The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1887, Image 5

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    Fl * JStSwfc pikp.
THURSDAY , FEB. 3 , 1S87.
K jy Indicates thut your subscription to this
( Jf paper has EXimtED , and that u cordial
Mr * Hk invitation is extended to call and renew
j ) * * the same. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
E Local In teUigence.
K E3fChas. Noble , the leading grocer.
K Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
( > ' TOUUETTE & Co. 's.
{ A full line of hardware , stoves and
H tinware at C. D. Palmer ' s.
m > Cabinets only $3 a dozen at Millers'
/ opposite Menard's Opera Hall.
A HTThe American Settler's Guide
{ for sale at The Tribune office.
| C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
| the best place to buy your hardware.
i 2S' " * Oilt and red seals for sale at
\ The Triuuxe stationery department.
h. The best fresh and salt meats in the
| market at Brewer & Wilcox ' s meat
K 1 market.
| S3 ? Drawing books at The 'J ribune
j * stationery , blanks and blank book de-
f partment.
It will pay you to call at C. D. Pal
mer ' s hardware store before purchasing
E , 5 ? " The latest and most accurate
j Nebraska state maps for sale at The
i Tribune office.
A well selected assortment of fresh
, candies at Chas. Noble's. His stock
is fresh and clean.
Bring in the babies while the fine
* weather continues and have Miller
i make some photos of them.
\ Only three wagons left of last car.
* Will sell cheap to make room lor new
y goods. C. P. ItlNICER.
t , A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
if queenswarc , and in fact everything in
\ the grocery line , at Chas. Noble's.
Itemember that Chas. Noble is head-
r # quarters for everything fresh and clean
Itf in the staple and fancy grocery line.
I G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
t power feed grinder , with attachment
j for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
r Geared feed grinders , with four or
{ six horse power and sheller attach-
, ments. Just the thing to make fat
[ hogs , at llinker ' s.
ft A line of very handsome library
hanging lamps at Chas. Noble's. Call
and see them.
y . Scissors , pen knives , carving knives
and forks , all kinds of cutlery , as low
as the lowest , nt C. D. Palmer ' s oppo
site McEntee Hotel.
If you have anything in the line of
photograph work you want done take
it to Miller , and give him a trial. Sat
isfaction guaranteed.
) Another car of the best wind mills
on earth just received by C. P. llinker.
Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit-
: tings of every style imaginable.
{ The "Famous " has a handsome line
' of Hats , Caps and Furnishing Goods in
addition to their large line of clothing ,
for men , youths , boys and children.
Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
farms at the lowest rates. Also have
special bargains in real estate , at
McCook Laxd Office.
Fry & Snow ' s old stand is the place
to buy your Flour and Feed , also Gar
den and all kinds of Farm Seeds. We
i have csuic to stay and will make prices
] reasonable. Harvey Bros.
f The uNePlus Ultra Reclining Chair "
| is the finest chair we ever saw for the
money. You can find comfort in any
\ position. It takes the place of a crib ,
| cot , hammock or sofa. Every family
{ shoukl have one of the chairs. No of-
| fice can afford to do without them ,
i Send to the Becliuing Chair Co. , Blue
Springs , Neb. , for a sample chair.
) Price with fine brussels carpet , $4.00.
} Parties contemplating using anything
! in their line should correspond with
! Aspinwall Bros. , Kearney , Neb. , propa-
• * ators and dealers in Small Fruit Plants
( and Nursery Stock , all home grown. E.
i L. Walker of McCook , Neb. , is the local
] agent of the nursery , and can accom-
\ modate your every want in their line.
