The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1887, Image 7

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    R * A Swamper's Camp.
I - ' ' A Louisiana swamper's oamp con-
13 * sista of a lot of blabs from a cypress
jIF treo. hero called pairs. These are
Wmf driven upright in the ground. A root
Rf of tho saiuo material is added ; bunks ,
Wm ' benches and table on the same primi-
Kl tive principle are soon constructed , and
M the camp is liuished. "When wo first
WMf arrived , " writes a correspondent , "in
Hi one of tlieso blissful bowers , things
HI were dry and comfortable , but this con-
WM\ \ dition was of short duration. The
H * water rapidly rose and was soon two
H | feet deep under table and bunks. Then ,
Hit * at leist , I became more intimately ac-
H | qnainted with tho neighborly spirit that
HI lurkes in tho bosom of tho moccasin.
H Upon awakening one morning tho lirst
HI thing that appeared to my horrified
Hi gazo was a moccasin that seemed to mo
H ten feet long ( it was found to measure
H two ) curled up in my blanket asleep.
H He seemed to boperfectty at home , and ,
H * ' though I felt confident he had mistaken
H his apartments , his air of perfect seren-
H ity and confidence in my understanding
H the awkwardness of the situation for
KI > him , in ease I demanded an explanation ,
ILI wrought on my nervous nature to sucli
Qt an extent , that rather than awaken hini
R ] and demand his card , I determined to
if , leave him in full possession. In fact ,
U | niy solicitude for his feelings was such
Hj that in order to not disturb h\m \ , 1
H [ scarcely breathed until I was safely on
HI the floor. Once there and out of reach ,
H | I felt my courage and anger rise and
D | demanded satisfaction. 1 accordingly
Rr dispatclied hm with a ramrod , and
Ij hung him by tho neck to tho under side
If of the bunk. Soon after wo got a king
ml : snake in camp , and that settled any
If further visits from moccasins. King
W I snakes arc the particular pots of a
I swamp , and wco to tho rash stranger
E ) who kills one ; for , if his performance
j is witnessed , a sound and conscientous-
, ly laid on thrashing is tho certain re-
m I suit The only excuse accepted is ignor-
& ancc , and it will not work a second
l | time. Tli ' s beautiful reptile well de-
Bl serves the protection it recoives. It
D kills every other snake that crosses its
Hi path , and all manner of vermino. It
Hf cannot by any provocation be induced
H\ \ ' to attack a man. 1 have seen a com-
rai - " binatiou of boy and stick sufficient to
[ strike terror to the heart of any thing
Hr less formidable than a rhinoceros , and
Hr the poor creature would content itself
H' with hiding its head under its coil , and
H ) „ await with patience the departure of
Hi its tormentor in search of more stir-
H > ring game. The meek and lowly spirit
k this thing exhibits under affliction , is
Hr touchingfto behold , and has been great-
H : ly nesrlected in pointing morals and
B ] adorning tales. Chicago 2Iail.
H ) A Whimsical Eevcrie.
Bj Writers of fiction rarely attain that
Hi grace and elegance which mark the
Bi pages ot the best essayists. Tho writer
B ! of romance begins his work very early
mj iu life , before his mind has had time to
B ( ripen ; and , it seems , that he is not dis-
H ] posed to put aside his own work to read
\M\ \ \ the work of others. It is rare that a
Br man of great imagination possesses a
Pji well trained mind. Dickens , though iu
Ml many respects the greatest of English
Hf novelists , was , at times , crude in ex-
H ) pression , and never ascended to ele-
' gance of diction. Thackery wrote with
B more finish , but h's style is marred by
H French expressions and a loo frequent
H use of "prodigious. " In "Vanity Fair"
El ! it occurs on nearly every page. Pro- -
B > digious is an expressive term , but it is
Ef * not in good taste to shun the society of
Br simpler words and take it upas a favor-
W ite. The adoption of a favorite word in
H literature is no more to be advised than
III the adoption of a favorite word at court.
| JR | iioth eventually cast reproach upon
hJ ! their benefactors. Some writers , and
W\ especially the admirers of George
D | Elliott , fancy that ruggedness is
W strength. This is as fallacious as it is to
K believe that awkward men are possessed
1 of more strength than men of symmet
rical shape. Macaulay's smoothness has
caused hundreds .of thoughtless persons
' to regard him as shallow. A polished
! cane is harder to break than a rough
! , ' stick.
