The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1886, Image 5

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Thursday , November 11,1886.
Indicates that your subscription to thii
X paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordia
invitation is extended to call and retiev
the same. Subscription , $2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Wanted at this office cash.
The "Golden Anchor" at City Baker- .
All new goods at McCracken's. Nc
old stock.
Pianos and organs for rent at Scott's
jewelry store.
2Fresh Graham flour at the Mc
Cook Feed Mill.
Blank school district order books in
stock at this office.
Try that delicious sweet cider at
Probst Bros' , bakery.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Remember that Probst 'Bros , arc
t headquarters for fine candies.
Por fresh , clean groceries , go to No
ble & : Brickey's new grocery store.
Don't fail to see that line of elegant
heaters at W. C. LaTourette & Co'"s.
Fresh oysters and celery every Sat
urday afternoon , at Barney Hofer's.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware.
Stoves blacked and set up on short
notice. W. C. LaTocRETTE & Co.
Seed walnuts for sale. Inquire of
C. A. Nettleton at McCook Feed Mill.
The most complete line of heating
stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette
& Go's.
If you want a nice buggy at reasona
ble figures please call on G. B. Nettle-
ton , agent.
" . Do you want new mica in your heat
ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co. ,
have all sizes.
Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to
bacco at Barney Hofer's restaurant ,
nest door to P. 0.
. A farm for rent , One half mile
northwest of the city. Inquire at the
McCook Liquor Store.
v Bede & Wiley have some special
bargains in real estate. Office , 1st door
south of TIIE TRIBUNE office.
* * 0ne good residence lot for sale. De-
sirable locatipn. .Irujuire , of. Samuel
ScoTt at Scott's jewelry store.
Pocket state maps at this office.
These maps are just from the press and
arc accurate and complete to date.
All who hunger and thirst for a good
square meal should go to Barney Hof
er's restaurant , next door to postoffice.
Look out for bargains at C. H.
Rogers' the most * of his stock to be
closed at cost. Sale commencing Nov.
17th , 'SG.
McCracken's new jewelry store is the
largest and finest there is in the west ,
and he always carries the finest assort-
, ment of goods.
School children will secure the most
stationery for the least money at THE
TRIBUNE stationery department. Gall
and see.
G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
power feed grinder , with attachment
for shelling corn or any other kind of
rotary work.
A rare chance to get an organ or a
piano by taking it on the rent plan.
Get terms at once at Scott's jewelry
store on Main Avenue.
Take all work to McCracken , the
Jeweler. He turns out good work only
and guarantees what he does. East
side of Main Avenue.
We have just received a nice line of
calling cards of the latest styles. Also
have in stock an assortment of fraterni
ty cards. Call and see them.
The ladies of the Congregational So
ciety are prepared to make comforts
and bedding. Orders left with Mrs.
Lowman will receive prompt attention.
THE TRIBUNE stationery department
has in stock some congress cap writing
paper that will be sold at half-price to
c close out. This is a good quality of
Parties wanting a piano , or are think
ing of purchasing one sometimebe sure
and call'on F. L. McCracken for prices
first. I have a sample of one of the
best make. Will sell any make at low
est prices and on terms to suit. Don't
forget this.
G. B. Nettleton has just received
another car load of those celebrated
"Challenge Windmills. " Bj the way ,
out of over 100 he has now running ,
only 5'have ever made any trouble , which
trouble was caused by quick sand in the
well or lack of water.
Probst .Bros , of the City Baker- ,
still lead in the fine candy trade and
the excellent assortment they have
jnst received , sustains their already
widely known reputation for handling
the freshest , purest and best candies in
the city. If you want a real toothsome
article , Probst Bros , have it.
i Don't forget to read Scott's big ad
in this issue.
The omnipresent begging , mendican
is in the'land.
The pop man popped and they wen
married last night.
Everything in the grocery line at No
ble & Brickey's new store.
Our merchants are awakening to the
importance of using printer's ink.
