The best and surest Remedy for Cnro of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Dowels. Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of v It is pleasant to thetaste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It 3 purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to prove beneficial , both to old and young. As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 81.00 a bottle. Havo bocn heartily enjoyed by thn cilizfns of nearly every lown nnil city in tho United States. Marvelous Cures have bsen performed , and wit nessed by thousands of peoplevho can testify to .HF.AT.INa rOWEIt OF fn n P&VI IT 1IAS NO EQUAL FOK TUE CURS OF RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA.TCOTKACHE. EARACHE , HEADACHE. CATARRH. CROUP. SORE THROAT , LAME BACK. CONTRACTED CORDS. STIFF JOINTS. SPRAINS. BRUISES. EURNS. Ind Many Other Pains Caused by Accident or Disease. .Itiseafo and Euro , doea itsvork quickly and tivesuniversal Kitisfnctiou. ForsalobydruRgifets. l'rice.50c. OurSoiiBlJookjuailodfreotoevcrybody. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY , CHICAGO THE rr WATCHES , DIAMONDS , JEWELRY , Solid Silver Mantle Clocks. All fjords warranted.VrIto for rr'otSend your name nmi pct ; a plioloyn'ili. frci' . of Inturlor t I'-w of llie K1KE&T JKWKLIiT hTOKU IX Till : Wh&T. C. S. RAYMOND , Cor. Douglas and 15th Sis. , : : OMAHA. FIMILY Tlie most practical , large sized Oil Can in the market. Lamps nru flllod direct by the pump without lifting can. Ko drip n oil on Floor or .Table. No Faucet to leak and waste con ten ts or causa explosions. Closes perfectly air ticht. No Ijenknge-Xo Evap orationll)3olncly xiife. Don't be IIumbufTBcd with worthless imitations. Buy the " . " ' . "Good Enouch. Man' WKFIEID HASF'G. CO. , Warren , Ohio. Cold by rirmt-CIana Bcalera Everywhere. I'ositivolvcurcdinCO daysbylJr. IJorue" Elcctro-3l2cnctlcJtcIt- TrusBcor.ibincd. Guarantcedtho ony otc in the world jrcneratnm ncontinuous Elfdric < Magnetic 'current. Scier.tir.c , Powerful , Durable , . n LEO I'll - DR. HG8KE. IHVEMTOB , 191 WADRS : AVE. Cure never fail * to tmmtdmts relief ia the vort L , insure * com * lecp : tBecu cure * where I1 olheH fall. J f trial r nrttic' * th * mnst ikrfiiietil. Price ol > OA mnd Sftl. OO. of Drorgi tJ by mail. I'auKKKK for p. DR. K. hCllIfFMAX. hi. I'au W E WAWT YO'U ! ' profitable employment to represent us la every county. Salary $75 per month nnd expenses , or TSO commission on sales If preferred , loads staple Everr one buys. Outfit and particulars Frre. STAKOAKD SILVERWAKE CO. , BOSTON , MASS. D-nfiifg unit Na il rntarrh ppniia-ientiy rured. Gla = iMi ; fitted for All farms of defcc- & THROAT inserted. Addreti Pr. IMI'EY. Omtlia. X ih. 1NE-OPIUM Knblt PalnlcfMy 1 Cured at Hume. Treatment sent on trial and NO PAT asked nntil you arc benctlted. Terms Ixw. I Humane KcmcUy Co. , I iFnyeJtc , Intl. Snrc relief i riceaScu.o arlestown , Mais. A. J.KHMAXX. Solicit- , or ot PnicnU. Washington , I U. C. Send for Circular. . Morphine Ilalilt Curodla I ! ) to ; : o tl.iyi. No u.ty till Care J. HE J. STKS-IIUSJ. Leuaaou. Uulo. e Tumors rd Ulcers cun-d without kulie. Write for p.unplilL-t. DK. 61 K. II. GOLLEY. Slll autee. OFFICERS' I'ny , Hoontr , Etc ; . ow. . _ . Wrlie for circ'ilirsand lawt. Free. ' . McCORMICK &SON , Cincinnati , O. to S3 3 daySimples worth SlJiO FREE. Lines not under the horse'feet. . Write Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich. till . .k TUul' . Sccuie a Business Education by UUJtL mail , from BJIVA.VT'S COLLEUU J-uUalo , X.V. TJie Lendvillo mint's liave produced § 110,000.000 to date. PaiiiH in tho luidc iru Injiu'iilly caused h.v : t Hiuldcii wicncliin ; ; of tlit'Hpiiie. A f w nplicalioiiM of Hnlviilioii Oil will yivu jier- relief. J'rice twentyJive run tit. t'ciiiilty oi'u ISiird IEnid. "Wli.