The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1887, Image 6

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    K T = a * . . * - * , , . , " . - " " / - * • ' III
l I II I | | | | n | | | - | | I | | - - | | I "I
• THURSDAY , MARCH 31. 1887.
BLjff Indicates flint your Hiibfcriptlou to this
ml pnpi'rHABKXi'iKUi ) , mid that u cordial
Psk invitation Is extended to cull and renew
F vtlio 8UU1C. Subscription , ? : 'per year.
official county paper.
g = fr-
frLocal Intelligence.
V * 83. 1887.
ip. k ' McCracken's Jewelry Store
jm\ \ Is now located on the corner north of
Iml Postoffice. We pride ourselves of hav-
IWj ing the Finest Jewelry Stoke in tho
| gi valley , and we are better prepared to do
if/ v all kinds of work than ever before. Our
Bj * " work on Watches , Jewelry , Etc. ,
ijf' we guarantee can't be excelled anywhere
| w on earth.
Ik4 j
Bgjjj Another big drop on Watches and !
i \ Clocks. Now is the time to buy at whole-
! ? ' | Bale prices. We have the best assort-
P a inent of Gold Watches , Jewelry , Clocks
fit " I and Silverware outside of Omaha.
e 5 .
\ f /s EST'Remeniber we give particular at-
YJ " tention to repairing of Fine Watches
and Engraving. j
| To-morrow is "All Fool's day. "
j |
\ IS Chas. Noble , the leading grocer.
P Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
} Unlaundrieddress and nightshirts at
The Famous.
t Dancing plippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
j Let us all try a pair.
| f
V For choice cuts of meats or all kinds ,
\ call at McHugh Bros.
\ V r
Y ' A complete line of ladies' and gent's
j fine shoes at J. F. Ganschow's.
Br Take your hides , butter and eggs to
mt Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
' % Young man , call at The Famous and
* . see latest things in Suits and Pants.
' i - - , The best fresh and salt meats in the
\ market at Brewer & Wilcox's meat
1 market.
\l \ A cood voung stallion for sale. Part
' cash and balance on time. Call at my
! , office. C. P. Kinker.
: ' t Monarch gasoline stoves at Lytle
Bros. & Co's. The very best in the
{ ' - market.
/ ' - Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
jilt- hogs. Call at their market , Main
m Avenue.
tl Qucensware in the latest st3les ,
plain and ornamented , at the leading
f grocer Chas. Noble.
\ v
\ / A well selected assortment of fresh
! candies at Chas. Noble's. Ilis stock
f is fresh and clean.
J The new grocery store of Chas.
i ) Noble is the , place to purchase your
t- groceries and provisions.
| A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
I xl que isware , and in fact everything in
| j , the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
[ ' A nice fit is always wanted. Try J.
I. F. Ganschow , the practical boot and shoe
t dealer. You will never fail.
J > Remember that Chas. Noble is head-
'f quarters for everything fresh and clean
r in the staple and fancy grocery line.
Ki 1 Ladies , those who love to dress their
/ boys neatly and with taste , call at The
; , Famous and see new style suits just
K New Crown Sewing Machines at'
K Rinker's @ $5 per month until paid.
K These are the finest Sewing Machines
H in the market.
B : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
K - ' The new meat market of McHugh
H , Bros , is prepared to sell you the best of
Br everything in their line. At the old
K Palmer stand.
V If you have anything in the line of
Hi photograph work you want done take
Bj it to Miller , and give him a trial. Sat-
B ; J isfaction guaranteed.
B ; The ladies in particular , those who do
Bj' the buying for their husbands and boys ,
Bl we invite to call at The Famous and
Bj examine the new styles.
B1' The finest and best lady's shoe is
Bj made by John Kelly , and J. F. Gans-
B chow always keeps them in all widths
B . and sizes from B. to EE. Try a pair.
B | N i ri'ey ' * Bede are loaning money on
Hi farms at the "low est raies. Also have
H special bargains in real estate , at
H. j * McCook Land Office.
H- * * _ _ _
HH - Fry wenow's old stand is the place
H to buy yourFlour and Feed , also Gar-
H : * den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
" " h'ave come to stay and will make prices
' " " reasonable. Harvey Bros.
