The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1886, Image 4
F. K. AtfD E. M. KIMMELL Editors and Publishers. State Republican Convent/on. The republican electors of the state of Ne braska are invited to send delegates from tbi rievcral counties to meet in convention a Lincoln , Wednesday , September 29,1888 , at' ' P. M..fortbepurpOfioof placing in nommatloi candidates for tho following state offices : Governor. Lieu tenant-Governor. Secretary of State. State Treasurer. Auditor of Public Accounts. Commis'ion'r of Public Lands and Buildings Superintendent of Public Instruction. AttorneyGeneral. . And for the transaction of such other bus ! ness as may properly be presented to thi convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentatlon as follows being based upon tbi Tote cast for Leavitt Burnham , in 18S5 , for Re gent of the University , with one delegate fron each county for every one hundred and flfti votes and the major fraction thereof , and om delegate at large from each county : g3utei. Delegate : . CcastSca. Adams 17 Jefferson ! Antelope 1 Johnson 1 Blalne 1 Kearney lloone 7 Keith ; Brown 7 Keya Palm Buffalo 11 Kno.v i Butler 9 Lancaster 2 Hurt : 9 Lincoln Cass 14 Logan Cedar 4 Loup : Ohape 1 Madison ' Cheyenne 4 Merrick I Cherry : i Xnnce 1 Clay 9 Ncinnha 1 Colfax. : v . 7 NuckollB ( Cuming 8 otoo i : Ouster ' . " r.iwneo. . . . ! * Dakota . r. 1'icrco I Dawes j. , Philips . . . . ! Dawson 0 Piattc- ' DIxson 5 Polk i Dodge- . 10 Richardson 1 Douglas 27 Red Willow i Dundy 2 Saline li Fillmore 10 Sarpy I Franklin G Saunders. * II Frontier 4 Seward H Furnas ' , Sioux : Gage 19 Sheridan : Gosper 4 Sherman i Garfield 2 Stanton Greelcy 3 Thayer. : Hall 8 Valley i Howard G Washington II Hayes ; . . 2 Wayne i Hamilton 10 Webster ! Harlan 6 Wheeler : Hitchcock 4 York li Holt 11 TOTAL. 50 : It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention except such as are hel < by persons residing in the counties from whicl proxies are given. C. E. YOST , D. H. MEIICEK , Secretary. Chairman. Omaha. Neb. , June 29,1S80. Congressional Republican Convention Tho republican electors of the Second Con gressional District of the State of Ncbraski are invited to send delegates from their sev eral counties to meet in convention at Hast ings , Wednesday , September 22d , 1886 , at 7 : P. M. , for the purpose of nom mating one can didatc for congress , and the transaction ol such other business as may properly be pro scnted to the convention. The several couu ties are entitled to representatives as follows being based upon tbo vote cast for Leavit Burnbam in 1885 , except as to Chase county for regent of the university , with one dolcgati from each county for every one hundred am fifty votes and the major fraction thereof'ant one delegate at large from each county : Counties. Delegates. Counties. Delegates Adams 12 Hitchcock Butler J Jefferson Clay 9 Kearney , Chase 2 Nuckolls ( Dundy 2 Phelps ! Fillmore 10 Polk ( Franklin 6 Red Willow ( Frontier 4 Saline 1 ; Furnas .l 7 Seward 1 ( Gopper. 4 Thayer I Hamilton 10 Webster ! Harlan G York V. Hayes 2 It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from whicl proxies aro given. H. BOSTWICK , W. L. STAUK , Secretary. Chairman Hastings , Neb. , August 18,18SG. Republican Senatorial Convention. The republican electors of the 30th senator' ial district of thestate of Nebraska are invited to send delegates from the several counties tc meet in convention at McCook , Thursday September 9th , 1S8C , at 1 o'clock , P. M. , at the opera house , for tho purpose of placing it nomination one candidate for state senator. The several counties are entitled to repre eentationas follows : Ccsatlcs. Belosatss. Red Willow. G Furnas Gosper 4 Frontier -I Hitchcock 4 Hayes 1 Dundy 2 Chase \ It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to tho convention except such as are held by persons residing In the counties from which proxies are given. W. S. MOHLAX , W. Z. TAYLOR , Secretary. Chairman. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Jiepresentative , 5oth District , S. L. GREEN , of McCook. For County Attornev , R. M. SNAVELY , of Indianola. For Commissioner , 2 < 1 District , STEPHEN BOLLES , of Box Elder. Bi the by , is it not a little unusual for a republican to announce his candi dacy in a bourbon sheet , subject to the decision of the republican convention ? THE boys all over the state seem to be giving the field for Secretary of State over entirely to Gr. L. Laws. Or does modesty prevent the mention of other candidates. THE TRIBUNE was pleased to form the acquaintance of Dr. Knapp of York , the first of the week. The doctor ia York county's favorite son for the im portant office of governor , a position the gentleman is eminently qualified to fill. .ONE of