The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 10, 1887, Image 4

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    j : f. ar. and e. m. k ladikll ,
] ; Edtatr * 3ftd Pufetianers
OilAUA is all t .ni asunder , as it
{ were , over a city charter racket.
CONGRESS is providing a thorough
nxy of relieving the nation ' s treasury
surplus , in ordinance and coast defenses
, Tile American Democrat , of Flol-
* drege , sets to work as though it really
! had a great contract on hand. Well ,
we really think it has.
I " The senatorial agonv in Iloosierdom
| is over for the present. Hon. David
i Torpie is the successful candidate. A
t contest will probably ensue.
1 At noou , three weeks from to-mor-
row the light of the 49th Congress will
41 .
| be extinguished , and the terms of those
t elected to the 50th Congress will bey
gin , with all the salary , 'perquisites ,
power , etc.
A syndicate , representing the difv
I ferent belligerent factions of Holdrcge ,
have purchased two of the newspapers 1
of that city , and have consolidated the
same under one management , of which
I Editor Johnson is chief.
I :
I Tub idea of coast defenses seems to }
I have taken strong hold on the senator-
' . ial mind. On Monday , a joint measure !
j to appropriate $21,00TJ,000 for ordit
; nance and coast defenses passed the
li geoate without a division.
if > o\v that the inter-state commerce
bill has become a law , the average rail-
road manager is losing considerable s
sleep lying awake nights devising way. <
f and means of avoiding and nullifying
it * • provisions. The right to regulate is
probably the most advantages point at-
! taioed in the • bill.
I To tus Nebraska Legislature : How
about that submission plank adopted in ,
the late state republican convention.
Eemember , the republicans of Nebrasc
ka have declared in no uncertain voice
in favor of submitting the question of
prohibition to tha people. The people
expect it at your hands.
We fear that too much
oly mescal interferes with the Bloom-
ington Justice's grasp of things even 1
of events current and contemporaneous.
At all events its editor seems to be ig
I norant of the fact that Mr. Geer of the
State Journal has not been on the raill
road commission • for months. _
A COUUESI'OKDEXT at the state capi-
tal makes the observation that our law-
1 makers require considerable waiting on.
The senate , 33 members , he states , has .
a pay roll of 107 ; while the house , 100
members , manages to worry along with 1
( 89 employes. Our legislators may be
regarded , however , as very economical I
, m spots.
muron MOTES.
Quito chilly of Into.
Xows rather scarce this week.
Mr. Scott has located in Hitchcock county.
Roger Barnes offers a bargain in his flno >
millet stack.
Herman Myers skims the frozen waste in a
new carriage. .
Our school is projressinsly flnoly with a
good enrollment.
Eor.Tiikcr preached an eloquent sermon ,
last Saturday evening , on 'The present and
future homestead. "
Wo notice John Gambill is about on our
streets ayain , after being housed with a dis
abled foot for a few days.
The Easter Brothers , late of Iowa , are
guests of Mr. Boatman , and appear well 1
pleased with the country.
Geonre Myers will run the Perry Ranch , the
I comlcy summer. Mr ! Colvin the present fore-
man meditates a western trip soon.
2 r. Fade called , Sunday.
Dr. DeMay was on our streets , Saturday.
Jf. Burtlecs has returned from the Willow.
Ed. Benjamin ha3 purchased a team of S. J.
Mr. Smith has been staying in Glouwood , 3
the past week.
1 j A surprise party at Mr. McCasIin's , Satur1
t day eveniny.
% A natural curiosity In Glenwood. A cat , r
t that barks HJse a dog- . 1
\ • I
- ' Anothera4dition to the Gtetiwnod popula-
t tioo. A boy at Stephen Hopkins * . ,
- Frod Benjamin and E. J. Henderson have < 2
been hauJlny wood , the past week. They are C
determined to bare a sufficiency of fuel to 1 C
• apply their wants , the coming1 season , prej
paratory to putting in large crops.
