The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 24, 1887, Image 1
' ' ' 1 f * ; ! VOLUME V. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 24 , 1887. NUMBER 39. H ' ' • il - - = = = T "FT "R Ba- THOUSANDS ! ' * WHO HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF f J. C. ALLEN & C0. 'S f Ridio ulo usly L o w JPric es wi77 _ fin d C no Advance in Prices , ! ARE YOU LOSE I1Y v < when you trade at the CREDIT STORES ? Stop and k think ! We Retail all Groceries at WHOLESALE t Prices ; we have no goods that we sell at COST ; but lli. our advantages m buying , enable us to sell W Merchandise at 25 PER CENT. LESS than _ * • any Credit Store can buy them at. I "JUST WHAT YOU ABE LOOKING FOR. " p 10 lbs. ROASTED COFFEE $1 00 f. 12 lbs. NEW RAISINS $100 t- G lbs. CHOICE RIO COFFEE $1 00 f 5 lbs. ARBUOKLE'S COFFEE $1 00 f 1G lbs. LIGUT BROWN SUGAR $1 00 ft 12 lbs. COD FISH $1 00 [ , 12 lbs. TRIPE $1 00 fif 1 lb. J. T. TOBACCO 35c k 1 lb. MEERSCHAUM TOBACCO 30c I Dry Goods , Boots , SBioes and Clothing | | o AT o if 40 PER CENT. LESS ! tt- THAN CREDIT STORES SELL , AT 1 J. C. ALLEN & CO. 'S I CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. If "SPECIAL PRICES MADE COUNTRY MERCHANTS. I O. D. PALMER , f GENERAL HARDWARE , | . STOVES AMD TINWARE , | l - Opp. McEntee , MeCOOK NEB. f . I O. P. RINKER , V MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR t illlik \ \ 11 ! ta TttihIpmptit I Uli lYlimi ) 01 lull Iwpiilulllo , ' 'if WAGONS , BUGGIES , ETC. I C3 ? The Largest and .Best Selected Stock of Farm Implements in the Republican ; r. Valley carried by the Manufacturers of the different lines of goods. Prices always the . . > / Lowest and always Regular. Call and examine. fc - . COE. MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. , - - . MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. ivlniillllln ilifiAirili Mil \k \ lililUIiliBJLS IIIUL7UJLJJL1 I DIllUliL I * B ' F R SALE BY = I The Frees & Hooknell Lumber GoM 1 - MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. > i BUSINESSJ UNITBD STATES LAND OFFICE MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3. P. HABT , Boeistor. JACOB DTEIHMETZ , EeceWer. Office Houits : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. mountain time W. S. MOIU.AN. J. K. COCUKAN. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : • LAW , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. A. W. AOEK. . JOHN WILEY. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before the TJ. S. Lund Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Oillce Opp. Frees & Hocknell , Main St. , McCook. TnOS. COLFER. J. A. COUDEAT * . COLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - : - AT • - : - LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. ltcal Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Thos. Colfer agent' Liiicoln Land Co. Office , over First National Bank , McCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , „ INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washiugton. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and.corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building. T. M. HELM , C. W. DAVIS. Lato Segister V. S. Laai Lato of Gee. Laid Office , Ofico , Sirwin , Has. V7ahbgtca , D. C. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land 8 Loan Agents. JIcCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. HENRY W. KEYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance placed in first-class companies. 0Ee Eca 3 , Over Scott's Jewelry Store , UeCOOK , KEB. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant MeCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted. Of fice at City Drug Store. 33-Craos. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AXJEIST. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA SSyOffice in McNeely Building , Main St. Dr. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B , & M. RAIROA D. LOFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK NEBRASKA. "Office at Chenery & Anderson's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMTER , m7jd7 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attention Given te Female Diseases. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office , opposite Windsor Hotel , east Dennison St. , McCook. Neb. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Kendall's. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPARD , WATCHMAKER i JEWELER , McCook , Nebraska. Pupil of T. J. Highland , London , England. 17th year at the bench. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. MeCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. 