The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1887, Image 8

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if • . . - . - . ,
Kill * Fortune Smile * Upon John W. B > ,
ull | MoKckoI Detroit ,
1 9 | Detroit ( Mich. ) Tribune , Feb. 37.
1 w John W. D. Stokes in January sent
! -Wk S2 to the New Orleans National bank
. M ? for the purchase of a ticket in the
| monthly drawing of the Louisiana
Sj | State Lottery. The money was fle-
I ' 'layed in reaching the bank , and was
) ! invested in the February drawing ,
' | V which came off • on the 8th inst.
jJLf _ _ Stokes received his ticket , a fifth of
, r & * cfc No. 45,151 , and when he learned that
$ I 3t called for a part of the $50,000
i * prize he promptly resigned his posi-
y f tion as dealer in a prominent De-
< | troit gambling house. A few days
'I- later the money arrived by express ,
' 1 in the form of ten-dol-
i prepaid , 1,000 - -
| f far bills. They were all new and crisp
J an1 * made a pile nearly two feet high.
' -J- ie hicky man deposited his little for-
r tune among a number of city banks ,
i j and is now enjoying a season of rest.
| . He is also having his wife , who is
I [ nearly blind , treated for her aflliction.
• I Stokes says he will never deal faro
.J again. IIo proposes to engage in some
ill [ legitimate business as soon as he can
ill. find a suitable place to invest his
* ] $ money , lie is past middle age , and
| | I has been a professional card player
Sf\ y for twenty years. ' He says that
III ' friendly card playing for a considera-
| | l tion to lend interest to the game , is
III the stumbling block upon which many
III / young men trip. In his judgment
( wf j there is no money in gambling , the
; li/ | percentage being all against theguesser.
Mi Tho brain is the palest ot all internal
( m\ organs , ami the heart tho reddest.
' *
. - / * f Your Digestion la Poor , Improve It
• t ' byiiBingCAitTEii's Littlu Neuve Pii ls. 25
r .
' ' A. kiss from my mother made me a
1 painter. Benjamin West.
' | Some foil ! . ? }
I Havo much difficulty in swallowing the
huge , old-fashioned pill , but any one can
take Dr. Pierco'B "Pleasant Purgative Pel-
leta , " nhich nra composed ot highly con-
I centnited vegetableextracts. For diseases
v ol tho liver and Btomach , sick and bilious
* | y headache , etc. , they havo no equal. Their
operation jb attended 'with no discomfort
, whatever. They are sugar-coated and nut
up in glass vials. "
Mark Twain has written something
about "English as She is Taught. "
It Is . Fact
Well established tbat consumption if at-
tended to-in its first stages , can bo cured ,
Theic is , liowover , no true and rational
I "way to euro this diseasewhich is really
| ' scrofulous ulceration of the lungs , except
t through purifying tho blood. Keep the
liver in perfect order and pure blood will
' be tho result. Dr. Pierce's "Goiden Med-
t ical Discovery , " a purely vegetable com-
pound does sill this and more ; while it pur-
) ifies the blood it also builds up the system ,
t strengthsning it against future attacks of
| disease Ask for Dr. Pierre's "Golden
j Jledical Discovery. " Talo no other. Of
_ . _ Dr. Frank Abbott , one of New York's
leading dentists , takes in $30,000 a year.
Decline of lUati.
Mental or organic weakness , nervous de-
bility and kindred delicate diseases , how-
* ever induced , speedily and permanently
cured. For large illustrated book of par-
. ticulars encloso 10 cents in scamps and
addresB "World's Dispensary Medical Assp-
i ciation , G63 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y.
I p Robert. G.IngersolI has been offered § 300
' to play Falstaff.
Chronic CoiicIim and Colds.
j And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs ,
can ho cured by the use of Scott's Emul.-
I sion. as it contains the healing virtues of
I Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites in their
I , fullest form. Is a beautiful creamy Emuli
sion , palatable as mill : , easily digested ,
and can be taken by the most delicate.
T i Pleabe read : "I consider Scott's Emulsion
f the remedy par-excellence in Tuberculous
and Strumous Affections , to say nothing of
D , ordinary colds and throat troubles. " W.
HI IL. S. Connell , M. D. , Manchester , O.
U | Many cattle are dying in the cattilo
Hfr ranches of Victoria , B. C.
t i
. Tho best and snrest Remedy for Cnro of !
