The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1887, Image 5

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    _ f * a ia
I , . _ rm . Inritatiun in * sxtMUll to ottituiid rutiew
* : tfee same. Subscription , $3 per your.
III Local Intelligence.
BT "Chas. Noble , the leading grocer.
If > Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
E | TOURETTB & Co. 's.
pf V3T * Oiit and red peals for sale at
M Tide Tribute stationery department.
l | The best fresh and salt meats in the
W market at Brewor & "Wilcox's moat
m- market.
if SET" Drawing books at The 1 ribune
mi stationery , blanks aud blank book de
ft' " partcient.
fj Brewor & Wilcox will buy your fat
p * bogs. Call at their market , Main
| \ Avenue.
Ifo It will pay you to call at C. D. Pal-
| | ? mer s hardware store bofore purchasing
g elsewhere.
Ik Queonswere in the latest styles ,
( plain and ornamented , at the leading
'I ' grocer Chas. Noble.
ST * The Intest and most accurate
jt Nabraeka state maps for stile * at The
\ office.
\ A well selected assortment of fresh
H candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
, f is fresh and clean.
' * Bring in the babies while the fine
V Wdather continues and have Miller
y make some photos of them.
1 The now grocery store of Chas.
A N bl is the pluce to purchase your
4 groceries and provisions.
[ f Only three wagons left of last car.
{ Witl sail cheap to make room for new
7 gOOds. C. P. RlNKER.
h . .
5 A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
1 queensware , and in fact everything in
h the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
Ilemember that Chas. Noble is head-
> , quarters for everything fresh and clean
> ' , in the staple and fancy grocery line.
f G. B. Nettieton is agent for a horse
* power feed grinder , with attachment
i for sheBing earn or any other kind of
| rotary work.
Geared feed grinders , with four or
I six hrse power and sheller attach-
II meats. Just the thing to make fat
f togs , at Binker s.
5 _ _
| . [ A Kae of very handsome library
J | hasgJBg lamps at Chas. Noble 's. Call
M and see them. *
R ; Scissors , pen knives , can'ing knives
If , asd forks , all kinds of cutlery , as low
1 as the b west , at C. D. Palmer ' s oppo-
K ; site McEntee Hotel.
% t If y # have anything in the line of
if phetegraph. w rk you want done take
fft it t # Miller , and give him a trial. Sat-
W isfacttOH guaranteed.
Ut Another car of the best wind mills
M oa eartk Jast received by C. P. Binker.
fJ Also ib car , 5,000 pounds of pump fiti
'i : tings of every style imaginable.
SI ) The "Famous " has a handsome line
j , " of Hats , Caps and Furnishing Goods tn .
I * ' aidkia U their large line of clothing ,
r for men , youths , boys aud children.
Rl "Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
| | farms at the lowest rates. Also have
L"6 special bargains in real estate , at
fir McCook Land Office ,
ei | Fry & Snow ' s old stand is the place
If to bey yer Flour and Feed , also Gar-
l\ \ ' - den and aH kinds of Farm Seeds. We
) * have come to stay and will make prices
V reasonable. Haevev Bros.
I A splendid assortment of Bibles may j
P' be found at the City Drug Store for
p sale by the Auxiliary of the American '
| f Bible Society. Prices range from five
ire coats to four doHars , being 50 per cent.
tw lower than can be found elsewhere.
Tkey are also given gratuitously by ap- 1
| J pEeation to auxiliary. i
jL Parties contemplating using anything
JK in their Hne should correspond with
* AspinwaM Bros Kearney , Neb. , propa-
S. gators and dealers in Small Fruit Plants
W and NKrserv Stock , all home pown. E. |
[ ? L. Walker of 3IcCook , Neb. , is the local
| agest f the nursery , and can accom- (
'i inedate yoor every want in their line.
