'M. ; iXD E. M. KDIMELL , Editors and Publishers REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATfe. For Governor , J01IX JL TILVYEH , of Hall county. For Lieutcnant-Governor , 11. 11. SHEDb , of Snundcrs county. For Sccretarj- State , G. L. LA.WS , of IJcd Willow county. For Attorney General , WILLIAM LEESE , of Seward county. For State Treasurer , C. H. WILLAJID , of Thaycr county. 1'or State Auditor , H. A. BAIJCOCK , of Valley countv. For Commissioner of Public Lands , SAMUEL SCOTT , of Buffalo county. For Superintendent of Public Instruction , GEO. B. LAX E , of Lancaster county. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress , Second District , HON. JAMES LAIRD , of Hastings. SENATORIAL. For Senator. 00th Disttict , ' J. P. LINDSAY , of Furnas County. C OUNTY. For liei > m > cntjifhr. .V > th District , S. L. QUEEN , of McCook. For County A ttornej' , II. M. SXAVELY. of Indiauola. For Commissioner , 2d District , STEPHEN BOLLBS , of Box Elder. AKHQUKCEKIERT. In. accordance with the wishes of my friends as well as of the lending business men of Mc Cook , and also many of the delegates who op posed me in the Republican Convention , and who have since reconsidered the matter , 1 do hereby announce myself as an Independent candidate for the ollice of Commissioner , in and for the Second Commissioner District in Ucd Willow county. J. P. SQUIKK. . THK entire republican state ticket , submission plank and all , will , like Eli , ' 'get there" beyond a peradven ture. Let the heathen rage and imag ine vain things ! No one who appreciates a neat job , artistically performed , can fail of en joying v/ilh keenest relish the superb manner in which the bo3rs at the state convention , last week , raisedthe old man's scalp. " OUR , honored townsman , G. L. Laws , received his nomination as secretary of state of this great commonwealth , not at the hands of tho politicians , but as the free and honest expression of the wishes of the people. Coming thus , the honor is the more complimentary , and the more highly appreciated. "Vox populi' ' candidates are a ? scarce as the conventional hen's teeth , these days of political shysters and chicanery. ITo.v. JAS. LAIKT > . our next con gressman irom the "bigsecond. ' ' in his speech in Hastings after his nomina tion , said : ' "The only recompense I can offer for y ur brave adherence is that if elected I will stand for the sol dier , believing it to be right. T will stand for the settler , believing it to be right. I will stand for the people , believing that to be right. And that in all things , unless my ttMigue cleave to the roof of my mouth , and my right .hand forget its cunning , T xvill .stand for the ' 'under dog" in the fight , be lieving that to lie the best interpreta tion of the great ralo , "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. " ] OvEir\VllELMEi > with terror at the very intimation of IIECOUD , from his chariot of the sun , comes down Edi tor G. S. Bishop , of the Indianola Courier , and upon his narrow bones in suppliance bent , begs for quarters , ask ing that the full , pure , penetrating light of heaven be not cast back into his past , with its humiliating , forbid ding phantoms. We gladly accept the Courier's apologies and as willingly ex tend , the desired clemency. * THE TIIIB- TJXE has ever entertained the kindli est , tendcrest solicitude for the editor of the Courier , perchance largely be cause of the knowledge thatprovidenc'e has not dealt too generously with him in some of the essential characteristics that combine to make the genus homo. But candidly , brother occupant of the tripod troublous , propeller of the faber journalistic , companion candidate for glory immortal , we have never serious ly entertained the idea of stooping down to roll in the mire with you , much less to bite with you the dust of the saniruinary pit of pugilism. Per haps by the time age has tinted your thatched abode ( ? ) of wisdow you will understand the philosophy hereof. In conclusion there is nothing in this article of an impersonal nature , and our residence for immediate iuture is at the old stand on East Dennison street , in the beautiful city of Mc Cook , satrapy of Red Willow. Sketch of the next Governor. Goo John 51. Thayer , who heads the . republican ticket , came to Nebraska in 1854 , settled in Omaha as a farmer. It was not long before he had to give up the plowshare for the sword , as in 1S5. ) he commanded a party of volun- tccr.s to quell a iliMurbnnco among troublesome Indians at Fontanclla , then the frontier. Subsequently he was at the head of the territorial militia , and as such did good work in restraining the Pawnee Indians from committing dep redations against the whites. General Thaycr was a member of the upper house of the territorial legislature from 1S59 to 18GO , and in the fall of the later