L ( \
f i j all diseases caused by any derangement of I
' the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach , and Bowels. §
k Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation. !
i Bilious Complaints and 31ala.ria of all kinds \
i yield readily to the beneficent iniluenccofi
i' \
% ' IS f i 1 fi E B f 3 % l
? 5 :
g It is pleasant to tho taste , tones up the *
I system , restores and preserves health. I
I It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to S
f prove beneficial , both to old and young , e
I - As a Blood Purifier it is snperior to all I j
I others. Sold everywhere at SI.00 a bottle. 3 (
llichost Awards of JMcdals in Europe and
The ncttesr , nulrVest America. , sufest n < l most powerful j.
remedy known forrtheumatUm. PleurNv. KctiraislH , v
LumbiRO. Rackache. Wcakae * ! . colds In the cheat
mid all acJ aud pain * KnJorsed b/ifiO * Phjsiclans r
end DruggUts uf the hErUe ! trspute. Benson's Plan
ters prumW relleTa .nud cure where o her plaster * B
and creasy salve * , liniment * and lotion ; ) , are ahsoc
lately uselesz. lte < vre of ImltaMoni under similar
founding imine ! . such -Capsicum. . " "Capucln , " c
I "Cap lelne. " * * her are ntirrly worthies and In
tended to deceive. Ass yonBEKRos's takbxo
otiikbs. All drursUts. SEABUIir & JOHNSON.
ga * proprietors. Xesr Vorlc. c
* '
BJS FSElHIHE-OPIUfn' Enblt PalnlcfMj
IMlsBlrn 'Cored Home. Tre3tnien1 T
PFTraliBI sent on trial end SO PAY asked ±
xgijlf antll you are benefited. Terms Low n
B 319 ZXoouuie Bemeily Co. , X < aFayette ( lad. c
TIT ? i 1 ? A very Interesting SO-paw book on DeafT
11 C , A H n8. . SoIsch In the ilad. . o. How t
U lll relieved. Sent free. Address JflCH
OLSOK , 177 McDoug ili street , Kcw Vork.
APtO SS a tfrSamples worth SVS3 FFtHE. linn
9 % not under th horrtU feet. WrU Brewster r
t W Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. *
ftlllSflSfl Morphine Jlablt Cnro.lla 19 J
VI Iwin u& j. STrn.v . Lcuaaoa. OUla.
* W/KrU OmabA - i35G-ld F
ltlr . Harriot Reoclior Stowe.
Mrs. Harriet Beccher Stowo is living
quiotly at her homo on Forest street , in
this city. Her health remains the same as
for tho past year , although sho shows the
effect of approaching age , being one year
older than her brothor , tho late Henry
Ward Ueecher. She received tho announce
tnent of his death uith composure , and
manifested no siuiis of biealting down , as
was feared. During tiio Inst visit to this
city of tho late Rov. Henry Ward Beccher ,
last fall , he expressed to his sister his be
lief of approaching death , and that he
anticipated it would be apoplexy.
"I hco a star , Eve's first born , in whose
Comes thedamptwilightlhatbringoth pain.
For aches of head , neuralgia , cutand
bruise ,
Try Salvation Oil. these will you lose.
A Jleculnr Jewel or a IIoubc.
Omaha house hunter "I thought you
said , this house was a perfect gem ? "
Agent "Indeed it is , mndam. "
"Why , the ceilings havo no height at all. "
"That's so ; they'll be easy to keep clean , "
madam. "
"And the windows are dreadfully small. "
"To keep the buu from fading the car
pet , madam. '
"And there is no bath room. "
"That's to save soap , madam.
Bodily pains are instantly relieved by
tho use of St. Jacobs Oil. Dr. It. Butler ,
Master of Arts , Canibridgo University ,
England , says , "It acts like magic. "
IVliat It Cunts to Smolfc.
Last year tax was paid upon { 5,510,8tS-
488 cigars. Tho average smoker is con
tent with a oigar worth 530 per thousand ,
or , one that retails at five cents. On that
basis there annually goes up in smoke
§ 180,000,000 , or S15,000,000 every
month. In addition , boys waste on cigar
ettes ( $0,500,000 , and those who prefer a
pine a further sum of ? 20,000,000. [ Amer-
lean j Grocer.
' "
Boards of Health endorse lied Star
Cough ' Cure as a speedy ann : sure remedy
for I coughs and colds. Scientists pro
nounce i it entirely vegetable and free from
opiates. ( Price twenty-five cents a bottle.
Incident or tho Irlali Agitation.
Particulars ot the recent outrage at Mill-
street i , County Cork , when a band of moon
lighters ' surrounded a house * > nd cut the
hair ' from the heads of tho two daughters
of i the occupant , are reported from D.ublin
to-day. 1 The girls , it is said , were forced
on ( their knees while a ruffiau with shears
cut ' the hair off. When this was done a
quantity of tar was poured over the head ,
face ] and neck of one of them. Tho second
daughter , escaped this last indisnity , all the
tar having been wasted on her sister. The
latter ' is a comely girl , and in addition to
tho 1 shock received , her endeavors to re
move , the tar from her head and neck have
had ] the effect of irritating and removing
the 1 skin. A mail who pcotested against
the < outrage was fired at a revolver. The
girl who was tarred had given offense by
speaking , to-a policeman , and the ruffian ,
after disfiguring her in tho manner det
scribed ' , said : "Now , will you speak to the
bobbies ' again ? "
, "There may be some virtue in all of
them , " he said , "but for actual worth and
rapidity i of effect , I know that nothing
made i can excel Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. "
P-reston II. Leslie , governor of Montana ,
used to be a ferryman.
Ii you had taken two of Carter's Little
Liver Pills before retiring you would not
have ] had that coated tongue or bad taste
in i the mouth this morning. Keepa. . vial
with you for occasional use.
C. II. J. 1 aylor , the new minister to
Liberia , is only thirty-two years old.