'I ' The absorb"ng interest which we feel
f in the great narrative related by Hume ,
I often leads us away from a justadmira-
) \ tion of the magnificent manner in
t\ \ * - which tho recital is made. There are ,
l in the English language , few bettor sen-
, tences than the following summary of
> the character of Mary , Queen of Scots :
I "An enumeration , of her qualities might
carry the appearance of a panegyric ; an
* account of her conduct might , in some
parts , wear the aspect of severe satire
and invective. " , ln this sentence wo
see the character of that unfortunate
\ woman. To name all her good quali-
' ties would be excessive praise ; to speak
of her faults would be undue condem
| ' In the opinion of the poet Whittier ,
r Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the best
J English , and all men must agree that
he wrote with more purity than anr
other man of fiction. His style has all
the pleasant humor ofAddison r and
more quaint of gentleness than the
' prose of Goldsmith. Arkansuio Trav-
Deficiency of Polite Language.
"This eternal 'beg pardon' intima
tion that you have failed to hear is be
ginning to be tiresome , " growled an
old gentleman the other day. " 'What ? '
is too abrupt and 'How ? ' is excerable ,
and yet some other form besides 'beg
pardon' could be used. Why not
t sometimes say 'I didn't hear you , 'or
I 'Please repeat that , ' or 'Excuse my in-
" attention. Then , too , the speaker
,1 , sometimes talus in such an indistinct ,
J inarticulate manner that he is tho one
[ who ought to say 'beg pardon , ' and
I not the patient listener. " Philadelphia
| Call.
i Overheard at the Theatre.
Omaha Lady Oh , dear ! I've for-
cottcn my fan , and it's dreadfully warm
I m here. .
Gentleman ( in the next seat back )
f I can't bear to see a woman suffer.
J * Would you allow me to make a sugges-
[ tion for your comfort ?
\ -Certainly. "
VL "Why not fan yourself with your
W hat ? " Omaha World.
Dog * nntl Women.
To Dog fad > h developing again with oven
{ • router lorco than over boforo. Yesterday
I wulkcd along Twenty-third street from
Sixth to Filth avenue , and in thtifc one
block met , by count , twenty raviBhingly
pretty womoii , who were citlier leading or
carrying clogM , from a pug to a Scotch ter
rier. Setters and Newfoundland ! ! , however ,
Hcemcd to bo tho faVoritea. It waa quito
too awfully jolly to ecc a bright-eyt'd ,
mild-faced young woman loading a big New
foundland , black and shaggy , with one
hand , and carrying in tho other a formid
able dog whip. I don't believe tho young
woman would have touched that dog with
that whip for tho world , but tho dog whip
in a part of tho canine impedimenta do-
crccd by fashion , and it never would have
dono to omit it. But what with tho dogB ,
pretty girla and tho dog whips. Twenty-
third street is a pretty dangerous locality
for an ordinary biped , even though he bo a
man about town. New York Star.
Few Understand Horses. _ _
It is astonishing how few men there are
who know anything about a horse. There
is no other animal that the average man
is on such close and intimate relations
with , or that ho treats with such a gross
ignorance of his peculiarities. Tho team-
btcr , now , has probably dono little elso
than drive a horse in tho intervals of
shoveling coal. Ho certainly knows how
his heavy load is , and you would think he
ought to know what the horse could do.
But when his horse gets stalled tho ouly
way ho can think of to help the horse is to
beat him. This is one of the things that
ought to bo taught in our public schools. I
would havo it made a legular branch or
study , and I know the hostler ' who could
furnish a text-book. Tho school of the
Centaurs on tho plains of Thepsaly was
indeed famous in its day , but that was a
long time ago , and the drivers of our coal
carls aro not Apollos. [ Boston Post.
Understood tlie Cause and Cure *
Gen. II. C. Lee was a man of strong con
victions and to these he was over loyal.
Ho early realized that tho only successful
basis on which to conduct the war was the
extinction of slavery. Hence ho arrived at
Annapolis , Md. , in November , 18G1 , with
his regiment and demand was made upon
him for certain slaves who had found em
ployment in the camp. He peremptorily
ordered tho owners from camp and
declared he would never surrender the
slaves to them. This was one of the first
if not the first instance in which our offi
cers defied tho fugitive slave law. Such
acts soon convinced tho country and its
oflicials that the army at least understood
the cause and cure of the rebellion.V. . P.
Darby in Springfield Republican.
For eight years Col. D. J. "Williamson
Quarter-Master U. S. A. and ex-U. S. Con-
buI at Callao , was crippled with rheu
matism. He got no relief until he used St.
