The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1886, Image 7

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. * - . - - yr . .
How It Is Accumulated and Stored
Tho-Safety Valves of tho Globe.
Dr. IT. W. Fnucctt , of Xcoslio , Mo. ,
who has for ninny 3'c.irs been iloeply in
terested in natural gas , its origin , and
results , nnd who has made experiments
and investigations in the oil regions of
Pennsylvania , is at the Hotel Moscr.
iTe talks very entertainingly and in
structively upon tin ; subject that proba
bly occupies a major portion-of his
. thoughts and shows that he has givea it
much careful research.
"Science tells us , " said he yesterday ,
"that the central portion of this globe
is a molten mass of heal , if so it must
necessarily be an incandescent or electri
cal heat , burning in vacuo without oxy
gen hence no combustion. Admitting
this to be the case and considering that
: it least two-thirds of the globe's surface
is covered with water , tliero must be
an immense quantity of that liquid
gradually working its way by gravity
through "the crust of the earth and com
ing in contactyith this great heat , the
natural result of which is that immense
quantities of hydrogen gas are liberated
from the water , and , it being very vol-
utile and expansive , linds its"way
through to the many cavities and cav
erns hi the earth's crust , which are , as
it were , nature's gasometers on an iiu-
jueusc scale , and there accumulated
< nnd stored uul.l under that immense
pressure it must find vent , and in doing
so it is constantly coming in contact
with sulphurous gases , which are also
generated by the internal heat , and be
comes a hydro-sulphurous acid gas. In
other instances it conies in contact with
organic or carboniferous matter ; eacli
having an enmity for the other it be
comes a hydrocarbon gas and burns a
while flame , while in the original state ,
or a sulphurous acid gas , it burns a yel-
'lowish and blue flame. These gases find
an outlet through and between the dif
ferent strata formation of the earth's
crust and in doing so under that intense
or inconceivable pressure and expan
sive force with great velocity cause the
waves or undulations called earthquakes
and the escape of these gases are what
are generally noticed in the odor of sul
phur at the occurrence of these undula
tions or waves Vesuvius , 2Etna , and
other volcanoes are the safety-valves of
this globe , and when the crater or out
let of any one of these cools or closes
these gases have to seek other outlets ,
and generally do so where the crust
may be the thinnest , or find their way
between the different strata to where
they may outcrop , frequently under the
' bed of the ocean. The large quantity
of dead fish seen floating on the surface
at times are evidence of these results ,
either from sulphurous acid gas or con
cussion. The tidal wave that occurred
on the west coast of South America a
fewears since was the result of an out
break under the ocean.
'What other results have you no
ticed ? "
There are many different results pro
duced by the overpressure of gases ;
ranges of mountains are thrown up ,
continents and islands are formed and
sunk , lake ami inland seas are formed
by depressions. With our contracted
ideas we can scarcely conceive the
-magnitude of the work going on in na
ture's laboratory , and only when such
occurrences as the undulations or
waves that have recently taken place
at Charleston and vicinity do we con
sider their force or magnitude. "
"What's the nature of these gases ? "
"They are the most volatile and ex
pansive substance known and under the
immense pressure they .ire subjected
_ to are permeating and escaping from
the earth's surface at all times yet they
are not noticed except in extreme low
temperatures or where they may es-
caps through still water. The spas
modic flow of the geysers at Yellow
stone are identical wijh the regular
spasmodic How of the petroleum wells
in some instances , and both are caused
by the accumulated head of pressure
of gas behind the liquid. There is noth
ing novel in the use of the gases for
fuel or illuminating purposes. I and
others generated steam in our boilers
and lighted and heated our offices and
buildings with it over twenty years
the ' oil . "
since in Penusj'lvania region.
"How do you account for the stor
age of these gases in certain places ? "
"There are no geological theories by
which the storages of these gases can
be located or defined. The underlying
strata or formation of the whole su'cn
or basin , from the breaks on the west
base of the Apalachian range to the
Bock } ' range lying horizontally and
being unbroken or undisturbed , confine
the gas , and only through connecting
crevices or at the outcroppiugs can it
lind an outlet in quantities. Every
city and town within that area can as
well be supplied with natural gas from
nature's gasometers at far less cost for
plant and product than erecting works to
manufacture from coal or other substan
ces. There arc surface indications in
the outcroppings of gas on the water
springs as is the case on the Muskingum
Tiver , in Ohio , on the Kauawha in West
Virginia , and in the Choutaw and
Chickasaw nations in Indian Territory.
