The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday. August 26th , 1886.
'Indicates that your subscription to this
paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial
invitation is extended to call and renew
the same. Subscription. $2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Call at THE TRIBUNE office for
cheap stationery , pen holders , pens.
"Commercial Hotel Baths.
That nice paper goes like hot cake's.
j Go toV. . W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
PHot and cnld baths at the Com
mercial Hotel.
* 3rl,000.000.00 to loan on farms.
Agee & Wiley.
Money to loan on improved farms.
Agee & Wiley.
Money loaned t < persons to make final
proof. Agee & Wiley.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
Sewing machines sold at cost at the
Metropolitan Drug Store.
Money to loan , 3 or 5 years time.
J. D. Turner , 31cCook , Neb.
Some needed work was performed on
Macfarland street , this week.
ir"Baths. both hot and cold , at
Johnston's Commercial Hotel.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. D. Palmer's.
Money to loan on final proof or deed
ed land. J. D. Turner , McCook.
C. D. Palmer , opposite McEntee , is
the best place to buy your hardware" .
53 ? The Commercial Hotel baths ,
hot and cold , finest in Western Nebraka.
If yon want the best gasoline stove ,
go to C. D. Palmer'sopposite McEntee.
Money to loan on annual or semi
annual interest. J.D. Turner , MeCook.
The hungry man's paradise is at ;
Barney Holer's restaurant , next door ;
to P. 0.
If you want a nice buggy at reasona
ble figures please call on G. B. Nettle-
ton , agent.
The City Bakery's bread is known all
along the B. & 31. west of here for its
. Fine candies , fruit , cigars and to
bacco at Barney Hofer's restaurant ,
next door to P. 0. :
Pianos and organs rented at the Met )
ropolitan Drug Store until the rent pays
for the instrument.
Photos , card size , $1 per dozen , cab
inet size , $2 per dozen , at 3Iarble's '
gallery on Main Avenue.
* . Pocket state maps at this oftice.
These maps are just from the press and
are accurate and complete to date.
Gr. W. Bede & Co. have some special
bargains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
All who hunger and thirst for a good
square meal should go to Barney Hof L
er's restaurant , next door to postoffice.
G. B. Nettleton is agent for a horse
power feed grinder , with attachment
V for shelling corn or an } * other kind of
rotary work.
Take all work to JMcCracken , the
Jeweler. He turns out good work only
and guarantees what he does. East
side of Main Avenue.
We have just received a nice line of
calling cards o ? the latest styles. Also
have in stock an assortment of fraterni
ty cards. Call and see them.
Two 'car-loads of Sutton flour just
received by Belnap & Harvey. Em ;
bracing the following popular brands : c
Eclipse , Western Base and 3Iagnolia.
The City Bakery has just received a
large and fine assortment of fresh can .1
dies. If you want something tooth
some in the candy line , the City Bakery
is the place to get it. }
Probst Bros. ' are selling more of their
excellent bread than ever , and shipping
immense quantities west daily. Their
well earned reputation has secured for ai ,
them a custom that keeps them as busy
as b.ees to filL ,
Parties wanting a piano , or are think H
ing of purchasing one sometime , be sure u
and call on F. L. McCracken for prices O- >
first. I have a sample of one of the Ohi
best make. Will sell any make at low tl
est prices and on terms to suit. Don't tlw
forget this.
Gr. B. Nettleton has just received
another car load of those celebrated P ;
"Challenge Windmills. " By the way , tl
out of over 100 he has now running , in
only o have ever made any trouble , which 31
trouble was caused by quick sand in the tc
well or lack of water. tl
Parties owing me on account will Ie
please call and settle the same at IeP '
once , and avoid further trouble and tl
expense. & EFRY > tlk
Three good show cases cheap. Call tisc
at this office for particulars. sc
Progressive ten-pin parties arc the
latest kinks out.
1 - [ ! [ J -
Call at this office and get a premium
list of the county fair.
We are requested to announce that
there will not be any services at the M.
E. church , next Sunday.
Next Saturday a week the 'great
unwashed" will do the great convention
act at Menard's Hall in this city.
The camp meeting at Hartley , the
'Varsity townis , attracting large crowd * .
Last Sunday especially was a big day.
The lied "Willow county "unwashed"
will assemble in county convention at
Menard's Hall , Saturday , September 4.