Jacobs Oil , which cured him. No remedy
on earth equals it for pain. Price , fifty
cents a bottle.
In the Street Car.
Says an exchange , quoting "a prominent
physician : " "Avoid the corner seats in the
street cars ; If } 'ou can't get a seat in the
middle of the car , it is bettcj to eland up. " '
There ! wo were certain that it was not self
ishness which caused gentlemen to secure
the corner seats. It seems that they do
sot take these seats in order to look out
at the window. ' They are afraid that the
adies might get those seats and tho Cold
lwhich goes with them. Let tho ladies
secute seats in the middle of the car. If
they cannot , let them stand. Make them
stand , in fact , raUier than give up your
corner seat , and pub them to tho risk of
pneumonia. No gentleman who reads this
will hesitate for a moment. [ Boston
Use Red Star Cough Cure effectually. Dr.
C. Fawcett , Union Protestaut Infirmary ,
Baltimore , Md. No depressing effects.
It "Was Her Chocolate.
Tho secret of Miss Evarts' popularity as
a maker and dispenser of chocolate when
her father was secretary of state lay in the
fact that the chocolate was exceedingly
rich , and callers relished it greedily in the
tiny cups in which it was served. More
chocolate was used in ono of these small
cups than ordinarily enters into the com
position ot two coffee cups of this beverage.
Beaten white of egg and cream was Berved
with it , and the mixture was so toothsome
that it gave the young lady a national re
A physician whose .specialty is anal dis
eases has been studying the relation of anal
fistula to consumption. It is an old idea
that an anal fistula has a good effect in
cases of consumption , but thi * physician
says that any improvement iu consump
tive symptoms which follows the occurrence
of a fistula is not permanent' . He says :
"As a general rule , these fistula greatly ag
gravate the pulmonary affection by im
pairing the constitutional powers , especial
ly if attended by copious discharge of pus ,
and much irritation. The principal indi
cation in such cases is to build up , not to
deplete. [ From Dr. Foote's Health
Tho Reavon IVliy.
It is said "there's nothing new under the
sun , " and it may be a true saying. But
when the light of reason is thrown on
some of the everyday occurrences in life it
is astonishing how little wo actually
know as to the whys and where
fores of matters which attract our
attention. In tho hurly-burly of
this world we are apt to take for granted
facts as they appear , because we have not
time to thoroughly investigate them. The
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . Railway
company has endeavored to save the en
quiring mind the trouble of much research ,
and has published in a little book entitled
"Why and Wherefore , " many reasons why
various facts exist. The language is plain
and simple , and the volume might be used
with profit as a reliable class book in pub
lic and private schools. As a household
reference it is invaluable , and children as
well as grown people can read and under
stand it.
While this publication is in a measure
an advertising medium for the railroad
company , that fact does not detract from
its value , and a copy of "Why and Where
fore will be sent free to any address by en
closing ten cents in postage to A. V. H.
Carpenter , ceneral passenger agent , Mil
waukee , Wis. *
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmt im
Tho nrcaUf. t In Society.
Tho breakfast , an a form of entertain
ment , is coming into favor , and may give
tho tea a rare for popularity. The beauty
of a breakfast i that people generally hint
an appetite for it , and havo a'HO an oppor
tunity of seeing something of those whoato
there and exchanging a few idoan. This it
tho great drawback to tho tea. Clients
rush in , pay their icspect. " , hurry into the
dining room , gulp down a cup of hob tea
and bolt for tho door , to go through the
same rush at several other plares. Then
thero is a sociability and informality about
tho breakfast. . The fishing , bo to speak , in
a social or sentimental point of view , is
better. The bait , you observe , is better ,
and a wary "catch" will rise to a breakfast
bait who will swim around a tea every
time. [ Washington Lett or.
Wo havo heard many of our old friends
say that Salvation Oil cured them of rheu
mutism. Those who havo not tried it ,
should do so. Our druggists sell it for
twenty-five cents.
A Lucky IlouHtoiilnn.
Houston ( Tex. ) Tost , Jan. 16,1K7.
A reporter in his daily jaunt in
search of interesting matter for the ,
perusal of the readers of the Post ,
happened into the cigar store of S. Al
exander , jr. , where he was told that
one of our popular young clothing
dealers had • suddenly come into the
possession of a large sum of money.
