The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 16, 1886, Image 5

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    THURSDAY , DEC. 1G , 188G.
Indicates that your subscription to till
X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordic
invitation is extended to call and renei
the samo. Subscription , f 2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Scale books for sale here.
'Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
Noble & Brickey , the leadinj
grocers. '
fit and style , try J. F ,
S3 ? " Lemons , Oranges and Sauei
Blank school district order books it
, stock at this office.
- S Try that delicious sweet cider al
Probst Bros' , bakery.
The American Settler's Guide foi
sale at this office.
quarts of Cranberries for 2
cents at WILCOX & FOWLER'S.
The best Boots and Shoes for the
least money , at J. F. Ganschow's.
Brewer & Wilcox will buy your fat
hogs. Call at their market , Main
Six cans Baltimore all-yellow peaches ,
in heavy syrup , 90 cents , at J. C. Al
len & Co.'s.
J. F. Ganschow makes a specialty of
fine shoes. All widths and styles , from
a B to EE last.
A farm for rent. One half mile
northwest of the city. Inquire at the
McCook Liquor Store.
A well selected assortment of fresh
candies at Noble & Brickey's. Their
stock is fresh and clean.
One good residence lot for sale. De
sirable location. Inquire of Samuel
Scott at Scott's jewelry store.
Queensware in the latest styles ,
plain and ornamented , at the leading
grocers Noble & Brickey's.
* % r Pocket state maps at this ofiice.
These maps are just from the press and
are accurate and complete to date.
.Buy your baking powder at Noble &
Brickley's new grocery store , and se
cure one of those handsome pictures.
Elegant chamber setts and an exten
sive line of glassware and queensware for
the holiday trade , at Noble & Brickey's.
A handsome line of hanging lamps
at oble & Brickey's. They would
make an acceptable Christmas present.
llemember that Noble & Brickey are
headquarters for everything fresh and
clean in the staple and fancy grocery
G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
power feed grinder , with attachment
for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
A rare chance to get an organ or a
piano by taking it on the rent plan.
Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry
store on Main Avenue.
We have just received a nice line of
calling cards of the latest styles. Also
have in stock an assortment of fraterni
ty cards. Call and see them.
, A good piece of land for sale within
the incorporation of McCook. Fine lo
cation for small fruit and garden. In
quire at Scott's jewelry store.
Wiley & Bede are loaning money on
farms at the lowest rates. Also have
special bargains in real estate , at
Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line
of Hat tan and Heed Rockers which they
will close out at a greatly reduced price.
Call and get a bargain for Christmas.
The ladies of the Congregational So
ciety are prepared to make comforts
and bedding. Orders left with Mrs.
Lowman will receive prompt attention.
We have a more complete stock of
groceries than any house west of Oma
ha. When you can't get what you
want , call at the Casli Bargain House
of J. C. Allen & Co.
Probst Bros , of the City Bakery ,
still lead in the fine candy trade and
the excellent assortment they have
just received , sustains their already
widely known reputation for handling
the freshest , purest and best candies in
the city. If you want a real toothsome
article , Probst Bros , have it.
Remember Neble & Brickey when
you come to make up your Christinas
presents. They have an extensive and
handsome line of hanging lamps , wa
ter setts , chamber setts , amber finger
c bowls , children's tea setts , individual
\ . . cups and saucers , etc. , etc. , that can't
help but please you. Call and examine
before purchasing elsewhere.
Our cigar trade is booming , because
\re only carry first-class cigars and sell
them at a low price. We have just re
ceived A lot of "Tobies. " These cigars
are made of carefully selected Havana ,
Pennsylvania and Ohio seed leaf , from
which a large proportion of the nico
tine has been removed by re-sweating.
We are selling them at the low price
of 2 for 5 cents , or 5 for 10 cents.
J , C. ALLEX & Co ,
Socials are becoming numerous.
Probst Bros. ' parlors for oysters.
The proper time to advertise is al
the time.
Smallest steam engine in the city , a
Chenery & Anderson's.
A lofty sense of honor is a mos
commendable characteristic.
