tfasp. Thursday , October 14 $ , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this X paper HAS EXPIRKD , and that a cordial invitation is extended to call and renew the same. Subscription , $2 per j'ear. Local Intelligence. . Calf at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. Wanted at this office cash. All new goods at McCracken's. No old stock. The coal dealer's smile commences to broaden. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. Sewing machines sold at cost at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Remember that Probst Bros , arc headquarters for fine candies. , Mon y to loan , 3 or 5 years time. Davis & Turner , McCook , N b. Don't fail to see that line of elegant Cheaters at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. Money to loan on final proof or deed ed land. Davis & Turner , McCook. Fresh oysters and celery every Sat urday afternoon , at Barney Hofer's. C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is the best place to buy your hardware. Stoves blacked and set up on short notice. W. C. LaTouiiETTE & Co. Money to loan on annual or semi annual interest. DAVIS & TURNER. If you want the best gasoline stove , go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite McEntee. The most complete line of heating stoves in McCook at W. C. LaTourette & Go's. If you want a nice buggy at reasona ble figures please call on Or. B. Nettle- ton , agent. Do you want new mica in your heat ing stoves ? W. C. LaTourette & Co. , have all sizes. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to bacco at Barney Holer's restaurant , next door to P. 0. Pianos and organs rented at the Met ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays for the instrument. Pocket state maps at this office. These maps are just from the press and i t are accurate and complete to date. G. W. Bedc & Co. have some special bargains in real estate. Office 4th door south of TJ. S. Land office. 27-tf. All who hunger and thirst for a good square meal should go to Barney Hof er's restaurant , next door to postoffice. McCracken's new jewelry store is the largest and finest there is in the west , and he always carries the finest assort ment of goods. School children will secure the most stationery for the least money at THE TRIBUNE stationery department. Call and see. G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse power feed grinder , with attachment for shelling corn or any other kind of lotary work. Take all work to McCracken , the Jeweler. He turns out good work only and guarantees what he docs. East side of Mam Avenue. We have just received a nice line of calling cards of the latest styles. Also have in stock an assortment of fraterni ty cards. Call and see them. Two car-loads of Sutton flour just received by Belnap & Harvey. Em bracing the following popular brands : Eclipse , Western Boseand Magnolia. The ladies of the Congregational So ciety are prepared to make comforts and bedding. Orders left with Mrs. Lowman will receive prompt attention. THE TRIBUNE stationery department has in stock some congress cap writing paper that will be sold at half-price to close out. This is a good quality of paper. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned , arc request ed to call and settle at once , or the ac counts will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. QHARLES ANDERSON. Parties waut'jig a piano , or are think ing of .purchasing one sometimebe sure and call on F. L. McCracken for prices first. I have a sample of one of the _ , , best make. Will sell any make at low- -rl / est prices and on terms to suit. Don't forget this. j G. B. Nettleton has just received another car load of those celebrated "Challenge Windmills. ' ' By the way , out of over 100 he has now running , only 5 have ever made any trouble , which trouble was caused by quick sand in the well or lack of water. Probst Bros , of the City Bakery , still lead in the fine candy trade and the excellent assortment they have just received , sustains their already widely known reputation for handling the freshest , purest and best candies in the city. If you want a real toothsome f ; article , Probst Bros , have it. The windy days of fall are upon us. There is an "upish" tendency in the real estate market by reason thereof. South McCook is bringing up her end of the improvement procession with three new dwelling houses , this week. Still we grow. Baked beans , chicken and pumpkin pie , Boston brown bread and doughnuts , etc. , at the M. E. Church , Friday evening. Oct. 22nd. This week , Messrs. Lindner & Er man have made quite extensive im provements to their sale barn on the corner of Manchester and Dodge streets. The residence of Dr. Kay on Mar shall street is well under way. It will rank high among the ornate and at tractive and convenient houses of our city. Blind Boone , the musical prodigy , comes with high commendation from the press , both daily and weekly , and our people can expect a worthy enter tainment. The ladies of the Mite Society will have in connection with their supper at the M. E. elmfch , next week , some useful and fatioy articles for sale. Ev erybody is invited. The best possible investment Willow Grove precinct can make , is to vote bonds to build two bridges across the Republican , one on the east and one on the west side of the city. We wish to whisper softly , gently , into the ears of our correspondents that all communications MUST be sign ed by the PROPER name of the writer , as well as the assumed or literary one. Our citizens will have the pleasure of hearing the negro musical prodigy , Blind Boonc , at the Opera Hall , Mon day evening , Oct. 18th. Reserved seats , f > 0 cents , are now on sale a Men- ard's. The church interests of the city are looking up to an encouraging extent. They should keep pace with the mate rial prosperity and advancement in ed ucational and social matters of the community. Our advice to the citizens of McCook and vicinity is to patronize home mer chants every time. They have money invested in the city , pay a large amount of taxes , etc. , and should always have the precedence over the auctioneer , hawker , peddler , and such like. Some of our merchants are backward in the matter of local advertising. The successful business men of the world have recognized the fact that it pays , and advertised in proportion to their business. Let our non-advertising merchants profit by their experience. The ladies of the Mite Society will give a New England supper onFriday evening of next week. Supper ready at G o'clock , sharp , and continue until all are supplied , at the Methodist church , to which business men and all others are invited. No fee at the door. If a city was ever unmercifully skinned , if not with the connivance , through the inactivity of the authori ties , this city was , last week. What excuse have the "powers that be" for allowing such a disreputable horde to prey upon the credulity and property of this people , unmolested and undisturb ed ? Elsewhere publish the announce ments of the republican meetings arranged to be held by the county central committee. The same , we may add , is copied from our county- seat contemporary , neither the chair man nor secretary of the committee , it appears , having the courtesy to provide us with the same. The season is rapidly nearing when the Republican is not fordable , a fact that always interfers more or less with the fail and winter trade of our city. A few thousand dollars in bonds , pay able in ten or twenty years , would rec tify this whole mattur , and prove a great convenience , as well as a big paying investment. Why not ? The catalogues for the city public schools are out of press. Unfortunate ly they bear the ear-marks of the ' blacksmith , " and are withal rather poor specimens of letter press work , and an uninteresting medley of typo graphical , orthographic and grammati cal errors , not in perfect consonance with the genus of our excellent city schools. Sic transit , etc. How's THAT ? Saturday night , Oct. Oth. at the Commercial Hotel parlors , our fellow townsman and legal lumin ary of extensive jurisdiction , Judge J. N. Lucas , and Minnie W. Ayres , of Lansing. Michigan , were joined to gether in the laonds of matrimony. May their journey through the realm of connubial felicity be one of uninter rupted peace and prosperity. THE NE\V BANK Frank H. Spear man is the name of the gentleman who will shortly open up the Farmers and Merchants Bank in the old Hamilton building on Main Avenue. Mr. Spear man hails from Chicago. He will com mence with a substantial capital , back ed by ample eastern funds , insuring the new institution stability and perma nence. Loan brokerage , we are in formed , is to be the chief feature of the new bank. Mr. Spearman will be a desirable addition to our business men and interests. "In the midst of life we are in death , " probably was never more forcible illus trated than in the sad case of A. D. Single , the announcement of whose sudden death , last Saturday morning , caused such general astonishment and regret throughout the city , where the fact of his illness was but little known , much less its serious character. Here we have a striking example of the un certainty of life. But a few days since , the deceased was enjoying the exuber ant strength and health of young man hood and was energetically pushing bis contract on the Citizens bank , now his mortal remains rest in the silent , gen tle embrace of mother earth , in Long- view cemetery , where they were lain , Sunday afternoon , by tender , loving hands , with appropriate services. The bereaved wife has the deep sympathy of this entire community in her pro found sorrow. IMPROVEMENTS From C. 11. Meek er , we learn that the Lincoln Land Co. is projecting extensive improvements to the waterworks of our city. Two new boilers are now on the way to replace the one now in use , as well as some new castings for the larger engine. Plans have been drawn , also , for a new pump house , to cos ! about $3.000 , & be built of stone or brick. Work on the excavation for the building is ex pected to commence , next Monday. The company also contemplates the erection of a new and larger stand pipe to replace the old one. This , however , will not likely occur before next season. The school bank is progressing in an encouraging manner. The deposits from all departments , last week , were $4.38. This week the amount is al most doubled , being $8.62. Of this amount the high school department de posited , $1.45 ; Miss Murphy's $1.84 ; Miss McNamara's , $3.13 ; Miss Le- Hew's , $2.20. The total amount now on deposit is $13.00. The children seem to be entering into the matter with considerable interest , and much good may be expected to result from the system. The manner in which the confidence men , gamblers , tin-horns , thugs , sneak- thieves , pick-pockets , and the rascals of like ilk , operated in this city , last week , openly upon our street corners , is an outrage upon the decency of this people , and a most disgraceful com mentary on the present city govern ment , which by its course seems to be fostering all that is vicious and unlaw ful to the exclusion of the promotion of all that's moral and lawful. Somq cute fellow took all the seeds out of J. H. Ludwick's mammoth squash , at the fair , last week. He cut , a large "plug" out of the bottom of the squash , removed the seeds , replaced the "plug , " and the squash presented the natural appearance until turned down side up. That fellow will have some large squashes at the next county fair. The last of this week , Messrs. No ble & Brickey received their stock of groceries , which they are now opening and arranging upon their shelves in the Stewart building on Main Avenue. They expect to be ready to open to the public on Monday or Tuesday of the coming week. Tho prospects are that the park block will be improved , this fall. We are in formed that R. 0. Phillips of the Lin coln Land Co. so expressed himself during his visit to the city , yesterday. The library association is now en gaged in the difficult task of selecting books for the public library. They j ! hope to have the matter in working trim in a week or two. It is rumored that the proprietors of our West Dennisnn street contempor ary are contemplating selling out or dissolving partnership. Will not McCook make up a relief fund for Charleston ? The First Na tional Bank will receive and forward contributions. Our correspondents should be more prompt with their communications , in order to insure early publication. 'J UE Courier's splenetic splutter of last week is relieved this week with a silence passing all understanding. The survey the B. & M. is now mak- I i iug on the Beaver just misses Danbnry ! i by a half-mile , we see it stated. Those Gold Watches at McCracken's beat the record , in beaut } ' of design | I and price. i Read that article on gambling , to be ; | ! found on our editorial page. iEi Go to McCracken's New Jewelry Stove. Prompt Payment. . ° J. M. EduiSston , state agent of the Union Central Life Insurance company , Thursday , handed Mrs. William H. Moore of Firth , the company's check in full payment of a SI.000 life policy , her late husband held in said company. Mr. Moore died Sept. llth. Proofs of death reached home office Sept. 27th. The check in payment was dated the 29th. Life insurance is like every thing else it pays to have the best. Lincoln State Journal. Many of our citizens will remember that the "Union Central" paid Mrs. J. A. ice and Mrs. Jabez Barraclough , each $2,000 , not very long ago. A number of our people now hold policies in this company. Ever honorable , al- ' ways prompt , is the motto of this solid , old institution. i PERSONALS. this head we would be pleased to have our friends throughout the city acquaint UH of the arrival and departure of their visitors. E. C. Ballew of Indianola was a business visitor in the city , Tuesday afternoon. W. B. Spain of tlip rminty-scat had polit ical business in this i-ily , Tiuvday. Mrs. A. W. Corey is entertaining her mother from San Diego , California. B. A. Parinley of Imperial , Chase county , was among the city's business guests , Mon day. day.A. A. C. Xettleton , Sr. , returned to Stock- bridge , Mass. , the first of this week , to spend the winter. I. J. Starbuck , Scott McCoy , V. Maulsby and others are taking in tiie Denver races , this week. J. P. Lindsay , our next State Senator , was in the city , Monday , looking after matters and things political. Kev. . W. lllch ot Stratum , .Neb. , left his card at this otlice , last woek , during the ab sence of the editor at the fair. "Shorty' ' Cooper , a former B.&M. freight conductor , was renewing acquaintances in the city , the first of the week. K. 0. Phillips of the Lincoln Land Co. , was in thecity , yesterday.on important busi ness connected with the city water works. RtiV. Joel S. Kelsey of the Congregational church was absent at Cowles , the first of the week , attending a convention of his church. Mrs. W. S. Coy and Mrs. I. J. Slarbuck went up to Denver , Wednesday noon , to see the exposition and the races now going on there. A. E. Powers of the Stockville Faber , was in town a few minutes , Monday evening , en route home from the western part of the district. Mrs. Frank II. Spearman is entertaining her mother , who arrived in the city , the first of the week , from Denver , en route to her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lnmbuni of Indianola deeply mourn the loss of a bright little son of some nine summers , who died of diphtheria on the 8th hist. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Spearman are guests at the McEntee. Mr. Spearman be comes identified with the business interests of our city as proprietor of the new bank. Miss Jennie Elder , of Troy , X. Y. , sister of Mrs. W. E. Dauchy , arrived in the city , last week , and will spend the winter here , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dauchy. Attorneys Criswell and Berge of the coun ty-seat spent two or three days , the first of the week , in the chief city on an important contest case before the local land officials. Mrs. Peter Boyle returned , Wednesday of last week , from her extended visit , having enjoyed a truly delightful visit at her old home in the Keystone state , and other points in the east. Eev. Rodebaugh , the new Methodist min ister , occupied the pulpit , last Sunday , at this place. His sermons are spoken of in high terms by those who enjoyed the privil ege of hearing him. In the nibh incident upon the fair , last week , we failed to note the return of Leon F. Moss and bride to this city , their future home , which occurred in the early part of the week. THE TKIBUXK takes this dila tory occasion , however , on the part of our people and self , to extend congratulations and a hearty welcome. William Epperly and family arrived from Carson , Iowa , last Saturday , having driven through from the above point in a wagon. After looking the country over he decided to make this his future home , and purchased a quarter section of land about 10 miles north west of this city. Mr. Epperly first heard of this country through a letter written to the Muscatine Journal by a resident of this coun ty. He came , saw and was conquered and is now one of us. He thinks that a number of others will follow his example , when they hear of his settling here. "AS YOU LIKE IT " 0 * * : : .If reports are true , two members of the county newspaper fraternity are entitled to universal benedictions. There is a balm in Gilead. .Matrimony and ipecac may be consid ered sovereign specifics against incarceration in prison. Pay your money and take your choice. * # Politics makes some strange bed fel lows. Ju this campaign we have the remark able prophecy fulfilled that , "the lion and the lamb shall lie down together. ' ' The lion of the prophecy doubtless refers to Mr. G. S. Bishop of the Courier , while our fellow townsman , Hon. S. L. Green , of all others best assumes the role of lamb. # * A "personal canvas" has been inaugu rated by S. L. Green , and the common in quiry now is'How do you stand ? " This is an acknowledgement of fear of succos , of weakness , and the indications from all over the county are that those fears are well grounded , that his chances of defeat are greater than those for success. Amen ! # * , -.Our ordinarily most consistent and en terprising West Dennison street contempor ary , displayed some rather pronounced and startling journalistic peculiarities , last week , which we feel constrained to notice casually : In one nook of that valuable paper we find it earnestly desiring the indulgence of its read ers in the obvious lack of fair and other local news , perforce of limited space , while , odd to relate , well nigh a full column of their real ly valuable space , is occupied iu a rehasji of a spasm of righteous ( ? ) indignation and sophistry and illogical deduction , from the State Journal , concerning Tun TKIBUXE , with prefatory remarks from the facile , graceful pen of a mutual friend. Gentle men of the quill , that we fail not to appreci ate your tender compliment , we herewith hasten to assure you , but less nonsense and patent plates and more news will please your readers better. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is a safe and certain cure for sore nipples , skin eruptions , scald head , tetter , piles , and all smarting , itching diseases of the skin , and is unequalled for chronic sore eyes. Sold by Willey & Walker and 31. A. Spalding. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. The Central Commits have nmde arrange ments for political speaking at the following places and dates : Bondville , at school house iu district 19 , on Saturday , October 16th , at ? P. M. Box Elder , on Monday , Oct. 18 , at 7 P. M. Bartley , at University Hall , on Tuesday , Oct. 19 , at7P.M. At Indianola , Hon. ( Jeo. II. Hastings and J. B. Cessna , on Monday evening. Oct. 25. At McCook , same speakers , on Tuesday evening , Oct. 20. Further dates will bo arranged for , of which du notice will be given. Good speak ers will be in attendance on all of these meet ings and the voters are especially requested to bo present. W. "H. Sr.vix , Chairman. Lost Reward. Saturday , October 9th , in McCook , a let ter pocket book , containing a large amount of money and a number of notes. Also , pre emption and timber-tiiilturc filings. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to this office. HEXKY BYKXKS , Thornburg , Neb. * The finest , largest line of Knight Templar cards ever brought to Western Nebraska , at TIIK TKIBUXK stationery department. ESTRAY NOTICE. Came , to my farm , 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood , on or about September 15th , 188G , one dark brown mare , about 5 years old ; has tvo white hind loot , weighs about 800 pounds , i. branded on left hip ) ( Owner can secure the ; : nimal by identi fying same and paying charges. 19-5t. PERRY STOXE. FOR SALE CHEAP. o One new 3-scat , 3-spring wagon ; one second-hand buggy. Also , one 2-seat covered carriage , second-hand. Will sell the above articles at decided bar gains. Call and see me. B. F. OLCOTT , Prop. . City Livery , McCook , Neb. FARM LOANS. o Cash Down. No Delay. TT ° No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Nob DON'T BE AFRAID ! If you see Denuty Sheriff Bennett coming after you. Dr. Kay has r.laced his accounts in the hands of the depu ty , who is rustling after the doctor's creditors in dead earnest , that's all. $200.00 REWARD. I will give $200 reward for informa tion leading to the conviction of the parties who have been stealing and maiming calves in my pasture south east of McCook. A. W. COREY. FOR SALE. A business , paying $100.00 profit per month. Capital required , about $1,800. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Enquire at this office. 50 HEAD STEERS FOR SALE. I have 50 head of two-year-old steers for sale CHEAP at my ranch , three miles ea. t of McCook. A. W. Coirev. For Sale or Rent. An improved farm of 1(50 ( acres , f > miles south of McCook , on the Oberlin road. Address , P. S. CIIESSINGTON , 19-3t. McCook , Neb. Attention Smokers ! With every 25 cents worth of goods bought at * the Distribution Cigar Store , a ticket in the grand drawing is given. WIIEX Bob Taylor was fiivt talked of as governor of Tennessee , the demo crats telegraphed to know if he would accept. lie returned the following an swer : "A poor old man once dragged himself twenty miles to see my mother. When he got ready to leave he said : 'Madame , if you don't believe I can tote a ham home , just try me ! ' " THE thirteenth1 annual session of the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias of Nebraska , met in Hastings. Tuesday , the 12th. The Hastings papers report a grand time , with large attendance , imposing parade , etc. , in keeping with that rising young order. A NEW town on the B. & M. branch northwest from Grand Island has very suggestively been named 'Hell. " A weekly newspaper , Hell's Echo , en lightens the inhabitants as to the io- ! ings of the outer world. We presume Heaven will be the nest station beyond. DICK THOMPSON of Adams county for secretary of state ! And the angels with one accord jumped upon their musical instruments and kicked the stuffing out of them. Topics. TRAINS are now running into Curtis on the Curtis branch of the B. & . M. FOR SALE CHEAP. I will sell my house and lot cheap , if sold in the next 30 days. Will take part payment in cattle if de sired. J. B. RESERVE. Call at THE TRIBUNE office for cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. WITH all the progress of our day , there hangs on the outskirts of society a class of individuals ever on the verge of being made outcasts for their mis deeds , an impudent and hardened set of individuals miscalled'sharpers" knaves they truly are. Idle and shift less , without any training or develop ment of the nobler phases of manhood , they concentrate the little intellectual ability they have , combined with a low cunning , common to the inferior animals devoid of moral perceptions , on a few tricks. With these sluight-of-hand as their sole stock in trade they sally forth to prey on the unsuspecting , the inno cent and the inexperienced. Wherever a special gathering of honest toilers , in quest of a day's instruction , pleasure or relaxation , is held , these unprincipled and shameless plunderers arc found. Cards and dice are for the time laid aside , a wheel of fortune , a row or two of pins , a few boxes of soap , or a few pea.s or marble , make up their stock in trade , in short any device will do that is capable of manipulations requiring se cret practice to attain that degree of pro ficiency that enables a dexterous hand , unguided and uncontrolled by moral impulses , to daze and deceive the honest , but too often venturesome young men \vhosc promptings of curiosity impel them to try one or two chances just to see what the thing is like anyway. To lure them on , small gains are permitted them at first. Hope rises with the pros pect of large and rapid returns , but soon sinks when it is found out the "fakir" or "crook' * has taken the last "quarter. " Angry words and sometimes blows are resorted to , but the so-called "sharper" and his "pals" are not a bit abashed. They pi } ' their unfair calling with as much boldness as can well be imagined. They fleece one after another of their "verdants'1 as they call their victims. Thus they go from town to town , never turning an honest penny except when necessity compels them. These demor alizing games of chances are rightly classed with gambling , and the law should be strictly enforced against them. The municipal authorities should use every endeavor to abate by a stringent enforcement of law this growing evil. Why should the authorities tolerate these nuisances ? Can it be possible that for money considerations those uien are admitted , quite oblivious of the moral depravity that springs from the seeds of vice disseminated by any kind of associations with such agents of vice ? It is to the interest of every man doing business to give no quarter to the able- bodied idler that perambulates the coun try with jugglery. The money these parasites receive from the honest mem bers of society is worse than wasted. Parkhill ( Ontj Beview. THE editor of the Indianola Courier has scon proper in this campaign to open thu flood gates of personal abuse and we wager that he will receive a su per-abundance of his own medicine be fore the curtain rings down in Novem ber. Such a move on the part of as vulnerable a man as G. S. Bishop indi cates supreme lack of judgment and expediency. His friends , ought to make a county charge of him until af ter election. OUR next State Senator , J. P. Lind say of Beaver City , Furnas county , was around making the acquaintance of our people , the first of the week. Mr. Lindsay , although not well known all over this senatorial district. i.s a young man of ability and promise , and makes friends wherever he goes. He will be elected by a handsome majority , and we venture that he will as handsomely represent this constituency. RUSSIAN officials have a striking way of proclaiming the arrival of the czar. The day befor the imperial train guarded by soldiers along the entire line , trundles into town , several nihil ists are hastily convicted and conspicu ously hanged. The ceremony prepares the populace for the full enjoyment of the imperial presence. N. Y. Tribune. KANSAS , like Maine , is to have a triangular fight this year. The repub lican party , in obedience to the will of the people , declares that it will support prohibition ; the prohibitionists want more prohibition and the democrats op pose it altogether and want the ques tion re-submitted to a popular vote. THE "Topics of the Times"man of the Lincoln Journal is having ' 'lots of fun"with the bucolic press , nowadays. Unlike Calhoun , his artillery is cumber some and lacks that facility and grace of movement and operation that made his predecessor inimitable in literary fencing.