Closer investigation revealed the fact
that the popular young mer
chant was Mr. Ben Kiam , of
the firm of Kiam Bros. , and
the sum of money was the neat
little amount of § 15,000. Mr. Kiam ,
on being interviewed , stated he dis
liked publicity , but as the rumor had
been circulated , he preferred emulat- '
ing George Washington and Grover
Cleveland , and would "tell the truth. "
"Some time last month , " he
said , "I concluded to purchase
a ticket in the January draw
ing of the Louisiana State Lottery
Company , and sent my office-boy after
one , which I put in my safe. I thought
no more about the ticket until the
11th instant when Mr. Alexander
called at my store and told me if my
ticket was No. 91,960,1 had won one-
tenth of he capital prize that his tel
egram from The Louisiana Lottery
Company stated the winning ticket
had been sold in Houston. You can
hardly imagine the state of my feelings
while examining my ticket to see if I
really was the lucky individual. When
the truth dawned upon me that my
little investment of $1 had returned
me the snug amount of $15,000,1 felt
well , I can't tell you how I did feel.
If there are words in the English lan
guage comprehensive enough to de
scribe my feeling , they are not at
my command. " To the question ,
"Have you got your money ? " Mr.
Kiam replied : "Yes , the ticket was
promptly cashed on presentation. "
Mr. Kiam will surely invest a portion
of his prize for the next drawing , which
takes place on the 8th of next month.
A petition of husbandry the match
"He who is Talse to present duty , " says
Henry Ward Beecher , "breaks a thread in
the loom , and will find the flaw when he
may have forgotten its cause. " A case in
point occurs to us. Mr. Wm. Ryder , of 87
Jefferson street , Buffalo , > N. Y. , recently
told a reporter that , "I had a large abscess
on each leg , that kept continually dis
charging for twenty years. Nothing did
me any good except Dr. Pierce's 'Golden
Medical Discovery. ' It cured me. " Here
is a volume in a few words. Mr. Ryder ' s
experience is entitled to our readers' care
ful consideration. [ Tho Sun. *
Our national arms should hereafter beat
a salt codfish.
A Sndden Death
from heart disease is now quite common.
Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is
a certain remedy. Chronic irritation , pal
pitation , excessive or defective action ol
the heart , shortness of breath , and pain
are removed by it in a short period. It
also cures all the diseases relating to the
liver , stomach , bowels , blood and skin.
They are never alone who are accom
panied by noble thouchts.
No lengthy advertisement is necessary to
bolster up Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Poodles weighing less than ten pounds
are exempt from taxation in Connecticut.
A Fortune For You.
All is new ; capital not needed ; you are
started free. Both sexes ; all ages. Wherever
you live you should at once write to Hal-
lett & Co. , Portland , Maine ; they will send
you free , full information about work that
you can do and live athome , earning there
by from 55 to § 25 and upwards daily , from
the first start. Some have made over § 5Q
in a day. The best chance ever known by
working people. Now is tho time delay
Dr. Leuz was the tenth man to cross Af *
rica from ocean to ocean.
Coughs and Hoarseness. The irrita
tion which induces coughing immediately
relieved by use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches. " Sold only iu boxes. Price 25
President Grevy , of France , reads fairy
tales for the benefit of his grandchildren.
TThoa Baby was nick , wegara her Caetorla ,
"When she was a Child , she cried for Castoris ,
When sho becoms Hiss , she clang to Castoria ,
TThon sho had Children , she garo them Caatoria ,
Sixteen senators voted for woman suff
rage. Sweet sixteen.
Life is burdensome , alike to the sufferer
and all around him , while dyspepsia and
its attendingevilsholdssway. Complaints
of this nature can be speedily cured by
taking Prickly Ash Bitters regularly.
Thousands once thus afflicted now bear
cheerful testimony as to its merits.
A four seated hansom cab has been in
troduced in England.
Many Forms of.Nerrous Debility
In men yield to Carter's Dion Pills.
If der world owes any man a living it
vhas der man who works der hardest.
3 months' treatment for 50c Plso's Eemedy foi
Catarrh. Sold by druggists.
Paris now has among its other social
freaks a club composed of divorced men.
PATENTS obUJned by Louis Bagger & Co. . At
U jury * , "w rsUIngton. V. C Ka'd 1SM. ( Advice free
Jay Gould has purchased 200,000 acre *
of pine land in Louisiana. >
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight I
already paid to Omaha.
Tawny Colored Nobility.
Lord Stanford , wha succeeded to tho
earldom a fow years ago , on tho death of
the groat Lord Stanton and Warrington ,
has long been resident in South Africa.