How does "Tribune Water Moto
Power Print" sound , fellow citizens ?
The old Citizens hank building is be
ing moved to the rear of the Franklit
Best Mince Meat in the rnarkei
at Wilcox & Fowler's. Only 12 cent ;
per pound.
The Lutheran people will indulge ir
a basket social at the Opera Hall , nexl
Tuesday evening.
A line of very handsome librar }
hanging lamps at Noble & Brickey's.
Call and see them.
A lot of new Michigan 1880 crop
Dried Apples at 20 pounds for $1.0U
at J. C. Allen & Co.'s.
To-morrow evening the ladies of the
M. E. Church will hold an other oi
their pleasant social occasions.
Proof making is somewhat slower ,
owing in a considerable degree to the
delays in securing real estate loans.
We learn from semi-official source
than the U. S. land office will be moved
snto the Franklin building , to-morrow.
A specialty of groceries , provisions ,
queensware , and in fact everything in
the grocery line , at Noble & Brickey's.
Our merchants are dressing their
show windows in holiday attire , exhibit
ing great taste and pains-taking in the
We regret hearing of the destruction
of the Vailton school house , Tuesday
morning , by fire. Miss Lincoln was
teaching the school.
Stop paying big prices for organs and
pianos and go to Scott's jewelry store
and rent one , and thus save your money.
and get terms.
We produce a short letter from John
G.Eaton , now living in Oregon , which
may be of interest to his many friends
n Red Willow county.
We all know how difficult it is to se-
cct a Christmas present of value. Get
one of those cheap fine Hanging Lamps
at McMillen & Weeks. '
The Hayes Centre News is authority
or the statement that A. IT. Steele and
amily of that place has come to the
city to spend the winter.
A steam drying apartment has been
added to the laundry department of the
Commercial Hotel. Landlord John-
ton "do like" enterprise.
Are you in search of an excellent
[ ish of oysters , call at Probst Bros. '
oyster parlors , where you can get the
) est , cooked in any style.
A business man without an adver-
iseraent , at this time , reminds one of a
'bumble bee without a stinger. He is
only half equipped for business. "
The 1" . P. A. song service will be
icld next Sabbath at G P. M. , rnoun-
ain time , at the Congregational church.
Everybody bring Gospel Hymns.
Ludwick & Trowbridge have a fine line
of Rattan and Reed Roukers which they
vill close out at a greatly reduced price.
] all and get a bargain for Christmas.
Ladies generally experience difficul-
.y in making selections of presents for
gentlemen. Chenery & Anderson cheer-
'ully volunteer their assistance to all
n this dilemma.
Rev. Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next
Sabbath morning , upon "A Christmas
Gospel , " and in the evening upon
'The Situation in McCook , " the text
being Acts 20-28.
From the Hocknell Hose Co.'s buiid-
ng , Squire Bennett has moved his
icadquarters into the Franklin build-
ng on East Dennison , formerly oecu-
) ied by this ofiice.
Conductor Jack Birdsall , formerly
on the Oberlin branch , is now punch-
ng tickets with care between this city
nd Hastings , with headquarters at
his point , where he will make his
The old Hover & Cooley implement
louse on South Main , is being com-
detely overhauled and conveniently re-
rranged and refitted preparatory to its
ccupancy by M. J. Heafy as a res-
A fine boy baby came to brighten the
lousehold of Conductor and Mrs. John
L Dwyre , last Friday. Mr. Dwyre is
ne of the B. & M.'s passenger "cons , "
laving recently been elevated to that
The Hastings Gazette-Journal wants
he B. & M. to put on a local passenger
rain from McCook to Hastings which
will give people along the line better
ravelling accommodations. Holdrege
econds the motion. Democrat.
The Lutheran Ladies' Aid Society
vill hold a basket social at Menard's
Dpera Hall , next Tuesday evening. All
adies are expected to bring a basket to
ie sold at auction. Mr. Spotts has
onsented to sell the baskets , which
nsures success. Everybody is going.
The new books for the Co-operatic
Library have arrived. The funds o
the Association ara short , and it ii
( earnestly desired that the delinquen
subscribers shall come forward and liq
I uidate immediately.