A residence for Mrs. Northrup was
commenced on North Madison avenue ,
this week. Shepherd is doing the work.
Part of Tndianola's delegation , last
Friday , to the ball game , required unus-
nal breadth of sidewalks , about train
We are tempted to venture the re
mark that it is hot , even at the risk of
cracking a time honored and ancient
The ice wagon is a familiar sight a
the depot. McCook is furnishing the
cooling crystallization to various points
in the valley , east and west.
The flouring mill project , we are dis
appointed to report , seems tobavefaller
through for the present atjeast. Tt
must come finally and soon.
Parties having a residence property
to rent should communicate at once will
Prof. W.J3. Webster , who is desirous
of renting a suitable residence.
The property on Main Avenue , south
of the McNeely brick , now occupied by
Messrs. McCamuion and McCracken ,
lias been purchased by C. T. Brewer.
We were shown plans of Dr. Kay's
proposed new residence , the other day.
f built according to plans and specifi-
tions it will be the finest in the city ,
beyond a doubt.
We learn that , the first of this"week ,
Fom Scott received $50 from the gen-
ral post-office department , that being
he amount of over-pay due him from
he department.
Concluding from some recent esti
mates given by the Gazette outfit on
job work , its proprietors know'as much
ibout the business as the average Hot-
ientot of the immaculate conception.
We are not in the habit of asking the
ndulgence of our readers , but hope the
acknqss of this issue may be satisfac-
orily explained by the absence and in-
lisposition of the editor and the lack
f help.
The officers of the Agricultural Socie-
y have determined that no gambling
shall occur on the fair grounds , this
'all. We hope this commendable action
vill be supplemented by a similar dcter-
nination on the part of the city author-
Kcv. Joel S. Kelsey will speak next
sabbath morning upon "The Nature of
Jospel Freedom , " and in the evening
ipon "Fatal Politeness. " The address
o the merchants of the city , announced
'or that evening , will be postponed for
few weeks.
This office acknowledges the present
if an iminenso. luscious water melon at
he hands of John F. Helm of Red Wil-
ow , one of the thriftiest , most success-
ul , whole-souled farmers and stockmen
n Red Willow county , it is not amiss to
idd in this connection.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
lold a sociable at tlie church , next
Monday evening. In addition to re
reshmeuts , there will be a program of
ixercises. embracing music , recitations ,
stc. , which will add to the pleasure of
he occasion. . Everybody is invited.
Work on the foundations for the Citi
ens bank building and that of-the Frees
Hocknell Lumber Co. is progressing ,
tnd will soon be ready for the brick
ayers. The McNeely brick is rapidly
icaring completion , and an architectur-
beauty is it.
A neat and commodious residence for
. D. Palmer , our west end hardware
nanis , in course of erection on the hill ,
ust north of R. R. Woods' handsome
iroperty. Mr. Palmer has selected an
ligible site for his home , which will be
mong the comfortable ones of the city.
The bite of a venomous "rattler"
aused the death of one of A. A. Phil-
ippi's horses , the first of the week. A
lorse belonging to E. Green of the South
5de was also bitten by a rattlesnake-
mt through the prompt application of
he proper remediesj the animal's life
ras saved. v
One of our preachers announces a
ermon on the following momentous
iroblem : "How to Ask a Miss ? " All
he old bald-headed bachelors in this
aunicipality should make it a point to
on hand. * The dominie may be able"
vouchsafe a few leading pointers to
heir advantage.
The store room now occupied by W.
V. Palme.r , on Main Avenue , has been
cased by F. -McCracken , who will
irobably move into the same , the first of
he month. This will afford Mac com-
nodious and elegant quarters , wherein
display his handsome stock , which
rill be largely augmented by the addi-
ion of a line of pianos and organs and
ewing machines.
Call at THE TfH8UHE otSce for
cheap stationery , pen holders , pans.
: \
The fall term of our public school
opens on Monday , September Gtb and
I in this connection we desire to impress
upon the minds of the parents the ad--
visability and necessity of seeing to it !
that tho children are ready to com- ,
mence , prepared for thorough and effect
ive work , with the first day of the scs- (
sion. Prompt attendance is absolutely [
necessary to enable the teachers to clas- !
sify and prepare for the work of the I'
term.Tt is none the less important to j
the scholars that theenter upon their '
studies at as nonrly the same time as j
possible , tn addition to the regular
course , instructions will be given in the
theory ami art of teaching , provided a
sufficient number present desire it. This '
will be especially adapted to those who j
anticipate teaching in the future. !