year he was chosen a member of the constitutional convention. When the war broke out he informed the Sec- ' rotary of War that Nebraska would fur- , nish one regiment and immediately , under orders , proceeded to organize the same. On the completion of hia la bors he was appointed colonel of the First Nebraska , and proceeded with the regiment to St. Louis in the summer j of 18G1. Subsequently he went with his ' command to Pilot Knob and Sedalia , ' i ! Mo. After short service with the F re- . mont expedition , to Springfield , Mo. , ' the First Nebraska went by steamer to Fort Henry and participated with dis tinction at Donelson and Shilo. Its colonel was then made brigadier gener al for gallant and meritorious service , and during the battles named he served ' as commander of the second brigade of Wallace's division. Afterward he went to Memphis and commanded a brigade , of Iowa troops at the battle of Chicka- saw Bayou , then he led in the battle of Arkansas Post , in which over 5,000 prisoners were taken. Gen. Thayer j served with distinction all through the , ) siege of Vicksburg ; for gallant and ! meritorious service was made a major ! general of volunteers. He participat- ed in the capture of Jackson , Miss. , j under General Sherman : he was in the ; army of Arkansas under Gen. Steele , and also took a prominent part in the battles of Prair'e d' Ann , Moscow , Jenkin's Ferry and Saline river. Af terward he had command of the army of the Frontier , and while at Ft. Smith lie defeated the rebel generals Cooper command at Helena , on the Mississippi river , he closed his military career on July , 1SG5 , and returned to Omaha. Ln ) admission of the territory as a state in 1SGO , he was elected United States Scnatpr , and served one term , [ n 1875 he was appointed governor of Wyoming and served one year. Gen eral Thayer was born in Bellingham , Norfolk Co. , Mass. , and is now in the prime of life. No Nebraska ! ) has been more prominent in public affairs than he. and none been more faithful to even * trust. A . ' bland Gazette. THK actions of the Russian General Kaulbar ? in Sofia must be exceedingly irritating to the Bulgarians. These peo ple of late years have made great prog ress , and are beginning to taste the benefits which flow from independent government. They have shown them selves brave in battle and capable of appreciating the advantages of govern ing themselves. If left alone they bid fair to become : i compact , progressive little nation , which will grow under the impulse of the national spirit , of recent years so high. It would be a pity if the European powers permit Piussia to set the blight of her protectorate upon this country. Kansas City Times. MH. POWDEIILY scored a great hit when he spoke of the mass of foreign born citizens and their children who know nothing of American history nor of our constitution. It is brimful of suggestion to legislators and educators. It may'scrve to turn attention to a sub ject which has hitherto been neglected in this country. The American absorbs the spirit of our institutions. But the foreigner has got to be taught them- . Hitherto this has not been done to any \ extent. It is not yet too late to be giv ing thorough lessons. K. C. Times. . THERE are about one thousand Chin ese in the city of Chicago. There are five Sabbath schools of Chinese pupils , t , with an average attendance of 225. One of these schools holds sessions five n evenings iu each week. Eighteen C Chinese are members of "the Chinese Christian Association , " and eight of these are preparing for missionary work. Several of them are preparing to return to their Chinese homes to en gage in labor there. This is not a bad record. THE democratic state convention meets at Hastings , to da } ' . The state will soon be safe ! I Call at THE TRIBUNE office for' cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. THE New York Society for the pro-1 vcntion of cruelty to children during the last twelve has years , convicted 8- , ' 545 persons and rescued and placed in I ' comfortable homes or reformatories 15,812 children. In the last six years it has cared for and clothed 3,330 desti tute children and furnished them with 27,100 meals. I ' i TX T TT "tr T\T y ° Hr tongue is coated , x it JTA .L 1 ± when your eyes are dull , when your blood runs sluggish , when you have a fever , when you fool languid and have no appetite and all you cat lies on your stom ach like a brick , also when your hexd aches. Your blood is out of order , your liver does not work properly , you need a good reliable remedy that will put new life and blood in your veins. Ueggs' Blood Purifier and Hlood Maker is prepared expressly for this purpose , and acts oil the whole system simultaneously and if you try ic once in your family you wjll never be without it. Sold by M. A. Spalding ; . THE New York banks