! Remember that Probst Bros , an
' headquarters for fine candies.
I The first of this week , Judge Lucai
, sold his claim on the Frenchman to Geo
E. Johnston of the Commercial House ,
for a valuable consideration. The claiu
has timber and water on it , and is con
sequcntly a ver7 choice and desirable
one , such as Mr. Johnston picks up
occasionally as a diversion.
Take your hides , butter and eggs tc
Brewer & Wilcox , Main Avenue.
A lively sociable will be given at the
Methodist church , Friday evening next ,
at 7 o'clock P. M. The program will
consist partly of singing , rccitatioils ,
and speaking. Also a play will be
brought out , entitled , "A bachelor in
search of a wife , " representing some
ludicrous characters and a dead-give
away on the preacher. Everybody is
cordially invited to be present.
Eggs wanted at Noble & Brickey's.
The highest market price paid.
The Nellie Ilubbard drawing room
entertainments of 13th and 15th Justs. ,
we are advised , did not pan out large
nuggets of the yellow metal , the absence
of audience being suggestive of that
other occasion , when an aged lady of
that patronymic went to the cupboard
to get Trouser a spare rib or some equal-
ly rare aud delicate morsel , but found
a discouraging bareness existing in the
larder which did not produce satiety in
Trouser's gastric economy.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
Last week , Dr. L. J. Spickelmier
and S. H. Colvin consummated a deal
whereby the doctor became the owner
of the Windsor Flouse property on East
Dennison. Mr. Colvin in return se
curing the doctor's beautiful claim just
northeast of the city limits , one of the
finest and most valuable in this vicin
ity. Mr. Colvin moved onto the farm
last Friday.
J. F. Ganschow takes the lead in la
dies' Fine Shoes. Try him.
Yesterday , the Citizens Bank people
moved into their elegant new brick
quarters on the corner of Main and
Dennison streets , their old location.
We can say without running the risk of
successful contradiction that they have
one of the handsomest and most sub
stantially elegant structures in the state
of Nebraska. Their bank room is fitted
and furnished in a style of solid , simple
elegance probably equaled by no insti
tution in the state outside of the largest
cities. We desire to felicitate the Citi
zens bank people upon their quarters ,
and the city upon its securing such an
ornament to its business houses.
See Noble & Brickey's display of
lohday goods.
On Tuesday evening , Prof. jSturgis
closed his musical convention in this
Dlace with a class rehearsal , which in
dicated that the professor's labors in
our city had not been in vain , but that
a good work , ( lack of time and other
adverse circumstances being taken into
account , ) had been accomplished in
wringing out the talent of our town and
in exciting and stimulating the lovers
of the art to greater activity and zeal
n improvement along that line of most
desirable accomplishment. Although
the chorus.was very small for a city of
: his size , the concert was a creditable
one , and it is to be regretted that a
argcr audience did not greet them and
end the potent encouragement of num-
jers to the occasion.
Selling out at cost at McCracken's.
Now is the time to buy.
As will appear from the minutes of
he meeting given elsewhere in our col
umns , one of the results of the late
musical convention is the inception of a
Jhoral Union ; and right-here at the ou't-
start we want to proffer our mite of
encouragement. Such an organization
s one of the greatest needs of our com
munity. Ordinarily the people have
jcen too busy with those absorbing
matte'rs which cluster around the accum
ulation of the almighty dollar to devote
much time to music or any of the arts.
We hope now that an interest has been
awakened and a Union formed , that
music will assume a more prominent
and permanent place in the history of
the city's progress.
12 cans lima beans , string beans , or
peas for $1 at J. C. Allen & Co.'s.
Increasing interest and attendance
and novel entertainment are features
of the meetings of the Young People's
Association. That of last Friday even-
ng at the residence of F. L. Brown
) eing the most numerously participated
in and one of the most universally en
joyed of the total , the company aggre
gating probably eighty-five. The "first
sewing circle' ' feature introduced at
this meeting was a source of much
merriment and amusement , besides
proving the proficiency men can attain
in fancy needle work. The prize was
awarded J. F. Forbes in this depart
ment. The Y. P. A. , we learn , con
template giving an entertainment ,
Christmas evening , of greater and more
varied scope , if possible , than any of
their previous efforts.
