WIZARD Have been enjoyed by citizens of every town and city In tho U. 8. ilurrelom Cures have been wit nessed by tlioufancis of people , who can testify to TIIE WONDERFUL UEALINQ POWER OP Neuralgia , Toothache , Headache , Earache , Catarrh , Croup , Sore Throat , Lame Back , Stiff Joints , Contracled Cords , a a a Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Fever Sores , Wounds , Old Sores , Chilblains , Frost Bites , Sore Nipples , Caked Breasts , and AI8 Aches and Pains , lire quickly relieved by this magical remedy. Try It once and yon wlUnpTer bo without It. For sale by .Druggists. I'rice.COc. OurSoNO BOOK freo to all. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO. I" STOCK FARM. k AVERY & CQLBWST PROPRIETORS , WAKEFIELD , CLAY CO. , KAN. TheoMcjt&nd most cxton- Ive breeding establishment wrbt of the Ml * s Is i i p p 1. Over Eljrhty Head of Tare Bred and High OnAo Tcrcheroii Stallions and Mures on hand ; aloafe recor ded Imported French Coachers. Saro the risk aJitl exncn < o of loncrnllrjad trip * and ? lilpplr > [ * nnd Ret your Horses at homeandac- cJlmate'i. of reliable men with cstabllxhed reputations as breed ers. Our Imported Stock nil registered In the Fercher- on .Stud Book * of France and America. Wo cuarante * 11 Stick Bi oederj Just as npre seated. Send for cata logue No. 5 , free. Address , AVERY & COLEK1AN , Props. , VVakofield , Clay County. Kan. THE ONLY TRUE * Will purify the BLOOD recnlata the LIVER and KIDNEYS ami RESTORE the HEALTH and VIG OR of YOUTH. Djpepbin\Vnt of Appetite , ludiBestion.Lr.ckof Strength nnd Tired Feelinc ab solutely cured : Bones , mus cles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and supplies Brain Power. - - - . plaints ouunnuK from vum" " - ' peculiar totheir sxTiH nnd , , J . BARTER'S IRON s * - * * m in DR. XONTO n safo and fpeedycure. Gives a clear , heal thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit ing only add to the popularity of the oneioal. v ? not experiment cot the ORIGINAI. AND BEST. A Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS \ 8Curo Constlpatloa.Livnr Complaint and Sick HHeidaohP. Samplo Done and Dream BooKH vatllcd on receipt of two cento in postaee. y Address : DR. HARTER , Medical Co , , SfLouis Tho Grcai Nursery of 200 Imported Brood Mares Of Choicest FamUios. All Aces , both Sexes , IN STOCK. 30O to 4OO IMPORTEI * JromFrnnce.ull r corded ith extended pedigrees In the 1'ercheron Stnd Boots. The rcrcheron Is the only draft breed of France ponoenlng ; a stud book that has the eupport and endorsement ot the French Government , tend for 120-paco Cataloj-na , illnstratlons hy Boca Bo .ar. [ VI. W. DUNHAM , Wav-.e , DuPaco Co. , Illinois. Having Bold your "Tausill's Punch * ' uc cifjur for years-I find ( contrary to my usual experience with dears ) that they improve rather than deteriorate in qualitj * . My customers pronounce the last case the best J have ever had. F. S3. ROBINSON , Vriiselfct , Colorado Springs , Col. DBSCOVERY. WhollyunlikeArtlflclalSystems Cureof Hind 'Wan dering Any book learned In one reading. Heavy re ductions for postal classes. Prospectus , with opin ions of Mr. PnocroB , the Astronomer. lions. W. W. Asroa , JUDAH P. BESJAHW , Drs. JllNOE , WOOD and others , sent post FRSE , bv PROP. iOISETTE , 2.1T Flftla Avenue , IVew Torli ifositivelycuredinGO daysbylJis JUornc'AEIcctro-MacncticIielU jirru Bconbinctl. Guaranteedtho 'only one in tho world eencratlnfr aconttnnous Electric dt llagnrtic cnt. Sclentiflc , Povrerful. Durable , 7 Comfortable and EtTective. Avoid fraud ? . OverOOOOcnred. ScndEtamnforpamphlet. nt.ccTjio JELTS roil DISEASES. CS. HOCXE , IKVENTOB , 191 WAHASa AVE. CHICAGO. GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITlON-l87a. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS CORES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS. Best Coueh Syrup. Tastes food. Use in time. Sold by druggists. \JAMT VftllT a Ure energetic m n , VvAiVl 1 \JTVl C I or omiu needing f profitable employment to represent us In ereiy county. Salary J S per month and eipenses , or n. 11X0 commissiea on sales if preferred. Goods staple. Erery one bays. Outfit and particnlars Free. _ _ . _ _ CTAKPAKD SU.YEBWABE CO. . BOSTON. MASS. to sell AOVJ2I/1 1C J Uf MAOIIXXES and BCQ PATTEKXS , for mukinff Rugu , Tidle.Hoods , Mittens , etc. Sent bT mall for 1. CIRCULARS FP.EE. E. atOSS * Sz CO. , - TOLEDO , OHIO. . S are relief c. mrrST 1 ' Price 35 cts.iolllfll4. KIPPER'S PASTILLES. bym.iL ! . SHAMEFUL ABUSE Heaped Upon a Nutrd Englishman Tor Open Ilojienty. WM. ED. HOBSON. Jf. D. , L. R. C. S. I. , M. K. Q. 0. 1' . I. , late of tho Jloyal Navy , oi England , has ot into profeoMional trouble for writing the lollouirig open letter to the editor ol the London Family Doctor : "I believe it to be the duty of every phy sician to make known any means or remedy whereby sickncfi.s can be prevented , ond it is for this purpose I write to give my ex perience both here and abroad. I auk the publication of tho Htatcment. that people may bo warned before it In too late , to say to them that there' is at hand a means by which they may be restored to perfect health. It is well known to the medical world , and indeed , to the laity , that it cer tain disease is making a terrible havoc ; that next to consumption it is the most fatal , and that when fully developed there is nothing to be done for tho sufferer. " "Physicians and scientists havelongbeen trying to throw light upon the caune , and if possible , find in nature a medicine for this fatal malady. They have shown , absolutely , that the blood-purifying organs of vital importance , are the kidneys , and that when they once fail , the poison which they should take out of the blood is car ried by the blood into every part of the body , developing disease. " "In my hospital prnctice in England , In- dfa and South America , and also while a surgeon in the Iloyal Navy of Great Brit ain , I gave a great deal of attention to the study of diseases of the kidneys and uri- nnry orgatm , and found that not only was the cure of chronic Brfcht's Disease hope less. but that kidney disease was remark ably prevalent ; much more so than gener ally known , and WHS the cause ol the ma jority of cases of sickness , and further , that tho medical profession has no remedy which exerts any absolute control over these organs in disease. " "Some time ago when I had a case which resisled all rrgular treatment , which is very limited , complicated with the pass ing of stones from tho kidneys , much against my will I permitted my patient to use Warner's safe cure , of which I had heard marvelous results. In his case the result was simply marvelous , as the attack was a severe one , and development very grave , for an analysis showed per cent , of albumen and granular tube casts. " "The action of the medicine was singular and incomprehensible to me. I had never seen anything like it. The patient recov ered promptly , and is to-day a well and healthy man. This stimulated my inquiry into the merits of the remedy , and after analysis I found it to be of purely vegetable character , harmless to take under all cir cumstances. " "Casting aside all professional prejudices gave it a thorough trial , as I was anxious that my patients should be restored to health , no matter by what medicine. I pre scribed it in a great variety of cases , Acute , Chronic , Bright's Disease , Congestion of tho Kidneys , Catarrh of the Bladder , and in every instance did it speedily effect a cure. " "For this reason I deem it my duty to give to the world this statement regarding the value of "Warner's safe cure. I make this statement on facts I am pro ; ared to produce and feiibstantiatc. I appeal to physicians of large practice who know how common and deceptive diseases of the kid neys are , to hiy aside professional prejudice , give their patients Warner's safe cure , re store them to pei feet health , earn their gratitude , and thus be true physicians. " ' I am satisfied that more than