Furnas county's senatorial candidates , Captain J. M. Lee , was tak ing political pointers in this city , Mon day. The Captain continues in the faith that the battle will be bis , while Sena tor Dolan retains a firm hold on matters , iind feels confident of the result In the meantime Bro. Lindsay feels very comfortable over his chances as the coming "dark horse. " Soon the merry war will be over , and the result known. REPUBLIC AH COUNTY COHVEHTIOM. The republican county convention assem bled in the court house at Indianola , Saturday afternoon , August 21 , 18SO , and transacted tho following business as set down in the call issued by the central committee : The convention was called to order at the appointed hour by F. M. Kimmell , secretary central committee. TJie convention then culled Isaac Vaudervoort to the temporary chairmanship , and F. M. Kiiiiinell to be tem porary secretary. On motion , the following committee on credentials was appointed by the chair : I. J. Starbuck , G. S. Bishop , W. 11. Benjamin , W. S. Fitch and J. C. Moore. The committee immediately retired , nnd in due time made the following report to thi convention : 15EPORT OF COMMITTEE OX CREDENTIALS. We , the undersigned , your committee on credentials , would respectfully report thai the several precincts are entitled to represen tation in this convention a.s follows : BEA.VEU A. P. Bodwell , S. R. Messner , .1. F. Springer , PLLAllington , B. F. Stockton. BOXDVILLC S. Billings. It is recom mended that tho delegates present cast the vote of the precinct. DAXBUUY W.W. Djmhaui.T. D. Pollock. DRIFTWOOD G. II. Starbuck , R. S. Uile- ninn , Geo. J. Fredericks , W. S. Fitch. EAST YALLEY Robert E. George , dial- iner Smith , Ora Clark. GERVER .1. D. Gerver , N. ,7. Johnson , George Huggins. GRANT James Hill , W. II. Benjamin. IXDIANOLA W. B. Spain , G. S. Bishop , C. D. Cramer , tl. II. Grubb , O. II. Smith , T. B. Cnimbatifjli , S. J. Stockton , Isaac Vander- voort , Frank Fritsch , .1. \\r. Wolf , William McCool , R. II. Thomas. LEBANON Not represented. RED WILLOW W. T. Hamilton , S. T. Bolles , X. .1. Chrysler , I. W. Spaulding , A. W. Campbell. TYRONE J. C. Jloorc. T. E : Brown , J. R. Tupper. VALLEY GRANGE F. Benjamin , II. U. Pickens , Richard Johnson. WILLOW GROVE I. J. Starbuck , W. W. Palmer , by C. T. Brewer , proxy , C. II. Boyle , C. A. Frederick , A. J. Pate , S. Strasser , II. Trim-bridge. II. W. Cole , L. X. Howe , Z. L. Kay , L. L. Hulburd , WM. . Anderson , by C. T. Brewer , proxy , A. II. Davis , F. D. Hess. I. J. STARBUCK ; " G. S. BISHOP , W. ir. BENJAMIN , Com. W. S. FITCH , J. C. MOORE. The report was adopted and the committee discharged. The convention then went into permanent organization by electing I. J. Star- buck , chairman , and F.M.Kimmcll , secretary. Moved and sustained that the delegates present cast full vote of precinct. Moved and carried that the convention proceed to an informal baHof for Represent ative. S. L. Green was placed in nomination and made the unanimous choice of the con vention. Mr. Green returned his thanks to the convention in a few remarks. R. M. Suavely , Esq. , was then made the unanimous choice of the convention for the office of county attorney. The following persons were placed in nomi- iiatiouior county commissioner for the sec ond district : Chas. T. Brewer , Stephen T. Bolles and J. P. Squire. Moved to proceed to an informal ballot for commissioner. Carried. W. T. Hamilton and T. P. Crumbaugh were appointed tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Brewer IS Squire. . * 13 Bolles 32 Moved to proceed to a formal ballot for commissioner. Carried. , The first formal ballot resulted : FIRST UALT.OT. Brewer. 22 Bolles 32 Squire 10 SECOND BALLOT. Bolles 37 Brewer. 24 Squire 3 Mr. Bolles was declared the nominee. The following delegates to the state , con gressional and senatorial conventions were then chosen : STATE CONVENTION. George Hocknell , F. M. Kimmell , Allen Bartley , C. II. Boyle , B. F. Bradbury , A. J. Johnson. CONG RESSIONAL CONVENTION. C. F. Babcock , J. .J. Lamburn , H. W. Keyes , L. L. HiUburd , I. J. Starbuck , S. R. Messner. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. G. H. Grubb , W.B.Spain , V. Franklin , Ora Clark , S. T. Bolles , C. F. Babcock. The usual resolution to support the nomi nees of the convention was duly adopted. The convention then proceeded to the se lection of a county central committee , chair man and secretary. C. F. Babcock and W. B. Spain were placed in nomination for chairman. Mr. Spain being elected by a vote of 34 to iiS. C. A , Frederick was elected secretary by acclamation. COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Beaver A. P. Bodwell Hamburg" . Bondville W. 0. Bond Bondville. Danbury W. W. Dunham Daubury. Driftwood J. P. Squire McCook. Gerver Geo. Huggins McCook. Grant W. C. Holdridge Banksville. EastTalley..Rob't E. George..Indianola. Indianola G. S. Bishop Indianola. Lebanon A. C. Bartholomew..Lebanon. Missouri Ridge..W. H. Smith..Indianola. Xorth Valley J. B. Robinson Bartley. Red Willow.X. . J. Clirysler. . . .Box Elder. Tyrone J. C. Moore Tyrone. Valley Grange. . . .II. W. Eaton. . . .McCook. Willow Grove C. T. Brewer. . . . McCook. On motion , adjourned. F. M. KIMMELL , Secretary. JUDGE GOBB of Lincoln would not be objectionable to the majority of the people of the state as Van Wyck's suc cessor in the TJ. S. Senate. The judge's sound , clear intellect , and straight-for ward , manly character would make a wholesome change from our present blatant demagogue. THE smile of the average Trentonite can only be measured by degrees , since the late county convention in Hitchcock. While Strattonites are filled with worm wood and gall over their defeat. One of the prime requirements of the'poli tician is to know how to take defeat gracefully ; C/ffCt/Ufi. DEPABTMENT OF THE INTERIOR , ) GENERAL LAND OFFICE , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 26,1880. J REGISTERS AND RECEIVERS , UNITEI STATES LAND OFFICES. G ENTLEMEN : Your attention is call ed to the following act of Congress aw instructions thereunder : AN ACT to protect homestead settlers witliii railway limits and for other purposes. t lie it enacted by the Somite and House o Itepresentatives of the United States of Amer ica In Congress assembled. That all bomcstcai settlers on public lands within the railway limits restricted to less than ono hundred am sixty acres of land , who have heretofore mad or may hereafter make the additional entrj allowed either by tho act approved March 3d 1879 , or tho act approved July 1st , 187 ! ' , afte'i having made final proof of settlement un < cultivation under the original entry , shall bt entitled to have the lands covered by the add ! tional entry patented without any further cosl or proof of settlement and cultivation. Approved May 6,1880. 1. The acts of March H and July 1 , ] 879 , provide that homestead settler ? who make ADDITIONAL or NEW home stead entries under authority thereof , are required to reside upon and cultivate the land embraced in such additional 01 new entries for at least one year. 2. The , present act dispenses with the requirement of residence and cultivation upon and of the tracts embraced in ADDITIONAL entries made under the former acts. Such ADDITIONAL entries can be made only upon tracts "adjoining the land embraced in the original entry. ' 3. The requirement of residence and cultivation is NOT dispensed with in re spect to NEW entries made under the acts of March 3 and July 1 , 1879. 4. In order to entitle a homesteac entryman to an additional entry undei the act of March 3 or Julyl , 1879 , and to a patent for such'additional entiy under this act , his original entry must be a valid , BONA FIDE entry , and the proofs presented in support thereof must be accepted by this Office. a. You will , therefore , in no case issue a final certificate on the additional entry until you have been advised by this Office that final proof on the origi nal entry has been approved and the additional entry allowed. When so ad vised you will issue final certificate on the additional entry without cost to the entryman , and forward the same to this Office. 6. Form 4-197 , with necessary alter ations , maybe used for final certificates under this act. Very respectfully , , 4 WM. A. J. SPARKS , Commissioner Approved July 20 , 1SSO : L. Q. C. LA.MAK , Secretary. Received August 19 , 1886. CUTTING is out of jail and once more upon his native heath. Medina , the Mexican whom he 'had libeled , having waived his right to a civil suit for dam ages , the court held that the proceed ings were thereby ended , and Cutting was given his freedom. An imprison ment of two months having apparently moderated his temper , he accepted the decree , but not without a little show of bravado in asking a copy of the decree "for future use. " This , of course , has reference to a demand for indemnity. Cutting after regaining liberty , went with a number of Americans , including Consul Brigham , to the Casino , where his demonstrations nearly got him into further trouble. Being regarded as an agitator and a dangerous character , he will not be permitted to remain on Msxican soil. Bee. LEANDER , GERHARD of Columbus , since Senator Paul's virtual downfall , seems to be coming up in the scale of importance as a gubernatorial candidate. Mr. Gerrard is one of the best men in the race and the people of Nebraska might do far worse in the selection of their candidate for the chief office in their gift. His clean political record is supplemented by a pure character and a clear head. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send off appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , BED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. 100 FEEDERS FOR SALE. I have at McCook , Neb. , 160 fine feeders , 3 and 4 year old steers , which I will sell in lots and on terms to suit buyers. 13-4t. J. BYRON JENNINGS. Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for $2.50. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. i am offering my residence on Madi son street for sale. J. B. MESERVE. HOUSE TO RENT. " I have a house or unfurnished rooms to rent. 8-tf. C. N. BATCHELOU. FOR SALE- o A good team ot 5 year old mules. Both kind and gentle. Enquire at this jffice. OaJI at THE TRIBUNE offce foi cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. FARM LOANS. Made by the McCook Loan anc Trust Co. on deeded land , or on final re > ccipts , when proof is unquestionable , without sending east for funds. No in terest is payable in advance , but ter per cent , straight. Money paid a ? soon as abstract can be obtained. Office ir First National Bank. R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor. To THE PEOPLE : I have received , complete in every line , my new fall stock , and assure to all who call upon me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc ed. K. A. Colo , three doors west ol Citizens Bank , Dennison street. FOR SALE. B. F. Olcotthastwo second-hand top buggies for sale , or will trade for horses. Also remember that Olcott has the fin est road stallion in the west , and farm ers and stockmen should see him before breeding elsewhere. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. JJAND OFFICE AT AicCooK , NEB. , \ August 25th , 18SG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mako Html proof in support of his claim , and that said proQf will bo made before Reg ister or Keceivor at McCook , Neb. , on Satur day , October llth. 1886 , viz : ATniitT C. NET- TLKTON , H. E. 447 , for the south } J southeast Ji Lots 5 and H of Section ! i7 _ township 3 north , range IW , west Cth P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , suid land , vi/ : Gilbert B. Ncttlcton , Mathew H. Johnson , John Whittaker and Alfred C. Ncttlcton , all of McCook , Nebraska. 13 G. L. LAWS , Register. LANII OFFICE AT McCooK , NEIJ. , i August 23th , 1S8 . J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , October 12th , 1880 , viz : PETKU SCHUETZ , D. S. 308 ! ) , for the northeast II section JiS , township 1 , north of range 2 J , west of the Gth P. M. Ho uames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John ( Jrowley , R. A. ( Ireen , Frank J. Bushong. McCook , Neb , and R. C. Gerver , Cedar Bluffs , Kas. 13t G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i August aist.lUWi. f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , October 1st , 18SO , viz : EDWIN A. WJJHII. D. S. 1209. for the E. i N. W. > * und the E. > J S. W. Ji of section 2ft , township'north of range : ? 0 , west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of. said land , viz : Leonard Hilton , Claire G. .Wickwire. of Tuilton. Neb. . John McCaslin. of McCook , Nub. , Richard M. Wil liams , of Vailton , Neb. 13 * G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEB. , i August 20th , Itifct ) . ) " Notice is hereby ( riven that thu following- named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Reg- isjer or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , October 4th , ISSfi , viz : JOSEPH L. M.VTSON , H. E. 1G27. Jor tho N. E. J * of section 5 , township 1 , north of range 30 , west of the tith P. M. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : William Spnigue. Joseph Armentrout , Morton M. Hix , Benjamin F Headley , of McCook , Neb. 13 * G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEI : . , I August 14th , 18SG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made beforo Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September2o , 18SG , viz : Herman Schumakcr , Homestead Entry IPO , for the northeast ; 4 of section 17 , township 2 north , range8 west Oth P.M. Pie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : Charles Ebert , Henry Voges. Chas. Weintz and Herman Bey , all of Indianola , Nebraska. 12 * G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , I Aug. 9th , 18G. . f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September 18th , 188G , viz : Ira McClunjr. D. S. 14h2 , for the west5 northeast " northwest fi of section 22 , township 1 north , range 28 west , jthlVM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : William Har bour , Henry Stanard , Thomas Plumb and Thomas Rowland all of Daubury , Nob. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McOooK , NEB. , August 3d , 1SSU. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will beraado before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb.on Saturday , September llth. 18SS , viz : John W. MeCaslin. D. S. 2963 , for the southwest J * northeast f4 of section 2o , township 2 , north of range 30 west SP. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul- ; ivation of. said land , viN. . Burtlees , Honry Gale , Ed. Webb and Edward Dulfey. all of McCook , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register. Notice of Sale Under a Chattel Mortgage. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage in favor of the Moline Plow Companv , dated on the 13th day of July , 1886 , and duly filed und recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 15th day of July , 1886 , and executed by [ . Hoover to secure payment of tho sum of Two Thousand Dollars (5-2,000) ( ) , all of which sum is due aud unpaid. Default having been made in the conditions of said mortgage and n tho payment of said sum. and mortgagee feeling unsafe and insecure and no other suit or proceeding ftt law having been instituted ; o recover said debtor any part thereof , therefore we will sell the property therein de scribed , viz : One corn sheller , one desk , one stove , one lot of tools , also the wooden build- ng on lots 7 and 8 , block 28 , City of McCook , also one black mure , also one bay mare , also 'our chairs , at public auction at the store juilding described in said mortgage , to-wit : Che store building formerly occupied by I. ioover as nn implement warehouse , situated on lots 7 and S. block 2S , in City of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of September , 1886 , it 10 o'clock , A. M. , mountain time of said duv. MOI.INE PLOW COMPANV , Mortgagee. 11 by COLK & Moss , their Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICE. Jennie E. Pound , Plaintiff , 1 In the District vs. > Court of Red-Wil- William S. Pound , Deft. ) low county. Neb. To WILLIAM S. POUND , NONRESIDENT DE- 'ENDAXT : You aro hereby notified that on the 20th day ) f July , 1886 , Jennie E. Pound filed a petition igainst you in the District Court of Red Wil- ow county. Nebraska , the object and prayer ) f which arc to obtain a divorce from you on he grounds that 3-011 have willfully abandon-1 d the plaintiff without good cause for the | erm of two years last past. j \'oii arc required to answer said petition on ; > r before Monday , the 27th day of September , ! SS6. JENNIE E. POUND , Tlaintitf. By MOBLAN & CocuiiAN. her attorney < * . FDTAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCOOK , NEB. , I August 17th , 188fi. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intcutiot to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo made beforo the .Turtle of the District Court or in his absence before the Clerk of said Court at Stockville Neb. , on Friday , October 1 , 18SC : Ellas W. Hoi loway. Homestead Entry 4080 , for the north east quarter of section 2l > , township 7 north range ' 8 west. Cth P. M. Ho names the follow Ing witnesses to prove his continuous resl dence upon , and cultivation of said land , viz ; J. A. Pearson , J. B. Mattoon. W. G. Pattersoi i und Wm.Spar. all of Stockville. Nebraska. 12 * G. L. LAWS , Hcgister. LAND OFFICE AT ilcCoou , NEU. , I August 17th. 1SS . Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made beforo Kegis terorlteceiverut McCook , Nub. , on Friday October 1. 16SO. viz : William O. Kussell , D. S , 0075 , for the northeast quarter of section 151 , township - north , range 150 west Cth P. M. Hi names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : C.T. Brewer , .1. A. Brewer. E. C , Gnston and James King , all of McCook , Neb. li ! * G. L. LAWS , UegiSter. LANII OFFICE AT McCOOK , NED. , August 10th. ! ! ; . f Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to maku final proof in support of his claim , anil that srid proof will be made boforo Resis tor or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Monday , September 7th , 18SC. viz : Jacob Williams , D. ? . 84 J. for the cast yt northwest ? 4 and north * J southwest h of section : i4. township 1 north , rangiSU west , Cth P. M. He mimes the follow ing witnohsc * to pro\o hit ; continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Nelson .1. Johnson. .McCook , William A. Gold , Furman Gold , W.S. Webster , Banksvillc , Neb. 12 * G.L.LAWS , Bcgistcr. LAND OFFICE AT McCOOK. NEU. , l August 6th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Keg- ister or llcceiverat McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , September 21. KtSO , viz : Luvi Johnson. D. S. JC7fi , for tho S. W. Ji S. E. X section 21 und S. Yi N.E. U , N. W. > 4 N. E. ! i hection 23 , town. i > north , range 2U west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : William G. Bradsham , Thomas D. liichardson , Frank Ferguson and Isaac Atkin son all of Indianola , Neb. And you , William H. Grim , who mude H. E. No. 517December 30th , 1885 , for the above described tract of laud are hereby notified to appear at the above mentioned time und place and show caubc why said proof should not be allowed. G. L. LAWS. Hcgister. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , N August 31. 18SC. f Notice is hereby given that the following- uamed settlor bus filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Hcgis ter or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September llth , 18SG , viJohn H. Yarger , Homestead Entry 1080. for the north .i north west J-4 and west ! northeast Jt of section S , township 4 , north of range 30 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon , and cultivation of , suid land , viz : A. B. Davis , James E. Eaton. Chas. iCollins and John Smith , all of McCook , Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register. I OFFICR AT MCCOOK. NEU. , August 3d. ISSii. \ Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Beceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , September llth , 188ti , viz : Elizabeth J. Patter son , D. S. 2123 , for the east 5i northeast ? 4 and north ' 3 southeast J , of section 8 , township 4. north of range 30 west. She names thu follow ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : A. B. Davis , James E. Eaton , John Smith and Charles Collins , all of McCook. Neb. 10 G. L. LAWS , Register. LANII OFFICE AT McCOOK , Neb. . I July 31st , 18&8. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September llth , 1886 , viz : Cyril Tcmplin. Homestead Entry 378 , for the southwest of section 20. township 4 north , range 29 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon , und cul tivation of , said land , viz : Charles Crist , An drew .1. Benson , Thomas J. Buggies and Wil liam Crockford all of McCook , Nebraska. 10 G. L. LAWS , Itegister. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NKB. , ; July 28th , lS8ti. j Notice is hereby given that the following- namod settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his cliiim , and that said proof will be made bcfor Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , September 3d , 1866. viz : Martin > J. Witter , I ) . S. 2710 , for tho northt northeast ' 4 and north \z \ northwest 4 of section 17 , township 4 north , range 30 , west tith P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said Iiind , viz : James Patterson , Bobert Smith , liiucter Davis and John Smith , all of McCook. Neb. 9 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NKJI. , i July 20th , ISbO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , September 3d. 1SSC , viz : George W. Clark , Homestead Entry .1317 , for the cast & north- c-ast and east li southeast fi of section 11 , township 5 north , range 30 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James L. Campbell , William Smith , David Smith and Samuel Cinnamon all of Osburn , Neb. G.L. LAWS , Register. LAKU OFFICE AT McCooK. NE . , i July 24th. ISSci. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. September 3d , 1886 , viz : Eli Wallace , D. S. i313. for the east yt northwest & and north JJ northeast Ji of section 13 , township 2 , north range 29 west , 6th P. 31. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi- lencc upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Uichanl Johnston , Robert Jonnston. Charles SV'cintz and W. H. Smith all of McCook , Neb 9 G. L. LAWS , Begister. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , l July 20th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Regis- XT or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , August 28,1886. viz : Leander Starbuck , Home stead Entry 2001 , for the north J4 southeast ' ' 4 md south Vi northeast ? i of section 3 , town.2 lorth , range 30 west 6th P. 31. He names the 'ollowing witnesses to prove bis continuous psidencc upon , and cultivation of , said land , i-iz : George J. Frederick , J. P. Squire. Henrv " small nnd Robert Squire , all of McCook , Neb" S "G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i July 17tn , IfcfcG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , md that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday. 3n y 20S , for the'southwest quarter of section fl. township 2 north , range 28 west 6th P. M. la names the following witnesses to prove his tontinuous residence upon , und cultivation if , said land , viz : Charles Ebert , Herman Bey , Icrraan Shoemaker and Nelson Dowens , sill ) f Indianola , Nebraska. 