In keeping with the general spirit oi
enterprise which the proprietors hav <
alwny sought to display , we have this
week , made another and expensive ad
dition to its mechanical department , ii
the form of a Tuerk V.'aU-r Motor , en
titling this establishment , if we are cor
rectly advised , to the distinction of be
ing the first newspapei in the common
wealth to run its machinery by watei
power. Mr. Meeker of the City Watei
Works Co. , put the little giant in , and
if you want to see a fine little piece of
machinery working smoothly and noise
lessly , drop into these headquarters.
Pianos and Organs a McCracken'.s
best place to buy in the world.
At a meeting held for that purpose
j during recess at Prof. Sturgis' musical
convention , Mpnday evening last , De-
comber 13th , a musical association was
organized , to be known as the Choral
Union of McCook , with the following
ing officers and committees : Presi
dent , S. L. Scott ; Vice President , Miss
Anna McNamara ; Secretary , Miss Ida
Hollister ; Treasurer , Geo. W. Bede ;
Musical Director , C. P. Rinker ; Organ
ist , Miss Nellie Lee ; Assistant Organist ,
Miss Northrup ; Business Committee ,
Mrs. C. D. Palmer , Amos Buck , Miss
Ida Ilollister , Miss Anna McNamara ,
F. M. Kimmell , G. B. Nettleton , Miss
Josic Menard. Committee on Place of
Holding Meetings , Messrs. G. B. Net
tleton , Geo. W. Bede and W. M. San
derson. Moved and carried that min
utes of this meeting be published in
the city papers. G. W. BEDE ,
Secretary pro tern.
" Go to J. F. Ganschow's Boot and
Shoe Emporium for ladies' fine shoes.
Crete Nurseries employ 35 to 75
hands , depending on the season of the
year. Also 40 to 50 agents , scattered
over Nebraska and Kansas. Pay roll
averages $20,000 yearly. Acreage ,
580 acres , enabling to change soil and
have suitable rotations to guard against
insects and diseases. Over 200 acres
actually iu nursery stock each year ;
over G5 acres orchard : over G acres
small fruit which will be increased next
season. Have a fine direct trade with
the Western states , extending as far
as California and Idaho. At wholesale ,
ship to the Middle and Southern States ,
mostly apple seedling ? which have
been demonstrated to be much superior
to those grown in Middle , Eastern or
Southern States. The Crete Nurseries'
are now growing on contract for one of
the oldest and most prominent Illinois
nurseries , 60,000 two and three year
grafted apple trees. These nurseries
have every season turned away half as
much business as they have done , be
cause their trade increased faster than
they could handle. Recent improve
ment of cellars , shops , office , largely
increased acerage , an excellent pack
ing house and water supply , enable
them to handle more business.
Organs and pianos for rent at Scott's
jewelry store.
We have just received the best as
sortment of blank books , composition
books , correspondence tablets , counter
books , drawing books , exercise books ,
invoice books , ladies' shopping books ,
ladies' visiting lists , letter copying
books , manilla blanks , memorandums ,
such as butcher books , desk flexible
American morocco , flexible American
Russia , flexible Persian Russia , press
board and sheep , also notes , drafts , re
ceipts , writing pads , vest pocket , press
board and printed press board pass
books , students note books , time books ,
etc. , ever brought to this city. Call
and examine them. We have the line
and our prices will catch you. At THE
TRIBUNE Stationery Department.
A fine lot of books at those popular
prices , at McCracken's.
On Monday of this week , C. B.
Crumpacker , of Washington , la. , breed
er of Short-Horn-cattle of .individual
merit and choice breeding , was in the
city looking and inquiring into the
prospects of being able to dispose of
some of his cattle to the farmers and
atockmen hereabouts , in the spring.