-it i the matter of yon , Alocl ; ? " : i8ki > d Mjiyor Courtciiiiy of u Clinrle.iton dnrkey. ' .vlio but HIi it nour look on his face in the midst of the ruins of a fullei building , trying to tie up his woolly pato in u red baiiclanna lianilkerchief. "Ar was d tin slecpin' outer yure hiBtniglil wen < le ypiirUirjuike ; dun shook JlissChire'H stove outen dsi winder up ilar : tn' hit dis yer nigga 'n do head , 'n jest kiso lo stove'H dim bruk Veaelf 'n two free places lie dun pwine tuk cle price of it outen my wages. " [ Charleston News and Courier. The family of ] Ion. AV. 3 } . Iloke. Judge o the Jefferson Connly , Ky. , Court used St. Jacobs Oil with signal success. Europe haw had 1500 wars since the be ginning of the bixtecnth century. IJeatrice's baby is Queen Victoria's thir tieth grand child. The King of Cambndia has oOO wives. Mr. F. llentschler , S.n Franciuco , Pal. , contracted a severe cold , andbecnmcMO hoarse he could not speak. Jfe tried a number of remedies without benefit , and even the efforts of two physicians failed to cive the slightest , relief. JIe was induced to try Hed Star Cough Cure , one bottle o which entirely cured him. s n Theater. "Where areyoiirtichets.gctits ? " asked the doorkeeper of a St. Louis theater to a lint of men who confronted him in "Indian file. " "It's all right , " hhoutcd a man at the tail end of the line , "I've gob the tickets. There's twelve of us with me. Count 'em as they go in. " . "In yon go gents , " said tho doorkeeper , and he tallied off eleven who immediately mixed with the crowd within. Tho Cerber.ii8 turned to look for the holder of tho tickets , but he had disap peared , and eleven men saw tho perform ance safe from identification in the tremen dous throng of people. New York World. The railroads running into IJobton this year have carried 00,030 , J 5. passengers. It is sweet to live , but oh ! how bitter to be troubled with a cough , day and night. But Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is a suie remedy and the co-t is only U5 cents. Stf < rs appears in great variety in pins , often combined with ( lower-work. TIIE LUCKY BOYS. $15,000 for ! ? : $ Invested. Letlngton ( Ky. ) 1'rcss , Xov. 27. Fortune lias smiled on Messrs. Ed ward II. and George Washington Lay- cock and T. Ii. Pendell , fanners aiid tobacco raisers living nearKeene , Ky. , bringing them a sum of money larger than could be made by years of toil and strict economy , They invested $1 each , and purchased three one-fifth tickets in Tho. Louisiana State Lottery at New Orleans. One of these proved to be a one-fifth of ticket No. 94,552 , which drew the capital prize of $75- OUO at the regular monthly drawing on Nov. Oth. On learning of their great fortune , they placed their ticket in the hands of the First National Bank in this city , and by return mail received a check for $15,000 , giving them $5,000 each on the one dollar invested. They were delighted to find that they had struck it so rich. They are hard-working , industrious tobacco raisers , and all their friends are grati fied at their good luck. They will hereafter be called Colonels. They advise all of their friends to trytlfe royal road to fortune through tlie Louisiana State Lottery. One or more forget-me-nots are now worn pendent from rings. to the Winter Jle.sorts of the South. The Wabanh. St. Louis & Pacilic Iy. ! are now selling round-trip tickets , good"until .lime 1st , 1887 , at greatly reduced rates. to Mobile. New Orleans , i'eusacohi. .lack- sonville. Cedar Keys , nnd : ill 1 he principal points in the south. For further informa tion anil tickets , call on or write JE. . Mootc ? , Ticket