He inhabits a wigwam of corrugated iron
at Wyndberg , and has a stone-built bunga
low on tho seashoro at Muzeuberg. Ho
married a black wife and has by her a
dusky daughter , Lady Mary Gray , who
when she arrives at tho years of discretion
will be , no doubt nn unique if not welcome
addition to tho ranks of tho "upper ten
thousand" at homo. * .
The name and Tame of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup are known throughout the land aud
everywhere it is relied upon ub tho specific
for coughs and colds.
Custom house quinine creates a big buz
zing iu official heads.
Tho removal of Prof. Sanborn , of N. H. ,
after being pronounced incurable by a
score of physicians , from Los Vegas , N. M. ,
to his home was. pffected'by administering
Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic , which has restored
him to his former good health.
Prof. Lockyer says that G,000 stars aro
visible to the naked eye.
Haclx Aclie Cured by Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache
Only one religion in dis worldt vhas
right. Dot vhas der sort you embrace
How to Gain Vlcsii nntl Strength.
Use after each meal Scott's Emulsion
with Ilypophosphites. It is as palatable
as milk , und easily digested. The rapidity
with which delicate people improvo with its
ube is wondeiful. Uho it and try your
weight. As , a remedy for Consumption ,
Throat affections and Bronchitis , it is un-
equaled. Please read : "I used Scott's
Emulsion in a child eight months old with
good results. Ho gained Tour pounds in a
very short time. " Tuo. Piuar , M. D. ,
There is only ouo female trombone player
in this country.
Excursions to tho Winter lEeso-ts of
llic Sojstli.
The Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Ry. aro
now helling round-trip tickets , good until
June 1st , 18S7 , at greatly ieduced rates ,
to Mobile , New Oileans , Pensncola , Jack
sonville , Cedar Keys , and all the principal
points in the south. For further informa
tion and tickets , call on or write F. E.
Moores , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Claytou ,
Not thwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far-
nam Street , Omaha , Neb.
What is the favorite decoration of win
ter thermometers ? Furbelows.
The habit of running over boots or shoes corrected
with Ljon's Patent Ilccl Stlffeuers.
The man who commits suicide by hang
ing dies of his own free will and a cord.
You hardly realize that it. is medicine ,
when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills ; they
are very bmall ; no bad effects ; all troubles
from torpid liver are relieved by their use.
Dr. Mary Walker is understood to bo op
posed to the knee breeches movement.
The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices bame as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Quail Testiiiy. •
Mrs. A. M. Dauphin , Philadelphia , has
done a great deal to make known to ladies
there tho great value of Mrs. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , as a cure for their
troubles and diseases. She writes as fol
lows : "A young lady of this city while
bathing was thrown violently against tho
life line and the injuries received resulted in
an ovarian tumor which grew and en
larged until death seemed certain. Her
physician finally advised her to try Mrs.
Pinkham's Compound. She did so and in
a short time the tumor was dissolved and
she is now in perfect health. I also know
of many cases whero the medicine has been
of great value in preventing miscarriage
and allevating the pains and dangers of
childbirth. Philadelphia ladies appreciate
the worth of this medicine and its great
value. "
Sent by mail in Pill and Lozenge form
on receipt of price , 51Mrs. . Pinkham ,
Lynn , Mass. Also it ? liquid Torm , all at
Chcnmatlim , TTenmlsIa , Bladder andXCtd-
5sr TfUeatccured by DIl A. V. BASES RHEU
MATIC SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to CUHEor raonev
refunded. Take no other medicine. For falo by all
Drugs-Ms. One Dollar for large bottle. Reference , any
one in St. Joseph , Missouri. Information Fi ee.
Br. A. V. Banes Medicine Co. ,
Quint tXonepli , Sllsjoarl.
E WAWT YOm SrcSeice SnaS
profitable employment to represent us in every
county. Salary $75 per month and expense * , or
largo commission on sales if preferred. Goods staple.
Every one buys. Outfit and particulars Free. , , .
W. N. D. , Omaha - 349-7
RjSSTjii Produeo tlie Choicest Flowers , RJIV I
/AVCM Ke Vegetable * and Crops. Doubles fill I I
SHb" < r ! 3 jouseecatalog v/lth Prize Offer.
Kecdlnc r newe4 atrenclb , or trlio matTcr fruoj
fnflrniltlc * peculiar to their tax , elioulil try
This medicine combines Irou with pare Tcrotabls
tonics , and ia inTiluabla for Diseuea peculUr to
Women , and nil who lead ed ratrj liven. ltJIn.
riches and Purifies tho .Blood , .Mlinulatcs
the Appetite , Strengthens tho itltmcles and
Ncrvc-in fact , thoroughly J nvigorntea.
