METROPOLITAN Ul DRUG STORE ! j TJ < 5 McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 5 n * 5 I 35 M. A. SPALDING. PROPRIETOR , 65 il 11 Pianos and Organs , U ? o 5 SEWING MACHINES. < Q- 5 s. w - ' 5 J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. V \ * * ' oil I iimlipp Pn i LUIIlil ( i DEALERS IN : LU BER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. -MAIN OFFICE AT- McCOOK , NEBRASKA. McCOOK FEED MILL , C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. All Kinds of Feed Ground. CORN SHELLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. 2 BLOCKS EAST or RUSSELL'S BARN , McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. G. P. AGENT FOR- FARM IMPLEMENTS , WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND M/LLS AND PUMPS. DEERING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. - McCOOK , NEB. Tie ! OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , . OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . . . . . A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. . . . . GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT . . F. L. BROWN TREASURER. KILPAT1UCK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) II 1 ' II ! ! ! HI II Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address. JSstelle , Hayes county , and Deat- krice. Neb. Kanfre. Stink- lingWater and French- fman creeks , Chase Co. , [ Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of I some animals , on hip and . sides of some , or any whereon the animal. STOKES & TROTir. P. O. address , Carrico , Hayes county. Neb. Ranpe : Red Willow creek , above Carrico. Stock branded as above Also run the following brands : s , J-T , U , X Horse brand , lazy W , L JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEP Dclane , Meri no and South down. Person al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Address him at Red Willow Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. P. O. address , McCook , Nebraska. Itange , south jof McCook. Cattle branded on left [ hip. Also , 10 5 and , , y 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. SPJITNG CREEK CATTLK CO. J.JX WKLDOHX , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Tndiano- la , Nebraska. Range : Republican \ alley , east of Dry Creek , and near head of .Spring . : Creek , in Chase county , Nebraska. If ems of Institute Work in Red Wil low County. The first institute , as sonic now at tending may remember , was held in August , 1880 , at Indianola , in a small room hired for the purpose. There was only one instructor the County Super intendent , C. L. Nettleton , and no lec turers. There were ahout twenty teach ers in attendance , and at the time there were twenty-three districts in the county , The one instructor was u host in hiinselt and had the gift to inspire and quicken the minds of the teachers. Each teach er was interested and one expressed the general feeling in the remark. "It makes mo regret my school days. " Since then , these summer schools have been regu larly held , increasing the interest in study and self-improvement among the teachers , and also creating : i certain esprit de corps that adds to their influ ence. There has also been a change in the community. The indefatigable teacher and superintendent led and aroused public opinion and the profes sion of teacher was dignified through the interest and value attached to his labor. When the lute Superintendent began his work the districts numb'ered less than twenty , at the close there were about sixty. As a result of his efforts , the community felt the ufgcnt need of better teachers , and the teachers them selves , the need of higher qualifications. In a great measure he had determined the character of the schools and given a bent in a new county that can't be lost. After six years of blessed seed sowing he was called to his rest and others reap where he labored. Gone , but not forgotten. In many hearts his loss is mourned as that of a personal friend , tried and true. May 1 be par doned a short in niemoriam of one who gave of the best that was in him to the school work here. It needed a man of intense convictions and great earnest ness of purpose to pioneer the way in a new countiy , when the physical condi tions of life are absorbing , and the ten dency is to live on with narrowing ideas. It was his constant aim to raie the standard of excellence , to stimulate to right being and doing. Lefc him speak for himself in a few quotations from papers read before associations : "Let us then be lifted up to the ap plication of what we ought to strive to be and to do. ' ' "The mind can never open into its largest compass and power under any , but the broadest and highest motives. ' ' "Let us understand our work in all its minutia and be influenced by such motives. " "First with and for ourselves in grounding in principle our guides of ac tion and in proper preparation before entering a calling so arduous and so im portant. " "Would that we might be filled with aspirations , calm , living aspirations that are not dampened , much less quenched , by the routine of common yet sacred duty that enables us to feel that in every detail of our labor is our blessing. " "Let man as man be our watchword. " ' 'Every work has its superior motive. Let our's be humanit } * , not money. " A fellow teacher pays this tribute to his memory : "I have looked forward to the time when I might listen to the kindly humor and honest , fearless truth speaking of the good man. whom God has called. So eanest always , so anx ious to be right and do right , and withal so kindly and warm hearted. " He lives to-day , a friend worth having , a man worth knowing , and surely through tears even it is a blessed thing to see that the life he lived , the work he did. the influ ence he exercised was to a sure and no ble purpose and that we do him a wrong \ tnd God a wrong , to speak of him as | lead when his works do follow him. | 'Gone from earth's kin past beat , past breath [ nto the life that is mis-called death. " IT was a very close race in Great Britain after all. At last reports the total vote for members of parliament itood : Conservatives and unionists , 1.485,179 ; Gladstonians , 1,41GG12. Che combined popular vote of the coali- : ion against the "grand old man"was a Majority of only (58,567. ( THE Dilke-Crawford suit now mil ling in England is pre-eminentl } ' one f the nastiest of modern scandals in 'high ' life. " eOur ownest Beecher-Tilton iffair is not a circumstance to this very j imilar one in many points. YOU TAKE NO CHANCES i-hen yon buy Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ml Diarrhoea Remedy. It is positively liiaranteed to do all that is claimed for it. ' Ln attack of bowel complaint and griping ' lains are M > often sudden and dangerous that o one can afford to be without a prompt and ertain remedy. your for Iliainberlaiifs Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea teniedy , Manufactured atDesMoineslowa , ml be sure you get it. Three sizes , 2o ets. , D cts. , and 51.00 bottles. Sold by Willey & Vralker. THE cattle of northwestern Teras ar < being starved by the drouth , and th owners are driving them to the .south east to save their lives. The passag < of these half famished cattle througl : the country is an injury to the resident farmers and ranchmen , and they an arming themselves to resist the hegira The cattle men are also preparing foi battle , and bloody contests are quit ( possible. Journal. CITY > : BAKERY , A , WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES. OKAIFAM BRKAI ) . Cakes Made on Order. LUNCH ROOM In connection where you canret coUce.sdnn- wichcs , pies , etc. , at all hours. THE RED WILLOW Mil Is now in operation and will do General Custom Work , The Mill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work , J. W. PICKLE & CO. A THOROUGH BRED Holstein-Friesian Bull , OWNED BY PATE cfc'HINMAN. . E58"Tlios > o wishing to avail themselves of hi services call at RIVERSIDE DAIRY. tcapi High Rents and tl.e Cast of Heating a Kaam by using S.OSS Fnlding Ten Styles : OPEN Full Bed. 6 ft 2 In. tone. FULL BED. SINGLE BED , CHILD'S BED. Guaranteed the Best Ventilated Fold ing Bed made. Write for Catalogue. CLOSED V.'ith all Bedding Inside , Ask Tour Furniture Dealer tor it. FOREST CITY FURNITURE CO. WHOLESALE HAN'JFACTUREPS. ROOICF'OZfcllD. I3 Denver to Chicago , Denver to Kansas City , Denver to Omaha , Omaha to Chicago , Cansas City to Chicago , Omaha to St. Louis. BEST LINE FROM S"Yf ! SURE CONNECTIONS LOW RATES BACCACE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling- on Route are for sale by the Union 'acific , Denver & Rio Grande and ill other principal railways , and ly all agents of the "Burlington ? oute. " For further information , apply to my agent , or to P. S. EUSTIS , Gen'l T'k'tAg't , OMAHA , XEB. BUSINESS DIRECTORY UNITEDSTATES LAND OFFICI McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Q. L. LAWS , Better. C. F. BA3COCS , Becelre : OFFICE Houns : From9 A. M. to 12 M. , am 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. COCHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law 8 Gen'l Agents McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention given to Law Cases li all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S Land Hii luens transacted uefore the local ollk-e a McCook. Nebraska , and the Interior Department a Washington , 1) . C. Contests n specialty. Will pros ecnte claims for Pensions and claims for Increase o Pensions. Notarial business done find lands bough and sold on reasonable terms. J5 ? OIlIce. 