The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1887, Image 3

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mm Somo TJnvnrnlHlictl n'rutlis About
V > ' "snsHloty" at thoXationnl Capital.
Hf Although there is .1 great show anil
Kl any amount of "social position" ami
Br/ • • rank" in Washington , there is not an
Hi equal amount of wealth to support it in
H } | two-thirds of the cases. The majority
of those who shine in society and are
Bj tho most prominent and irrepressible
H are dependent on Government salaries ,
j and it takes close management to make
I them suilice for plain living and a place
Hi in society. Many of the Senators are
El Y wealthy ; but they are the only ones , as
Kl a class , who have great wealth ; and
Hi the moneyed people , as the r < ch winter
! residents who come only as private cil-
Kf izens are called , are easily counted.
K Each season Washington runs over
J with heiresses , and penniless girls , and
j widows who come to Washington as to
Bp a great matrimonial market , and wear
| themselves half out in the struggle to
K | get into and keep 111 society. Rich men
WJ never come to hunt for wives in this
Uh modern Smithlield , and when a New
n | York millionaire did take a Washing-
Bn ton it was a pretty gril in strait-
11 ened circumstances , who had never
\ been known in the society army and
navy germans and legation balls.
1 Young army and naval ollicers arc the
\ most mercinary lot of all , and they in-
W j variably' save up their leaves of ab-
{ ' sence tx > spend them in Washington
n during tho winter months. One mis-
' • * creaia in epaulets once horrified some
I * married ladies by saying : "It pays us
I poor fellows on short commons to pass
a season in Washington sending bo-
, quets and spend all our money on the
I' . ' girls , for all the rich girls go there.
I' and their fortunes are only equivalents
I . for the position that we can
I , ' give tiiem.
I Sometimes these gay speculators get
I , terribly sold , as not every papa that
I passes for a millionaire is really one ,
I , and heiress is a name very easily tick-
eted to a girl who dresses well , lie
s' cenlly there has been a notorious case
I of one of these uniformed forlunc-
I i hunters getting the supposed heiress
I ] after a long siege , only to lind too late
I that the fortune was all in the air , van-
It 1 _ > ished. gone up like smoke. To balance
this there is the case of another young
I oflicer , who. although engaged to a
R\ great heiress now iu Europe linishing
111 , 1 her French and biding her trousseau ,
Hj longs to be released from those golden
| &t fetters to marry a penniless orphan em-
JMft ] ) loyed in one of the departments here.
wK ) > People who believe in tlie old-fashioned
Hfc * love stories admire and sj'inpathize
ft ' deeply with this crooked course of true
B | love , hut his brother ofliccrs think the
WK , distracted youth a plain ami similc
Hr lunatic.
wk A jjoko is often told on one very
Hs punctilious army oflicer , who in the
Hk course of frontier experiences found
Mft his ex-laundress the wife of a Con ress-
Wb man " The laundress' rise ami the
H growth of her husband's fortune could
HT not bring the ladies of the fort torcc-
H ognize her , and this particular oflicer ,
Ife although now a General , could renicm-
| t ber some stormy scenes , when , as a
U poor young Lieutenant , he had scored
w ami upbraided the laundress about mat-
B lers of starch , buttons and plain mend
s' ' N 5ng. She fell in his way next at some
H y celebration or event where her husband ,
W the Congressman , was in one of the
I front earriaires of tho procession , : ud
Rj .she. the gorgeous figure , on the plat-
] form crowded with the distinguished
' jteoplc of tiie day. Tin * General in his
uniform was introduced and her voice
and face .sent his memory clias ng
backwards. Just about as the identity
was becoming clear her tulle went on to
jj the winter that she had jjust passed in
Washington. Her comments on socie
ty and people at the capital woundu p
consolingly with this : "O , yes ! I found ,
too , that armv officers go in quite good
; society at Washington. " When this
got into army gossip it furnished as
much amusement as a remark that
once rose above the hum of voices at
a dinner party here when the same
woman , who looked sixt } ' and wore a
I raven-black wig over a face seamed
with a hundred wrinkles , siinperingly
.sad ; : "Yes , I mean to wear baby blue
until I am thirty. " Washington Cor.
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
Have to Argue.
! * " A man , upon entering a yard sur-
i rounding a cabin , was bitten by a dog.