one-hall of the deaths which occur in England are caused , primarily , by impaired action ol the kidneys , and the consequent retention in the blood of the poisonous uric and kid ney acid. Warner's safo cure causes the kidneys to expel this poison , checks the escape of albumen , relieves the inflamma tion and prevents illness from impaired and impoverished blood. Having had more than seventeen years' experience in my profession , I conscientiously and em phatically state that I have been able to give more relief and effect more cures by theusek-of Warner's safe cure than by all the other medicines ascertainable to the profession , the majority of which , I am sorry to say , are very uncertain in their action. " "Isn't that a straightforward , manly letter ? " "Indeed it is. " "Well , but do you know the author has been dreadfully persecuted for writing it ? " "How so ? What has ho done to merit it ? " "Done ? He has spoken tho truth 'out ol school' and his fellow physicians , who want the public to think they have a monopoly in curing diseases , are terribly angry with him for admitting professional inability to reach such disorders. "That letter created a wonderful sensa tion among the titled classes and the pub lic. This jarred the doctors terribly. The College of Surgeons and Queen's College , from which institution he was graduated , asked for an explanation of his unprofes sional conduct , and notified him that un less he made a retraction they nould dis cipline him. "The doctor replied that ho allowed his poticnts to make use of Warner's safe cure only after all tho regular methods had failed , and 4when he was'satisfied that there was no possible hope for them. Upon their recovery , after having used Warner's safe cure , he was BO much surprised that he' wrote the above letter to the Family Doc tor. He regretted that the faculties found fault with his action in tho matter , but he could not conscientiously retract the facts as written to the Family Doctor. "The faculties of both colleges replied that unless he retracted they should cut i him off , which would naturally debar him J from again practicing his profession , and I also prevent his securing another appoint ment in the Iloyal Navy ! " The illustrious doctor's dilemma is cer tainly an unpleasant one , emphasizing , as it does , both his own honesty , and the con temptible prejudice nnd bigotry of English medical men. The masses , however , hav ing no sympathy with their nonsense , keep on using the remedy he so highly recom mends and get well , while the rich and able depend upon the prejudiced doc tors and die. Jules Verne was shot br a crazy nephew , but is now about well again. Best , easiest to use nnd cheapest. Plso's Remedy iorCatanb. By drugilirs. 5Qe. VALUABLE GOVEEHMEHT BOOKS 'ntcnt Attorney Talks About Som ? -i-C'ovoted J > ocuincnt8. "An author wlio gets 85,000 from a single book usually considers himself pretty well paid , does he not ? " queried of a re a well-knoxjjji patent attorney porter. The latter hungrily murmured Yes , " and fell into a deep , four-dimen sional revery of a contemplated book oi his own. And you will acknowledge that most government publications are valued by tlio pound-junk-shop measure ment ? " insinuated tie ! attorney. "Yes ? Well , there are ten books in the United States patent oiliee for the absolute and unconditional possession of which 1 would cheerfully handovernivcertified check lor . * 50.000 ? 5,000 apiece. They are still in manuscript , and probably will nob be printed not right away. " The reporter woke up and listened. "Those books arc the letter book- containing the names and addresses ol inventors , with the titles of inventions , whose cases have been rejected during the past ten years. "To commence at the beginning , there has been an Average of 28,000 cases filed in the patent otlice every year for the last ten years , and a yearly average ol 18,000 patents granted. Last year there were 35,000 applications filed and 24- 000 patents issued , an unusual number. On this showing something like GO per cent , of the applications have gone tc. patent. So there have been during thft last ten years about 100,000 rejected cases. These in part include cases de feated in interferences and applications allowed , but on which final fees have not been paid , because the inventions proved inoperative or for some similar reason. Of this latter class there wer * . 