\ Bear in mind the advantages of nursery
i stock grown in your own state over that
! raised elsewhere. Home stock is best
> adapted to soil and climate , and con-
j sequcntly more certain to grow when
| planted.
| We have just received the best as
sortment of blank books , composition
books , correspondence tablets , counter
books , drawing books , exercise books ,
\ invoice books ladies ' shopping books ,
ladies * visiting lists , letter copying
books , manilla blanks , memorandums ,
such as butcher books , desk flexible
American morocco , flexible American
Bussia , flexible Persian Russia , press
I board and sheep , also notes , drafts , re
ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press
board and printed press board pass
books , students note books , time books ,
' this . Call
etcever brought to city.
and examine them. We have the line
and our prices will catch you. At The
TaiBUSK Stationery Department.
Quite a number of changes in busi
ness circles , these days.
The W. C. T. U. meets at Mrs. Geo.
Hocknell's , Feb. 5th. 2:30 : clock , P. M. ,
mountain time.
The land and loan firm of Wiley &
Bede , this week , replace their small
card with a larger , and more attractive
one. See first page.
This week , lots 5 and G , block 7 first
addition , were sold by n. G. Dixon to
M. Yager , who will erect thereon a fine
residence , in the spring.
The Red Willow County Teachers'
Association meets at Indianola , Friday
and Saturday , February 11th and 12th.
See program fn another column.
We have some handsome progressive
euchre favor cards , gilt and colored
stars , at this office. Call and see them
if you want anything in that line.
A religious revival of proportions is
agitating Ba.tley from centre to cir
cumference. There are S3 conversions
to date , and the good work continues
The first of the week , Rev. Joel S.
Kelsey of the Congregational church ,
moved from Madison Avenue to a new
residence in the northeastern part of
the city.
We see it stated that Miss Ada P.
Buck has resigned her position in the
Lincoln schoolsand , that she will remain
at home with her parents at "Forest
Home" on the Willow.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. re
quest us to return their hearty thanks
to the Glee Club for the excellent mu
sic rendered at their gospel temperance
meeting , last Sunday evening.
The Chri. tian View again makes its
modest bow to the public. We hope
to see its scope widened , and its size
enlarged. It enters a broad , unoccu
pied field , to stay , it is fondly desired.
The semi-monthly meeting of the Y.
P. A. occurred at Train Master Phe-
ian's residence , last Friday evening ,
with its accustomed large attendance ,
excellent program and marked interest.
Through the medium of the Courier ,
published at Indianola , Rev. E. J. Hall
is satisfactorily solving the ponderous
question of labor and capital. Rev. Hall ,
being a horny-handed son of toil himself ,
is in a position to handle the subject
advisedly and for all time.
The office of night watchman is now
vacant , John Churchfield , who has been
serving in that capacity during the past
two months , having resigned that not
too lucrative position , the first of this
month. The thugs will doubtless ap
prove the absence of a nocturnal minion .
of the law.
A splendid assortment of Bibles may .
be found at the City Drug Store for
sale by the Auxiliary of the American
Bible Society. Prices range from five
cents to four dollars , being 50 per cent ,
lower than can be found elsewhere.
They are also given gratuitously by ap
plication to auxiliary.
A commodious and convenient im
plement shed has just been completed
by C. P. Rinker. Its dimensions are
112x24 feet , making it one of the lar
gest and best store houses for imple
ments and machinery in the state. A
private office and pump factory depart
ment are also comprehended in the im
The well-known "Byfield hay lands"
are proving a valuable piece of proper
ty. Mr. Byfield , we are informed ,
having harvested some five hundred
tons therefrom , last fall. His four-
horse team and two wagons combina
tion i a familiar sight on our streets.
He has already shipped a number of
car loads into Colorado.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have
again entered the field for "God and
Home and Native Land. " Their gos
pel temperance meeting at the Congre
gational church , Sunday evening , was
largely attended and interesting. Rev. ,
Kelsey delivered an effective address
on the occasion. May the union prove
a power in this city , is The Tribune's
sincere wish. ,
In order that no misunderstanding
may exist or arise , we take this occa
sion to atatc that the Wilson-Gordon
case was dismissed Squire Wiley ' s
court at the justice's request , he hav
ing been a counselor for defendant in
the action before Squire Bennett. In
our last issue we simply stated the fact
of dismissal , not the wherefor , which
might be misleading.