The Indians value these oil and gas
springs for their medical properties , and
light their camps by inserting a tube or
gun-barrel in the earth. "
"But would not the supply soon be
come cxausted ? "
"As to the permanancy of the supply
of these gases there can be no doubt ,
but in cases where the outlet- in ex
cess of the accumulations the head or
pressure must necessarily dgcreas. By
proper management experience will
soon demonstrate the supply of any
given outlet without decreasing the
pressure. Where crevices or cavities
may be struck in drilling wells that lead
to large caverns or storage places for
gas the supply will be in proportion to
the accumulations , and the escape
should be regulated accordingly. In
many instances in the Pennsylvania oil-
lields crevices have been s'truck that
Jiave afforded many millions of cubic
.feet of gas daily , escaping under a pros-
sure of 309 to 400 pounds to the inch
through the usual of casing , and suffi
cient to light an } ' city on the continent.
Petroleum has its origin in deposits
of organic matter of a marine growth
of fatty vegetation , while natural gas is
a separate and distinct formation , being
accumulations as above stated.1' St.
The Old Man's Trouble.
Two prominent citizens of wealth
and respectability , about sixty years
old , met at a lunch counter in a saloon
for the noon meal a few days since , as
is usual with them. They rescued a
few pieces of rye bread from the plate
on the counter , painted placques on the
slices with a mustard spoon , spread a
few floating slices of from
the vinegar on a plate , and taking their '
glasses of beer , sat down at a round
table , blew Ihe foam off the beer and
drank a cow-swallow before tackling tho
lunch. I
Bill , " said one to the other , "I have
noticed lately that you had an air of
nervousness and irritation. You look
cross , and I have thought that maybe
things were not going all r.ght with
you m business. Jf there is anything
wrong , and you need a friend , you
ought to know me well'enoiigh to speak
out. If there is anything 1 can do to
help a friend , I will do if. "
" 0 , John , " said tho other , with a
sigh , as he shook his beer-glass and i
watched the bubbles rase : to the lop , |
"there is nothing you can do for me.
It is not business that bothers me. I
am a great sufferer. There is not a
minute of the day but I suffer the tor-
lures of the damned. "
"Great heavens , you surprise 1113 , " .
said his friend , "I supposed you were
Ihe healthiest man in the world. Have
you talked with a doctor about it ? "
"Doctors are no good for what ails
me , " said the old party. "I suffer
from underclothes. My skin is sensi
tive , and for forty years I have tried to
get some sort of flannel for underwear
That would not crazy. I sup
pose I have spent a hundred thousand
dollars experimenting with underwear.
Sometimes I will see in a store a suit
of fine flannel that is as soft as silk ,
and warm , and I will buy it , and think
that I am fixed for the winter , and that
I will be happy. The liryt time it is
washed the shirt shrinks so I can not
get into it. and it is not big enough for
a child ten years old. The drawers
shrink so they come up above my
knees , they are too small around , and
the cloth fulls , " so it is as thick as a
board , and smells like soap grease. O.
how I suffer. Again I will give the
underclothes to the hired man , and
buy some soft knit goods , and find that
they are full of burs , that seem to come
off the sheep , and every little piece of
burr sticks cruelly into ray skin , and I
not onl - wish I was dead , but I wish
the man lhat made underclothes was
dead , and that the sheep that raised
the wool , with the prickers in it , was
dead. Last year a friend steered me onto
some sort of camel's hair underclothes ,
and when I felt of them I thought
I was fixed , but after wearing
them a day I found that each par
ticular camel's hair in Ihe goods was a
hog's bristle , put in so the sharp end
would perforate me , and I was wild ,
and wanted to kill my friend. I have
tried all the different kinds of under-
ware that was ever manufactured , and
after wearing it once , have given it
awa } ' , until every man that works for
me wearing my underclothes , and I
have sent car loads of it to relatives all
over this country. I am a victim of
rough drawers "and sand-paper lined
undershirts , and shall go to my grave
scratching my back and legs , and cuss
ing somebody. Now , 3011 seem to be
perfectly contented and at your ease ,
what do yon wear for underclothes. "
' I don't wear : msaid the fr.end ,
as he enipt ed the glass of beor and
rapped on the table for more. "Every fall
I have a house painter come and paint
my body a good warm color terra cot-
ta is my style th's fall rub it down with
sand-paper and shellac' and put on a
coat of varnish , and I am warm and
comfortable all winter. "
'You arc a condemned liar , " said
the one with the underclothes , and
the3r shook dice to sue who should pay
for the lunch. Peck's Sun.