I Boor a niad the advantages of nursery
f 6tsk C n s ia your own state over that
ra sedefcewhere. . Home stock is best
aAiptd to soil and climate , and conj j (
qee tly mre certain to grow when j
pa te < L
. We ho-TO just received the best asi i
* orCBi Bt of blank books , composition ,
books , correspondence tablets , counter i :
f books * drawing books , exercise books , .
iavice Mk. r ladies ' shopping books , '
I " kites ' vfcitiwr list * , letter copying
I boks , sooailfei bkoks , memorandums , !
f a a a * batoher books , Afcik flexible !
\ Amenoaa moroeeo , flexible Americati .
I Enseia , fiexibk Persian Kussia. press
j § board zb& sheep , also notes , drafts , re-
I ceip , writing pads , vest pocket , press
I board and printed press board pass ,
- books , stadents note books , time books ,
v etc. , ever brought to this city. Call
' - and examine them. We have the line
and our prices will catch you. At TilE
t Twbcne Stationery Department.
Try th Commercial Heuse , whan
in M + C k , just 9e § !
No new railroads since last week.
The matrimonial market has been
quite briek , this week.
Our cotiiuiunjt' 'ttiuiis are of necessity
crowded out , this week.
The Tribune's weather bureau has
taken a vacation , this morning.
The "spring boom" article is omni
present in our Nebraska exchanges.
Among the recent notarial appoint
ments is R. D.Babcock of this place.
The Knights of Pythias of our city
are forming a . Uniform "Rank of that
order. •
We devote considerable space , this
week , to the county commissioners'
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will
be offered up in the Catholic church on
next Sunday. Pastor.
The youngest child of Rev. J. W.
Kiramel , of the Lutheran church , has
been quite sick , but is convalescing.
The dissolution of Messrs. Berger &
Davis , and the new co-partnership of
Messrs. Berger & Shaw , is announced.
The burning of some unfortunate
one's , straw stack , on the South Side ,
illuminated the bluffs , a few evenings
since. !
Re-opened E. A. Leach is re
opening ' his photograph gallery , in our
city , , on the corner south of The Trib
une office.
Verbally , it is somewhat amusing
how frequently people trespass upon the
ancient barn-yard pheasant's preroga-
tive "setting. "
Washington's birthda } ' will be appro
priately , observed by the pupils of the
high 1 school. The program will be an
nounced ] hereafter.
No small activity already prevails
among the ladies of the city in thoir
preparations ' for the B. of L. E. ball
and banquet of the 22d.
We have some handsome progressive
euchre favor cards , gilt and colored
stars , at this office. Call and see them
if i you want anything in that line.
The Y. P. A. meets at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , to-
morrow evening. The usual invitation
is extended the public to enjo ) the oc
Rev. Joel S. Kelscy will deliver , on
next Sabbath evening , the first of a ser-
ies j of addresses upon , "Success in
Life j , " especially calculated for young
people. j
The livery barn property on the cor
ner ' of Macfarland and Dodge streets ,
known as the "Tubbs ' barn , " was pur
chased by A. J. Pate , recently , for
$600.00. i
The old U. S. Land Office building
on Main Avenue is being overhauled ,
and ! will shortly be occupied by Super
intendent Meeker , of the City Water
Works Co. , as an office.
It is paradoxical , but a fact , never-
theless i , that nature sometimes indulges
in j a vastly prodigal waste of mud in (
the ' creation of some of her specimen ? . (
Take the dead-beat for instance.
An unsuccessful attempt was made ,
this I week , to bore a well on West Dodge
street t , east of A. J. Pate's barn. Borj j
ing is now in progress on the west side
of the barn , on Macfarland street.
The Q. A. T. dancing club held their
semi-monthly hop at the Opera Hall , ,
last Friday evening , ( not Saturday even-
ing as incorrectly reported , last week , ) j
with a goodly attendance and a delight- ]
ful i time. \
Removal Messrs. Berger & Davis '
moved their temperance billiard hall , '
Tuesday , into new and commodious '
quarters in the Franklin brick base- '
ment , , under the Famous Clothing Co. 's
store roonu (
A little darling of a daughter install
ed herself in the hearts and household .
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Colfer , last
Thursday. Hereby hangs a tale , which
Tom will take great felicity in unfold
ing you , gentle reader. i
The song and prayer service of the
Y. P. A. will be held in the school '
house , Sunday evening at the usual
hour , six o ' clock , mountain time.