_ K - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H We carry the largest variety of cuts
H and are best prepared to print horse
H' ' bills of any job office in the Republican
R VaHey. Call and see lis if you want
B' anything in that line. Our work and
Hj prices commend themselves.
H ' Our prices are below any competi-
H : . Hon in the state. It pays to deal
H with the reliable firm of
| J. 0. ALLEN & CO'S. ,
B - _ The Leaders.
B > Try the Commercial House , when
B in McCook , just once !
H *
| April 22 is Arbor day. I
Colored crayon and lead pencils at
this ofiici' . !
We present some items of interest in
railroad circles , in this issue. j
A nice selection of reward of merit' '
' cards just received at this office.
I Call on T. E. McCracken if you want
j anything in the tree line. Sec adv.
. Examination has been the regular or- '
der in the public schools of the city , this
j week.
j Notice the report of the Mutual Life !
' Insurance Company of New York in this '
The Y.P. A. song service will be held ,
t next Sabbath evening in the Congrega-
I tional church. *
| The occupation tax ordinance has and
is occasioning considerable comment
pro and con. I
: . '
Plans for laying out the City Park
block have arrived. Work on the same '
I will commence shortly. !
See water tax notice elsewhere , and
attend to the same at once , thereby j
saving the additional ten per cent.
The house and lot adjoining Receiver
Steinmetz's residence in West McCook
has been purchased by F.L. McCracken.
The Crete Nursery has secured the |
contract to plant 2,000 trees in Egan !
Park , just northwest of the city limits.
The Original Nashville Students , the
celebrated plantation singers , at Men
ard's Opera Hall , Tuesday evening ,
April 5th.
Owing to press of business , a new
telegraph table , larger than any now in
use , will b added to the fixtures at B.
& M. headquarters , next Sunday.
llev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next
Sabbath morning , upon "Bible Study , "
and in the evening upon "Railroading"
an especial address to railroad people.
A large quantity of wood is being de
livered at The Frees & llocknell Lum
ber Co. 'y brick yard , east of town , and
the yard will be set in operation as soon
as the weather will permit.
. . ' ' *
A blowing tribute to a grand man wa3
that paid by Rev. Joel S. Kelsey of the
Congregational church to Henry Ward
Beccher , Sunday evening , in his lecture
on the deceased Brooklyn divine.
The regular meeting of the Y. P. A.
occurred on Friday evening last , at the
elegant and commodious home of Dr.
and Mrs. Z. L. Kay on Marshall street ,
with the usual large attendance a , nd
undivided interest.
The Governor has issued his procla
mation designating April 22(1 as Arbor
day a da } ' every Nebraskan ought to
observe to the extent of his means.
Let every citizen of Red Willow pre
pare for the occasion.
The barn building boom has reached
A. E. Lytle. who is having a neat struct
ure of that kind built on his North
Main Avenue property , preparatory to
the purchase of a horse and phaeton for
the use of himself and family.
A work shop is being built in the
rear of the Commercial Mouse by Calvin
Zicgler , who will be ready in a few days
to do anything in the carpentering line
promptly and in a first-class , workman
like manner. Jo'i ' and repair work will
be his specialty.
The old plantation melodies seem to
strike a popular chord in the hearts of
the people. Again and again were they
greeted vuth thunders * f applause. No
concert was ever more enjoyed by our
people. Denver Tribune. At Opera
Hall , Tuesday , April 5fch.
We are informed Hint Division Supt.
of B. & M. R. ? . , Campbell of 3Jc-
Cook , is negotiating for and has offered
A. P. Leach $1,600 forliis quarter sec
tion adjoining the town on the south.
If this is purchased it will be another
addition to our 400 acre town-site.
Palisade Journal.
One of Frank H. Spearman's residen
ces in the eastern part of the city is
well under way , another about commenc
ed. Two others will follow in rapid
succession , as fast as weather and avail
able force of workmen will permit.
These will all be for rent when complet
ed. They will be neat aud comfortable
It is with a feelingof considerable in
terest that we note the re-organization
of the Juvenile band , which took place
some two weeks since with a member
ship of twelve. The boys are under
the excellent leadership of Charles An
derson , and we expect evidences of rapid
and thorough advancement and improve
ment in the not distant future.
,1 , - . . . ' . . • - : - ' - ; '
! Work and vote for the "Citizen ' s
Ticket , "
Here ' s to the Edison Electric Light
and Power Co. of the city of McCook.