America's Pride.
True American men and women by rea
son , of their strong constitutions , beautiful
forms ; , rich complexions and characteristic
energy , are envied by sill nations. It is
the general use of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic
which brings about these results.
Do good by stealth , and blush * to find it
fame. Pope.
One Cent Invested.
in n postal card on which to send your
address to Hallett & Co. . Port and , Maine ,
will , by return mail , bring you free , partic-
ulars about work that both sexes , of all
ages , can do , and live at home , wherever
they are located , earning thereby from S5
to 525 per day and upwards. Some have
earned over § 50 in a single day. Cap.tal
not required ; you are started free. •
Senator Warner Miller will visit Alaska
the coming summer with his family.
Tlie Famnuo Humorist Tells How
Prol" Ijoisctte 'JTattstit Utui to Itu-
prove ISis 3K > niory.
In regard to Prof. Loisett's system of '
Memory that he is now leaching person
ally and by or rrespondence. at 237 Fifth
avenue New York City , Mark Twain says :
"Prof. Loisette did not create a memory
for me , no , nc thing or the kind. And yet <
he did for me what amounted to the same .
thing , for he proved to me that I alteady
had ' ti memory , a thing .which I was not
aware of till then. I had before been
able , like most people , to store up and
lo-.e 1 things in the dark cellar of my mem-
ory ; but he showed me how to light up tfta
cellar. It is the difference to change the i
figure between having money where you
can't collect it , and having it in your
pocket. Tho information cost me bub lit- (
tic. yet I value it at a prodigious figure. " i
N. Y. World. !
Self-love exaggerates both our faults and .
our virtues. Goethe. J
farmers ! J
Send 10 cents to the Pinckly Ash Bit- j
ters Co. , St. Louis , Mo. , and get a copy of t
"The House Trainer. " 5
A complete system , teaching how to 1
break and train horses in a mild and gentle
way , requiring no elaborate apparatus , a
nothing more than can be found in any .c
stable in the country a rope and a strap.
Every one handling horses should have & u
copy. v
A quartet of Seneca Indians are giving v
concerts in New York. 1
For Coughs and Throat Disorders use
Brown's Bronchial Troches. "Havo c
never changed my mind respecting them , a
except I think better of that which I be an n
thinking well of. " Rev. Henry Ward a
Beecher. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cts. n
Mrs. Beecher is about to take a trip to c
Florida. tl
IronforthoKIood , Slcepforllte IVcrvcx , P
strength for the body , by uhing Carter's "
Iroh Pills ' '
Ex-Governor Curtin is said to be an ap
plicant for tho Mexican mission. "
A ship lond of co'ii was reccnily ; it traT
T * rriJk , Va. , to Gt.Jin.iiik. .
A Uttit ! girl was J.iletl lit Santa Koi : Ol. , 1
few d.i\G ago , for tluo\.u < j bloius hr.o •
neighbor's yard.
Cat ihl in I , near MfcsfcM ; pi Citv , M s. , v. 'at
Bold one day last weeK fur &U. Ssvt'ii jc.ji
ago tho Island hrontjlic $ l0,0iO.
Artesian wrlls have been uult In A'lrerlt
with Buch tiKre-s Unit huge tri"Msnf ' .t-i-u
land has been reclaimed with tlicffaler tliti ?
The hallucination of an Inmate of tb < : in
sane asylum at M.ddletown , N. Y. , who i
worth,5 > 00t0D , Is that ho is president of the
United States.
The merchauta cf China are reported to bo
well untUHcd with last year's basinets. Deal
er' * iu ton , silk , and while manufacturers havo
n.l made money.
The combined weight of thirty hogs recent-
iy slaughtered at Kcck'osstown , N. .1. , wa
21S-1 pounds. The lightest weighed 5W
pounds , ( he heaviest S75.
One of the most peculiar effects , says a well-
known traveler , was produced by asoliau harps
attached to kites and flown by Chinese boys.
The wind music comina : down through the air
made a most tingular impression upon the ob
Living in the rural and mountainous dis
tricts of California is cheaper than in the cast ,
but it is harder to make money. California is
by no means a poor man's country , as capital
Is centralized and labor so cheap that a pout
man has no chance.
The stingray is the natural enemy of San
Francisco oysters. The fish has a powerful
pair of jaws with which he considers it no whatever to smash the shell of an oyster
into powder , after which he sucks the meat
into his stomach and discards the rocky de
There is a little negro bor , about 7 years of
age , living near Unlontown , Ala. , who semi"
to possess a wonderful talent. He can take a
lump : of mud from the roadside and with bu
hand form r.ny animal lie ever saw , and the
representation ! i * alm03t perfect All the pro
portions are good.
Miss Bertie Trlddle , of Glenineycr , Canada ,
was knitting the other day , and thoughtlessly
put the point of her needle in her ear. It went
further ; than she expected and touched tho
tympanum , and as it did so she started with
the pain , and the needle pierced the tym
panum , destroying the hearing of that eai
An after-dinner speaker in San Francisfeo ,
the other day , relating the hardships of some
of the early Californians who came by the way
of the isthmus , said that the piece de resist
ance at Panama dinner tables was then a
"saddle of monkey , " a 'flish which humrcr
nvght , recommend , but wTiicti consanguinity
could i not but deplore.
