,4 1 I n ft * Tie Gra IS COMING WEST AND WILL PITCH THEIR CITY OF TENTS IN /I 0o 0 A NATION'S HOLIDAY ! ALIKE FOR THE RICH AND POOH. Aero1-1 : Opnasts , Aerial Artists ! FROM ALL NATIONS HAVE BEEN ENGAGED FOR THIS SEASON ONLY. Kemember this show never divides ; it will be here on the day and date advertised , and will give TWO PERFORM ANCES , at 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. We have more high salaried people than any similar organization 011 the face of the earth MRTROPOLITAN : U RUG STORE N I : " * ° 5 TJ t ; MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. S HJ ? 3 ij M. A. SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , § > o t M 11 Pianos and Organs , z o : 2 5 SEWING MACHINES. < 2 J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. Liilei1 Co. : DEALERS LUMBER ! -Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. MAIN OFFICE AT McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Challenge Wind Mill , Snpoilor to any on the market , licin Heavier , Stronger ISnllt , . and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely cafe Mill built ; anil out of Thousands Erected During 12 , Years past not one lias e\er blown away and left the Tower standingA rccord4no other Mill can show.Ve offer to put up any of our PUMPIXO MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill nt our . own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills Corn Shelters , Iron Tumps with brass cylinders , Iron I'lpe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. JJ. NETTLETON , McCooic , Neb. , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. SSTOSce Kd SalcKcen fa the UcCcoi Feed Mill , Eailrcid St. IEIFOR IFOR SALE BY = The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Go , , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. SANKSVILLE BULLETIN. Will Vaughn arrived from Snlinfi courtly on tin1 fitli. flc reports very dry w allicr in that section. Conundrum : Where was Joe French on Tuesday night , tlieJJd inst ? " .Belher off you look a leetle out. " Mrs. Forest , daughter of A. D. Lincoln , ar rived from the east , where she has been teaching , on Saturday , the 7th hist. Frank Cain has his new house about com pleted. Frank says he will give the boys a dance when it is linishcd. Shake CSs ? * " . Jesse Goodwin says that he is very fond of horseback riding ; also , that the boys haven way of furnishing him the means to enjoy his penchant. S. B. Coltrain's babe was taken sick on the 5th with cholera iiifanttmi. Dr. DcMay was called to attend. We understand the little one is very HI. "Cholera bomb shells" are as numerous as "the leaves on the strand , " and the small boy is happy , i. e. , when he becomes conval escent , and can "eat another melon. " Jesse Goodwin went to McCook on Thurs day , the 5th , to meet his mother , who is re turning from her visit to friends in Crete. She has been absent one month and one day. Welcome back , say we. We smoked a cigar at Charles Boswortlfs expense , recently , in honor of his safe arrival in Hymen's port , and as we watched the wreaths of fragrant volatile matter , as they curled around our "phiz , ' " we thought of our own lonely lot and wept. Miss Maggie Goodwin has declared her in tention of returning to Crete in the near fu ture. Of this the community will ke sorry to learn , as she is an accession to our society we can ill afford to lose. You had better re consider your determination , Maggie. "What would Travis say if he should see that. " We are told that Joe French can make the foregoing seemingly incomprehensible sentence bloom forth into one whose meaning will assume huge proportions Verily , the walls have ears. However , it is all right Joe ; but don't do it again. Iling ye , merry wedding bells , ring ! On Wednesday evening , the 4th hist. , at the resi dence of the bride's parents , Miss Amy Ken nedy and Mr. Charles Bosworth of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. We herewith tender our con gratulations. May Cupid never forsake you What might have been a very painful acci dent occurred on the base ball ground , on Saturday , the 7th. Joe French was riding a horse to test its speed , preparatory to organ izing a race , the horse began to pitch and while in the act of pitching it stepped into a hole , throwing Joe over its head with con siderable force. It is bettor to be born luckj than rich. Mr. Kimball , like all other sensible men , is highly pleased with our country. It is a self-evident fact that