The "Golden Anchor" is the best
fastest selling nickel cigar in the city
Probst Bros , sell it.
There are those who confident ! ]
expect the Rock Island to ran into this
city in the not distant future.
A man with a dancing bear amusei
the children , and adults as well , on oui
streets , the first of the week.
One of the best improved farms ir
Red Willow county , is that of B. F
Olcott , north of Perry fetation.
The young people indulged in a
pleasant social hop at the McNeelj
building , last Thursday evening.
Another new departure. We will
have in a few days a full line of sheet
music at McCracken's Music Store.
J. C.Allen & Co. will have something
of interest to say to the people , next
week. Keep an eye on these columns.
A special car , attached to No. 1 , Sat
urday night , contained Slugger § ullivan
and party of toughs , bound for San
That sidewalk from the IT. S. Land
Office to F. L. Brown's residence , 01
Main Avenue , is to be built soon , we
are informed.
The new firm of J. C. Allen & Co.
successors to Hayden & Co. , make a
specialty of fresh , staple and fancy
Prices will tell , and people know a
good thing when they see it. Four.o :
the Western Cottage Organs sold in
3ne week by MsCracken.
Tom , you should be more carefu
ind say nothing in the presence of la-
iies which causes them to blush. Why
even made "Bill" blush.
A good piece of land for sale within
the incorporation of McGook. Fine lo-
jation for small fruit and garden. In
quire at Scott's jewelry store.
This morning marks the first consid-
jrable snow fall of the season , and what
1 beautiful , old-fashioned , gentle one
s it , and how heartily the school chil-
Iren enjoy and the pedestrian contemn
An immense crowd greeted McFad-
len's Uncle Tom Cabin troupe at the
3pera Hall , Tuesday evening , all the
ivailable space in the hall being util-
zed by the audience , who enjoyed the
) erformance hugely.
We devote considerable space in this
ssue to the re-production of a sermon
lelivered some weeks since on "Politi
cal Prohibition" by Rev. Joel S. Kel-
icy of the Congregational church. It
s worthy of your attention.
We take pleasure in making the an-
louncement that .the Co-operative Li-
irary Association is prepared to issue
looks to those entitled thereto , begin-
ling on Friday. The library is located
n THE TRIBUNE building. Main Ave.
A few of our correspondents still
icglect to attach their proper names to
heir communications. We must insist
iporr the universal rule. Hereafter
ailure to observe this reasonable and
iccessary request , will result in the
ion-appearance of the communication.
The people of the Ash Creek neigh-
lorhood are making an effort to raise
ufficient means to build a house for
hurch and school purposes. Charlie
Veintz is one of the principal movers
[ i the worthy cause , which will doubt-
2ss succeed. This county needs more
hurches and school houses.
Members of the Co-operative Library
Association of the city , and those who
esire to become either life or six
jonths members , after to-day , can se-
ure books at this office , where the li-
rary is at present located. There are
ome two hundred and fifty volumes on
be shelves , with about one hundred
oming and expected shortly.
On the evening of Friday. November
9th , the ladies of the Methodist church
ill give an oyster supper , with cake ,
ofiee , etc. , at the church. They proin-
= e a good treat , and extend a general
ivitation. The ladies are now raising
unds to make the last quarterly pay-
icnt on the church seats , and arc anx-
) us to make the supper a grand finan-
fal success. Turn out and lend your
ssistancc to this worthy ambition. Re-
lember the time , Friday evening of
ext week.
TRIBUNE subscribers at Cedar Bluffs
omplaiu that they do not receive their
apers until fully a week from date of
ublication. We have this to state
bout thp unfortunate matter : THE
RIBUNE is regularly mailed at the
LcCook post-office , every Thursday
vening , absolutely without failure , and
ie paper should reach its destination ,
aturday , if not detained at intermedi-
te points , Indianola or Danbury. It
; an injustice to this paper and its
ibscribers that this alleged condition
F affairs exists. If possible it should
2 promptly rectified , .
prohibition on our eight
page.VTttE Co-operative Library of the cit
opens to-morrow.