Just then an old negro came out , and
I nodding to tho man who was writhing
in pain , said :
"De animal bite ycr , sah ? "
• 'Of course he did. Came very near
tearing me all to pieces. "
"Sorry sah , but I tells ycr whut's er
\ fack. Ycr ken boas' dat yer wuz bit by
dc lines' dog in dis neighborhood. I
gin ten dollars yeah er fo las' fur dat
piip. an' 1'sp found dat he's wutli it. "
• • You good for nothing old hound , I
ought to knock your head off. "
"W'y ? Je < berca ' se I sm ; so much
fur de dog ? Wa 'n't none o' \ cr busness
how much I paid cz laung ez it wuz my
money. I dcclar' ter goodness , white
folks * is gittin'so cuis an' partieulcr
desc davs dat er pussou doan know how
ter please " em. Conic er makin' ermout
' or roun heah case I seed lit ter buy er
I valuable dog. lictter git outen dis yard
an' go on crbout yer bus'ness. "
When the indignant man had gone ,
; the old rascal , turning to his wife , said :
[ • • Polly , ycr got terargy wid white folks
i dxjsc days , fur cf yer doan da ain' gwine
\ 'sped yer. Arkansaw Traveler.
( -
1 Miseries of Jury Duty.
'Til never serve on another jury as
! ion"as I live , " said one of the Mc-
! Quade jurors to a friend.
i * * Ycs it must be very tiresome , " re-
\ plied the friend.
I "It is , indeed , but that's not what I'm
' complaining about. "
i "The loss of time is not repaid by the
! two dollars a day jury fee ! "
• • I didn't m.nd the loss of time so
! much. It was not the loss of time that
. galled me. "
B. • • What is it that exasperated you so
much ? "
"One of the morning papers describ-
! cd mo as 'a big headed young man with
1 ears like transparent turrets' " Texas
ii i
'Twonld Take a BIc Dnin.
Some of tlie nroft-BBors of De Veanx col-
lego have figured out a singular fnct. It in
two milcH from tlio Horacslioo FuIIh to Do
Vcnux college , down tho river. Supposing
an otiormouH Htop-gato to be placed in tlio
river oppofiite the college , in such a manner
a to atop tlio water , how long
think it would tako for the water to fill up
that immense gorgo to the top of the high
banks ? Lcbh than a minute ! This Bcems
like a big story , but if figures won't liethat
would bo the result or tho experiment. I
don't think , howover , that it is in any
danger or its being tried in the near future.
[ Rochester PoBt-Exprcss.
Tlio Bent Stimulant.
Tho beat atimulent for persons who have
been exposed to cold is champagne. Owing
to its diffusive quality , it acts moro quick-
lv thnn brandy or whisky. If a more pow
erful effect is wanted brandy and cham
pagne should be taken alternately. But
this remedy should never be used except by
persons actually suffering from a shock. If
taken under ordinary circumstances a
scciio is apt to follow.
OcinM In Paris.
Amethysts arc coming in again. Crosses
made of thesa stones wore worn during Ad
vent as half-mourning by very scrupulous
Catholics ; while the prejudice against opals
seems to have worn away. I haveseen
many of theso stones recently mounted
with diamonds in rings. A now and fash
ionable way to wear cat's-eyes and moon
stones is to have them set in little gold
rims with four tiny loops of the metal , 1)3'
which means Miey may be sewn on black
velvet bands for tho throat. [ Paris Corre
spondence Jewelers' "Weekly.
A petted boy in New Hampshire was
sometimes invited to bring in an armful
of wood and sometimes to go to tho post-
ofiice for the mail , one-eighth of a mile dis
tant. Ho rebelled one day and broke out-
in tho most excited manner : "Idon'bcare ;
my father may hill me ir he wants to , but
I won't go to the oRice and bring in wood
tho same day ! " Another urchin 4 years
old , was requested by his mother to pick
up a basket ot apples under the trees. His
response was : "Xo ; I shan't do it. Ihave
to read in school and I want to save my
strength for that. " Shoe and Leather Im
In the United States senate , during a re
cent debate , Senator Vest of Missouri.paid
a high tribute to the merits of St. Jacobs
Oil. Other prominent men bavealso found
it prompt in its cure of rheumatism and
neuralgia. Price , fdry cents a bottle.
There Is Something Lower.
"From dudes down to loafers , " was tho
expression uttered by a commercial trav
eler , as he vainly essayed to separate the
ligaments or a just-done breakfast. The
listener did not catch the rest of tho re
mark , but tho words that came to his carB
were very suggestive. "From dudes down
to loafers ! " Then the dude is not the low
est specimen of the man species. [ Buffalo
Throat troubles yield promptly to Red
Star Cough Cure , as vouched for by U. S.
Architect Clark. Its ingredients are purely
vegetable and free from opiates. 25 cents.
Willing to Quit.