An enthusiastic art lecturer recently said
that | art had so worked its way into American
life ] and Industries that a man who could in
vent an arsistic Jemon-snucezer would make
much i more money than one who confined
himself 1 to the merely useful. Artists would
like 1 to believe that the art feeling ot th
country i has arrived t such a condition ol
pecuniary i apprcc atkm.
At a recent masquerade in Portland , Oreion.
a number of the maskers , who had attracted
Attention from tlicir dress and nutic , which
were those of the Salvation army , formed a
citcle in the middle of tho room , and tl > cn s
tall , , athletic voting man , who personale 1
Satan ! , , burst into the ring and tried K bte.ik
it ! up. The rmy rose as a ni.m , Ifctottled
Satau , and "wiped the floor with him.
In Washington the other evening woman
while walkintr on the streets was slsrlled by a
shot , behind her , ami , turning she saw a boy
running : awav. A man acros3 the street ran
overtofrcr and picked up a buiSet lying 0:1 the
Eidewaik. ' When she got hour ; he found that
the ball had gone through several folds of liei
dre-a i and striking one of the wires of het
bustle had fidlen to the grauud. No out
ktiows ' why the boy shot
The members of the preheat Arizona legis-
ture , besides doing thdr otn < comm ttse work ,
pay ] .front their per diem $5 enough to hire
neccspary , clerks for the session , emigres'-
aliowimr only two clerks tn each home , atnl
piohiLitiug the eniploimeut of mor < \ B ; .
scrupulously obeying the federal statute the
legislature s-aves tn the territory tr/i.OO. ) bpeni
by its predecessor for clerk hire , printing and
other ' legislative expenses. The tsxpoing
citizens < are enthusiastic ver the worn o :
Arizona's reform legislature.
• • One 01 the largest snines in the world is ic
use near Gl ucestcr Point , N. J. It is a mile
and a quarter long , rwul e.tcit year one third oi
it ' it to De renewed , the work being done in
Baltimore. ] It is used in catchiug shad , and
at the opening of each season thousands o :
people ' gather to witness the haul. Old fisher- '
men believe that shad will b1 : running livelj , '
by ' tiie beginning of April. They declare thai ;
all the sigii3 point to an early spring. Tht
first i Deleware shad was recently captured a !
Bayside , wheqp it sold for .To canto.
The postofiice In India is regarded as so ml-
'raeulou ? an agency by the more ignorant na
tives that iu gome outof-the-way places the
; vary letter-bones are worshiped. In oue cast
a man t/osted his letter in a box and shouted
out < Us destination , to inform the presiding ,
spirit whom 11a .supposed to be inside. An
other , native himiiny took oil his shoes as he
approached the box. went through various de
votions befo.d and after posting his letter ,
and ! finally put some coppsrs before the box a :
a i pro'dliatory offering , retiring la the samf
attitude of humility.
There is one co-o [ > erativc housekeeping so
cie'y iu New Yotk city that is a success , anc"
it was started only a short time ago by a
woman , the wife of a horss car conductor.
Like most poor people , she had bought irrocer-
ies by the pound or half poand and coal bj
the scuttle. She persuaded the inmates ol
the tenement house to club together and bm
their stores in larger quantities. They find
that this save3 about one-third of the cost
Six of the women have now clubbed togethet
to hires , woman to wash and iron for them ,
while they take in tailoring or do other work
and they have some thoughts of trying a co
operative kitchen.
"M "l-'SC is the official appellation or the
uewweepou adopted by the German army ,
which , translated , or rather writtenont in full ,
would signify ; "Manser , gun inveuted Ir
1331 , changed into magazine gun 1834. " The
first improvement to be noted is the fact that
empty cartridges , after firing are expelled bj
spring instead of beiug jerked cat by a
movement of the hand. Another improve
ment is the easy use of the trigger and al
most entire absence of recoil. Tho magazine ,
consisting of a barrel running parallel wftl
the bore , contains eight cartridges , which art
pushed backward by means of a spiral spring.
As they enter the , lower chamber of thf
lock a so-called spoon llf t3 them into the fir
ing chamber , whimce , the shells are sabst
quenUv expelled by a spceial contrivance.
. . . . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . , . , .m a
j. jjre > jjAn7 _ _ # McClurs. Colttmbus , JiTa'w. ,
I IVrfl . illSPA F H writes : " 1 addressed you in November , 188t ,
B-iIi.n UIULJivJt a
- ln rcfinril t0 my jjcalth , belnir atlllctcd with
ftKH B nvcr * iscase , heart trouble , and female wcak-
. , Ti1" Q neos. I was advised to use Dr. Pierce's
HCftnt \ HflllR ! F 9 Golden Jfedlcal Discovery. Favorito Pro-
* " " "
" "j _ . _ --S scriptlon and Pellets. I uecd one bottlo
b _ _ .j . . . . . . - - _ , . - ' '
of luo 'Pfegyription/ of tho 'Discov
ery , ' and four of the ' Pleasant Purjrativo Pelleta. ' My health bc-
ran to improve under the uso of your medicine , and ray strength
jarao baclc. My dilllcultlcs liave all disappeared. 1 cau work hard
all day , or walk four or live miles a day , and stand it well ; and when
I began usingtho medicino I could scarcely walk across tho room ,
most of-the time , and I did not think I could over feel well ajraln.