4-30 W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE ARTIST - : - , SCENIC PAINTER , Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. A baggageman , last weakattempt ed a little extra flourish in Handling-a trunk in a professional way and disturb ed a package of dynamite contained therein. He has not been heard from. The CourierJournal editor remarksr "It is safe to say that at this time Mr. Cleveland could not be elected. ' * He might have added that the sentiment is likely to grow. A party can not live on vetoes alone. A FRIGHTFUL toboggan slide accident occurred at Rutland , Vt. , a few days since , which resulted in the horrible death of a prominent attorney , James C. Barrett , and the fatal injury of Mrs. Charles P. Norris. Henry Watteuson describes the Jcffersonian simplicity of the depart ment administration at Washington as follows : "I have seen "Washington un der ten Administrations , and I never .dreamed that such arrogance and inso- ; lence as now prevails here were possi ble. a I would not , as a self-respecting man , venture to enter any Department where I am not personally known. " Turn the ruffians out. " LordDeClifford a married man and LordDe Wilton an unmarried aristocrat had a fistic encounter in the alley back of the Gaiety theatre in London the other night. It was over a woman. Neither lord had sand enough to thrash the othei * . Experts in the duello were then consulted. Tliev decided that , as the two lords hit each other at the same time there was no insult and the honor of each is untarnished. O , for five minutes of Professor John L. Sullivan. In Grant county , Ore. , where the bounty on jack rabbit scalps , is five cents each , some of the farmers stretch a'wire screen across the prairie , the screen having meshes just large enough for a rabbit to stick his head through. Then men and dogs round up the rabbits , and drive them toward the screen , and , in their hurry to escape , they stick their heads through and are caught. Then the farmers scalp the captives and let them go ; hoping that each will raise anp then five cent scalp before long. There is a dress reform woman named Miller now lecturing in the East. She differs from many of her kind in wearing sensible aud comely costumes. Mrs. Miller is making war upon the unsightly and ridiculous bustle , and believes that half-naked woman should not enter public places. She. believes that inde cent exposure should not be practiced even if dictated by fashion. The bath ing costume she regards as far more decent than the bail room dress , in fact Mrs. Milller seems to have studied the questions she treats , and to be put ting forth theories that tend to produce health and develop beauty. SMALL SERMONS. o "Song is prayer on the wing. " * * * "Prejudice is charity's greatest foe. " * * * "The mirror has ample time for re flection. " * * * "The child of slander is never born toothless. " * * * "Persistent industry is the best an tidote for temptation. " "Tears sprinkled across life's high way settles the dust of sorrow. " * * * "TnE man who never committed a folly never appreciated wisdom. " * * * "Editors are sometimes wicked , but they are always write-you-us ' men. " * * * "A train of pure thought will only run on the track of a well-graded mind. " * * * "It vas der mans vat makes der money und dervoomans makes der money go. " * * * "It is easy to declare war. Those who make such declarations are not the fighter. * . " "Doctors who not invent new names for diseases are thought to be old- fashioned. " * "A lie is like a brush heap on fire ; it is easier to let it burn out than to try to extinguish it. " "Boston society note : T. O'Boggan hugs more girls than any twenty-five men in society this winter. " "A GOOTdeal of der unhabbiness of dis yorlt comes out of der fact vhen a man vas got sick of himself. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup o Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. 3IcMilIen & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to give satisfaction. The First National Bank I OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. • ( ? lj ' H I H " T7T * OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : jl GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. M F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS. .1 THE CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) r Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. DOES a = = = = = ; General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal 1 cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Eesidents. Money to loan on farming il lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. < | Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , h ' CORRESPONDENTS : j v. RusKLiNPresident. | 1 First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. I John K. Clark , Vice-President. ' \ The Chemical National Bank , New York. ) A. C. Edeht , Cashier. f DEALERS IN = = I LUMBER ! \ Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , ? HAM ) AND SOFT COAL. MAIN OFFICE AT = = = = = MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. REAL ESTATE AND „ " " L t LOANS ! R ° P ° i S00 * < 3 O fs.15k • i Q Lttn PTJ2SSA5S AMD SALS 0 ? ; : ; rri ) ' ' DEEDED LANDS \S \ A SPECIALTY. Office : Room 2 , Hocknell Brick , MeCOOK , NEB. JOHN WILEY , Att'y-at-Iaw. G. "W. BEDE , Notary Public. WILEY & BEDE , \ LAND ATTORNEYS , REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. Erir'We are procuring LOANS on good farms readily at 9 per cent. Alsojg ; SSPhave special bargains in deeded lands and tree claims. jgj MAIN AVE. , - - MCOOK , NEB. Sag § r V ] f s3 g fcr THE * * " " r % § Best Place in McCook i tfs O V " Wi * , to J "Tte SsZc/9 / Hav8 Flne Work Done. 1 = % w - - - 1 " 3 C2 i S SrCorucr 'Sorth of P. 0. | ' 5 TRIBUNE OFFICE o FOll o School Books and School Supplies. .