sight than the spiteful
sputterings of the political pot , which
held in hock the balance of the popula
tion of the municipality.
The performance by the Nashville
Students , Tuesday evening , called out a
fair audience. The program varied
somewhat from the conventional con
certs of negro singing combinations , a
portion of the evening being devoted to
solo , duet and other singing of a higher
and more interesting character than the
ordinary negro melodies , which was
particularly commendable.
This week , J.D. Robb disposed of his
news depot in the P. 0. lobby to Barney
Hofer , who assumed charge of the same
on Monday morning , with the best
wishes of many friends for his success
in this new business venture. Mr. Robb
will remain with us a week or two be-
fore departing for Sherman Centre ,
Kansas , where he has been proffered a
lucrative and desirable position in a
bank. Joe has won to himself a wide
circle , of friends who , while regretting
his removal , wish him well in his Kan
sas ' home.
On Monday evening , the 11th inst. ,
the Mission Band of the Lutheran
churchof the city will participate in an
"Egg Breaking" at the M. E. church.
A very interesting program has been
prepared for the occasion , with much
of care and time , and every arrange-
ment i perfected for a pleasant occasion ,
and one of profit as well. Doors will be
open ( G:30 : , the exercises commencing
at 7 o'clock , mountain time. Admis-
sion tickets. 25 cents ; children under
12 years of age , free. A liberal patron
age i is solicited.
An extensive and destructive prairie
fire j raged on the bluffs south of the city ,
Tuesday i afternoon. A large scope of
country ( was burned over , and some
fencing I destroyed. Only the greatest
efiorts < of the men of that neighborhood
prevented ; a conflagration much more
wide-spread. Again we raise the voice
of ' warning against this suicidal prairie
burning. They are dangerous and de
structive always , especially at this sea
son of high and strong winds , when
the grasses are dry and inflammable.
The entertainment , Friday evening
of last week , in the Opera Hall , by the
children of the public schools of the
city , called out a crowded house of in
terested patrons and citizens , all of
whom were decidedly pleased with the
efforts of the scholars , large and small.
It is our pleasure in this behalf to con
gratulate pupils and teachers in the gen
eral excellence of the performances of
the evening. The scholars throughout
acquitted themselves with great credit ,
all of which was appreciated and ap
plauded by the large audience present.
A Tribune representative , by request ,
dropped in to see the new hearse , receiv
ed i , this week , by J. A. Miller , the well-
known undertaker. A glance reveals
the fact that it is one of the finest in
this section of the state. The body has
octagon ( front and back and fluted col-
umns i and corners , and is handsomely
decorated ( throughout , many of the orna- ,
ments being of polished silver. A large
urn ornaments the centre of the top !
with corresponding urns on each corner. | ;
Silver bouquet holders for floral offer [
ings add to the general effect. The I
hearse is equipped with a portable dray
a great convenience for pall-bearers.
The trimmings are of extra gold plate , I !
with toe rugs , etc. Also , with the latest
patent ventilator. Mr. Miller , among
other conveniences , has purchased an
ice cooler , with cooling boards with ad
justable head combined , for preserving
bodies , which by this process can be
kept an indefinite period as well and
more cheaply than by embalming ex
cept in cases for transportation.
" * * * *
.ir "jr - " - ? *
. , -i- , , ,
v * . , .
, v • ? *
Entire Ticket Sleeted
Save Two.
Glory Enough for One Day.
The Business and Railroad Men of
the City Take a Hand in
Municipal Affairs.
Sanguine Starbuck Scooped.
The Saloon and Bum Elements of ihe
City Relegated to Rear Seats in
the Synagogue.
It is not meat that we should at this
late hour indulge in a lengthy account
of ' the caucuses public and otherwise
of the past week. Voluminous , but
unfortunately distorted , minutes of
these interesting proceedings have al-
ready" been hashed up for the public.
Neither is it essential that Tuesday's
fight be fought over again. The smoke
of battle has cleared away , the dead
have been laid away in their little po
litical graves with becoming and appro-
priate ceremony , the wounded are be-
ing ] tenderly cared for , and all external
evidences of the sanguineous encounter
have been carefully , removed , and busi
ness ' and individual tempers have as
sumed a normal condition. We have no
inclination to open afresh those gaping j
wounds , nor to again disturb those
feverish pulses. Suffice it to say ,
that the promoters and supporters of |
the ticket of meek and lowly origin ,
the ticket supposed to have ' 'died a-
borninV have at the polls accomplish-f
ed , in the main , that for which they
"fought , bled und died. " That unto
them is glory enough for one day. Be
low we give the vote , and a few pertinent
observations ( on the side :
T. M. Helm 107
I. J. Starbuck DO j'
L. L. Hulburd 100 I
J. E. Kelley 02 i
F. L. McCracken 195 •
J. H. Bennett 108
John Wiley fcC
Page Francis 100 !