A good story is told of an interview with
W. II. II. Bingham with one of the state
boarders at Windsor. Some of the" prison
ers were at work lathing the guard-room
during a recent ofiicial visit of the Gov
ernor , and the latter was inspecting tho
progress of the work. After contemplating
the process for a few minutes , Gov. Bing
ham remarked : "See here , my man , you
ere laying those laths too near together ;
that sort of work-will "
never do. The
prisoner calmly laid down his implements
and said : "Governor , I am willing to be
turied off and discharged if my work don't
suit ; I never applied for this job or tho
the situation , and if my work isn't satis
factory I am willing to quit. " The offer
was not accepted. [ Montpelier ( Vt. ) Jour
"There is no place like home ; " but ever3'
home should bo supplied with a bottle of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , tho great family
remedy for all cases of Coughs , Colds , &c.
25 cents.
At Odessa the Russians are discharging
all Jews in their employ.
"People IVIio Znrcat Small Amounts
and Secure Large Returns.
San Francisco Call , Jan. 10.
Scnrcely a month passes but what the
papers are called upon to record what might
be termed the luck of some Californian in
acquiring large sums by means of small in
vestments. It is an old saying that , "noth
ing risked nothing gained , " and the practi
cal application or this time-honored maxim
to cvery-day life is a sufficient explanation
of the so-called "luck" of many busi
ness men. For several years past tho
daily papers have periodically contained
items , detailing the manner in which well-
know n residents of this city and state have
won prizes in The Louisiana State Lottery.
Tlie drawings of this admirably managed
institution occur every month , and with
the same regularity as tho rotation u ?
months tho announcements are made of
people who have risked a trifle and won
large sums , frequently a fortune. The last
drawing occurred on December 14th last ,
and as usual a resident of San Fran
cisco won a tenth part of the capi.
tal prize of § 150,000. The fortunate
holder of a coupon of ticket No.
9.1,174 , which won that prize , was
Nat. M. Raphael , tho well-known jeweler ,
at 732 Market street in this city. To a re
porter the gentleman said : * T have been
Inlying a few coupon tickets every month
for the past seven or eight years. In the
last drawing I hold a coupon which was a
tenth of tho ticket No. 1)3,174. and on the
day following tlie drawing when I read in
the telegraph columns of the morning Call
that one of tho numbers I held had drawn
the capital prize I was almost dazed with
surprise. I could hardly convince myself
that I had at last become one of the fortu
nate ones or whom I had so often read.
However , I finally realized that I was
actually entitled to the money , so I imme
diately went to the London and San Fran
cisco bank and deposited my ticket for col
lection. Eleven days later I received the
full amount of § 15,000 in cold coin. "
Another lucky man was Fred. R. Brown ,
a shoemaker , living on Ritch street. To a
reporter he stated that ho had very fre
quently bought coupons in the Louisiana
State Lottery , but had never won a dollar.
He had almost given up in despair , when
he bought one-tenth of ticket No. 92,507
which drew one-tenth of the third capital
prize of § 20,000. During the holiday week
he received the money , and ho rejoiced
that ho had persisted in his efforts until
success came to him.
- , . " - - , % # < - .
1 • I ! in ii 1 1 mi i in i i - i i
mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm *
Convincing V rlHeatlon of Wldecaat
Public Statement * .
To tho renders of this paper : In coni-
mo .i with many publishers and editors , wo
have been acciiBtomed to look upon certain
statements which we have seen in our col
umns as merely adroit advertising.
Consequently wc feol justified in taking
tho liberty of printing a few points from a
private letter recently received from ono of
our largest patrons , as a sort or confession
of faith to our readers. Wo quote :
"Wo have convinced ourselves that br
telling what we know to bo true , we have
produced at last a permanent conviction
in the public mind. Seven years ago we
stated what tho national disease of this
country 'was , and that it was rapidly
increasing. Three j'ears ago wo stated
that a marked check had been given it.
"The statistics of one of tho largest lifo
insurance companies of this country shows
that in 1883 and 1S84 , tho mortality
from kidney disorders did not increase
over the previous years ; other companies
stated tho eamo thing. It is not presump
tions for us to claim credit for checking
these ravages.
"Seven years ago we stated that thecon
dition of tho kidneys was tho key to the
condition of health ; within the past fivo
years all careful life insurance companies
have conceded the truth or this statement ,
for , whereas , ton years ago , chemical analy-
bis to determine the condition of tho kid
neys was not required , to-day millions of
dollars in risks arc refused , because chem
ical examination discovers unsuspected
diseases of tho kidneys.
"Seven years ago wo stated that tho rav-
agen of Bright's Disease were insignificant
compared with other unsuspected dis
orders of tho kidneys of many misleading
names ; that ninety-three per cent , of
human ailments arc attributable to de
ranged kidneys , which fills the blood with
uric acid , or kidney poison , which causes
these many fatal diseases.
"The uric acid , or kidney poison , is thi ?
real cause of tho majority of cases or paral
ysis , apoplexy , heart disease , convulsions ,
pneumonia , consumption , and insanity ;
over half the victims of consumption aro
first the victims of diseased kidneys.