Clears the. complexion , and makea the akin smooth.
It doos ni blacken Ufa teeth , cause headache , or .
produce constipation all other iron medicines do.
MB8. Albert Leeslet , Greenwood. Neb. , Mrs ;
' * I havo used Brown' Iron Bitten for Korvoua De
bility and hare been grontly bocehtod. "
Mas. O. D-NETflLls Phillips' Station , Neb. , aays :
"Iwasaon&kand nerrout that I could scarcely
walk , had no appetite , and pussd sleepletts nights ;
in fact , my life was a burden to mo I tried many
remedies , but without benefit. Three bottles of
Brown'u Iron Bitters hare cured tne. ' I cheerfully
recommeud it. "
Genuine bin above Trade Mark and crowed rod lines
on wrapper. Tnko no other. Made only by
nmm-A cui:3ucalco.bai.tuiojue,3U : > .
Tho best and surest Remedy for Careof i
all diseases caused by any derangement of
tho Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bovrels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Biliocs Complaints and Blalaria of all kinds j
yield readily to the beneficent influence of.
It is pleasant to tlto taste , tones up tfcsj
! system , restores and preserves health. j
It is purely Vegetable , aud cannot fail to :
provo beneficial , both to old and young.
j As a Blood Purifier it k superior to all ;
I others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
A Asa ficrmnn A lhma Curo never faJtto glrsgj
, I tmmciiiate relief ia the worrt eases , injures con-gi
afgrtaMs steep ; eKesU curesiratre all othen fall. ASi
iitrial convinces the m st skeptical. Price 50 eta. anilM
331.00. of Drnrsi'ls or or mitt. Sample. FKKK forcl
jjitimp : UK. K..SOIIIFFMAX , M. * * " ' " / " " • ! §
KS2 Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes good. TJae pgj
fs9 in time. Sold by druggisttj. p a
° S3 B3 > ffIOWA SEEDS are THE BEST.
en 6m H Q vB ! Complete oarcien cuide ana
SSf " fi * * n m .Jvj Illustrated Catalogue of Garden
ESB 823 S&9 < Qs7 Gross and Field beeds , Plants ,
Bulb , Garden Tools , New Varieties or Potatoeictc.etc. ,
mailed Free. General agents for Strowbridgo Broad
cast Sower. Address , IOWA SEED CO. , Whole
sale and Retail Seedmcn , Ues Molnks , Iowa.
fiftBSS5l,5,3BS3ERal'evc-limd cured by Dr. J.
SftHfl' ' ? ' I US ) ffft Kz.A. . Sherman's method. Those
IS a 30 0 H isyaJSiBvi , , , cannot avail thenuelvea
of personal attendance cuahuve home treatment ap
pliance und curative sent for i0 only. Send stomp
tor circulars. 231 Broadway , New York.
E3 EPS A5 ! * Fresh. Reliable ; Wholesale at
SR3 v 3 PI 9 ww ltet.ul. Free by mail at S and
j $ ki liflBH 'Sets , per large package.
U13 5i3 12k' * 5S ? motli Seed Farms. One Acre of
Olass ! Uc.iutiful Illustrated Catalogue FKHtl.
H.W. BncKBEK , Kochford fceed Farm , Uockford , 111
! Fl JP5 55o.f7BHMJHE-OPlUB ? ElaWt Palnlossij
raSd&rJ&XB1 Cured at Home. Treatment
WSaBHS * Bent on tnal snd NO PAY mked
5RK y until you. are benefited. Terms Low
KtltJ 2Xamono JSccaedy Co. , B > aFaycttc , Ind.
TTC ? The Clydf s Jale and Oar English Prolific ,
PH U B both imported , mature early and dono :
• "f wioijpj. Price t-i per bushel , fcanplesllte
each , and Circular free. J. E. ro\\lS , A\a > m. III.
P $ S S"5nfl58tF. . A. T.EH.irANN. Solicit
ed it * § k ° Rfl 0 v or ot Patents. Washington.
H ifi a LaiB H tQ l > .C. Send for Ouxular.
? V5 M ? ? PJ VThy not save one-half en 1009 u eful
\jT.i. ttltlllm * Asticl'-s' Send for Catalogue , iiifr
pay to Agent : , . CHICAGO StULE CO. , Chicaf-o , 111.
