The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 31, 1887, Image 5

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& Editors and Publishers
. .
' LM J iu ' ' •
g >
• Jubt before going to press a telegram
$ * announces the'passage of the Judiciary
I bill.
% • . = = = = =
It JR Tognrdcd as settled that Assist-
[ • tsnt Secretary Fairchild will succeed
| Secretary Manning of the Treasury de-
f pBrtment.
I Tki Hayes Cantrc News is now the
: „ property of S. S. Peters & Co. , It. A.
J * McCracken having disposed of his in-
* tareit in that journal to Mr. Peters.
: Thh A.T. & Santa Fe people are now
settled upon as tho purchasers of the
I , B. < fc 0. By the by , the Santa Fe is
"j coming to the fore in the railroad world.
Ak tub asinine libel bill has been
properly laid on the shelf by our state
Bolons , it will be safe tn call a thief a
tfeief , at least uutil the next session of
that august body.
Thh Hastings Gavrc'tte-Journal is in
error in the matter of credit in the ar
ticles clipfd from Tiis Tribune , last
week. We accept the G.J. . 's apology
* but don't let it occur again.
It is related that the Washington
man who set out to ring the chestnut
gong every time that it was stated ,
"Sparks is over-ruled again , " has long
since worn it out. Sparks' scalp hang
ing to the honorable secretary's belt
would be a fitting finale to an unsatis
factory career.
Sherman seems to have raised a first-
class ruction among the Tennesseeans
on the tariff question , in so much that
the bourbons of Nashville found occa
sion to telegraph Carlisle to "come down
and answer Sherman's tariff speech. "
The speaker , however , had other busi-
nesB of importance.
Between Americans born here and
Americans born abroad , there should be
no unnecessary distinctions , so long as
both are really and truly Americans ;
* * * but the doctrino that America is for
Americans native and naturalized is
sound doctrine , and it should bo enforc
ed by all the powor there is in sentiment
and law.
s „ When the memory of the dead , who
Won xnd helped maintain the independ
ence of the States , Bhall be forgotten ;
ffhen the love of liberty shall cease to
cheer and inspire the hearts of our peo
ple ; when personal independence shall
no longer be regarded as a sovereign
good xnd slavery held a priceless bless
ing ; when education , homes , peace and
• harity are no longer useful factors in
the elevation and blessing of mankind ,
then the boycott shall be master and its
tyranny acceptable , but not till then.
Up to the silent hour of midnight of
Thursday of this week , the railroad
, companies of the land have been taxed
at to their carrying facilities by a grand
of dead-heads each and all
army - , anx
ious to improve the few days of grace
allowed them under the provisions of
the inter-state commerce bill , before
"All Fool's Day , " when the pass sys
tem ostensibly becomes a helpless ,
hopeless paralytic , much to the relief
of railroad companies and to the evi
dent chagrin of the dead-head brigade.
1 Concehning Grover Cleveland's health
| it is given out as the crystalized truth
that Grover's head is not at all liable to [
kill him , but that his heart , mayhap his j
stomach , may give him some uneasiness. I
No man who revels in No. 11 boots and
No. 6 hat is in immediate or imminent
danger of cerebral apoplexy. The veto
o$8 per month pensions to old sol
diers is not regarded as sufficiently danJ J
serous mental exertion to suoerinduce a r
fatal flow of blood to the presidential
head. So the nation may be at rest on
this point.
"Who shall decide when doctors disa
gree ? " is a question that is troubling J
the faculty of the Michigan State Uni-
Tereity at Ann Arbor , and they are no
nearer the solution than ha3 been the
world since Esculapius began to teach , i
* The alopalhic and homeopathic mem-
4' bers of the faculty in the medical de- r
' partment have for some time been at -j
* the merits of their different
$ waover s
| L schools , and this Imyesulted in an open J
W- rupture , whicllfjhreatens the broad plat- E
gv form on which the unhefrsity is founded.
g- When the graduating class in medicine c
m were ready for their diplomas the aloi
Jf * paths refused to sign the certificates of
1 % , the homeopathic students , and the hom-
i IF copathio professors returned the comr
1 W pjiment.
2 * -w o. - * * "
" " J i .i ' . . .hi . oj .i > " " < . . . n in'ioa. ' . . . " ; * I' l l i
Editor. Assistant.