The Indianola base ball club gave our
home talent a few pointers in the use
of the sphere and willow , last Friday
afternoon , in the stylo of 15 to 14. The
visiting team's catcher , who played with
out a "maskreceived two terrible
wounds during the continuance of the
game. The first one in the right optic ,
closing that organ and draping the same
in deep and sombre mourning , With
more commendable nerve and grit than
sense , he continued to preside behind
the bat , and shortly thereafter he receiv
ed a stinging blow on his interfering
organ of smell , splitting and breaking
that member in a painful manner. Not
withstanding he continued the game
through at his station , with the success
above named. " '
This city is infested with"a tough
gypsy-outfit , and about every portable
article is disappearing. Tt is to be
hoped that our people will show their
good taste and judgment by not sup
porting such a miserable gang of loafers
and disreputables. Of course the "for
tune teller" is with them , and solemnly
informs the giddy girl who repairs to
her , the color of the "best teller's" hair ,
eyes , etc. , besides much other fascinat
ing information. If the girls must be in
possession of this delightful knowledge ,
our handsome devil will vouchsafe it
Too SLOW. Fireman Harry Wood
captured a young coyote , on the road
west of hero , a few days since , in this
wise : .The coyote was testing its run-
"ng powers , on the track in front of
the engine , when Harry quietly made
his way to the point of the pilot , seized
Mr. Coyote by its tail , which was flying
merrily in the breezes , combed the pilot ! *
with its diminutive'carcass , lest it might
bite ' , and the ambitious little quadruped
was no more.
Probably no individual in commuuity
is a more manifest nuisance than the
dead-beat. The thief steals your sub >
stance , and make away with it , without
mincing matters. The dead-beat simply
smiles , in a manner at once child-like
and bland ) takes your goods , promising
to call around soon ; but weeks expand
into months , months into years , yet he ;
never materializes. He. makes away ir
with your property , however. The thief
does no more.
Young Man Friday ( f the religious
sheet on Main Avenue prates about C
honesty with all the child-like simplicity PI
of one who really knows something about PI.Ti
it. practically or theoretically. But that .Ti
promised article on city finances , ( and .TiC
other local matters , as well , ) does not g ; !
appear , although some interested par
ties would doubtless herald him as
"another Daniel , " if he could only be OlSi
Si !
induced to "come to judgment. " Siat
The slibw , Monday , was fairly pat
ronized , especially in the evening , when
the tent was filled. The performance
is said to have been good , some features
being highly spoken of. The usual hard
crowd , however , attended the outfit , and Ii
they plied their nefarious games , "skin te
ning" ' the unsophisticated and super- ai
cute in the most approved manner ,
without official interference whatever.
As the question is being put to the
management of the fair association , re
peatedly , whether or not gambling will O
be permitted on the grounds during the
coming fall meeting of the society , THE
TRIBUNE desires to state in the'behalf ol
of the management , WITH ALL POSSI- „
BLE EMPHASIS , that no unlawful ganfes
will be permitted on the grounds under
any circumstances.
West Dennison street , last evening , 'ca
was the scene of a lively "little scrim ac
mage , in which two of our young.limbs he
of the law , a merchant and. his better
half , and a "peace-maker" were mingled. eil
A few brokon window lights were the ai :
extent of the damage , save ruffled tem enm
pers and a momentarily , increased cir m
culation. No cards. la
The editorial ( ? ) association passed nt
, hrough the city. Wednesday morning. ye
There were eleven bona fide journalists an
out of a possible 64. Dandy dudes , tic
corpulent aunties , bloated bond-holders , is-
merchant princes , tonsorial artists , etc. ,
comprehended the major portion. Bulk. fo
With the brick Fi
business houses on
Main Avenue , and the frame residences to
going up all over the city , a scene of pa
activity is everywhere observable that
s encouraging in the extreme. Surely
the mantle of Eli is fallen upon us. vriM
This morning , TL C. Fisher opened nj
ip his business in the Scott building. er
3e is carrying a nice line of cigars and be
tobaccos. Also , some gent's furnishing ai :
joods. We wish him success. CO
this head wo would bo pleased to
bare our friends throughout tho city acquaint
us of the arrival nnd departure of thcl visitors.