3.50J in 1885. i > Tow , good attorneys got fully 85 per cent , of their cases allowed and patented ; hence there must be some reason for only GO per cent , of the ap plications being allowed. The reason is this : Fully 8,000 inventors every year make out the.r cases and try to get them through the patent ollice. No' knowing the routine the } ' almost inva riably get involved in the meshes of red tapa and procedure and fall by the way. The dilliculty mav be very slight , a mero formality , a defective drawing , an 5m properly-worded application , an indefi- nale specification , a si ght interference , or a few needed amendments , which a regular patent attorney could overcome in a half hour , but to the inventor proves an 'insurmountable obstacle , hs : application is rejected , and he gives up in disgust or despair. "Cises filed in the patent ofiicc go first to the twenty-eight principal ex aminers , according lo the .subject mat ter. If they are rejected for anv reason two years are allowed in which tx amend them or take other necessary ac tion. If no action has been taken at the end of two years such cases are tcchniraily treated as abandoned and are sent to the draftsman''s division where they are entered in the books ol which 1 have made mention , and there remain. Fully fifty thousand of these rejected cases of ten years 'fall under these conditions. At a low estimate , twenty-five thousand , of these rejected cases put in the hands of a competent attorney could be patented. A patent attorney's fees on such conditional cases would be about $50 per case a gross sum of $4,250,000. Count out dcad.de- tunct , disgusted , and dead-broke in ventors , still an enormous number would got out patents they knew how. liuI. the trouble is just here no one out side the patent , ofiiee is allowed acces1- lo these liie books. As I said before , il 1 could have the sole privilege of over hauling them. I would give § 50,000 and then clear 8500,000. Then , again , there arc some fifteen thousand eases now lying in the examiners' roor awaiting the two-year limit. These are still more valuable , a . if they are tak en up before the t me limit expire , the initial fees do not lapse , while in the other cases they would have to be re 'This action of the ofiicc was not al ways thus. When M. 1) . Leggett was commissioner , for a period of about n jear , attorneys were allowed access to all letter books , and previous to that had been allowed access to the file ? oi abandoned cases , but there was a con stant scrabble and not infrequently downright fights over them , and about 1875 the office made them secret. " Washington Post. Give the Eoy a Chance. Teach your boy if you would give him the larger chance the Creator in tended he should have either a trade or a business , and so give him the chance of His hands. Educate him liberally , richly if you can , but above all educate him practically. Keep him out of a profession if you can. There are only two or three professions left , and they are starving to death , the most of them. The law profession is marked for decay ; the world is coming iuto the larger wisdom of less litigation and more arbitration. The medical profession is holding its empire by frailer and frailer hand , as the people are escaping more and more from the inherited ills and diseases transmitted through superstition and perpetuatec by imagination and fear. Such things a.s dentistry , newspapers , etc. , are no ! professions ; they are skilled labor Give the boy a chance. If he is to be a lawyer he may build the proud temple of a great reputation , but his sou , can not inherit it. and no one can live in it but himself. The great temples that the proudest lawyers rear by day disappear in the night. They are fair and noble and imposing ; but they are raised in s day and pass away in a day , and no one else can enter them. The mechanic erects the true palaces. Many others can live in them , and they stand for thousands of people to live in , and live on , after their builders are gone. Dei dloincs ( Iowa ) Register. Could Have Fared Bettsr , Miser Paine , of New York , who died the other day , leaving a1 fortune ol $400,000 , was once a newspaper man. If he had remained a newspaper man , he might have left a much larger for tune without living at all miserly. Chicago Times. Mr. Buchtcr , a wen-known citizen of Lan caster , Pa. , has used St. Jacobs Oil , and considers it an excellent remedy in cases o ! swelling , bruises and burns. Antiquity of Gambling. I believe they played dominoes in Egypt 300 years ago for money , nnd I date mij the mercenaries of ancient Carthage shook dice for remuneration they had for their brutal services. Pofccr was known b } another name , but I doubt not , thai Nebiichaddezzar's army antied up in their camp in the warm Assyrian night ; ami while llrutus was quarreling with Cassius in his tent the Roman soldiery were prob ably staking their prospective drachmns at some game of chance. Still , in the nine teenth century , with civilization in full blast and a hundred religious creeds fight- ing for the regulation of people's morals , the three card monte performer scoops in the iistute man of business and the bunko man lands the statesman and the poet just as of old. San Francisco Chronicle. Tho publisher of Baltimore , Md. , Every Saturday , Mr. T. J. Wcatwortli , says his child aged six month , was suffering from a severe cold , and he gave it lied Star Cough Cure , which acted like a charm. No mor phia. ' Beat Done In tlio Family. The best society for the suppression ol pernicious literature is the family. The best legislation that can be pnssed for the prevention of the sale of vile literature can be passed by father and mother in joint convention assembled. Daily teaching to love and study good and useful things will bring boys and girls to detest the opposite. These are the only means by which the sale of pernicious literature can ever be perma nently and effectually suppressed. The passage of laws of the stateand the watch fulness of the societies for the suppression of pernicious literature may do some good or the youth who have no parents lo teach them , but lo provide sound early training for thorn would do far more. [ Philadel phia North American. "Breathes there a man with soul sodead , who never to himself has paid , IM cure my weary , aching head , with Salvation Oil ? " "Yes a few fellows , but they are of light weight. " Seven Illinois women are countj' superin tendents of schools. SOUTHWARD. Karrrmoiid , Louisiana , and Jn.cUaon , The tide of emigration has already turned southward , and thousands of people are asking the question , ' 'Where can I locate South to the best advantage ? " Every State has its peculiar attraction ? , but it is generally conceded that no locality in the South possesses so many advantage. * as HAMMOND , LorisiAXA. Here over 40 Northern families have located within the past year. The climate cannot be excelled. Water , clear and pure , only 52 mi'es ' north of New Orleans , on the main line of the Illinois Central Railroad , with direct market facilities to every importantNorth ern market. Fruits and vegetables are grown with ease and great profit. Stock docs well. A good school , beautiful church , public library , and is in every sense a Northern town. An Inter-State Dairy- niens' and Fruit Growers' Convention wil ; be held at Jackson , Mis-tissippi , Februry 10 , 17 and 18. Northern and Southc. n lecturers and instructors of national repu tation are upon the program. Mardi Gras Festival at New Orleans will take place Feb. 