The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1887, Image 8

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    & ' " " " ' ' * ' ' \ ' •
R&L O' v r' '
Kj •
i' • McOOOK , Main St. , NEBRASKA.
EE& * • - - W " imni n i ! > - > n ir-i-r tii n imibum i ! 11 i
| • . • Fifty Yomtg Men to attend
I The MallaJien University
P Spring Term , beginning April 7th , 1887.
p- Fifty young men who are poor.
t- Fifty young men who have the element of true manhood.
Ij Fifty young menwho will work 4 hours each school day ,
g and 10 hours each Saturday , for their board and tuition.
fc Rooms will be provided , with , the necessary furniture ,
f , each student to furnish his own bedding.
u We will admit 50 on these conditions and give 'them em-
t ployment during the summer vacation , so far as practicable ,
V _ . to apply on their expenses for the ensuing term.
fe' All who will avail themselves of this opportunity , will
; please send their names to me at once , that arrangements
f may be made.
| ? This proposition will be closed when 50 names have been
ftenrolled. .
| ALLEN BARTLEY , Financial Mgr.
} r This does not include special studies , as Music , Art and Business.
I > . - \8 * n Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronger Built ,
m fl an < 1 therefore a more Durable MM. It is the only
m h ' * SKaSEF absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of
I m Thousands Erected During 12
f m : 3 Tears past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower
m\ ; t JR'M ' standing. A record no other Mill can show. "We offer
gjR to pus up any of our PUMPING MILLS
V I'lfeS * Anii Ix tuey dont ElTe satisfaction , will remove Mill at ou
I , - jFjf. STvl own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated
I > J Sr R * * Challenge Eeed Mill ? , Corn Shellers , Iron Pumps
I Jf * j/fl / wul1 lrass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. '
* SiLlI / ' 4 For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to
I" M S > G * P' ETTLETON , McCoolv , Neb- ,
WB 5 3 7 r j g 5 Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas.
I" * * " _ * * " ' "i" " " _ ; 4 * - * e & " T CfleettiSalsKerafcthellcCoehraeiSfflLSanreadS' .
, , . , ,
re MBM iinif 1 i'iiiiir rmj | liHtVi 'Hi amu j 11,11 i i ii iirrrnriTTr nimniiwiii bitrri
I " Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
H * - uniiiMiwnr TT 1 rrnmiiiiMiinii win Mir in 11 iwtwiii i i 11 wiiiii iiin
B l- ( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
I Hordes branded on left bip or left shoulder.
U ° * Dn
P. O. address. Estelle.
• FlP Hayes county , and Beat-
H TTlMDihaii.L. ' ' . . Iteage Stlnk-
BBrrs Water and French.
V v' iutr
sl E11 ? crccks > Chase Co"
H B3S * lf Brand as cut ou side of
H _ t-J JI I gotne animals , on hip a d
ttgillilL sides of some , or any
* a fHWUjfaJi * ' Wbere on tbc anls l.
Breeder of Improved Sheep
HP jMQb creek , above Carrico.
BBL nBSH Stockbranded as above
BBjgn | HAlso run tbo following :
4i3fgt&BJuXHoreQ braud. lazy V ) . L
n - > -
, L i
County Clerk's Osricn ,
Indiaxola. Jan. 5,1887.
Tholjoard of couuty connoisaionera
met pursuant to law.
I Present , Henry Crabtree. chairman ,
B B Duckworth and Stephen Bolles ,
[ commissioners , and C D Cramer , clerk ,
1E C , Ballew , deputy county treasurer.
j Warrants were drawn on 1886 levy
general fund as. follows :
I E C Boaurais , settlement withWm. v .
Doyle , county treasurer , commenced
| and continued during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet
1 Jan. fith , 1887.
Attest : HeXKY CltABTREK ,
C. D. Cramer , Chairman.
County Clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
Indianola , Jan. G , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
of yesterday.
Present , Henry crabtree , chairman ,
B B Duckworth and Stephen Bolles ,
commissioners , E c Ballew , deputy
county treasurer , and c D Cramer ,
Minutes of previous meeting read and
On motion bond of Nathaniel Frugh ,
assessor Tj'roneprecinct , Avas approved.