Because of Thee.
ily life has grown so dear to me
. Because of thee !
My maiden with the' ej'es demure ,
Ami quiet mouth and forhead pure ,
Joy makes a summer in ray heart ;
Because thou art !
The very winds melodious be
Because of thee !
The rose is sweeter for thy sake ,
The waves in softer music break ,
On brighter winirs the swallows dart
Because thou art !
Sly skv is swept of shadows free
Besause of thee !
Sorrow and care have lost their sting ,
The blossoms glow , the linnets
All things in my delight have part
Because fhou art !
Cetia Thaxter.
A Silent Bell.
Something very , very sad happened
near the corner of Monroe avenue and
Randolph street yesterda3 * . A very
meaty man had met three friends at
lhat point and stopped to tell a couple
of stories. A young man , who was a
stranger to all , was leaning against tho
front of a store , bearing tiie general
appearance of one who knew all that
was worth knowing before he cut his
babteeth , and was now hanging onto
life "because death refused to come.
Prettsoon the meaty man got off
some pun. and the hand of the weary
young man was lifted up and the tones
of his chestnut bell rang out on the
morning air.
"Was that you ? " asked the story
teller as he wheeled around.
"Yaas. "
"Did I get off something old ? ' '
"Very old. "
"Beg your pardon , sir. 1 will now-
got off something entirely new for vour
be'nelit "
lie seined the weary traveler , whirled
him around , and a stout calf-skin boot
was planted against him four times in
"If there's anything old about that
jnst I'iug two bells on me. " said the
kicker as he ceased his labors.
It must have been a new thing.
The young man had tears in his eyes
as he steered himself around the near
est corner , and the .sharpest . ears
caught no melody from his little beil.
Detroit Free Press.
The wind is always hlowing about some
thing ; but there is nothing in it. J\"ew Ur-
Itant Plcay vie.
Capital FnnIIiment by Electricity
There is now being exhibited at Leipsic
an apparatus for putting criminiilB to death
by electricity. So long as it is found neces
sary to retain capital punishment on our
rttatutc books it may well be Unit the elec
tric method is the most merciful nnd least
repulsive process that could be devised for
carrying the sentence into effect. But if
such menus nrc ever adopted in this coun
try the details will certainly not be carried
out in the theatrical manner which com
mend itself to the Leipsic amateur. In this
apparatus , behind the chair in which the
condemned man is to take his seat and
by means of which , as wo need rot explain
in detail , his body is placed in circuit with
a powerful coil there stands a conven
tional figure of Justice with bandaged eyes ,
holding the balance in her left hand and the
sword in her right. The criminal having
taken his seat , the proper functionary is
supposed to read over the record of his
crimes and the sentence of the law. This
ceremony completed , he folds up the docu
ment and places it in the scale pan. the
arm of the balance descends , closes the cir
cuit and all is over.
Romance oil the "I lyine Yankee. "
The other dny , on tho Flying Yankee ,
down in Maine , a young man and a young
woman scraped an acquaintance. "Both
wore good clothes , both were equally in
clined to enjoy the sensation of a llirtation
with a perfect stranger.
lie quoted poetry , talked polite slang
and made himself generally agreeable.
Finally they swaped names , and just be
fore reaching Augusta , where he was to get
off , she made bold to ask his business.
"I am an undertaker , " lie said , with a
beaming smile.
"How nice ! and my father is a doctor.
you success ! " [ Drake's Magazine.
Mr. A. Fuegor , GOG Walnut street" , St.
Louis , Mo. , suffered for two years with lum
bago , and was confined to his bed for sev
eral months. He was entirely cured by tho
use of St. Jacobs Oil , which he says is also
the best cure for sprains and other pains.
A , hotel is known by tho company it
keeps. _
Never buy anything you don't need be
cause it's cheap. This includes beer.
A recent comic song is entitled "Soap. "
It comes in bars.
Mush rooms Cheap restaurants.
Mrs. P. V.f. Ingham.172 W. Maaison
street , Chicago , III. , recommends Red Star
Cough Cure , a few doses of which gave her en
tire relief from a violent cold. Price 25 els.
The Mexican nnrt the Coffcc-MIll.