* GrvE that article on political prohib
tion careful consideration.
-sV'Wn'M. see to you , " is the way the V *
C. T. U. women interpret it.
* VWiiosoEVEifwill may come' ' to th
oyster supper at the .Methodist church , Fr
day evening , Xovember 19th.
is not ahvay so , but some people
some times prefer Stniking Water to Hose
water , f or ordinary purposes.
XG methods of living and study
tisjht lacing , high-heeled shoes , hot rooms
lack of proper exercise , insuflicient or super
fluous clothing , these , and many more , con
spire to make female invalids.
* * * TiiE crowded house , Tuesday night , a
the Opera Hall , witnesseth that , althougl
"Uncle Tom" performances have really be
come venerable chestnuts , the play ; is stil
popular with , and near to the hearts of , tin
people , who alway turn out en masse to sei
and hear it rendered.
* * # A VIOLENT case of homicide was nar
rowly averted , Saturday jnoniing. In tin
course of some wise observations upon mat
ters political , a prominent , but rash , politi
dan , mildly and with becoming gravity sug
gesteclthat "the Dutch had carried Holland.3
Precipitous flight alone preserved his iden
tity. _
Owing to a misunderstanding , .th
association which should have conven
ed on Nov. 5th and 6th , will be held
at Bartley , Neb. , Nov. 19th and 20th.
and will carry out the following pro
gram :
9:00 , A. M. Opening exercises ,
Siipt. W. S. Wheeler.
General exercises Anna McXamara.
Decimal fractions Arthur Brent
Primary geography Jennie Jamison.
Bejt method of teaching history..E.Dutcher.
Practical method of teaching penmanship ,
Hazel Weaver.
Physiology for little folks..W. S. Wheeler.
Recitation Emma Phillips.
Grammar or language intermediate grades ,
Alice 3Iurphy.
D:00 : , A. 31. Opening exercises.
Friday afternoon exeicises..F. D. Heckard.
Recitation Lue Chrysler.
Disadvantages of general recesses ,
. Miss Berry.
The tme teacher's aim. . .Miss Cilvina Baker
Common faactions C. 31. Charles.
Election of officers.
The Teachers' Heading Circle will meet
an Saturday afternoon. ,
LUE CIIKYSLER , Secretary.
As agent , T will offer on Thursday ,
Nov. 25th , 18S6 , commencing at 10
3'clock A. M. , at Indianola. Neb. , to the
lighest bidder , at Public Auction , as
follows : GO head of cows , calves , heifr
2rs and steers ; 1 fine yearling Hereford
mil ; G head of jine young mares ; 1
gelding ; GO to 75 head of hogs ; 40
lead of sheep ; 2 fine Merino bucks ; 1
mlky rake ; 1 mowing machine ; 1 sul-
cy and several walking plows ; 2 Acme
ind 1 Disc harrow ; 1 farm wagon ; 2
lonble set of harness ; . ! new Cottage
) rgan ; some household goods , and oth-
: r tools and useful thing&too numerous
; o mention.
TERMS : Three months without in-
; erest , if paid when due , or one year
it 10 per cent , given on bankable notes.
[ 0 percent , discount for cash on sums
> ver $10. AH sums under $10 , cash.
Cash ! CASH ! Cash !
To MV CUSTOMERS : I have decided
o close out my entire stock of goods
it this place , and take this means of
nforming you that all goods will be
old strictly for cash after November
.7th , 1SSG. All parties knowing thern-
elves indebted to me , are requested to
iall and settle their accounts before
) ee. 1st , 'SG. Respectfully ,
Real Estate Loans.
We have completed arrangements
rhereby we can furnish those who want
. loan , money on real estate , promptly
nd without the usual disappointing
delays. Call and see us. We are al-
o prepared to make chattel mortgage
If you see Deputy Sheriff Bennett
oming after you. Dr. Kay has rslaced
is accounts in the hands of the depu-
7 , who is rustling after the doctor's
reditors in dead earnest , that's all.