The largest possible attendance is earn
estly desired. Bring your gospel '
hymns with you.
1 _ i
Lutheran services in the ' school \
house , next Sunday morniug and even- ;
ing. Preaching by the pastor , Rev. J. \
W. Kimmel. Sunday school will be .
held before the morning service. The ]
public is earnestly invited to attend any :
or all of these services. . ;
The wheel lathe , now in use in B. &
M. 's shops at Plattsmouth , is being
transformed into a "double-header" and
will be placed in the McCook shop * ,
as soon as the new lathe for the Platts
mouth shops arrives. Tin s will in
crease the facilities for repairing at tin s
place very materially.
Our people can learn a lesson of care
fulness from the fires of varying magni
tude that have visited sundry cities and
towns throughout the state , during the
past few weeks. A slight relaxation ,
a little carelessness , has caused many a
conflagration of proportions. Good
fortune has followed us thus far , let us
not tempt , it.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer ' s.
A lodge of "Knights of the Golden
Cross" is to be organized in our city ,
this evening. A large charter mem
bership has been secured. This is one
of the lew secret organizations into
which the fair sex are admitted. It is
not a necessary inference , in this con
nection , that the ladies are almost uni
versally excluded from these organiza
tions because they can't keep the se
crets , however.
Cabinets only S3 a dozen at Millers'
opposite Menard's Opera Hall.
We understand that the Howard
Lumber Company will erect in their
yards here , a large two-story paper
building. The lower floor will be oc
cupied for a lumber office , and the up
per floor as a masonic hall. Their idea
in : building the structure out of paper ,
is : to introduce the material in Benkel-
man , as it is cheap and of as lasting
quality as brick or stone , and fire proof.
Benkclmnn Pioneer.
Heating Stoves at Costat W. C. La-
The McAdams restaurant on Man-
chester ( Avenue was the cheerful scene
of , a joyous hop and supper , last even-
ing j , in honor of the nuptials of Edward
C.Dougherty ( and Rose Anne McAdams.
A very large company engaged in the
festivities. ' An elegant spread is re-
ported. 1 The music was rendered in an
inspiring manner by Mr. James Mc
Adams and Miss Collins.
25i "Oil papers for letter books at
TnE Tribune stationer)7 department.
The young woman residing in West
McCook , Mrs. Bert Shifflett , whose seri-
ous ( illness we made mention of in our
last 1 issue , passed from this earthly
scene l , Monday. Her remains were ex-
pressed J , Tuesday evening , to Tobias ,
Saline county , for interment. The be-
reaved is an employe of the B. & M. ,
and comparatively a new-comer to our
city. In his profound affliction he has
the ( sympathy of this community.
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
Tourette [ & Co. 's.
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The invitations for the second an-
nual ball and banquet of the Republi
can ( Valley Division No. 271 , Brother-
hood qf Locomotive Engineers , of this
citv , , to be held on the 22d of Febru1
ary , are out of press and are being inJ
dustriously distributed by Messrs. An-
derson and Hoge of the invitation com-
mittee. It is perhaps superfluous to '
state i that the invitations are the crea-
tion * of The Tribune's well equipped
iob department.
Take your hides , butter and eggs to j
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
The Republican Valley & Wyoming
proposed extension of the B. & M. ,
will bring a large trade to this city ,
from the Frenchman country , which
has heretofore been unable to reach
these general headquarters in the com
mercial affairs of the Upper Repub
lican , on account of the great and inter
vening distance , which the iron horse ,
will most effectually innihilate. Mc
Cook ' will be the Nebraska terminus of
this road , which is doubtless intended
to tap the valuable coal and mineral
fields of Wyoming. ;
_ _ ]
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble's , this week.
Having completed his work on the
Citizens bank and the Franklin brick
buildings in our city , and on the First '
National bank structure of Indianola ,
with eminent satisfaction to Messrs.