"When the recent death of an honored
ex-oflieial of tho United States was an
nounced , his physician said that although
he was suffering from Bright's Disease , that
was not tho cause or death. He was not
frank enough to admit that the apoplexy
which overtook him in his bed , was the
fatal effect or the kidney poison in tho
blood , which had eaten away the substance
of the arteries and brain ; nor was Logan's
physician honest enough to state that his
fatal rheumatism was caused by kidney
acid in tho blood.
"If tho doctors would state in official re
ports the original cause of death , tho peo
ple of this country would be alarmed , yea ,
nearly panic stricken , at the fearful mor
tality from kidney disorders. "
Tho writers of the above letter give these
facts to the public simply to justify tho
claims that they have made , that "if the
kidneys and liver are kept in a healthy
condition by the use of Warner's safe cure ,
which hundreds of thousands have proved
to be a specific , when all other remedies
failed , and that has received tho endorse
ment of tho highest medical talent in Eu
rope , Australasia and America , many a
life would be prolonged and the happiness
of the people preserved. It is successful
with so many different diseases because it ,
and it alone , can remove the uric acid
from the blood through tho kidneys. "
Our readers aro familiar with the prep
aration named.
Commendation thereof has often ap
peared in our columns.
Wc believe it to be one of the beat , if not
the best ever manufactured. We know the
proprietors aro men of character and in
We are certain they have awakened a
wide-spread interest in the public mind con
cerning the importance of the kidneys. We
believe with them that they are the key to
health , and that for their restoration from
disease and maintenance in health , there is
nothing equal to this great remedy.
Tho proprietors say they "do not glory
in this universal prevalence of disease , but
having started out with the purpose of
spreading the merits of Warner's safe cure
before the world , because it cured our sen
ior proprietor , who was given up by doc
tors as incurable , we feel it our duty to
state the facts and leave the public to ite
own inferences. We point to our claims ,
and to their public and universal verifica
tion with pride , and if tho public does not
believe what wc say , we tell them to ask
their friends and neighbors what they think
about our preparations. "
As stated above , we most cordially com
mend the perusal of this correspondence by
our readers , believing that in so doing , wa
are fulfilling a simple public obligation.
Tho Indian reser\-ations of tho United
States contain 200,000 square miles.
No Opium In Piso's Cure for Consumption. Cores
where uthcr remedies fail. :25c. :
A high license bill has been introduced in
the New York legislature.
If SufTercrs Vrom Consumption ,
Scrofula , Bronchitis , and General Debility
will try Scott's Emui iu : , - of Cod Liver Oil
with Ilypophosphites , they will find im
mediate relief and perilunate benefit. Tho
Medical Profession universally declare it a
remedy of the greatest value and very pal
atable. Read : "I havcused Scott's Emul
sion in several cases of Scrofula and Debil
ity in Children. Results most gratifying.
My little patients take it with pleasure. "
W. A. Hulbkut , M. D. , Salisbury , 111.
Fred Douglas and Theodore Tilton were
taken for brothers in Paris.
The Iowa Seed Co. , of Des Moines , Iowa ,
is a western institution , conducted by prac
tical men , who Btudy the needs of western
producers. Their advertisement appears
in another column. New illustrated cata
logue just out. Send for a copy , free.
Dr. Laura Weld , once of Boston , has a
handsome practice in Dresdon.
If You Cannot Sleep at Night ,
Uso Caiitgk's Little Nerve Pills. No
All tho high 6chool girls in Gait , Cal „
play ball.
The Egyptian army is being reduced to a
force of 10,000 from a force of 30,000.
The French navy numbers 67,6GG men.
Dr. Pierce 's "Pellets" euro sick and bil
ious headache , sour stomach , and all bil
ious attacks.
Sand paper is ntpresentmndoof pounded
glass instead of sand.
Tlie IIoiiMekccpcr'M Compliilnt.
"I am discouraged. I have too much to
do , I am tired. I am sick. I aupposo I
was put into this house to keup it clean , but
it is too much work. I won't try. I will
go to sleep. I don't enre what becomes of
the house. "
The above is an allegory. The "dis
couraged housekeeper is the liver , which ,
indeed , is often called "the housekeeper of
our health. " If it does go to sleep as it
threatened , a crowd of diseases aro all
ready to spring up as a consequence. Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" acts
upon the liver and assists it in its work of
housekeeping and house-cleaning. It is the
great liver remedy and blood cleanser , and
cures all the long train of chronic maladies
resulting from a torpid or sluggish , sleepy
liver , such as sick-headache , scrofulous
diseases , as ulcers , "fever-sores , " "white
swellings , " hip-joint disease , consumption
oT tlie lungs ( which is really only scrofula
manifesting itself in the delicate tissues of
these organs ) , also all skin diseases , as
blotches pimples and eruptions , and all
blood taints , however acquired.