we have as linecountrj as the sun ever shown upon. At the same time there is a class of men who will denj this phase of the matter , for the reason thai they expect to get something in the coffer without any exertion. Thank God this class of men are disappearing and their places are being fdled-by solid men. The following is a copy of the programme for the Sunday School pic.nic mentioned in our last , as drawn by the committee. X. B. Subject to change without notice : Opening exercises , singing , followed by prayer by IJev. Barr. Song by choir. Remarks by Supt. Hensley. Song. Remarks by Supt. Relph. Song. Remarks by Supt. Hammond. Song. Dinner. Song. Address by Rev. Spangler to the children. Song. Recitation , Jerry Hammond. Select reading , Travis Benjamin. Instrumental music , Mrs. llarlan. Essay , Mrs. J. W. Kern. Prayer , Rev. Spangler. Closing hymn. The picnic takes place on the farm of Ike Bowen , at Cedar Bluffs. Schools to meet at entrance of grounds at 10 o'clock , sharp , August 19th. SIVAIET. BONDVILLE GOSSIP. Perry Jones , has a fine new windmill. Mr. Boughton and wife took a trip up the Willow , Friday and Saturday. A steam thresher is in our midst. The next thing wanted is a steam engine. The teachers returned from the institute at McCook , and report having had a profitable and enjoyable time. Lost , strayed or stolen Boudville Gossip. Any one finding the same , please return to comer of heartscare and toothache streets. Quite an excitement in our midst , Sunday afternoon , caused by Mr.Gardener's team run- ling away. The occupants of the wagon were , Mr. and Mrs. Gardener , W. O. Bond and Willie Spain. Willie was in the back > art of the wagon,5playing , and as the team started he was thrown out , the hind wheel mssing over his neck. Mr. Bond jumped to save the boy. Mr. Gardejier while watching he child , fellout onto the horses , frightening : hem and causing them to run , throwing Mrs. Gardener out backwards. All escaped , how ever , without being seriously injured.GOSSIP. GOSSIP. PLEASANT RIDGE ITEMS. Fanners are scouring the canyons over for my. On some of the divide land the blue stem is thick enough to make quite fair nowing. There has been no rain here for some time. There seems to be an abundance going around is in all directions. A good shower would ) e acceptable , just now. The corn crop is excellent Some of the early planting is hard low , and the cars are well lilicd. Preaching and Sunday school were dispens ed with , last Sunday , on account of the baH izing on Elm creek , about ten miles south- vest of here. Sunday school , next Sunday , ind preaching one week from then , after Sunday school , at half past ten. Rev. Spang- er , minister. X. Y. Z. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES vhen yon buy Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ind Diarrhoea Remedy. It is positively guaranteed to do all that is claimed for it. A.II attack of bowel complaint and griping jauis are so often sudden and dangerous that 10 one can afford to be without a prompt and ertain remedy. Ask your druggist for Jhamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea temedy , Manufactured atDesMoineslowa , nd be sure you get it. Three sizes , 2. > cts. , > 0 cts. , and 31.00 bottles. Sold by Willey & Valker. Call at THE TfilBUNE office foi cheap stationery , pen holders , pens. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEII. , i July Oth. 18S5. f Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intcntior to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg' Ister or Receiver tit McCook , Neb. , on Tuc | day. August 21th , 1880 , viz : Thomas Rowland ! H.E.387. forthesouthwcstquarterof section ' a. township 1 north , range 'M , west Oth P. M , He names the following witnesses to provi his continuous residence upon , and eultivu tion of , said land , viz : Henry Standard , Johr Hurber , Ira McCIung and Chnrles Sollcrs nl of Danbury , Nebraska. 7t G.L.LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEU. , i July lUtli , 18SO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler hasllled notice of her intcntior to nmkc llmil proof in .support other claim and that said proof will be made before Reg Ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur day , August 21 , 18Hi , viz : Laura E. Graves D. S. 242U. for the cast fcj northeast U of sec tion 112 , and northwest J * northwest ? .i of see tion XI. township a north , range 30. west ( HI P. M. ' She names the following witnesses t < prove her continuous residence upon , ant cultivation of , .said land , vizMatthew H Johnson ; Edgar P. Turner , Alfred C. Nettle ton and John Whittaker all of McCook , Neb 7t G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEU. , I July 7th , 18SU. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has Hied notice of his intentior to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Reg isteror Receiver at McCookNeb.on Monday | August 2M , ISSti. viz : Lymaii Miller , home ' stead entry 2y. > , for the southwest quarter ol | section a , township : ! north , range2i ! , west Otl j P.M. He names the following witnesses U prove his continuous residence upon , andcul 1 tivatlon of , said land , viz : Walter Hickling Edward Couse , John Shaw and Thos. Uucklcs all of McCook , Neb. 0 G. L. LAWS , Register. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. o Garden City Dairy Company , a 1 corporation duly organized and doing business under and by licfore S , virtue of the laws of the State H. Col vi n of Illinois. Plaintiff , a Justice ol vs. [ the Peace , William H.IIayden ( and Richard j in and foi Roe and John Doe whose right | Red Willow and true names are unknown ) Co .State oi partners , doing business under Nebraska , firm name and style of Hnyden A : Company. Defendants. J William H. Hnyden ( and Richard Roc and John Doe , whose right and true names arc unknown , ) partners , doing business under the firm name and style of Hayden & Co. , defend ants , will take notice that on the 23 < 1 day ol July , 18 J , the plaintiff herein. ( Garden < Mtj Dairy Co. , ) commenced its action and filed its Hill of Particulars in the J ustice Court of S. H. Colvin , a Justice of the Peace in und .for Red Willow county. State of Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which is to recover judgment for the sum ot Sixty-Five Dollars and Twenty-Eight Cents ( $63.28)for ) goods , wares and merchandise sold and delivered to defendants at their own re quest , and that the necessary allidavlts for attachment and garnishment were filed and undertaking given and certain parties owing defendants garnisheed to answer in court , and that the amounts diiel'rom them to defendants be applied to pay debt of defendants to plain tiff. tiff.You You are required to answer the said petition and bill of particulars on or before the Hlj-t dav of August. ISSii. GAUUK.V CITY DAIRY Co. Dated July 24th , 1S813. Hy 9 LEON P. Moss , Att'y. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Abel , Bach & Fitzgerald , a ttrml organized for the purpose of I llefore W. trade in the State of WisconW. . Fisher , a sin , PhUntifls , | Just ice of vs. j-the Peace in Haydpn & Company , a firm orand for Red ganizcd for the purpose of Willow t'o. , trade in the State of NebrasNebraska. . ka. Defendants. j William H. Hayden ( and Richard Roe and John Doe , whose right and true names are unknown , ) partners , doing business under the firm name and style of Hayden & Co. , defend ants , will take notice that on the 2Jd ! day of July , 18SC , the plaintiffs herein , Abel. Hach A : Fitzgerald , commenced their action and filed their Rill of Particulars ! ! ! the Ju&ticc Court of W. W. Fisher , a Justice of the Peace in and for Red Willow county. State of Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which is to recover judgment for the sum of One Hundred and Forty-One Dollars and Elev en Cents ( $111.11) ) , and interest from March 28th , 1880 , for goods , wares and merchandise sold and delivered to defendants at their own request , and that the necessary affidavits for attachment and garnishment were'tiled and undertaking given and cert tun parties owing defendants garnisheed toanswcr in court.and that the amounts due Irom them to defend ants be applied to pay debt of defendants to plaintiffs. You are required to answer the said petition and bill of particulars on or before the Hist day of August , 3880. ABEL , BACH & FITZGERALD. By HUGH W. COLE , Att'y. Dated July 29th , 18SO. LEGAL NOTICE. o Oi.Ai.lj nv Npnit vsrA . tiiVi.r ln tllc Hcnr Colinti' - Ututer Court , r"clolc > , Hod Willow omiiitv . vnuow couiuj. j county Judge. In the matter of Lawlcr A : Magner , Assignors. NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of said creditors of said assignors will be held at theolliceof the County Judge , in Indianola , Red Willow county. Neb. , at 1) ) o'clock A. SI. , on Monday , the 16th day of August , 1886 , for the purpose of showing cause , if any exist , why F. S. Wilco.v , said assignee , should not be discharged , he having made the distribution of 65 per cent , and final distribution of 15 per cent , of all the funds received by him from the sale of the said assigned property. 