Dsu. G. HoiuiAS & Co. , prominent drugb
ifl ts. Council IJluns , Iowa , say they regard
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Eemedy. as the best preparation in the mar-
kct , and recommend it always , where prompt s
and efiicien t treatment Is required ; it always
ifires atisfaction anil is an excellent meHicine
for cssmps , diarrhccaand bowel complaint in c
ekfeer roungor old persons. Sold by ileilil- I
Jk. * Weeks. 'V
j ELH iniELM7EniTonT
I ' Seven Illinois women are county superin-
Undents ) ol schools.
i A cynic Ls one who can always see faults
hi a person , but can never see virtues.
j I Iui' to be true ; nothing can need a lie.
A fault that needs it most grows too thereby.
Messrs. Trowbridge and Dauchy , of tho
school board , visited the high school , on
Tuesday afternoon.
The programme of Division No. 2 , will bo
presented on Feb. 18th , instead of Feb. 11th ,
as stated last week.
Our minds are as different as our faces ;
we are traveliug to one destination Ilappith
ness ; but few are going by tho same road
Tho Teachers' Heading Circle met with
3Iiss Lellew , on Monday evening. These
meetings are both pleasant and profitable to
those who attend.
Prof. Webster was detained from school ,
on Friday1 owing to the serious illness of his
wife. We are pleased to state , however ,
that ] at this writing , 3Irs. Webster is much
If the McCook schools keep pace with
other industries of the place , we will have to
have j , more school room built ere another
year opens.
Miss Berry has recently taken in charge a
portion of the boys' circulating library. She
would be pleased to become possessor of tho
whole line of books.
The Chicago school board has introduced
tho writings of Greeley , Thomas and Porter
into ! ' the high schools , to give the pupils an
idea of the tariff question.
We are sorry to note the prevalence of
sickness among the children of this school
caused by too many sudden changes in the
weather. Let's have it corrected.
Miss Isabella Burns-Degg , the last relative
of Robert Burns , died recently , at her
thatched cottage near Ayr , where she had
lived : half a century. She was the niece of
the poet Miss Begg died on her 81st birthsi
We are very sorry , indeed , to state that our
exercises which were to have taken place on
to-morrow , Feb. 11th , must unavoidably be
postponed until Friday , Feb. 18th. Ho hope
that all those intending to be ' present on to-
morrow afternoon , will attend on Feb. 18th.
. A general examination was held in the
high school room , on last Friday , Feb.4th. g .
Unlike "Burns , " we would prefer to not
"see ourselves as others sco us , " on examina-
tion day , as no good fairy came to whisper
into i our ear that last dread question in histli
Michigan is proud of Miss Alice U. Jorw
dan , the young woman who took the degree
ofLL. B. at Yale , last June. She is but 23
years old , is the first and only woman ever
graduated from Yale , was two years ago advi
mitted to practice law in the circuit courts ,
and has now been admitted to practice in the
superior court
The winter term of school , known as the
Frederick school , commenced December Gth ,
1SSG , with G. C. Boatman , teacher.
Number of boys enrolled 14.
Number of girls enrolled . . . 5.
Total enrollment 19.
Average attendance 15. <
The building is made of Nebraska materp
ial sod , board roof and floor ; dimensions'
10x28 feet ; furniture home-made. The folsi
lowing 1 persons have taught in the district :
Miss Kelly , Mr. Williams , Mr. Clare Wicktn
wire , Miss Nettie Black and I. T.
The following citizens constitute the school
board : Geo. J. Frederick , director ; N. Net-
tleton , moderator ; Mrs. S. M. Nettleton ,
King Frederick VI , of Denmark , while
traveling through Jutland , one day entered
a village school , and found the children live1
ly and intelligent , and quite ready to answer
questions. "Well youngsters , " he said ,
"what are the names of the greatest Kings
of Denmark ? " With one accord they cried
out , "Canute the Great , Waldemar , and
Christian rv. , your majesty. " Just then a
little j girl , to whom the schoolmaster had
whispered something , stood up and raised
Iter hand. "Do you know another , " asked
the king. "Yes Frederick VI. " "What
great act did he perform ? " The little girl
hung her head and stammered out faintly ,
"I don't know. " "Be comforted , my child ,
said the king ; I don't know , either.