Franklin and Dolan. and with great
credit to himself , Mr. 31. Leach , the ' •
architect , has returned to his home at
Wymorc , Neb. , where he will be pleas
ed to make any similar engagements :
the people of this vicinity may desire.
Mr. Leach's work on the above-men
tioned structures stamps him as an (
architect of ability and thorough-go- '
ing qualities that commend him to the
favorable consideration of all contem
plating anything iu his line. I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
- - . 1
, .
- Apremeditated and fatal affray trans
pired , Monday , in Benkelman , over
which the people of that town arc ter
ribly agitated. The difficulty , it ap
pears , < over a little dojr belong-
ing to Richards , the aged murderer ,
that some heartless wrotch had painted
with turpentine. ' ! : : • ; t.t. . was laid to
Geo. Macfarland , a young drayman ,
whom , it is stated , Richards set forth ,
duly armed , to shoot for the alleged of
fense. The parties shortly afterwards
met on the street , when followed the
charge , denial , hot words , the fatal
shots , ( the drayman was shot twice
through the stomach , ) and the death
struggle , in which Richards was quite
badly hurt by the desperately wounded
man. Dr. Z. L. Kay of this city was
summoned to the bedside of the dying
man , who was then , beyond the skill of
a human physician , he passing to his
final account , early the following morn
ing. Richards was brought to Indian-
ola for safe keeping , Monday evening ,
to await the results of his shooting.
Yesterday noon , he was again taken to
the scene of the crime , a hearing was
quickly had before the county judge ,
and the prisoner returned to Indianola
on the afernoon train , to avoid the pos
sibility of lynching , which was feared ,
The facts nr statements current indiJ
cate a premeditated , cold-blooded mur
der. It is a heart-rendering affair at best.
Anything in the line of hardware or
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Social On Tuesday evening of this
week , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Noble enter-
tained quite a large company , at their
residence on North Madison , in a de
lightful manner , progressive euchre
being the absorbing interest. We learn
of the presence of the following partici-
pants :
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , Mr. aud Mrs. C.
H. Meeker , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hills , Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. P ate , Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Woods , Mr
and ; Mrs. Frank Harris , Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Lawsou , Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Stutzraan , Mrs.M. ,
A. Northrup , Miss Gladys Northrup , Miss Lou
Clark , , Messrs. C. H. Boyle , E. E. Lownmn , A.
C. ' Ebert , Charles Dietrich.
The first prize fell to Mr. C. H. Boyle ;
while Mr. Frank Harris courageously
captured ' the "booby. "
Bargains in stoves and tinware at Cy
D. Palmer's. *
The Lincoln Land Co. has purchased
the ' townsite of Palisade , comprehending
some i ' 100 acres of land near where the 1
Stinking ' Water and Bob Tail creeks
empty ' into the Frenchman river , the
consideration being $4,500 , so it is sta- |
ted. The company has also bought the t
Beverly townsite ; all of which goes to
indicate ] the B. & M. 's purpose to build 9I
up ' through the beautiful "White Man's
; Fork country , " this spring or summer.
Palisade ; has bright prospects of becom- c
ing ] a stirring little town , being most g
advantageously ' located in a splendid I
& F ° Eggs wanted at Chas. Noble's. . c
The highest market price paid. p
At Lincoln , last week , in the matter °
of * the United States against R. D.
Babcock of this city and R. H. Crist
well of Indianola , conspiracy ease , the " \
jury returned a verdict of guilty. A
motion for a new trial in both the above
cases has been made. In the trial of -
John R. King of Benkelman , on a , ]
similar J count , at Denver , last week , v
Kins was found guilty and sentenced
to 90 days imprisonment and a fine of e
$600. Uncle Sam appears to be dread- i
fully in earnest after a fashion. _
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the I best place to buy your hardware j
- . _ f
The B. of L. E. banquet will be i
spread at the McEntee. The new o
management will prepare a feast worthy
of and in harmonious accord with the a
grand occasion , beyond a peradventure. _
An effort will be made to avoid the
usual "jam" consequent upon such
large affairs. I
EST * The American Settler's Guide t
for sale at The Tribune office. r
= rJ
morning , February 9th , 1SS7 , at S o'clock
mass , Mr. Edward C. Dougherty and Miss
Rose Anne McAdams , both of this place , .
