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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1886)
VOLUME MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1886. NUMBER 27. FALL AND WINTER OF i BUI ! i A < < OUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT' OF ry Goods , Clothing and C etsf HAS ARRIVED AND WE WILL BE .PLEASED TO HAVE YOU EXAMINE THEM. WE. GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE MISSOURI RIVER PRICES , OR "BETTER. . Our Stock of Ladies9 and Children's Cloaks is Immense. Come and See Them. Mail Orders Have Prompt "Attention. L. LOWMAN & SON HA ! HA ! HA ! .i I * * ANOTHER CAR OF THAT WARRANTED AEB WIRE ! WHICH WILL BE SOLD DURING NOVEMBER ONLY ! AT 4-GENTS PER POUND ! Be sure and get as much as you want as it will not last long. C. Lali EFOR SALE BY ; The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Go , , . MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. The Howard Lumber Co. * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lumber & Coal , u * . MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. . . , < * - - > 3 * B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : KAST LEAVES f No. 2 0:40 , A. M. No.40 5:2.P.M. . WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No.59 ! 1 :50 , E.M. No.l 8:55 , P.M. "Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. It. H. WOODS , Agent. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONG KEG ATION AL Prcachi nf every Sunday morning at 10JO ! o'clock , and evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 0:30 o'clock , A. M. , all mountain time. JOEL S. KELSEV , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : 'M A. M. and 7 P. M. , mountain time. Sunday School at S)0 ) ; ) A. M. All are cordially invited. Seats free. KEV. HADEBAUOH , Pastor. LUTHER AN Services the second and fourth , Sundays of each month at 10:30 , A. M. , and 8:00 , P. M. , central time , at the School House J. W. KISIMEL , Pastor. CATHOLIC Divine services will be held as follows : October 10 j November. . . ? I December..25 November. . 11 Dcccmberl. . | Tnos. CULLCX , Pastor. A. O. II. W. McCook Lodge No. (51 ( , will meet the first and third Mondays of each month in the JIasonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Du. B. IJ. DAVIS , M.V. . W. H. DAVIS. Recorder. MCCOOK LEGION No. 7 , SELECT KNIGHTS , A. O. OF U. W. it cets every second and fou rth Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. All visiting comrades cordially invited to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT. A. H.DAVIS , Kecorder. Commander. MCCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. S. L. GHEKN , W. M. . W. S. WEBSTER , Secretary. McCOQK CHAPTER , U. D.-Meots on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. FISHEK , H. P. T. G. REES , Secretary. CONSTANTINO COMMANDER ! , U. D. Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. E. E. LOWMAN , E. C. S. COKDEAL , Kecorder. ' WILLOW GHOVK LODGE K. or P. , No. 42. Meets every Wednesday evening t Masonic Hall. Hall.J. J. W. CAMPUELL , C. C. C. H. BOYLE , K. Ii. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1.0. O. F. , meets every Fridayevening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet with us. C. T. BHEWER , N. G. K. C. FISHEU , Permanent Secretary. B. OPL. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. 'S. E. HOGE , Chief. J. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E. J. K. BARNES POST G. A. R. Regular meet ings second and fourth Monday'evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. J. A. WILCOX , Commander. J.H.TAHGEH , Adjutant. .BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITEDSTATES McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. P. EA2T , 2eeiier. JACOB STEmilSTZ , Eeeelrsr. OFFICE Houns : From 9 A. 31. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. 31. , mountain time. G. W. MINKLEll , COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. All kinds of SURVEY ING , GRADING and CIVIL EXGINEKRING. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of Red Willow county. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted. Of- flee ut City Drug Store. 32-Cinos. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. McCOdE , : : NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout-and is first-class in every respect. Hates reasonable. 4-36 WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. ; JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , MeCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at ray shop on DennUon St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and ipeclflcatlons famished If desired. r TJIE largely * increased prohibition vote throughout the country at the late elections is an indication of the grow ing hostility or the people of this na tion to the rum power and traffic. The temperance millenium may not be so far distant as some imagine. We hope it is not. THE amenities of journalism are not very closely observed between the Lin coln Journal and its country exchanges : The "Topics Man" seems to exercise unbridled license in abusing the mem bers of tho profession who' may have unwittingly incurred his displeasure. The who writes the " young man "Top ics" should be transferred to the press room and set to washing rollers. Dirty work seems to suit him. Gazette- Journal. SENATOR VAN" WYCK arrived here to-day preparatory to tho reconvening of congress. His appearance on the streets created con siderable'excitement , as ho was greeted on all sides and was the observed of all observers. The above is taken from a Washing ton dispatch to the rankest of the rank bourbon sheets , the Kansas City Times. Evidently the'old man" was locomo tion in his granger buckboard , with which he essays to catch the Nebraska farmer's vote. IN view of the prevalence of diph theria in this locality , as well as in var ious-section's of the state and country , the following may conic as the verT ut terances of wisdom : The appearance of that deadly disease , diphtheria in so many sections of the country is a general warning for every city and for every householder to clean up. It is a disease which prows and flourishes where there are uncleaned streets and alleys , badly ventilated houses , foul sinks and vaults , and deficient plumbing. All these combined dou't cost as much to remedy as doctors' and undertakers' bill , aside from the calamities to the homes. Chicago Inter Ocean. CONCERNING Grover Cleveland , the opinion has heretofore obtained and prevailed that he was so hopelessly pachydermatous as to .be imperviable to the keen shaft of the journalist even. This view , in the light of more recent developments , seems to be utterly er roneous , as the president is described as daily growing more and more sensi tive toward newspaper men. In fact his extreme irascibility of temper and habitual irritation of mind seem to in dicate that he is approaching the con dition of mind of Henry VIII , when , toward the close of his life , he kept continually crying out to every new person who approached him , "To the Tower with him. " Such seems to be Grower's animus towards the meek and lowly faber pusher. Worse Than a Fire Alarm , One of the most dreadful alarms that can be sounded in a mother's ear is produced by croup ; dreadful , because it is * known to be dangerous ; the more dreadful because the life of a loved one is in jeopardy. _ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a never failing safeguard against this dangerous disease. Its reputation as a preventive and cure of croup is fully and firmly established. In fact , it is the only remedy which can .always'be relied upon. Sold by Wiiley & Walker and McMillan & Weeks. LYTLE BROS. , & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL E. & K KZ M t * ,1 , , 3 IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , HcCOOKAND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. AN I3MDMENSE ! STOCK J..X-A.1 v _ ELJJJSJL.fS Hd _ * s KJ'JiL-4 J Kr at \ JPSJJL - OF r T 1- = JUST RECEIVED AT = LUDW ! CD CDm m m .o m * f o CD fr GO , fcd r-- . % o K fcdS fcdS o o o T S3 CO CO tl ? c o 3S. . S.o o en oo - COm enO o oj O j _ m cc enS GO a > S O m C/3 GO Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. Quick sales small profits is our motto. The First National Bank OF P/ICCOOK , NEBRASKA. > I d . . \JJ ' 01 d O V ' " " 0 i 0 S p H r 0) ) < J : h hE O i < O ; O o ; Q O- & OO o - < : E e h OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : 3EP > , H9CKN.ELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A.CAMPBELL. R , O. PHILLIPS.