"Warrants-were drawn on 1S8G levy
county general fund as follows :
Howard Lumber co , coal for des-
Howard Lumber co , coal for des
titute 4 00
Henry Baxter , i ostage and ex
press . - 11 59
G S Bishop , publishing proceed
ings and legal notices 17 34
Thompson & "Wahlquist , publish
ing proceedings and legal
notices 47 3-4
Warrants were drawn on 188(5 ( levy
county bridge fund as follows :
Howard Lxtmber co , bridge sup-
. plies $18 43
Settlement with county treasurer
contimied and made from Jnly 1st ,
1S86 , to December 31st , 188G , both in
Connty treasurer's report of fees re
ceived for the year ending Dec. 31st ,
18S6 :
Pirst six months $ G83 02
Last ' " 312 98
Total for year $996 00
County Judgo report of fees for the
year 1886 :
Pirst six months $288 G5
Last " " 389 50
Total fees for year $678 15
On motion the board adjourned to
meet January 7th , 1886.
Attest : Hexry crabtree ,
c. D.n cramer , chairman ,
comity clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy. .
counts clerk's Oefice ,
Indianola , Jan. 7 , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
of yesterday.
Present , Henry crabtree , chairman ,
B B Duckworth anYl Stephen Bolles ,
commissioners and c D Cramer , county
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Whereupon the board proceeded to
examine the county clerk's records with
his records of fees for the previous six
months which continued during the
On motion the board adjourned to
meet January 8th , 1887.
Attest : Henry crabtree ,
c. D. cramer , chairman ,
county clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
Indianola , Jan. 8th , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
of yesterday.
Present , Henry crabtree , chairman ,
B B Duckworth and Stephen Bolles ,
oommissioners , and c D Cramer , county
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Examination of county clerk's records
continued during .the day.
On motion the boai'd adjourned to
meet January 10th , 1887.
Attest ; 'Henry crabtree ,
c D. cramer , chairman ,
county clerk.
By W..H. Dodd , Deputy.
Indianola , Jan. 10th , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Henry crabtree , chairman ,
and Stephen Bolles , commissioner , and
c D cramer , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
On motion the county treasurer is
directed to remit $3 to A P Buker for
poll tax erroneously assessed against
Examination of county clerk's records
continued during the day. i
On motion the board adjourned to
meet Jan. 11th , 1837.
Attest : Henry crabtree ,
GT > . Cramer , chairman ,
countv clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
County clerk's ofeice ,
IndianolAj Jan. 11 , 1887.
Official bonds approved.
Thomas E Brown District No. 23
" " 12
John E Young
PMBurt District No. 31
GeoEGragg " " 28
ND Blakely. , . . , " " - 11
On examination the following am'ts
were found due overseers respectively ,
as per annual settlements :
Ed Wykoff , road district 27 $22 92
EFQuigley , " " " 4. . . ; 14 39
WmHsmith , " • 13..18 77
T J Buggies , " " 5. . . . 7 71
GeoE Gragg , " " 2S 8 34
Stephen Bolles " " 7. . . . 25 38
TsaacBeeson , * ' . " 12. . . . 23 25
Oa motion the lioard adjourned to
meet Jan 12th , 1887.
Attest : Henry , Crabtree ,
C. D. Cramer , chairman ,
county clerk.
B7 W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
County Clerk's Office ,
Tudknola , Jan. 12 , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Hehry Crabtree , chairman ,
and Stephen Bolles commissioner and
C D Cramer , clerk.
I Minutes of previous meeting read
I and approved.
i On motion the clerk was directed to
place on the 188G tax list , lots 1 , 2 , 3
and 4 , section 30 , town 4 , north ran c
28 in name of at the assessed
valuation of $276.
On motion Pago T Francis Avas ap
pointed county surveyor to fill vacancy.
On motion John Broomfleld was ap
pointed road overseer district No 11.
On motion the following oilicial bonds
were approved :
F M Graham , road overseer Dist No 27
" " " " 5
T J Buggies ,
On examination the following am'ts
were found djie overseers respectively ,
as per annual report :
Martin Eenck , dist. No. 6 $19 31
James Hill , " " 25 18 5C
Joseph Downs , * " 15 10 12
George W Burt " " 11 1 9(3 (
On motion the following claims wore
allowed on the 188G county general
fund :
George Bay judge of election ,
Missouri Eidge $ 21 00
H W Keyes , legal services 25 00
John T Gillespi - , clerk of elec
tion Valley Grange 2011
State Journal co , sivpiilies for
On motion board adjourned to meet
January 13th , 1887.