! jiw Jjj ! ( .larkdistanced all competitors
in the spelling mulch , last Fiiday.
In tlicSdgiade examination the standing
of Elizabeth Kclsey and Delia Bowers was
100 per cent.
In the primary department , on last Friday
afternoon , Miss Nellie McGanu "spelled tho
school down. "
The appropriations made by Concress from
1600 to date for tho erection of tho U. S.
Capitol , amounts to over 515,000,000.
A project is on foot for the erection of a
now American college in Kome. It will
havoa church attached for the benefit of
American visitors.
The Western School Journal says : "There
ought to bo a hundred thousand trees plant
ed this spring on school grounds of every
state of the new west. "
Iu the oratorical contest at Franklin , the
honors were carried off by two young ladies ,
iliss Lena Miller and Miss Maud Dawes , the
former receiving § 15.00 and the latter , 10.00.
A fire at Chautauqua Assembly grounds
early in the morning of March 21sr , destroy
ed eighty buildings. The total loss will
probably exceed a hundred thousand dollars.
"We are for frank explanations with friends
in cases of affronts. They sometimes save
perishing friendship and even place it on a
firmer basis than at first , but secret discon
tent must always end badly. "
Gov. Thayer of .Nebraska has commission
ed lion. W. F. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ) as aid-de
camp on his staff , with the rank of Colonel ,
lie is dso appointed commissioner of Neb
raska to the American exhibition at London.
A boy in Springfield , Mass. , asked his
school teacher how far a procession of the
Presidents of the United States would reach
if they were placed in a row. When she
gave it up , he answered : "From Washing
ton to Cleveland. "
On Tuesday of this week , Prof , and Mrs.
Webster left for Lincoln for the purpose of
attending the Bebraska State Teachers' As
sociation. While we ink's Prof. Webster's
genial presence and wise council , we hope he
may derive much pleasure and benefit from
his trip.
Evelyn College is the name of the institu
tion for women in Princeton. Princeton
College is not ready for the co-education of
the sexes , but , like Harvard , she is ready to
provide an annex in which young women
will be privileged to receive as good an edu
cation as young men receive within the
ancient college walls.
The Chautauquan for April gives a list of
4024 names of graduates of the Chautauqua
Literary and Scientific Circle in the class of
18SG. This is the fifth class that has gradu
ated from that "home college" and the larg
est. The range of territory over which the
graduates are situated is very large , includ-
all the states and territories , Canada and the
Hawaiian Islands.
The officers of Plymouth church say that
no call will be issued for a successor to Rev.
Henry Ward Beecher uutil fall. The Brook
lyn monument committee have decided to
erect a library to be called "The Beecher
Free Library for Common People , " and also
a statute. For the library § 1,125 were raised ,
and for the statute § 2,065 , at tho meeting in
Brooklyn recently.
The Chinese public school in San Francis
co has now 38 pupils , although it started a
year ago with six. It is under the charge of
Miss Thayer , who finds the young Celestial
very bright in learning English and tiio com
mon branches. Her hardest task is to en
force silence ; tho little fellows like to chat
ter in Chinese about their lessons. Three
of the pupils are girls , all wear the Chinese
costume , and all take a two week's holiday
at the Chinese new year.
