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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1887)
rp35rT _ . * ' * " ' " ' * " ' i ' , . tr ' . . -V ( ' Ij j VOLUME V. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 6,4886 NUMBER 32. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Dress Good rcoats ! WILL BE CLEARED OUT AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES I TH LBDAY S OUT THE STOCK TO PREPARE FOR OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY. PRICE GOODS ALL OVER TOWN , AND IF WE DON'T SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT. OUR NAME IS NOT AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS. T MAIL ORDERS HAVE PR03IPT ATTENTION. JLl CO 03 CO CO YOU DIDN'T DISAPPOINT US IN 1886 WE RECIPROCATE By knocking the bottom out of prices ; thus helping you to start your first order for 1887. THE CAMPAIGN this year will be a lively one. FALL in and march with us at the HEAD OF THE. .COLUMN. WE PROPOSE to make it RED Hotf the coining year for competition. A REGU LAR SINGERJ. ! CLOSE B.UYERS , men who * dwell on facts , are requested to call and see us and simply get our prices and examine our goods before placing your orders. K. NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL Dry Goods , Boots , " Shoes and Clothing and we are going to do it if PRICES are any object to you. We NEVER CARRY over goods from one season to another and we offer you DRY GOODS , BOOTS , SHOES AND CLOTHINGbelow the cost of production. 5 Cans A. Lusk's California Plums $1.00 5 Cans A. Lusk's California Grapes 1.00 G Cans 3-lb. all-yellow Peaches 90c "Slap Jack" Varnisbsometimes , called Maple Syrup.per can 50c New Crop Valencia Raisins per pound lOc 9 Cans 3-lb. Standard Tomatoes 1.00 10 Cans 2-lb. Standard Corn 1.00 10 pounds Roasted Coffee : 1.00 1-pound-Can " 0. M. Best" Baking Powder 25c Perique Roasted Coffee , G Ibs. for § 1.00 ( Be spry if you want any. ) Evaporated Ring Apples , per pound only 12c ( "Better take a Box. " ) E. C. or "Extra Climax" Tobacco per pound 40c You won't need your , "Specs" to find BARGAINS quoted in this paper. All our goods are bought for spot cash at a big discount , and we will give the public a chance to get their Groceries at WHOLESALE Prices. We expect a goodly slice of your trade may be placed on the plate of J. C. ALLEN & CO. , CORNER MAIN AND DENNISON STS. HV I'- , JelP'Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city. i > ( - ; . ( WE HAVE COME TO STAY. ! * fit- p > - § - = FOR SALE BYi ft Tiie Frees 1 Hockneli Lumber Do , , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. The Howard Lumber Co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ! P * " MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. ir II * , - , & - . & ' - A' " . > y--- -S.L ! j\in. WITTROCK was an amateur at train robbing it was his first crime of that sort , but he had kept a coal yard and from that the descent is rapid. It is but a short step from keeping a coal yard to robbing an express car. When that is borne in mind , his success as an express robber , although an entirely new hand at it , does not appear so re markable after all. Chicago Times. REFERRING to the rum traffic , that great metropolitan journal , the New York Tribune , has this to say : "If indeed the moral sense of man is be coming'keener ami more sensitive the time cannot be distant when the American con science will rise in revolt against the agen cies which put the very souls of thousands under a servitude compared to which Afri can slavery was a blessing , and which de bauchprivate life and government , sinking the individual and the body politic in one common abasement. THE whiskey men are making a great deal of capital out of the an nouncement that " 500 jugs of whiskey were taken to Atlanta the day before Christmas. " Men will soon get tired of such as that , and only old soaks will indulge in jugs. Men of family will not care to take jugs of whiskey home to their wives and children. The jug business is a bluff game that won't win where there is a reasonable amount of intelligence. A JUST , humane and really moral na ture is often shocked with the contem plation of the monstrous distinctions allowed between the sexes in the mat ter of social obligations and ethical re quirements. It is one of the inexplica ble mysteries that society , chiefly com posed of womanly purity , refinement , and intelligence , will consent to re ceive into its sphere , and there pay court to the known seducer , while scrupulously , even scornfully , closing its doors against the seducer's victim. It is one of the heinous remnants of barbarian customs that the law will in carcerate the thief , imprisen the de faulter , and yet gaze with indifference at the roue , the libertine , and the be trayer of innocence. Chicago Inter- Ocean. THE other day I saw a dog trying to bury a live rabbit which he had caught. He held the rabbit in his mouth while he dug its grave with his paws. When the grave was prepared , he put its un willing occupant into it , covered it up carefully , and , after patting the dirt well with its paws , retired to a little distance and lay down , watching it. Presently bunny , doubtless thinking that the moment of escape had arrived , arose from the tomb and started off on a run. The dog soon caught him and buried him again. Three times the lit tle animal resurrected itself and each time the dog caught and buried it , but on the fourth trial concluded that the rabbit was a little too lively for a corpse , and killed it before proceeding with the obsequies. Ex. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simul taneously on the bowels , kidneys and liver , thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by removing the cause. One trial of it will convince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and colds. McMillen & Weeks have secured the sale of it and will guarantee every bottle to give satisfaction. I WHY don't Commissioner Sparks at tack somebody of his size ? He talks loud , but when he hits anybody to hurt it is nine times in every ten , some poor settler in a mud house or a tent upon the bleak prairies of the Northwest. He has by his red tape created more sorrow and caused more heart burnings among this class of poor pioneers than all the men who have preceded himin the Land office. THE managers of the State Journal , if they must have the Topics column continued , should hire the services of Calhoun for a few minutes a day. Cal. , the originator of the column and who made it , while he was with the Journal , the most attractive feature of the pa per , could write more good sense in five minutes than the present head of that column can extract from his sterile brain in a week. Ord Quiz. SOME people have an idea that news papers will lie. Others are so wise that they will only believe a newspaper report when they think it would be easier for a paper to tell the truth than to tell a lie. Others think it would be evidence of flashing wit to reject with a derisive laugh any evidence of author ity which comes from "the papers.1 To such an extent has this thoughtless judgment of the press been carried that much of its sphere of usefulness has been circumscribed. It is true that there must be some occasion for this wide-spread impression there must be some fire where there is so much smoke yet how many men can show a record for correctness , accuracy and truthful ness that will at once compare with the average newspaper ? The editor gathers his news from a thousand sources , from acquaintances and strangers , from letters and papers. He sifts and culls , hunts and details , endeavors to gee "the straight'1 of every story he publishes , for it goes to the world over his own naind , and he knows that in a great measure he will be held responsible. The private individual hears a piece of gossip , listens carelessly , tells it to an otherwith equal carelessness , and if called on for details , in nins cases out of ten , cannot give enough of them to make an intelligent item for the paper. "Writing makes an exact man , " says Lord Bacon ; the newspaper verifies the truth of the statement. Let anyone doubt this , sit down and put on paper some piece of gossip , with the purpose of having it printed over his name , and he will see in a moment how little he knows about a matter he thought him self familiar witb. And he will won der , not that the newspaper should con tain occasional inaccuracies and mis- statements , but that it contains so few. And his wonders will wonderfully in crease when he remembers that the ed itor has to depend for much of what he publishes on the common run of man kind. Exchange. Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated , If your skin is yellow and dry , If you have boils , If you have fever , If you are thin and nervous , If you are bilious. If you are constipated , If your bones ache , If your head aches , If you have no appetite , If you have no ambition , one bottle of BEGOS' Br.oon PUJHFIER AXD BLOOD MAKER will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by ilcilillen& Weeks. f9 Mrv 44it LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL E. - 1 ; 0) 0 0 En - - &J B IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOKAND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. AN-- : OF NEW FURNITURE ! JUST RECEIVED AT ; ! DGE'S , oa oam o o m m om o m bd CO CD bd COo o O CDO o o O bdW o o CO o o . o O c : o B O . en O o m o CO bd O m O ) . .CO Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. Quick sales small profits is our motto. The First National Bank OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. * 05 Cj O TJ ' ' b o o p oH r h 5 ° " 3 8 9 o * 2 o . hD OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A. CAMPBELL. R. O. PHILLIPS.