Iff' \ r * x- V VOLUME V. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 5 , 1886. NUMBER 1O. EVERYTHING HAS GONE 1 v- Our Entire Stock to be Close t WE HAVE NO QLD SHOP WORN GOODS , ; BUT EVERYTHING IS NEW , CLEAN i STYLISH ! We Guarantee to Sell Goods for Less Money Than Any ,4- Dare To. . . OUR STOCK MUST BE SOLD. - : - GOME AND GET OUR PRICES. HARD TIMES ! FIRST QUALITY WARRANTED STEEL Barbed Wire AT 4 % CENT F RR POUND. THESE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT GASH AND DURING AUGUST ONLY. c ll W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. EVERYTHING NEW ! McCracken's Jewelry Store WHEN YOU WANT A 'Watch , Clock , Jewelry , OR. SILVERWARE ! . Always go to McCracken's first and save time and money . and you will invariably find just what you are looking for. Beware of buying from those outside the regular jewelry busi ness. There is no advantage of dealing with uuprincipled trad . ers deceiving they care not who. McCracken is a square dealer and guarantees satisfaction. Only first-class work done and . warranted. , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. EAST SIDE MAIN AVENUE - - AN English lord awaited anxiously a long expected event in his family. When the result was announced-to him he exclaimed : "A girl ! Bless me ! I thought my wife was full } ' informed of my wishes in this respect. " " 0 YES , " wrote a , Bostonian who be lieves that his own home is the coolest spot on earth in midsummer , "it is all very well for you to ask me to come down to your famous hotel for rest and change. I tried it once ; the porter got all the change and the landlord took the rest. " A CORRESPONDENT asks if it would not be more in keeping with the virtue and gentleness of woman if she were to minister to the wants of the fatherless children , made such by anarchists , in stead of smiling upon them in the court room and decking their button-holes with bouquets ? The real facts are , however , that such women as a rule do not take kindly to children when pug dogs are around to be nursed and petted and caressed. They are by na ture allotted to the class of the silly simpleton sisterhood , and they will nev er arise to the dignity of true woman hood. Inter Ocean. DON'T attempt to cheat an editor out of a year's subscription of his paper , or any sum. Cheat the minister , cheat the lawyer , cheat the butcher anybody but if you have any regard for your future consequences , don't fool vith the printer. He will get evon with you and more too. You will be put up for office some time , or want some public favor for yourself or some of your friends , and just when your luck is a thing of beauty and a joy forever , the printer will open up on you and knock your air castles into a cocked hat at the first blow. Bill Nye. "MAMIE , " said a grammar school girl to a member of the graduating class , 'have you finished your essay ? " "Br no , " said Mamie , "but I have commenc ed it , and I wish the awful thing was in Halifax. " "What's the subject ? " "The Curse of Slang. " "Gracious ! Isn't that a difficulty subject to write up ? " "Difficult ? Well , I should giggle. I'll have to hump myself to get it finisned in time for the'commencment , and I've a good notion to let it slide. I might shut up the professor's optic by plead ing illness , but I'm not that sort of a hairpin. But come , waltz up into my room and look at my stunning graduat ing harness. It'll paralyzeyou. " Nor- ristown Herald. PROHIBITION may not prohibit. Ob serve we say MAY NOT. It may be all wrong as the whisky element avers with emphasis so positive. In fact , it may not be anything that its most earnest advocates and supporters claim for it , and it may be everything that its ene mies assert against it. But king alcohol trembles on his throne at the name's mention. It is growing. Men and wo men of wealth , heart and mind are flock ing to its standard. Their efforts never fail , Never ! And just so sure as the rain falls upon the just and the unjust alike will prohibition succeed eventually. Probably not so thoroughly as some fondly hope , but to an extent that will prove of infinite blessedness to the race. Even so , come quickly. Tim Arapahoe Pioneer has been pur chased by the Whitehead Bros. THE republicans of the first congres sional district hold their convention at Beatrice on September 22d. THE State Journal came out in a "new bib and tucker , " Sunday , making her a typographical beauty , and no mis take. + > THE Republican Senatorial conven tion of the 30th district is called to meet at this place on the 9th of Sep tember. A LIBERAL ( ? ) league has been form ed in Lincoln to fight the law and order league of that city. They call thugs by funny names down at the capital. HAYES CENTRE experienced quite a severe storm , Wednesday of last week , which blew down a few buildings , and made things in general lively during its continuance. THE Yalley papers are pushing Hon. Gr. L. Laws for the republican nomina tion as secretary of state , and with very flattering prospects of success. Kene- saw Times. SINCE Capt. Winterstein's name has been used in connection with the secre tary of stateship he has become known as "Colonel. " About September 30th , it will likely be Dennis or Pants. THE Republican Convention for the third congressional district has been called for October 1 , with Fremont as place of meeting. The basis of repre sentation is the vote for regent of the state university in 1885 , which will give a total of 225 delegates. IN view of the Vetornaniac's recent performances the old battle-scared vet eran , with vivid personal recollections of Libbie and Andersonville , may well feel lucky indeed if a bill for board and lodging is not presented him for pay ment by this administration before it closes. . THE Dallas ( Texas ) News says : > cGar- land is as still in his sit as was the raven of the erratic Poe. He can't be moved by turf or stone. He is in to stay , and to stay with his Pan-Electric stock on hand. " The administration that upholds him can likewise also croak with the raven of the erratic Poe , ' : 'Nevermore , nevermore. " THE fight is still on between Con gressman Laird and demagogue Sparks , the autocrat of the land department , and his Man-Friday Congressman Cobb. Laird .has successfully shown that Sparks is making a malignant and un justifiable war upon settlers on the pub lic lands in Nebraska and Kansas , and entirely ignoring land frauds in the south to which his attention has been called repeatedly. Laird is having the best of it in the controversy thus far , and in his own district is supported al most to a man by republicansdemocrats and anti-monopolists alike. Beatrice Express. B. B. Burley , proprietor of the Eurley House , Belle Plaine , Iowa , relates his exper ience as follows : "I have had the opportunity of testing the merits of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil DiarrhoeaRemedy in several in stances in severe and dangerous cases of cholera niorbus. From my experience in the. use of this medicine I can recommend it with pleasure. Every one traveling should have jt and no family should be without it. " Sold by Willey & Walker. LYTLE BROS. & CO. , DEALERS IN GENERAL 0) ) I * 0 0) ) DO UE9 IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McOOOKAND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. Q -PROPRIETORS OF THE- y V TJR.XITUR.R Of all descriptions. We have the best assortment in Western Nebraska , consisting of Fine Parlor Furniture , such as Lounges , Easy Chairs , Itockers , Window Chairs , Groups , Ottomans , etc. We offer special inducements in style , quality and prices of i In Walnut , Maple , Ash , Cherry and Imitation Mahogany. Also , Bedsteads , Bureaus , Side boards , Extension Tables , Library Cases , Secretaries. OfliceDesks , Tables and Stands. Also , full equipments for Homesteaders , at such prices as will be in reach of all ; Single Cot Beds ( Wire and Cotton Top ) , Pillows , Blankets and Quilts , Chairs and Common Tables. Hotel and Public House Furniture a Specialty. Pier and Mantel Mirrors , Window Shades and Cornices a Specialty. Yctor springs adapted to the trade. UNDERTAKING In all its branches. We handle Wood Burial Cases and Caskets. Fine Cloth Covered Cas.es. . ' Telegraph orders promptly attended to. on us. We guarantee prices and a positive bargain. No. 25 South Main Ave . 0. , - MeCOOK , NEB. The First National Bank OF MeGOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Dcposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. \ FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GS0232 EOCaTSiL , Frcdicsi. A. CAHP32LL , ? . L. 323TO , Czir. 3. S. . T2S23 , TZcs-Prerfieit , ( Of Frees & Hocknell. ) ( Asststant-Snpt. B. & M. ) ( Of Kirby Carpenter Co. , Chicago. ) I- ' -M *