have a "low- reserve. " They say "the 11101103 * has gone west. " Well , the west is where all good things grow and fatten. Whim are wanted send on the 11101103' . Our store-houses are well filled. Inflammation of the Stomach. o In the inflammatory stages of dysentery no better or safer medicine has been found than Beeps' Diarihoca Balsam , it is pi epared ex pressly to relieve all inllamation of the stom ach and bowels and does not loave the bowels constipated. Always keep the best on hum it costs no more. For sale by M. A. Spuld ins , druggist.a MATERNAL pride out West reachc high water mark in the person of the Omaha woman who entered her infam in the bal)3r show and then walked oil and de.certed it because it failed to capture the prize. Headache , bilious tlNorders and con.-tipa tion are cured by St. Patrick's Pills. Tlie\ are the most pleasant and most flTeetua physic in use. Sold byViIley & Walkei anil M. A. Spalding. The finest , largest line of Knight Templar cards ever brought to Western Nebraska , at THK i TKIBUXE stationery department. For sprains , swellings and lamenes . Chamberlain's , Pain Balm lias no equal. Sold by ' Willey & Walker and M. A. Spaidinj , ' . ' PIHAL PHOOF NOTICES. OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nr.u. , I October oth , ISbii. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of her intention to make llnal proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will ho .made before Kegis ter or Kecciver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , November liJth , 1SSO , yiGertrude A. Cole- man , Homestead : i05G , for the southeast ot section 12 , town. 4 north , range HI weit. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Archibald I ! . Davis. I lax- tor J. Davis , John N. Smith and Esrom itntii- ermel , all of McCook. Nebraska. 10 G. L. LAWS. Kegister. LAND OFFICI : AT McCooic. NEK. , i October 4th , IbSH. j" Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- natned settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim , and that said proof will be made before Kcg- ibter orKeceiverat McCook , IS'eb. , on Friday , November 1-th , ISSCi iHeinrich Jleyer , Homestead jlii. ) , for the i-outh ' ,3 of southwe.-t \i section 14 , and north ' of northwest : A section 2a. tow n. "i , north range I'D , west iitli I1. M. He names the following witnesses to provehis continuous residence upon , and cultivation ofsaid land , viz : Peter Bern- hcimer. Phillipp'Schmidt , frank Tsimincr and Jacob Tsinjmer , all ofOsbnrn , Neb. 1 ! ) G. L. LAWS , Itctrister. LAND OFFICI : AT McCouK , NEIL , October. > th , IbMi. \ Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice ot his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before lieirifc- ter or Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , November llith. 1HSI3 , viGideon Kitchey , Homestead < luXK > , for the northwest Ji of sec tion SO. township "i north , range 29 , west ( ith P. JI. He names the following witnesses to i . prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viC. . 11. Shepherd , Dr. Harlan , J. C. Mosford and F. Ilrown. all ol Osburn , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Kegister. OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Kun. , i I September 27th , IScC. f Notice is hereby given that the following- , named settler has tiled notice of her intention . to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Iteg- istcrorHeceiveratMcCook , Neb. , on Monday , November Sth , I8SO. viz : Hoxie Billings. D. S. IStUJ , for the west l , of northeast H , and cast is of northwest of section , town. M north , range " ! > , west Oth P. 51. She names the fol lowing witnesses to prove her continuous res- dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , [ viz. : Henry Goodenherger , Isaiah Smith , Al- onzo DoMay and Fred Benjamin , all of Mc Cook. Neb. 18 G. L. LAWS , liegister. LAM ) OFFICK AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i September 21st , J6SG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named bettler has tiled notice of her intention to make llnal proof in support of her claim , and that said pioof will be made before Kegis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday November 4th , 18SC. viz : Mary A. Hilcman. D. S. 325 ! ) , for the northwest J4 section 24 , town. 2. north range 30 , west Cth P. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cnitivation : of , said land , viz : John Whittaker. Jamus.M. Boatman. John W. McCaslin and Charles Jac obs , all of McCook , Neb.G. . G. L. LAWS , Kegister. : LAND OFFICE AT 5IcCooic. Nr.u. , i [ September 14th , ISsO. f Notice is hereby giren that thefoUowing - named settler has llled _ notice of his intention [ to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bemade before Regis ter or Receiver at 5IcCook. Neb. , on Saturday , October Sird , ISbG , viz : John T. Gillespie. who filed D. S. No. KMS. for the west " : , noithwest J4 and west ! . southwest U. section 24 , town 2 north , range 'J west. He names the folloty- ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi lience upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : \Villian H. Smith , Alvaro X. Griilin , Charles S. Kanouse and George Huggins , all of 5lc- Cook , Neb. 115 G. L. LAWS , Register. LA.ND OFFICE.AT McCooK , NEIL , i September J % 1SSO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- ) named settler has filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in support of his claim , ; und that said proof will be madebefore Regis ter or Receiver at 5IcCook , Neb. , on Friday , October ± Jd , 18SG. viz : Franklin J. Bushong , D. S. 127G , for the northwest * * , section , ' , town. 1 , north range 29 , west Oth P. 51. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation Df , said land , viz : R. S. Cooley. John Craw- J. ley , George J. 5Iyers and Eli Harger , all of McCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT 5lcCooK , NEB. , I . September 11 , 1SSG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- imincd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , ind that said proof will bemade hetore Regis ' ter or Receiver at 5IcCook , Neb. , on Friday , 3ctober22nd , 1SM5 , viz : Isaiah Smith. Home stead 4oSG , for the west ynortheast 'i and 2flst li northwest H , section 28. town. 2. north range 21) ) , west Cth P. 51. He niiincsthu follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi- leiice upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Henrv Goodenberger.JE. Henderson , William ' Harmon and Dr. De5Iay. all of 5IcCook. Nebr. JO G , L. l AWS , Kcfflster , 7 ' FINAL PEOOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. Neb. , I September llth. IBfcO. f I Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention . to make final proof in support of his claim , j and that said proof will bo made before Kcgis- tor or Keceiver at 51 cCook , Neb. , on Saturday. October 23rd , ISSti , viz : Stilwell Conner , i Homestead 1USO. for the southeast U section I 2(5 ( , town. 1 , north range 2 ! ) , west Cth 1' . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , bald land , viz : B. B Duckworth. Jacob F. Boyer , Wilber F. Saunders and George J. 5Iyers , all of Danbury. Neb. 16. G , L. LAWS , Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEIL , i September 14th , IHb'li. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler haft filed notice of his intention to make final proof in .support of his elaiin. and that f aid proof will be made before Kcgi.- ter or Kecciver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , October 22 < 1 , ISSfl , viz : Travis W. Benjamin , Homestead J51. for the southeast " 4 , section 31 , town. 1 , north range : . * . > . west tith P. M. Ho names tn following itncsscs to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : William Helph , of Bank- villc. Neb. , and John Goodenberger. 1 . S. Cooley. F. J. Bushong. of 5lcCook , Neb 1C G. L. LAWS. Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT 5lcCooK. NKU. , 1 September 15,1S8G. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pioof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bemade before Itogis- tor or Iteeeivcr lit 5IcCook. Xeb. , on Monday. November 1st , 18MS. viz : fiphraim C Gaston , Homestead Kntry 1748 , for the s-outhv.-cst ' 4 of s-ectioni" , township' ' , north of rang' ' ; ! 0 vest tith P.M. He names the following witnes e.- to prove his i.'ontinuon < ; rosid nw upon , and cultivation of , taid hind. \ : / : Daniel demons , Kdward Dntloy , It. 51. \ Varltand O. T. Btewer , all of M crook , Xebrask.i. Ifi G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEI : , I September fith , 188 ( > . f Notice is hereby given that the following- nanifd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. , and that said proof will be made before Kpgis- ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on 5Ionday , October 23th , 18SO , viz : Kli C Popejoy , 1) . S. 2)1S ! ) , for the east southeast't and south * . ' northeast 14 section IS , Sown. 4 north , range CO , west fith P. 51. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James G. Gray , Frank Fowler , Joseph Wile-ox and O. F. Cain , all of JlcCook. Nob. 15 G. L. LAWS , Hegister. LAND OFFICI : AT 51cCooic. NEIL , ( . September 7th , l.li. . ) Notice is heieby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be madebefore liegis ter or Kecciver at 5IcC'ook , Neb. , on Friday , October . ' , l J-fi , viz : Thomas J. I'ate , Home stead 443 , tor the northeast J4. section 2. town. 3 north , range2 ! ) westtith I' . M. Fie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land. viz : T. J. Uuggles , George Kollins , Charles Christ and Cyril Templin , all of McC'ook , Neb. I. , . G.L. LAWS , Kegister. ; AT 5IcCooK. NF.U. . ( September U , 1SWJ. t' Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler hns filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of life claim , and that said proof will be made before Kegis ter or Receiver at 51cCook , Neb. , on Wednes day , October 20th. ISM ! , viz : Arthur U. Good lier , D. S. oO ! 