New York consumes , weekly , 5,2GS,455
cans of milk of 40 gallons each.
is a bad thing , but Dr. Pierce's "Favorite
Prescription" deserves its name. It is a
certain cure for those painful maladies and
weaknesses which embitter tho lives of bo
many women. Of druggists.
Wounded Knee is the name ot a new
postoflice in Shannon county , Dakota.
War Ahead.
Thero is great danger of war with Mexico
in the near future , but at present wo can
pursue the arts of happine-s , prosperity
and wealth. Whercveryou live , you should
write to llallett & Co. , Portland , Maine ,
and receive free , full information about
work that you can do , and live at home ,
earning thereby from § 5 to § 25 and up
wards daily. Some have earned over § 50
in a day. Capital not required ; j-ou are
started free. All is new ; both sexes. All
ages. Pay , as above guaranteed , from
first start.
Emma Abbott will sing in Paris soon.
This is cheerful news for America.
"Strictly Vegetable" is Strictly True
When applied to Carter's Little Liver Pills.
No mercury
Last year § 000,000 worth of Hovers
were sold iu Paris.
No SafekRemedy can be had for Coughs
and Colds , or any trouble of tho Throat ,
than "Brown's Bronchial Troches. "
Telegraph and telephone wires arc rap
idly being put under ground in New York.
{ Then Baby was sicfc , wo gavo hor Castorla ,
When she waa a Child , she cried for Caatoria ,
When shs becaras Hiss , sh9 clang to Castoria.
When eho had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
The emperor of Germany wants to seo
Victoiia during her jubilee year.
The Public Intercutetl.
When manufacturers of an article arc
asking tho public to consume their
is indeed refreshing to know that they are
reliably endorsed , as illustrated by tho
united endorsement of Dr. llarter's Iron
Tonic and Liver Pills by the drucgists of
St. Paul.
There will lie no Wagner festival at Bay-
reuth this year.
Trcvent crooked boots and Mistered heels bywear
ing Lyun's Patent Heel Stiffened.
Mine. Gerster lives quietly in Paris , and
rears the baby in the way thatitshould go.
Excursions to the Winter ICesort * of
the South.
The Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific Ry. aro
now selling round-trip tickets , good until
June 1st , 4887 , at greatly reduced rates ,
to Mobile , New Orleans , Pensacola , Jack
sonville , Cedar Keys , and all the principal
points in the south. For further informa
tion and tickets , call on or write F. E.
Moore ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton ,
Northwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far-
nam Street , Omaha , Neb.
The best and surest Remedy for Cnro of B
! all diseases cansed by any derangement of jj
j the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels. |
j Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , !
Bilious Complaints and 3falariaof all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
I It is pleasant to tho taste , tones up the .
S system , restores and preserves health.
| It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to j
fprovo beneficial , both to old and young , q
1 As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all \
1 others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. |
KT = 5lFS Bi > faF. A. T.KH.UAXSollclt -
Pet n Is3 R3 B * fc > or ot Patents. Washington ,
&S a EoSa D QSD.C' . Send for Circular.
Morplilne Hilit Curedia 10
et53BBi39 toUOiUya. No ouy till Cured.
j ) Qi&yBSs 1)k J. Srci'iucus. Leuauoa. Ohio.
/ & " ALL. S30awo-lc and expenses
W/f&IHjBUFFO" Outfituor'h Cj and partuMilan
yUBLtitree. P.O. VICKEltl. Ajgiista. Maine.
to S8 0 day. Samples worth 31.S0 FRE2. Lines
SP3 not uimer tlie hor.feet. . Wnts Browater
$ ? Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
acrH'TC1 KfflMTER For the Neest and Eestsell-
fifcjCH 6 O WfifS ESJ me buok o cr published. Tor
terms & circulars address National Ten Co. Chicago -
Giving the Iltminnna IRTnn a ( Tlinnce.
According to tho newspapers they1 lmvn
erected a business man a monument dow * *
in Boston somewhere. Think of it in
Boston ! lie was not an orator , nor a
warrior , nor a lyric artist , but an honest
man of affairs. Tho pedantry of literaturo
and art sceniB dying a natural death under
the full glare of nineteenth-century wisdom.
[ Chicago Elite News.
Whatever tends to increase usefulness , by
banishing pain and suffering , will certainly
secure notice and approval. Wo allude to
Salvation Oil.
The Japanese make beautiful and dura
ble carpets from feathers.
Life is burdensome , alike to the sufferer
and all around him , while dyspepsia and
its attendingevils holds sway. Compltints
of this nature can be speedily cured by
taking Prickly Ash Bitters regularly.