Attest : Henry Crabtree ,
C. D. Cramer , chairmau.
county clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
County Clerk's Office ,
Indianola , Jan. 13 , 1887.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Henry Crabtree , chairman ,
and Stephen Bolles , commissioners and
C D Cramer , clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
On motion the following claims were
allowed on 1886 county genpral fund :
Adolph Eeischeck , board of pau
per , claim $13 , allowed $1118
G S Bishop , stationery GOO
On 1885 county general fund :
Henry Crabtree , county. com-
msssioner 24 00
Stephen Bolles , county commis
sioner 25 25
On motion bids for county printing
laid over until next meeting.
On motion Arthur T Kiug was ap
pointed overseer , road district No. 7.
On motion board adjourned to meet
January 14th , 1887.
Attest : Henry Crabtree ,
C. D. Cramer , chairman ,
countv clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
County Clerk's Office ,
Indianola , Jan. 14 , 1887 ,
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Henry crabtree , chairman ,
and Stephen Bolles , commissioners , and
C D Cramer , clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
On consideration of the estimate of
the necessary expenses of the county
during the ensuing year ,
On motion the estimate of the same
for the year 1886 were fixed upon as
follows , to-wit :
County general fund $14,000
bridge " 4,000
" road " 4,000
" insane " 1,000
" bond interest 1,000
Indianola precinct bond interest 150
North Valley " " " 100
" " " "
East 100
County sinking fund 1,000
On motion James S Doyle and Jess
Welborn were appointed commissioners
on brands and marks.
On motion the following official bonds
were approved :
A E Miller , overseer road dist No 12.
Page T l < 'rancis , county surveyor.
On motion the following claims were
allowed on 188G county general fund :
Miss Mary Corbett washing for
carl family $ 6 00
Frees & Hocknell Lumber co ,
coal for pauper 13 70
T B Stutzman , professional ser
vices for family , claim 27 50
allowed at ,13 75
T B Stutzman , professional ser
vices Noal family paupers
claim $16 00 , allowed at 8 00
L J Spickelmier professional
services for carl familv claim
$43 00 , allowed at. . . 21 50
L J Spicklomier professional ser
vices for carl family , claim
$15 00 , allowed at. 7 50
1886 county bridge fund :
Frees & Hocknell Lumber co ,
. bridge supplies 3 20
On motion board adjourned to meet
Jan , 28th , 1887.
Attest : Henry crabtree ,
c. d. cramer , chairman ,
county clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , Deputy.
county clerk s office ,
Indianola , Jan. 28 , 1887.
Board-of connty commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 4 , ' 87. .
Present. Henry crabtree , chaioman ,
Stephen Bolles , commissioners , and c
D cramer , clerk.
Minutes cf previous meeting read
and approved.
On motion the following claims were
illowed 1886 general fund :
T W Welborn , State vs Frank
Woods $ 9.S0
W c LaTourette & co , supplies
for carl family 9 25
[ J Birdsall , judge of election
Valley Grange precinct 2 00
E H Pickens , judge of election '
Valley Grange precinct 2 00
Isaac S Shirey , supplies for pau
per 16.65
1885 county general fund :
W A Wishon , judge of election
1885 Danbury precinct 2 00
1886 bridge fund :
W c LrTourette & co , bridge
supplies 43 00
On motion Adolph Schmidt was ap
pointed overseer district No 2.
On examination the following am'ts .
vere found due overseers respectively ,
is per their annual report ;
* * i * * } *
> . . ,
> _ r
August Kuhhnan , dist No 1. . . .
GFFanss " " 7.$1712
Eichard Johnston " " 21. . . . 7 78
N-Dntcher • " " 14. . . .
Uriah " " 24. 23 45
Moore . . . .
0 Smith " " 1G. . . . 85
OH Nichols " " 23. . . . 8 28
Samuel Premier • " 2. . . . 3 03
Joseph A custer " " 22. . . . 5 10
On motion the following bonds were
approved :
E E Banks , constable , willow Grove.
Lyman Jennings , overseer dist No. 1
GFFauss " " " 9
James Hill " " " 25
GeoEGragg " " " 28
Uriah Mooro " " " 21
O B Eowell " " " 8
J A Pinkertou , constable , Box Elder
• ' " "
James Gragg ,
F A Leap , assessor North Vallov prec 't
T M dark , " East " "
Thomas 0 Teas , justice of the peace
Box Elder precinct.
On motion the clerk was instructed
to place on the 188G tax list the nej nef
23-4-28 at the asseesed valuation of $10.
and also the e4 sw 11-1-29 at the
assessed valuation of $80.
