The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1886, Image 7

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    - TfPr
Tliono Who Show * the Visitors
Through tho Great IIalI of
Tho guides at the capitol , says The
Washington HatcJict , arc reaping a
golden harvest from the bridal boom
that is now in full bloom. The excel-
examplc set by tho chief executive
ng its good effects throughout
thc'country , and all the charmed couples
focus on Washington.
The guides say tho bridal parties are
their best customers , and frequently
drop a crisp $5 note into their hands af
ter being shown the sights. This class
of visitors is the-dclight of the cicerones
for another reason they get tired
much sooner than other travelers and
want to go back to their hotels and
their honeymoon. Occasionally a couple
from the rural retreats stray in , hold
ing hands and swapping bites from the
same apple. They don't want an'body
to show them about and only want to
say they have been to congress. Often
times these green couples arc caught
kissing as they slowly seek the dome
by theviudiiig stairways.
Speaking of the guides they are a
polite set of fellows , and make then-
money by hard work. Some days they
strike it rich , but other days they do
not take in enough to pay for bread
and butter. They leave their fee gen
erally to the generosity of the visitor ,
and usually get a pretty fair compen
sation for thair long tramps and sterco-
t3Tpcd descriptive speeches things they
have said a thousand times. When they
get a good big party who know what
the proper thing is they make it pay
pretty well ; but sometimes they will
spend three or four hours showing sev
eral persons around , and then be hand
ed 50 cents , or , perchance , a Bland
These are the dark spots in their
tread-mill lives. Some people have an
idea that these men are furnished by
the government pro bono publico be
cause they wear a little metal badge
bearing the legend "Capitol Guide , "
and kick at the mention of a fee.
Formerly there were only six guides ,
but the number has been doubled , Jack
ing one , by the pressure for places.
After all they have not as fat places at
one might imagine. Their receipts
will run from 850 to § 75 a month.
Sixty dollars would be a fair average.
Their hours are from 9 in the morning
until 4:30 in the afternoon. Business
does'not begin as a rule before 10 and
is over by 8. The reception days as
the white house knock a big hole in
the receipts. It takes about an hour
and a half to see the building thor
Then tho distinguished men in both
houses of congress must be pointed out
and their peculiarities narrated. The
guides siy tliat Gibsonof Maryland.and
Toole , the delegate from Montana , are
considered the handsomest men in the
house of representatives by a majority
of visitors. Ilandali , Reed , and Car
lisle are asked for as soon as the visitor
gets into the gallery. Gen. Logan is
the first asked for in the senate , but is
nearly always recognized from his pic
tures if he happens to be within sight.
Butler , Dolpli , and Mitchell are set
down as the best looking senators by
the visiting sovereigns.
Englishmen are the best customers.
They come in a running walk in a great
hurry , and "doing ot America in a
fortnight , don't you know , " and eager
ly inquire for a guide as soon as they
cross the thresholds. They want only
the principal points , and pay well and
rush outThey arc usually astounded
at the magnitude of the capitol build
ing , and speak of the country as a
"giant" and of Washington as the
most beautiful .and wonderful city in
the world. The foreigners , however ,
often criticise the paintings and statues
as crude.
The guides have queer experiences
with all sorts of people. On one occa
sion three well dressed , cosmopolitan-
looking Xew Yorkers took a guide for
three hours. At the close of their
rounds each man went deep down into
his pocket , and , lishing up a nickel ,
handed it to the amazed cicerone in the
most matter-of-fact waand without a
trace of fun in their faces. 'The aston
ished guide looked , at the three coins a
second and said :
" Gentlemen , I always treat when I
am paid this liberally. Let's go
below. "
The trio readily accepted the invita
tion , and followed their friend to the
restaurant. When they got through
with 50 cents1 worth of refreshments
each of the three handed over a dollar ,
and the laugh came in.
An Irishman came in one day and
was escorted to the "echo block" in
statuary hall. He said it was wonder
ful , but they had one at the lakes of
Killaruey that could beat it. "Why , "
said he , "when you say * How do you
do ? ' over that stone in the ould coun
try it answers 'Pretty well , I thank
you. ' " That finished the guide up in
one roiu-fl. One man wanted to know
who was president before Washington.