We are not advised as to the decision
in the matter , but if any stockmen in
this vicinity contemplate making any
such purchases in the spring , they
should address Mr. Crumpacker as
A dandy line of gift books at Mc
Cracken's. '
Elsewhere in this issue we give a
recipe for the cure of diphtheria , handed
us by a friend. We present it for what
it is worth , appreciating the existence !
of nostrums , cure-alls , etc. , in the medi
cal world , in this age , with its peculiar !
tendency thereto.
A fresh lot of candies received at
Noble & Brickey's , this week.
The Catholic brethren hold their
ayster supper and dance at the Opera
Hall , this evening. Don't fail to go
ind have a grand time.
Miller takes every imaginable kind
sf pictures in the most life-like and ar
tistic style , at the old Marble gallery.
We have 50 boxes more of those nice
new Valencia Raisins to sell at 10 cts/
per pound. ' J. C. ALLEX & Co.
this head we would be pleased t
have our friends throughout the city acqualn
usof thearrival and departureof their visitor *
Rondmastcr Ed. Highland of Red Cloud
was in town on railroad business , "Monday.
Andy King , a former II. & M. conductoi
was registered at the Commercial , Tuesday
Allen Hartley , the financial agent of tin
'Varsity town , was in the city , Monday af
W. J. McGillen of Stratton , manager o
theIlarlan Cattle Co. , had business in tin
city , Friday last.
Thos. Teas , of the county-seat , madeproo
on his claim before the local land oflldals ii
this place , Saturday.
Auditor Wiggins of the B. & M. , wife am
wife's sister , were in town , Saturday am
Monday , on land business.
J. P. Davis , one of the promising attor
neysof Ilayes Centre , spent Monday ant
Tuesday in the city on land business.
Mrs. 1 * . S. Chessington , of Akron , .spent
the latter part of the week past in the citj
on business. She went west on39 , Sunday.
E. P. JIazen , the Frees & Hocknell Lmnbei
Co.'s'stalwart representative at "Edison , had
business hereabouts , "Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Nettleton of McCook , one of the acad
emy students , is now learning the mysteries
of the printing art in the Echo office. Frank
lin Echo.
Nnt. Robinson , formerly clerk in the II.
& M. Eating House at this place , now of the
American house , Denver , was in the city ,
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. T. . Rees , wife of Chief Train Dis
patcher Rces , McCook , and her mother , Mrs.
Cook , are the guests of Mrs. S. Cordeal since
Tuesday. Akron Star.
E. E. Lowman , one of the most enthusias
tic Masons of onr city , went down to Oma
ha , last evening , to 'attend a Grand Chapter
meeting of that great order.
T. J. Floyd , John G. Rudd and F. B. Hnr-
court were the worthy trio who represented
the municipality of Trenton in these com
mercial headquarters , last Friday.
Frank Hesse , traveling solicitor for the
Omaha Railway News , was looking after the
interests of that journal in these railroad
headquarters , the first of the week.
Hon. G. L. Laws , our Secretary of State-
elect , came up from Lincoln , last evening , on
a Hying visit to old acquaintances in this city ,
returning as far as OrleansThnrsday evening.
Mrs. II. W. Davenport , Mrs. W. S. Cornutt
and Mrs , J. T. Wray of Culberlson were in
the city , last evening , buying Christmas pres
ents from the elegant assortment to be found
in the various establishments of the city.
Thus do our merchants draw trade from afar
and thrive.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Moss departed for
the latter's home in Iowa , last Saturday
morning. We regret to learn that Mrs. Moss'
health is so delicate as to require a change of
climate and that they contemplate locating
in Southern California in the hope of its
being benefitted by the salubrious , sunny
: limate thereof.
3T1LES Dora , infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. B. Stiles , Sunday afternoon , Dec.
11,1S8C , after a short illness.
The burial transpired , Monday afternoon ,
it Longview Cemetery. The sorrowing par-
mts have the sympathy of the community
in the loss of their little one.
UESS Herbert , son of Frank D. and Alice
Hess , December 12th , 1SS6 , of Diphtheria.
Aged 1 year and 3 months.
Buried on Monday afternoon. Services
> vere conducted at the home by Rev. J. W.