5 , for the southwest J4 sect ion 3t , town. 1 north , range 2 ! ) . west f.th P. 51. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viC. . C. Smith. ( lint Kaley and Frank Spicer , of Stoughton. Neb. , and W. t ; . 5Iaey , of Cedar Bluff. Kansas. 13 G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooi ; . NUB. , i September : ; . IfMi. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of hi ? intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Keg ister or Keceiver at .McCook , Neb. , on Mondav. October 18th , Ibbfi , viLouis Jlather. Home stead No. Jiiill , for the northeast Jt sections , town. 1 north , range 2 ! , west fith P. 51. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Klbert J. Henderson. Kph- raini Green , William H. Harman and John Buskirk , all of 51cCook. l. > G. L. LAWS , Register. L\M > OFFICE AT .McCooic , NEIL , i August 2S. ibbu. f Notice is hereby given that the following- mimed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made bofore Keg- istet or Receiver at 51cCook. Neb. , on Friday October bth , ISMi , viJames Md'arthy , Homestead 2IG4 , for the southeast H s.cctionu : town I north , range 3d wosr , li P. 51. He names the followingitnescs to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Josiah A. French. James B. Farns- worth. Jos. W. Whitaker and Sidnev Dodge , all of 5IcCook , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT 5f rOooK. Nr.i ; , | August 27th , IrtU. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pioof in support of hi ? chiim , und that said proof nill be made before If iri > - ter or Kccrivor at 5IcCook , Nob. , on Friday. October bth , 1S8I > , viHenry W. Nadcn , It. S. N'o.157.for the southeast > t scctio" xl , town. , north range 28 ue t. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove hN continuous IOM- ilenco iijion , and cultivation of , said land , vi/ : h . seC. As-hton. William R. Hurbridge , John W. Ling and Thomas D. Pollock , all of Dan- Iniry , Neb. 11 G. 3 . LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT 5croiK ( , Nin. . I Augustuth. ifcw ; . i Notice is hereby given that th'e following- named settler has filed notice of his intention lo make final proof in support of his claim , : ind that said proof will bemade before Regis : ter or Receiver at 51eCook , Neb. , on 5tonday , October 11.18M5 , viKiank B. Cramer. D. S. il'33 , for the nortii 'i northwest 'i section 13 , north u northeast Ji , s-e-ction II , town 3 north , range 30 west. 0 P. M. HP names tinfollow ing witnesses to prove his continuous re&i- Icnce upon , and cultivation of , ? aid land. vi/ . David Smith. William Smith. Austin A. Clark mid George W. Clark , nil of Osborn. Ne ) > . 14 G. L. LAWS , Register. LVSD OFFICET 5lcCooiNEB. . , i August 31st. ISM ; . f I Notice is hereby given that the follo-.viiig- iiamcd bcttlcr hafiled notice of his intention . o make final proof in support of his claim , ' jnd that said proof will be madebefoie Kegis ter or Receiver at V.cCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , October I'Jih.lt-tO. viWilliam Unison , Home stead Kntry 3131 , for the southwest quarter of cctiou27. town. ) , north of range 2.'i west , ( ith ' . 51. He names the following witnesses to irove his continuous residence upon , and cul- iivation of. said land , viz : Amos Good. John ) { lake. Daniel Blake and George Bartholomew , ill of Hopeville , Nebraska. U G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT 5IcCOOK , NEB. , i August 31,18tO. i Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settlor has filed notice of her intention o make final proof in support of her claim , ind that said proof will be made before Keg- ster or fteeeiver at 5IcCook , Neb. , on Satur- lay , October 0 , l&'ti , viz : Luelhi t hrysler , \ ilomestead 333 , for the sonthwe.