The visitors are always interested in
the images of Ben Butler , Senator Ed
munds , the monk's face , the "sleeping
beautv , " etc. , traced in the "pudding
stone * ' or Potomac marble pillows in
statuary hall. They stand in awe be
fore the sarcophagus chiseled for Wash-
in ton's body , and open their mouths at
the intricacies of the ventilating ap
paratus , which is only rivaled by the
"chin music1' of the guide.
Bridal couples always want to go to
the dome , and the groom invariably
gives his arm to his adorable. "Old
married folks" go it alone.
The guides show about ten thousand
persons through annually. They lose
'a great deal of money by visitors hav
ing acquaintances and relatives in the
capital , who are brought into service.
Members of congress often employ the
guides to take their constituency over
the tracks , as they have not the time ,
and cheerfully pay rather than be
troubled with the tiresome task.
The guides are appointed by the ser-
geant-at-arms of congress and the
architect of the capital , and in the same
manner as the crpitol police.
A Titles , N. T. , ccnius has invented a farm
harness that weighs less than fifteen pounds ,
and does away with whiflletree traces , and
many of the cumbersome straps and buckles.
A Yankee and a Squatter.
A religious-looking traveler stopped
near the roadside and began to talk to
an Arkansaw man who was engaged in
building a sort of house.
"What arc you doing my friend ? "
Buildin' a church. "
"You are not building it alone , are
you ? "
"Do you see anybody he'pin' me ? "
"I mean , aro you the only man en
gaged in the good work ? ' '
"An' I axed you ef vou seed anybody
else. "
"Oh , pshaw ! man "
"That's what I say , "
"Have you done all this work ? "
"No , every man in tho neighborhood
takes a turn at it
"Aren't you afraid that pole will fall
? "
up there
"No , it won't fall up thar. Ef it
falls , it'll fall down here. Never seed
nothin' fall up. "
"What will this church be when it's
done ? "
"It'll be finished. "
"Of course. I mean what sort of a
church ? "
"Log. "
"You certainly understand me.
What denomination ? "
"Methodist , Baptist and Democrat.7'
"You seem to mix religion with your
politics. "
"No , we mix politics with oar relij-
un. "
"Yon arc doing pretty good work ,
but it does seem to me that the pole is
going to fall. "
"Beckon not"
"Your judgment may be better than
mine , but I think the pole is insecure.
Have you any school houses in this
community ? "
"No , I haven't"
"I mean aro there any school houses
here ? "
"Yas , thar's one , but old Nat Levier
whupped the teacher , turned him out
an' hung up his terbacker in the
house. "
"Well , I declare. "
"So do L"
"Say ? "
"Wall. "
"You'd better fix that pole. "
"I ain't got nothin' to do with it. "
"It's going to fall , or your judgment
is better than mine. "
"Whar you from ? "
' 'Massachusetts. "
"An' thought you'd come down to
civilization , eh ? "
"Nothought I'd come down and
teach you fellows something. Why
didn't you turn the other side of that
log out ? "
" Because we turned it in. "
' Well , I want to know why you
make the roof so flat ? "
"So the chillun can climb up on it
an' go to sleep durin' preachmV
"Well I declare. "
"That's whut I say. "
Say ? "
"Wall. "
"I ain't satisfied about that pole.
It "
Just at that instant the pole fell and
cracked the Yankee on the head.
When he got up while his face was
lighted by a mirthless and painful grin ,
the squater said :
"Shake , podner , your judgment was
better mine. " Arkansaw Traveler.
An Overworked Pastor.
A man arrived in a Dakota town on
the Missouri river in an early day and
soon found an old friend who had come
out as a Methodist minister.
Do you find the labors hard ? " he
asked of the reverend gentleman.
"Yes , quite so , "
"You look over-worked. "
"I am. "
"I suppose in a new country whero
churches are very scattering you find it
much harder to keep up the work. "
"Y-c-e-e-s , I suppose I do. "
"You certainly try to do too much.
You should not over-work A ourself this
way. Why don't you apply for another
ma'n on your charge ? "
"Well , you see the church work isn't
so heavy after all and I suppose that
could hardly be said to be wearing me
out. The fact is the boys noticed I had
some leisure time and they put me in
chairman of the vigilance committee.
Times arc flush now and it , keeps us
humping around pretty lively. You'll
just excuse me a few minutes as I have
an appointment now to look after one
of my flock who has rather gone estray
in the matter of horses. * ' Estdine
THE Wax feature of the August Cent
ury will bo "Eredericksburg , " de
scribed by General James Longslreet ,
and by Guneral Darius D. Couch and
General William Farrar Smith , tho
Jattcr of whom were Union corps com
manders iiv the battle. A short paper
oy Major J. Horace Lacy of Virginia ,
owner of the historic "Lacy House"
opposite Eredericksburg , printed in tho
same number , describes "Lee at Ered
ericksburg. " It contains the follow
ing paragraph ; "I am the more moved
to send you these reminiscences , as in
the providence of God your magazine
occupies the foremost place as the great
pacificator between the North and tho
South , holding the even scale of equal
and exact justice , and pouring light on
every act and incident of tho great
Civil War. You have not raked amid
the deceitful ashes of the past , to bring
together upon the altar of sectional
hate the live coals of that fire which
once burned all too fiercely , but ever by
kind , fair , and impartial utterances" ,
giving both sides an equal show , you
ha'vc poured oil upon the troubled
waters and deserve that benediction
which rests upon the peacemaker. "
Prof. Richard T. Ely , the economist
of the foremost educational institution
in America , John Hopkins University ,
contributes the second of his timely
"Social Studies" to the August HAK-
PEU'S. Underthe heading of "The
Economic Evils in American Eailway
Methods" he lays bare some glaring
abuses which are generally overlooked
or underestimated.
A bull nearly always runs fiercely towards n
red object This is perhaps the reason that
bighorns generally find their way under jollj
red uoscs. Huston Budget.
.4 ,
The KernnrKnble Effect It Uos Upon
Ills Auditors.
In Its account of the debate upon the homo-
rule bill The Pall 3T M Giizftte says : At hist
Mr. Gladstone rose , and nobody who lias not
been In the house on a great occasion can
know exactly what even old spectators feel
then.A different spirit seems tO come over
everything a different atmosphere seems to
be upon the house , something like the effect
caused by the raising of the ca'uzc curtain be
fore a transformation scene. AU Is there as 11
was , but different At midnight the members'
lobby was crowded with eager and auzious
groups , but the two words , "Gladstone's up , '
caused them to stampede into the house like a
flock of sheep before a watchdog not to go in
leisurely , and with dignity , but literally to
turn and run helter-skelter , all alike , old par
liamentary hands and young il. P.'s to whom
the house seems yet more like a new school
The prime minister was very pale almost as
white as the flower in his buttonhole and
there was an added solemnity in his manner
belittmg the occasion. Best of all , however ,
he was in splendid voice. It rang as clear as
in years gone by , and what a voice it is ! To
begin with , it is of extraordinary compass ,
from the light high bantering note in which
he twitted the fories with endeavoring ' 'to
adorn the laugh to decorate it with an
idea , " down to the deep , resonantj intention
ally hoarse bass to which it sank as he spoke
of the "profound and bitter condemnation"
with which English action toward Ireland was
universally received. Then the fluxibilitv ol
it , tool From top note to bottom Mr. Glad
stone passes as lightly and smoothly and casil )
as a bird's carol. ' But the quality of it how
can one describe that ? It is impossible to 0:0
so without seeming to fall into absurd hyper
bole. There is something eo winning , so
"magnetic , " in Mr. Gladstone's voice , as it
was ouce more , and as we can hardly venture
to hope that it will be again , that it is neces
sary to seek for a simile. A cathedral bell
sounding far away over a rfer , a waterfall
heard a long way off in the stillness of night ,
the sea rolling slowly in over a pebbly beach , t
summer wind blowing over a hilltop of pines
In each of these there is a strangeindescrib
able quality which sometimes makes one's eyes
fill and one's throat contract for mere physical
sympathy , and in Mr. Gladstone's voice , "when
he will , there is the same note. The admir
able construction of his speeeh , how it began
by a few personalities and references to his
immediate predecessors in debate , how it
passed gradually to elaborate historical argu-
mratj how it turned to denunciation of the
rival policy , how there came into it the touch
of national poetry , and the picture of Erin
with the cup at her lips picture finished with
a touch of Virgil how it concluded with a
solemn appeal for a "blessed oblivion of the
past , " and "happiness , prosperity , and peace"
for the years that are to come these , and the
utter absence of any personal taint , any com
plaint any reference to the speaker's own per
son , all can see who will read it But thai
voice is only an inalienable memory.
The Pope's Interest in America.
Leo XTTI. feels an extraordinary interest in
all that relates to the United States , writes a
Rome correspondent of Th Jfew York Suti.