J. F. Kenyon 1G7 j
F.D.Hess 80 |
F. H.Fowler PS
E. E. Lowman 115 "j
J. F. Ganschcm- Ill
S.D.Hunt 80
J. S. LoHew 65
T.M. Helm Ill
I.J.Starbuck 75
L.L.Hulburd 114
J.E.Kelley 70 j
F. L. McCracken 180
J.H.Bennett 82
John Wiley 101 I
FageFrancis 70 ,
James McEntee 173 t
H.G.Dixon 93 j
S. W. Huddleston 80 '
E. E. Lowman 117
J. F. Ganschow 119 |
S.D.Hunt 74
J.S.LeHew 55 .
sVeni , vidi , vici ! "
The invincibles hors de combat.
That railroad circular was a "clincher. " [
-o- |
An intensely warm , though very quiet •
election. ' '
o _ _
The rump caucus did not pan out as
well as was confidently expected.
O _ ;
Our esteemed democratic contempor- <
ary gracefully , but thoroughly "corked. "
o . j
Carter tfarrisonism in McCook has .
been laid aside properly labeled and
shelved. ' ,
o i ;
The lion was complacently bearded j :
in his own den , and he flunked fleeing :
precipitously. }
The boys with "dirty faces and hands ,
full of greasy waste" audibly smile in !
"ghoulish glee. "
"Ike and I" have by common consent
retired , for the present , from arduous
duties attendantupon "running the city. "
JSST'ndct this henil wo would be plciiflcd to
hnve our friends throughout the city acquaint
usol'thoarrivnltinddcimrturanf their vishortf.
Mr. Pearson of tlio new bank at Imperial
was in tlie city on business , Friday.
blisses Mabel and Edna Sreserve returned ,
last Thursday night , from their Lincoln visit.
Phil. Likes , Esq. , oE Culbertson , drovo to
this buMness mart , last Friday , on legal mat
Geo. lVaux was down from Colorado
Springs , the first of the week , on matters of
Sheriff Welborn and Deputy Tieasurer Hal-
lew of Indianola , were here on business , yes-
tculay afternoon.
Mrs. C. ( J. Totter of West McCook return
ed , last week , from her visit to the Easter-
days at Tecumseh.
F. O. Newman's father and brother are in
the city casting aiound for investments and
business locations.
A. E. Lytle has been bed-fast with fever ,
but is borne better at this writing , and able
to be around a little.
Editor John W. Hann of the Wauneta
Biee/ewas in the metropolis , Friday and
Satmday , on business.
Squire Fisher came down from Wauneta ,
Monday , returning home on Wednesday
noon , via Culbertson.
Mr. and Mis. C. S. Quick , Clark Waul ,
G. II. Grubb and other county-seat people
were visitors in the principle city , Monday.
Miss Nellie Fisher and Miss Mamie Hunt ,
and Mosrs. S. F. Aslmiore and E. L. Lay-
cock ' visited at the county-seat , Monday
. Misses i.utie and Annie Babcock of Cam
bridge have been visiting in the city , the
guests i ot Mr. and Mis. C. F. Babcock , this
week. They letumed home , to-day.
Miss Chesney of Lincoln spent Sunday in
the 1 city , the guest of Miss Dorinan. She re
turned home , Monday. Miss Chesney occu
pied a clerkship in the late state senate.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Waite left on 40 , last
night j , for Broken Bow , this state , where
they ' will probably make their future home.
The well wishes of their friends in this city
accompany them wherever they may cast
their i lot.
Miss Nellie Fisher ailived in the city , last
Fiiday evening , fiom Bushvillo , Ind. , where
she j has been attending school during thepast
six months. An aunt accompanied her.
They proceeded , via Culbertson , with Mr.
W. W. Fisher who came down , Monday , for
Wauneta Falls , Wednesday noon.
, At the meeting of the city council ,
last night , the principle business trans
acted was the granting of a telephone
franchise to the McCook Telephone Co ,
of which S. L. Green is preaident ; J.E.
Kelley , secretary ; V. Franklin , treasur
er . and A. C. Ebert , J. B. Jennings , L #
McEntee , C. H. Boyle and J. B. John
son of Kirwin , Kas. , directors. The
franchise is for 21 years. The capital
stock of the company is l0,000 , all of
which is subscribed , and ten per cent ,
of which is to be paid in at once , so we
are ' informed. The franchise contains
similar f provisos to the electric light.
Six j months' time is granted to com
mence ] work , the same to be in opera
tion | within 18 months. Articles of in
corporation ' have been prepared and fil-
ed ( with the proper authorities. The
estimated ' cost of phone , per month , is
$1.00. ! The company and stock is in
the , hands of our own citizens , which is
sufficient that the
' guarantee project
will be carried right along to a rapid
and i successful consummation. Such
wc have it is the purpose of the pro
jectors \ of this important enterprise of
the city.
Last evening. Miss Maud McConnell
presided ] over one of the pleasantest pro-
grpssive euchre parties of the season at
her 1 home in "West McCook. The fol
lowing large company engaged in the
festivities of the evening : 3Iisses
Maggie Vaughn , Jennie Babcock , Lou
Clark , Bora Hunt , Mabel MeserveAmy
Avery , Julia Belter , Mamie Pettee , Celia
Beiter , Mamie Hunt. Messrs. E. E.