Applications for proof made out free
atathis office. We carry a full line of
the necessary blanks.
Let every business man and property-
owner in the city make it a point to be
at the pools , Tuesday next.
Yesterday morning , Messrs. Brewer
& Wilcox shipped two car loads of cat
tle and one of hOgs to Omaha.
The Choral Union of the city will
commence work on a new book of higher
grade music , next Tuesday evening.
An addition has become necessary to
the carpenter shop of J. W. Lewis of
the Building Association. It was put
up this week.
Our temperance friends can do no
better , at this time , than to endorse the
"Citizen 's Ticket. " Failure so to do
may be the worse for the cause. We
feel like urging this course upon them.
We are in receipt of an interesting
little pamphlet from J. H. Thirey ot
Long Island City , N. Y. , who first in
troduced and promoted the "Penny
School Savings Bank System" in
America , now becoming so popular.
Corn Stalk Cutters at cost atRinker's
for the next 30 days.
This weekF.S. Wilcox has commenc
ed extensive alterations , additions and
improvements on his residence property
on Madison Avenue. W. C. LaTour-
ettn is also putting on a commodious
kitchen addition to his Marshall street
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C.
LaTourette & Co. 's.
Concluding that our readers , espec
ially those who are embraced in it3 pro
visions , would be interested m seeiug
the text of the new occupation tax or
dinance we present it in this issue. The
flavor of the rodent seems to be barely
perceptible in the closing sentence of
the proviso in section three.
Choice fresh and salt meets at the
new'meat market of Mcllugh Bros.
A man named Jacob Milbroadt , who
resides some 40 or 50 miles northwest
of here , was painfully injured , Sunday
night , by falling through a hole in the
hay loft of B. F. Olcott's barn , where he
was sleeping. It appears that he was
moving around during the night for some
purpose , and fell through the opening
with the above effect. His face is badly
bruised , besides sustaining injuries to
his back , shoulder and wrist.
Nebraska City Breaking Plows at
0. P. Rinker's.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found
the minutes of the caucus held , last
night , by the representative business
men of the city , in the office of Messrs.
Helm & Davis. At that time , as a pe
rusal will disclose , wasplaccdin nomin
ation a ticket for the various city offices ,
which we take great satisfaction in nam
ing for the franchise of the people of
this city. The ticket from beginning to
end is composed of representative men ,
who are property owners and conserva
tive men , and Who have the best inter
ests of the city at heart. They are busi
ness men of sound judgment , in whose
hands our municipal affairs may be safe
ly entrusted. Without entering into
any lengthy or specific mention of the
merits of the "Citizen 's Ticket , " we be
speak for it the hearty support of all
law-abiding citizens of McCook , with
whom we confidently rest the case. All
that now remains to be done is for every
man interested in the enforcement of
good laws and morals to take off his
coat and work earnestly for the success
of the ticket !
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer ' s.
At the session of the Ministerial As
sociation of the Indianola District , a
series of resolutions were adopted pro
viding for the holding of a camp meeting
at Bartley , in July , from the 13th to
25th inst , and the following committee
was appointed : Revs. P. C. Johnson ,
1. N. Clover , A. B. Chapin , Allen Bart
ley , M. A. Castle , W. S. Wheeler , Jas.
Leonard. Messrs. J. C. Scurr , D. E.
Moore ; Thomas Clark , Jas. Hethering-
ton aud J. D. Cameron. It is hoped
that all who desire tents and lots will
correspond with W. S. Wheeler , the
local manager , eirly and have them se
cured in time and be ready for the open
ing day of the meeting.
A fresh lot of candies received at i
Chas. Noble's , this week. . I
wmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmma *
- ' % r- ' '
In response to a call issued , the busi
ness men of the city met in the office of
Helm & Davis , last night , for the pur
pose of placing in nomination a ticket
for the city election , Tuesday , April 5th.
Dr. B. B. Davis was oillod to the chair ,
and H.T. Anderson to the secretaryshipm
The following ticket was placed in nom
ination :
A committee of three was then ap
pointed to see to the printing of tickets ,
to have power to call a caucus at the ' 88
election , etc. :
Citizen's Committee C. W. Davis ,
J , A. Wilcox and H Trowbridge.
The following committees were then
appointed to bo in constant attendance
upon the polls during next Tuesday :
First Ward J. A. Wilcox , C. H.
Meeker and Albert Noren. Second
Ward F. M. Kimmell , 11. S. Cooley
and Tony Probst.
The following resolutions were unani
mously adopted as the sense of the
meeting :
Resolved , That it is the unanimous
sense of this meeting that the honorable
city council be requested to repeal the
clause of''an ordinance
enacting provid
ing for the levying and collecting of a
license tax on occupations aud business
carried on within the limits of the city I
of McCook , Neb. , and to regulate the |
same. i
Resolved , That it is the unanimous .
sense of this nif'ting that the honorable j
city council be ; tqitosted to enact an or-1
dinance placing the liquor iiceusc at j
$1,000 as formerly.
Alter uuanimousl } pledging to sup
port the ticket placed in nomination !
heartily , the meeting adjourned. i
H. T. Anderson , Scc'y. !
Score Another for the Metropolis of ;
Southwestern Nebraska. |
At the meeting of the City Council , J
last night , an exclusive franchise for 21 j
years was granted to the Edison Elec- i
trie Light and Power Co. of McCook , \
Neb. , for a plant in this city. The offi
cers of the company are Dr. Z. L. Kay
President ; P. T. Lancaster , Secretary ;
II. T. Anderson , Treasurer. Board of
Directors , A. Campbell , R. O. Phillips , i
E. E. LowmanFrank , H. Spearman , Sam.
Strasser. The franchise provides for
the commencement of work within six
months , and the successful operation of i
at least one mik * of wiie within eigh
teen months , under penalty of for
feiture. It is however confidently ex
pected that the company will have the
plant in operation within 90 days. An
active canvass for subscribers is now
being prosecuted. That our people will ,
fall in with the enterprise goes without j
the saying. Those at the head of the !
enterprise are sufficient guarantee of its
successful consummation. Articles of
incorporation preparing and will be
filed at once. It is expected that power
and room for the plant can be secured
from the Water Works Co. at a mini
mum cost , which will make the expense
of the plant much less and the expense
to the subscriber proportionately lower.
This is truly a grand enterprise for the
town , and as such wiil receive the sup
port of our people who will never let
slip by an opportunity to build up and
advance the material interests of the
Something entirely new in the line of
gasoline stoves , at Lytle Bros. & Co's.
Upon Thursday evening of last week ,
the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Hunt , in West McCook , was the scene
of a delightful progressive euchre party ,
given by Misses Mamie and Dora to a
large and joyous company of young
ladies and gentlemen of the city. The
following guests will have occasion to
long hold in memory the unalloyed
pleasure of the affair :
Mits. C. G. Potter.
Misses Lelia Widgeon , Dell Menard , Dora
LeHew , Maggie Vaughn , Josie Menard , Allie
Stevens , Amy Avery , Jliiud McConnell.
Messks. A. C. Ebert , Frank Vore , U. B.
Wahlquist , Ernest McConnell. Tbos. Glasscott ,
Albert McMillen , J. D. Hobb. Ernest Benedict ,
E. L. Laycock , F. M. Kimmell.
The principal prize of the evening fell
to the lot of Miss Josie Menard , the j
booby laurels crowning Mr. Ernest. Mcj j
Council's exertions in that behalf. The ,
refreshments were deliciously tempting
and tasty.
J3y"Undoi this heart wo would bo pleased to
hiivo our frlonds throughout the city acquaint
uk of the arrival and donarturo of thulr visitors.
Fred. Lytic was down from Bunkeltmm ,
this morning.
F. M. Smith returned , yesterday noon , from
his trip to Chicago.
County Attorney Suavely was in the city ,
Sunday , on legal business.
air. and Mrs. Will F. Lawson left for Wis
consin , last Friday morning.
y. Franklin wont down to the county-seat ,
Tuesday evening , on business.
Frank Alien and son Charles took a flying
trip to Indianola , last evening.
Editor T. J. Picket of tho Bloomington
Guard spent Sunday in tiie city.
Mrs. II. 31. Tyler and son departed , 31011-
day morning , on a visit in Chicago.
Capt. A. L. Emerson of Wano , Kas. , was
a guest of tho municipality , 3Ionday.
ill's. W. G. Ray and infant son of West
3IcCook , are homo from Red Oak , Iowa.
Sheriff M. R. Lovell of Washington county ,
Colo. , was a visitor in these parts , Tuesday.
ill's. John Gordon and sister of Arapahoe
were guests of Mrs. Frank Harris , Tuesday.
3hLibbee of Richardson county visited
his son , 3L"A. of our city , the first of the
3Ir. and 3Irs. C. F. Eabcock went up to
Denver , Friday night last , on a short pleas
ure trip.
Register'fully Scott of the U. S. Land
Office at Oberlin , Kansas , was in the city ,
31rs. II. Cronkhite returned to Hastings ,
Monday evening , after a short visit to her
daughter , 3Irs. J. II. Rums of our city.
J. E. Cochran , Esq. . , went down to Lin
coln , Monday evening , to remain until the
close of tho legislative session to-day.
3Irs. Lydia A. Piatt of Geneva , this state ,
is visiting her daughter , 3Irs. W. 31. Sander
son. She will remain two or three weeks.
Fred. II. Cole arrived from Geneseo , 111. ,
Tuesday night , and will assist his brother II.
W. in ins law , loan and collection business.
II. 3L Ashmorc , S. F. Ashmore and A. 31.
Aslimore , of Palisade , had land business be
fore our local officials , Friday and Saturday.
3Ir. and 3Irs. T. S. Rosley and the baby
left , last Friday morning , on a visit of some
length to Syracuse , Fairmont and elsewhere.
Jlrs. 3Iary A. Northrup and daughter , 3IKs
Gladys , and young son , moved up onto the
claim near Carrico , Hayes county , this week.
E. 31. Forbes , of tho Hydo Topics , came
down to the city , Sunday afternoon , return
ing on the noon train , 3Ionday. We had a
pleasant , fraternal call.
Editor Powers of Use Faber and father , E.
R. Powers , of Stockville , came down to tiie
metropolis , Friday , on an important protest
case , bemg detained here until Tuesday of
tins week.
3ressrs. L. 3L 3Ioores , Geo. 3fcGt'e anil L.
Westgate of Curtis were in the city on land
business , Thursday , Friday and Saturday of
last week. These headquarters were duly
honored with pleasant calls.
3rrs. C. 3L Noble returned from Chicago ,
Saturday night. Her eye sight , we regret to
state , has ilol been as greatly benefitted as
was expected , the impairment being only ar
rested at its present stage , not permanently
cured. 3fr. Noble's mother accompanied
her and will make a visit of some length in
our city.
3Irs. and 3Iiss Fowler expects to bring
their visit here to a close , to-morrow , and re
turn to Chicago. They will remove to 31c-
Cook. - * 3Iiss Amanda Wilcox , ac
companied by Angie Fold started , Wednes
day , for 3IcCook , Neb. , where she will re
main for some time , if not to make it her per
manent home. Gilman (111. ( ) Star.
All membpf * of Constatine Commandery ,
K. T. , are summoned to meet in full uniform
at the Asylum on Easter Sunday , April 10th ,
18S7 , atlX ! ) , P. 3L , central time , to attend
Divine Set vice at the 31. E. Church , at 2 : . ° > 0 ,
central time. Rev. P. C. Johnson , P. E. .
will hold the service. All visiting knights
coiuteously invited to meet at the Asylum.
Service at the church open for the public and
for the benefit of the fiaternity' all dc-
giees. S. , Recorder.
We are sincerely thankful and grateful to
all the kind neighbors and friends for the
many kindnesses and tender sympathy ex
tended us during1 the days of our affliction
and bereavement.
Mk. and Mrs. W. M. Sandehson.
The ladies of thn Aid Society will
give an Easter entertainment and sup
per at the M. E. churchThursday even
ing , April 7th. Price 35 cents. Child
ren 25 cents. Everybody come. A good
time is assured.
Our temperance friends hoid a mass
meeting in the Opera Hall , this even
ing , to place in nomination a ticket for
city offices.
ISiF" Go to City Drug Store , opposite
First National Bank , for Drugs and
Large line of Fancy Shirts for men
and boys just received at The Famous.
Large line of hosier ) ' and underwear
just received at The Famous.
Prescriptions compounded day or
night at City Drug Store.
The city election transpires on Tues
day , April 5th.
An elegant line of Perfumes at City
Drug Store.
A desk for sale at this office. Cheap
for cash.
Dancing slippers at J. F. Ganschow's.
* ts * .
Owing to the delay in shipment of M
our Boot and Shoe stock , wo wcro un- M
able to open our storo on the date pre- M
viously given. The goods arc oti tho |
way and will arrive in a few days. Wo M
will then be prepared to show the trado H
unique surprises in styles ; also impor- M
taut modifications in prices. We do- M
sire the confidency of the trade. Wo M
will never betray it. Our basis will bo M
excellent goods , prompt and corteous M
treatment and modest prices , which , M
we are confident will win. Those who | H
wait for our goods will have no causo j H
to regret it. Respectfully , M
Bowen & Layoook. H
Citizens Bank Building. H
Dancing slippers for ladies and gents H
at J. F. Ganschow's. H
On farms I am prepared to fill all H
loans from McCook. No sending away H
no delays. Everything dono and H
completed right here. Do not fail to M
sec me before making application. H
I. T. Benjamin. H
Office Over First National Bank. H
pEggs wanted at Chas. Noble's. H
The highest market price paid. j H
Behold This 1 I am on deck thin H
spring with the most complete line of H
farm implements ever offered the farm- H
ing public in this part of the country. H
Call and examine. Compare goods and H
prices. I am always glad to sec you. H
Respectfully , C P. Binkku. H
Ladies and gents can fit their feet in H
fine shoes and slippers at Ganschow's. H
o M
Cash Down. No Delay. H
No need of waiting to send off appli- H
cations. Money paid over as soon as H
papers arc completed. Call on or ad- H
dress , Red Willow Co. Bank , H
43-tf Indianola , Neb. H
Blue Grass and Clover seed at W.C. H
LaTourette < & Co. 's. H
Real Estate Loans. H
We have completed arrangements H
whereby wc can furnish those who want H
a loan , money on real estate , promptly H
and without the usual disappointing H
delays. Call aud sec us. We are al- H
so prepared to make chattel mortgage H
loans. Citizens Bank. - H
Sec the latest departure in gasoline H
stoves at Lytic Bros. & Co's. H
Wc have a fine bunch of Young Na- H
tivc Mares for sale at Russell's livery H
barn , corner of Railroad and Madison H
streets , 3IcCook , Neb. Terms , reason- H
able. Brewer & Russell. M
A full lino of gasoline stoves at Ly- H
tic Bros. & Co ' s. H
A number of good girls to assist in M
drcss-ifiaking. Call nt onco. jH
Mrs. J. B. McCabe. H
Scott Building , Main Avenue. M
I have for sale or trade a car-load of H
fine Texas work horses. Call at Olcott's S
barn and inspect them , if you want a H
good horse or team. Dave Rogers , H
McCook. Neb. H
] have on hand a lot of Grass-Hopper
Breaking Plows that I will sell at the H
exceedingly low price of $9. Call at H
once before they arc all gone. H
Charles Noble. fl
money ' I
To loan on the most favorable terra ? , I
on Improved Farms and First-Olass I
City Property. II ELM & DaTIS ,
McCook , Neb.
Optional Loans I
Made on Farm Property by I
Colvin & Dempct , ll
McCook , Neb. | l
If you desire to borrow money , call I
and see Helm & Davis. I
Mortgage your farm if you can get I
along without doing so but if you I
have to borrow money , call upon 1
Helji & Davis. I
Plain and fancy writing paper , legal I
cap , congress cap , commercial note ,
letter , linen , parchment papere. Inks ,
mucilage , lead pencils , pens and pen ' -
holders. School books , blank books , ;
slates , tablets , etc. , at this office.
I have a good team , harness , wagon *
and cow , for sale cheap. Will sell for d
part cash and part time. Call at my * |
office. C. P. Rinker. I
5r " The latest and most accurate 1
Nebraska state maps for sale at The - fl
Tribune office.
Don 't buy anything in boys' or men * 3
wear before you see the new styles at -m
The Famous. • !
Zzg" Gilt and red seals for sale at I
The Tribune stationery department. '
EST" The American Settler's Guide 1
for sale at The Tribune office/ \k
: . 5
Blank books , stationery , pens , inks , ' .
etc. City Drug Store.