Father Cullen officiating. James McAdams „
and Katie Loughran were the respective .
groomsman and bridesmaid.
HURTLE CHAVILEER-At the residence
of Mrs. M. A. Northrup , in this city , on
Thursday evening , February 3 , 1SS7 , at 7 e
o'clock , mountain time , Mr. William J. \
Hurtle to Miss Maude Chavileer , Rev. Joel
S. Kelscy officiating. c
TRACY KINGSBURY At the home of
the bride ' s parents , Tuesday , February 5th ,
1887 , by Rev. Joel S.Kelsey , Mr. George M.
Tracy of Frontier county to Miss Minerva
M. Kingsbury of this place.
To loan on the most favorable terms ,
and First-Class
on Improved Farms -
City Property. Helm & Davis ,
McCook , Neb.
Good team , harness and wagon for
sale. Inquire at this office , [ 2
SSTJndci this lieml wo would bo pleased to
have our friends throughout the city uc < | iinint
URof thorn-rival iinilik'imrturoot' their visitors.
Fred Weed was down from Yimia , Colo. ,
this morning.
E. S. Waite returned from his trip to Iowa ,
Tuesday evening.-
Ralph McCrackon of the Hayes Centre
News is spending the week in the city.
Miss Julia ilallman has gone to McCook.
Walnut Creek Cor. Riverlon Enterprise.
Attorney Rich of Lincoln was in the city ,
yesterday , on a visit to old-time friends.
J. A. Morse , late of the Trenton Democrat ,
was in the city , Monday , en-route to Omaha.
M. R. Lovell of Wray , Colo. , the B. & M-
"cow coroner" was a Commercial guest ,
Miss Maguire , who has been the guest of
the Misses Menard , returned to Htratton ,
! Tuesday.
F. L. Cook , of Onargo , thinks of removing
to McCook , Neb. , the Leader says. Gilman ,
( III. ) Star.
S. H. Colvin went down to the county-
seat , , Saturday evening , on business , return
ing : Sunday.
Master Mechanic D. Hawksworth , of
Plattsmouth , was in the city , to-day , on rail
road aifairs. '
Sam Ashmore came down from Palisade ,
Saturday , and spent the iirst of the week in
the j metropolis.
County Clerk A. A. Hatch , of Hayes Cen
tre i , transacted business in these commercial
headquarters J , Monday.
Miss Libbie Hager , of Exeter , Neb. , arriv1
ed in the city , this noon , and is the guest of
Mrs. W. M. Anderson.
Mrs. P. J. Chcssington and little daughter
of Akron , Colo. , came down to the city , Sat-
urday , remaining here all week.
D. Guernsey , Joe Dudek , Jr. , and B. A.
Pannley , all of Chase county , were in town ,
the t first of the week , on land matters.
Fred Lytic was down from Dundy's counJ
ty-seat t , Friday , on a little matter of business ,
returning home on No. 1 , the same night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Palmer , Stratlon , were
Commercial guests , this morning. Andy is
well known here as a former passenger con-
Miss Flora Smith came down from her
claim near Trenton , last week , and has since
been visiting her sister , Mrs. F. D. Hess of
this place.
J. C. Harlan of the Cambridge Kaleido
scope was in the city , Monday , making these
headquarters a fraternal call during his short
Mrs. O'Donnell , who lives near McCook ,
wants to come to Holdrege to run a hotel.
She is in town , to-day. Holdrege Nugget ,
February 3d.
Mr. Russell and son from McCook , stopped
over night in our city , last week. They were
looking up a location for a stock farm.
Hamilton Herald.