We quote the following from The Nebraska
Teacher : "TheBoard of Education of Lincoln
have arranged with the State Sayings Bank
to adopt the system of school banking which
was introduced in the United States in 1SS5 ,
and has since become so popular. The plan
sriginated in France , and the object is to teach
children to economize creating a desire for :
accumulating , instead of spending their dimes ]
for frivolities. A representative of the bank
will go to all the schools of the city once a
week , and receive the deposites from each ;
pupil desiring to open an account , and fur- ,
lish each with a pass book , placing to his in-
lividual credit all sums of more than ten
: ents. The McCook public schools were the
irst in the State to adopt this system , and it (
s said to be a success. "
The program of the entertainment to be '
; iven by the pupils of the McCook public j
ichools , at Menard's Opera House , April 1st , -
s as follows :
) verture Juvenile Band , i
Jong Greeting Chorus School. '
iecitatien "The iiido of Jennie McNeal. " j
Maud Houark.
" ' . " *
Declamation "Grandpa's Soliloquy.
Frank Keyes.
Malosuo "Three Little Toadstools. " t
Audro Berger , Clara McGaun ,
Gussie Miller.
tecitation "Listen to Your Mother. "
Alice Cochran.
'ableau "Rock of Ages" . . . Mabel Jordan.
lecitntion "New Year's Eve. "
Nellie Huddleston.
Ilass Exercise "The Spelling Class. " t
Elizabeth Kelsey , Jessie Jarvis , Lillio
ltouark , Lizzie Woerner. Delia i
Bowers , May Nellis , Johnnio *
McGann. Clarence Fergu- l
son , Elmer Kay , Fred. ]
> uet. . . .Mary Tarley and Charlie MeManigal
tecitation "Little Golden Hair. " I
Bertha Davis.
lialogue "Bee , Clock and Broom. "
Nellie McGaun , Belle Plunkett ,
Mabel Rawlings.
, j Misses Leo and O'Brien , j
1 Mess. Helm and Wilcox. *
Hulo ue "Six Little Maidens. " )
Mabol Wilcox , Bertha Lewis , Lydia
Suess. Bernice Belnap , Maud
Woods , Maud Berger.
eeitation "The Bald-Headed Man. "
La Vaughn Phelan.
nbleau "Difference in Taste. " fl
Susie Leland and Freddie MeManigal.
aug Medley School. Q
eclamatiou "The Rival Orators. "
4 Elmer Helm and Oscar Yager.
eeitation. . . "Miss Edith Helps Things Along. " -
Emma Plunkett.
uett Misses Leo und O'Brien. / ]
usic Sextette.
rama "Advertising for Help. " C
May Clark , Elva Hunt , Esther Engel ,
Anna Hunt , Louie SUirbuck , Aunio
Starbuck , Louise Suess , Sylvia
Williams , May O'Brien , Eva
eclaination. . "The Slave Ship" . .Dick Jarvis.
u ; "Good Night" School. •
Brakeman Bert Lutkin hits gone home-
[ steading. *
1 -o-
[ II. Mxier is a new freight conductor out
of McCook.
Philip Weick returned , Monday , from a
visit to Plattsniouth.
B. C. Brandstatt of Lincoln is now working
under Civil Engineer Blair.
J. A. Griffin , formerly agent at Wray , pass
ed through for the west , Monday.
Engineer William Fowler and wife of Den
ver were in the city , last Saturday.
A worthy promotion is that of M. E. Sulli
van from fireman to extra engineer ,
C. W. Bronson , freight conductor out of
Ked Cloud , is enjoying a 15 days lay-off.
Switchman S. E. Callon has taken a lay-off
and is away performing the homestead act.
William Keddin is twisting brakes out of
McCook station since Tuesday of this week.
Fireman James Vaughn who has been
quite sick , the past weak , is improving at this
J. Considin , formerly on the Oberlin
branch , is at present switching in the Mc
Cook yards.
Frank Kendlen , freight conductor between
Akron and Denver , was a visitor at head
quarters , Monday.
Last week , P. Carty lost two fingers , and
G. McGee one linger , while "herding cars"
in the McCook yards.
C. C. Kiser , passenger conductor on the
Holdrege-Edgar branch , is on duty again , af
ter a ten day's layoff.o
A station was opened at Otis , Colo. , on the
2Cth inst , with E. It. Cram , formerly opera
tor at Oberlin , as agent.