To ! the Boakd op Education , McCook .
Citv Schools : ,
The following is a report of our schools .
for month euding Feb. 4th , 1SS7 : ,
Number of boys enrolled 117. .
Number of girls enrolled 140. *
Total enrollment 257. bi
Number belonging 247.
Average attendance 211. ,
Time lost by tardiness , 9 hrs. 14 minutes.
Visits of officers 9.
" q
Total amount deposited
in bank S1S3.06. u
Withdrawn 22.45. ei
Balance remaining 160.61. fn
In the high school department : sa
Number studying Latin 2. g
Number studying philosophy 2. tI
Number studying gen'l history. . . . 2.
Number studying phys. geog 9. sc
Number studying advc'dalgebra. . 2. tii
Number studying elementary " . .19. n
Number studying U. S. history. . .15. , ,
Number studying prac aritlimetic.49.tJI
Number studying grammar 47. re
The following citizens have visited us gi
within the month : Messrs. W. E. Dauchy d
(2) ( , H. Trowbridge (3) ( , J. B. Meserve (2) ( ) , J.
M. Ferguson (2) ( ) , II. T. Anderson (2) ( , Rev.
Joel S. Kelsey. Mrs. Amelia Engel , Jennie S'
Erman , S. D. Hunt J. Lee , J. B. Meserve 10
(4) ( ) , T.M.Helmt Carl Clark , J.D.Turner , M
C. W. Davis , W. S. Webster , S. E. Boyle , H. >
Trowbridge. M. A. Norihrup , M. Yager , H. C
IL Troth (2) , H. G. Dixon , F. O. Newman , J. ai
C.Allen , A. P.Sharp (2) ( ) , W. U. Stan , Jos. in
Miller (2) ( , L. Scott (2) ( ) , S. L. Scott , W. O.ot
Norval , John Farley , F. S. Fowler , J.
Collins , Gorman , Taylor , W. 31. Lewis (2) ( ) , t
Crane , Geo. Leland , D. "L. Griggs , H. W.ev
Keyes , Chas Noble , E. Kendall , F. D. Hess , in
A. M. Kelley , J. E. Berger , Hettie Kimball , m
C. T. Brewer. Misses Masine E. Hunt , Ma-
bel Meserve , Flora J. Shaw , Flora Hamm ,
Maggie McAlpine. Grace. 'Chavileer , 3Iaude
Chavileer , Jennie Elder , Lou Clark , Laura vc
Starbuck , M. Kouark , Eva Nellis , Flora cli
Smith , Allie Stevens. j nell *
W. S. Wedsteu , Principal.
Itch. 3Ian e , and Scratches of everv kind =
cured in 30 Minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. .
Warranted by S. L. Greeu , Druggist , McCook. in
m •
Washington , D. C.
MnMiinns .1. K. Baines Post No. 207 , G.
A. 1Deit. . ov JS'eij. , JIcCook , Nku. :
The family of General John A. Logan dedi
sire you to accept this grateful ackuowledg-
ment of your expression of sympathy and
condolence. Mns. John A. Louan.
Mh. 'John A. Logan , Jit.
William F. Tuciuji : .
Maisy Logan Tuckek.
gicand ahmy encampment.
General Order.
G.A. It , Grand Island , Neb. , Jan. 12. The
time fixed for the annual encampment of
this department being the lOtli of February
next , and that time coming among the closn
ing days of the legislature , and it being imu
possible for the'department commander and
many members of the legislature to leave
their ' spheres of duty at Lincoln at that time ,
tho council of administration have authoriztl
ej the commander to postpone the encampjf
ment to the 10th of March next The enn
campment will therefore occur at Omaha on
the } 10th and 17th of March. The council of
administration will convene on Tuesday , the
15th , at the same place.
Department Commander.
. . .