John W. Thompson , county attorney of
D'undy , came down to the city , Monday evenj
ing , and secured Messrs. Morlan & Cochran
to assist him in the Richards trial.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Peck , of Trenton , were
guests of the city , Monday evening. Mr.l
Peck is cashier of Trenton's solid banking
establishment , "The Bank of Trenton. " _
J. P. Davis , county attorney of Hayes , °
came down to the metropolis , Sunday , on le
gal business , here and at Alma. He started i
homeward bound , Tuesday night , via Culi
bertson. t
Miss Ida J. Hollister , one of the efficient |
clerks in theU. S. Land Office , left for Lin-
coin , Tuesday morning , on a visit in the cap- ,
ital city. She will be the guest of Secretary i
of State Laws and family. 1
Mrs. Jennie Yolk left for McCook , last
Monday , where she has accepted a position
in the Commercial Hotel at that place. Mrs.
Volk invested in Akron real estate before
her departure. Akron Press. ' 1
James Winter , formerly of this place , but
now in the dairy business at Indianola. was ;
in the city , Saturday afternoon , on business. *
Tim is as robust and rosy as ever , and thinks 2
it must have been the other fellow who died.
F. Bert Risley of the Reveille produced a t
momentary breeze in the metropolis , Monday
evening. Since Culbertson is to be ( ? ) a divis
ion < station of the B. & M. , Bert's thatched
abode of wisdom is assuming a moredelicate
auburn tint than ever.
M. L. Thomas , late of the Holdrege Re
publican , was in the city , Monday , en route c
for Yuma , Colo. , adjacent to which burg lie 1
is'the fortunate proprietor of a half section c
of land. We understand that Mark contem
plates purchasing a half interest in the Yuma
townsite , also of buying the two newspayers
at that place , with the view of consolidating
the same , and of otherwise indulging in an
elevated .
ilighr. t
Johu A. Rudd , who has been absent for a
number of weeks , visiting at his old home in s
Poughkeepsie , N. Y. , returned as far as this c
point , on Tuesday evening , remaining here , s
the guest of H. Trowbridge , until yesterday \
noon , when he continued his journey to
Trenton , where he again enters the employ
of The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , as lo
cal manager. John did not return with a
help-meet ] , as was expected. He however c
managed to secure the next best prize in the 1
market a help-eat in the form of a quad- .
rupedof the canine order and the Spaniel
species. <
Money io Loan
On improved farms. Money furnish
ed for final proofs without delay and at 'j
low rate of interest. First door north t
of the depot. R. D. Babcock : .
Purify Your Blood.
If vour tongue is coated ,
If vour skin is yellow and dry ,
If you have boils , s
If vou have fever ,
If you are thin and nervous ,
If you are bilious ,
If you are constipated ,
If your bones ache ,
If your head aches ,
If you have no appetite ,
If you have no ambition ,
one bottle of Begos' Blood Pukifier akd -
Blood Maker will relieve any and all of the
above complaints. Sold aud warranted by .
McMUleuiSc Weeks. '
We append the following from the 1
Kem'saw Times : 9
"Friday aftornoon. about 4:40 , Immediately * B
uftor the Denver pim ciKcr goinjr west had | |
left ilu'depot , u loud unci continuous whistling
wis lieanl from the Ulroution it had taken , and § j
word wits pussL-d around tliat thoro htul been &
nn accident. A numlicr of citizens rcpulred jf
to tliu scene , just beyond tiic point whero tho 3
Kearney branch leaves tho main track , and it 3
was found that tho passenger , No. 1 , had col-
lided with freight No. 120 , coining oast. Tho g
two trains pass at this point dully. Tho forco II
of thu collision was not very great , for though a
tho pussengcr wus going at usual speed , tho
froight had stopped , having perceived tho
dangorlu time. The train men jumped and
no ono was hurt with tho exception of tho
engineer nnd mail agent of No. 1 , who woro
slightly lamed. Tho passengers woro shaken
up , butnoduinagowasdono. Thotwoonginos
were locked togothor , tho headlights demol
ished , thu smoko stack of tho freight broken ,
and tho forward truck and cow-catcher of tho
pussengcr broken off and lying under tho en
gine. Tho plutform of the buggngo car bad
broken through tho ond of tho mall car , and
the two woro drawn off together. Tho remain- \
ing cars containing tho passengers Were not |