Squlro Fisher and family came down from
the ranch , last Saturday.
W. E. Babcofk of Cambridge was a visitor
in the city , Wednesday.
-Bcrnheimer mude ? i business trip to
Arapahoe , yesterday morning.
Mrs. Magncr returned to Yumayesterday ,
after a short visit to friends in tins city.
.Ralph McCracken of the News , Hayes Cen
tre , visited in the city , the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Jennings made Culbert-
son'a Hying visit on Friday afternoon last.
W. C. Bullard of Culbertsou came down to
the metropolis , yesterday evening , on a flying
trip. |
Mrs. S. II. Colvin returned home , Tuesday ,
from an extended visit to friends at Platts-
Supt.Campbell went down to Lincoln ,
yesterday evening , on important railroad
Hev. Chessington returned to his claim near
Akron , yesterday noon , after a short visit in
this locality.
Mr. and Mrs. I' . T. Francis and Mrs. Fran
cis' sister , are in the city , guests at the Com
mercial Hotel.
Miss Xellie Stockton has heen visiting her
friend , Miss Jamison , on the latter's claim
near Bondville.
Fred. Alley of Arapahoe and Clark Wart
of Indianola were the city's business guests
yesterday afternoon.
Editor Marshall of tho Lincoln Capita
spent a few days , the first of the week , in the
city , with friends.
W. O. Moody of Stratton "still lives , " and
made the chief city a visit , Monday eveniug
on business matters.
Mose Erman left for the east , yesterdaj
morning. Matrimony is the object , we un
derstand , of the visit.
Mr. and Mis. Thos. Colfer arrived home
Huesday evening , from a short visit to points
interest in Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCracken left , this
morning , for Frontier county , on a short visit
to relatives in that section.
T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo was
numbered among our visitors , Thursday anc
Saturday of the past week.
Captain K. O. Phillips , of the Lincoln Land
2o. , was rustling around in his line of busi-
icss hereabouts , yesterday.
M. L. Libbie is having things all his own
ivay , his wife being on a visit to her sons al
McCook. Falls City Journal.
Miss Gertie Laws went down to Orleans ,
Friday evening , on a short visit to friends ,
returning home , Wednesday noon.
Mr. and Mrs.E. P. llazen returned to their
iome' at Edison , yesterday evening , after a
ihortjVisitto relatives in this place.
'Mrs. M. A. Spalding returned , Friday noon
ast , from a visit of a number of weeks at her
arent's home in Riverton , this state.
Harry Moore , who has been working in
kfcCook for the past two weeks , returned
iome Wednesday. Arapahoe Pioneer.
Frank Phillips of Harvard and Reeves
* hillips of Fairmont , this state , were visiting
n tiie city , the latter pait of last week
W. H.Davis of the dispatcher's office went
ip to Denver , Sunday noon , on a short visit
o friends. He returned Tuesdav morning.
C. P. Rinker spent part of hist week at Red
Jloud , where his wife is seriously ill , with no
iresent or prospective hopes of improvement.
Deputy Treasurer Ballew , Sheriff Welborn ,
udge Baxter , George Short anil many other
ounty-seat people came up to see the ball
ame , Friday.
U. S. District Attorney G. M. Lambertson
if Omaha was in the city again , yesterday.
ome land matters seem to be engaging the
ttorney's attention.
Harry Clark left for Omaha , yesterday
uorning , to take a position in the Western
Jnion telegraph office , he having resigned his
losition with the B. & M. in our city.
Harry-Tyler of the County Clerk's ofiiceat
ndianola , was a visitor at these headqunr-
ers , Tuesday afternoon. He was making
rrangements for a month's vacation in the
J. A. Cordeal , a rising young member of
lie McCook bar and of the firm of Colfer &
lordeal , passed Sunday in Orleans and went
way with a smile on his. Xo cards ( ? )
Irleaus Press.
Charlie Fox of the Chicago post-office , an
id-time friend of Will Lawson , arrived in
lie city , last Thursday night , eii route for
ranitou , Colo. , whither he continued his
jurney , Friday noon.