Agent , or G. N. Clayton , Northwestern I'n&hcngfiAgent , ISO'S Far- nani Street , Omaha , Neb. The oleomargeriiie tax yielded100,000 in one month. Yorjref moro coinf < rt for 25 cf < . In Lynn's Hid Sllffunurs tiian in ai y otlirr article. The French government costs 400,000 francs , or about § .10,000 , an hour. JAY EYE SEK'S Driver. KdrrinT ) . Either , nses Cole's Veterinary Carliolisalvc , and a thorough trial enables him to endorse it as the best remedy that he eur saw for general stable Ube. Sold by Druggets at 50c aiid 51.00. It is estimated that there are o2u,570 telephones in use in this country. Cleanses the scalp , and leaves the hair soft and beautiful. Hull's Hair llenewcr. If you have any form ot throat or lung disease , take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tiiere are only thiity-three inmates in the Mississippi blind asylum. . "Consumption Can l e Cured. * ' Dr. J. S. CO.MKS. OWI\SVII.LI : , Ohio.says : "I have given SCOTT'S EMUI.SIOX of Cod Liver Oil with Ilypophosphites to four jintients with better rebulta than seemed possible with any remedy. All were hered itary cases ot Lung diseases , and advanced to that stage when Coughs , pain in the chest , frequent breathing , frequent pulse , fever and Emaciation. All these cases have increased in weight from 1G to 28 His. , and are not now needing any medi cine. " Jfr. Arthur's last words were "Good night. " PATENTS obtained by Loul Basher JtCo. . At b , AUelilnfclinI > . C. Ktt'U liCI. AdMcefree There are ninety-eight varieties of chrys anthemums cultivated this season. IT is so EVERYWHERE : . E. 3 > . Rail , drug gist at Hiattsville , Kan. , has this to write xbout Allen's Lung Balsam : "It is the best selling throat and lung remedy , nnd gives general satisfaction. I cheerfully recommend it. " Buy the large 51-00 bot tle for Lung Diseases. A man bhould believe but hall what he icars. Among the people of to-day there are few. ndeed , who have not heard of the merits of L'rickly Ash Bark and Berries , as a house- lold remedy. Teas and drinks have been made of them for centuries , and in hun dreds of families have formed the sole reli- ince in rheumatic and kidney diseases. Prickly Ash Bitters now takes the place of he old system and is more beneficial in all .roubles of this nature. Russia is negotiating for a loan of 75- 300.000 roubles. nRHilBfl nndJUorsiblne HaliltCured inlOto 11LS111 SO days. IluTrr to . ' UOO pitirntp cum ) 5B HWR3 laalliiarts. Jr.Eardj , duiaey.Sici. WHIMS OF ABUSED WOMEN. To-Dnv They Hiiro Their Arrcstcit Jind ToOZqrrow Tliey seclc Their Jtelease. The casual visitor to any of the city police courts never fails to be impress ed with the very large number of wom en who form : i pail of tho audience. The presence in : x police court of any one not compelled by business or hnv to be there is strange enough anyway since it i.s voiv seldom that a word of tlie proceedings before tlm justice is : ui- dible : i foot beyond tiie mil ng which separates tins public from tlie court. Tho sevent\-iiv.j or one hundred men who Anther in the courts every day nunbo attracted by vulgar curiosity , tue .shelter and the comfortable seats , or by interest in tlie fate of some pris oner. I\'o such motives draw the wom en thither. They are there because they want warrants. As soon as the regular business of the session is through with the court oilicer bawls : "All those wishing warrants this way , " and two long lines , of women , some with bandaged heads and blackened eyes and other evidences of domestic amusements , Hie one by one before his honor and relate their griefs. Most of them want , their husbands arrested for beating or failing to support them , though occasionally one appearslio has some