PPPflDUV Learn hero and earn
T57I - l il X-4l n I Coodpay. Situations fur
nished. Writo Valeutlue 3Jros. , Janejrlllo.Wls.
aeftauaasaaescavaTi jt\rVifcJSi Sara relief pmmT
KlBBEffS _ gjTiLigsaaoS :
E nJl 3 "Morphine llnlilt Curedlal )
§ fris SiS to "JO day * . No u.iy till Curo A.
a Hva/SKfl l k J. bn.Piirc.f3. Leuauou , Oulo.
? 3P 5 RiyFOn ALU. S30a-"e k and expenses
? ftt av&lfi pal l. Outat worih 3.1 and particulars
U < a fla > iAfit6. P. O. VICK R } , Auguata , Mains.
W to SS a day. Samples worth S1.S0 FREE. Lines
$ B % not und r tSe horseH feet. Write Brewster
tiJOafoty Rain Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
/raf nnnnn and Morphine Habit Cured In 10 to
P 8 H9 H EtP COdajs. Kefcr to 1000 patients cured
WB fl ad in all parts. Dr. Harsh , Quinsy , Hich.
81 rT5 F * JFS A positive cure. No Entr
JEa85f3K5 [ KoPlater. . > oPaln. W.C.
& iBi32u5S puyiie , Mar haUtown.IOT-a.
Mf13P ! STUDY. Secure a Bnslncss Educationbv
II JfrL. mall , from Bryant's College Buffalo , X.Y.
* B nnMU nHnwvc HH H MHH MMa nwMiasMMM BRG WM p fP & ©
F.S. BARI.EV15DTKGimBI.S3. NffN Jgj teg rj H Wv
SENTPKntH. Pon't bay till H j A fa 8 13 ffYJ
fOH * X.SjLZEBUCtmkTT1s. > OJTJJ { 55 g-tf ? * ( $ ?
11 ii m.nn i.Ti.u.i .1 ti 11 . j m i-
for Bnfants and Children ,
"CagtwtoiseoweUadaptexItocliHdrentliat D Castcrfa enrcs Colic , Constipation ,
I recommend it 03 superior to any presenptioa I Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
fcBOTTa to me. " H. A. Abchxs , lL D. , S " prms , gives deep , and promotes di-
212 So , OsJord Bi. , BrooilTn , N. Y. § TTithoutlfljurious medication.
Tss Gcrr-unr Cojepant , 1S2 Fulton Street. H. Y.
Why did the Women
of this country use over thirteen million ' cakes of
Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in iC36 ?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
ft o. j T to 'S |
IlnTO been enjoyed by cltlien of every town and l
city In the O. S. JlarrelouH Cures haro been nit- -M
noised by thousands of people , who can testify to- m
the woxnErtFtn , urmssq poweu or V
MmXmWnmi % \L \ \
Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Earache , j
Catarrh , Croup , Soro Throat , \
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Sprains , Drulscs , Burns , Fever Sores ,
Wounds , Old ires , Chilblains , Frost
Biles , Soro fti cs , Caked Breasts , and *
All Aches and Pains ,
are quickly relloved by this maplcal remedy. Try It
jnco and yon will never bo without It. For sale by-
Druggists. Prlcp.fiOc. Our 8ono Boon free to all.
< 3jgL3S.Xn A , 737I ?
Tho Ores } Nursery of
mmmm houses.
ol 200 Imported Brood } .rares i
* { p s. OfOhoicsrtPjimUIes. |
Vt& * * rWK All Affoa , both Bozos , |
"romFri > nce.aIlr : ordejMiHJiextendfdpodirrc ( otathO
I'ercheron Stud Eooloj. Th91'crcheron laths only drat J
lirfed ot Vraiite pwiir Inr | a wtud base that hna tht >
rapport and endorscmrnt of th > Pr nnj QoTernmenC ,
hend tor 120'P&ge Catalogut , llluirr ncna by Uovs >
Bozdieur. U. t . DDHHAK , j
V/ov- , DuPnee Co. , Illinois * 4
Tho oldest and t. ' 'jfa WVj v g ri ' y * *
Head o ' f i > ure Bred and fflr fe U * ! tf
nigh Qri&i Percheron fffl p ratowjl w
Stalllons and Mares on aSf9JKAi3AaraJ5ffi 'Ai |
bond ; at o tew re or3 s2 3iSoS' : ' ' v < SQ'l3
ded Imported French li > < ? tfSvvS5ftE § r3
Coichcrj. Savo the te Z'KfSJft & 'v'SJjrtl '
rljk and expense ot i3iAr\y&Fff f i l
lonirrailroad tnp-iand tt&&etffi&tSSttie' Kit
rhippluc : and Rot your H3 J 4 iy a © i |
HorsrnathoineandaoP ? SrSX lVksisSit tS
cllmaUl. .f reliable 2S S Wt as3 | M |
men lth establlOicd S5Q " uS&3irt 3s aSI
reputatioiw a.s breed-
era. Our Imported Stock all reclitrrcd In the Porcner-
on Htud Books of France and America. We frnarantci
all Stock B reidira jUat as repreiented. Eend for cata < -
loguc No. 5 , free.