The San Francisco Argonaut narrates
lhat an American ranchman hndemployed
a Mexican herder. The American owed the
Mexican ? 80 , and as money was not very
plentiful with him began to devise means of
a cheaper settlement. One evening , while
the two men were in the kitchen , the Amer
ican took down the coffee-mill and said :
"This is the most wonderful machine in the
world. It was recently invented in the
United Stales , and valued at § 100. See
here ! Instead of having to crush your cof
fee with a stone , you put it in this way and
grind it tip. I never saw anything like it.
Old man Jones , over here , wants it so bad
he don't know what to do. Offered me
§ 100 for it , but I would not accept the of- '
fer. " The Mexican listened attentively ,
but assumed an air of indifference. The
American left the mill on the shelf. When
he got up next morning he found that the
and the coffee-mill had
Mexican - disap
peared. "You can't place any confidence
in the honesty of a Mexican , " said he ;
that fellow is positively dishonest. "
Physicians , Lawyers , and Business Men
lire enlhiiKiiistie in their indorsement of
Stilvation Oil. Ifc cures the worst cases of
rheumatism , 25 cents.
Mrs. Sartoris ( Nellie Grant ) will visit her
mother this winter.
A Lady's Unfortunate Experience.
Was that of one of our acquaintance who
suffered from scrofula , a. yellow complex
ion , and distress of the stomach , for years
before usingvDr. Harter's Iron Tonic , which
finally cured lu > r.
The so'ng of the sandwich man : "Oh , for
a thousand tongues. "
Five dollars paved yeaily In boots and shoes by
UEiugLyon's Ilcelsliileners. 2jc.
Eighteen thousand salmon were caught
in Puget Sound at one haul of tho seine.
Sixtieth Year.
THE YOUTH'S COMPANION celebrates this
year its sixtieth anniversary. It might
well be named the "Universnl Companion , "
since 5t < j readers are found in 400,000 fain
ilies. It is so wisely edited that its pages
are as interesting to adults as to theyoung
people , lietiides the best Short and Serial
Stories it contains a great variety of pop
ular and useful information on Natural
History , Science , Home Arts , Games and
Gporls , and is fully illustrated. It costs
but § 1.75 a year , and a subscription scut
now is credited to January , 18SS.
Miss Kate Field says Washington is "the
parlor city of the land. "
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is
enwily applied , and colors brown or black.
The prompt use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral
will often prevent serious lung troubles.
About nine-tenths of the European mon-
archs are wearing chips on their shoulders.
i scription to the Weekly
AMERICAN KUUAI , HOME. Rochester , N. Y. ,
WITHOUT premium "the Cheapest and Best
Weekly in the World , "S pages. 48 columns ,
1G years old. For O.VK DOLLAR yon have
ONE choice from over 150 different Cloth-
bound DOLLAR VOLUMES , 300 to 900 pp. ,
and paper one year , post-paid. Book post
age , loc. Extra. 50.000 books given away.
Among them are : Law Without Lawyers ;
Family Cyclopedia ; Farm Cyclopedia ;
Farmers' and Stockbreeders' Guide ; Com
mon Sense in Poultry Yard ; World Cyclo
pedia ; Danelson's ( Medical ) Counselor ;
Boys' Useful Pastimes ; Five Years Before
the Mast ; Peoples' History of United
States ; Universal History of all Nations ;
Popular History Civil War ( both sides ) .
Any ONE book and paper , cue year , all
post-paid , for § 1.15 only. Paper alone ,
G5c. Satisfaction guaranteed on books
and Weekly , or money refunded. Reference :
Hon. C. 11. PARSONS , Mayor Rochester.
Sam pie papers , 2c. RURAL HOME Co. , Ltd.
Without Prem. G5c a year. Rochester.N.Y.
As base ball goes out the codfish ball
: omes in. _ _
A Mr. Johnston , student of Omaha
Commercial College , is filling a lucrative
position as book-keeper for A. D. Morse ,
Omaha's leading merchant.
Of eighty girls recently landed at Castle *
Garden fifty-two were red haired. ' I
A Prize.
New Orleans ( Ln. ) Picayune , NOT. 13.
Another lottery wave passed over Now
Orleans last Tuesday , and in its course
struck Mr. Adolph L. Beltran , son of OUT
well-known fellow-citizen , R. Beltran , Esq. .
commission merchant on Decatur street.