On motion the couuty treasurer was
instructed to l'emit to Thomau oliown"
$2.40 school tax erroneously asf s8od
against him in school district No. 5 ,
out of the funds of said school district.
In the matter- the petitions of J c
Blaekson , Samuel Prcmer , W W Le-
masters and others asking that town 4
range 27 be made a separate voting
precinct. The board on examination
find that said petition in signed by a
majority of tho voters of that township.
On motion the same is granted , estab
lishing all of township 4 range 27 as
Beaman precinct , with the voting place
of said precinct at tho school house in
school district No. 39.
On motion the board adjourned to
meet February 2d , 1887.
Attest : Henry crabtree.
c. D. cramer , chairman ,
connty clerk.
By W. H. Dodd , deputy.
County Clehk's Office , ' ) "
Indianola , Neb. , Jan. 11,1887. )
Board of County Commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment.
Present , Henry Crabtree , chairman , and
Stephen. Bolles , commissioners , and C. D.
Cramer , county clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The Board continued the examination of
County Clerk's records and having : concluded ,
find the amount of fees received by him for
the six months endingDecember 31st , 18SC , to
be as follows :
Items entered on fee books as per
report ? 2JC2.BC !
Items omitted from fee book. 3.15
Items entered on fee book twice 10.25
On consideration settlement was made with
C. D. Cramer , county clerk , for the year 18S0 ,
as follows.
To fees received 1st and 2d quarters. . 31,593.25
To Ices received 3d and 4th quarters. . 2,219.80
To warrants received as clerk of tho
Board ' . . 200.00
By amount retained from fees as ser
vices asclerk § 1,500.00
By amount allowed for deputy and
assistants 1,000.00
By amount paid county general fund 113.56
Balance to be paid county general
fund 820.55
. § 4,013.11
On motion claims were allowed and war
rants drawn as follows :
R. B. Wahlquist , printing stationery. . . $29 50
Charles S. Harman ; boarding pauper ,
claim of S0.27 allowed at 173
Isaac S. Shirey , supplies for pauper. . . . 3 00
O. S. Bishop , blanks 7 50
C. D. Cramer , freight andexpress on
office supplies for year 18S6 1 ! ) 31
C. D. Cramer postago for year 1880 CO 57
John Young , boarding pauper , T. J.
Maione 37 72
C. D. Cramer , postage for year 1S85 $43 20
• County Clekic's Office , I
Indiakoi-a , February 2d , 1887. J
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present , Messrs. Crabtree , Bolles and Duck
worth , Commissioners , and C. D. Cramer ,
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion the county printing for tho cur
rent year was awarded to the McCook Demo
crat and Tribun'e , jointly , at the rate stated
in their bids , viz : Commissioners proceedings
at one cent per line ; legal notices , estimates ,
election notices , etc. . at one-third legal rates ,
as provided by statute , and bond accompany
ing same for the full compliance thereof , is
hereby approved.
On motion the following official bonds were
apt ) roved :
II. A. Graham. Constable , Danbury precinct.
John Geruis , Overseer Road District 13.
On motion the following claims were allow
ed :
Martin Anderson $2 50
G. S. Bishop , printing 11 50
Thompson & Wahlquist , printing 11 50
Wahlquist Bros. , printing 17 00
Omaha Republican Co 15 00
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co 3 05
B. B. Duckworth , commissioner 6 30
Stephen Bolles , commissioner 11 40
Elenry Crabtree , Commissioner 11 00
On consideration of the application of CD.
3ramer , County Clerk , for deputy andjassist-
ints for the current year , the Board on mo-
: ion fixes the number of deputies and assist-
mts , and the compensation they shall re
ceive for the year 1537 , as follows :
Jne Deputy at a salary of $700 00
3ne Assistant at a salary of 600 00
Dne Assistant at a salary of 500 00
On motion the Indianola Courier was desig-
lated as the paper in which to publish the de-
inquent taxes for the year 18S6.
Petition for a consent road by W. J. Thomp
son. W. J. Richman and others , considered.
The Board finds that all the Owners of the
and along the line of the proposed road have
iven their consent and that said petition is
signed by the requisite number of electors.
On motion the same is granted , establishing
i public road sis follows , to-wit : Commencing
it the northwest corner of section one (1) ,
own. 4 north , range 27 , west , and running
iouth on section lino intersecting Valley road
it the southwest corner of northwest li sec-
ion 1 , town. 3 , range 27 , and terminating
In the matter of the joil cell ordered , of P.