other kind of awrong to re port. "Xinety-live oul of every hundred women who apply for warrants want their husbands arrested. ' " i d a clerk of one of the down-town courts , "and nine out of even' ten either withdraw the charge or pay the Him after they ga.n their des re 'and their lords are arrested. Every week almost every day we have SOUKwoman here who has been beaten half to deatli by her husband and then forgives him and wants to get him off before he can be punished. The other dawe had such a case , where the woman had been all but. killed by her brute of a husband , who. it was proved , was a terror to the ne ghborhood. The wife and a half- dozen of the neighbors lestiticd against him. and he was lined $10. In the afternoon h s wife stepped up and paid the line rather than si-e him go to the island. She hadn't , a cent in the world , but had gone around and borrowe1 from the other women who lived in the neighborhood until she had made up the sum. That very night her lnis- band got drunk again and blackened her other eye for her. There's no tell ing what length a woman's Jevotion to a man will take her. "You never catch an old policeman arresting a man on his wife's com- pla nt unless lie has to" said the gra\- lia red court oilicer. whose six stripes on his fclccve testified that he knew what heas talking about , "nor mix ing up in any family quarrel either. They know too well that they art ; u. goop deal more likely to get themselves into u snap than do anybody any good. I mind one time that i got a. broken head over on the cast side for doing that. 1 was young and fresh then. I was passing along the street when i heard a regular tenement row going on i the top.s'iory of tin * house. J rushed up the stairs and , there was a b'g. drunken truckman with one hand in his wife.s back hair , lamming her with a cart-rung. 1 jumped on tho man and knocked him down , but tlie wom an wa's up in a minute and sent me spinning with a ilatiron. Then both jumped on me , and before help canu : thenearly pounded tlie life out of me. Wejgot them both tothe station , but the woman refused to testify against , her husband , and both got thirty days for resisting an ofh'cer. " "Sometimes it works tlie other way. " put in the clerk. "We had a case here one day this week of a husband who got a warrant for his wife's arrest for habitual drunken ness. She was sent up for thirty days , chielly on his testimony. Tlie next day he came in. crying like a baby , and wanted his wife released , for he said he couldn't live without her. But it was too late. Sins had been received on the island. " Scio York Mail and Express. Winter Plowing1. The "January thaw" ' does not make it.s appearance every year , yet there are few winters during which plowhif cannot be done , for .several davs at least , alonir the fortieth parallel and south of it. The advantages of winter plowing are the gaining of time and die benefit to the ground. If only ten ; ieres are plowed during the winter , [ here are just that many acres less to plow in the spring , and'the gain is con- > ideriblu. Winter plowing is always benelicial to btill , heavy soils. Fre- [ jucntly when light soils are plowed in Lhe fall or winter , tlie ground is packed jown by snow and rain until it is as ; ohd in the spnug as it was before it was plowed. IJut there is little danger rf stiff soils being reduced to this con- Jition. On the contrary , the disin tegrating acton oftlie irost and snow is needed to mellow down the ground. This greatly lessens the work of putting the ground in order in the spring , and really puts it in better mechanical con- iit.on than the hanow alone willc no matter how much used , Sod ground is jeneliUcd by winter plowing , for the ; od will