9 HENRY BAXTER , County Judge. CHICAGO , APRIL 21st , 1888. This is to certify , that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago , to be held as a Special Deposit , U. S. 4 ° Io Coupon Bonds , as follov.-s : No. 22028 D. $500. > Market Value of which h iis ! § jf | [ $1012. * soo. ) ( S. ) y . S. Gitls , Cash. We offer the above as a FOIJFEIT , if our " FAXCV GBOCEIl" docs not prove to be a genuine Havana-fillcrCigar.-Umon Cigar Co. CIGAR Our LA LOH.I lOc. Ci ar 5s strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by all Grocers. UNION CIGAR COMPANY 75 N. Clinton St. , - CHICAGO. detail l > y BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0. L. LAWS , Begirter. C. r. BABCOCS , Seccher. OFFICE Hotnis : From 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. COCHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law ® Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention given to Law Cases I all the Court a of the State and nil classes of U. S Land Business transacted before the local olllre a McCook. Xebrnska , and the Interior Department a Washington , 13. O. Contests a specialty. Will pros ccute claims for Fcnslons and claims for Increase o Pensions. Notarial business done Mid lands bough and sold on reasonable terms. j5 ? Ollice. 3d doo south of the U. S. Land Offlcc. 3.29 THOS. COLFER. J. A. CORDEAL GOLFER & GORDEAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Kcal Estate Bought and Sold and Collection Made. Money loaned on real estate and Una proof. Thos. Golfer agent Lincoln Land Co Office , over First National Hank , McCook. SXAYELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice In all the State and [ Jnite < States Courts. Also , before the Land Olllco a McCook and the department nt Washington. HUGH W. COI.E. LEON F. MOSS COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA Will practice , in all the Courts of Nebraska Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federa Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before thoU. S. Land Offices at McCook. Oberlin am Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash Ington. Commercial und corporation law t specialty. Money to loan. Itooms 4 and 5 First National Bank Building. H. F. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURD. J. N. LUCAS WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. A. W. AOEE. JOHN WILEV AGEK & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land , Loan AXD INSURANCE AGENTS. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before the U. S. Land Offices Careful attention given to Collections. OHici Opp. Commercial Hotel. Main St. , McCook. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over First National Bank. 32-tiinos. GEO. W. UEDE. It. M. TAYLOR. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAXD ATTORNEYS. J3f Cltiim reliiiquishnicnts forsale. Contest cases attended and u general land business transacted. Oflice , one block north of Post Olliee , McCook. Neb. 43-Cm C. W. DAVIS , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - , McCOOK , - - XEIIKASKA. Washington , D. C. Contests entrusted to my care will receive my personal attention before the Interior Department. For this purpose shall visit Washington twice annually. If you want to amend or change your entry yon will do well to call and see me. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Olliee opposite Commercial Hotel. G. W. MINKLER , DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. All kinds of SUKVKY- ixo , GitADiNaand Civir. ExniNEEHixc. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of lied Willow county. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , .McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Room No. 1. McCook Banking Company's Buildinjr. Residence , 1st door east of Receiver Babcock's residence. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHARMACY. ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA e's Brick. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Chenery & Stiles drug store. J , . J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 3ps:5sl Atiestica Girea toFcasle Eics : . Office first door east of THE TRIBUNE office. Office hours , from U to 11 A. M. . and i to 4 P. M. . mountain time. McCOOK. NEII. SANDERSON & BEAN , DECORATIVE ARTISTS - : - , SCENIC PAINTEKS , Calsomining , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , McCOOK NEBRASKA. ' ' n BUSINESS DIRECTORY. j WILLIAM McINTYRE , 'CONTRACTOR ' AND BUILDKR , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA , All work warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDlhf ? , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at my § liop on Uennlson St..opposite McCook House. Plans and ipeclQcatlong furnished If desired. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. .McCOOK. NEIIUASKA. This house has been eompletoly renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Kates reasonable. 4-3U SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE -BARBERS & HAIR CU'lTERS. OppoMtc Chicago Lumb'er Yard , MAIN' STI'.EKT. - McCOOK. NEBRASKA. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAL PreachTn servIees every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock , and oven- ingat : : ! 0 o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock , A. .M. , all mountain time. JOEL S. KKLSEY , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : ! 10 A. M. and 70 ; ! 1' . M. . mountain time. Sun day School at : i P. M. AH are cordially invited. Seats free. W. S. WHEELER. Pastor. LUTHKUAN-Serviees thesecond and fourth Sundays of each month at 10'M. A. M. . and 8:00 , P. M. , central time , at the School House J. W. KIMMEL , Pastor. CATHOM C. Services will be held in the church once every four weeks. THOMAS CULLEN , Pastor. II A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No.Cl. will meet the th-stand third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visitingbrethren cordially invited. DR. B. B. DAVIS , M. W. W. H. DAVIS. Recorder. McCooic LEHION No. 7. SELECT KNIGHTS , A. O. o F U. W. M eets every second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month In Masonic Hull. All visiting comrades cordially invited to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT , A. H.DAVIS , Recorder. Commander. | : I McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A.M. /M. Regular meeting ? on the llrst und % r ifthlrd Tuesday evenings of each /V/V month. S. I , . GREEK , W. M. / > W. S. WimsTER , Secretary. McCOOK CHAPTER , U. D. Meets on the llrst and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. FISHER , H. P. T. G. KEES , Secretary. CONSTANTINO CO.MMAXDEUV. 17. D. Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. E. E. LoWMAX , E. C. S. CORDEAI. , , Hecordcr. Wjr.r.ow (5 uovi : Loixu : K. OF I' . , No. \-J\-l2. Meets every Wednesday evening- 1-lat Masonic Hall.J. J. W. CAMI-IIELL , C. C. C. II. I50YLE , K. U. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hull. All visiting brothers ure Invit ed to meet witn us. H. H. BERRY , N. G. II. TROWIUUDHE , Permanent Secretar3 % II. OFL. E. IJrotherhood of LocomotlveEn- gineers. Meet tlrst and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. E. HOGE , Chief. * J. C. ANUKKSON , F. A. E. J. K. BARNES POST G. A. H. Hegular meet ings second and lourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hall. J. A. Wir.cox , Commander. J. II. YARGER , Adjutant. B. & M. TIME TABLE. KAST LEAVES : KAST LEAVES : trains run on Cent nil Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not curry passengers. K. B. WOODS , Agent. KILPATKICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address. Estclle. Hayes county , and Beut- jki-ice. Neb. Uunge.Stink- Binjr Water and 'French- fman creeks , Chase Co. , Nebraska. 4 Brand as cnt on side of I some animals , on hip and L sides of some , or any where on the animal. JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEI * Dclane , Men no und South down. Person al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Address him at Hed Willow Nebraska. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. address. Carrico. Hayes county. Neb. . Range : Red Willow 'creek ' , above Carrico. Stock branded as abov < Also run the following brands : s , J-f , u. X [ Horse brand. lazy ( ft , L EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address. MeCook , , Nebraska. Rangesouth < iof McCook. 1 Cattle branded on left hip. Also , 10 , 5 , A Hnl 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. J. D. WKLKOR.V , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano * la , Nebraska. Hcpublican Valley , east of Dry Creek , und near head of Sprintf Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska.