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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1887)
h I * A VOLUME V. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 2O , 1887. NUMBER 34. N CO 03 CO 03 YOU ARE ONE OF OUR KIND. YOU DIDN'T * DISAPPOINT US IN 1886 WE RECIPROCATE By knocking the bottom out of prices ; thus helping you to start your first order for 1887. THE CAMPAIGN' this year will be a. lively one. FALL in and march with us at the HEAD or THE COLUMN. WE PROPOSE to make it RED HOT the coining year for competition. A REGU LAR SINGER ! ! CLOSE BUYERS , men who dwell on facts , are requested to call and see us and simply get our prices and examine our poods before placing your orders. . * " NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL Dry Goods. Boots , Shoes and Clothing and we are going to do it if PRICES are any object to you. We NEVER CARRY over goods from one season to another and we offer you DRY GOODS , BOOTS , SHOES AND * - CLOTHING below the cost of production. Groceries Prices , b Cans A. Lusk's California Plums $1.00 5 Cans A. Lusk's California Grapes 1.00 G Cans 3-lb. all-yellow Peaches 90c "Slap Jack" Varnishsometimes , called Maple Syrup , per can 50c New Crop Valencia Raisins per pound lOc 9 Cans 3-lb. Standard Tomatoes 1.00 10 Cans 2-lb. Standard Corn 1.00 10 pounds Roasted Coffee 1.00 1-pound-Can " 0. M. Best" Baking Powder 25 < r Perique Roasted Coffee. 6 Ibs. for $1.00 ( Be spry if you want any. ) Evaporated Ring Apples , per pound only 12c ( "Better take a Box. " ) E. C. or ' 'Extra Climax" Tobacco per pound 40c You won't need your "Specs" to find BARGAINS quoted in this paper. All our goods are bought for spot cash at a big discount , and we will give the public a chance to get their Groceries at WHOLESALE Prices. We expect a goodly slice of your trade may be placed on the plate of J. C CORKER MAOT AttD DEHNISON STS. E5f Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city. WE HAVE GOME TO STAY. STOVES AND TINWARE , Opp. McEntee , - - McCOOK NEB. The First National Bank OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. D 03 CJ O w o o o o > 0 O 0o 9 o tf Q o h p OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT.B. . M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT F..U. ' BROWN , CASHIER A. CAMPBELL. R , O , " PHILLIPS. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. C. F. EABT , Eegister. JACOB S7SINUETZ , Baeeher OFFICE HOURS : From 0 A. 31. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. mountain time \V. S. MOIILAX. J. i : . COCHKAN. MORLAN & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. A. W. AGEE. JOHN WILEY. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and beiore tho U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Ollice Opp. Frees & Hocknell , Main St. , McCook. THOS. COLFEK. J. A. COIIDEAL. GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS - - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Thos. Golfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over First National Bank , McCook. SNAVELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business betore theU. S. Land Offices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 , First National Bank Building. C. W. DAVIS. J. D. TUIINER. DAVIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. All cases arising under the public land laws a specialty. IS' " FOUR YEAR'S EXPER IENCE IN GENERAL LAND OFFICE at Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to our care will receive personal attention belore the Interior Department. For this purpose shall visit Washington twice annually. If you want to amend or change your entry you will do well to call and see us. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. H. W. KKYES , Real Estate and Loan Broker. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Money to loan on Chattels for short time. Fire Insurance placed in first-class companies. OfSeo Ecca 3 , Over Secit's Jewslry Stsro , ItcOOOS , 1TEB. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK . NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted. Of fice at City DniK Store. K-Graos. T ? B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJEIST. McCOOK . NEBRASKA CSrOffice in McNeely Building , Main St. Du. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK . NEBRASKA. E35r"Oflicc at Chenery& Anderson's drugstore. L. J. SPICKELMTER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attention Give : i : Fcailo Disease : . Oflice hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office , opposite Windsor Hotel , cast Dcnnison Sr. , McCook. Neb. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. : Room No. 1 , First National Bank Building. Residence , on Marshall street. A. J. THOMAS , - DENTIST. - Administers Gas if desired. C3r 0ffice over Kendall's. 5-27 W. GEO. SHEPPARD , WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER- McCooic , NEBRASKA. Pupil of T. J. Hlphland. London , England. 17th year at the bench. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. HcCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Hates reasonable. 4-StJ ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , McCOOK . * . NEBRASKA SUNDAY school teacher Now , chil dren , can any of you tell me who Me- 'tlmseleh was ? Small scholar He was a chestnut. AN Ontario minister prayed one re cent Sunday morning as follows : "Lords bless our servant girls who are detained from joining in the worship of Thee by the sleeping of their masters and mis tresses. " ALMOST A HINT. Isaac ' ! vants to write my name upon your heart , Re becca , but it vas so hard ash a stone. " Rebecca "Vy don't youjtry , Isaac , to write your name on my heart wid a five huntrct tollar tiamond rins ? " ORTHODOX Sunday school teacher to small boy "You know , Johnnie , there is nothing you can think of that God i could not do if He wished. " Johnnie , ( an unwitting evolutionist ) "Could He make me a two-year-old colt in ten minutes ? " SHORTLY after the passage , in the Iowa legislature , of a bill regulating physicians and surgeons , a large and motely gang of quacks at once packed their bandanas and collar boxes and migrated. As this contiguous state doubtless received her large quoto of these tramps , the present legislature can do the people of this common wealth no better service than to pass a bill in the interests of suffering and helpless humanity , prohibiting the practice of medicine or surgery or pharmacy , except by regular gradu ates or by those who , after a sufficient ly strict examination , demonstrate their qualifications , to the satisfaction of the board appointed for that purpose. THERE is a fascination about all nar cotics which destroys the judgment and produces self-deception. Soon after the habit of smoking is formed there is a marked loss of the fine sense of re- spoet for others first indifference and then recklessness. The smoker will in trude himself into the presence of deli cate , sensitive persons without any re- jard to their feelings , and if any allu sion is made to this , he will say : "If you don't like it you can got away. " The norves of smell pass through small openings in the floor of the skull , and are distributed over the lining mem- ) rane of the nose. Their function is to detect odors and to convey to the ) rain the refining influence of the aroma of flowers , of oxygen , and ozone , which s oxygen in its purest state. The nar cotic effect of tobacco destroys this ) ower by partially paralyzing these del- cate nerves. Phila. Ledger. G-AIL HAMILTON has a serious word to say to her sex that all should read : Their spiritual superiority is signified chiefly in this that the women work or love , the men for money. " Thus she sums the matter up : "The spirit- lal advance made by man is seen chief- y in this , that so much of the money ic earns goes to the ministry of refine ment , education , embellishment , to the yife and children whom he loves. But the woman sees no money for her toil , ler sufficient , her ample reward is in a msband , content , happiness , growing n grace , in children , bounding to gra cious maturity. The unmarried wo man works for necessity , for love of icr dependent ones , for love of some > eautiful or beneficent profession , for sweet mercy and charity to the igno rant , for horror of dependence upon those on whom she has no claim sel dom for business , ambition , or material accumulation. The woman who makes i real failure in her own business , is the unloved woman , the grasping , the untruthful , the woman who 'is a center' ' of discomfort , a source of anxiety , an { object of avoidance , instead of being that gentle , consoling , considerate , motherly magnet which draws unto it self all human want , and woe , and bliss , and aspiration. " ' Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly j ind make expectoration easy. Acts Minuf- ' aneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , . hereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by lemoving the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have seemed the [ sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to > give satisfaction , | LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL E. 0) ) 0 0. 0.D ( D B - : - WIRE , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. Tl , CD. ill ] ir . : DEALERS INI ER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I COAL. ; MAIN OFFICE AT = McCOOK , NEBRASKA. REXAL EXSTATE1 AND LOANS ! o o LANDS 2 , Hocknell Brick , McCOOK , NEB. idi ; FOR SALE &v = ipknpH | simhpr On iuiUluli LlillSUui UUi ! MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. ( l p > T = ? T"N"T < "R R V AO JL o J VI 1 > i r v \ L .V- -MANUFACTURERS AGENT FOR- III \ WAGONS , BUGGIES , ETC. he Largest and Best Selected Stock of Farm Implement ? in the Republican Valley carried by the Manufacturers of the different lines of goods. Priosfa always the Lowest and always Regular. Call and examine. COR. MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. The Howard Lumber Co , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MeCOOK , NEBRASKA.