partially rot , and thiTfrost will jnimble the stiff turf. Rather light joils , if sodded , may well be plowed in , be winter. This is a good season for Dlowing corn-stalk ground. If the : odder has been cut oil. break off the itnbs by hitching a horse to each end ) f a long pole and dragging it against .he stubs of a frosty morning , if the stalks have not been cut oil ; pasture hem well first and then break them lown in the same way. If turned un- ler during the winter , they will rot nore rapidly , and by will be in iuch condition that the harrow will tear hem to pieces. For winter plowing , i plow sharply convex is the best , as it vill throw the furrows more on edge iml break them up. This exposes more urfaca to the action of the frost , and t will mellow down the lumps till pring. Do not harrow the ground eserve that till spring. American An- ; eme WHY SS BY SO EFFECTIVE IN SO RflAMY DIFFERENT DISEASES ? " one rcinedv can eff'ct so manv cases is this : Tlie diseases have a c.vninon cmse , and n that can affect tlie canse. per JnY"one cures all the diseases. Culikts any other or/au ia tlie both' , the Kidn.'y when dist-ased , ma.itse'f bj fr e from pain , an * ver.'fact that it is not painitil leads many people to dMi > that it U d se eJ. l.tit il3 < * : Ii < * a ! Aitllaurit ic * auivc ttiat it ran l.c far " $ oiitt willi B > iK : if e jsiitl yel jjive IbrSii nt > s > aij. l.ecaiise it has Tew Ifauy ccrves .f sensation , ami tln-ac are ibv onlv means of conveUns the sciife of r-afn : thus umousuou1.discard it utters * Ui eistirc > y lt-n . \V < to not open * watch to see if it is j"om'.r or is in coo-1 orderVe look at the h-inds. or n > te tin accuracy of its titn - . Sov need not op n the UMney to . Now thtn libOi'ifi-iY B > CSfiiASJ-l of the FOI.LOWIJJH C sec if it is disea ed. We studv theVondition of tbesr&tcm. , produces any AND Uxsi\.i iTir : > Backache ; fxt' ' ! * vi , PFSIUE TO ririXATi : AT XUIT : Fititt ring and j am in tue li art : Tired fteHiir * : UnasiJa3 of < KAFIIOTII ! ix wvrr.ii ; ! irit : ted. 1-ot uud c.fy 'Kin ; Held ; AppctitSrnldinirs n.-ulr > n ; .Acid , 'bitter tt te. with furred tongue in the M < r iir.r : Headache and uril ia ; Abundance of : , 01 : bf\.XTT uuw or DAii\-ooicIID V\TIK : our Stoniit-h : Heartbiiru with Iysi > ' u.-ia ; Inteust * pain , upon sml Icn etctciiciit H tlie S nail of th" I5v.-k : ; rosiT OK Jirrui .s * n\it TIM- { .viTn.1:1'iiix vTio.v ; Loss of Memory ; lclciunati > in. cliUIs : iiul fexcr anil 1'nciiiiinnlii : lro , s-U-U Swi-IHti s ; Kc < i or white 1 rick'lu t , vLiioirx AXD Trii" CASTS ix TIIC WATtu ; Const j/ation. alternating with loo cut-as ; hort breath , Pleurisy am < l Lroni-hial aff Ttions ; YrllowMi jalc ) skin , etc. These am onlv the ciin.r D.S IICUEUS or symptoms caused by a di-ecsed condition of Ihs kldnprs. Now then. Nn'f ftc-'rar tn yon tost * tlic kii n'vs tn'in" the cui c of tlic e diraiijtements , , f Ihfy arc rci-loruU m leiltli : : bv tinprcat spcii'ic , * 1VA ErVS'IS2't4 f-34Bfi * < "HB5B2 , " this najorty oi thealove ailimnts will dit-appcur ! Tic e is NO MYSTEKY ABOUT IT. It does cure ni.uiy lud stateof Ibe hvstcm vrtciseh- > * we"liavc indicated. Ni w whin the kidneys are diseased , t ic alliiun < n , tiie life jirop'rty of the bloo I , e'-enpc * tli-ou h their walls anl'vabs-cR nway in the water , ulrie the urea , the kidney poon ! , riinainanil it is tb s icinxEY roisox ix in : ULOOD , iuat , tir- c-tilatin" lhruu"hout t'jc critin ; boilv , Ari'Kcrs KVEKV or.r. x , and vitonrrp' ; AM. TUB II-.OVK SVMITOM" . ' Tterefore. c say conid ! ntly that "WABS.Tj'BJEfS NAB-'K ' 8TE5E-r is THE MOST EFFECriVE MEDICIXK EVER PISC'OVEK- El > for the liuinan race. It is the lomn oa remedy wuich , cvt-H-uin.ii } ; the