I havo a littlo baby girl eight months old. Although she is n littlo
delicate In alzo and appearance , she Is healthy. I give your reme
dies all the credit for curing me , aa I took no other treatment after
beginning their use. I am very grateful for your kindness , and
thank God and thank you that I am as well as I am after years
of suffering. "
iiiiimi n J Mrs.I. V. Wjjbber , of Forfcgftfre , Gottarancrua Co. ,
1 I turn & Y. , writes : "I wish to say a few words in prniso
I UVlH oi T0Ur 'Golden Medical Discovery' and • Pleasant
I _ Purgative Pellets. ' For five years previous to
I ( II Ffi F taking them I was a great sufferer ; I bad a
I uwwwfc" scvero pain In my right side continually : was
tmasmammBa unable to do my own work. I nm happy to Bay
I am now well and strong , thanks to your medicines/ '
Chronic Diarrhea Cured. D. Lazarus , Esq. , 575 and 277
Deeatur Street , New OrleansLa. , writes : "I used three bottles of
tho 'Golden Medical Discovery/ it has cured me of chronic
diarrhea. My bowels are now regular. "
Thoroughly clcanso the blood , which Is tho fountain of health , by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , and good
digestion , a fair skin , buoyant spirits , and bodily health and vigor will be established.
Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors , from tho common pimple , blotch , or eruption , to tho worst Scrofula , or blood-
poison. Especially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter , Fover-Bores , Hip-Joiut Disease , Scrofulous Sorca
nnd Swelllntrs. Enlarged Glands , and Eatlnor Ulcers.
B t „ _ . . . „ . . 1 Bev. F. Abbory Howell , Pastor of the JIT. E.
ND BEST DH Church , of Silverton , N. J. , says : riI was af-
flicted wi Q catarrh and indigestion. Boils and
KAILS blotches began to arise on the surface of tho
wuiivy skin , and I experienced a tired feeling and
nfnTP.HFQ dullness. I began tho uso of Dr. Pierce's
. . .
Ul.Uiunt.vJ. g Golden Medical
Discovery as directed by
aniin inmnm.ii.Li ijjm for such complaints , and in one week's
time T began to feel like a now man , and am now sound nnd well.
The' Pleasant Purgati0 Pellets' are tho best remedy for bilious or
sick headache , or tightness about the chest , and bad taste in tho
mouth , that I havo ever used. My wife could not walk across tho
loor when sho began to take your 'Golden Medical Discovery. '
Tow she can walk quito a littlo ways , and do some light work.
I 11 1 fl Mrs. Ida M. Strong , of Ainsicorth , Ind. , writes :
HIP" JOINT "m > littl0 b ° y had becn troubled with hip-joint
1 1111 wwiiii diseaso for two years. When he commenced tho
I IIIQFiQC uso ° your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and
I UIOCRoC * 'Pellota , ho was confined to his bed , nnd could
t nm yjifl not be moved without suffering great pain. But
now , thanks to your 'Discovery/ ia ableto be up all the time ,
Consumption. Mrs. Edward Newton , of Harroirsnrithi
Onfr. , writes : "You will over be praised by mo for tho remarka-
blo euro In my case. I was so reduced that my friends had all
given me Up , and I had also been given up by two doctors. I then
went to the best doctor in these parts. He told me that medicine
was only a punishment in my case , and would not undertake to
, n , „ , „ . treat me. He said I might try Cod liver oil if I
I nira lln 8 liked , as that was tho only thing that could pocsi-
I ll VFU UP B blyhave any curative power over consumption so
1 I far advanced. I tried tho Cod liver oil as a last
9 TR HIF 0 treatment , but I was so weak I could not keep it
I iU U11 B on my stomach. My husband , not feeling satisfied
" " " mim to give me up yet , though he had bought for mo
everything ho saw advertised for my complaint , procured a quan
tity of your' Golden Medical Discovery. ' I took only four bottles ,
and , to tho surprise of everybody , am to-day doing my own work ,
and am entirely free from that terrible cough which harrassed me
night and day. I havo been afflicted with rheumatism for a number
of years , and now feel so much better that I believe , with a con
tinuation of yonr * Golden Medical Discovery/1 will bo restored
to perfect health. I would say to those who arc falling a prey to
that terrible diseaso consumption , do not do as I did , take every
thing else first ; but take the 'Golden Medical Discovery' in tho
early 6tages of tho disease , and thereby save a great deal of suf
fering and be restored to health at once. Any person who 13
still in doubt , need but write me , inclosing a stamped , self-
addressed envelope for reply , when tho foregoing statement will
bo fully substantiated by me. "
Ulcer Cured. Isaac E. DOWNS , Esq. , of Spring VaTIeu ,
nnrxinnii fin. . 7V. V. ( P. O. Box SS ) . writes : "The'Golden Medi-
nnd can walk with tho help of crutches. IIo docs not suffer nny
pain , and can cat and sleep a3 well as any one. It bn only been
about tbreo months since he commenced using your medicino.