Will N. King , the Omaha Herald's rustling
alicitor , made these headquarters a pleasant
all.Tuesday , entertaining us with a lengthy
ccount of the editorial excursion , in which
had a prominent part.
, Saturday afternoon , from a trip to Denver
nd the "Guunison Country. " The item of
njoymeiit. pleasure , goes with the mere
icution of the fact of the journey in that
usd of the tourist.
Col. R. M. Suavely "of Indianola , our nonii-
ee for County Attorney , was in the city ,
esterday , taking note of political straws
nd the wind. The Colonel will do the posi-
on and an honorable and important one it
justice and credit.
Will S. Kimmell , an attache of this office
jr a number of mouths past , left on last
'riday evening , for Nebraska City , this state ,
take a position on the engineer corps of
ie B. & M. , at that place , where the corn-
any is now bridging the Muddy.
W. J. McGilliu of the Harlem Cattle Co. ,
5th headquarters at Stratton , was in the city ,
londay , on company business. The compa-
he manages is investing largely iu im-
rovements in their Hitchcock county prop-
rty. They are making a specialty of fine
orses and cattle at the above-named much
nd are making extensive pro visions fortheir
auifort and protection.
i j E , M , BRiGKEY & GO , , THE CLOTHIERS ,
Justin Wilcox , his wife and Mabel arrived
on the evening train Wednesday from Wash
ington , where the latter two went from this
place about a month ago to visit until Mr.
Wilcox should come from McCook , Xeb. , to
join them. They expect now to start home
| some time next week. Mr. Wilcox reports
j 1 McCook booming and all the Gilmnn people
out there doing well. Gilman Star.
Col. T. E. McCracken arrived in the city ,
Saturday noon , from Washington , D. C. ,
where he has been holding a position in the
post-office department for some time. The
Colonel's removal is another instance of the
multitude of violations of a rotten civil ser
vice law , a law impractical and foolish , a law
more honored in the breach than in the obser
vance by an alleged "reform" president.
Frank Harris and party returned , Sunday
morning , from their trip to Denver and the
mountains. Besides spending some time iu
the "Queen City of the Plains , " they visited
at Manitou , that beautiful and popular sum
mer resort at the base of Pike's Peak , also
Veta Pass , Wagon Wheel Gap , the San Luis
Valley , and other points of beauty and inter
est. They had a delightful time in the enjoy
ment of the exhilarating atmosphere and in
spiring'scenery of the Rockies.
24 , 1SSG , Father Cullen officiating , Mr. John
McDermott and Miss Anna Fine.
CAREY BEXX Monday. August 23 , ISSrt ,
in this city , Mr. Michael Carey and Miss
Maggie Benn , both of this city , Father
Cullen officiating.
Now is the time to make up your
mind to do something for your home
fair. Every fanner and citizeh should
not only resolve , but do something for
his local fair. The county fair is sup
posed to represent the products and re
sources , as well as the intelligence and
enterprise of our county. This being
the fact , it * is incumbent upon every
- ?
citizen to do everything possible to en
courage the institution. The getting
up of fairs is at best a thankless' busi-
ness. Fair managers , as : i rule.receive
little credit for their laudable efforts ,
while on the other hand they are sure
to be the recipients of much abuse.
Some people go to their home fair and
make themselves particularly disagree
able to the few public-spirited citizens
who have made the fair by their contri
butions and exhibits , by rudely criticis
ing everybody and every thing , and loud
ly averring that they could beat this or
that exhibit at home. Nothing is more
disgusting to unprejudiced visitors and
investment-seeking strangers than this
style of declaiming and grumbling from
those who should be identifiedith the
institution. The county fair should rep
resent the resources , intelligence and
enterprise of our county. Products of
the farm , orchard , field , shop , the home ,
in fact every industry , business , profes
sion and institution of the county should
) e represented by its best products and
Dfferings. Amusements and daily at
tractions will be provided , so that all
jeople may come together and have a
Peasant , profitable social time , becom-
ng acquainted with each other , com-
mring notes with your neighbor , Icarn-
ng how this and that juccess was made
n your line of business , with that of
some other. ISvery one can well afford
two or three days recreation at a repre
sentative fair , and at the same time
> rofit himself by observation , etc. Ev-
sry farmer , merchant and manufac- j
turer has something that he or his home
jan exhibit that will be of interest to
mndreds of others , as well as credita-
> le to himself. Think what a showing
this county of Red Willow would make
f only one in ten did something in this
tvay. Indicate to the managers of the
'air association that you propose to be
dentified with the fairthis , year. Don't !
et any prejudice or personal matter
vhatsoever stand in your way. Let
no effort fail to be made to make this I
coining fair pre-eminently successful , :
is "every indication now is that it will be. :
Quite a company of our citizens , male
and female were they , responded in per
son at the Opera Hall. Tuesday evening ,
to the call for a meeting to organize a
public library association. Ilegister G.