The Senate , last week , took up the
bill , recently passed by the House "for
the , ' relief of dependent parents and
honorably discharged soldiers , who are
now disabled and dependent upon their
own labor for support. " The main
points of the bill are as follows :
Bo it enacted , etc. , That in considering : the
pension claims of dependent parents , tho fnct
aud causo of denth , and tho lnct that the solt
dier loft no widow or minor children , havingJ
been shown as jequired bylaw , it shall be neeti
essary only to show by competent and suflicif
ent evidence that such a parent or parents
are without other present means of support
than their own inanunl labor or the contribuC
tions of others not legally bound for their , >
support : Provided , That no pension allowed
under this act shall commence prior to its
passage , and in case of applications hereto-
fore made under this act tho pension shall
commence from the date of the Cling of the
application in the Pension Office.
Rkc.2. That all persons who served three
months or more in the military or naval ser-
vice of the United States in any war in which
tho United States has been engaged , and ivho
have been honorably discharged therefrom ,
and who are now or who may hereafter be
suffering from mental or physical disability ,
not tho result of their own vicious habits or
carelessne3R , which incapacitates them for
the performance of labor in such a degree as
to render them unable to earn a support , and
who aro dependent upon their daily labor for
support , shall upon making due proof of the
fact according to such rules and regulations
a' the Secretary of the Interio.r may proi
vide in pursuance of this act , bo placed on
the list of invalid pensioners of the United
States , and be entitled to receive , for such
total inability to procure their subsistanco by
daily labor , $12 per month ; and such pension
6hall commence from the date of tho tiling of
the application in the Pension Office , upon
proof ] that the disability then existed , and
continue during the existence of the same in
the degree herein provided : Provided , That
persons who are now receiving pensions une
der existing laws , or those whose claims are
pending in the Pension Office , may , by appli-
cation to tho Commissioner of Pensions , in
such forma as ho may prescribe , receive the
benefits of this act ; but nothing herein con-
taiued shall be so construed as to allow more
than one pension at the same time to the sme
person ( , or pension to commence prier to the
passage of this act : And provided further ,
That rank in tho service shall not bo consida
ered in applications filled thereunder.
• ' =
We have here a class of pioneers whose ex1
ploits , hardships and faithfulness have nev-
ei been recounted or represented in any ade
quate ' way. Yet many of them are as wor
thy : of renown as Bucephalus or Rasinonte
oi even Pegasus. They have shared man's
toils , borne his burdens , been his faithful
laborers in varied efforts to subdue this great
American Desert and to solve the bread and
butter problem that lies behind civilization.
I1 tho Nebraska of the past , dry and grasss
hoppered , as it was before the iron horse
came to his rescue , he was the freight earner
bringing food and other supplies from dist
tint railway points , and lumber where Nebj
raska brick failed to serve the purpose. It
rsw '
washis strength that turned the tough buf-
falo sod , opening the way to plenty and to
the j Kingdom of King Com. He chased cat
tle and horses over the boundless plains and
did his siiare , not only in the making and
beautifying of homes , but in rearing public
buildings , building bridges , etc. And later
0i , here he'is allied to the classical Pegasus ,
he aided in the forming of churches , the es-
tablishment of schools and literary societies.
One such I think of : Once a free horse of
the farthest West , an unwilling pioneer , he
emigrated eastward. Tamed to man's uses
fiery and fleet as a grey-hound , he was a ver1
satile and efficient helper. Always ready to
go ( , he did go many a mile to carry messages
that , would be words of cheer or stimulus to
some earnest teacher , or to cany a rider as
tireless as he , to some gathering where high
hearted ( men and women were building better
than they knew. But at last muscles of steel
relax , the tired serves of even a noble horse
give out. Requiescat in pace. True Amie
des < chevaux. Mrs. C. L. N.
D. W. Mohris , wholesale and retail drugI I
gist ' , 139 Commercial St. , Emporia , Kas. , Jan. *
10th , 1887. To Chamberlain & Co. , Des
Moines , Iowa : Gentlemen In sending to
you the enclosed order for a gross of your
Cough < Remedy , allow me to say that without
any exception it is the best selling goods now
thy market 1 have sold a great amount
it during the past year to the citizens of
this place , and have the first complaint to
hear. It Is the best article to use for croup I j
ever sold , being pleasant to take , which is an |
important feature where children have to take
medicine. Sold by Willey & Walker.
The , Spring Creek Cattle Company , by a |
vote of all its stockholders , have this day I
closed business. Any unsettled accounts 1
should bo presented at once to George Hock-
, McCook , Neb.
January 24th , 1887. Geo. Hocrnkll.
M. Fuees , Sec'y. President.
Try iha Commercial House , when •
McCook , just once !
. . . > . . . . . _ . . - ' -r .
.McCook , Neb. , December IS. 1880.
Complaint having been entered at this office
by .Itiuies Ifinhart ajrainst ( 'atheriiii' Mngce.
her { - holts at d legal representatives" , lor aban
doning nor Homestead Entry No. 3500. dated
ttt ' North Platte. Neb. , .March 17th. :8S1 : , upon
the south li northwest U. ami tots \ \ and 4.
section 2. town. 1 north , range 2'i. west , in
Bed Willow county , Neb. , with a view to the
cancellation of said entry , the said part ies are
hereby summoned to nppcitr at thisofficoon
the 2d day of March , 1887 , at 10 o'clock , A. AI. ,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
82 S. P. HABT , Kegister.
' - 1 1 1 1
Lano Omen at McCook , Neb. , I
* > February 0th. 18S7. J
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler hnsJUed notice of his intention
u make final proof in support of his cluim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Kegis
ter or ltccciver at McCoolr , Neb. , on Monduy ,
April 11th. 18S7. viz : Churles Wcntz , on Home
stead Entry : S. 'i77 , for the southeast quarter of
section < 12. town. 2 , range 2t > west. Ho names
tho following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : Charles Ebert. Henry Voges , Her
man ; Rev and Herman Schumnker , all of Mc
Cook. Neb. S. P. IIAUT , Begister.
Land Office at McCook. Nku. , I
February lid , 1887. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has lllcd notice other intention
to J make Until proof in support of her cluim ,
and that said proof will be made before Hegis-
teror Beceivernt McCook , Neb. , on Friday.
March 11th , 1887 , viz : Gertrude A. Coleman on
Homestead No. 3inJ. for the southeast } i sec
tion 12 , town. 4 , north , range 1 , west. She
names tho following witnesses to prove her
continuous , residence upon , and cultivation
' of , said land , viz : Archibald H.Davis , Baxter
J. Davis , John N. Smith and Esrom Kothor-
inel , all of McCook , Neb.S. .
S. P. IIAiiT , Begister.
Land Oitick at McCooic , Nun. , 1
January I2)th ) , 1887. I
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to ( make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proor will bo made before Begis
ter < or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday ,
March 14th. 1887 , viz : William S. Hamilton ,
on Homestead 21i7 , for the northeast y see-
tion 28. town. 3. range 2'J , west. He names the2
following 1 witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of. said land ,
viz : Silas H. Colvin , Charles Hinmnn , Ed
ward Hinman and William Doyle , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. S. P. HAliT , Begister.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , j
January 2Sth , 1887. ) '
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to ( mukc final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Beg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
March 11th , 1837. viz : John H. Evert on Homo
stead 30b ) , for the south y3 northwest H and
north U southwest 34 , section 27 , town 3 , range
2 ! ! ) , west. He names the following witnesses
to ' prove his continuous residence upon , and
eultivation of , said land , viz : W. S. Hamilton.
William Doyle. Richard Johnston and Silas H.
Coh'in , all of McCook. Neb.
_ S. P. HART , Begister.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. ,
January : th , 1S87. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to < make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Kegis
ter or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friduy ,
March 11th , 18S7 , viz : Fred. Ilenjamin , on
Homestead Entry 3943 , for the north lA north-
(5nst H section 31 , west V northwest hi section
32. town. 2 , range 29 west. He names the fol-
lowing i witnesses to prove his continuous resi
deneo upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
E. J. Henderson , Stephen Hopkins , W. A. De-
May and George Kced , all of McCook , Neb.