All persons knowing themselves in-
ebted to me will pleate settle with G.
5. Nettlcton immediately , as I have
ented the Feed Mill to hiru.
Last Saturday , Drs. Davis and Kay
niputated a terribly mangled jinger for
iin. Oabornewho lives a number of
liles southwest of.Stratton , in Kan-
as. Mr. Osb'orne's wound resulted
rom a too intimate acquaintance with.
wind mill , and he experienced great
ifficulty in securing the removal of the
nger , " having visited Stratton , Trenton
ud Culbertson. without success , af-
jr surgical skill. He finally arrived
ere. where the operation was skillfully
erformed , as above stated. His ner-
ous system was so wrought up on his
rrival here , that it required over three
unccs of chloroform to put him in con-
ition ior the operation.
this hcud we would be plcnaed t
have our friends throu houtthe city acqunlr
us of thenrrival and departure of their visitor
W. II. Hayden was a visitor to tliis place
on Friday last.
3Irs. Frank D. Hess is entertaining he
sister from the ea > t.
V. Franklin was called to iudianola , 3Ion
day. evening , on business- .
Chas. Ashmore of Yuma , came in frou
the west , 3Iomlay morning.
Headmaster Highland , of lied Cloud , wa
here on railroad business , Wednesday.
3Irs. Lewis Fogg , of Lincoln , Xeb. , sibte
of the proprietors of Tun TISIBUXE , arrivec
in the city , this noon , on a visit.
C. II. Ballard of the Star , Akron , Colo.
was a Wednesday sojourner in the city , ant
a fraternal caller at this sanctum.
J. S. LeIIew , Esq. , went down to Omaha
Sunday , on Federal Court business , in con
nection with the Hayden failure case.
Squire Fisher joined his family at Wan
neta Falls , on the Frenchman river , last Fri
day , which will be their future abiding place
3Irs. Jennie Blanchard and Mbs
3Ioore , of 3IcCook , to their claims
south of town , la-.t'Week. Haigler Reporter
Secretary and 3Ir ? . G. L. Laws left foi
Omaha , Monday morning , on a visit to a sis
terof5fr > . La\\s , \ \ ho resides in themetrop
Dr. B. B. Davis returned , Monday nighl
on Xo. _ 1 , from a visit in the eastern part oi
the state on Important business of a delicatt
Judge Galloway and John Doner , of the
Centre , came down , to the city , Monday ,
spending two or three days here on land
Mrs. James Shepherd returned , laat Fri
day. from a visit to Greencastle and Indian
apolis , Indiana , after an absence therefrom
of 42 years.
E. A. Eaton of the Akron Star , was a wel
come visitor to these newspaporial head
quarters , Friday. He was down on some
land business.
Travis Benjamin , of Bauksille , this coun
ty , left for Lincoln , this morning , to take a
course of instruction in the Commercial Col
lege of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marquis , of this city , be
came the happy parents of a 10 pound boy
baby , yesterday morning. Hastings Gazette-
Journal , Nov. 5th.
Cashier A. C. Ebert , of the Citizens bank ,
visited the Capital City , last Friday evening ,
returning home on Xo. 1 , Sunday evening ,
after an enjoyable trip.
T. F. Barnes of Lincoln was in town , on
Friday last. Mr. B. is one of the proprietors
of the Windsor House , Lincoln , and was en
ronte for Las Vegas , X. M.
3Iessrs. Xeeves of the Ogalalla Reflector ,
were hi the city , Friday and Saturday , on
land business. Botli were pleasant and wel-
iome callers "at these headquarters.
3Irs. Emma J. Kimmell and Miss Belle
Kirarnell , of Somerset , Penna. , mother and
umt of the publishers hereof , arrived in the
! ity , Tuesday noon , on a visit of some
Leon M. Moss , Esq. , went down to the
netropolis , Sunday morning , on Federal
? ourt business , he being one of the attorneys
n the Hayden failure case. Mrs. Moss ac
companied him.