3d dooi south of the U. S. Land Office. 3.29 THUS. COLFEH. J. A. COItDEAL GOLFER & CORDEAL , ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Real Estate nought and Sold and Collection ! Made. Money loaned on real estate and Una proof. Thos. Colfer agent Lincoln Land To Ullk-e , over First National Hank , McCook. SNAA'ELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , 1NDIANOLA , NEBKASKA. Will practice in all the State and Unitet ; States Courts. Also , before the Land Ollice al McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE. LEON F. MOSS COLE & MOSS , \YYERS , McCOOK NEBKASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contests and land business before theU. S. Land Offices at McCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 , First National Hank Building. H. F. WILLIAMS. L. U HULBURD. J. ti. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. \r.\CEi : . JOHN WILEY. AfJEK & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land. Loan AND IX.SUUAXCi : AGL'XTS. Will practice in the State and L'nited State Courts , and before the I * . S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Ollice Ojip. Commercial Hotel. Main St. , McCook. U. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up and adjusted Of fice over Hrst National Bank. : ti-timos. IJKO. W. KEDE. H. M. TAYLOIt. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , T. S. LAXl ) ATTORNEYS. S3T"CJaini relinquishments forsale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Ollice , one block north of Post Oilice , McCook , Neb. -j.Vfiin H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Special attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Ollice opposite Commercial Hotel. G. AY. MIXKLEK , DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR. Leave orders at his house northwest of School House , McCook. All kinds of SUIIVKV- INO , GKAIUNH and CIVIL EXCINEF.KINO. Will work anywhere , especially in west half of Red Willow county. DR. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBKASKA. " "Oflice : Kopin No. 1 , McCook Ilankin - Company's Uuildinjjr. Residence , 1st door east nf Receiver Uabcock's residence. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. &M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT 15. & M. PHAKMACV , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAX , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA JS Ollice in Pate's Urick. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D.r 3HYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. 3 * OfIice at Chenery & Stiles dmstore. . WILLTA3I McIXTYRE , EXTRACTOR AND BUILDER , O'JLBERTSON , NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished f desired. Work done on short noticv. JOHN F. COLLINS , EXTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jolildng will receive prompt attention at mysiiop n Dennlson St. , oppoiltc JlcCook House. 1'lans and icclllcatlons furnlihed It desired. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET , MefOOK NKIWASKA. 'HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. McCOOK. : : XEBKASKA. This house has been completely renovated nd refurnished throughout , and Is first-class i every respect. Rates reasonable. 4-3t5 BUSINESS SANDERSON & BEAN , DECORATIVE : ARTISTS , SCENIC PAINTERS , Calsomlnlnjr , Graining , Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. SPOTTS & STIMSON , FASHIONABLE 1 BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , MAIN STItKET. - - McCOOK. NEBKASKA. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGKE ATIONAL Preaching services every Sunday morning ut 11 o'clock , and oven * intrat 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 10 o'clock , A. .M. , all mountain time. JOEI. S. KKLSEY , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 1U : 110 A. M. and : 'M P. M. . mountain time. Sun day School at II P. M. All are cordially invited. Scats free. W. S. WHKELEK , Pastor. LUTHERAN Services thesccond and fourth Sundays of each mouth at 10:30 , A. M. . and 8:00 , P. 31. , central time , at the School House J. W. KIMMKL , Pastor. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the church once every four weeks. THOMAS CUI.I.E.V , Pastor. A. O. t'V. . McCook Lodge No. 01. will meet She first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hull. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Die. IJ. II. DAVIS , M. W. W. If. DAVIS. Recorder. McCooic LKOIO.V No. 7. SELECT KNIQHTS , A. O. ( if V. W. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in Masonic Hall. All visitingcomrades cordially invited to assemble with us. S. D. HUNT , A. H.DAVIS , Recorder. Commander. McCOOK LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. S. L. OUEENV. . M. \v. S. WEBSTEU , Secretary. McCOOK CHA1TKR , U. D. Meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month , at Masonic Hall. Visiting companions cordially invited. W. W. FisiiEit , H. P. T. G. HEES , Secretary. CONSTAXTINh COMMANDKItV. IT. D.- Meetb every seeonil and fourth Thursday nights in each month. Visiting Sir Knights courteously Invited. E. K. LOWMAX , E. C. S. COKUBAI * Iteconlcr. WH.I.OW GKOVK LODGE K. OF P. , No. V-l Meets every Wednesday evening : lat Masonic Hull.J. J. W. CAMPHEr , ! , , C. C. C. H. HOVI.E , K. It. S. I. O. O. F. McCook Lodge No. 137,1. O. O. F. , meets every Friday evening , at 7 o'clock. In Masonic Hull. All visiting brothers are invit ed to meet witn us. H. H. HERRY , N. G. II. TitowiminfiE , Permanent Secretary. IJ. OK L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. K. HOOE , Chief. .1. C. AXIMMISOX , F. A. E. J. K. HAUNUS POST G. A. H. Regular meet ings bccond and fourth Monday evenings of each month at Masonic Hull. J. A. WILCO.Y , Commander. J. II. YAIKJKU , Adjutant. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : No. ! ! 0:40 , A. M. I No. 40 r:25. P. M. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No.IKI 12:50. P.M. | No.l 8uo , P.M. J5 ? Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. R. R. WOODS , Agent. LAND OFFICE BLANKS. o In ordering , give ollice number and title of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on ; i line to avoid mistakes. Money must invariably accompany the order. AUIIKESS THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. 02a IT : . 7ie ! c ! Blisi. For Per co : . 31 isirei. APPLICATIONS TO CNTCR. 1-007 Home-tead Law 15 Cts. , 4-OW Timber-Culture Law " - - 15 1.25 Soldier's Homestead 15 " 1.00 Declaratory Statement. . 15Cts. , $1.011 Soldier's I ) . S 15 " 1.00 AFFIDAVITS. i oft : Non-Mineral 15 Cts. , $1.00 4-0-5 Timber Culture Kntry. . . 15 1.00 4-IXP5 Homestead Kntry 15 " LOO ! - ( ; ! Commutation. Hd 15 " LOO 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 " 1.00 4-07U Contest , Homestead ' > " 2.00 4-OJIO Contest , Timber Culture. 25 " > ' .00 4-OMI Hoinest'd.undcrScc.SSU 15 " 1.00 Service Letter 10 " .75 Service Notice 10 " NOTICES. 4-IJ47 For Publication 15 Cts. , $1.00 4-1118 Hd Int. to Prove Up 15 " 1.00 4-Ht ! ! I're-K. 15 " 1.00 t : J4 < J Timber-'iilture.conte. > t. 15 " PROOFS. Homestead Final 50 CtH. , $3.00 l-74a. : ; Pre-Empticm Final 50 " 3.00 MISCELLANEOUS UeliiHiuishmcnts. LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. Warranty Deed ( half-sheet ) K Special Warranty Jcctl F Howl lor Deed F Quit Claim Deed F Mortgage Deed ( short form ) F Mortgage Deed ( with Interest and In surance Clause J1S Release of Mortgage ( short form ) li Assignment of Mortgage ( short form ) . liF Lease F Mechanic's Lien F MISCELLANEOUS. Kl Chattel Mortgage ( longform ) F ite Chattel Mori-rage F K Chattel Mortgage ( short form ) F Chattel Mortgage F Hill of Sale F 07 Articles of Agreement F 114 Soldier's Discharge ( two colors ) K 115 Power of Attorney. General D GO Agreement for Building1 D Township Plats , (3 ( sizes ) NOTARY. 01 Protest and Original " " Notary Public Fee Card . COUNTY CLERK. Certificates of Election Cf colors ) . . . D Petition for License to Sell Liquor C Official liond : . . . . ' ' ' ' C Liiliior License . .I' . F DISTRICT COURT. Summons ( original ) B " " " " US Subixi'iia ( original ) . C USM " " " M Declaration of Intention IIIII" C " " " " " " " 31 Final Papers ( one color ) - . E COUNTY COURT.--PROBATE. Marriage Certificate ( three colors ) F ii : Notice of Settlement ' B It Garnishee Summons . . " " B Contract for Sale of Heal Estate. . . . . . F JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. Summons Against Garnishee. . B 11 Affidavit Against Garnishee. . . B 12 Notice to Garnishee B " " " J3 Summons Copy. . . . " B 18K Warrant "J B 18X5 Subpoena ' A X5 Subpa-na Copy . A Undertaking tor Costs. . B Summons B " * Replevin Summons .T.p" Court li Kxecution It ' bend 10 cents postage , and we \ GIFT will mail you FIIKE a royal.val- uable , sample box of xoods - , , thatwlllputyouinthewayof fak.ngmore money at once , than anything Ise m America. Both sexes of all ages can ve at home and work in spare time , or ail the me. Capital not required. We will start you. naiense pay sure forthose who startatonce. 4-25-lyr. STINSON & Co. , Portland , Maine.