-t 4 t-cction 11 own 4 north , range 2 * . west , Cth P. M. She mines the I'ulIoH-inir witnesses to prove ht-r jontinuous roM'dfiice upon , and cnitivation , - f , said land , viJoseph Stephen , Stephen iSolles , James A. Pinkerton and Alex. W. ampbell , all of Box Elder. Neb. It G.L. LAWS. Register. COMPLAINT NOTICES. . S. LAND OFFICE AT McCook. Neb. . August 21st. 1SSG. Complaint having been entered at this Ollice ly J. W : Adams against Lewis M Harvey , for .bandoninglns Homestead Entry No. S US , da- ed at .VcCook. Neb. , February lit. DSt ? , upon he west southeast l * . section 7. town. 2 [ lorth , range ' > < ) west , in Kcd Willow county , > Job. , with'a view to the cancellation of said 'iilry , contestant alleging that Lewis M _ . Har- ey has wholly f.nled to establish residence hereon within six months from date of entry nd has wholly abandoned said tract , that aid tract is not settled upon and cultivated iy said party as required by law , the said par ies arc hereby summoned to appear at this Mice oil the 21st ilny of October , li-a ; , at 10 S ( I'clockA. M. . to respond and furnish tcsti- aony concerning said alleged abandonment , w 0. L. LAWS , Hcfflstor. IV "TfMflf ' I il THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR * CD r - - JOXAS EXCIEL MAXAGKR. - - - , h WHO WILL OCCUPY THE FRANKLIN BRiCK , ON THE S. W. COR. OF MAIN AND DENNISON STS. , pyicCOOK , I > I BUS1XESS DIRECTORY. W. S. MORI.AX. .1. E. COCIIKAX. MOHLAX & COCHKAN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW - : - - : - , McCOOK XEUfiASKA. rnos. coLFEit. j. A.COKDKAL. GOLFER & CORDKAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , AN1 > NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. 51oney loaned on real estate and final proof. Thos. Coller agent Lincoln Land Co. OHice , over First National Bank , McCook. SXAVELY & STAKK , ATTORNEYS AT LAAV , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and fnited States Courts. Also , before the Land Oilico at McCook and the department at Washington. DU H W. COLE. LEON F. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful utten- ion given to contests and land business before hel" . S. Land Offices at McCook. Oiierlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wnsh- ngton. Commercial and corporation hiw a specialty. 5Ioney to loan. Kooms 4 and 5 , t'irst National Bank Building. 1. r. WILLIAMS. U L. HULBURD. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS. HULBURD & LUCAS , i LAWYERS , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. I. W. AGEE. JOHN" WILEV. AGEE & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the State and United State ronrtg , and before tinL . S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Office pp. Commercial Hotel. 5Iain St. , 5IcCook. W. DAVIS. j J ) . TURNER. DAVIS & TURNER , AND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK N'ECKASKA. ashington , D. C. Contests entrusted to our are will receive personal attention before he Interior Department. For this purpose hall visit Washington twiceannuiillv. If vou -ant to amend or change your entrv von "will o well to call and see us. COCHRAX & HELM , Vttorneys-at-Law ? ? Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. I'rompt and careful attention given to Law Cases In 11 ihe Courts ot the State and all classes of U. S. and Business transacted before the local office at IcCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department at ra hinston , i > . ( j. Contests a specialty. Will pro = i- uute claims for Tensions and claims for Increase of ension * . Notarial bu.Iuess done tied lands bought id sold on reifoualile tenni. j5y Office. 3d door uth of the U. S. Land Ofticc. 3.29 G. W. 3HXKLER , 3OUNTY SURVEYOR Leave orders at bis house northwest of chool House , 5IcCook. All kinds of SURVEV- VG , GKADING and CIVIL EMIINKEUING. Will ork anywhere , especially in west half of Ked rillow county. Jis. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , .McCOOK. NEBRASKA. JS Oflice : Koom No. 1. 5IcCook Banking Companj-'s Building. Kesidence , 1st door east of Ueccivfr Babcock's residence. Dn. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. IOFTICE AT n. & M. PHAK.MACV , ] ! McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STGT55IUAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AXD AURIST. 51cCOOK . NEBRASKA mr < MIicc in rate's Brick , 51ain St. ] J. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK . NEBRASKA. ice at Chenery 5 : A nderson's drug store. L. J. Sl'l' . D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Cpiriii.f.EitScs C-irei trc = i3 1cc : : . OUice llrst door estst of THE Tninc.vE office Ollice hours , from 'J to 11 A. 51. , and 2 to 4 P 51. . mountain time. 5IcCOOK. NEB. II. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over First National Bank. > -r.nn = KEO. W. IJEIK. R. M. TAYLOR. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , . T. S. LAND ATTORNEYS. m rcliiuiuishments for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Ollice. one block north of Post Ollice , McCook , Neb. 43-Ctn H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , .McCOOK. NEBRASKA. * Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Ofiice opposite Commercial Hotel W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanjrlnsetc with neatness ami dispatch. 110BERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA TRIBUNE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE , BKST EQUIPPED IN THE VALLEY.