J. C. Allen & Co. have received a
lot of Maple syrup in Aand 1 gallon
ians , this week , direct from St. Johns-
bury , Vermont. Call and get a can
Before its all gone.
We have a neck chain and charm at
; his ofiice which the owner can have by
proving property and paying for this
lotice. Also , a large pocket book , con-
.aining sonic papers.
They are very busy at Miller's gal-
cry , just now , but if you desire your
picture taken in an artistic manner ,
: all and they will find the time to ac-
jommodate you.
The First National Bank would be
i good place to deposit the money you
: an save by buying your groceries at J.
: . Allen & Co.'s.
Geared feed grinders , with four or
six horse power and sheller attach
ments. Just the thing to make fat
logs , at Ilinker's.
When you want a sack of good
lour , go to Harvey Bros. ' feed store ,
riiey keep grades to suit everTbody.
Only three wagons left of last car.
Will sell cheap to make room for new
joods. C. P. RINKER.
L. Bernheimer has just received a
ine line in French and English suit-
ngs. Also in pants patterns.
The new grocery store of Noble &
Brickey is the place to purchase your
; roceries and provisions.
Don't wait till McCracken sells out
jefore buying your presents the finest
issortment you ever saw.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
: inware at C. D. Palmer's.
For A fine tailor made overcoat , call
) n L. Bernheimer.
A new lot of Silverware just recciv-
: d at McCracken's.
Oysters in all styles at Probst Bros. '
> yster parlors.
Pianos and organs for rent at Scott's
ewejry store.
Silverware 10 cents on the dollar , at
The best fresh and salt meats in the
market at Brewer & Wilcor'a meat
Go to McCracken's for Watches and
Jewelry. He can surprise you all on
Bring the babies to Millers's photo
graph gallery now , while the weather
is pleasant. .
A lot of California dried apples , 30
pounds for $1.00.
J. C. ALLEN & Co.
It will pay you to call on L. Bern-
heimer for winter clothes before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Ladies are always proud of a nice
shoe and a good fit. J. P. Ganschow
can please you ail.
When looking for Christmas Pres
ents , don't fail to examine McMillen &
Weeks' fine assortment.
Baskets Ash satchel , covered mar
ket , mandee and hampers , at
J. C. ALLEN & Co.'s.
Another car of the best wind mills
on earth just received by C. P. Rinker.
Also in car , 5,000 pounds of pump fit
tings of every style imaginable.
Some have one , some two , and per
chance a few three at a time , but
Chenery & Anderson have more than a
dozen. Call and see them before they
are all adopted.
Our sales , last month , are a guaran
tee that the cash system will be a suc
cess. Already the people are realizing
that they can save big money if they
buy their goods at the Cash Bargain
House of J. C. Allen & Co.
Seeing is believing. Call on us and
you will find out in your own mind that
we advertise facts. With our far
reaching facilities and accumulated ad
vantages , we are sure our prices are
lower than any house in Western Neb
raska. J. C. ALLEN & Co.
All book accounts due me
must positively be closed by
December 25th. Please attend
to this promptly and thereby
save trouble and costs. Bring
cash , corn , oats , pigs , or give
note. Yours very truly ,
C. P. Rinker.
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to us must call at our of
fice and settle before December
31st , either with cash or bankable
oaper. We will sell only for CASH
during December. Persons having
accounts against us will please
oresent them at once for payment.
The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co.
13 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00
14 Ibs. Extra C. Sugar for - $1.00
1G Ibs. Prunes for - - $1.00
G Cans Syrup Peach as , 3-lbs. full , $1.00
Also ALL Groceries. Clothing , Hats ,
Caps , Boots , Shoes , Dry Goods , and
Notions , as cheap as any house in town.
Attention Smokers !
With every 25 cents worth of goods
bought at the Distribution Cigar Store ,
a ticket in the grand drawing is given.
50 acres under cultivation. Good
frame house. One mile from McConk.
Rooms for Rent.
Two furnished sleeping rooms for
rent. Inquire of W. W. BROWN.
A set of heavy harness new. In
quire Of W. G. SlIEPPARD.
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just once !
, \