Divine services will be held in the
Catholic church on next Sunday.
Pastor ,
_ ly jggnf _ _ _
Tn another place will be found the
dissolution notice of Davis & Turner ,
land attorneys. The retiring member
of the firm , C. W. Davis , becomes a
partner with T. M. Helm in the land
and loan business. Helm & Davis will
make one of our strongest firms in their
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
McCook has it bad. The B. & M.
arc surveying a branch line from there
into Hayes county , and the shades of
a road from North Platte through Mc
Cook and on to Texasrises ; vividly be
fore the populace. It is stated that
town lots have advanced 50 per cent , in
price. Akron Star.
S5F0il papers for letter books at
The Tribune stationery department.
We learn that F. L. McCracken will
shortly put a water motor into his es
tablishment to run his turning and pol
ishing lathes. This will prove a great
convenience and attraction. There are
others who will doubtless make use of
the water works in a similar manner in
course of time.
Heating Stoves at Cost , at W. C. La-
TOURETTE & Co. ' s.
Journalists who can , on the self-same
Sunday afternoon , teach the youthful
mind the profundity of theology , and
"the boj s" the peculiar eccentricities of
five cent ante , come high , perhaps at
the top of the market , but then they
doubtless fill a niche in our social econ
omy serve as horrible examples.
Take your hides , butter and eggs to
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
Social Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wilcox
entertained a small company of friends ,
last Thursday evening , with a delight
ful little card party. Progressive
euchre absorbed the interest of the oc
casion. Refreshments were served.
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Fowler , Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meserve ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Brew r , Misses
Roberts and Meserve. And faith there
was a chief among them taking notes.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Chas. Noble 's , this week.
Early yesterday morning , a young
man named Bruce Johnson , who has
been in the employ of Jesse D. Welborn
Df Indianola , for the past six weeks ,
committed suicide , while temporarily
insane , with a shot gun. Johnson was
i Virginian , about 22 years old , of in-
lustrious habits and quiet disposition.
He had been suffering a few days with
some brain derangement and his rash
ict can only be explained On the above
BSPEggs wanted at Chas. Noble's.
Ihe highest market price paid.
As was generally expected , the sec
ond trial of the Wilson-Gordon case ,
which transpired before County Judge
Baxter , at Indianola , last Friday , re
sulted in binding Gordon over to the
next term of the district court , his bond
being placed at $500. W. O. Russell
and M. J. Ileafy becoming his sureties.
Now let the authorities do their plain
duty , and let no guilty man escape.
The individuals who run the gambling
establishments , together with their pat
rons , irrespective of persons , should be
treated to a generous dose of legal sua
sion , and these dens broken up. The
law righteously enforced does not make
fish of one man , and flesh of another ,
neither should its executives. Clean
them up thoroughly.
Bargains in stoves and tinware at C"
D. Palmer's.
Last Thursday evening , King Cyrus
Chapter No. 35 , of this cit } ' , was insti
tuted in due form , Messrs I. T. Benja
min , G. H. P. , and E. R. Richardson ,
State Lecturer , both of Crete , Neb. , be
ing the proper representatives present
for that occasion. The following offi
cers were installed : W. W. Fisher ,
G. II. P. ; T. G. Rees , King ; Sylverter
Cordcal , Secretary ; F. L. McCracken ,
Treasurer ; S. L. Green , C. of F. ; I. J.
Starbuck , P. S. ; E. E. Lowman , R. A.
( J. ; Z.L.Kay , G. M. T. V. ; J. A.
Wilcox , G. M. S. V. ; A. M. Kelley ,
G. M. F. V. ; John Roxby. Sentinel.
King Cyrus Chapter No. 35 , joins the
ranks of duly instituted societies , in
this city , with a membership of thirty-
Bve , which places it on a substantial
basis among the strongest orders.