dnmuged. Two freight cars were jammed |
together , and this was tho extent of tho injury •
sustained , so far as wo learned. An engino j
and mull car was sent from Hastings , tho bag- J
gugo was piled into n freight car , aud by half- \
past ten o'clock the track was clear , and tho %
train once more on its way to Denver. It wus 3
fortunate that the damage to the engines wus _
: the worst featuro of ilio case. It might huvo 9
been much worse. " 9
To Soldiers and Soldiers' Heirs. 1
From my experience in prosecuting Sol- } |
diers' . Claims against the Government , from j
1SC2 to the present time , I know that thcro
are many soldiers who contracted some sick
ness 1 or received some injury or wound whilo
in j tho service , and many mothers and fathers ,
of 1 soldiers who died in the service or died *
after ; discharge , of disease contracted or in- j
juries or wounds , received while in the ser- j
vice , and many widows and minor children J
of soldiers who died after discharge , of dis- j
ease , contracted or wounds or injuries receiv- ;
ed while in the service , are not aware that <
they \ are entitled to pension under our Pen- |
sion Laws. And to all such 1 will say , you ;
you are just as much entitled to a pension as *
the soldier was to his monthly pay , while ho
was risking his life to save his country. k
Many ] soldiers , who are now drawing pen- t
sions , are entitled to an increase. In letters \
of inquiry send postage stamps. Address E. is
M. j FAitxswoitTii , ( war claim att'y , ) Deco- \
rah , Winnesheik county , - Iowa. Or P. O.
Box CO , McCook , Neb.
Box Elder Junction I Change cars for Chi
cago aud North Plutto.
xMr. "They Say" informs us that the festivo
locomotive 1 will shortly perambulate down
Box Elder's Main street. We cannot smell tho
smoke yet.but stranger things have happened.
We are enjoying an undue amount of fresh
ness in tho atmosphere of lute.
Itcv. Chapin delivered a fine discourse , lust
Sunday f , on Christian Character , the houso be
ing crowded with attentive listeners.
The SI. E. brethren have concluded to en
large their present church ediflco , it being
entirely too small to accommodate the ever
increasing congregation. Work will bo com.
meaced on the addition us soon us tho weather
will permit.
There will be a sciopticon entertainment at
the church in Box Elder on Tuesday evening ,
February lath. Tickets , 10 cents. A limited
number will be sold for tho first ovening.
The proceeds to be given to aid in building tho
addition to tho church.
An exciting debate took place at tho meet
ing of the Box Elder society , last Friday even
ing. The question was in regard to organiza
tion for agricultural success , and much to tho
surprise of some it was decided that farmers
should j notorgunize. We believe that the sense
of the audience was that farmers should orga
nize , but not for the express purpose of fight
ing so-called monopolies. Our debaters , on
next Friday evening , will ventilate The Tariff
Question. Sklonn.
960 Acres of Land to Rent.
320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres
under cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles
south of McCook , G5 acres under culti
vation , house and well. 1G0 acres on
the Frenchman , house and. well. 160
acres adjoining the Akron , Colo. , town-
site , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1
to 3 years. Geo. E. Johnston ,
McCook , Neb.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , IIed Willow Co. Bank , .
43-tf Indianola , Neb. I
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
whereby wc can furnish those who want
a loan , money on real estate , promptly
and : without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and see us. We are al
so prepared to make chattel mortgage
loans. Citizens Bank.
If you see Squire J. W. Bennett
coining after you. Dr. Kay has daced *
his accounts in the hands of the depu
ty , who is rustling after the doctor's
creditors in dead earnest , that's all.
Notice of Dissolution.
The land and loin firm of Davis &
Turner is dissolved by mutual consent ,
this 1st day of February , 18S7.
C. W. Davis. ;
J. D. Turner. \
'New crop cane seed for sale , whole- S
sale or retail , by M. Willson , J
Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Neb. %
Optional Loans
Made on Farm Property by
S. H. Colvin , McCook. Neb.
Try the Commercial House , when • \
in McCook , just once !
1st' '
• _ _ _ _