22. To ai-commodate all who desire to attend the Jackson Convention , visit Hammond nnd the New Orleans Jlard ! Gras , the Illinois Central Railroad will run a low rate excursion from all points on its Illinois and Iowa lines , arriving at Jackson at 4:10 p. m. Feb. 16. Tickets will be sold to New Orleans and return with slop over privileges at Jackson and Hammond. Par ties residing at points off the line of the Illinois Central should ask their local tickel agents for round trip tickets to New Orleans and return , and be sure they are routed via. the Illinois Central , in order to visit Jackson and Hammond. For excur sion circulars , programs of Jackson con vention and printed matter conceni'na Hammond , apply to the undersigned at Manchester , Iowa. J. F. MEKUY , Gen'l West. Pass. Ag't. Isabella Begg , a , niece of Burns , and his last remaining relative , has just died. If Sufferers From Coiiftiimptloii , Scrofula , Bronchitis , and General Debility will try SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites , they will find irn mediate relief and perminate benefit. Thi Medical Profession universally declare it a remedy of the greatest value and very pal atable. Read : "I have used Scott's Emul sion in pcverat cases of Scrofula and Debil ity in Children. Results most gratifying. My little patients take it with pleasure. " W. A. HULBEUT , M. D. , Salisbury , 111. Twelve mil ion dollars were put into new buildings In Boston last vear. A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha Commercial Collrge , is filling a lucrative position as book-keeper for A. D. Morde , Omaha's leading merchant. The Empress of Austria is in falling health. For tlie Hlood , Nerves And Complexion , use UAKTSK'S IRON Piri.s. Mrs. Heiin would like to remain in this country. TIIC THROAT. ' 'Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect in the disorders of the throat. Price 25 cts. Do not turn your back to one seated near you. * A City of Henutlful AVomen. Detroit , Mich. , is noted for its healthy , liandsome ladies , which tho leading physi cians and druggists there attribute to the general use and popularity of Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. A Maine lady has refused § 2,000 for her tresses , eight feet one inch long. A gentlemen's driving club is spoken of ! or Baltimore. Montana is out of debt and has § 57,000 n the treasury. Frank James will sell shoes in a St. Louis store. George W. Childs has recovered from the effects of his recent fall. Scnor Carulla , of Madrid , has produced i rhymed version of the Bible. Slosson has been sued for § 25,000. That might be called a bank shot. Bob Ingersoll'c hair ia as white as snow. Slio ronnfed IIIm In. "Yeth , lib , yeth. " ho'eaid ; " .veth , we're goin to stick boara imported boars , you known at Tuxedo ; rnre sport , by Jove ! " "No doubt , " she said , playing with hnr fan , "but art-you not afraid , Mr. Addlepate , that you will be injured ? " [ New YorkMail and Express. Pleasant to the t.-isto , surprisingly quick in effect and economical in price no won der that Dr. BuH'sCough Syrup is the lead ing preparation of its kind in the market. A cotton niill at. Harrisburg , Pa. , has been turned into'a silk mill. "Man's work's from sun to sun ; Woman's work is never done. " Work is a necessity to allbut ; , upon how many , women especially , does it fall with the burden of the "last straw , " and this , ' because their peculiarly delicate constitu tions are so liable to functional derange ment. We cannot lessen your toil , ladies , but we can make it ensier for you , by mak ing you stronger and better able to do it. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" will relieve you ot nervous and other weak nesses , and all tho many ills peculiar to your sex. General Sherman is said to fear that he will be tho next of the heroes to die. Delicate diseases , as nervous debility and premature weakness , however induced , rad ically cured. Send 10 cents in stamps for treatise. World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation , GG3 Alain street , Buffalo , N. Y. The life of a book agent is full of worm wood and gall. A Ulaclc LI.it of diseases follows an unhealthy condition of the liver , one of the most important organs of the body. Impure blood , bronchi lid , nsthinn , malarial diseases , consumption , sick-headache , diseases of the skin , kid neys and heart all may be traced to faulty action or torpidity of the liver. No other known preparation HO rapidly and thoroughly restores a disordered liver us Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery. " It is pleasant to the taste , mild but sure in its action , and a gift to suffering humanity from one of ithe most successful physicians of the age. Do not enter a room without lirst knock ing and receiving an invitation to come in. Dzzliio i , Nniitea , Ktc. , Are relieved by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. _ . Henry Irving contemplates another visit to the United State * . TETien Baby waa sict , we gave her Caatoria , When nhe was a CLild , she cried for Castoris , When she becaraa Hias , she clang to Castoria. \7hcn slio had Children , cha gave tliom Castoria , The latest claim of Minneapolis is 175- , 000 inhabitants. to the Winter Ilefcorts of lite Sout'i. The Wabash. St. . Louis it Pacific Ry. are now selling round-trip tickets , good until June 1st , lSS7 , at greatly reduced , rates , to Mobile. New Orleans , Pensacola , Jack sonville , Cedar Keys , and all the principal points in the south. Fur further informa tion and tickets , call on or write F. I' ] . Moore ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger Agent , 1502 Far- nain Street , Omaha , Neb. ' i It was during the fourteenth century that ' paper was first made from rags. A GI'o.t is a myth , lint solid reality will be known by thofe who write to llallett it Co. , Port land. Maine , therebv learning , free , about ' work that they can do , and live at home , | wherever they reside , at a profit of from § 5 | to § 25 and upwards daily. Some have , earned over § 50 in a day. Capital not' ' needed. Hilet : ! & Co. , will start you. All ] is new. Delay not. Pay absolutely sure from start. Wealth awaits every worker , i Both sexes. All ascs. i Mrs. Bancroft is working on a book of i recollections. I 'A TIC NTS nlitainril l > y I oiils HapE'riCo. . At rtLI-isun.ll.C. KuMliC-l. Advice free Kate J. KeUey is city physician of Meno- j in one , Wis. | We would be pleased to know of a man or woman who lias never had headache or been subject to constipation. As these seem to be universal troubles a little advice may bo in order. Why should persons cram their stomachs with nauseating pur gative pills , etc. , which sicken and debili tate when such aplcasantatul sterling rem edy an Prickly Ash Bitlers will act mildly and effectively on the liver , kidney , slom- ' nch and bowels , and at the same time tone up and strengthen the whole system , cans- . ing headache , constipation and all such dis- ' Ireasing evils to quickly disappear. The electric steel railway at Los Angeles is pronounced a success. I That tired languid feeling and dull head ache is very disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring , and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. i Sponge fishing is very profitable on the Florida coast this season. j Get Lyon'a Heel Stlffcnere applied lo your boots and shoes Lefore jou rim them over. Q'leen Victoria calls the son of Beatrice "His Highness. " 1 to S8 a day. Samples worth 81.50 FREE. Lines ( not unilrr the hoi e' * * feet. Writ * * Brevvster 'Safety ' Rain Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. STRICTLY PURE. IT COHTAIHTS NO OX IDSI IN ANT FOIUX IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 58 GENTS , AMD $1 PER BOTTU flftg" CENT UOTTLKS are put up for tlio /r & ueroMiiiioilatlmi of allvlio tlcdlre u &v ( iootl UIH ! JLow I'rlrcil COUGH , GOLD and CROUP REMEDY TIIOSK DKSIRIXG A KEMEDY FOH GOS\5SUJVlPTifi3 'OK AXV LUSMC DISEASE , should Sncuro tho r.nrjie 8J.OO Botfo * . Directions at'COBipiiiy ICucli 'Jottlt ? . SOLD 1JV ALI. JlKuIflNE liKALEKH. IT ISAPUREiyVEGtrTABtt PREP/JW.O ! ! SENNA-rW5DRAKE-BUCHU [ MO OTHEn EVAUyCFICIEHT REMEDIES It has stood the Test of Years , in Curing all Diseases of the " BLOOD , LIVEE , BT02I- ACH , EIDNEYG.BOW- ELS.