C. H. Harman , the B. & M. claim agent
was in town , Saturday. His headquarters
are at Lincoln.
Freight Conductor S. E. Hastings of the
Edgar branch , is visiting at Akron. J. B.
Kyle is running his crew during his absence.
Passenger Conductor J. W. Dwyer is on
tho sick list. Meanwhile W. D. Barnett pun
ches tickets with care in the varnished cars
for him.
J. D. McAlpine of the Superintendent's
office took his mother and sister out onto tho
homestead near Bird City , Kansas , the close
of last week.
Koadmaster William Brown has been
changed from the Oberlin to the Orleans
branch. D. F. McFarland succeeds him on
the Oberlin line.
Engine No. 139 arrived from the Platts
niouth shops , Monday evening. She former
ly run on the west end , but will hereafter
run out of McCook.
Ex-Pullman Conductor Abram anil wife of
Denver were guests of the city , Tuesday.
Abram has quit the road and bloomed into a
dealer of Denver "dirt. "
-o- j
W. 0. Bartholomew , better recognized unj j
der the well-taken * title of "Shorty , " has '
been performing the duties of night agent ;
during the illness of A. M. Wilson , regular. 1
-0- ]
Koadmasters E. Zook of Akron , E. F. i
Highland of Eed Cloud , William Brown of !
Republican City , B. V. Haley of Holdrege ,
were in the city , Sunday , on their regular
monthly business visit.
-o- ,
One of the chief occupations at headquar- i
ters , the past ten days , has been pass writing , j
tVfter to-day we confidently expect a tempor- <
iry lull in passenger traffic , especially and j
mtably in the d. h. line. i
-o- I
Four new express messengers , between ]
lansas City and McCook , now enjoy a 53 ]
lour's lay-over at this place with 12 hours .
it Kansas City. Their names are : T. D.
Sdwards , Geo. Abel , J. H. Brown and H. G.
Powers. T
Sale of Short Horn Cattle. I
I will sell at CAMBRIDGE , Furnas s
munty , Neb. , on \
SATURDAY , APRIL 2 , 1887 , I
[ 0 to 15 Short Horn Bulls , of as good °
ndividual merit and choice breeding as -
rou wish to see.
Terms : A credit of 10 months will
ie given on notes bearing 10 per cent , t
nterest , purchaser giving note with
tpproved security. - <
G. B. Crumpacker , I
Fob Hathaway , Washington , la. jjj
Auctioneer , Mason Cit7 , Neb. hn
I am preparing to move into more
ommodious quarters , and will offer my n
resent location for rent. Inquire at a *
nee at my tailoring establishment on
) ennison street , rear of Citizens Bank , si
L. Bernheimeb.
- -
i i i -so-
Chase & Sanborn's roasted coffees D
re the best in the world. For sale b ,
t J. C. ALLEN & CO'S g
Cash Bargain House. J
The MAMMOTH STOCK purchased n
i New York and Boston , for spot h
ish , has arrived at oi
/ . C. ALLEN & CO'S fi
Cash Bargain House. n (
; th
Try the Commercial House , when to
i McCook , just once ! 8a
Or you will U lute. "WILCOX
& FOWLER will sell FOR SPOT
CASH , Clothing , Woolen Hosiery
and all Winter Goods at
All other goods at the Lowest
Living Triees.
Latest novelties in neckwear at The
Onr "Grand Cigar , " imported
stock , the hest 5 cent cigar in
the world. WHOLESALE AND
"Cultivators at llinker's from $16
to $37.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
Road Notice to Land Owners.
To aijL Whom it May Conchiin :
Page T. Francis , tho commissioner appoint
ed to view a road commencing at the south
east corner of section 10. township : j north ,
range 30 , west , in Willow Grovp precinct , Ked
Willow county , Nebraska , ruiming thence
cast on section line between sections 15 and 22 ,
H and 23 , to the southwest corner of section
13. Thence south one-half mile to tho north
west corner of the southwest H of section 2i.