Mrs. Ludwick , Mrs. Constant's mother.
itarted for Ohio , last week not to McCook ,
! seb. She will visit in the Buckeye state
luring the winter , going back to McCook in
he spring. Gilman (111. ) Star.
Last week , J. A. Brewer and family mov-
; d from the farm south of the river , into
heir new dwelling on Macfarland stieet.
Fills week , Mr. Brewer is having a comfort-
ible barn added to his improvements.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hockuell , returned
tome. Saturday , from their extended visit in
] alifonu"a. We are happy to report that
> Ir. Hocknell's health has been greatly im-
> roved by his visit to southern California's
tinny clime.
DAVIS CIHTTICK At the residence on
Madison Avenue , in this city , Sunday even
ing November 7th , lSb(5 ( , at 8 o'clock , Mr.
Alfred H. Davis and Miss Mav Chittick.
both of McCook , Rev. Joel S. Kelsey , of-
An excellent repast , to which a few friends
vere invited , was enjoyed after the ceie-
uoiiy , at the Corey dwelling on Madison
Lvenue. where the young people have gone
o house-keeping. They are passing a , short
loney-moon season at the home of the
groom's parents , on Red Willow creek. THE
? KIBUXI : adopts this manner of extending
ongratulations and w ell-wishes , on the be-
alf of friends and self.
VALKEIl SLttOXTOX On Wednesday ,
Xovember 3rd , Ib66 , at the residence of the
bride's parents , Mr. Edwin L. Walter , of
McCook , Xeb. , to Miss Dora Simouton , of
Superior , Xeb.
The young couple took the Wednesday
veiling train for McCook , which will be
ieir home in the future. Superior Journal.
EXXLXGS Sunday. Xovember 7th , 1SSC.
to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jennings , a line
nine pound son. Interested parties are do
ing well , and delighted.
School Program.
1. Chorus by school Gushing Rill.
2. Reading the Observer.
" , . A piano , by Miss Eva Hurd.
4. Paper continued.
. " 5. A solo , by Florence Yamel 1.
( > . Spelling match.
7. Cantata.
Wm. Shields called on us , Tuesday , and
e then learned of his misfortune in hog
lising. He informed us he had lost one
iindred and thirty head of hogs in the past j
tree months. The symptoms different in [
jarly every case , but the supposition is that j
ie disease is cholera. Peter Brell has su -
: red considerable loss in the same manner. |
Gosper County Citizen.
Rev. Long filled the M. E. pulpit on Su
day evening hist.
Brig'nt , beautiful weather , and fanners a :
fixing things snug for the winter.
Rev. Mason will preach in the U. B. churc
next Sunday , Xov. 14th , at 11 A. M.
The young people here have paired o
again , and have started in for the winter i
good shape ?
A literary society has been organized i
Box Elder , which bids fair to be of much h
terest , and a benefit to the young people.
Election day , is past without any loss c
life of limb in these parts , and every on
seems to be well satisfied with the results.
A large number of young folks gathere
at the residence of Wm. Weyginr , on Dr
Cieek , Wednesday evening of
spent the time with games and music. Th
evening's entertainment ended with fres
oysters and other good things.
Good Tidings day was observed at Bo
Elder , Xov. 7th. The church was beauti
fully decorated , and the audience was tw
large to get inside , and quite a number hai
to content thenf-elves withing lookiujj in a
the window. The services were conducts
by Rev. Chapin in a very able manner.
We agree with you , Bro. Sivarr , that ai
invisable cognomen is not always a safe pro
tection from those who ire so foolish as ti
be riled up by a little personal joke , espet
ially when it happens to be a truism. How
ever , there is something exciting about be
ing on dangerous irround , and we feel liki
taking what chance we have for life , aiu
pulling through as best we can.