8 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , July 26th , 1886. f Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , .nd that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCooV , Neb. , on Friday , iepternber 3d , 188C , viz : OsheaG. Fox , D. 3. 873 , for the west 5 , southeast * , of section 10 , ownship 3 north , range29 , west 6th P. M. He tames the folhpwing witnesses to prove his ontinuous residence upon , and cultivation f , said land , viz : George Wookey , Edward touse. John Williamson and James Bagley all f McCoot , Neb. Gi L , LAWS , Rcjristcr , 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , W. S. MORLAN. J. E. COCHRAX. 310RLAX & COCHRAN , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , \ McCOOK , THOS. COI.FEIl. J. A. COHUEAT. . COLFER & CQRDEAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collections Made. Money loaned on real estate and final roof. Thos. Golfer agent Lincoln Land Co. Offlee , over First National Bank , McCook. SNAVEL1' & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW , INDIANOLA , NmiRASKA. Will practice in all the State amt United States fourth. Also , before thu Land OUlcc lit McCook and the department at Washington. nirciii vr. COLE. I.EUN F. MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK. . NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before tholl. S. Land Oillees at McCook. Uberllu und Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law u specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and f > , First National Hunk Building. H. r. WILLIAMC. L. L. HULBUHD. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURO & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK , ' - NEBRASKA. A.f. . AOEE. JOHN WlkEf. AGEE & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land. Loan AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before the U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Odice Opp. Commercial Hotel. Main St. . McCook. C. W. HA VIS. .1. I ) . TUKNEK. DAVIS & TURNER , LAND ATTORNEYS , McCOOK . NEBRASKA. Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to our care will receive personal attention before the Interior Department. For this purpose shall visit Washington twico annually. If you want to amend or change your entry you will do well to call and sec us. COGHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law ® Gen'l Agents , McCOOK. : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attcutlon given to Law Cases In all the Courts of tinbtate and all classes of U. S. Land Ituglncs-s transacted before the local office at McCoob. XrbraKl a , and the Interior Department at Washington , U. C. Contests a specialty. Will prog- ecutu claim * for IVnolons and claims for Increase of Pensions. XoturUi business done and lands bought and sold on reasonable tt'rma. JS Offlce. 3 < 1 door south of the U. S. Land Office. 3.29 | _ _ . , mm , DR. Z. L.KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. : Boom No" . 1. McCook Banking Compaii3-s Building. Residence , 1st door east of Heceiver Rabcocks ! residence. DR. A. J. WILLEY , , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & 5t. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUT55MAX , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AXD AURIST. McCOOK . NEBRASKA in Pate's Brick , Main St. li. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. . . . . . NEBRASKA. a't Chenery & Stiles drug store. T. jrSPIOKELMIER , 31. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Cjili ! ittest : : : 0178 = tc ? c = sls ClieiKi. Office first door cast of THE TIUBUNK ollice. 3ffice hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. St. . mountain time. McCOOK. NEB. G.W. MTXKLER , t DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. All kinds of SURVEY ING , GHADING and CIVIL ENGINEERING. Will vork anywhere , especially in west half of Bed iVillow county. H. T. ANDERSON , ' v Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up nnd adjusted. Of- Ice over First National Bank. 32-Umos. SCO. W. BEDE. K. M. TAYLOR. G. 1\Y. \ BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , C. S. LAND ATTORNEYS. "Claim relinquishments for sale. Contest : ases attended and a general land business ransactud. Ollice. one block north of Post ) flice , McCook , Neb. 43-Crn H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Special attention jriven to the sale of city - iroperty. Houses rented and collections nude , office opposite Commercial Hotel. SANDERSON & BEAN , DECORATIVE ARTISTS - : - , 'SCENIC PAINTERS , Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. ' rith neatness and dispatch. / < ROBERT DRYSDALE , f l ? T ? / " TT A "Vr T' TTATT fT > rLJ KUHAA 1 1A1LOK , MAIN" STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. ? RIBUKE - : - JOB - : - OFFICE. BEST EOCIi'l'ED IN THE VALLEY.