3oyer & Co. , September 10th. 1880 , under con-
ract to be delivered within sixty days , for
he sum of $000.00 , or no sale. The cell not
saving been delivered within the time speci-
led , the Board submitted a proposition to re
vive said cell at a reduction of one hundred
lollars from contract price , which was accept
ed and the cell now being set up and ready
or acceptance.
The Board , on motion , accepts the same and
he Clerk is directed to draw a warrant on the
8SC Levy County General Fund to P. Boyer &
Jo. for SS00.C0 , in payment thereof.
William Doyle , County Treasurer , having
nade application for one deputy for the year
887 , the Board upon consideration , finding the
erne necessary , on motion , one deputy is al-
owed said County Treasurer , who is to re-
elve no compensation from the county ,
hereforc , ,
"On morion David E. Moore , of Bartley , was
ppointed Trustee to negotiate tho sale of the
last and North Valley Precinct Bonds , of $500
ach. at the best price he can obtain , and he
3 hereby authorized to receive the proceeds
f sale of said bonds , and pay the same to the
ommittee in charge of the bridge across the
tepublican Hivcr uear the town of Bartley ,
i Red Willow county.
It is further ordered that said David E.
fbore , before receiving said bonds shall ex-
cute a bond In the sum of $1,000 to Red-WIl-
jw county , to be approved by the clerk of
ills Board , that he will do , and perform the '
; . /
j - \
PlIIIIBIWlltilliiiWIli Hl l lllHIIIIIIHi1 ! ' " ' I " 1
- : a
. . - . - vij
- - - • > . ; -j
acts required of him under thla appointment , ; - . ,
and report his doings to this board , an soon M . ' ' : ,
said bonds aro sold and the proceeds thereof , - . . j ' .
are paid ovor to said committee Upon the 81- • - * i
Jug or tho bond aforesaid , tho clerk of this + -y4 *
Board is hereby ordered to dollver said bonds " Vt t
to said David 1-L Mooro. . . ; : * ' * ; I
Tho Board finding It necessary to ro-ostab- - . ; . . i
road districts 2. 4 and 28 , on motion , tho east , ? ' -L !
hair or township J4 , rungo S7 , Is horebyestab- - ; ,
lished as road district No. 2i - , • '
On motion the west half of town. 4 rango 27 , ' " > ; •
is horoby established as road road district ,
On ' motion sections 3. 2.11,12,13,14,23 , ; " * • fc.
25 , 20. 35. 30 , tho cast half of sections 3 , 10 , - „ '
15,22,27 and 31 , all in town. 4 , rango28 , Ishoro- . - • ' - : -
by established as road district No. 28 , and -c "m
On motion nil or sections 1 , 2.3,4,0,10.11,12 • < '
and 10 , lying north or tho Republican River , i'
in town. 3. rango 27 , Is heroby established as < - ? - f /
road district No. 33. " , ii
Application of D. E , Mooro , Allen Bartloy a ?
and others , for material necessary to build a 4x
bridge across Dry Creek south of Bartley In %
road district No. 1 , was considered. • + %
On motion tho Board granted tho same. fi
WHEREAS , At the first regular meeting of
tho Hoard of County Commissioners of Red *
Willow County , Nob. , for the year 1880 , Wll- 1J
Ham Doyle , County Treasurer , made appllca- S *
tion to said Board for ono doputy to assist In \ 5 §
tho duties of the oflico. IS.
WHEREFORE. Said William Doylo was au- . |
tlinrized to employ ono deputy lor the year M ,
1880. and ' 1
WUEIJEAS. It appears that no record or tho . fj .
above proceedings was ever mado or compiled , 'S. ,
and that in truth and In fact tho sumo was * . '
had and done.
It is therefore ordered by the Board of
County Commissioners of Red Willowcounty.
Neb. , that said record bo made now as of ' * i
then. - , \
Tho County Treasurer Is ordered to refund * - f
Wallaco W. Uuuliam $4.15 out of tho funds of u
School District No. 25. . . . , -
On motion Hoard adjourned to tncetFobru- * J
ary 20th , 1887. 5 *
Henry Craiitkek , Chairman. , - * I ,
Attest : C. D. Cramer. Cleric. \ '
W. 11. Dodd , Deputy. * t ' -
= = = = = = "I *
Salt Rheum or Eczema , ; t
Old sores and ulcers , - s ? ' • {
Scaltlhead and ringworm , M
Pain in the back and spine , - •
Swelling in the knee joints , ' ' ' '
Sprains and bruises , ' * I
Neuralgia and toothache , t * ' /
Tender feet caused by bunions , corns and ' , (
chilblains , I warrant Begos' TnoriCAL Oil \
to relieve any and all of the above. i
McMillen & Weeks. >
LOANS ! - • - /
No. 2 0:40A.M. No. 40 5:25 , P. M. * •
No. 30 12:50. P. M. No.l 8:55. P. M.