. "Silently the dead leaves fall ,
Softly drifting over all ;
Silently , and yet how near
They bring the dyingyear. . "
Mr. Pade made us a pleasant call , Sunday
Messrs. McCaslin and Webb are digeing r
well for Dr. Critser.
Latest news : Mr. Relph called at Mrs
Joy's , Sunday evening.
Mrs. Fred. Benjamin was the guest ol
Miss Kate Critser , Sunday.
A Sunday school will be organized ir
Glen wood , next Sunday , at 11 o'clock.
Ed. Benjamin is having a neat frame
building erected on his place , which add :
greatly to Glemvood's general appearance.
Mr. and Mi's. Babbitt visited in ( Hen wood
Friday. We were indeed glad to see Mr.
B. , it being his first visit to Glemvood since
liis late serious illness
Glemvood , Xov. 1st , 1SSO.
United Brethren.
Report of Stationing : Committee of West
Nebraska Annual Conference , church of the
CFnited Brethren in Christ , held tit Stanley ,
NTeb. , October 25,138G , Bis'uop N. Castle pre
siding1 :
Richland Circuit D. S. Shiflett.
Aurora Mission J. D. Fye.
Hastings Mission L. C. Force.
Fairfield Circuit J. M. Eads.
Nelson Circuit B. X. Allen.
Guide Rock Circuit ( to be supplied ) .
Red Cloud Circuit J. A. Nichols.
Juniata Circuit A. "Litherland.
Garden Plain Circuit J. Swartwood.
Atlanta Circuit P. Miller.
Alma Circuit J. G. Martin.
Trenton Mission J. W. Ball.
Arapahoe Mission T. B. Cannon.
Indianola Mission J. Mason.
Stockville Mission J. G. Jones.
Kearney Circuit J. J. Smith.
Gibbon Mission Station ( to be supplied. )
Stanley Circuit J. F. Green.
Aljournon Circuit B. E. Smith.
Broken Bow Circuit G. F. Deal.
Valley Mission J. Brcmser.
Ljtchfleld Mission T. Aikman.
Loup City Mission J.V. . Zimmerman.
St. Paul Circuit J. Harner.
Cairo Circuit T. J. Cocking.
Plum Creek Mission S. Dean.
North Platte B. B. Beebc.
One new 3-seat , 3-spring wagon : one
iecond-hand bugpy. Also , one 2-seat
iovered carnage , second-hand. Will
; ell the above articles at decided bar-
rains. Call and see me.
B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. ,
City Livery , McCoo'c ' , Xeb.
From iny premises , southeast of Mc-
jook , 3 two-year-old heifers , branded
nth a bar on eacli shoulder and hip ,
.nd a cross on jaw. A liberal reward
fill be paid for their rccurn or for infor-
aation leading to their recovery.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send oil appli-
ations. Money paid over as soon as
iapers are completed. Call on or ad-
ress , RED WILLOW Co. BAXK ,
4-tf Tndiauola , Neb
Attention Smokers !
With every 23 cents worth of goods
ought at the Distribution Cigar Store ,
ticket in the crand drawing is given.
Rooms for Rent.
Two furnished sleeping rooms for
nut. Inquire of W. W. BROWN.
A pet of heavy harness new. In-
uire of W. G. SHEPPARD.
Try the Commercial Houseahen
i McCook , just once !
Purify Your Blood.
If your tonrae LS coated ,
If your skin is yellow and dry ,
If you have bods ,
if you have feier ,
If you are thin and nervous ,
If you are bilious.
If you are constipated ,
If your bones ache ,
If your head ache- ,
If you have no appetite ,
If j on have no ambition ,
ie bottle of BEC.OS' BLOC ID PiniFiiu AXI >
r.oou MAKEI : will relieve anv and all of the
> ove complaints. Sold and warranted by
: cMillen & Weeks.
- ; %
Try the Commercial House , when
in McCook , just onca !
Scale bqoks for sale here.
Sweet eider at the City Bakery.
o to 3JcCrackcn's New Jewelry
Organs and pianos for rent at Scott's
jewelry store.
sSF'Fresh bolted meal at the Me-
Cook Feed Mill.