Thousands once thus afflicted now bear
cheerful testimony as to its merits.
Mrs. Sarah A. Jones , of St. Louis , is 100
years old and never heard of Chicago.
Take one of Carter's Littlo Liver Pills
after eating ; it will relieve dyspepsia , aid
digestion , give tone and vigor to the sys
tem. They make ono feel as though lire
fas worth iiving.
Gen. Pleasanton was in 105 engagements
and never received a scratch.
Vegejme GH
Has stood tho teat of twenty ycora
acaEeincdy for Female Diseases ,
relioving periodical pains , pro-
laotinc a tcallMul regularity of
scacon3 and curing weakness ,
back-acho nndconscqucntnervoi i distress.
GTlr ? rcnrosEiR Solelykoh TnEtEamsiATEirzAtTNri op
BEE WHAT 03E Tf 03AS eATS 05113 BIRnS.
Pittsburg , Pa. . Nov. 6th , J8S3. Mrs. Lydia E.
Finkuam : "As isf rcqucntly the case with mothers
who have reared large families , I have heen a great
Enffcrerforycarefrom complaints incidentto mar
ried life. Ihavo tried tho skill of r. number of
physicians and the virtue of many medicines with
out relief , and as an experiment I concluded to try
yonrs. I can assuro you that the benefits I have
derived from it came not because of any faith I
had in it , for I had but slight hope of any perma
nent good. I am not a seeker after notoriety but
i"want to tell you that 1 have been , wonderfully
benefitted by your medicine. I am now using my
f onrth bottle and it would take but little argument
to persuade me that my health is fully restored.
I should like to widely circulate tho fact of ita
wonderful curative powers. " 1'IIKBA C. ItOOI * .
niBKrinESTBnrGcisrwillmjppiy ton. rniCE $ i.oo.
% • < fcSI ! ! * • Sitf I Fi S JiP
One ascnt ( Merchant only ) wanted In every town for
The "Tansill's Punch" oc cigar is fully up
to all and moro than you recommend it to
be. My cigar trade has fully doubled. We
shall soox want more.
En. J. Bitowx , Druggist , Edina. Mo.
Address It. AV. Sc CO. , Chicago.
Ton YStheFREBGHT Waeon Scales ,
aKC33 BcariDRJ. Brail
re Beam and Beam Box for
Krcrrsiiefecale. For frfe price list
mention thl piper and address
iP TTS SIiiW steel
Leading Nos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
For Sale by all Stationers.
Torks : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York.
v S Vat jArT es ASTHMA ,
dl t 3 ) NEURALGIA ,
Quickly relieved by iiMng Crmlirnun'a 3Icuthol
Inhaler anil l > y continued u-o cfTci-t a cure. batU-
factiou Riiarantte or money 1 t-fumli-d. ItlaeUfrom
si.xincnths to oneyiar. Price to cent * ; by mail or at
dni iUt. Circulars mailed on application.
H. D. CUSHWAH , Three Rivers , Mich.
felgi'rettiest 3JOOIC over JjS
Sw-fSl'rinted. Tlioiu-anus ofg < t
W * En-nivinKS.UestSKEub f
< = & cheapest overgrown. wJ
_ _ ? = 3 JkVt 3c Clieap as dirt by % * P
fcsg _ i > v. 5- - 03. < lb. 100000 plUs. new M '
sorts 'dividcclTTiKR to Customers. I give '
away more than some lirms soil. Send for my
Catalogue. K U. SHumway , IJockfbrd , HI.
E3 PIso's TtBmedy for Catarrh Is tho feyj
fft Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. gS
i9 Also rood for Cold In the Head , E3
CgNJ Headache , Hay Fever , < tc 0 cants , gggl
/ers FACE , HANDS , FEET ,
03\ and nil their Imperfection * , Inclndlntf Rn
fCJi ' sS" c'a' Development , Ilairnncl Scalp , hupcr-
TjVL (8 ( fluous Hair. Kirtfi Marks , Moles AVarti ,
i * L i. * KSloth , Freckles. lied Kos-e , Acne , Iilaclc
Jf&SSZsi&tHeads , Scars , 1'ittinfr and tlicxr trtatment.
K33fc > / wrftSend 10c for book of50 paces 4th edition.
Dr.J.II.WoodIi3rr,8rK.PcarlSt. Ut > anyN.Y.Est'h'dlS7Q.
" EF" Ea rffe IOWA SEEDS are THE BEST.
aEW gi a c > J * complete unrilen.uulr. and
SS3" ff g a mQ Illustrated Catalogue of Harden
U9B9KV w Gra'.s and Field Seed" , 1'lant.o ,
Bulbs. Garden Tools , New Varieties of 1'otatoei.etc.etc ,
maileit free. General aeents for Stron bridge Broad
cast Sower. Address , IOWA SEED CO. , Whole
sale and Retail Seedmen , Des JIoixes , Iowa.