L. Laws was called to preside over the
deliberations of the meeting , F. 31. Kim
mell being selected to take notes thereof.
The affair was opened by vocal music
by the male quartette. Thos. Colfer ,
Esq. , then , in one of his characteristic
speeches , read the following resolutions ,
which were adopted :
WE , the citizens of McCook , Xeb. , assem
bled ih accordance with a public call , duly
published , believing that it is our duty ,
First , To the state to provide means for the
formation of an intelligent and healthy pub
lic sentiment as a basis for the enactment of
wise legislation and the enforcement thereof ;
Second , To society to dissipate the shadows
of illiteracy by employing every means to
advance general educational inteiests ; ii
Third , And , more particularly , to our own
. ity , situated as it is , in the Republican Val
ley famed for its fertility and beauty , enjoy
ing advantages which are prophetic of its
future rank among the best cities of the state :
( a. ) To secure for it the reign of good'lit.-
eratun ; as an offset to what is bail and vicious
. and acknowledged to be a frequent cause of
crime ,
( b ) To provide good reading and plenty of
it , as productive of beneficial and lasting in
fluence upon the younger element of our
citizenship in the formation of correct intel
lectual habits and the acquisition of knowl
edge as well as morals ,
( c ) To furnish all classes with the use of
instructive books , that correct tastes and de
sires may be gratified and when they do not
exist may be created , for a proper order of
literature , thus opening to the homes of the
city a fountain of lightand knowledge ,
( d ) To exercise such measures as shall tend
to keep the public mind abreast of our civil
and political power , thereby making the city
attractive , desirable and secure in its intel
lectual privileges , as a place of residence and
business asivell and also giving it character
And further believing that all good citizens
will unite and cooperate to this end , in view
ot the existing need , without distinction and
without faltering ,
That .stejK be immediately taken toward the
formation and oiganization of an A ociation
to be known as the PublicLibrary A ociu-
tion of McCook , Xeb. , with the duties and
powers usually belonging thereto , and that
such Association be incorporated under the
laws of the tate.
On motion , the following committee
on permanent organization was appoint
ed by the chair : Dr. B. B. Davis , K.
E. Lowman , J. H. Meserve , Thos. Col
fer , Esq. , and Prof. AV. \Vebster. .
Said committee to report at a meeting
to be held at the school house , next
Tuesday evening. liemarks weiemade
along the Ifne of the desirability and
advantages of the project by Hev. Kel
sey and Messrs. Cochran , Helm , Star-
buck. Scott , LeHeWj Fredericks , Laws ,
AndersoiijColfer , Meserve and Jennings.
After music by the quartette , the meet
ing was adjourned until Tuesday even
ing. August 31st.
Elsewhere we give the full and official
nroceedings of the county convention.
At the head of our editorial columns will
be found the ticket placed in nomination.
I ) . Guernsey , the Frenchman stockman ,
is in town on businos , to-day. He has pur
chased much privileges in Southern 1'tah ,
where he fondly hopes that cattle will live
with but comparatively small , if any lo . in
the winter time.
Miss AnnaMcXamara receive * ) the position
offered Miss Sweet of Gilman , 111. , the latter
having already accepted a position in the
Gilman schools before her election to the
place in our city school- .
Register Laws and wife entertained a num
ber of old time friends Wednesday and
Thursday of this week.
Representative Hocknell is able to be at
his office agaiu.
From my much in Frontier county , Xeb. .
9 miles west of Laird , last October , 5 head
of cattle 2 cows with calves , and the other
unknown. All branded on the left .side.
Information leading to their recovery will be
liberally rewarded. Addre \
12-3t. i Jonx STOXK , I xird , X * > b. .