SiSSS f' Thursday , November 18,1886. Indicates that your subscription to tl paper HAS KXi'jitKi ) , and that u cord X invitation is extended to call and rein tho same. Subscription , ? - per year Local Intelligence. ' Wanted at this office cash. The "Golden Anchor" at City Baker Pianos and organs for rent at Scot jewelry store. Blank school district order books stock at this office. Try that delicious sweet cider Probst Bros' , bakery. Everything in the grocery line at N ble & Briekey's new store. /The American Settler's Guide "f sale at this office. Frank Siddall's famous soap for sa at J. 0. Allen & Co.'s. A full line of hardware , stoves ai tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Kemember that Probst Bros , a headquarters for fine candies. For fresh , clean groceries , go to N ble & Brick"ey's new grocery store. Don't pay big prices for Organs , b call on McCracken and-save money. . Fresh oysters and celery every Sc urday afternoon , at Barney Ilofer's. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , the best place to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and sec up on she notice. W. C. LaTouRETTE & Co. The most complete line of heatii stoves in McCook at "W. C. LaTouret ' & Co > _ If you want a nice buggy at reason ble figures please call on G. B. Nettl ton , agent. Do you want new nica in your hen ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & C ( have all sizes. Central Meat Market is the place buy choice cuts of beef. Shop on Ea Dennison street. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and t bacco at Barney Hofer's restauran next door to P. 0. A farm for rent. One-half mi northwest of the city. Inquire at t ] McCook Liquor Store. Bede & Wiley have some speci bargains in real estate. Office , 1st do south ofTHE TRIBUNE office. One" good residence lot for sale. D sirable location. Inquire of Samu Scott at Scott's jewelry store. Pocket state maps at this offlc These maps are just from the press ai are accurate and complete to date. Dry goods , clothing , and cverythii in the general merchandise line , Hayden's old stand , J. C. Allen & C All who hunger and thirst for a goi square meal should go to. Barney Ho * er's restaurant , next door to postoffic The new firm of J. C. Allen & Cc successors to Haydcn & Co. , make specialty of frc&h , staple and fam groceries. Gr. B. Nettleton is agent for a hoi- power feed grinder , with attachmei for shelling corn or any other kind i rotary work. An extensive and well selected Hi of the latest styles in plain and orn mental queensware at the new store i Noble & Brickev. A rare chance to get an organ or piano by taking it on the rent pla Get terms at once at Scott's jewel , store on Main Avenue. to Harvey Bros ' , for clu feed , new corn meal , rye , graham , ai all the best brands of flour. New c load just received. Prices will tell , and people know good thing when they see it. Four i the Western Cottage Organs sold : one week by McCracken. We have just received a nice line calling cards of the latest styles. All have in stock an assortment of fraterr ty cards. Call and see them. The ladies of the Congregational S ciety are prepared to make comfor and bedding. Orders left with Mi Lowman will receive prompt attcntioi THE TRIBUNE stationery departmci has in stock some congress cap writit paper that will be sold at half-price close out. This is a good quality i paper. GB. . . Nettleton has just receive another car load of those celebrati "Challenge Windmills. " By the wa ; out of over 100 he has now runninj only 5 have ever made any trouble , whic trouble was caused by quick sand in tl well or lack of water. Probst Bros , of the City Baker still lead in the fine candy trade ar the excellent assortment they ha jnst received , sustains their alreac widely known reputation for handlir the freshest , purest and best candies : the city. If you want a real toothson article , Probst Bros , have it. ,9 . 3vr * - . Scale books for sale here. Sweet eider at the City Bakery. Probst.Bros. ' parlors for oysters. Organs and pianos for rent at Scott jewelry store. Oysters in all styles at Probst Bros oyster parlors. Chocolate Cream Coffee at J. C. A len & Co.'s new store. A very nice fresh line of candies i Noble & Briekey's new grocery store.