35. S. P. HART , Begister.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
• January 24th , 1887. t
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make until proof in support of her claim ,
" and that said proof will be made before Begis-
ter or Beceiver at. McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 8th , 1887. viz : Emma M. Carter , on Pre
emption D. S. 3717 , for the southeast south5
east a , section 17 , town. 4 , range 2 . west. She
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of j , said land , viz : William Y. Johnson , John
M. Henderson , Samuel D. McClain and Mi
chael Doolcy , all of McCook , Neb.
_ S. P. HABT , Kegister.
Land Office at McCook , Neh. , i *
January 11th. 1887. J
Notice is hereby given that the foUowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Begis
ter ' or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur
day. February l'Jth , 1887 , viz : Lloyd Hilcman
on Pre-Emption D. S. 37S0 , for the southeast J-i
section 14 , town. 2 , range 30 , west. He names
the following witnesses to proYe his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , , viz : George J. Frederick. John Freder
ick ' , John Whittakcr , James M. Boatman , all of
McCook , Neb. S. P. HABT , Begister.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
December 31,188G. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Begis
ter or Beceiver at McCcok. Neb. , on Friday ,
February 11th , 1887. viz : Isabelle E. Johnson ,
formerly Isabelle E. Hickling , on Homestead
No. 607. for the southwest H southeast X ,
south Vt southwest H and northwest hi south
west H , section 17 , town. 4 , north range 20 ,
west. She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : Alfred Carter ,
James Bobinson. William Doyle and Stewart
Hoge , all of McCook , Nebraska.
32 S. P. HABT , Begister.
t. e. Mccracken ,
Real | Estate and S = =
= = = ! nsurance Agent.
Is prepared to write Policies on short notice
in the following standard , and old reliable
companies :
German American , of New York.
Commercial Union , of London.
Hartford , of Hartford , Conn.
Orient , of Hartford , Conn.
Springfield F. & 51. , Springfield , 5Iass. I
Washington P. & M „ Boston , 5Iass.
Firemans Fund , San Francisco , Cal.
Farmers and Merchants , Lincoln , Neb. T-
Trowbridge a
TRIBUNE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE ,
IfiJj liiliUlo uLullilllu Ul' . ' <
' I
Our Store in the New Brickfj
. Over twenty-live years EXPERIENCE in studying
the wants of customers , finding out tlie QUALITIES , . . .j
that are. right , will he used to the utmost , and quali- - t
ties and makes we offer ,
Our RULES making it SAFE to BUY will he in 4
full force , and the GOODS will hear the STRICTEST |
( i
We do FAIRER by CUSTOMERS then they are * !
ACCUSTOMED too , and stick to our PRIN- : - '
CIPLES. Every sale is subject to our ' <
• GUARANTEE. We sell at jj
The Lowest anybody can buy at. We Mark }
all goods in Plain Figures. ]
_ 1
UNTIL MARCH 18th • iI I i ,
_ . . . . • , . , i. i i
liiis iMUui ) liiiyiililly It' ' . ;
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. j
McCOOK , SEB. , JAIJ'Y 19th , 1887. , i
5 - ,
rafY " MKERYT i
i \
i -o- i !
\ 5 \
i Cakes Made to Order. Si. Paul Patent Flour. S
* >
j A. PROBST h BRO. j
i S
Q. Why is it that everybody gets his clothes made by L. *
Bernheimer ?
A. Because he always keeps a large assortment of the j
best imported and domestic goods on hand , and he never
fails to give entire satisfaction in every particular. These i
are the reasons why we advise all who want anything in the ,
Merchant Tailoring line to call on J
otizbSbSk ' S&dkg. The Merchant Tailor. r :
The Howard Lumber Co. '
JUuIIIUdI 06 lAdl ) , - |
jf f