This was shown in his careful elaboration of
the scheme or Fr ° Sramme e * matters to be
discussed and settled in the plenary council of
Baltimore in November , 1884. Every item bad
been carefully weighed by him at Rome , in
consultation with the American nrchbighops ,
in the preceding autumn. He gave them
a full-length portrait of himself to be placed
in the hall where they were to deliberate , so
that be might , in a manner , preside in persoc
over their every proceeding. Indeed , the
council , with its acts and decrees , were to the
venerable pontiff a subject of especial delight
and personal care. This was in a very partic
ular manner the case with the creation of the
new Catholic university at Washington , whose
progress he watches with a keeu interest ,
which extends itself to every detail.
Of scarcely less interest to him is the Amer-
can college here , which President Arthur's
timely interference saved from the rapaci s
maw of the Italian governmen. If Leo XIII.
were still in possession of his temporal do
main there is no doubt but he would gener
ously second the zealous labors of the present
rector , Dr. O'Conuell , to make the American
college in Rome the worthy counterpart of the
great National university at Washington. As
it is. he can only see to it carefully that this
seminary of the American priesthood is in
every way a nursery of priestly virtue aad
solid"learning. .
A California editor gratefully acknowledcrrs
the receipt of an > nvitation from a subscriber
to visit his house and take a bath.
IF yon had taken two of Carter's Little
Liver Pills before retiring you would not
have hud that coated tongue or bad ttste :
in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial
with you for occasional use.
Salvini's fortune is set down at half a
million dollars.
SAFE , permanent and complete are the
cures of bilious and intermittent diseases ,
made by Prickly Ash Litters. Dysuepsia ,
general debility , habitual constipation ,
liver and kidney complaints are speedily
eradicated from the system. It disinfect.- * ,
cleanses and eliminates nllmnlarin. Health
and vigor are obtained more rapidly and
permanently by the use of this great
natural antidote than by any other
remedy heretofore known. As a blood
purifier and tonic it brings health , re
newed energy and vitality to a worn and
diseased body.
A Maine woman has just married after a
courtship of 33 years.
Hall's Hair Rene wer always give satisfac
tion , and is endorsed by our best physi
As a stimulant to the stomach , liver , and
bowels , the safest remedy is Ayer's Pills.
The Associated Press A lover's squeeze.
lent regulator of the stomach and bowels ,
and should alwaj-s be kept on hand , espe
cially at this seiiBon of the year , when so
many suffer from bowel complaints. There
is nothing so quick to relieve in attacks of
'How to be "
happy though married"
Get a divorce.
A thorough , practical education in every
Dep't , short-hand , typewriting and telegra
phy courses taught. Write for College Jour
nal Lincoln Business College , Lincoln , Neb.
Japan has a population of 37,000,000 ,
but has less than 10,000 paupers.
May do you much good. 1m ; If you wish to get your
self into thoroughly good condition , strong , active ,
and healthy , ready to work hrJ when you return ,
you should aid Nature la her efforts to do you gooOi
by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. It will take all the
Impurities from your blood , crcutc an appetite , pro
mote healthy digestion , an-1 give you strength la
place of weakness. Try It now.
"I have been using Hood's Sarsaparllla and r.ra
greatly Improved In health. It has toned up my en
tire systtin , enriched lay blood , and given inc an
appetite. " JAS. 0. CAVIX. New Albany , Ind.
"I was generally run down , had no appetite , nnd
needed a good tonic. I never used anything that did
me EO much good as Hood's Sara iparllla. I now have
a good appetite nnd feel renewed all over ; am hotter
than I have been for years. " E. H. RAX D , 41 TV. 9h
Street , Oswego , N. Y.
-"Irecommend Hood's Sarsaparllla Mawondsrfu
blood purifier a ture and reliable remedy. " MES.
S.F. BUEGESS , "West Jlorrs , Ct.
Hood's SarsapariHa
Sold by all druggists. II ; six for S3. Prepirce
by C. I. HOOD & Co. . Apothecaries , Lowell , ilasj.
IOO Doses One Dol ar
W. N. U. , Omaha - 322-32.
rjou-1 nu < I Surgical Ximtltute.
Thin wMfly celelimletl institution , lo-
cjtteil ni r.uftivln. X. Y. , i : organized with a
ulf fluff ni eighteen experienced andkill -
. i I'iiynii-iinn mid Purgeons , constituting
the inoKt ciiiiiplrit ? ifginiziition of medical
and . - < ur icil hkill in America , for the treat-
meat of nil chronic diseases , whether re
quiring medical or surgical means for their
cure. Mju-velouasucL-esM 1ms been achieved
in the cure of all uiinal. throat and lung
( IfcuiiHCS , liver nnd kidney di.senses , diseases
of the digestive organs , hhulder diseases ,
diseases poculiar to women , blood taints
and hkin diseases , rheumatism , neuralgia ,
itcrvotit ) dubility , paralysis , epilepsy ( fits ) ,
spermntorrhen. impotency and kindred af-
fectii > iiH. Thousands are cured nt their
homes through correspondence. The euro
of tho worst ruptures , pile tumors , varico-
celc , hydrocele and strictures is guaranteed ,
with oidy a short residence at the institu
tion. Send 10 cents in stamps for the In
valids' Guide-Book (168paces ( ) , which gives
all particulars. Address , World's Dispen
sary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Dentist-made teeth go well with a falso-
set-oh voice.
* * s * A disease of so delicate a na
ture as stricture of the urethra should only
be entrusted to those of largo experience
and skill. By our improved methods we
have been enabled to speedily and perma
nently cure hundreds of tho worst cases.
Pamphlet , references and terms , 10 cents
in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical
Association , GG3 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y.
Put an Anarchist in a spit an another
Anarchist will turn him.
Sick and bilious headache cured by Dr.
Pierce's "Pellets. "
If Britannia rules the wave it is not with
Home Rule.
Bronchitis is cured by frequent small ( loses of
Plso's Cure for Consumption.
Prince Bismarck has sent a largo photo
graph of himself to President Cleveland.
THE DELICATE LIXIXGS of the nasal pass
ages are very susceptible to injury , hence
the prevalence of Catarrhal affections , Hay
Fever , Cold in the Head , &c. The sovereign
remedy is Ely's Cream Balm. Pleasant
and easy to use , it opens tho passages ,
cleanses them of virus and heals the in
flamed membrane. It cures the most
obstinate cases. Pi ice 50 cents , at drug
gists. GO cents by mail. Ely Bros ,
Owego , N. Y.
REV. II. H. FA nt ALL , D.D. , editor of the
Iowa Methodist , says editorially in the
November (1883) ( ) number of his paper :
"We have tested the merits of Ely's Cream
Balm , and believe that , by a thorough
course of treatment , it will cure almost
every case of Catarrh. Ministers , as a
class , are afllicted with head and throat
troubles , and Catarrh seems more preva
lent than ever. We cannot recommend
Ely's Cream Balm too highly. " Not a
liquid nor a snuff. Applied to nostrils with
the finger.
Spring lambs should be brought up on
iced milk and clover blossoms.
For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch
es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal
ing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box.
It's the man on the fence who feels tho
first puff of a political breeze.
Baclc A die Cured , by Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladonna Back Ache
The first female clerk employed by tho
government was in 18G2.
R. P. Reckards , recently a student
at Elliott's Business College , has se
cured the position of assistant book
keeper for the Topeka Bank , Topeka ,
The municipal court of Boston has just
fined fifteen policy men § 100 each.
If afllicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye water. Druggists sell it. : 'jc
Don't fail to see the BATTLE OF GETTYS-
HUKG when you visit Oin-.ha. Special rates
to excursion parties. D.H. Wheeler , Jr , Sec'y
Cincinnati will be 100 years old in 1SSS.
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , Marshall , Mich ,
offer to send their Celebrated VOLTAIC BELTS
and Electric Appliances on thirty da3-s'
trial to any man afllicted with Nervous De
bility , Loss of Vitality , Manhood , ifcc. Il
lustrated pamphlet IN SEALED ENVELOPE
with full particulars , mailed free. Write
them at once.
A soleful song the song of a queaking
William W. Astor , who has 37,000
houses to look after , is taking time to write
a play.
The Omaha Typj foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same as in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Many Forma of Nerrons Debility
In men yield to CAKTUU'S IBON PILLS.
Pntti did not got anything from Roths
child except a paper knife.
Five do'lnrs favcd yearly In boots and shoes by
UMiitLynn's llccl fatiaeners. Uic ,
A brido's made By the clergyman.
Use the Frazer Axle Grease ; 'tis the best
in the world will wear twice as long asuny
The less a man knows the more he talks.
If you want a thorough Literary , Busi
ness , Law , Medical , or Musical education ,
at little cost , and with delightful surround
ings , go to Drake University , DCS Moincs ,
Telegraph wires and anarchists ought to
go under the ground.
The Omaha Type foundry can furnish
new newspaper outfits on short notice.
Prices same ns in Chicago and freight
already paid to Omaha.
Is a dangerous as well as distressing complaint. 12
neglected , it tends , by impairing nutrition , and de-
pressiDc tho tone of tho aystozi , to prepare the way
lor Rapid Decline.
IS o
Quickly and completely ClarcM UjMiepHia in all
its forms. Heartburn , BclcIiinK , Titstins tbo
FooiK etc. It enriches and rurilies the bloodstimu
lates the appetite , and aids the assimilation of food.
Sin. JOHN H.HoBAr.T,6iB.N'.16thbt.OmfhaNeb. ;
Bays : " I suffered severely for ebc months with Indi
rection. I receired no benefit from doctors. Urown's
Iron Bitters completely cured me. I recommend it. "
Miss N. LEWIS , 131 California St. . Omaha , Neb , ,
says : "Ihave ui-ed Brown's Iron ISittcrs forDys-
pep ia. with excellent results. "
Mil. C. D. THOMPSON. Druggist , Norfolk , T eb. ,
rays : " I have been cared of Dynpeptia by the oee of
Brown's Iron Bitters and cheerfully recommend it. "
Genuine has abovuTrade Murk and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Take 110 otUer. Hade only by
The hest and surest Remedy for Cnro of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Mai aria of all kinds
yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Pnrificr it is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle.
D-afness nnd : XYml Catarrh
'fl pennaacstly rurcd. Gla. sci
9 5 fitted for all forms of defec-
Inserted. Addresg Dr. lairjBY. Omaha. X
ejnleJttyand Pa
ly cnred at home. Corrospondcnca
solicited and free trial of curesent
honc&tlui estimators. Tnzlluuixa
. Lafayette. Ic4-
' MAWliS. Kjiveupoi-t , lov/a.
& Board
f r 3 llTO
---i - , - , - - -
3 Jleu or Ladies in each connty
21EGLEK 4 CO. Chiccso.llL
A positive cnre. Ko Kntre.
No Plainer. No Tain. W. C.
DRAKE IRIIVPfi lTY Collc ate- v------
JJllJilVIJ UiUVMolll. cine. BusinesFor cata
om * address , c. T. CAEPENTZE , DES MOISE * . JA
iaces , September 6th to Nth Purses , : : $10,000 ,
'remiums for Stock and Products , : : $10,000 ,
For Best 50 Ears of Corn , : 850,00-BRING IT !
ca XI
For Premium List or Information , Address :
D. W. WHEELER , Sec'y , Omaha.
Smith's Bile Beans are a positive cure for Biliousness , The cripinal Photograph , pan
Sick Headache , Congtipntioa , and Indigestion. DOSE : ONE el size , of thia picture sent on re
BEAN. They stimulate the Liver and act freely on theBow- ceipt oflOc in stamps. Address.
el * ivithoHt griping , sickening the Stomach , or weakening BtLK JJKANS ,
ths system. Price 2Ec. per Bottle. For sale by all Druggicls. St , .Louis , Mo *
Is 18 Best
'Waterproof ' Goat
Eer Made ,
Nona cennla cnltii Don'trasteyonr moner on a imm ormtbir coat. The FISH BRAND SLICKEP
pfd vrltb the . abort isabsolutely /-randtnmZrBoor.andivill keep you drv in the hardest storm
T&1DE II1KE. " As.F ' ! [ ? 'ft- ? " , s.Ii ? ? a.nil-UTk-,0nthr-o.1 . f > Ollr storekeeper doc.-
Snot have the "run BRAND' TOttER.ajSimmmnSt. . Boston. JIa <
? X < # Q ' s tf ) A
mtzfaz vO'tt t4ised & tt
Everything pertalninj : to a Thorough Business Education
3 to
-1 > eumsnhlp-
Vinegar Klttcr * . - , , inr *
aud tonic , . - '
tpitlvo prriB.10
blood , etosiigtucc * t ! e > . .K
and kidiio.vp , aud will icAlCrj
health , however lost.
Vinojror BitorIjtha
beet rrmciljr di.-cov-Tvl for
promoting digestion , curing
headacheand iucrca > iax tho
vital powers.