Lowman , Harry Clark , A. C. Ebert ,
i Albert McMillen , C. B. Wahlquist , J.
D. Bobb , E. S. Laycock , Ernest Bene
dict ( , F. M. Kimmell. The first honors
of the evening were divided between
Miss Celia Beiter and Mr. F. M. Kim
mell. The booby prize rewarding Mr.
Albert McMillen's prowess. Refresh
ments were served , at a late hour , after
which the company dispersed.
Last Saturday afternoon , Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Noren celebrated the 10th
anniversary : of their daughter's birth by
a delightful party , which was enjoyed
with every evidence of youthful glee by
a large company of Miss Selma's friends.
The following little ones have reason to
remember the da } ' :
Annie Babcock , of Cambridge , La Vaughn
Phelan , Hattie Yarger , Edith Flielan , Flor !
ence Thompson , Lena Coy , Bernice Frank
lin , Norma Noble , Gracie Bees , Jessie John- j
son , Pearl Brewer , Elizabeth Kelsey , Stella j
Norval , Johanna Engel , Mabel Kendall , Maj j '
bel Kawlings , Clara Sharp , Freddie Pate , ,
Willie Fowler , George Hunt , Koy Clark , .
Walter Rawlings.
A private communication from Arapa
hoe throws some doubt over the quality
of Will L. Smith's Combination.
A full line of gasoline stoves at Lv-
tle Bros. & Co's. * 1
. . .
. i
/ §
The Creto Nurseries will run a general • j |
salo yard for the next two week ? , just ' $
north of The Truu/ne office , where you J f
will find everything usually kept in a f |
first-class nursery. We aru making our Q
fourth "delivery in McCook. Wo have ; j
always received a liberal patronage at j
this point , for which wc feel grateful , * f
and wc * cordially invite one and all to " |
call and examine our stock in tlio yard. I
And to those desiring anything in the I
way of fruit , forest or shado trees , orna- • I
mental or evergreens wc feel safo in |
saying that wc can furnish as good g
stock as any Nursery in the state. Not ?
cheap and worthless stock , but all fresh ' f
dug and well cared for , and at bottom
prices. Crete Nurseries. !
R. S. B. Wilkins , Agent. ; |
Nebraska City Breaking Plows at
C. P. Rinker's.
One fine business lot on Main street/
Two nice corner lots on McDowell t
street , one block from school house.
Two more fine residence lots on Mc
Dowell street.
Six lots ( half block ) cast from Mc-
farland street. ' '
Good house , barn and lot on Marshall
No building clause required in any of
above , and will be sold cheap if soon
taken. C. F. Bahcocic.
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
, ,
I think that we have reason to be
proud of our school. The entortainment
we had the privilege of witnessing , last
Friday evening , was the best of that
kind presented to the people of McCook. j
The teachers who labored with such un
tiring zeal and energy , were well repaid '
for their labor. All went well , and the i
program was well sustained , except the 1
charades , which with due allowance for t
liability to mistakes on the part of the }
"star performers" who took part in ,
them , fell somewhat short of the mark.
Correspondent. '
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W. C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
On farms I am prepared to fill all
loans from McCook. No sending away
no delays. Everything done and
completed right here. Do not fail to
see me before making application.
I. T. Benjamin.
Office Over First National Bank.
EHf ° Eggs wanted at Chas. Noble's. '
The highest market price paid. i
Behold This ! 1 am on deck this
spring with the most complete line of
farm implements ever offered the farm
ing public in this part of the country.
Call and examine. Compare goods and
prices. I am always glad to see you. '
Respectfully , C. P. Rinker. •
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble's , this week. )
Cash Down. No Delay.
o _
No need of waiting to send off appli- '
cations. Money paid over as soon a < ? j
papeis arc completed. Call on or ad
dress , , Rr.n Wim.ow Co. Bank. '
-13-tf Indianola , Neb. '
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
whereby wc can furnish those who want
a loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and sec us. We arc al
so prepared to make chattel mortgage
loans. Citizens Bank.
R. W. Furnas will be in McL'ook with
two carloads of shade treesjustas soon
as it is safe to pack and ship them.
All parties wishing to select their trees
from the finest stock of shade trees ever
brought to McCook , please wait for
his arrival , and you will be sure to be
We have a fine bunch of Young Na- , |
tive Mares for sale at Russell's livery
barn , corner of Railroad and Madison
streets , McCook , Neb. Terms , reason
able. Brewer & Russell. $
I have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper
Breaking Plows that I will sell at the
exceedingly low price of $9. Call at
once before they are all gone.
Charles Noble. j
Optional Loans
Made on Farm Property by
Colyin & Dejipcv ,
McCook , Neb.
If you desire to borrow money , call
and see Helji & Davis. -x
Mortgage your farm if you can get f
along without doing o but if you §
have to borrow money , call upon g
Helm & Davis. |
A house and two lots for sale in West *
McCook. Will sell cheap for cash. >
Inquire at this office.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , Just once !
-y _ . j B