Anything in the line of hardware or
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
The Sargent Hotel at the county-seat
has been leased by Will Cramer of Al-
bia , Iowa. Mr. Cramer is well-known
in this place , having served in the ca
pacity of clerk at the Commercial , not
long since.
SSB'-Umlci ' this liend wo would bo plensed to
have our friends throughout the city tieiiuuint
I uHOf theurrivulunddeimrtureoftheirvisiiors.
Attorney Wright of Arapahoe was in town
on legal business , Friday last.
Mrs. Bishop , an elderly lady living in
South McCoo ! : , N Iyim ; at d.atlfs door.
M. Y. Starbuck , wife and eldest daughter
were passengers to tiie 'Varsity town , Fri
day evening.
C. S. Quick , one of the county-seat's bank
ers , was in this centre of finance and trade ,
Tuesday afternoon.
E. A. Leach , formerly in the photograph
business here , arrived in the city , Tuesday ,
on a visit to his family.
M. Leach , the architect , returned to Wy-
more , last Friday evening , having completed
Ids work here and at Iudkmola.
Mrs. Lieb and brother-in-law arrived from
Iowa , Sunday night , and at once drove down
to the ranch , li ( miles south of the city.
Boadmaster Ed. Highland was up from
Bed Cloud , last Thursday afternoon , on
railroad business , it is reasonable to presume.
Mr. and Mrs. ( leorge Coleman , who have
been visiting in Iowa , during the past six
weeks , returned home on No. 1 , Sunday
Jos. Miller retired from the employ of
Messrs. Ludwick & Trowbridge , the Main
Avenue furniture dealers , the lirst of the
Hairy Plillips is in town , to-day. working
up the right of way on the McCook & North
western railroad , now being surveyed from
McCook northwest.
Sheriff Welborn , the "champion codder"
of the county-seat , was around among "the
boys , " Monday afternoon. lie reports the
Colonel's phone all O. K.
J. E. Cochran , Esq. , I. J. Starbuck , Joe
Spotts and others , peregrinated to the coun
ty-seat , Friday evening , attracted thither by
the Wilson-Gordon skirmish.
F. S. Verbeck , Bamhart Bros & Spiinller's
genial representative , illumined these news-
paporial headquarters , last Friday afternoon ,
with his welcome , beaming countenance.
Col. T. J. Majors came up to the city , Sat
urday , from his senatorial duties at Lincoln ,
spending Sunday with Begister Hart Every
body knows irrepressible "Colonel Tom. "
Messrs. Moores and Schaeffer of Curtis , this
state , were in town , yesterday , on land busi
ness. We acknowledge a pleasant call from
these gentlemen.
Alex. Stewart , of wymorc , a B. & M. en
gineer , was in the city , between trains , yes
terday afternoon , on some matters of busi
ness , lie being interested in city property
L. L. Ilulburd , Esq. , took No. 2 , Tuesday
evening , for Lincoln , where he will put in a
few days among our legislative solons. He
will also make his old home , Brownville , a
flying visit.
J. F. Forbes , of the Train Dispatcher's of
fice , spent the close of last week in Arapa
hoe and Superior , on a short recreative visit.
He returned , the first of the week , to his du
ties , but little improved in health.
Ed. waite , with F. L. McCracken , is ab
sent in Iowa , visiting bis mother , who is ill.
He will also spend a few days with Mrs.
Waite in Missouri , before his return , which
is expected , next week. Mrs. "Waite may ac
company him.
Mi * . Gordon and mother arrived from
Weeping Water , Neb. , Tuesday of last week ,
on a visit to Smith Gordon , who lives a few
miles noitheast of the city. Mr. G. returned
home , Friday evening , but Mother Gordon
will remain an indefinite period.
Squires w. w. Fisher , of Wauneta Falls ,
and Sylvester Cordeal , of Akron , and w. B.