I cannot And words with which to express my gratitudu for tho
benefit he has received through you. "
niiiiiimmmiji Skin BJHcasc. The" Democrat nnd News , "
I fl Trnnimr B of Cambrutue , Maryland , Hays : "Mrs. Eliza
A I klinl3L B Ann Poolk , wire of Lconnrd Poole , of IJ'tl-
Is S Ifnin3. ' > nr < / , Dorchirter Co. , Md „ has been cured
flFFI IRTIfiU B of a bad case or Eczema by using Dr. Picrco's
_ Jiir ? J Golden Medical Discovery. Tho dihcaso up-
peared first in her extended to the kneto ,
covering tho whole of tho lower limbs from feet to knees , then
attacked the elbows and became bo severe as to prostrate hen
After being treated by several physicians for a jear or two 6ho
commenced the use of the medicino named above. Siie soon
began to mend and is now well and hearty. Mrs. I'nolu thinks
tho medicino has saved her life and prolonged her dajs. "
Mr. T. A. Ayiies , of East New Mai het , Dvt Chester County , Ma\ ,
vouches for the above facta.
Golden Medical Discovert cures Consumption ( which is Scrofula of tho Lungs ) , by its wonderful blood-purifying , invigora
ting and nutritivo properties. For AVeak Lungs , Spitting of Blood , Shortness of Breath , Bronchitis , Scvero Coughs ? . Aethina ,
and kindred affections , it is a sovereign remedy. While it promptly cures tho severest Coughs it strengthens the system.
Ra °
It ? rapidly builds up the system , and increases tho flesh and weight of those reduced below tho U3ual standard of health by
Golden Medical Discovery is Sold by Druggists. Price $1.00 per Bottle , or Six Bottles for $5.00. I
No. 663 Slain Street , BJPFJ'Ar.O , S ? . TT. M
O I LriPk rag S
Leading Nos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
For Salo by all Stationers.
yorfcs : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York.
oldest mtdlclneta the world Is probablTtpR
eThe Dr. Isaac Thomnaon's fLf :
This article Is a carefully prepared Physician's pre
scription , and hasbeealnconstantusenearlyacentu-
tj , and notYrUhsUuidtns the many other preparations
aiat ha > i-br n Introduced Into the market , the ale
of this artlrleji constantly Increasing. If the direc
tions are f llowedlt-wiU never fall , we particularly |
tovltc the attrntcn jf physicians to Its mcrlls. i
V 3 '
Onlekly tailored Rry nsinp : Cnihman's Menthol
Inhaler and by txintinued use effect a. cure. Satu-
faction ffuurant-ed or money refunded. It lasts from
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H. D. CUSHMAH , Threo Rivera , Mich.
The Original and Only Cenuine.
Safo and always Sellable. Bcwarpof n-orthleu Imita-
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Enclldh" and tate no other , or inclose 4c. ( stamps ) to
us for particular in letter by return mall. Naue
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Soldl j-l > rucicl t everywhere. Ask for • • Chlchen-
ter' " ' I'HN.
Enclloh" I'ennyroynl Take no other *
ZiHC COLLAR PAD.h2Ep i Siu ? tSS
- srss&y * _ most tellable and dura-
JS . SlSxwSjV be , PAD for Soro
© < S p < S K * : SSr neck ho scs or mules
* JoSfeS2 Sw5'K ! § "Weather or wear has no
Mk5 § S * * SiJn ? 5yr clTect on their curative
iPR& * $ * ik8r prupertles. Our new
Ktsr 4VS2I loops with straps make
Rr xS * tlirci self-ad u tlns.
W y We solicit a trial.
Forsale rr all Saddlery Jobber' . Ask your harness
makers for themZINC COLLAIi I'AD CO. ,
Buchanan , Mich.
C3 l27ESS5IS&iitz3 < u W ? ant Information. Sendfoi
It MU.OB.SliTE.N3a
"Wanted in-erery County. Shrewd men to act under onr
ana'ructionsia our Secret Service. Experience not nocrs-
ary. Eendstamnforparticulars. GRANNAN DETEC-
HVK BUREAU.U Arcade , Cincinnati , O.
.g-jj. FACE , HANDS , FEET ,
( $ * * * > & nd all theirimperfectlon't'nclndujffra.
dKJ&TSxPoal Derelopm nt. Hairand Scalp , Super-
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la . ' ] & * * Jloth , lYeclcTcs. Red No e , Acne , Black
RjWOw L. Heads. Scar % Pittinpr and their treatment.
© -vir / rnTsend 10cforbookof 0pavee , < th edition. '
Hr. J. IL Woodbair , 8 7 K. Pearl St. . Albaaj.N.Y. , Esfb'd 1S70.
Fruits , Trees and Plants for Jihc Northwest. Home
Grown Healthy , CII A P. Catalogue and price list •
YBKE. C. . AVATIJOUS , Des JIoines , Iowa -
IfinnCO'C ( IJaQTI ! ! CO Pnce35cts.flSillalAj
RIUUCK O PflO I tLLCQ.bymaiL Stowell < t Co.
r nrr J ilra. Pajijikma Biidndaoe , of 1S1 Lock Street *
ItPHFRSI LtKhport , N. 1wntta : " 1 wna troubled with
" chills , nervous urn ! general debility , vrltli frequent
llPnil ITV soro throat , and my mouth was bndly cankered.
j MEulUHa My liver naa Inactive , and I suffered much from
" ' " mi . I to that '
dy8pep3la. am pleased say your'Golden
Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets' huvo cured mo of all thceo
nlltncntii nnd I cannot eay enough ln their praieo. 1 must utw >
Bay a word in reference to your 'Favorito Prcocrlptlon , 'an it
has proven itself a most excellent medicino for weak females.
It has been used in my family with excellent results. "
Dyapcpsla. James L. Colbt , Esq. , of Yucatan. Houston Co *
Minn. , writes : " 1 was troubled with indirection , and would enc
heartily and crow poor nt the same time. I ei > erlenccd heartburn ,
sour Btomacu , and ninny other disagreeable symptoms common.
gMaMnanm to that disorder. 1 commenced takingyour
M lumnnniTTft B * Ooldcn Medical Discovery * and • Pellets , ' and
I IRi GunaTtS I lam now entirely free from the dyspepsia , and
1 I amt Jn fact healthier than I havo been for
I THF SY1TFBI 1 Cvo years. I wciph one hundred nnd seventy-
| inu uioium. g ono ana Ono-balt pounds , and have dono ub
" " " l " * much work tho past summer as I havo ever '
dono in tho samo length of timo in my life. I never took a.
medicino that seemed to tone up tho muscles and invigorate-
tho whole system equal to your 'Discovery' and 'Pellets. "
Dyspepsia. Theresa A. Cass , of Sprinafleld , Jfo. , writcar
"I was troubled ono year with liver complaint , dyspepsia , anil
sleeplessness , but your 'Golden Medical Discovery' cured me. "
Cbillft and Fever. Itev. H. E. Montmorcnct , S. C *
writes : "Last August I thought I would die with chills and fever.
I took your 'Discovery' and it stopped them in a very short time. " '
cal Discovery * has cured my daughter of n very bad ulcer located
on tho thigh. After trying almost everything without ouecess , wo
procured three bottles of your ' Discovery , ' which healed it up
perfectly. " Mr , Downa continues :
Consumption and Keart BJseane. "I also wish to
thank you for tho reraarknble euro you have effected in my case.
j nifrnrmj For threoears I had suffered from that terri-
ti/trvft * + n 9 hlo disease , consumption , and heart disease. .
WASTED ' TO Before consulting you I hud wasted away to
[ . n nskeleton : could not sleep norrtstand niany
fl S F ! FTflJJ times wished to dio to he out of my misery. I
H UriLLUijpuj tucn couguited you , nnd you told me you had
• . * ii.itu u ii hopes of curing me. but it would take time. I
took five months' treatment in all. Tho first two months I was
almost discouraged : could not perceive any favorable symptoms ,
but the third month I began to pickup in ilesh and strength. 1
cannot now recite how , step by step , tho signs and realities of
returning health gradually but surely developed themselves.
To-day I tip the scales at ono hundred and sixty , and am well
and strong. . _ , . . . , . .
Our principal rellanco in curing Mr. Downs' terrible disease
was the " Goldeu Medical Discovery. "
.nosaBBaocss Joseph F. McFAnxAND , Esq. , Athens , La : , .
S Rl FFMHR writes : "My wife had frequent bleeding from
1 ' - -t'-U'nu. thc ] mjga iKjfore Eic commenced using your
IrDflM I IIUeJ 'Golden Medical Discovery. ' She . has not
g fnllfti LUflQO. had any since its use. For some six months
Rmv.-nTMiiiimmtiiJI . ahe has been feeling so well that sho hsa
' discontinued it. "
tooEifS GreammmTA mf \
Balm and ' * gW J\W
myself orrtd. I / flU.VCCyEb % & & &M
fired 2 © years from g * tVtR , | % &j ®
catarrh and catarrhg * . , 4y' $ iM
al Ticatache , and this ? S
is the first rtmrdy P ? - *
{ hat afforded laaingW S A
relUf.-J ) . T. Jyg-gjg &J
gfeson , 145Lake St.y n ' p rn-uu c-ipcJ
Chicago , IU. 'ffSAY FfiiVER
A partli-le Is applied 'nto cac'i nonni ma is acreo-
"a"leJLTlca w < ' < > fts at I niB " ' - titmil. . rpg' < -
tcrcd. Ocents. Circulars Ire. ELY UttOS , Drug
gists , Owego. N. T.
One agent ( Merchant ontv ) wantev In every town for
A Boston drummer Hays th ; t this lot
of your "TnnsiU's Punch" is ,
and tluitl can get no more of the same
quality for the prire , for no ( quoting him )
il (1 house this side of Mason & Dixon's
line can put such stock into a , 5c cigar and
live. "Long liveth Tannin's Punch ! "
Gno. If. FIayxcs , Winn , Maine.
Address It. W. TAKMLL A : CO. , Chlcn o.
JShk. yzj 5 Ton Wzxon Scale * ,
CCj S JjWjy I" > n Uertzr , huel Bexno t , ISrui
_ j 9 ? t. 3Wft i 1z * Bean and Rtam Bnx for
$ &Ns&S& * S80.
SiS * V M J.KTfrrsirefacalr. . For fr e price Hit
y \rJmpc5Lh. . mention thi. paxr and Kldrm
With Inlroduction by MRS. LOGAN.
Themon thrilling military and civic bioxrapby
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and battle scenes. The succpks of agents who haTe
be un work on thij book has had no parallel except
in cae of ( rant's "Menitiirs.i n llnnnnzn. For
terms. Address C. U. 1JEACII < t CO. . Chicago. JiL
Em 4 Hs c = b j e& y
& & WAeOWSgMg g 7 r i
jj Thecheapest Spreader outand tne
t&.FARM rra only kind that can
WK W3rf xfK \ be attached to old |
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MEWAJtg a.viiHU > a co. , colvubvh , onto.
s aa Sv M a 1 A Ooo < , Pfan0for2i)7.5o f
a Jf d a U * / AOoodOranfor G ! > OO
Write for Catalogue of 1 > CK.NT .HL'SIU , < - . u- i
talntng names of ISO pieces of late and popular musl j
Add . * hJYETT § BROS. , I
St. 3"o oj3lx , SUsiionri. 0
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sourl Klver. J
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S B S rTii' r3 R B PFS Ea3 If y ° a " < ut ritrf c
9oX B 3 ? s& H f& * B"6 ? ESI acd cnr" at your " .
SiM W Il aJi \ &M Kl home , rend for "
E U JaS H H 134a U a = 3 Dr..T.A-Sherm8n'3 ?
circular or Instructions. J3ro dnr.iT. sew 1'on : . Si
i i . . . -i . .I. , P <
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Why did the Women I
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Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
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Have been enjoyed by tho citizens of nearly every H
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It Cures Neuralgia , Toothache ,
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The many testimonials received by us more than .
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For sale by all Drncgist * . Price. SO ecnta per" H
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? * Wsv HM T'11 Pnrifr thf BLOOD recnlate ft M
V atSgrt tho LIVCR ard KIDNEYS ami 1 |
yiM , , Ke top.e tho HEALTH aadVIQ- !
\25ga9ta OR of YOUTH , n ; rer it.nsr.e !
y& & $ 'Si\ ° r Apetit . Jnipe tion.L ckof *
SSKStrength and Tired teehn ab
SfJ X * olntely cnre l : Bone , mes
' i X clei and n rv reci > ne new I
• VjJeS V.for . e. EnliTen * th niin < i
SE ? and supplier Brain Pc tr.
B r > icv. n rwnZ SaffBrinc from complaint *
9 * &frafif ? < * ! r * enliartoth ir . * ! , < l I
J-ONICasifij ac.l • peslycnr * . Givnaclearheal-
"hj-ro-nplsxian. Frequent nttmptn at conntrrfe't-
mzoaly ad < l to th popularitr of th" * criminal. 1) *
notsspsrimont rt tlaOlIGnUI.ANI > BhST.
(1raH Constipat'on.ia r Com lalnt and Sc > J )
TrTlacE' . S-tmo'o Po . * " and Dream Boc .ii
I- , * -n - r- - > ee tain poitacr v
iddres : DR. HARTEH , Medical Co. . Sf.Loals
823 a u vis ? il Si a \ . % J Sa
tshment West rggSwgSf
.ftheXiMi.-ip- CS& & $ & &f ? eS 3l 3
1 1 of Pure Br t as.-l & 8fe&f3 lg&
Jrade rercheron St l lil & 5M& $ } * & % & % 5
iomandJIare enh nd S ® f ? ? aM
.Uo a fe % recorded ImSrc ? ? } l > ti9 J I ? =
ortedKr.nchCorfchera. W& S % & & & &Wjtl '
ara th. risk ard ex WM m t $3S l
en j of lonK railroad fcV ? fe 5 > S ® ? i 'A
rp % and .hiprvns' and fe/M jvSSgMd K
et jonrHore * thom i rA vSjcSfV < r = &w { f
nd ardimated. of reliaEMHa SS MsMsS H *
I. men. e : bli-h. < ? ? StJ | TSfl { 9
d repn tAtiom an breedfcaSeSa i ! ft i < a Vij
r'"r . J.mP ° rt d Stock all registered In th Perch.ron
md Eooka or Franns and America. V. > jruarante * all * 5
tock Breeder * just as represented. E adforcatalocu
umberifr e. Addrcs ,
AVERY & COLEMAN , Propa. *
VYakafiold , Clay County , Karr- j
fl 1 Era 1 h cKas ? " *
ISEHTS WABT 9 V % ? zlLZ ' &
crmf fe circulars a Wrtis Natosai.Pub Co. Chlejua.
* . .s via