coniiiiun cause , KKMOVHS TIIU OICAT ST rospa- ni.u M'siUEu OFUVJI. J.rFicTri inoMTiiB sVoTEM. Let us note a fe\v of these ( ii = cas\s ami how they are alTict-d by kduuv poison , aul cared bv izttvw ' . * ttv.v'rt\M'3z : w\i { SAFE QUR.E. OOMO ! IRflfTTIOK ! n a Prcatmany cases Consumpt on is onlv the olli'ft of a diseased cornl ton : of fie system and not an or- intctivc and th ° natural wenkn in the lntijrs , the KM > XKT itxs < xc l JlMOlJIVl i | UI\li : mal tllsea:5e ; if tue kidneys are re is any ss " Jl I V wliWWifii v i i ATTAe KS TIIEIU htiisTVXi'B AM > EV * XTt'Ai.i.Y THEV w \ > TB av/ay and are destrovi d D p your finsj-r ITJ aetd and it is burned. Wash Hiss flnjjer cvcrv day in acid and it soon bi-cotnes a fcs-tirins tcr.aud is eventually dettnivetl. Tlielritlnry pois-ou acid in the blood has ts * m i I - > lriK'livc : U 'f < ii ; on ISs IHIJ M For this reason a person whose kiduejrt will hav crave attacks of I-SLUMOXIV in tlie Spring of tlie year , Lunp : fov ra , Co""hs. Colds 15romhtis , I'ntinsv. etc. . at all S.OPS of tli < ! tear Kectify the action of th > kdnevs bv tVzirior'N SAD-'S-I Ci'Rl.V as many him Ircds or ILousaads IMl'KOVEJJEVT IX THE COXDIT1OX OF TIIE LUSiH. nl.d" YOU wll be SCUI'UISED AT THE IMPAIRED EYE-SiGHT : Kidney ac-i > l with some person1 * has an KTEC- IVI.FfIXITY FOH THE OITIC XEKVE , a'ld tluairh we have ntvc-r ur ed it as a cure tor diFOid-red e\c iclit , irany i ersons Iiavo writ ten u > express ni surprise thaiafterathorousli rours-e of treat in' nt with "Wsirm rV ' ' ' lhirini-MciiriiA- W fcl-'K 'aJKaV' ( : - vv Ti.r iMi'KOVEH. In fact , one of tlieb--t i tul sts in the countryivs that HAM * THE ruiEXTSthut come to h'm with L-a I < 'vp. . tu- i.n examination he di' covers are MITIMS OF Kinxnv nisounEi : . We have no doubt that i he reasrn why so many peoplecomplain of liiilin-j eye-sight ea-lv in life , is tint , all un- fonsciout t. . tlum-clvi-F , tluir KII > NE\S n\VE IIKEX off or oitDEi : vou YE ins , and the kid u. v i.oison is raduallv ruining the system. OPIUM HABITS : ' t-hownan u , that opium , morphine , cocaine , whisky , tobacco and oih r cnhlavmg habits capture thi-ir victim-s by tueirparaly/in' : effects upon the kidneys and liver. In tliese or-rans TUB API'ETITC li I b.VEI.Ol'El > VM > M > TMXEIi. and the btt authorities state ttat the \iins < AVXOT in : COITI.N iii : > < F i XTII. THE Kin XBYf AS'I > I.IVEUUi : llE.sTOKKI ) TO rKltl'El T iicvi.TH. 1'or this purpo e , leading mi'ihea. tuthoilties a'ter a thorough examination of : ill tl liuunt-A for the h'.nor . of bc-inz spi'i'.lUlor tli " > ae or riK , lave awarded tin * jii/.e to "iyirn . - S ia-'B-J < 'sis-c. * * I : ; er > reP"la that rheumatism i.s ca > ' "d by an ac d eond - lum of the > t 1.1. With "MUIILit iur c acid , or'u * . IO.MII : in oihcri. it is TiUi e : u-ii ! . or 1er 1 no on. 'i'ljsw :5fJ < l 'OIJ 3- Jnls ipf i-jiri- . It alU-i-th 1 1 1 j eo- ! ' ! e n nr tlian jouti people , occaute the a.'id liabioii coUcctui ! ; : n the > v > U-m ft \ear- - . and finally tie M lem becoiiic * entirclv ai' < J- ilicd. ThrbaiTds ] r iduce all tie vaii-ui- i'nr us of rlicniniii in. VsirsirrV FiAE'2' ' $ * Ms"act njr upon the k diu-v.s nd liver , inn lalizmc the acid and coin-ctini ; their fal'e aet'on. enrc- anv cai" - o r e ima- Jism. " 1VsirK 'r * . SAB-'K EIInMiis-sil- < 4'i' > * . - . " .ilicrnatiiifr uith the iisuot "War ner's bAFE L'fKE" completethe work. BLADDER DISORDERS : ( Jro's and othor hijh medical authorlt'e'say llaiii ! ( t of the b.aldi-r diseases origin- vrifti Jjs r iK'tion o5" ilic liiil- n 'yr , and urinary tract. I r.caciil constant ly cours * ! ! ! ; tliiouijh these oni.ininflimis and eventually di-stroxs the inner membrane , pro ducing the IXTEV.