Spain , of Indianola , made a Masonic pilgrim- .
age to this city , last Thursday evening , to at
tend the institution of King Cyrus Chapter
No. 35 , and the installation of the officers in
due form.
Geo. llocknell departs for Los Angeles ,
Cal. , to-morrow , via Kansas City , where he
will be joined by his partner , B. M. Frees , of
Chicago. Mr. llocknell has been severely
afflicted with rheumatism , the past few days ,
and seeks Sunny Lower California to allevi
ate his sufferings.
Miss Ella Little arrived in the city from
McCook on 39 , Sunday , and will make this
her home with her adopted parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Little Yardinaster Sauers ,
who for some time past has had charge of
the yards here , now has the McCook night
yards. Akron Star.
Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Troth and family de
parted on No. 2 , yesterday morning , for
Mount Holly , N. J. , in response to a tele
gram received , announcing the death of a
near and dear relative , Mrs. Clother , who
will be remembered by many in this city and
county , as the estimable lady who was seri
ously injured in an accident on the Willow ,
some two years since. Mrs. Troth and the >
children will remain in the east a number of
months , but Mr. Troth will return in due
a : rreeed. : :
McKILLIP KUMMEB-On Tuesday , Jan
uary 25th , 1SS7 , Mr. William McKillip and .
Miss Mary Kumiiier , both of Thornburg , ;
Hayes county , Father Cullen of this city .
officiating. ,
uary 25th , 1SS7 , Father Cullen of this city
officiating , Mr. William Campbell and
Miss Mary Snider , both of Thomburg ,
Hayes county.
ELY GBEGEBY January 2tth ; , 1SS7 , at | '
the residence of William Brennan in Hitch-
cock county , Mr. Alba C. Ely and Miss
Anna M. Gregery , both of Bed Willow
county , Bev. D. S. Morris officiating.
_ I
Our thanks are due Senator J. P. .
Lindsay for a copy of senate file No.119 ,
a bill to provide a system of revenue.
An incipient conflagration visited In
dianola , Monday , causing nominal dam
age to the Sargent hostelry. i
• v \
ELMER HELM , Kditok.
It is always easy to say a rude thing , but
never wise.
We are glad to note so few cases of tardi
ness. Let us reach the point where we have
Rumor says we are to have our school
building heated by a furnace , soon. We
hope the report may be true.
The Dili grade pupils enjoyed a written ex
amination in Philosophy , on Monday of this
week. How pleasant it must have been.
President White , of Cornell , has given the
University his historical library , which he
has been collecting for twenty-five years.
The 9th grade completed tiie study of
physiology , this week. They will now wres
tle with tiie intricacies of civil government.
The presence of Messrs. Trowbridge and
Dauchy , of our school board , lent dignity to
Friday afternoon's entertainment. Call
again , gentlemen.
The pupils of the high school are indebted
to Prof. Webster for his kindness in having
a stage constructed , to be used in the Friday
afternoon exercises.
The college at Holden , Mo. , one of the
most magnificent educational institutions in
that section of the state , was consumed by
fire , the other morning.
Miss Edna Meserve entertained a number
of her friends at her home , last Saturday
evening. ( James , cakes , nuts and candy , were
features of the evening.
Through the kindness of the school board ,
we are to have a new cyclopedia , called the
International. This will be a decided im
provement to our present sciiool library.
At the annual Chase and Wheeler contest
of the Palladean Society of the State Uni
versity , held on Friday evening , Jan. 28th ,
J. A. Barret of Lincoln was awarded first
prize for oratory.
We miss the smiling countenance of Miss
Florence Yarnell from our midst. We learn
she has gone to Iowa and Illinois to visit re
latives and friends. She will propably be
gone two months. ,
Ann Arbor , Mich. , Jan. 10. Edward 01-
ney , L. L. D. , the eminent mathematician ,
was found dead in his bed , this morning ,
death having resulted from heart disease.