Vncar BZilcrs assim-
Ruies tho food , regulates the stomach and bow
els , giving healthy and natural sleep.
Vlsiejcar Kitten * Is the great dlseaso pre
venter , and stands at the heiid of all family rem
edies. No houso should ever bo without it.
VI nejjar Klttora cures JIalarial , UiUous and
other fevers , diseases of the iieart. Liver and
Kidneys , and a hundred other painful disorders.
Scud for either of cur valuable referenco
books for ladies , for fanners , for merchants , our
Medical Treatise on Diseases , or pis : Catechism
on Intemperance and Tobacco , which lass should
bo in tho hands of every child and youth la tho
Any two of the above hooks mailed free on
receipt of four cents for registration fees.
K.H. McDonald Drag Co. , 532 Washington 5L.N.Y.
-i : F1SF.U.
A Great MeMlcil Work on Manhood. Xcrvoui anil
Physical Debility. Prenmturr Deellro In Man. Kx-
baust Vitality , Ac. , Ac. , and the untold ml-ere !
resulting from IndHcrutUm or excesses ; CO ! ) pasei.
lubntnmlxlly Ix.nnil lu gilt , muslin. Contains more
than 125 luxaluublc proerlptloni , embracing every
readable remedy In the plmrmac < cpla for nil acute
and chronic ilUea-ex. It \ emphatically a bnolcfor
every man. Trice only tl by mall postpaid , concealed
In plain wrapper.
ronne and middle n fd men for the next ninety dsya.
Send now. or cut this nut , a * yon mny never Bee It
RC-iln. Address Du. W. II. l'ARKEK.4 Bulunch St. ,
N. It. Dr. Pnrker can be confidentially consulted
311 all dlaeanea of innn. his BpecUUIes
Best material , perfect ( It. equals nny ? 5 orGdhoe ,
every pair warranted. Take none unless stamped
"W. L. Douglas * S3.00 Shoe. Warranted. " Congress.
Button and Lace. Hoy * ask
for theV. . 1. Douglas'
S2.00 Shoe , bame stykas
the S3 00 Shoe. If you cannot
Cet these shoes from deal
ers , send address'onpostrtl
card to W. L. Douglas.
Brockton , Moss. xV
c5 >
JFiirnlsIacd on Short IVoticc From
Omalia , ut Chicago Pi-ice * .
Omaha , Neb. , 12th and Howard.
on ff B R fT3fia ! * n &P * m JT %
Guaranteed Strictly Pure.
Best Lead Made.
UseOy U.S. GOY , and Lcafc Railroads
ASCIIS * * , Onialiu and lilncoln.
Leading Nos. : 14,048,130,135 , 333,161.
For Sale by all Stationers.
VTorks : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York.
5 Ton "VVnjjon Scales ,
Iron l icrj , S ! l ltirins. Brui \
Tare Bean and Beam lint for
ETery ize Scale. For free price Hit
mention thi * pap r and atidresj
BI > ( ; iIA.1ITOX , N. V.
1 bare a positive remedy Icrttie above diwa * * ; byUsuto
Cnoasada of cises ef the worst Lnd ! and of Ion ? standing
h ieb neart < l. laieed.inatronc I my faith In Its ! He cy ,
thitlwlll tnd TITO BOTTLES FEEE , toeelher with a VAL-
UABLE TREATI B on thlj dteu .to i jfuScrir. GU Ei-
preta nd P. O. addrin. DE. T. Ji. SLOCU11,1S1 P l St. , J
and all tlelr irr.l < rfectioni , includmi ; FirfU.
Derelcpeir.fnt , SuftrSuoai Hmir , Birth llcrij ,
MolnVtrti , Muth , Fi cH , R 4 Xoit , t ai ,
, _ _ EUci HnJi. Scan , Pittlcr nJ tb ir Imuneat ,
.r arlgt.AlblnT.N.\ > 'd IkTO. Stnd ICc.Iorbook- .
Survival of the Fittest.
| The Oldest & Best Linimant !
. .The Mexican Mustang Liniment lia < J
1 Been known for more than thirty-livpt
lyears as the best of all Liniments. foi
Man and Beast. Its sales to-day arcs
I larger than ever. It cares whrn alS )
J others fail , and penetrates skin , tendon !
land muscle , to the very bone. Soldi
I everywhere.