-E 3fFFEiixo. Sometimes this kidney acid io > .iiHFiEs n tie kidiie\s n the form of Or.ivcl , wh ch m t < descent to the bladder prodi c-s KII XF.Y COLIC Sometimes the acil to'idiiits m tlie 15ad ! ! er. uro hieing CAI.CI-LOI s oit bTOXE.Varncr's MlB-'B-J 4'siiM'1 has restored thou.-amK of case , ot inilammatlon and catarrh of the blad der and ha 'ire-t\elv : corn-clod tlie t'-nd-ncy to tl c lormatiou of ir'avcl and stone. It CH VL- i.r.vor.s coJU'Anisnv wi'h all otht-r r : mtdies in this work. I5.iv to-day. MS SAFE CD CONGESTION : cether of blood in any one place. If there islos > sof nervous action in any organ the blod vi"-sels do not a.Iow ! ht blood to tirculatf and it sta nate . If ths : condit.'on rx .ts verv louir the coilect- in clot ami eventually DKSTUO S TIIS OKOAX. JIanjpirsmi are unconscious v c- tims of this verv CI.MMON ( OXUITION The heart , determined as it is to lorcc blood into eviry part ot the Mstem " , has to work hardt-r to irt it thrtur'i"the clojjci" I onran. and < ! < > \tn ami pal , itat'i n. \tvssiy actinr , ru > ii < > i' Mood t ) the hvail. d s > 'ris-inr : li al | ac'Ji-s , iiiil c.t' > thit ihi * < > nsf < msJs H ! < ! a niiirito the mine bv iiin. t'oni--ct.ui i > i tluk d' i'\s is t-u" of ct.u.Kii'in-st < jf io-i- orr it. FEMALE COMPLAINTS : What we hav , aid about ConcPstioa at- plii-h witli part force t ih > . alu\v com plaints. T.K-V aie as common a can inaril as c-v ry doctor can tt-ll\iu , mt si of tin-in Ix'iii In SSjis > on c.s(2t e < * oiidi- JCOH < tt Un > y > ioiii , , noi 1) i-iir n-uu.arly rorrcctcd , jrr < jw-s nt. > d s KSU and - thetc count snffi-r wli chan pro-Jin es e-s n s -an he alluded to Lu * noc 1 in a nnbl c rint. Thousands h.ivo been jiisiiiu'iil - Iv * sir I. BLOOD DISORDERS : It is not strange that so mauy , many peo- pl j write us tnat since tney ucve given ia itr- s-eivc * thoro'i"h tr with * to1Vsa * Hri-'s SAE'SJ Ciiro ' their thcl : > and Vur- s.d blood , tlu-ir neavy , blotched , irr.table A n have d sapj'oared iimlt-r its j otcnt influcerf' . Tne KIDXI.V voiroN ix run ni.oon TIIICKKX * IT. It is not read ly nunlird in tha " ai il ! h result is tlie" impurities coins oul the sur.'r.c' of the ! > dy. and IK TIIHKE n I.OI'AI. IlsiE ALL THE ItADXl > 3 m.odi ) .SHEM.S TO C ( i.i.iiT THEKK. Our csper- ieiii-s jus i if * u < m the statement tiat - Vsirnor's KAE-'E : Cure * ' is "the Greatest imnl'K-r known. ' 1 he treatmtnt. intibt be very thorough. STOMACH DISORDERS JIanv p'-ople conul.iin more or les Uinnjib- out the vear with btointich disorders : DTS- these arc IXAITLY TFII : coxnmoxs tl at - be produced in the st 'inaeii WIIEXTHK ELTXJI > Is FILLED WITH KIDXEY J'OlfcOX : IVoplldoi _ them.h a with all sorts of ston a--U rcliefs-T but srt-t no better : They never will < ri-t unt 1 they CiV.1 thir attention to a tlio revivinsj'of kidney and liver action b/ " of the "onlvvcliic * CONST1PATION.PILES : TLcse d stvssln ailmcn's , ni'irr anion ; ; one c'a s than thio'hir ' , : rnot i rp- inai disorders , but are sntox ; A'v TO J3Jre&- rri-T . ' .i TION i > r Tr : KDNH ; ; AND UVKK. T c i.aiunsl cat ! ar > .i > i.s lullv. , . M-.J L t.iJt-J > from the bi.o.l ! l > y liic I . - < r If the 1 ver fail-5 tlse bile is not , fur In o n 111 , : > i thc-fx-r otv -tsi'i'o a ci n-tpitfd : li.ilnt. T.iivKtn - nllv ! li. " pit-- . { , ; . i j tva s an " a b.ii k down o. u > ? \.uiii. il-m v C"itr' ! sti'in , n-v.v" t'i" l r s > re k dis- \ l > v th u.