He was the author of numerous and general
ly usedworks on mathematics. For the last
thirty years he has filled the chair of profes
sor of mathematics in the University of
The school at Banksville opened in Decem
ber , with Frank Albrecht as teacher. Num
ber enrolled , 20 ; average attendance , 10. The
district was organized in the fall of 18S5. T.
W. Benjamin , son of w. H. Benjamin , teach
ing the first term. • The building is of sod ,
board roof and floor , and seated with modern
seats. The present officers are , Francis
Cain , director ; James Hill , assessor ; w. II.
Benjamin , moderator. This district is to be
commended for its promptness in organizing
a school.
The Wilcox & Clyde School Comedy Co.
will present before their audience , at the
school house , on February 12th , the Drama ,
entitled , "A Showman's Tkoukle. " This
company have with them some brilliant art
ists in their line. The following is the
cast of ciiakacteks :
Mr. Jackson E. J. Wilcox.
Mr. Screws L. C. Clyde.
Miss Mary Andeison Miss L. Starbuck.
Miss Hayden Miss N. Lee.
Tommy Spencer E. C. Helm.
Peter Jenkins C. W. Blanding.
Eli Blackpot , ( comical ) Elmer Helm.
The exercises given by Division No. 1 , last
Friday afternoon , were enjoyed by the fol
lowing visitors : Mrs. Erman , Mrs. S. D.
Hunt , Miss Maggie Hunt , Mrs. Lee , Mrs. J.
B. Meserve , Miss Flora llamm , Miss Flora
J. Shaw , Miss Mabel Meserve , Mrs. T. M.
Helm , Mrs. C. Clark , Mrs. L. Potter , Mrs. J.
D. Turner , Mrs. C. W. Davis , Mrs. W. S.
Webster , Mrs. S. C. Boyle , Miss Maggie Mc-
iVlpin , Mrs. M. Yager , Miss Grace Chavi-
leer , Miss Maud Chavilecr , Mr. and Mrs. II.
Trowbridge , Miss Jennie Elder , Miss Lou
Clark , Miss Laura Starbuclc , Mrs. M. A.
Northrup and Mrs. W. E. Dauchy. We were
pleased to see so many present and hope
they will call often.
I. O. O. P. Trenton Lodge No. 1-17
was instituted by Grand Master Adam
Furgeson , of North Platte , last even
ing. The following named gentleman
from McCook Lodge , I. O. O. F. , par- .
tieipated : Messrs. F. D. Hess , C. W.
Paine , W. D. Paine , Charles Ilinman , '
B. F. Olcott , J. A. Brewer , W. O.
Russell , S. n. Colvin , W. D. Capps ,
J. S. Holmes , L. II. llooney , IT. Trow- '
bridge. The lodge commences its ex1 1
istence with a membership of 20 of i
Irenton 's representative men.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers of this city are already making |
arrangements for their grand ball and (
banquet , February 22d. The invita
tions will be printed in The Tribune
job rooms , in a few days , and shortly
issued by the committee. The plans
ire being laid on a grand scale for a
stupendous affair. *
The Farmers and Merchants and *
Bank of Indianola banks , March 1st ,
ivill consolidate under the style of the ,
State Bank of Indianola , capital stock i
525,000 , with C. S. Quick as cashier.
Mr. Smith will probably take charge of ]
i bank at some other point. This will t
ive the county-seat one bank less , but
financial advantages unimpaired and i
unexcelled. ,
The next meeting of the "Q. A. T. "
lancing club will occur at the Opera \
Hall , Saturday evening. j
The county commissioners were in ses-
sionyesterday. Proceedings iu due time. /
To the many kind friends and neigh- ] 1
bors who so generously came to our us- | S
sistance , and with their warm-hearted jS
Christian sympathy and neighborly kind- '
nesses , have so comforted us under the | §
sudden death stroke that has come to i ' _ \
our home and taken our beloved daugh-
ter Ella from our embrace , we desire 3
to express our heartfelt thanks. And " _ \
while wo thus express our gratitude to \
our near neighbors and friends , wo do- jj
sire to acknowledge our obligations to |
the many kind friends , and especially 1
the ladies of McCook , who so promptly |
came to us with their ministries of mer
cy , bright flowers and warm Christian
sympathy. To all we would say , let
this afflictive providence which has
come to us be a solemn warning to
each to be ready , when the "Master
calleth for thee , " to go with rejoicing
to join the loved and lost who wait to
welcome us on the other side.