A a IB j I ! 8 I a O i\ ' 2" a iaa i > AwHt.BT
K < > E alij > ' m 1H RJ ant Information. Send for
CO. . Psxsios attoebis , Chicago , ill.
E WAJMT YOU ! * ru „ * SSa SSS
profitable employment to represent us in every
county. Salary $75 per month and pen s or a
largo commission on sale3 if preferred. Goods staple.
Every one buys Outfit ruid particulars Free.
fS31 P3 S5l tF % Fresh. Reliable ; Wholesale at
SK3 iS S bv Iteta"Free ' by mall at a and
bZ. daif a9 Jcts.uorarjepaeiMKe. Main-
EE2l23t2S7 / moth Seed Farms. One Acre of
? ' ? . S SL Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue FiClif : .
IMBcckbec. . Kockford Seed Farm. Kockford. Ill
SBlffftraaUIKE-OPiUM JIabIt Painlessly
R feH8&aS " Cured at Home. Trrattncnt
HS55 HMao sent on trial and NO PAY a-ked
Sgs y ' until you are benefited. Terms I.ovr.
BHS Humane Kemedy * > . , JCaFayette , Ind.
rnwyJv M 'yyvJ. 'atv.vJ'ggCbarlestOTCii. . Mag 3 ,
SJ-r BaK'STtTDT. Book-keeping. Butlnesj
B nWBUJi Forms.I'cnmanship.Arithmetic Siiors
hand , etc. , thorough v taugiit by mail. Circulars
free. BitXAJXT'S COI LfiGK. iSulIalo , .N.Y.
_ < S ias Produce the Choicest Flowers , SJHV HOBTIiCDH ftSnUrSl j 3i 822 3 R5N iC5v (
/SWfcS& WpetablM and Crops. Doubles QUI Elu ! ) 1 SlEnH UliU Wri GTS 31 Ei BB GTH
KXrkSVj S SErOS WARRANTED. 1W.C00 7 CENT Plant * . Don't bny till PTfj rrB PVJ3
g ; fj < i3 catalog With PriZO Offer. JOliX A.8ALZIEUCr uemi. % W figS ! Em t-AJV Vp >
Why. did the Women
of this country use over thirteen million cakes of
Procter & Gamble ' s Lenox Soap in 1886 ?
Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.
' VoN/ Ki % mfk WLM In
[ RON 1
Combining IR0X Tilth TUUK YE0KTAHLK : jl ]
TONICS , qnteklr and rorapletclr CLEANSES -M\ \
and EXBICHES THE 11LOOD. Qnlckcni jjgl |
the action of the Liter and Kidnrjit. Clean tho j j
complexionmakes the skin smooth. Itdocnnot ,91
Injure the teeth , cause headache , or produce con- jjil
Phyilcian * and Drngglntn ereryif hero recommend It. I
Miss Emma. L. JJktciif.b. 1517 Ctimmltifc St. . 1w\
Omaha , Neb. , rajt : "Three bottles of Hrnwn'i Iron f
Bitten cured me of a very severe caso of Blood Pol- I'll
TlALLir : Sowles. Falls City , Neb. , mj : "I ueeif Bl
Brown's Iron Bittors for Impuro Blood and it en-
tirely cured me. " _ . . . , . . _ 11
Mb. Edwin I. Vess. with B. A M. It. It. Omaha. ,
Neb.eays : "Ihave nued Brown's Iron Bittern lor
my blood with the most rnitUlactory results. 1 would
not be without it" . . . . . . , HI
Sins. NAJJCT Surra. Juniata. I el > . , mto : IujmI
Brown's Iron Bitten for Impure Blood with much
benefit" flfl
Mil. J. N. Baxeb. A7illa. Kan. , nays : "His blood
was in such a bad condition that every little scratch
or break of the skin caumid a very painful sore. He
used Brown's Iron Bitters with tho beat of remits. "
GonuinohasabovoTradoMarkandcro sedredlinea I
on wrapper. Tnkeiio otlirr. Madaonlyby
1IKOW.V CIir.VH'M. " " - UAI.X'IMOKliilH
yazAiiQ oil I
Hnvo boon enjoyed hy citizen * of every town and IPI
city in tho U.S. .Marvelous Cures hnvo been wit- irt 'fl
ncssed by thousands of people , who can testify ta HI
faitliifs Wizard Oil- . I
Neuralgia , Tccliiachc , Headache , Earache ,
Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat , , Bj
Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Contracted Cords , ' H
Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fever Sores , ; H
Wounds , Old Sores , Chilblains , Frost | H
Bites , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , and '
A3 ! AcS'tes and Pains ,
nro quickly relieved by this magical remedy. Try it ' Bl
< ince and you will never be without it. Koraleby
DruKKists. I'ricc. .lOc. Our Book free to all.