-i of " 4'sia'i * . * * an t' ' i'-.j c.ii d scascs dibap < a- . Jraiv people snf- HEADACHES/- : (1 : IlLOOICfi ' 'all tlmr l.v sk til he.idachp. Tliey try every u-n il- n Tarn. for thcv liavf hot struck tin' e.iuiWills some teiir.x i a nnt ! , kidmyui 1 n tin- in spit of all tint an be d"iiwi. . ii- : ind iiIim ; tljo { > riii ant intense tulTi-r.n ? . Tuo-e obs matt ; ht-adaches n tilth do not vit M rc. dil > - t > lo-al tr-a-nu nt , may lu-retra-d-d certainly o"IiiS- - ney and from the wavnehave sct tl-em forth , it will rla'nlr brseen that the' THESE ARE SCIENTIFIC FACTS Maiemeiil we inahe that * Wsir M-'s SAB-'c : < 'tn-e" isih"most ef , fective ri-inc lycvt-r discovered for the natcsti. umber of human dibeas- s " ' : .s jutlfleil. It is not a rcincdj without a reputation. Its sales for the year have hucu GRK.VTKU TIUX i.vri : . and the advertising thereof J.E s Tivx ! KVEI : , showsn-j ncon'tstibly that THE JinitiT or Tin : Mnnicixn'has ir vn it a ponnancnt 1 ice a > id va w. 1'iople iave a drcadtul fear of hiizhi's difcate. but ue can tell them irom our expcr encc tliat it i < TiiK OUDIXAUV KIDXIV > i.E.\3rTnjLTr ] > uuii'cis xo I'AIX that is to-day TIIK GUEATK T EXEMY OF THI : IICMAX i A'-i : ; jrreat &n.l all j owerful , because .n n mt.s out nf tcuT it.s presence is not suspected by citbi r the phvscian or the victim ! Tinrud | nt man wno finds hin clf year after " vear trou. 1d w 1 1 Lule odd acLe * and ailments t ! < at perplex bun. < u < r > t not to J esitate a nu > m ns as 10 tMerea' cause of ln < < "li--n < r. ] "i I c will n ve liim.eff thf-rauRh lOn titutional tie.itmcnt with "WAre 'KK'S SAD-'E- : < 'C'BB' : ' and * lVAaS."VI-arS : S tl-'K 5 52.B.S" I e 1 % II < iet a nt-ir iiasot life and justify in Lh own exi er'encias , iiundrctlsof thousand ? have d ne , that ir , ' , cr cent , of disease * are rcaliv uttr.bul&bl ty a doranie.l condition of tirj k.doc , and taat they wi 1 dap : a- wli "i t morf.inj arj restor-J to h'altb. AS2S "OIT IvTSIQSSBO S WHAT T2IS THIUK fmRiti 'WARNER'S SAKE QURE" JESUiBa-iaSiaagtefraJia . r > A po ll > TO cur * So Knlfft. ' 3xi f pTf EJAQHY I.cnrii hn nn'l ram No PUuer .No ] .1n. IV. C. g i-t-k-WiriM tn I , , , , , . h tninoni rui % 0 r yn r. ilarali litown.lowt. g nl heJ. Wntu Vuleatlr.e Ki-o * . , Jar ' " - / Everything1 pcrtai > inp to a Tlioroii h Kti inox Kiluc-atloii / tHii lit I y r\jit-rionrcd anil I' -ii'her- - . ( / TErJJKAI'ltV ! istutlcnts Kilted f r ITac-tlca' Work in from 3 to 0 Monthc. Actual Business Practice. I'eninansliip , nook-keeping. et . For MX cunein nt 1'rniiMiit.hIp and Coles ! Jonrntl. addict nTH UUX JC I > v I l.f.Y. Omaha. Nro. Of Adventure in Youth's ' Companion 3 And Illustrated CONTRIBUTED 3T Lieut. Schwatka , Nugent Robinson , W. T. Hornaday , C. A. Stephens , T. W. Knox , W. H. Gilder , C. F. Holder , F. W. Calkins , Hon. S. S. Cox , and Lieut. Shufeldt. Tiie Companion is publishedweeldy. . Prica $1.75 a Year , Spccirien copies free. Kention ths paper. Address PERRY BZASON 6 : CO. , Publishers , G7 Tccipla Place , Boston , Kass. Tho Craai Hurocry of \ * " 5 " t3 IR Tl 'H 200 Impoilod Brood tfarcs Of Choicest Painiliea. L A K G E Xi-TIB EKS , All Ages , boi h Scies , IH STOCK. . ,00 to 400 IMPORTED .roni France.all recorded itliextended pedierrcsia I'ercheron Stud It < Kik3. Tlie IVreheron istheonlydnrfc treed of r ranee pos ? < > s inK Ktnd tool ; lias tfc * support and endnrsem of thb French Goremtnent. oenj for 1 0.paz Catalogue , iDu'-tiatiorn hy Ktu Bouhcur. M. W. D U N H A ft ? . Wayne , DuPage Co. , Illinois. p you heard oftlie an undlnKr dncll in for He. J. A. SIl MA .s f.iiniit Hmu Tr.a ni-ni. tliconr known : Kiiaranter c inn.rt a-i I c--r.- vf'ti-a ODC-- tloaor liui-rani-c froniinU r' N < ti-i-i < > - r il > ixU' rerfect ritiiiti'iiVli i-ia Ii\ . N'jt-l.nll c buucti UMUI.-IK-S. XO\V. oV..V-il ( . Sonil rcTcn-S fcf nit' u-tmnianj ni > f < < > e ! 'Me\ ' \ GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSmON-lS7S. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS \7. N. U. . Omulia 341-51.