The blow was a severe one , and it struck
Adolph RO unexpectedly that he. bus nof
entirely recovered his senses , though in pos
session of more cents than he over had ic
the course of his check-cred career.
On Wednesday , with a dollarous ex
pression in his eye , he visited the ollice o !
Tho Louisiana Stale Lottery Company ,
and inquired for the root doctor. Tim
singular inquiry excited the curiosity p"
tlie oflice , and ho was invited to a scat ic
the left-hand ward.
His pulse being felt , an extraordinary
contraction of the mimcV's of the digits o :
his right hand was discerned. On reducing
the same , a lottery ticket was revealed.
bearing the Dumber 94,552. A quid
diagnosis of his casesa made. The lot
tery wave had given him , in the drawing or
Nov. 9 , for a one-dollar investment , tin
sum of filtcen thousand dollars.
. The ' 'root of all evil , "in the form of vcrj
bard cash was at once administered , ai'.c
Jr. ! Lk'llran's singular inquiry was ex
In a pleasant chat with tho wi Her , the
fortunate holder ( who is apparently 2 ]
years of age ) stated that he is a native o !
New Orleans , and is uoxv working in tin
laboratory of the Planters' Sugar Refinery
learning the busincsH under Mr. John Reyn
olds , and that the sudden accumulation o
wealth will in no way effect his rcsolutior
to master his adopted profession.
The southern girl of the present genera
lion is. aim ob t unknown in current litera
lure. '
EZcnrt Palpitation * ,
Trembling , cold hands nnd feet cured bj
Whatever makes men good Chrisjiam
makes them good citizens.
A Guilty Sacrifice
should never be made , but ambition nTic
enterprise deserve reward. Wherever yor
arc located you should write to Hallett S
Co. , Portland , Maine , and learn nboin
work that you can do and live at home'
earning thereby from § 5 to § 25 and up
wards daily. Some have earned over § 5 (
in a day. All particulars free. Both sexes
All ages. Capital not needed ; you an
started free. All is new. Those who star !
at once cannot help rapidly making snuj
litlle fortunes.
German descent The course of the Lira
burger cheese.
and Colds : "The only article of the kinc
which has done me good service. I wair
nothing better. " Rev. R. II. Craig , Otiu
ville , N. Y. Sold only in boxes.
_ .9
Gladstone has onlv three lingers on hii
left hand.
, Itching or Bleeding , rclinvpil nnj
PILES cured by Cole's Cart oil-
Hal o. Get the Genuine. : . ' " > centand SI
cents s.t iJruggists or by mail. J. W. COLE in CO.
Proy's , Black liiver Falls , Wis.
Mrs. Jane McEwen recently died atStude
holm , N. B. , at the age of 94 years.
BatUacIe , Lamo EJaclc ,
A stopped-up geyser io an ex-spurt in it.
For Cuts , Galls , Old Soros , Scratch
es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal-
log Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box.
Thomas Taylor died in Baltimore las'
week , aged 110 years.
If you had taken two of Carter's Littli
Liver Pills before retiring you would mr
have had lhat coaled tongue or bad tasti
in the mouth this morning. Keep a via
with you for occasional use.
Slewed is Ihe past lense of s'loon.
Every peiSiiii is interested in their owr
affairs , and if Ibis meets the eye of anyom
who is suffering from the effects of a torpic
liver , we will admit , that he is interested it
getting well. Get a bottle of Prickly Asl
Bitters , use it as directed , and you will al
ways be glad you read this item.
The theatrical manager is best known b }
tho company he keeps.
rise's Remedy for Catnrrh Is agreeable to use. I
Is n-jl a liquid or a t nil IT. 50c.
Moves in the highest circles Saturn.
W. II. Wortbinglon , editor of the'Pat
rons of Husbandry , " published at Coltiin
bus , Mass. . ttritrs under date of Feb. 25
18S2 : "Your great lemedy , Allen's Lunj
Balsam , 1 have used in my family for fit
teen years for coughs and colds , and knov
it to be the best. " 25c. , 50c. , and § 1.00 i
Avoil shame , but do not seek glory-
nothing so expensive as glory.
Jf afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaai
Eje Water. Druggists sell It. i c
The recent earthquake in Java split i
mountain in seven parts.