The oldest and i-j- - - a .IU V ; " ' J " 2 : : : '
ti\t > breeding SSsfeivhiS ? " " tr
vrebt or tho 1 H
t W ? *
Head of i'ure Bred and W IS § S ' ? MM
llicth Gnd IVrcheroii 93S 6r S < X Ser ym \
Stallions and Mares on ? W " S JS a 4
hand , alioa few teeor if 3 MsfS'7f > 3
drd Imported French pWjtjiiS' ' SS 53Kjl | lTl B9
Coachers. Save the S ie S S jM Swr l M HH
ri k and expense of raM g ftv rj lW * ]
lonKrailroad tnp < and 35S SJjS Kf A&rSi)3 HHi
sliippimr and cei jour 4rt rS ff i § 35
Hor > esathonieandacBM2 < S 5i5 * y
climate I. or i ell a b I • • W S i
men with established \ & ( J MM
reputations as brred-
ers. Our Imported Stock all reentered in the Porclier-
on Stud Books of France and Anicrlc-u We itinrantco - mm\ \
all StJek Bieeders Ju = t as represented , bendforcata M
Ioruo No. 5 , free. Bj
Address |
AVERY & COLEMAN , Props. ,
Wakefield , Clay County , lean. M
BBl _ _ e S Will purify tho BLOOD reculata H
WH tho LIVER end KIDNEYS r.c < l
1 "jS Kfstose the HEALTH and VIG- H
> WtS39' ' * , OR of YOUTH Djrsrersia.Wunt Mm
K&MJ wk of Appel e. Indicc tion.l ckof UWA
fea5RSStrencth and Tired Feelincab- Wmj
pSiwv sointely cured : Bones , mun- WMm
BjEswgk. cles and nerven receive ncr MW
" 2Pv force. Knlivens the mind
* a2B . and supplies Brain Tower. MjM
_ _ . .r Snfferins from complaints H
Arf lH&SS totheirwxwillhnd mM
& peculiar ;
L ' B
TONICasafo and speedy cure. Give * a clear , heal- H
thy complexion. Frequent attempt * at counterfeit- mM
intronly add to tho popularity of tho original. in > MM\
not experiment net tho . asd Best. mm
flCuro Constlpatlon.Liver Comnlslnt and SIck Q mm\
UEeidach ( . Sample Dose and Dream Books Um\
Mmalled on receipt of two cents in postage , y MWM
Address : DR. HARTER. Medical Co. , St.Louis % I
WHEN f"faF * jf l t I
ELYS Catarrh I
when applied Into Uie M&JfnE&tJi Rr A. * 3 1
nostrlN. will be absorbC > jO" „ , . , Jrft 5 > l H
the head . , f ca'arrh.uS3AfT3'.c Ur- , Wm
\lrus. .ausinsr t"-al'hyS 7g Co , ' ' 1 . , tAD mWi
secretion. It at ajsl.i SJ. * 3 * . ° ( i ir > t.S H
llainma-fon , ir-jtei-f > SrHAV5rri/rp5 Q5'M 5JM * mJ
the mem .rune of < hrf U' ' T'i\dl' jM M
na ? al ? issjkcs from adsff < S r O ? & mWM
dltlonal rolds. coii.-SSS ? ' * < 3'cV 6 6 WMM
pletely heaN tucorcsj / Kic4538 H
and restores tcn-c o.sSS. S .t fi Wm\
tutc and smell. | g ' LXMs 1
NOT A LIQUID ot&gM&0&km
A Ouick lIeIief SL _ _ Hii J
& Positive Cure. H f = FEVE
A particle Is applied Into cah noifil aad U asree- H
able to use. Price of ) cts , by < nil > v a' drncKlstS. 1
Send for circular. rILY unorilEUS , Druggists. mJ
Owesu. K. V. W
, ssJKi . And ethers sulTerinu from m
rfTSjj M jrjKtoOfy nervous debility .exhausting 1
S0 p Wft * ; : * -SiMchronic diseases , premature Bm
BsrrTair BtUt a Jecline of youn- or old art H
* 4 qJasiitS * Home's famous Electro. Umi
JHacnetlc UelU Thousand' MWA
In every tfeA State In the Union have been cured. mm\
KleetrlrlJsty instantly Telt. Patented and fold 10 mm
jears. Whole family can wear came belt. F.lectrli MWM
Huapentories free with male belts. Avoid worthless lm- mMt
itauons and boiras companies. Electric Tniuti for MWM
Rupture. 700 cured ln'85. Send stamp for pamphlet. H
W. N. D. , Omaha 34S-C ' M