- , -j. - . * - - Don't fail to see that line of clegar heaters at-W. C. LaTourette &Co's. A fine lot of new and popular Shoe Music , Song Books , etc. , at McCracl en's Music Store. The " .Golden Anchor" is the besi fastest selling nickel cigar in the citj Probst Bros , sell it. The first of next week , J. C. Alle & Co. will receive a fine large stock c boots and shoes , hats and caps , etc. Another new departure. We wi' ' have in a few days a full line of shec music at McCracken's Music Store. We learn that a gentleman by th name of Thomas will shortly locate i the city in the practice of dentistry. The drug firm of McMillen & Week are now cosily established in their eh gantnew quartcrsin the McNeely bricl The material for the new paper z Hayes Centre was hauled up to tha place from this station , the first of th week. The last screen door has succumbe and been laid away for future referenc when the festive fly again become energetic. Stop paying big prices for organs an pianos and go to Scott's jewelry stor and rent one. and thus save your mone ] Call and gel terms. Next Thursday is the day set apai by G rover Cleveland whereon the Amci ican people are to be thankful for { . 'fi vors receivedetc. . Are you in search of an excellen dish of oysters , call at Probst Bros , oyster parlors , where you can get th best , cooked in any style. "The Kid's Room , two doors sout of the First National bank , up-stairs , : is the import of a card announcing gambler's resort , in this city. A good piece of land for sale with ! the incorporation of McCook. Fine k cation for small fruit and garden. IE quire at Scott's jewelry store. All trains over the road have bee abandoned to-day on account of the dc railing of a number of engines and th snow plow at point eagt of here. They are completely overhauliu stock at J. C. Allen & Co.'s genera store , this week , and are putting thing in trim , ship.-shape all 'round. They have received notice at thi post-office that from and after Novem her 30th , the mail route from McCoo to Hayes Centre will be discontinued. The Citizens Bank people are look ing forward anxiously to the time whei they will greet their customers in thei superb now quarters now rapidly neai ing completion. A frozen water pipe bursted in Mrs T. Nelis' millinery store , Friday , creat ing an uncomfortably lively time for few minutes until the supply was cu o'ff on the outside. Some of our contemporaries are com plaining of a prevailing dirth of nick els. Never mind the nickels. Its dol lars that are "scarce as hen's teeth" a these headquarters. They are particularly delighted uj at Major Williams' residence over th arrival of a fine twelve pound boy babj Monday. All parties to the felicitou "event are doing well. 1 he humane policy of feeding stock during the winter , is rapidly obtaininj in the west. Even Wyoming ranchinei are in a measure adopting that mor remunerative course. The old B. & M. Pharmacy buildim has been moved to the rear of thei new quarters on West Dennison street giving them more room and conven icnces to accommodate their trade. With the demi-monde , gamblers am saloons , the "shades" are well repre sented in this city. The "sympathiz ers' ' make a motly , but numerous , body guard to these minions of Beelzebub. Don't let that oyster supper at th Methodist church , to-morrow ( Friday evening escape your memory. The la dies of the Mite Society are preparinj an excellent spread of good things , ant extend an invitation to all. The opening of the Co-operative Li brary has stimulated reading to a con sidenible extent already. Every citi zen should take advantage of the priv ilegc of the library. The selection a present is excellent , though limited. Calls for charity are quite numerous Judgment should be used in the bestow al of assistance , f or thereby either grea good may be done the worthy poor , o great wrong to the community by sup porting lazy and "disreputable vagrant and scamps. The next meeting of the Young P < pla's Association will be held at the n idence of Mrs. William Coy , . in t northeastern part of the city. Remei her that all the young people of t city are cordially invited to these gat erings. . Under the head of "educational mi ters" vre reproduce a number of selc tions from the school paper read , ti or three weeks since , during the usu Friday afternoon literary exercises the high school. They are worthy yo persual. The following are the totals of t ; votes cast at the last election , showii Bed Willow county to be in'the van the procession : Bed Willow , 1,40 Furnas , 1,390 ; Harlan , 1,33G ; Fran lin , 1,251 ; Hitchcock , 949 ; Frontie 730 ; Gosper , 55G. This bright , sunny morn was du appreciated and celebrated by Messi Noble & Brickey , the new grocers , wi a bran splinter