The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on shorb notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Of an academy ie Vermont. trns cured of catarrh hj
Hood's Sarsnparllla , and writes the following Inter
cstlng statement :
"I cliec fully give my experience In the nsc ol
Hoi d's Sarsaparllla. I had hcen trouhlcd wlthcatarrl
to some extent for a lor.K time , and had used varloai
midlclncs with no cood lesnlts , when I was so af
fcctcd that speccli was somewhat difficult , and mj
voice vras entirely unnatural. I then Lesan to usi
Hood's Sarsaparilla aj a rtmedy. and w itii such gi oc
effect that in a few weeks speech was easy , the votc <
natural , and my general health ivas much improved
Sometimes a return of the disease is Induced by tak
it K cold , when I resort at once to the use of Hood'i
Sartaparlll i , which I keep by me constantly , and al
ways find relief. I resard Hood's Sar-iaparilla as a :
invaluable i emcdv for catarrh , and judging by Jti
effects upon mjself I cannot say too much la In
pi ft e. ' * J. S. CILI.ET , Jericho , Vt.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I by all druKSlsts. II ; six for S3. Prer :
: . I. HOOD & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , M
IOO Doses One Dollar
The most practical , larpe sized
Oil Can inthemarket.Lampsare
filled direct by the pump without
lifting can. No rtrip ncoilon
Floor or Table. No Faucet tc
leak and waste contents or cause
explosions. Closes perfectly ail
tight. Xo T.eukuce-Xo Erni
oi-itlun Aliioliitrly unt'e.
Don't he Humbugged with
worthies * imitations. Uuy th
Good JEiiounh. " Man'
Warren , Ohio.
Bold by Flrit-Clan * Hauler *
Tho clicwing gum yearly used by a cer
tain family ol eight persona in Minnesota
co ts $150.
Tor the noblest man that lives there still
remains a conflict.
It is naserted tlial-Missos Kellogg , Abbott ,
Gates , and our other fiimous sonantrosaea
manage to kcnp their voice clear by the use
of Dr. UtiU'u Cough syrup. Trice , 25 cents.
Japan boosts of n singing liwh. It has
musical scales , we suppose.
Ex-Secretary Lincoln is talked of for
mayor of Chicago.
The Omaha Typo foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on nhort notico.
Prices same as in Chicago and freighb
already paid to Omaha.
Kccdlnp rtncwcd trenctl ) , or wlio nufTcr Iron
InQrinltlea peculiar to their tc2. ahould try
This medlcina combines Iron with . „
tonics , and is invaluable for Dissaees peculiar to
\Vntiien. and A ! ! who lead sedentary liven. ItUn-
ricbc.i and Purifies tho ISlonil , Miiiiiilnti-
tho Appetite , ytrcnctlipua tho liiholes and
Nerves in fact , thoroughly InviRorntCM.
Clears tho complexion , and makes tha skin tmocth.
It docs not blacken the teeth , csnso headache , or
produce constipation all other Iron mrdicinet da.
Slits. ALBERT LEESIXY , Greenwood. Neb. , says ;
" I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for Nervous Da-
bility and have been , greatly benefited. "
5IE3. C. D. NnWKLL , Phillips * Station , Neb. , says :
" I was sr > weak and nervous that I could scarcely
walk , had no appetite , and pafcsed sleepless nights ;
in fact , my lifo was a burden to me. I tried many
remedies , but without benefit. Three bottles ot
Brown's Iron Bitter ) have cured me. I cheerfully
recommend it. "
Gennino has above Trado Mark and creased red lines
on wrapper. Tnke no other. Made only by
m wx ciiEiiicALco. , i
It haa stood tho Test of Years ,
Curing all Diseases of the
ELS , &c. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses tho System.
disappear at onco under
KIDNEYS its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Kedicino
AND as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its use as a
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antto ma taste , and as
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ren asadnltp.
Sole .Proprietors , _
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Quickly relieved hy iiMnp Cii limair 3Ienh l
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Best Conch Synip. Tastes good. Use
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i JIc.icls. Scnrs Tilting nml thpir trt-htmint.
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Address DR. SCOTT , 842 Broadway , M. Y.
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Cured at Home. Treatment
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I Iluruauo .Remedy Co. , Z.aFayctte , lutl.
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References. .Am. M'f'K House. 15 Barclay St. . S. Y
HO BIS 5 ? STUDY. Uook-kecplns. riisir.-e3i
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F. A. T.KIIMAXX. Solicit
or ot Patents. WashlnRton.
I V. C. Send for Circular.
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yon. Respectfully ,
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Leading Nos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
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