Thence east one mile on quarter-section line ,
thence south one-half mile on township lino
to northeast corner of section 22 , township 3 ,
range 30 , terminating thereat , has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof , and all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
bellied in tho County Clerk's oflice on or be
fore noon ' of the llrst day of June. A. D. 18S7 ,
or said road will bo established without refer
ence thereto. C. D.CHAMEU.
[ seal ] County Clerk.
Land Office at McUook. Meii. , i
March 7th. 18S7 .
Notice is hereby pivon that tho following-
nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Kcfds-
tcr or .Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thurs
day , April 21st , 18S7 , viz : Otto Karthauser ,
who made Pre-emption D. S. , No. 3i73 ; , for the
southwest H southeast h. section la. town. 3
north , range 28 , west Cth P. M. Ho names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultiration of. t-aid land ,
viz : Charles Wentz , Perry Meyers , Ernst Ful
ler and Henry Hesterwert. all of McCook ,
Neb. S.P.HAKT. Jlegistor ,
Land Omen at McCook , Xkb. , r
March . ith. 1887. f
Notice is hereby tfiven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Kejr-
ister or Receiver , at McCook. Neb , on Thurs
day , April 21st , 1887 , viz : Kichard G. Mitchell ,
D. S. , No. 3145 , for the west J4 southwest H
section 12 , town. 1 north , range 30 , west Cth P.
M. Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of. said land , viz : Francis Cain
imd James Hill , of Tlanksville. Neb. , lieLoss
Griggs and Jacob Williams of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HAHT , Uegister.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I
March 7th , 1887.
Notice is hereby jjiYen that the following-
mimed settler has filed notice of his intention
: o make final proof in support of his claim ,
mil that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , Wednes-
lay , April 20th , 1887 , viz : John T. Foley , D.
3. , No. , for the southeast Ji section 7 , !
own. 5 , range 29 , west. He names the fol-
owing witnesses to prove his continuous res-
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
roseph Driscoll , of Uox Elder , Neb. , John W.
3ennett and Enoch E. Osvog , of McCook ,
tfeb. , A. C. Harlan , of Osburn. Neb.
S.P.HART , Register , >
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 24th 1887. J
Notice is hereby giren that the foUowing-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
0 make final proof in support of his claim ,
tnd that said proof will be made before Revis
er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
pril 8th , 1837 , viz : Ephraim C. Gaston , on
homestead No. 1718. for the southwest sec-
ion 27 , town. 2 north , range 00 west , fith P. M.
He names the following witnesses to provo
lis continuous residence upon , and cultiva-
ion of , said land , viz : Edward buffey. iOan-
01 A. Clements , R. M. Wade and G. A. Gustin ,
ill of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 23. 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
uimed settler has filed notice of her intention
o make final proof in support of her claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Fri-
lay , April 22d , 18S7 , viz : Eliza C. Withrow ,
ormerly Eliza C. Pinney , on Homestead 308' ) ,
or the southeast M section 31 , town. 3 , range
0 , west. She names the following witnesses
o prove her continuous residence upon , and
ultivation of , said land , viz : T. J. Pate , Mrs.
51iza Stone. William Bertram and Poloxonia
lertram , all of McCook , Neb.
S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I
February 23d , 1SS7. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
amed settler has filed notice of her intention
j make final proof in support of her claim ,
nd that said proof will be mado before Itcgis-
2r or Iteceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
ipril 8th , 1SS7 , viz : Sarah M. Nettloton. { form-
rly Sarah M. Hartley , ) on Homestead Entry
39 , for the north 'A southwest X and westt
Dutheast H of section 15. township 2 , range 30 * .
est. She names the following witnesses to
rove her continuous residence upon , and cul-
; vation , of , said land , viz : Daniel Clements ,
eorge Frederick , Joseph Newcomb and liich-
rd M. Williams , all of McCook. Neb.
