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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1886)
VOLUME V. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 12 , 1886. NUMBER 11. EVERYTHING HAS GONE TO PIECES ! V Our Entire Stock to be Closed Out at Less Than Cost ! WE HAVE NO OLD SHOP WORN GOODS , : BUT EVERYTHING IS NEW , CLEAN 9 STYLISH ! We Guarantee to Sell Groocls for iess. Money Than Any Bankrupt Stock Dare To. . . . .OUR STOCK MUST BE SOLD. - : - COME 'A-ND-GET OUR PRICES. i HARD TIMES ! FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED STEEL i Barbed Wire AT 4 % CENTS F > RR POUND. THESE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT GASH AND DURING AUGUST ONLY. Q l ! W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. EVERYTHING NEW ! McCracken's Jewelry Store WHEN YOU WANT A /Watch * , Clock , Jewelry , Always go to McCracken's first and save time and money . and you will invariably find just what you are looking for. Beware of buying from those outside the regular jewelry busi ness. There is no advantage of dealing with uuprincipled trad ers , deceiving they care not who. McCracken is a square dealer . and guarantees satisfaction. Only first-elass work done and . warranted. EAST SIDE MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. CITY - BAKERY A , PROBST & BRO , WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , LAUNCH ROOM In connection where you can get coffeo.sdan- wiches , pies , etc. , at all hours. THE RED WILLOW MILL Is now in operation anil will < lo General Custom Work , * The Jtill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work , o J. W. PICKLE & CO. Fairmont Prince. A THOROUGH BRED Holstein-Friesian Bull , OWNED BV PATE & HINMAN. C3r'Those wishing to avail themseh-es of his services call at RIVERSIDE DAIRY. Stcapt High Kcnti and tlit Cost of Heating a Roam by using E.OSS Fnldlng Tshls OPEN Fall Bid. 6ft 2 in. long. FULL BED. SINGLE BED , CHILD'S BED. Guaranteed the Rest Ventilated Fold ing Bed made. Write for Catalogue. CLOSEa With all Btddiny Inside. Ask Tour Pumltare Dealer tsr It. FOREST CITY FURHITURE CO. WHOLEIALC MANUFACTURERS. I FT Se.aa 10 cents Postage , and we Aft L I will mail you FREE a royal.vnl- III I uable , sample box of poods W I I that will pat you in the wayof making more money at once , than anything ? lse in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time , or all the time. Capital not required. We will start you. I mmense pay sure for those who start at once. ' 4-SMyr. STIXSO.V & Co. , Portland. Maine. , "IRELAND sober is Ireland free , " are suggestive words of the late A. M. Sullivan. SAM JONES says that he is a Christian and a democrat. Sam oes have the ear marks of a bourbonbut , his Christianity is distressingly scaly. Sam is given to making astonishingly contradictory statements , however. TIIE Sioux CityIowa , saloonists have taken a new tack. Xot being able to vanquish the prohibitionists on the line of argument , reason or law , they have assumed the assassin's role. Rev.G.C. Haddock , pastor of the 31. E. church of that city , is the first martyr to the cause , having on the evening of the 3d inst. be'en shot down in cold blood. IT is with pleasure that we note the hearty support that Hon. G. L. Laws , of McCook , is receiving from the press in the western part of the state. Mr. Laws has a reputation for sterling hon- esty and ability that is second to none. We hope to see him the choice of the Eepublican state convention , for secre tary of state. Holdrege llepublican. BELFAST finished up the week with a bigger shindy than any that have preced ed it. Fifty heads were broken and sev eral funerals will likely follow in due time. It is high time that the long promised martial law was proclaimed in the Orange stronghold. At this distance nothing looks more absurd than these daily attacks upon Catholics by the Protestant population. THE postmaster general has amended the postal laws and regulations so as to permit the transmission through the mails within the United States and ter ritories of liquids not liable to explosion or spontaneous combustion. He ha also changed the rate for money order ? , so as to enable a person to send a five dollar order for five cents. This is a reduction of three cents on that size money order. Gov. DAWES has issued his procla mation submitting to a vote of the peo ple of the State at the next election a proposed amendment to the Constitution relative to the term and salary of mem bers of the Legislature. Under the Constitution as it now stands , members get § 3 per day for a term of forty days , and no allowance where the term exceeds that limit. Under the new provision members would receive § 3 a day for a term of sixty days at any one sitting , or not more than one hundred days during the entire term. The proposed amendment is a reasonable and sensible one , and should be adopted by a good , round majority. AN exchange has it that Hastings is falling into disfavor with the gentle manly ( ? ) commercial tourist , because the Mayor of that city has closed up the gambling dens and bawdy houses , and compelled the gin shop ? to close on Sundays. Xaturally. however , the city continues to grow more and more in favorable repute with its citizens. The genteel knight of the grip has nothing to fear from the Mayor of this city in the direction of the enforcement of our ordinances against gambling and the social evil. None whatever. LYTLE BROS. & CO , DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE. i MARSHALLTOWN - : - BARBED - : - WIRE. JRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. v < ? . f/ S 3 ? /s " " " The First National Bank OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0 h frJ7 ho o \J7 > ' 01 d < o o o O TJ b i ; p O 0 S fc O o OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : G20. ECillZLL , Predisst. A. Cia52SU , 7. L. 22CT1 ; , 2. C. rHZ.LC. 2. . ? 2 rc. ricc-Sssisit , ( Of Frew 4 HoctneU. ) ( Sapt. B. Jk M. ) Cuhisr. ( Of Kliby Carpenter Co. , Chlcaja