Address ,
AVERY & . COLEPJ1AH , Props- . , - .
Wakefiold , Clay County Kan.
l1 ! J ! Will purifr the BLOOD regnlata
wrSn KWTOBf the HEALTH and VIG-
V fflKi OK of YOUTH. Dyepareia\Vaat
XvkSQS of Appetite. Indiget.tion.Lack df
NaMH Strength and Tired eehnc ab-
NS Ii. eoluwly cured : Bones , m *
Wk * cl and nerves receive new
iS53k . force. Enlivens the mind
* * 3u . and supplies Brain rower.
. .n , : SnTuring from complaints.
TONIC a safe and spoady curo. Gives a clear , heal
thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit-
Ins only add to the popularity ol ths oniriniil. Vt >
not experiment cet tho OmartfAi. and Best.
OCure Comtlpation.IJver Comolalnt and SIcKrt
RHendache. Sample Doso and Dream Boofclj
Vl mailed oa receipt o t two cents ia postece. ] f
Address : DR. HARTER. Medical Co. , St.Loufs
3 We offer the abovo amount of money fkee to &
fl tho 106 persons anstrerhv : tha fcllotrins &U <
a question * Where ia the JJiblo do Itftl/
ajsay. ' * Iiainan oatcth egrsn Iio uhallKi
y die ? * ' Tho first person answering this quesk5
3 tion correctly , w.ll reeelvoSlOO ca h. It rvoreS
-Sceive more than otis correct answer tho second t3 |
will receivo $100 ; the third ? 50 ; thefoiuta ? 25:5 *
S5 thoflfth15 ; thosisth $19 ; and ? 1 each to theKj
\ nextona hundredpeoplaanswerlncitccrrcctly.
g II you are not tho first remember that yoa may w
rt bo tho second or third ; so you stand a good ( K
v chance for a large prize. Each competitor must , pfl
i In every case , send 50ct"t. with their answer forfcjj
f-i one year's trial subscription to 111X1 SOOttP
% HOCS2KEEPEK , a lanre 15-pa IUusS3
s tratod family paper if you will send $1 wa vtIU rff
3 send tho paper one year , and u
i a book of nearly 500 paces forhousrkeepers , thessj
B regular retail price I ? Cl-50 , beautifully bound fc >
fia \ extra clcth. It embodies thoripo experience [ g
g of a Tcterca housekeeper , and its recipes ( of IK
which there aro great numbers on all branches Ej
a of cootery ) can bo relied upon B3 acenrato and ? 3
k < trustworthy. Send yctr answer at once. Prern
gj tace stamps tafcen. Address THE GOOD HOUSERl
a KF.KPKR. 79 Bcarbom St. . Chicago. ML EJ
Fuioiislied osi SIxort IVotlcc From.
0ualta at Cliicagfo l"ri < : es > .
Omaha , Nob. , I2trt and Howard.
Oae aient ( Merchant oalyj v/tned la every town for
We can honestly nay thatyour "TansiM's
Punch" are the best cigars for the money
that we ever bought.
D.F. Webster < fcCo. , Hamburg , Iowa.
Your ' "Tansill's Punch" . " jc cigars are un
doubtedly better than ' vou represent thetn >
2 > L P. DAVis. Mt. Gilead. Ohio. f ,
Addres3 R. W. TANj > lLL & CO. , Clilcns < > * ; *
l \ ! * J • SMVosiUTelr cured in 60 days brl > r. '
KsCVWJ / if jailorne'aEleetro-JIasnetlcBelt-
S2aS W ' * : ? 3Trn j.comblned. Gairsateedtho
YtIm ? , W V "Hi Mi iff ' i ill one lathe world jrencratlnjr
lJC 3ESISS" * acontinuous Clectne 2laanetia
WCHrT&Z 'cvrrtnt. EcientlCc. Powerful. Durable.
V4P'Comfortablo and EfleciiTe. Aroid Iracda.
N ! * > r Orer9 OOO cured. S ndStamp rorpamphlet.