S. P. HART. Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I
February Oth , 18S7. i
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
timed settler has filed notice of his intention
) make final proof in support of his claim ,
nd that said proof will be made before Regis-
; r or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
pril 11th , 1887. viz : Charles Wentz , on Home- <
ead Entry 2377 , for the southeast quarter of
: ction 12 , town. 2. range 29 west. He names
ie following witnesses to prove his continu-
js residence upon , and cultivation of , said
.nd , viz : Charles Ebert , Henry Voges , Her-
inn Bey and Herman Schumaker , all of Mc-
ook. Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I
March 11th. 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following
lined settler has filed notice of his intention
i make final proof in support of his claim ,
id that said proof will bo made before Regis-
ir or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
pril 22d , 18S7 , viz : Daniel Fryon , Home-
ead 4979 , for the southwest H southeast fi ,
mtheast & southwest ) i , section 31 , town. 2 ,
id northeast H northwest y , northwesti _
irtheast y2. section 6 , town. 1 , range 30 , w st. j
e names tho following witnesses to provo
8 continuous residence upon , and cultivaJ
ou of , said land , viz : George S. Myers. B. F.
eadley , of McCook , Neb. . Enoch M. Matson ,
. , of Cottonwood , Neb. , William H. Spraguo ,
: Vailton , Neb. S. P. HART , Register.
McCook , Neb. , December 30. lSSfi.
Complaint having been entered at this officer
Joseph Hartman against Hiram Dirl for
ilure to complv with law as to Timber-Cul-
ro Entry No. 181 , dated at McCook , Neb. ,
nuary 2d. 1884 , upon the south Vi northwest
and east Yz southwest U. section 22 , town. 2
irth , range 29 , west , in Red Willow county ,
jbraska , with a view to the cancellation of
id entry ; contestant alleging that the said
irain Dirl has not cultivated or caused to be
ltivated , five acres of said tract , from date
said Timber-Culture Entry No. 181 , to the
eseut time , and affiant is informed and be-
ivesthatlO acres of said tract , has not to
is date , been broken , tho said parties are
reby summoned to appear at this office on _
e ltlth day of May , 1S87 , at 10 o'clock. A. M. ,
respond and furnish testimony concerning
id alleged failure.
S. p. HABT , Kcslster.
: . > - - - ' % " " " > : l
m . > . - r ; ; _ | jl
! TifniioiiriiTiiiiifr ( rn * -i !
if si | 3 Ln i"/a S s Q n 1111 m 1 ml I 1 I '
IIIJJ liilflUUu UjLjUI 11111U UUi ; : .j
SPRING - : - 188Y. U ' I 6j
WE WANT to call your attention * < < ij ? ; \ I
Clothing , Fornislsiog Goods , .
Hats and Caps , * /jj ' _ j ! i
JUST RECEIVED ! AND NOW READY - • * * * * | ! 1
i _ . _ . . . - . . _ - . . I , . "J * n
; 111
H *
OF THM ' ; \ 9
It is Superior in everyway , and Compares % > fl
very Favorably with any House * - " ; ? ; • 9
west of Chicago in * ; t ; W
"All Goods are Marked in Plain Figures ; l ' M
Sold at Strictly One Price , • % ' /
And are Guaranteed to be in every way
as Kepresented. " iM
- it B
Wedding Outfits , Suits , P an tsShirts , % ' ! ;
McCOOZ , 5EB. , SAECH 23d , 1887. fl
TcttYmkery I
:0 : '
5 ' 'i l
- - - - | (
| TOiUCCOETCETC - | f j'fl '
: Cakes Made to Order. Si. Paul Patent Flour. I ! 'J I
] A , PROBST k BRO. | * I
: DEALERS IM = * ' M
LLJ JLV1XJ JLL/lvi ' m
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , \ irfl
ffAS © AN © SOFT COAL. ' - I
MAIN OFFICE at * - „ ' 'j l
Fhe Howard Lumber Co. ? r I
I ii in hoi9 Xr I aq I ' fl
uUlliUcl Ou UUdl9 , - fl
McCOOK , . NEBRASKA , . * * jfl