&c. ItPurifiesths Blood , Invigorates and ffl Cleanses tliegystem. BlTTERSl 8jijj DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CUREi IJlPATIOH , JAUNDICE , A1LD1SEASESDFTHEI EICKHEADACHE,3H- LIVER IOUS COSIPLAINTS.&o disappear at once Tinder KIDWEYS its beneficial influence. STOMACH Itispurslyalledieine AND as ito cathartic proper ties forbids its use as t , BOWELSl beverage. It ia pleas ant to tea taste , and aa easily taken by child ren as .idoltz. ALLDRUGSiSTS FSIGKLY ASH BITTERS CO Sole Proprietors , - - - SS- I'orVoitc Women. Mrs. Lyiliii K. I'iiikhain , Lynn. MURH. : "About the lir.st of September , 1S81 , my uifu was tiki > n with uterine hemorrhage. The best styptics the physicians could prescribe did not check it : uid aim got more and more enft'ebled. Slievsis troubled with Prolapsus Uteri , T.eucorrluea , numbness ot the limbs , siekneas of the stomach and loss ofappelite. I purchased a trial bottleof your Vegetable Compound. She said shu could discover a salutary erfi-ct from tho first dose. Now she is comparatively frro from the Prolapsus , Stomach sicknesn , itc. The hemorrhage is very much better and id less at the regular periods. Her appetite is restored , and her general health and strength are much improved. "We feel that we have been wonderfully benefited and our hearts are drawn out in gratitude for the same and in sympathy for other suf ferers , for whose sakes we allow our names to be used. " C. \ \ . EATON , Thurston , N. Y. The Compound is put up in Pill , Lozenge and Liquid form. All sold by drug-Juts. The Pillrf and Lozenges eent by mail cu re ceipt of price. F3EB * llBSa5S IJ-HCVC4 and cured bj Dr. .T. STnillfl B 6J3"ff | _ A. Slienna-i'sniettioJ. Those Bsice's U * * * wjlu cannot avail tiem elve ofpersoml attcndnnc" cnn have home treatment ap pliance and curntlvc ie.it for * 'U onlv. Send stamp for circular. 'M Broadway , New York. { HE-OPIUM Hublt Painlessly 1 Cured at Home. Treatment pent on trial and NO 1AY a .kcd r.ntil you arc benefited. Terms I otr. Jtumn.no Jteniedy Co. , iaFayetlc , Ind. kF. A. I.KIIMAXV. SollciS- k or ot 1'atenJs. Washington , D. C. Send for Circular. : Uorplilno Ilalilt Curoilla It to"Oitiyi. Xu pay till GuroJ. Uc J. SrzfUK.s-j. Leuaaua. Uula. TFOR ALL. S3Oai o > 'c and expenses pal I. Outfit v.-orth 5 > anJ pariieu'iirs Lfree. ] ' . O. VIClCEKY. Aiijfiiita , rnd Jlorphlnc Hiiblt Cured inlOto KOiUy . ICeferto I OOO pati wits rureJ in all parts. Dr. Marsh , 0.uincy,2Ech. A p'l ItiTe cnrc.so Kaif. No PUiler. No I' In. IV C. , yi -ca n here and earn , M , , | p < y _ Situationfur- U nlshed. Vv'rito Vulcutlne lira * . , J-iaejTiUe.Vi'li. HflUCSTOI > Y. Sccsire a Kuslncss EJncatlonbr I1U.7IL mall , from UBVAXT'S COLLCHB liutlalo , N V" . IF"oiT ; iOv nn Louat home ; no can- Inslmctlois 4 < - Hot 21. I'ii a. . 1'a. \V. N U.0malia Prodnce the Choicest KIoK-cr > Vtrctahl an.iCrops. Douhle-i , OUI ALI.YIK1.D3. MSTTOlTS. HHE1T. riJTATOES. ! ULKY 1 > UTCKiT.l.lLZ ! * . -3 - SEEDS WARRANTED. lOO.roo 7 CENT PlantDon't bur till jollier catalog With Prize Offer. JOIlJi i.SiLZSalL tr.jt ' , Wii. for Snfants and Children "Cartoria is so xrcll adapted to children tliat 8 Castorfa cares Colic , CoastJpation , IrecoanneaditasEnpcriortonnyprescriptioa 8 Sour Stomach , Diarrhoja , Eructation. JaOTTOtoiae. " H. A. ABCHER , JI.D. , E Killsjnrprms , pves sleep , ani promotes dl- 111 Bo. Ozfora St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. | WitIcS ° taiurio23 nodlcstion. Tus Cxrixcx CO TONT , 1S2 Fulton Strcst. H.T. Why did the Women of this country use over thirteen million cakes of Procter & Gamble's Lenox Soap in 1886 ? Buy a cake of Lenox and you will soon understand why.