new delivery wago fiery charger , red paint , and all tl other appurtenances thereunto belon ing to a neat little outfit. This is the season of the year win newspapers are wont to occupy consi erable space announcing clubbing rate It is not our purpose so to. Howeve in tl we can secure any publications United States at the very lowest rat for , who desire them. The old metropolitan drug sto building , tile property of M. A. Spal ing , has been purchased by Gr. W. Bed who , in partnership with Squire Wile whose justice headquarters will 1 there , will occupy the same as a lai loan , Jand and insurance office. Dr. Z. L. Kay's residence on Ma shall street is being rapidly pushed ' completion. The doctor hopes to Q cupy it , the first of next month. It undoubtedly the handsomest and mo artistic dwelling in the city , or : the RepublicanValley either. CALLED HOME John Doner recei ed a telegram , yesterday , from Albi ; Iowa , conveying the sad intelligence < the tragic death of a brother , a railroi brakeman , in the Marshalltown yard in the * discharge of duty. Mr. Doni departed on the first.train for home. The McNeely building is now occ' ' pied by McMillen & Weeks , who ai fitting it up in an elegant and tasi manner for a first-class drug stor Their stock is large and complete , ii eluding a full line of Paints , Oils , Gla : and Farmer's Supplies , Stationery , Wn Paper , Etc. The first of the week , Landlord Join ston of the Commercial purchased tl northwest 4 ; of section 22 , township ' . range 30 , of Newman A. Gold. Evei occasionally Mr. Johnston gives thei practical evidences of his faith in th country by taking in a fine piece < land , which will make him a handson profit by and by. A Mission Sabbath School of tl Congregational church , will be orgai ized in West McCook , next Sabbath i 2 P. M. , mountain time , at the hou : of C. A. Frederick. An earnest inv tation is given , not only to all the res dents , young atid old of that locality but also to Christian workers in gene al. The field is needy and anxious ! awaits such an effort. Quite a quantity of broom corn w : shipped from this point , the close < last week , I. W. Cramer of Hasting being the purchaser. Among the shi ] pers was John Modrell , whose consigi ment amounted to four of five toni Broom corn is one of the best payir crops possible in this country , an should be largely cultivated. To I sure work and attention are deinandec but the returns are ample and satisfai tory. Give us more broom corn. As cold weather approaches , it ma not be inopportune to suggest a woi of caution in regard to water pipe : Firstly. Frozen pipes may be avoide by shutting off the supply below tl surface. Secondly. Bursted pipes ca be largely avoided by using judgmei in thawing them out , when through nej lect they become frozen. The thawin process should be gradual , not usin too great heat or too warm water , an the water should always be shut off belo the surface before attempting to thav We note with considerable satisfai tion the fact that the parties who hav been interested in protesting final prooi made in this vicinity have made a wis reconsideration of the matter and witl drawn the objections filed. The difi cultics which would necessarily resu from such a course are obvious an wotild be most wide-spread and seriou in their nature : Beclouding titles checking the loan of money , the sale c real estate and the creation of a dii distrust which would indeed be disai trous to this new country. It was found necessary to dismiss tli scholars in Miss McNamara's roon Monday morning , to escape the co ; smoke and gas which filled the room t an uncomfortable degree , by reason c the inharmonious action of the flue an the ventilating apparatus , which , it aj pears , occurs when the gentle zephyi rustle from a particular point of th compass. In this favored land of pr < vailing and contrary winds , the matte of draft , flues , ventilation , is imporl ant and essential , and the school boar might do well to investigate the caus thoroughly and rectify speedily. One of Nebraska's "gentle zephyi prevailed hereabouts , Monday nigl and all day Tuesday , with great seve ty. Opening up with rain and wi from the east , the temperature rapic lowering and wind velocity as quid increasing , the "oldest citizen , " Tuesday morning , was in the fulh enjoyment of a genuine , simon-pu blizzard of no menu juvuortions. T snow , driven by a terrific wind , fill every nook and creVice , ' every cany and cut , and locomotion was general suspended until late Wednesday , wh trains assumed their accustomed rui Although no reports-have as yet reac ed us , much suffering on the part man and beast must have been endur by those who were exposed to the stoi in moving wagons and in the pooi dwellings , whose owners had neglect to prepare for such severe weather ; ai that there are such is but a rcasonal conclusion , when the delightful weat er preceding the storm is considered. It is with profound regret that T learn of the resignation of Rev. Jc S' Kelsey from the pastorate of tl Congregational church of this city , ai it is with a deep sense of humiliatii that we hear it stated that the probab cause of the resignation is the failu of the church to meet their financi obligations. If such is the case , i hope that tho members of the chun will awake to the duty and dignity the occasion and raise the funds , ai secure the withdrawal of the resign tion. The writer entertains a high r gard for Rev. Keisoy , and delicai alone , refrains him from saying more a personal way ; but suffice it to sa that the community can ill-afford to di pense with the efforts of Rev. Kelsi at this time , when dollars and cen seem to be only involved. The meeting of the JToung People Association at F. L. McCracken's rei dence , last Friday evening , was large attended , over forty persons being pre ent. The interest in these meetings increasing in a most encotoaging ma ner. The following officersNsvere elec ed : President , Mrs. W. EDauch Yice-President , A. C. Ebcrt ; Secreta and Treasurer , J. D. Turner ; Mr L'Roy Allen , chairman social commi tee ; Mrs. C. I ) . Palmer , chairman met bership committee ; L'Roy Allen , chai man religious committee. The no : meeting , ( the constitution and by-la\ provides them for the second and four Friday evening of each month , ) will o cur on the evening of the 26th inst. In view of the approaching day thanksgiving , an old soldier feels co strained to inquire , "What have tl soldiers' widows and orphans to 1 thankful for , who have petitioned tl government to helpthem in distres and who have , through the vetoes i Grover Cleveland , received a stone place of the bread asked for , "a se pent for a fish , " under .the pica of du before charity. " The only compete and adequate answer to the above i terrogation will be given in 1SS8 , win it will be the duty and pleasure of tl people to reinstate the grand old parl in the management of this governmen Two gentlemen from York , this staf Messrs. White and Seago , will short locate in McCook in the insurance bus ness. They will occupy part of the o metropolitan drug store building c Main Avenne. Mr. White was fom erly proprietor of the York nurseriei while Mr. Seago has been state agei of the Beatrice insurance company sini its establishment. The public comfort and conveniem will be greatly subserved if every cil zen will remove the beautiful from b < fore his premises , in the residence pa of the city , as well as on the busine streets. This sirable suggestion doubtless all that will be required 1 bring about the result. Our information concerning tl Hitchcock county county-seat electic is , that Culbertson holds the counl capital , by a good majority. The vo was confined to the towns of Culbertsoi Trenton and Stratton , perforce of tl storm , only two or three country pn cincts voting at all. Try the Commercial House , whe in McCook , just once ! TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Owing to a misunderstanding , tl association which should have convene on Nov. 5th and 6th , will be held i Bartley , Neb. , Nov. 19th and-20th , ar will carry out the following program : FUIDAY. 0:00 , A. 31. Opening exercises Supt. W. S. Wheele General exercises Anna McXamar Decimal fractions Arthur Bren Primary geography Jennie Jamiso Best method of teaching history , E. Dutche AFTKUNOON. Practical method of teaching penmanship , Uazel Weave Physiology for little folks..W. S. Wheele Recitation Emma Phillip Grammar or language intermediate grade Alice Murphy. SAT UK DAY. 9:00 , A. M. Opening exercises. Friday afternoon exercises..F. D. Ileckar Recitation Lue Chrysle Disadvantages of general recesses , Miss Uerr ; The true teacher's aim Prof. Peel AFTEItXOOX. Common fractions. . . . ' C. M. Charle Diacritical marks Cilvina Bake Election of oflicers. LUE CHRYSLER , Secretary. FOR SALE , A set of heavy harness new. Ii quire of W. GSHEPPARD. . jSJTJndei this head we would be pleased have our friends throughout the city acqun usof thearrlvalnnddeptirtureofthclrvislu W. II. Haydcn was in the city , Wednesd Attorneys LeIIew and Golfer came iu f r the west , this morning. A. P. Leach lias been down from his Hit cock county claim , this week. F. L. Brown of the First National was In Cuvtis , Friday , on business. Receiver Steinmetwas an east-bound p senger ou No. 2 , Monday morning. T. J. Pickclt of the Bloomington Giu made a flying trip to the city , Saturday. 1) . II. Ballard returned to Hastings , y terday morning , to remain permanently. I. .1. Belnap lias again donned the imifo ! and with the B. & M. passenger conduct * stands. Mrs. Lewis Fogg returned to Lincoln , St day morning , after a short visit to relativ in this city. II. G. Dixon returned , Sunday noon , frc his visit to Ottumwa , Iowa , of some ten da or two weeks. Albert Long , formerly with the old firm Hayden & Co. , was a noticeable visitor in t city , yesterday. Superintendent Campbell was in the st ; capital over Sunday , consulting the railro officials of that city. Editor Lee of the Gosper County Citizc called at tliase headquarters. Monday , wh in the city on business. Mr. McAdams and family arrived frc Minnesota , last week , Jfird will make 3 Cook their future home. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Fuller of Culberts came down to the city , Friday evening , < some business matters. J. ErCochran , Esq. , has been confined bed , this week , with sickness , but is betl and improving at this writing. J. W. Pickle of the Cambridge and R Willow grist mills , was -visitor in tow Monday , while en route west. W. W. Rockwood disposed of some of 1 personal effects at public vendue. Saturd afternoon. Joe Spotts cried the sale. Frank Orloff of the Omaha Herald was the city , yesterday , looking after the si : scriptiou interests of that excellent bonrb sheet. Ralph McCracken of the Hayes Cenl Xews , came down to the metropolis , Sn day , on matters of business. He retnrnc Friday morning. t J. II. Goodrich , Esq. , of the comity ca ] tal , was in town , Friday , on land busiuc : He made these new headquarters his usi pleasant call. Rosecrans & Sons of McCook , Neb. , ha purchased the stock of general merchandi formerly owned by Wilcox & Fowler , t past week. Yuma Sun. Attorneys Lucas and Moss went up to A ron , Monday evening , on legal business , ai were detained until Wednesday morning the snow and wind storm. J. C. Allen's family arrived in the city , t first of the week , and have taken quarters the rooms formerly occupied by L. Lo man's family , in the A. J. Pate building < Main Avenue. Miss Belle Kimmell , aunt of the publis ers , who visited in the city , last week , It for Lincoln , Monday morning , where s will spend a week or two .visiting relativ in the capital city. J. L. Taylor , formerly with M. A. Spa ! ing , arrived in the city , Sunday evening , : ter an absence of some weeks in Missoi and Kansas , looking up a business locatio He has not as yet determined upon a locatio C. L. Bowman and family .started f Hayes Centre , Monday , where in connect ! ) with John S. Hughes , so are informatii goes , Mr. Bowman will launch a newspap under the dcinocratic flag. Mrs. Adelia Lee and family came dov from the claim at Hyde , Colo. , the close last week , to spend the winter , and to pla the children in the enjoyment of the exci lent school privileges of the city. Secretary of State-elect and Mrs. G. : Laws returned , the first of the week , fro their visit to Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. La lias rented a residence in Lincoln and w move there as soon after the ' 0th inst. possible. Fred. S. Work arrived from Connectic and the east , Friday last , on a visit of son duration. He leports business in the east : leing uniformly good , and views with asto ishment and admiration the splendid ii provement in our little city. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Rourke of McCoo Neb. , who arrived here on their wedding toi a couple of weeks ago , and were visiting the latter's mother's , left , Tuesday , to s < relatives'at Columbus , Ohio. They will pro ably return to Gilman some time next wee Gilman (111. ( ) Star. Charlie Davis , a Kenesaw boy in the o days , but now of McCook , was in tow Thursday , renewing old acquaintances. I KIS been engaged to instruct the band bo ; for a couple of months or more , and will r mm in about ten days to commence his d lies. Kenesaw Times. \jRev. \ W. S. Wheeler of Bartley was : his place , last Friday , soliciting advertisi inents for the university announcement fi 18SG-1SS7 , now in press. He secured quite lumber from our business men. The re erend reports seventy students in attendant it the school at present , with favorable iiui cations for the future. FOREMAN Ella , daughter of August For man of South McCook , Tuesday , Novei ber 10th , 1SSC , aged seven months. Tl child was buried in Longview cemeter this afternoon. STILES To Mr. and Mrs. 1 , . B. Stile Wednesday , November 17th , 1SSG , a daugi ter. All parties to the interesting evei are doing well. UHIOH THANKSGIVING SERVICES. Union Thanksgiving services will be held in the M. E. church at 11 o'clock , A. M. mountain time , Ilev. J. W. Kirn- mel of the Lutheran church preaching the sermon , assisted by Kevs. Kelsey and Eodebaugh. Everybody is invited - to attend. A collection for the'poor of the city will be taken up. . The Democrat has positive informa tion that on the completion of the new line east to Kdgar , that Holdrcge will be made a division point on the B. & M. system. The present mileage of road handled by Supt. Campbell at Mc Cook is too much for any one man. The completion of the new lines from this point will add about 300 miles of road. The territory to be covered by the new superintendent will reach from Oxford to Hastings ; from DeWitt to Akron via Curtis ; from Curtis to Chey enne. The last road is unfinished , but will be completed the coming year. The superintendent has not yet been ap pointed , but it is generally conceded that J. 11. Phclan , the present train master , under Supt. Campbell , is the most qualified man for the place as he has a comprehensive knowledge of the lines to be operated , and is thoroughly conversant with the duties since he has been under the training of the best superintendent on the system. The new division will bring with it a ma- * chine shop , round house and about 150 men and fifty engines to be handled. from here in addition to rolling stock. Every encouragement should be given the enterprise and our citizens should fully appreciate this new evidence that the B. & M. railroad is the friend of Holdrcgc. Iloldrege Democrat. Try the Commercial House , vihen in McCook , Just once ! PUBLIC SALE. As agent , I will otfcr on Saturday , Nov. 27th , 1SSG , commencing ot 10 o'clock A. M. , atlndianola , Neb. , to the liighest bidder , at Public Auction , as follows : GO head of cows , calves , heif ers and steers ; 1 fine yearling Hereford bull ; G head of fine young mares ; 1 gelding ; GO to 75 heud of hogs ; 40 head of sheep ; 2 fine Merino bucks ; 1 sulky rake : 1 mowing machine ; 1 sul ky and several walking plows ; 2 Acme and 1 Disc harrow ; 1 farm wagon ; 2 double set of harness ; 1 new Cottage organ ; some household goods , and oth er tools and useful things too numerous to mention. TERMS : Three 'months without in terest , if paid when due , or one year at 10 per cent , given on bankable notes. 10 percent , discount for cash on sums over ยง 10. All sums under $10 , cash. JAMES F. CLAKK. Real Estate Loans. We have completed arrangements whereby we can furnish those who want a loan , money on real estate , promptly and without the usual disappointing delays. Call and see us. We are al so prepared to make chattel mortgage loans. CITIZENS BANK. FOR SALE CHEAP. o One new 3-seat , 3-spring wagon ; one second-hand buggy. Also , one 2-seat covered carriage , second-hand. Will sell the above articles at decided bar gains. Call and see me. B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. , City Livery , McCook , Neb. ESTRAY NOTICE. From my premises , southeast of Mc Cook . * heifers branded , > two-year-old , with a bar on each shoulder and hip , and a cross on jaw. A liberal reward will be paid for their return or for infor mation leading to their recovery. JOHN EVERTS. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. r\ No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , BED WILLOW Co. BANK , 4R-tf Indianola , Neb DON'T BE AFRAID If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kay has placed lis accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please settle with G. S. Nettleton immediately , as I have rented the Feed Mill to him. C. A. NETTLETOX. Attention Smokers ! With every 25 cents worth of goods ) ought at the Distribution Cigar Store , i ticket in the grand drawing is given. Rooms for Rent. Two furnished sleeping rooms for ent. Inquire of W. W. BROWN. Try the Commercial House , when 'n McCook , just once ! TRIBUNE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE , BEST EQUIPWJU IX THE VAI.I.KY.