ItovAi , Buck ,
Tiianki'ul P. Buck.
Bed Willow , Jan. 31 , 1S87.
960 Acres of Land io Rent. I
320 acres on the Driftwood , 50 acres
under cultivation. 320 acres , 12 miles j
soutli of McCook , G5 acres under culti- ' !
vation , house and well. 100 acres on IE
the Frenchman , house and well. 1G0 1
acres adjoining the Akron , Colo , town- | l
site , 25 acres broke. Will rent from 1 §
to 3 years. Geo. E. Johnston , • E
McCook , Neb. tf
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli- i !
cations. Money paid over as soon as j
papers are completed. Call on or ad- j
dress , Bed Willow Co. Bank , |
43-tf Indianola , Neb. x
Real Estate Loans. *
, '
We have completed arrangements j
whereby we can furnish those who want *
a loan , money on real estate , promptly
and without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and sec us. We are al- ' ,
so prepared to make chattel mortgage ; 5
loans. Citizens Bank. t
If you see Squire J. W. Bennett
coming after you. Dr. Kay has placed
his accounts in the hands of the depu- j
ty , who is rustling after the doctor ' s (
creditors in dead earnest , that's all. # (
Notice of Dissolution. f
The land and loin firm of Davis & t
Turner is dissolved by mutual consent I
this 1st dav of February , 18S7. I
C. W. Davis. J
J. D. TuitNEit. I
New crop cane seed for sale , whole
sale or retail , by M. Willson , i
Blue Hill , Webster Co. , Neb. j. .
At their meeting , yesterday , the "
County Commissioners let the publica
tion of the proceedings , road notices , ,
etc. , to the Democrat and Tribune j ,
jointly. For 18S7 , therefor , the above L
journals will fly the "banner with a
strange device ' ' Official County Paper
at their column head. So mote it.
The McEntee House passed into the ,
management of James McEntee and ' .
Ed. Jordan , the first of the month. It
is superfluous to add that the house
has fallen into good hands , and that its
reputation will be sustained and im
proved by Messrs. McEntee & Jordan.
Albert Noren is still confined to bed ,
though somewhat better at this writing.
The doctors fear that the operation of f
last Thursday will have to be repeated
before his recovery shall become ulti
mate and rapid , as his many friends
A young woman in West McCook ,
' we were unable to secure the name , )
is reported by the physicians in charge ,
is very low with puerperal fever , and < •
iier recovery is regarded as doubtful. i I
An intoxicated , boisterous individual *
ivas treated to a fine of $10 , and an im
prisonment of 20 days , by Squire Ben-
lett , yesterday. Too much school
Fund moisture. ,
The business card of Helm & Davis ,
; he new land and loan firm , appears in
> ur directory , this week.
The physicians report considerable \
; ickness among the children of the city.
There can be 100 lleclining Chairs 7
; old in McCook. Some energetic per- : ,
• on should get the agency of these *
: hairs and canvass the city. We have |
me of these chairs and we take a great I
leal of • 'solid comfort" ' in it. Get a 1
diair at once and you will never regret I ' '
t. Adv. f ,
The new grocery store of Chas. I
oble is the place to purchase your < 1
rroccries and provisions. %
Queenswarc in the latest styles , \
ilain and ornamented , at the leading J
rrocer Chas. Noble. ° j
" %
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
io s. Call at their market , Main
Try the Commercial House , when '
n McCook , just once !