C2 Eastbound trains run on Central Time , ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers- , '
. R. R. Woods , Agent. • |
* * I
CONGREGATIONAIi Preaching services
every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock , and - '
evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 9:30 '
o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. ' '
Joel S. Kelsey , Pastor. ' • , < •
_ _ > <
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : \ \
30 A. M. and 7 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday - , ' • , {
School at 9:30 A.M. All are cordially invited.
Seats free. Rkv. Rauebaugii , Pastor. ' i
LUTHERAN Services the second and fourth .4. i
Sundays of each month nt 10:20 , A. M. , and - - ' , '
8:00 , P. M. , central time , at the School House
J. W. Kimjiel , Pastor. j ;
Preaching every second Sunday , at 2 o'clock , < ? / t.
P. M. , mountain time , in the Congregational * - I i
Cliurch. Sunday School every Sunday after- * !
noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. ' '
, j
Divine Services will be held in the Catholio
Church on : . ,
February 0 June 5 October . .23 . /
February 13 July s November. .1 '
March 0 July 31 November.20 ' ,
March .13 August , 15 DecCraber..l8
April 10 August 2S December.,25 \
May 8 September..25 •
Reserved pews for strangers. '
Tnos. Cullex , Pastor. j
A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No. 01 , will meet ,
the first and third Mondays of each month In
the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially ' <
invited. W. E. Dauchy , M. W.
W. H. Davis , Recorder. /
_ j
McCook Legion No. 7 , Select Knights , '
A. O. of U. W. Meets every second and fourth i'
Tuesdas * evenings of each month in Masonic 'i
Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited , ;
to assemble with us. c. S. McCammon , j
A. H. Davis. Recorder. Commander. (
< \
McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A.M. , i
A Regular meetings on the first and i
third Tuesday evenings of each i
fjpmonth. . S. L. Green , W. M. l
f y \ w. S. WEiiSTEit , Secretary. I
McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Jleets on the ij
Qrstand third Thursdays of each mouth , at 1
Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially '
in\nted. W. W. Fisheii , H. P. -a I
T.G. ReesSecretary. K- * i
Meets everjsecond and fourth Thursday , '
lights in oach month. Visiting Sir Knights !
courteously invited. E. E. Lowman , E. C. it
S. Cokdeal , Recorder. '
yCgjv Willow Grove Lodge K. of P. , NO.
SN yl2. Meets every Wednesday evening " > .
a j at Masonic Hall. A cordial invitation ' - ji
K&i&gpis extended to visiting Knights , ' .
V3 ' J. F. Forbes , C C * U
T. B. Caupbell , K. R. S.
I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1.0.0. F. , I
neets every Friday evening , at -o'clock , in
Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are Invit- ' ,
: d to meet with us. H. Trowbridge. :
C. W. Paine. Secretary. Chief. - !
B. of L.E. Brotherhood of LocomotiveEn- _ : ' t A
rineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of
sach month. T. J. MclNROY , Chief. , . *
J. C. Anderson , F. A. E. i ,
J. K. Barnes Post G. A. R. Regular mcet-
ngs second and fourth Monday evenings of l >
: ach month at Mnsonic Hall. ' ,
It. S. Cooley , Commander. i
S. D. Hunt , Adjutant. ;
- : - ,
T j" "
- ' f <
Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. " ' '
ith neatness and dispatch. , - I.
SPOTTS & STIMSON , ' V. . , ]
Opposite Chicago Lumber Tard , , * 5
Contractor and builder , v ; , | , |
CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , ' ' ' 73 : * '
All work warranted. * All material furnished - ?
! desired. Work done on short notic * . - - . " J
EATON BROS. & CO.:0 \ ! r |
absm P. O. address. McCook. . ' . % jj
rt'rrt- . , , . NebraskaRange , south • . ' " vf H
R jg JfiaKg of McCook. ' < f U
Ttaffgffigaft * ! Cattle branded on left iS /
t gmmLMhip. Also , ] 0 , 5 , A and - }
wr lBI ' ' orands on loft hip.
-g aft te JLij Horses branded the- {
NaSWHBHbsume on left shoulder , I
{ ]