The American Settler's Guide for
sale at this office.
sh Graham flour at the Mc
Cook Feed Mill.
Don't pay big prices for Organs , but
call on McCracken and save money.
A very nice fresh Jine of candies at
Noble & Brickey's new grocery store.
Those Gold Watches at McCracken's
beat the record , in beauty -design
and price.
The first of nest week , J. C. Allen
& Co. will receive a fine large stock of
boots and shoes , hats and caps , etc.
A fine lot of new and popular Sheet
Music , Song Books , etc. , at McCrack
en's Muic Store.
Central Meat Market is the place to
buy choice cuts of beef. Shop on East
Dennison street.
Dry goods , clothing , and everything
in the general merchandise line , at
Hayden's old stand. J. C. Allen & Co.
An extensive and well selected line
of the latest styles in plain and orna
mental queensware at the new store of
Noble & Brickey.
Stop paying big prices for organs-and
lianos and go to Scott's jewelry store
and rent one. and thus save your money.
and get terms.
Srl Go to Harvey Bros , for chop
bed. new corn meal , rye , graham , and
all the best brands of flour. New car
oad just received.
bolted meal at the Mc
Cook Feed Mill.
TUB TRIBUNE has been taking a fra
ternal interest in the ' 'Topics of the
.Times' department of the Lincoln Jour
nal since Caihoun's voluntary abdica
tion and the ascension of Jay to the
tripod. That interest has at times as
sumed a roseate coloring perforce of
a reciprocal attention , occasional , epi-
thetic , uncomplimentary , given this
humble and modest rural contemporary
by the only great , etc. But now our
cup of misery runneth over. Lackaday ,
in an unguarded moment , the "scissor
fiend" entered Jay's literary : 'posy
patch , " ravishing it of a few select
flowers , somewhat withered , to be sure ,
with age and use , but flowers withal ,
for all their frailty , failing in the prem
ises to attach the proper credit. This
ha ? aroused the righteous indignation
of this literary god. who , after making
his wonted personalities , charges gross
plagiaristic tendencies , which prompts
us to remark in the language of Lamb :
' To touch a soul to the quick : to wear
and weary a life till it is ready to drop ,
and then step in with mortal instru
ments to take its last forfeit , this only
a ( Jay ) can do. " Peccavi.
SOMEHOW or other the democratic
party does not rest well on Caihoun's
stomach. Of course we are understood
as referring to Cal. of the Lincoln Dem
ocrat , that modest , pert little demo
cratic sheet of the Capital City. For
Dne. THE TRIBUNE would be delighted
to welcome him into the republican
fold , where he would feel more at home ,
tve know. And then we can't help re
garding Cal. as too brainy and promis
ing a man to be as "wasted sweetness
3n the desert air" in the bourbon ranks.
ACCORDING to a prominent architect ,
Dniaha has only two fire-proof build
ings. According ro Sam Jones , it has
reryfew "fire-proof"inhabitants. Oma-
la seems to be in a very bad way.
Try the Commercial House , when
'n RlcCook , just once !
Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup
Will relieve that coush almost instantly
ir.d make expectoration easy. Acts sinusl-
aiieously on the boweli , kidnejs and liver ,
hereby felieviiur the lungs of that soreness
ind pain and al-o stopping1 that tickling
en-ation in the by removing the
atise. One trial of it will convince any one
hat it hano equal on earth lor coughs and
rolds. McMHIen \ : Weeks have stcureti the
ae of it and will guarantee every bottle to
: ive satisfaction.
send 10 cents pobt-.ijre , and we
liable , susaple box of goods
that will put you in the way ot
nak'n ? more money jit ouce , thun anything
Ise in America. Both sexes of all a es can
Eve at home and work in spare time , or all the
ime. Capital not rttiuired. We will start you.
mmens : pi'.1sue foe those who start at once.
4-25-lyr. STTSSOX & Co. , Portland. Maine.